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arbitrainfinitum-blog · 8 years ago
@lcvasuite liked for a starter
In the wake of the previous day’s events-- a (failed) attempt to aid Maemi in her efforts to obtain at least a fraction more control over her Stand, they had instead opted to spend the evening drinking and joking again.
Except this time, there was less heartfelt crying, and more drunk giggles. Which, all things considered, was probably for the best. 
“--And then, then!! Oh, it was hilarious, I wish you could’ve seen it. He set his shoes on fire, handed his friend his drink, and proceeded to climb up off on the sculpture on display and back flip off into the pool! Sneaking vodka into art galas is never a good idea-- especially when you’ve already been drinking most of the day...”
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Giggling away to herself, Issahbella pours herself another glass of wine.
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karismatickitty-a-blog · 8 years ago
@lcvasuite continued from here.
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‘ i know... --but i got him to stick around. you have no idea how happy i am, mimi. to have someone you like, reciprocate your gross feelings really is the ultimate happiness! ’ despite her tears, kana was glowing with the feeling of L O V E. they say it really does change a girl and makes her more beautiful. she’s appreciated everything she’s been through since this moment.
‘ i honestly thought he was going to say no. and i was finally going to cry and move on with my life. but, i just said what i felt... and he said yes?? --did he say yes? i honestly just think i’m hallucinating the whole thing.... you do drugs once and the effects last forever. ’
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finickyfeline · 8 years ago
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            ‘ ah --- i certainly hope it wouldn’t offend you for me to say you’re quite beautiful, miss. may i have the honor of your name? ’
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supercililxus-blog · 8 years ago
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               “Move a little more to your left--stop! Right there is perfect.”
Lowering the camera he blinked a few times to correct his vision before glancing down at the screen. “I don’t know why you asked me to take this photo of you but since I took it, I can guarantee that it came out perfect.” To prove his statement Rohan offered up the camera’s screen so that his handy work could be viewed.
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rippleheir · 8 years ago
gently places a 💖 here
Send 💖 for me to give you some positivity 
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eyy bb 
also the mun seems like a p awesome person. -finger guns- 
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magustempus · 8 years ago
lcvasuite started following you!
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thestoicgamer-blog · 8 years ago
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I know the follow forever isn’t a flashy picture, but I kind of want to speak from the heart with this post. I don’t really believe having a flashy promo or follow forever really matters as long as you enjoy what it is you’re doing (not to discredit anyone that does make everything look beautiful and amazing with their promos/follow forevers!)
So, I started this blog about a month ago and Ken is one of my two muses that I created when I was a kid. The other muses name is Akio Shimada and both of them were like separations of myself. Eventually, as time passed on, Ken became more of his own character. I brought him to tumblr about a month ago and the reception I received with him was astronomical. I’ve heard people reading about my threads (people who I don’t even interact with) to people who have recommended my blog to other people. Seriously, it’s a huge honor and it makes me feel so good that people actually feel like I’m someone worth telling  other people about. I don’t want to keep it super mushy because I have people who I really want to mention below
@domina-gladiis : You should have known you were going to be on this list. We’ve talked about Ken and Elizabeth so much that Ken has actually mentioned Elizabeths name in a couple of my other threads LOL. You’re such a wonderful person to talk to and I was so surprised that you came to me to talk about Ken and Elizabeth. We’ve been talking ever since that first day and I really enjoy all of our threads. Those two are so cute for each other and are definitely one of my favorite ships on this blog. I love the two of them so much.
@radiantdescender: There are so many things that I want ot be able to express to you and some other people that I can’t in mere words. You’ve been with me since I first started my blog with Akio and you still decided to follow me onto this blog. While Rias may like Akio more, I personally like Ken and Rias a lot more. They have such an interesting dynamic, but it’s really hard to pick favorites with either of my boys LOL. Seriously, you’ve been so supportive since I began this new blog and I appreciate you so much for it ♥
@morteem: Yet another person who has been so supportive and has followed me to the ends of the Earth. I really appreciate all the conversations we have and the fact you take the time out of your day to talk to me is phenomenal. I’m so glad to be apart of your life!
