lazyblueghost · 16 days
World's tiniest update. c:
Oof had to fix my blog cuz it looked weird and I didn't even notice. orz But on the plus side, I made some small changes to Blue's backstory, so we now have her siblings and friends' names in said backstory! :D Plus I re-wrote some of it since I had been half-asleep when I first wrote it, so hopefully, it's more understandable now. Hopefully. owo'
You can read her backstory here.
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dysiver · 3 months
The server is done anons uwu and also it was all thanks to @lazyblueghost 's help! She helped me a lot to set up the bots when I was struggling ;u;
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lazyblueghost · 6 months
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KIKIIIIIIIIIIIII HAI HAI HAI!!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) I’ve missed your chaotic energy 🥹❤️❤️❤️
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lazyblueghost · 1 year
Hey everyone!
Sorry I've been absent for the past..what? a couple of months? Shit has just been happening so I haven't had time to stream, make a video, or even post anything orz
So to catch everyone up on what's been going on, my room is slowly getting destroyed by water.
So I'm still sleeping out in the living room since my floor is starting to warp like...really badly. So bad that I have to walk on the floor beams so I don't fall through my waterlogged floor. On top of that, the hole that the raccoon created is still not completely fixed. Me and mom had checked the room a couple of days ago and there’s some mold slowly growing on the ceiling not too far from the hole. So even if everything was fixed I still wouldn't be able to sleep in there.
A family member did come over to make a temporary fix for both the hole and floor about a month or so ago, but the temporary fix for the hole just fell off a day or two ago so now I smell wet installation every time I walk in.
On top of that, the water is spreading into the hallway and bathroom. So we have to watch our step everytime we go near my room or the bathroom least we will start to sink.
So I’m gonna have to pack my belongings and move them somewhere else least they accidentally get waterlogged, fall forward, or through the floor.
But there is some good news to share.
I never really said all of this out in the open like this but basically Mom had a heart attack about 3ish years ago, she had gotten heart surgery and what not but the surgeon fucked up somewhere cuz not only did she still feel pain from the surgery, but the bottom part of where they had made the incision never healed causing more problems. It’s been like this ever since she got the heart surgery. On top that, just recently an actual, honest-to-good wire that they had used to keep the ribs together became loose and had started to poke out of the hole that never closed on her chest.
We had been trying to get this fixed for the past 3ish years, yet almost every doctor we talked to didn't want to actually do anything and kept telling us to go to different doctors, plastic surgeons, or back to the original surgeon who did this to begin with. The main problem was that the original surgeon that had done her heart surgery in the first place had retired, the plastic surgeons outright said ‘we can't do anything until you talk to a heart surgeon,’ or another doctor didn't want to touch her in fear of a POSSIBLE lawsuit. ORZ
This was twice as frustrating since the closest hospital that treats this sort of thing is an hour long from our house, and my very easily motion-sick ass didn't help things either.
We had only just now found a doctor who could help take the wires out and clean her wound so it could heal properly and not cause any pain to her. I'm still unbelievably pissed that it took this long for an actual doctor to finally help us instead of sending us off on another wild goose chase that would last for actual months. Thankfully, everything went as planned, the doctor made sure to clean everything up. Right now, she's out of surgery and is catching some much-needed Z’s. We would have gone home today, but her right eye was hurting so badly that we opted to stay at the hospital overnight.
That's what has happened these past few months. Sorry if this post looks like the ramblings of a madman, I haven't had a a decent night of sleep these last couple of days so my vision is a bit blurry. >_<
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lazyblueghost · 1 year
Welcome to my blog. A friend of mine suggested this website, showed me the ropes, and now I'm here. Since I haven't used my real name in decades, you can just call me Blue. I am a witch that died centuries ago, and long story short my soul was transferred to a doll's body after being infected with a disease that was created by a Lovecraftian nightmare hellbent on making Earth part of its body. I am ready to do this...blog thing. Also, if you notice anything odd just ignore it.
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OOC: I stream whenever I can, but when I do I try to stream on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. I like to play old and indie games so if that is your thing come on by my Twitch. I also occasionally post videos on my YouTube as well :)
I also have a summary of Blue's backstory if anyone wants to read it. Just know that It's long and it's told from Blue's perspective.
RULES: -Please be 18+, I'm not a Lewdtuber by any means but I still don't feel comfortable with minors following me.
-Please don't ask personal questions (e.g. where I live, how old I am, etc). Some questions are fine but the real personal ones I just won't answer.
-Obviously don't be rude, hateful, yatta yatta you should know how to act like a decent person by now.
