#lazar x park
Kinktober 2022
Day Seventeen: Pegging
Helen Park x Eleazar ‘Lazar’ Azoulay x Lawrence Sims
This is NSFW, Minors DNI.
Thank you.
“Hey, so those photos got back-” Sims froze in the doorway as Park and Lazar looked over at him. “Y’know what, I’ll come back later.”
“No, there’s no need. Come on in.” Park nodded him in, placing a warning hand on Lazar’s abs, his hips stilling in response.
“Really, it’s okay. I’ll come back. It can wait.”
“She wasn’t talking about work. Stay a while.” Lazar raised his head off the couch, drawing Sims’ eye contact, despite his best attempts to avoid looking at them.
Lazar had his hands cuffed to a pole over the arm of the couch, his legs hooked over Park’s hips, as she made the smallest of movements to push whatever strap-on she had into Lazar.
“Come on. And close the door, you’re letting the cold in.”
“Shit, sorry.” Sims stepped inside, letting the door fall shut behind him, still staring at the scene in front of him, absentmindedly fiddling with the files in his hands.
“Pull up a chair if you want.” Park shifted her position up, tilting Lazar’s hips up with her. “How good he looks now is nothing.”
“I don’t know if I can believe that.” Sims forced himself to put the file on the side, carrying a chair over to sit next to Park, watching as she fucked Lazar. It was awkward, just sitting there watching them, but at the same time, it was beautiful. If Sims bent his head, he would get a glimpse of the dildo Park was using, a bright purple one, because of course it was. Sims’ eyes raked over Lazar’s body, seeing evidence of all the work Lazar put into his body, and an undone gag dropped on the cushions.
Park saw where he was looking. “He’s too talkative for foreplay, but once he’s being fucked, he sounds to good too be kept quiet.”
“I see.” Sims’ mouth was wet as he swallowed, eyeing Lazar’s bobbing cock.
“You can suck it if you want.”
Park laughed. “You sound almost too eager. Was it really an accident you walked in just now?”
Sims' face was hot as he tried to answer. “Well, I…”
“I told him where we’d be,” Lazar panted out, interrupting himself with a groan when Park wrapped her hand around his cock. “Just not what we’d be doing.”
“Oh, Lazar. I’m not sure whether I should reward you or punish you.”
“Reward.” The word slipped out of Sims’ mouth almost unthinkingly.
“You sure?”
Sims met Park’s gaze. “Yes.”
“Then suck his cock.”
Sims tumbled forward out of the chair, taking Lazar’s cock in his mouth. Lazar let out a deep groan, the head of his cock twitching against Sims’ tongue, who’s eyes had rolled closed, keeping his jaw slack as Park’s hard thrusts were fucking Lazar’s cock into Sims’ mouth alone, leaving him content to suck or roll his tongue over Lazar’s cock in the lull seconds, as both he and Park enjoyed the sound of Lazar’s voice, every breath, groan, moan, whine, it was all music.
Sims was shocked out of his almost trance but Lazar’s shout, and his cum filling Sims’ mouth. Sims swallowed, slowly sitting back on the floor as Lazar whimpered. Maybe from Sims’ mouth not being around him, maybe because he was still full, but Park wasn’t moving any more.
“How was it?” She looked down at Sims.
“Sweet.” Sims gasped, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Surprisingly so?”
“Somehow… no.”
“Told you.” She looked up at Lazar, who just about raised his head in acknowledgement. “Maybe we should have him suck your dick next time?”
“Next time?” Sims swallowed again.
“Or, he could fuck you, I could sit on your face. Does any of that sound good?” Both Park and Lazar were looking at him.
Sims smiled. “Sounds great.”
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efingcod · 7 months
Just What I Needed Chapter List
Last Update 2/23/24
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty | Twenty-One | Twenty-Two | Twenty-Three|Twenty-Four| Twenty-Five | Twenty-Six
Deleted Scenes: #1
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bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 1 year
CoD Cold War Masterlist
Alex Mason
Nothing yet
Lawrence Sims
Nothing yet
Frank Woods
Nothing yet
Helen Park
Nothing yet
Russel Adler
Nothing yet
Lazar Azuolay
Nothing yet
Jason Hudson
Nothing yet
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How they'd dress Bell Tones
Mason - The dad look:
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Woods - The Hot look:
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Hudson - The classy one:
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Lazar - The arty look:
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Sims - The Dad pt 2:
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Park - The comfort look:
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Adler - The confused look:
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be4chywritez · 4 months
uh oh | luke hughes
luke hughes x lazar!reader
you're trying to sneak out your boyfriend but their is one thing standing in your way, Curtis.
beachy’s notes: reader is adopted🫡
my masterlist!
my wattpad!
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You're not sure how all of this happened, but all you know is that you were trying to get your boyfriend out of your brother's house before morning skate.
You tiptoe through the dimly lit hallway, every creak in the floorboard causing your heart to race. The morning sun filters through the curtains, you glance back at Luke who’s following your lead, trying to make as little noise as possible.
You grab Luke's hand, tugging him down the stairs, his hair messy and wearing last night's clothing that was scattered around your bedroom floor. You hear Curtis's bedroom door shutting. You turn to Luke, whose eyes are wide. He motions for you to go upstairs. You and he quickly and quietly make your way back upstairs.