@karismatickitty: and yet ANOTHER person who I literally can’t describe in words. I’ve known you for a very very LONG time and everytime we’ve talked you have been supportive. You were with me when I FIRST started Akio and we’ve been RPing and friends ever since (even though we don’t really talk as much anymore). You’re a great person and I never want you to change. I appreciate all it is you’ve done for me (especially all of those cute drawings you did of Akio when we first met LOL). I really really enjoy our conversations and I hope you’re doing well!
@aceprinccss: You literally talk to me everyday. I’m honestly surprised you haven’t gotten tired of me. Even though I may not seem like it, I am genuinely interested in all the stuff we talk about when it comes to Eve and Ken. It all makes sense honestly and the two of them together are super cute. Ken will protect his smol girlfriend at any cost.
@seacrowned : I don’t really know where to begin honestly. We talk on skype a lot and you really do mean the world to me! 
People who I don’t talk to as much, but we all have threads together and we’ve talked once before. I love you all! I want to talk more to people!
@rosaiism @fxlsificxtion @unknxwn-hxcker @vericulumvenatrix @kizcku @oblitusxxpuella @queenharumiura @kinkshameus @undesiredcrown @awadatsu @woodrattt @belladonnax
People who I have yet to talk to yet but never be afraid to message me! <3
@panthertastic @behutend @gothiciism @galaxtia @milagrosloera @juhososhiken @nekoka @crxssedworlds @thecrystalizeddemongirl @the-younger-umino @bubbleheartz @pplwatchrz @captivusborn @maddesan @hikxrii @amxgii @summersworn @fructevampir @oongxku @childxvil @detectivewxlf-revived @sullyxwan @succubiism @ousaiacademy @ammxt @fragilefated @shxnigxmi @stzgesu @bluepedant @sofficecuore @divinaedominus @lunarcyrus @lcvasuite @insomniius @kxkehi @fanxlis @koseisha @bimycu @chiijoku @avengeriiism @kniightli @verdiansoul @dissimulxte @sxikii
If I didn’t tag you I’m so sorry! Thank you so much everyone! I love you all! My inbox is always open and it always will be! ♥♥♥♥
EDIT: In conjunction with this here is a picture of my discord!
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lcvasuite-blog · 8 years ago
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     It’s ya girl Bunny back at it again with the small promos cause that’s still what’s hip and cool ( and easier OOPS ). Do you like sweet, gentle girls? Do you like sweet,gentle girls that could also kick your butt if they have to? Do you like HUGE, HULKING VOLCANO MONSTERS? Then boy do I have just the OC for you! 
     Maemi Latour is a pretty little lady all the way from France. She and her big brother Valencio ( who shows up sometimes an hour late with Starbucks ) grew up moving around the world for her father’s job. They didn’t see their parents a lot, but they took care of each other and the family was close nonetheless. But after a gang leader and his goons murdered their parents in cold blood, Maemi just barely managed to save herself and her brother ( via her newly awakened Stand, Lavasuite ) and escape with their lives. She’s been living on her own since about a month or two after her brother awakened his own Stand ( later dubbed Wonderwall [ anyway, here’s Wonderwall ] ), but she’s getting by. Now she’s just trying to make friends and protect whoever she possibly can, all while trying to learn to control the raging fire that lingers in her soul.
     Mainverse was created for Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure, but Mimi fits in just about anywhere. So if you’re interested in a small Frenchwoman with a warm heart who makes some great clothes and will protect you regardless of how much tougher you are than her, then head on over here to lcvasuite dot tumblr dot com.
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arbitrainfinitum-blog · 8 years ago
@lcvasuite​ cont from x.
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"Ah, I see. I partake in both, but smoking more so. However, it’s not because of a tobacco addiction. I smoke clove cigarettes for the spice smell. Carry a bottle of mulled wine around is quite inconvenient, no?”
A low, throaty chuckle escapes as she procures a beautiful and ornate cigarette case from her satchel, and as soon as it pops open, the exotic, heady scent of spices clouds the air. Tapping a black coated nail on one, she murmurs,
“May I, or would you prefer I not?”
