#lbc f2p
judesmoonbeauty · 8 months
Hello! Hope you are well! Sorry for bothering, I got intrigued by your posts and downloaded Lovebrush Chronicles.However, I have a stupid questions I cannot find an answer for How can someone farm Old dutch paint? Is it possible only through converting diamonds?
Because a yt guide said to keep the diamonds for special event, but I would like to do the first 20 pull to get a SSR in the "newbie" gatcha. Am I missing something? Thank you and hope you have a nice sunny day :D
Hi Anon!
On behalf of the LBC Brain Rot Committee:
Welcome aboard! I hope you enjoy your gaming experience 🎉
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The short answer: No, there isn’t a quick way to farm paints. Unless you purchase paint packs in the shop, which will give you top up rewards - this will also result in paints.
Longer answer: I know you said a yt guide stated to save your diamonds for events, but I’m not sure if they’re referring to the gacha pull, or for the stamina purchases you can make 5 times daily for the cost of 50 diamonds?
While hoarding diamonds and stamina can be good, if you don’t have an SSR or at least an SR yet, you’re going to have a difficult time making your way through the storyline battles as you progress, as well as, event battles. So, I wouldn’t recommend holding out on converting your diamonds to paints at first, especially since NetEase is super generous with their diamond system (IMO). You can quickly regain them.
I’m not saying the yt guide was incorrect, but during events, I’ve found that stamina is the biggest asset you need, not diamonds. No stamina = no event play. And you need a lot of it sometimes.
Assuming you’re completely f2p, here’s what you can do to get more diamonds for paints:
Login every day to get your daily login bonuses. (You’ll receive 1 free paint a month, but other bonuses like diamonds, stamina and card materials).
Login during the two specific time periods (usually lunch and dinner time), for free stamina.
Complete your daily tasks to obtain diamonds.
Be sure to complete your Journey and Achievement tasks.
Once you obtain a card - especially an SR or SSR card - be sure to read the story in your Chronicles section. This also gives you rewards. Typically, you receive gold and/or a low qty of diamonds for completing an SR story (which is extremely important to ascend your card), and you can get typically 50 diamonds and/or stamina from the SSRs.
Progress through the storyline. Each time you complete a chapter of a story you get diamonds.
Usually, the larger events like Princess Day, Godheim Hunt, and Fairytales will have an event shop where you can exchange items you’ve collected in battle for Dutch paint also (typically one paint per item type).
Date your guy everyday for free stamina.
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Aside from this, if you personally choose to, you can purchase the weekly stamina pack (it comes with an instant Dutch paint, and you get stamina in your mail for 7 days with Star-bell breaks), and/or you can opt to purchase the 30 day VIP card, (no Dutch paint included, but you get diamonds and stamina daily along with other perks). *Just to emphasize: I’m not pushing anyone to do this, I just wanted to mention it.*
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Anyway, I hope this helps you obtain more diamonds for paint and you’re able to get the SSR your heart desires!
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tsumtsukiiii · 2 months
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he decide to come home <3 (im f2p here lmao my money all went to ikepri and lbc HAHAHA)
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