You shut your bedroom door behind you, closing your eyes in relief. When you open them, you find Luke staring at you, a sly boyish grin on his face. "I feel like I'm 16 again," he jokes, pressing himself against you and placing soft kisses all over your face and neck.
You push him away playfully. "You didn't get any play when you were 16," you tease.
He lets out a huff, pulling you in for a kiss. It's sweet, his hands dancing around your back, but it becomes more needy. Then you hear a knock. "Hey, sissy, I'm gonna get going," Curtis calls out.
Your voice is hoarse as you reply, "Okay, Curt, see you later." You feel Luke's breath fanning against your cheek as he presses harder into you, trying to stay hidden.
"Hey, are you okay?" Curtis asks, and you see the door handle beginning to twist.
Luke slams you against the door, pressing harder into you if possible. "Curt, I'm changing, give me a second," you call out, and the door handle stops twisting.
Luke stands in the middle of your room awkwardly. You push him into your closet, giving him one last peck on the lips before closing the door.
You grab your robe, wrapping it around your body, and open the door. Curtis steps in, his expression concerned. "You feeling alright? You sounded a little nasally," he says, placing a hand on your forehead to check your temperature.
"And your lips are looking pinker than usual," he presses on, his eyes narrowing slightly. Your cheeks flush, flashes of the night before still in your memory.
You can almost see the face Luke is making inside the closet, trying to stay quiet and unseen.
"I'm fine, Curtis," you say, trying to sound nonchalant. "Just a bit tired."
Curtis frowns, still not entirely convinced. "Alright, if you say so. Just make sure you get some rest. And drink plenty of water."
"I will, thanks," you reply, ushering him out of the room as quickly as you can without seeming too eager.
Once Curtis is finally gone, you open the closet door. Luke stumbles out, looking both amused and relieved. "That was close," he whispers.
"Too close," you agree, shaking your head. "We need to be more careful."
Luke nods, pulling you into a hug. "Definitely. But it was kind of fun, sneaking around like that."
You laugh softly, leaning into his embrace. "Yeah, it was. But next time, let's avoid getting rocked by my brother."
"Deal," Luke says with a grin, kissing the top of your head.
The two of you quickly get dressed, fixing his wrinkled shirt you say, "Alright, you should get going before Curtis gets suspicious. Where did you park?" you ask, giving Luke a quick peck on the lips.
Luke pulls his keys out of his pocket. "Around back. Why?"
Your eyes widen. "Curtis takes the trash out today," you remind him. Luke's jaw drops slightly, and his gaze shifts to your window. Without hesitation, he opens it. "It's not that far down," he reassures you.
You stare at him bewildered. "So, are you just gonna stand there and not kiss me goodbye if I die?" he asks with a smirk.
You roll your eyes playfully and give him a chaste kiss. Closing the window behind him, Luke gives you a wink before climbing out and jumping down. You watch as he tumbles through the grass but quickly gets up, giving you a thumbs up.
"Dork," you giggle, shaking your head fondly.
Luke dusts himself off and heads around the house to where he parked. You stay by the window for a moment, watching him disappear from view before letting out a sigh of relief.
At morning skate, Luke is in the locker room changing into his gear. The room is filled with the usual chatter and chirps, but it doesn't take long for his sharp-eyed teammates to notice a few things.
"Hey, Lukey," Jack calls out, smirking. "What happened to your neck? Looks like you've been attacked by a vampire."
He knew Luke was sneaking out to meet someone, he just didn't know it was you, yet.
Luke tries to play it cool, tugging at his collar to hide the faint love bites scattered around his neck and chest. "Oh, you know, just an overly enthusiastic mosquito," he jokes, but his attempt at nonchalance only draws more attention.
"Yeah, right," Timo chirps. "Must be some mosquito."
As Luke continues to change, pulling on his practice jersey, Dawson, points out something else. "Hey, man, nice socks. Didn't know you were into... strawberries?"
Luke looks down, realizing too late that he's wearing your themed strawberry socks. He quickly tugs his hockey socks over them, but the damage is done. The locker room erupts in laughter and playful teasing.
"Nice touch, Luke," Jack adds, nudging Curtis. "You see those socks? They look like something your sister would wear."
Curtis, who had been lacing up his skates, glances over at Luke's feet. His eyes narrow slightly as he takes in the strawberry socks peeking out from under Luke's gear. A moment of realization crosses his face.
"Wait a minute," Curtis says slowly, his gaze shifting from the socks to Luke's face. "Are those... my sister's socks?"
The locker room falls silent, all eyes on Luke. He freezes, unsure of how to respond. His mind races for an excuse, but nothing comes to mind.
Curtis stands up, his expression a mix of confusion and dawning comprehension. "Luke," he says, his voice low and dangerous. "Why are you wearing my sister's socks? And why do you have those marks on your neck?"
Luke swallows hard, realizing there's no easy way out of this. "Curtis, I can explain," he starts, but Curtis holds up a hand to stop him.
"Save it," Curtis snaps. "I think I just figured it out."
The room is tense, everyone waiting to see what Curtis will do next. He takes a step closer to Luke, his eyes hard. "You and my sister? Really?"
Luke nods, his voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah, we've been seeing each other."