-When I post art, all I ask is to not have them reposted anywhere. I know my art isn't amazing but I still want to say it just in case. I'll add any more if I remember anything else, brain no work o(-<
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lazyblueghost · 3 months
Hello, Blue! Can you tell Dys on discord that he sucks toes? Hope you're doing well! uwu
No, cuz he will take my snacks away and I worked very hard to steal those ( V~V )
Also I'm doing ok, thank you Anon! C:
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lazyblueghost · 8 months
I need to post more on here lmao One of these days I will be stable enough to stream again, I wanna replay Goetia so badly. The music just keeps dragging me back in man, it is so melancholic and so good T0T Plus, I never finished it on stream, oops ''>w> Maybe I'll post stuff about the character's in Blue's story as well so people can know I'm still here lol I wanna show some off, like her close friends and Knowledge Seeker, but I still need to finalize their designs. orz I had just recently re-wrote one of their backgrounds so we'll see who shows up first lol
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lazyblueghost · 1 year
Full Body Art - Blue Ghost
I completely forgot, while I do have a full 3D body model of Blue (which I will show in a later post), I have a full-body image I drew years ago that shows what she should look like.
Vroid is excellent don't get me wrong, but the amount of things I need to add to the model outside of Vroid is a lot. o(-< Like nails for example! I'll have to make the long nails in Blender then attach them to the model in Unity. >:T
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lazyblueghost · 1 year
Ok so interesting event that happened yesterday.
So I had been awake all night ereyesterday (I have a really bad sleeping schedule) and I had wanted to play the summer event in Genshin with mom, alas mom's computer had a large update that took almost all day to finish.
So I waited and eventually, I fell asleep on my books again (long story). I woke up a bit later, figuring that I should put my computer and desk away so I can lay down properly instead of sleeping on my books. So I do so, I lay down and I end up falling asleep again.
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So here I am, half awake from this sudden cave-in of the furry kind, with this fucking raccoon looking just as lost and confused from falling through the roof as I was. I panicked because I knew that while raccoons are cute and fluffy, they are not the best animal neighbors.
So I yell for mom to quickly close all of the doors after telling her a raccoon just fell through my roof. She comes back and we try and get the ball of chonk out of my room, and to be fair we did success without the little guy getting mad, but then he was stuck in the hallway.
Tbh idk what fully happened because mom had closed my door after the chonky trash nommer left but apparently he had somehow got on top of my dresser in the hallway and then fell and knocked a bunch of shit over, before running past the open front door, into the living room, and into her room.
So now we have a fluffy chonker causing chaos and mayhem in her room and we have no idea wtf to do. This all happened around 8:30ish at night btw.
So we try making noise, keeping the lights on, using vinegar to try and get it out of the room, we tried to use brooms and find him but we end up not finding him because this bitch just straight up disappeared. We have no idea if he is still in the house as I am writing this post, and trust me she looked all over that room.
So ok, we open the window, yeet open the screen, and then close the door so the fluffy menace can at least leave when we aren't trying to find it, that's the best we can do besides calling animal control which, we don't have money for.
So my stressed ass was getting tired again (my stress reaction is to fall asleep), but I felt legit gross and was stressing over the fact that I might have installation all over me (the hole is close to where my head was resting at) so I take a quick shower before I get to work cleaning my room of wet as hell installation. Listen, I know I needed to get my ass into gear and do some spring summer cleaning, but this was not how I wanted to do it Q_Q
Also yes, I wore a mask and gloves so worry not. It didn't help how gross it all was. Me, being scared for my health cuz that shit went everywhere, decided to sleep out in the living room with mom (who also had to sleep in the living room). Suffice it to say this was a very weird girls' night >_>
Me and mom had been up almost the whole night and only got any sleep around 3:30-4 A.M. and woke up around 8-9 a.m. so if this post seems disjointed that's why o(-<
Long story short a trash disaster broke through my roof mission impossible style, caused chaos, doesn't elaborate, then hoodini'ed into another dimension before we could find him, leaving me to clean up ceiling bits like a confused spouse after their partner came home slam assed drunk and just passed out on top of the fridge.
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dysiver · 8 months
Dys, what's Blue's Tumblr? :(
@lazyblueghost uwu
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dysiver · 1 year
You haven't showed us Blue's art :(
YEESZSS I was gonna show it yesterday but she wasn't around and today my pc decided to update in the middle of the stream
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But @lazyblueghost made this 🥺🥺🥺 is so freaking cute I love it.
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