When Issahbella had initially approached this ethereal seeming woman, drawn most certainly by the magnetizing pull of a Stand users aura, she had expected the encounter to be less amiable. And yet she had led off with just a normal question for once, instead of her overly direct approach, and now she was chatting with this young woman like it was just another day. A lucky moment, perhaps?
“If not, I’ll refrain. I would like to chat with you for a while, if you don’t mind, cara mia. You just seem...oh, I don’t know, like you have the air of interesting person.”
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illusoryreflection-blog · 8 years ago
@lcvasuite / liked for a starter
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THE SUN has set. Street lights begin to flicker on. At a grocery store, Kira awaits in a long line, left hand fingering the finger tips of the other, grazing at each nail. His casualness is slowly fading, noticing the neon lights across the street, marking the names of business’. Their blue, purple and red lights reflect onto the dampened street, rain continuing to trickle. Everything was perfect tonight; Kira looked incredibly sharp as well. Expensive steak, vegetables, fruit and a water jug lie in Yoshikage’s basket, the items of a man who cares about his diet.
His gaze is fixed on the neon lights: everyone and everything around him has become non-existent: a sharp yank of a bag disrupts this. Kira nearly flinches, snapping back into reality. He turns and looks around, moving up a bit. Comfort had reached him again, his new focus being on this blonde foreigner: Kira had never seen such a sight of a woman, her skin was in good shape and her hands... Her hands were nearly intoxicating. His gaze was so heavy, it’s possible many people have noticed his odd stare at the woman.
Kira Yoshikage is officially embarrassed. 
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supercililxus-blog · 8 years ago
💎 :v
send me a 💎 and my muse will rate your muse’s physical appearance on a scale of 1-10
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Thin build, blond hair, blue eyes, all packed together with soft features and a look of innocence. Overall she was extremely pleasing to the eye, and it helped that Rohan got along with her personality wise. Having caught him in a rather pleasant mood there’s a smile gracing his lips as he scanned her.
                “Eight and a half. I would love it if you would model for me one day. You seem like a person my readers would love to get to know.”
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arbitrainfinitum-blog · 8 years ago
Repost and fill in the answers you most associate your muse with to each question.
1. ANIMAL: Barn Owl 2. COLOR(S): Royal purple, black, silver. 3. MONTH: December 4. SONG: House of Cards 5. NUMBER: 13 6. DAY OR NIGHT: Night 7. PLANT: Bleeding Hearts 8. SMELL: Cloves, Smoke, Ash 9. GEMSTONE: Fluorite, Moonstone. 10. SEASON: Fall 11. PLACE: Nighttime Venice along the canals, a rooftop at twilight. 12. FOOD: Pound cake, bubble tea, extremely bitter coffee. 13. ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Taurus 14. ELEMENT(S): Shadow/Darkness 15. DRINK: Raspberry vodka.
TAGGED BY: @sanguinaryprince​ <3
TAGGING: @diamxndspirit​, @cinderella-esque​, @alien---alien​, @girodigioia​, @lcvasuite​
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karismatickitty-a-blog · 8 years ago
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                        ‘ ----just a couple of girls being gals. ’                       DUAL PROMO for @lcvasuite & @karismatickitty                                                         art by me.
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archived-caeppeli-blog · 8 years ago
lcvasuite replied to your post “.. hey.. is my caesar like. okay me feelin unsure abt my own self...”
You're doing wonderfully to me. <3 I understand struggling with a muse and wondering if you're actually getting anywhere or making an impression on their character, but you're definitely playing Caesar just fine. Don't worry yourself too much friend!! As long as you're having a good time and are comfortable with him, you're gonna be okay!
thank you so much
this is very appreciated?? holy heck ;o;
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karismatickitty-a-blog · 8 years ago
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TAGGED BY: @batzoku TEMPLATE: Here !! TAGGING:  @frcisier || @ginjobs || @jyxshi || @lcvasuite || @mcnusdext || @wintercursed || @wakairyuu || @ anyone who wants to do it idc <3
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