Curtis's jaw clenches, but then he surprises everyone by letting out a long sigh. "Out of everyone on this team, she chose you," Curtis says, unable to resist a teasing jab at his teammate. "You gotta be kidding me. I gotta deal with you at home now too. You better take care of her, man, or else you're gonna go flying into a wall."
Luke nods earnestly. "I promise, Curtis. I care about her a lot."
Curtis studies him for a moment longer before finally stepping back. "Alright. But I'm watching you."
The tension in the room eases, other teammates exchanging relieved glances. Practice goes on, but the dynamics have shifted. Luke feels the weight of Curtis's gaze on him, but he also feels a sense of relief. The secret is out, and now, you guys can move on without sneaking around.
As they pile into the locker room, Luke walks over to Curtis. "Thanks for understanding," he says sincerely.
Curtis nods, his expression softening slightly. "Just remember what I said. And maybe next time, don't wear her socks."
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littlemissclandestine · 8 months
Why I think Russell Adler is going to make a comeback in COD 2024
WARNING⚠️: Contains spoilers for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
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Disclaimer: This is all just speculation on my behalf of course. I've just tried piecing stuff together for fun because Russ is one of my fave BO characters even though he's a bitch but i need more Adler content stat. <33
Let's get into it peeps. HEAR ME OUT.
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Buckle up. Gonna be one hell of a ride folks 🤪
We'll start off with some random/background info.
Russ was born on February 12th 1937 so that would make him 53/54 in the Gulf War era. This actually isn't that old because if you think about it, Woods was about to turn 51 in 1981 during the Cold War campaign. What's a few more years?
We last saw Adler in action post-campaign in Warzone 1.0 cinematics but we've been kept in the dark about Adler's whereabouts post-1984 (after being brainwashed and killing Stitch LOL).
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This meanie in a beanie wasn't forgotten about, oh no. He appears in the new cinematic intros on startup for both MWII (2022) and MWIII (2023). See below:
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He was also featured twice in the 20 year anniversary video for Call of Duty whereas COD Ghosts didn't even get an appearance (ouch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL_w5HmxsPI
I personally believe Adler was a great addition to the Black Ops roster and is essentially the new Black Ops 'cover boy' now. Would be such a shame and a missed opportunity not to include a character like him in the upcoming COD. One who is morally grey, does whatever he deems necessary to get the job done - a bit like Cpt. Price in MW. Got the COD fans riled up about him brainwashing and pulling the trigger on Bell too - he's already got the spotlight in both a good and bad way.
Now, let's explore my main reasoning as to why I think Mr Shades 2.0 is most likely coming back in late 2024...
🎖️First up: Gulf War mission list 🔫
Here are some of the campaign missions that will be featured in Black Ops Gulf War. Obviously, this is subject to change, however, going off what we have, look closely...
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Credit: @MWIIINTEL on Twitter/X
Safehouse guys...SAFEHOUSE. Takes you right back to Cold War, doesn't it? Ugh the potential.
🕵️ Next up: The campaign for COD 2024 will dive into the CIA's role/the Black Ops timeline 🕘
I took the following snippet from this official article.
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From this, we know there will be a huge focus on the CIA and who's a CIA clandestine special officer? Mhm, you guessed it - Russell Adler.
Now, according to the events of BO2, it's evident which characters have the possibility of returning out of our original BO trio - Jason Hudson, Frank Woods and Alex Mason.
💫 Alex is presumed dead after Frank shot him so he's out the picture in '90/91 until 2025 when they canonically meet again.
🪵 Woods would be in his 60s during this time too so I'll let you decide whether that's too old for him to be in GW.
Edit: Woods got SPAS-12'd in the kneecaps on Dec 20th 1989 by Raul Menendez so uh...yeah
🧊 Hudson died on Dec 20th 1989 at the hands of Raul Menendez.
Feel free to check out this website (Call of Duty Wiki) for an outline of the events after CW to remind yourself. Here's a link to the Black Ops timeline from there.
➡️ Gulf War being a direct sequel to Cold War and what that could mean 💉
That brings me onto the rest of the safehouse crew. Since GW is a direct sequel to CW, it would make sense for some characters to carry over if possible:
We, as the player/Bell, get to choose whether Park or Lazar die (or both lovebirds) in 'End of the Line'. It's highly unlikely they'll return unless the devs make one decision canon maybe.
There could be a chance we see Sims again given his bond with Adler (Da Nang etc.), his age (late 40s in GW) and his status (alive).
That leaves the man himself, Russ. Everything from his age to the fact he's CIA and was the deuteragonist in COD 2020's campaign just makes sense for him to have at least a lil cameo or even a larger role, don't you think?
📱Finally: Hints from official posts 🔎
This post from Call of duty's official Instagram account kind of sealed the deal for me.
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Oh lookie - they dropped syringe-lover's famous line in a zombies post. Why would COD just drop it so casually like that without a reason and years after CW came out? They could've said absolutely anything else but no, this was purposeful.
And that's all for this episode guys and gals!
Thank you for reading!! 🫂
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Do what you will with all this information but I have concluded in my silly little brain that scarface is coming back.
How he's only in one game is beyond me. Won't get a character like him ever again. Seems like a cliché war dude at first glance but dig a little deeper into the details of the CW campaign, peel back the layers and get into his psychology and WOWZERS.
Am I delusional? Most definitely.
But the possibility he might be returning...that little bit of hope is enough for me and i won't shut up about it.
This will age horribly if he isn't in GW. Forgive me for feeding your delusions too in that case. Please?
What are your thoughts? Feel free to share them! 😊
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mockerycrow · 10 months
Heyo! Can I request a Russell Adler x fem!reader w/“You son of a bitch, you promised me we’d grow old together. You promised me!” Angst where reader is a traitor working for Perseus who faked her death in Vietnam when Adler got his scars? 🐦‍⬛💙
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authors note; you are not bell in this fic!! bell is a separate character from you. thank you!!
[WARNING; angst, implied flashbacks.]
ADLER RUBS THE sleep from one of his eyes as he shuts his car door, keys in his other hand. It’s quite late; not too uncommon for him to be called to the safehouse at this hour, but it’s unusual to be called by Lawrence of all people. Park, yeah. Lazar? No doubt. Hudson? He’s always up Adler’s ass, no question. Lawrence, though? Must be personal. Adler pockets his keys before walking to the garage door and he bangs his fist on it a couple of times in a specific pattern, his eyes glancing around and landing on the bugs harassing the overhead light. Adler ignores the way the light burns his retinas. A minute or two later, the garage door screeches open to reveal the inside of the safehouse—all of their evidence and what-not.
His eyes land on Lazar who stands by the garage door, motioning for Adler to walk in. The air is oddly still and thick, kind of like it’s clogging Adler’s lungs as his shoes thump against the ground with every step he takes into the garage. Everyone is here; Hudson, Park, Lazar, Lawrence— Bell. Lawrence and Adler lock eyes; and boy, does Sims look nervous. It makes Adler’s jaw tense, a quiet click coming from his jaw screaming from the internal pressure. “What is it?” Adler gruffs, his tone still thick with sleep.
Lawrence is holding a file and a photograph, raised just high enough so Adler can’t see the contents just yet. “Y’gotta promise to not freak out too bad.” Lawrence’s tries to negotiate, but that only makes Adler’s eyes narrow underneath his sunglasses. He puts his hand out and does a tiny gimme motion towards Lawrence who sighs. He glances between the file, the photo, and Adler reluctantly before he slips the photo back underneath the paper clip that is attached to the file, slipping it into Adler’s waiting hand.
Adler’s heart drops when he sees a photo of the beautiful girl he knows—no, once knew. His chest tightens as his eyes lay on a photo of you, only older and more rugged. Dead and angry eyes. A version of you he’s never seen before; he’s never known. “What the fuck?” Adler spits through his teeth before he glances down at the file, reading your information, with the fucking affiliation of PERSEUS instead of MACV-SOG or even fucking CIA. “What the fuck!” He shouts louder, his heart pounding in his ears. He’s supposed to be reading your file from Vietnam, you died in Vietnam, you died there so why the hell are you on this goddamn worthless piece of paper, saying you’re aligned with Perseus?
Adler blindly walks with the file into the developing room, brushing Bell’s shoulder, who was barely able to get out of the way in time. He slams the door closed as he inhales shakily, the memories flooding back into his mind. The terrified and angry feelings during Vietnam overtake his senses; he can nearly hear the shouting and the gunfire, the fucking explosions—Adler’s eyes squeeze closed as he can feel his face being torn apart again.
An image of you pops up in his head, you wearing your uniform, an M16 lazily laying in your arms as you smile at him. Your eyes exhausted yet shimmering, somehow not being dampened from the horrors around you two. It makes present day Adler wonder if Perseus is the reason why your eyes are no longer shining in this photo. “You son of a bitch..” Adler grits lowly, his eyes opening with a new found fury as he looks back down at your picture in the low red lighting. “You promised me we’d grow old together.” He pushes out harshly, avoiding the break in his tone that threatened to spill out. “yOu FUCKING PROMISED!”
No one mentions the way Adler is more snappy, somehow more serious than before—not even Bell, who is ultimately confused on who you are. They remember a bit about you, but it’s blurry—like you weren’t meant for their eyes. Odd.
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pyxis-stellae · 18 days
Whumptober 2024 - Masterlist
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Here you can find the links to each work, as well as the theme.
➛ All of those are for Call of Duty - Black Ops
➛ They are not linked to each other by any means, each one is a separate work
➛ Let me know if you want to be tagged
➛ As expected from Whumptober, there will be some triggering subjects, but everything will be tagged properly. Take care of your mental health first!
➛ That's also my first whumptober and first time officially posting fics with so many characters, please be kind 😭
Characters featured: Frank Woods, Alex Mason (and his wife), Jason Hudson, Bell, Russel Adler, Perseus, Helen Park, Lazar Azoulay, Lawrence Sims, Raul Menendez
⊱ ────────────────────────── ⊰
Day 1: Race against the clock - Woods
Day 2: Trust Issues - Bell
Day 3: Set up for failure - Bell & Perseus
Day 4: Hallucinations - Bell
Day 5: No holds barred beat down - Bell & Adler
Day 6: Not realizing they were injuried - Mason
Day 7: Regret - Adler
Day 8: Sleep deprivation - Mason
Day 9: Survivor's guilt - Woods
Day 10: Venom - Adler & Sims
Day 11: Seeing double - Woods x Bell
Day 12: Starvation - Sims
Day 13: Team as a family - Woods & Mason
Day 14: Left for dead - Bell
Day 15: Childhood trauma - Woods
Day 16: Necrosis - Woods
Day 17: Nowhere else to run - Park x Lazar
Day 18: Revenge - Menendez
Day 19: Time loop - Bell
Day 20: Emotional angst - Bell x Adler
Day 21: Friendly fire - Woods & Mason
Day 22: Bleeding through bandages - Weaver
Day 23: Forced choice - Hudson & Woods
Day 24: Secrets revealed - Mason
Day 25: Shivering - Mason x Mrs. Mason
Day 26: Nightmares - Woods x Mason
Day 27: Voiceless - Bell
Day 28: Denial - Bell
Day 29: Fatigue - Mason
Day 30: Recovery - Bell & Perseus
Day 31: Asking for help - Mason & Hudson
⊱ ────────────────────────── ⊰
That's all! I'll add the links and triggers as I write and post, and hopefully I'll get through them all! :D
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xappetites · 1 year
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one thing leads to another
Russell Adler x f!Reader (Bell) | Adler is half convinced Bell's using tenderness as a battering ram on purpose, he also needed someone to understand him more than he would ever admit, shit's fucked but that's par for the course, as always i sort of added a year between finding Bell and the rest of the game | word count: 1,672
London is a mess, but then again, all cities are. And this one has the benefit of both being friendly ground but not exactly home, in case the whole thing goes sideways. 
Besides, it’s not like Adler’s an amateur. He wouldn’t have started this game without the certainty that he’d be able to handle it, roll with all of the possible outcomes. 
No, this was calculated. 
He purposely picked the side of town where metro police drag their feet, no matter how urgent the call. And he’s carrying a trusty sedative in a hypodermic needle retrofitted into a pen, so all he really needs to worry about is Bell.
Quite frankly, Bell’s all he’s been worrying about for the past eight months, though for the most part he can justify it as just another job hazard. The rest he blames on being a sexually active human with an average libido and moderately good circulation. 
Sure, he’s seen her bleeding out, sweat drenched and bruised from several rounds of interrogation. Feverish, mumbling, staring into his soul like she could tear into him with her eyes alone. And she still slides silk soft over the ridges of his brain.
It was easy to ignore, all things considered; in that dark room with nothing but the microphone and the bell. To watch her, past whatever attraction he can’t shake, looking closely for results. But now she’s out in the world, fully convinced that she’s known him for decades; now she remembers a different Russell Adler. The one he was before the crooked line of his life proved to him that he wasn’t one for an easy ride; the man who would banter mid firefight, with the kind of gusto that makes him roll his eyes coming from Park and Lazar over comms. 
And sure, that means she’s comfortable enough to follow his instructions without much back-talk and she's amenable enough that she’ll take initiative to do what’s best for the mission on her own. She’s efficient and useful; and she claws that old playfulness out of him kicking and screaming. Even if he tries to resist, to ignore her easy jabs, the gallows humor, it’s those damn eyes and the light of affection in them that forces him to respond just to focus on something else.
It’s so obvious that even Sims commented on it, how he hadn’t heard chatter like that from him in years. So maybe that’s why Adler wanted this meeting to be private; why he asked Bell to slip away from Park when he called. Selling it as an added challenge when he dared her to find him in London with nothing to go on but the arrival time of his flight. A test of skill and loyalty.
Just as Park’s had Bell here for a week. Officially, for a briefing of the few leads MI6 has in Berlin. Off the record, offering proof of concept to the powers that be: one shining, sweet success to prove what programming can do. Work. That’s what’s behind Adler standing alone in a no name club, not the impulse to hog Bell all to himself, or the unspeakable notion that he misses her.
He’s too professional to let it show, and he knows what needs to be done, but that’s the filthy truth of him, the way his hands itch for skin on skin contact. The manufactured familiarity that allows her to touch him all the time —hands solid on his shoulders or her thigh pressed against his in the back of a cab. All the more tempting for being forbidden. More nagging in the back of his mind because he’s stealing her from the man he’s hunted for so long. 
The sensation makes Adler lay his palms flat on the bar top, check his watch. All he can do at the moment is wait. 
Two more minutes to his midnight meeting with Bell. Two minutes that are nothing in the grand scheme of his standing stakeout record of several months. Minutes that he watches tick like molasses over his wrist. Anticipation settling horrible in the pit of his stomach with the possibility that, once out of Park’s watchful eye, Bell will abscond back to Perseus. And won’t that be a fun one to explain. A betrayal he can already taste, that hurts in a way that it shouldn’t. Burning as it goes down like the whiskey that’s suddenly shoved his way over the bar. 
“I didn’t order this.”
“Your missus said you looked thirsty.”
The bartender tosses a wry smile his way too, nodding in the general direction of a very smug Bell. Who, at least, has the decency not to appear out of the smoke like this is a private eye movie, she just simply is there, close enough to touch, when she wasn’t the second before.
“You made it,” he greets her, watches her grin grow slow and tilted over her mouth. Her hips angled to squeeze in next to him, lean her weight on the bar and steal a sip off his drink. And Adler hates how proud he sounds, how his shoulders lose tension when she takes the first, poison-taster gulp of liquor like a half apology for ambushing him. 
“You doubted it?” 
“Park can be hard to sidestep.”
Bell outright giggles then, smile blinding in her satisfaction, but she doesn’t offer anything else. She won’t spoil the magician’s trick. 
“So what’s your story?” She asks instead, dipping closer still, until Adler can feel the ghostly touch of her hair against his cheek. “If this were to go tits up. Who are you tonight?”
“Well, you already told the bartender, I’m your husband.”
“Got you sore about that?”
There’s laughter in Bell’s voice, a tease of her fingertips straightening the collar of his jacket. Of course he’s fucking sore, with the way the thought goes right between his legs, aches in the pit of his stomach. Here with her lips on the rim of his glass, her body nudging insistently into his personal space like picking at a wound.
“Just wondering how believable it’d be for me to have a wife so beautiful.”
“Please, Russ, you’re the most attractive man I know.”
She moves, digging out a cigarette and flagging the bartender for an ashtray, and the extra inch of distance is such a deep relief that it takes Adler half a second to realize she’s smoking when they were supposed to have culled that out of her.
“I thought you’d quit,” he tries, as a thin, icy stream of uncertainty slides down his spine. He tries to be rational, smoking is the least dangerous of Bell’s old habits; complicated by the physiological dependence on nicotine to boot. This doesn’t have to be a sign of impending doom, he just has to keep an eye on it.
“In this line of work? It wasn’t meant to last,” she pauses, takes a drag and holds the smoke for long enough to notice she’s having his exact brand, familiar and comforting. “Besides, you give me cravings.”
The eyes, it’s always the fucking eyes. The way they catch on his scar, climbing along until she’s staring him down with nothing but open, honest desire, and a sort of sadness underneath. Like she’s given up on the magnetic pull she feels for him as soon as she admits to it.
Bell knows he’d put the job above anything, knows that’s what nuked his marriage. She knows because he told her, made her privy to things the likes of Sims only suspect. It was easy too, once he got started, to let the words get away from him; maybe not during the first session, but by the twentieth? The fiftieth? He’d find himself in the jungle of Vietnam and in the weeds of his personal hang ups all the same. 
We fought together, bled together. 
A mantra that to a degree poisoned him too. Enough to make him need this, once at the very least, to hold Bell steady by the back of the neck, tasting the smoke and the surprise on her lips. Then he has to do it again, since Bell’s crushing the cigarette out so she can pull herself closer by his lapels, run her fingers through his hair with a whisper of ‘fuck Russ’. And he is absolutely fucked in so many ways.
Fucked in the ease of walking beside her back to his hotel. And in how she sighs against his mouth when her cold hands sneak under clothes in the elevator. Adler feels his heart beating in double time as he finally works himself inside her, inch by inch so he can’t hide from this. He could regret it, he already does, as he struggles to make this last as long as he can, but he can never pretend it didn’t happen. 
He’ll always have the way she clings to him, his name stumbling out of her when he hits the angle that makes her melt, to weigh on his conscience. He’ll keep coming back to her shoulder, still slick from the shower as he rested his forehead on it, because that was the third time he’d come that night and it never lost its edge to feel her around him.
These are the things Adler knows will haunt him. Keep him up at night until he finds the next excuse to have her, in a different hotel and a different city, with the same burning desperation.
And it’s what he sees, clear as day, playing in her mind that night as he tries to drag Perseus’ location out of her. Every kiss and every single time he drew meaningless shapes over her skin while she was curled up against his side.
The way he demands the information but has not let go of her hand, the fact that they both know how this ends. And he can only fucking hope, with her brilliant eyes burning through him again, that she can forgive him for falling for her.
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animefreak1145 · 1 day
Late WIP Wednesday(Oops)
Sorry I’m taking so long with well…everything. But this is to show you guys for the Church Bells(Frank Woods x Bell!Reader x Russell Adler fic). I AM working on it. I’m just a little slow 🥲 Here ya go! It’s another flashback sequence before Bell found out the truth.
“What? At my work? Isn’t that like everyone else?”
Lazar hummed, his eyes glittering at a joke you can’t understand.
“No. You have that type of stare that will freeze lesser men. Or slapped by someone who thinks you’re looking for a fight. Or get you put into an asylum. Only, when you decode, you have an insane smile on your face. It’d be creepy if we didn’t know you.”
“Uh huh.” You dismissed, eyes glancing at the medical office. “You should work better on your compliments if you want Park to have a drink with you.”
If Park wasn’t in the medical office room along with Adler, you’re sure Lazar would throw his old cup noodle at you. Alas, he only gave you a dry “Ha. Ha.” with a neutral expression but still didn’t leave. He wants an answer.
You turn to him fully, elbows leaning back against the desk, petulant.
“I doubt I smile like how you describe…” Lazar snorted while you frowned at him, before shifting your gaze back to your papers. “I don’t know. I just…love puzzles. They’re fun to solve.”
“Is that what makes you stare so intently?” Lazar leaned against the television, the stand slightly creaking at the movement, his intrigue seeming sincere. Another question hidden, two subjects being asked for one answer. The other question hidden. A wall. “The thrill?”
Is that what love is to you?
You tapped at the papers, biting your lip in thought.
“Maybe a part…I just have this need to figure things out. To open it up—to find the numbers, the letters, the riddles. In an order that is random but it’s not. It’s just a trick. A shadow on the wall. A reason for each piece. Each hint. Every piece of the puzzle has its purpose. It’s reason for being.” You didn’t notice when you started smiling, the topic consuming you like books and pictures do. But you just kept going as you grabbed your pen and fiddled with it, miming writing numbers or letters. “Like Sims with mechanics, I think. Or you with bomb wiring. You find the hardy wires or broken pieces—and I untangle it all. I even love how difficult it could be if I find a cipher intellectual. It’s fun.”
“Sounds maddening,” Lazar replied simply, brow raising. “And painful. Maybe even obsessive.”
You shrug, staring deeply at your own, tone far away. As if you were speaking about another topic than this. Something other. Like a secret.
“That’s love, isn’t it? Pain and obsession?”
Just a taste. Any more and I would give you guys the whole thing 😂
Tag List: @tr1ppylady @parkeepingparker @weirdoartist21 @gojocat247 @mayaibnlaahad @dallmaistir @salvija @kylezkie4adler @asaltryefl @stupid-stinky @aurora-windu @zachfoxx121 @pyxis-stellae
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rosebarry16 · 6 months
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~~~~~~ 2 o'clock hook up~~~~~~
(adler x male bell)
Warning : Smut, strong language, alcohol
Also this isn't my first time writing but I just got an idea and here we are and Iam so sorry if it's terrible, I tried my best and I'll do better in the future :')
Enjoy :3
It's 2 A.M and everyone was asleep except for two human beings, they couldn't sleep nor feel like they wanna close their eyes.
Bell couldn't sleep because of memories and flashbacks are hunting him since the brainwash process occured.
"shit.." he sat and held his head, feeling the temperature rise. It hurts him too much that he wished someone would be near him to comfort him from pain,
he couldn't take it anymore. He got up from his bed and exited the bedroom, he felt dizzy but ignored it and went downstairs to the kitchen.
The kitchen was nothing but dark as moon light takes over the place, bell went to the counter and picked up the phone. He dialed the number and hesitated to call but he dialed it anyway
*On the other hand*
Adler was in the dark living room smoking a cigarette, watching out the window. He got distracted when the phone started to ring. He answered it
"oh..hey, I didn't know you we're still awake."
"yeah I'm still awake, why are you up so late?"
"I'm getting flashbacks again and it's hurting me so bad, what about you?"
"just stress or some kinda shit"
"uh...i was wondering if you would hang out and maybe drink or whatever"
"sure, give me a minute or two"
"no adler, don't worry I'm coming to pick you up"
"you sure?"
"yes I'm sure"
"then I'll see you" he hanged up the phone and waited for bell to arrive, 30 minutes passed and someone pulled up in front of his house. Adler looked outside then took his jacket and headed to the car, he looked at him and drove of.
They were in the car. Gazing at the ocean waving, bell decided to break the silence "how long haven't you been sleeping?" he asked "I do sleep but 2-3 hours then I wake up, even if it was too early I can't go back to sleep" adler explained and bell nodded in understandment but at least adler doesn't get kept from sleeping from over thinking or flashbacks.
"although I should be asking that question bell." adler looked at him as he took a sip of whiskey "these memories and flashbacks are fucking me up, it's a pain in this ass they won't let me sleep. I don't remember the last time I slept without feeling anything" adler got closer to bell and continued to listen
"I just can't go on with this, I'm tired. What hurts me alot no one is with me to bear my pain and I'm so lonely...like..." bell struggled to go on so he smoked and his eye got back to the bluse ocean.
Adler's hand climbed bell's hand and squeeze his fingers underneath bell's palm "I can be there to protect you" bell didn't believe his words at first but kinda felt like adler cares about him more then anyone
More then park, Sims, lazar or Mason and woods
Hell, he's in love with him but he just treat him like anybody else in front of everybody, that's the outside but on the inside.
He'd do anything to protect him, guilt is growing inside of him but he has to do what he does to bell for avoiding perseus from destroying Europe and get informations related to the locations they want to know about.
"bell, I'm not sure how to tell you this but I can make the pain go away" bell smiled like adler just told him a joke and kept drinking
"you can't"
"what if I told you I'm capable of doing it?"
"prove it blondie"
"Your challenging me?"
"yeah and since I'm a bit drunk, I bet you don't know how to make me busy"
"oh yeah? Let's go back to your place and I'll show you"
Bell started the engine and drove away, while driving adler noticed bell has a boner since they argued. He acted like nothing happened and waited until they pulled up to bell's house.
Adler and bell got upstairs as they're making out, adler pushed him to the bed and got on top of him, their tongue were fighting and bell's hands slowly went to adler's ass, they stopped to take a breath and pulled away but his saliva is mixed with bell's.
"come on, show me what you got"
Adler unbottened bell's pants and took out his hard like rock cock, at first he started to lick the tip softly then got into his mouth. Going back and forth and looking up at bell who moans and placing his hand on adler's blonde hair, he got going crazy by controling his tongue underneath his cock and stroking him while sucking.
"adler I think I'm gonna-"
"not yet bell"
He did not want to end it without feeling his cock throbbing in his throat, bell couldn't take it and went deeper until he reached adler throat. Making him choke but that's not it.
After the deepthroat, bell got alot hornier and ready to fuck the shit of him, he grabbed adler's hips and began to rub his hard cock against his ass. Adler didn't really want to be teased so he got idea of making bell go in, his moans and grouns were driving him insane
He begged him as he was going in and out, adler grabbed the bed sheets from how pleasure is getting to harder and more stronger. Bell started to stroke him,
"oh fuck! Ahh~" he was too sexy to keep going on teasing but bell kept thrusting hard "bell your so big, tear me apart!"
adler begged and kept making lewd sounds but as soon as he wanted to continue he felt a bash into his hole, he started to thrust.
"keep fucking me, fuck me like you're using me..just like I used you"
"I'm gonna break you so hard"
"come on motherfucker, that's what you got?"
Bell got more harder and harder, his right hand gasped adler's neck but since hearing his moans and beggings he has to cum
"I'm gonna c-cum!"
"cum in me bell, that's it. Fill me up you useless russian cunt~"
He took his last thrust and cummed into adler's hole, adler on the other hand felt bell's thick cum filled his hole as he was cumming.
They were covered in cum and saliva. Goddamn...late night fucking was the best,
"I told you"
"that's was amazing..you really proved it "
Bell held adler close, they kissed and one more time and drefted to sleep.
The end...
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Kinktober 2022
Day Eight: Voice Kink
Helen Park x Eleazar ‘Lazar’ Azoulay
This is NSFW, Minors DNI.
Thank you.
“He could barely contain his racing thoughts, Amita would never betray him, she couldn’t, she loved him. She’d proven that time and again, so why did Menthou seem so convinced it was the case? The King burst into his personal quarters, searching for her. He… he…” Park’s voice trailed off, her fingers slipping on the pages as Lazar finally put some pressure on her clit, her cunt tightening around his cock as he stroked her hip.
“Keep going.” He murmured, kissing her neck as she turned the page with shaking hands.
“He tore through the letters piled hi… high on the desk, looking… looking for any sign of interference that could even suggest…” She trailed off again, leaning her head back on his shoulder. “Why can’t you just fuck me properly?”
“Because you often find it hard to talk when I do that.” Lazar was barely touching her clit now, feeling her orgasm ebb away again.
“If you weren’t so good, I wouldn’t.” She muttered, tossing the book aside.
“Hey, we were just getting to the good bit!”
“If you want me to keep talking so badly, tell me what happens, and I’ll give you my opinion on it.”
“Deal.” He shoved his fingers back against her clit, rolling his hips up with actual promise behind them as she gasped, leaning back into his chest.
“So? What… happens?”
“Turns out Amita hasn’t betrayed him at all, it was actually Menthou the whole time.”
“Could’ve seen that coming from a mile away-” Park moaned, grabbing Lazar’s arm as he ground his thumb on her clit. “A name like Men… Menthou? Obvious, shit, betrayer right there.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, anyone who comes up with a cover name that- that dumb-”
“It’s not a cover, that’s his actual name.”
“Well, his parents hated him, explain… explains everything. Fuck, Lazar you better be, about to let me cum.”
“Don’t worry.” He sat up, gripping her hips tight as he encouraged her to ride him. “I am.”
“Go- good.” Her eyes closed, trying to get half formed words out of her mouth as her orgasm came close again.
“You really don’t appreciate how pretty your voice sounds like this.” Lazar murmured. “Maybe we should record it, show you how good you sound.”
“S-speak for yourself.” Park stuttered out, pushing one of Lazar’s hands back to her clit.
“Oh? You like my voice all deep like this?”
“Mmhmm.” Park’s hips stuttered, thighs shaking as she fell back into him, mumbling his name over and over. He stroked her clit through her orgasm, her cunt squeezing tight around his dick.
He tucked her head into his neck, murmuring encouragement into her ear. “I got you. Keep on cumming for me, keep saying my name like that, go on…”
She quivered in his arms when he stopped touching her clit, giving her a moment to recover, holding her close to him. He’d never have guessed his love of her voice would be mutual.
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voidvannie · 12 days
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⋆✩⋆ ─── 🎶 long drives, blue skies, straight to the horizon. dancing in the rain, even through all the lightening! 🎶 - Always Been You, Michael Sanzone
⋆✩⋆ ─── pairing : luke hughes x charlotte lazar
⋆✩⋆ ─── always been you masterlist main masterlist
⋆✩⋆ ─── in which . . . charlotte post about her life at nyu.
⋆✩⋆ ─── feel free to send in any request for things you want to see in this series, or in any of the other series on my page. Or if you just want to share some thoughts about what you read, or if you want to talk about oc's!
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charlie_lazar has posted .ᐟ
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liked by _quinnhughes, bboeser, collegefriend
charlie_lazar life as a college girl pt. 1
tagged collegefriend, collegefriend2, collegefriend3, collegefriend4
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bensonboone collegeeeeeeeeee girllllllllllll ↳ charlie_lazar singerrrrrrrrrr boyyyyyyy
_quinnhughes i didn't play uno in college @/charlie_lazar ↳ charlie_lazar that's cuz you aren't as cool as we are, quinner! @/_quinnhughes
jackhughes skip college and become my personal assistant. ↳ charlie_lazar yeah, i'll pass on that one for $400, jospeh.
collegefriend study date in the park again wednesday?
kouvr come back to la! i'll sugar momma you and you won't need to go to college anymore! ↳ charlie_lazar is that a promise? ↳ kouvr scout's honor! ↳ alexwaarren no she will not! @/charlie_lazar she's mine!
charlie_lazar has posted .ᐟ
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liked by lilmabu, collegefriend, curtislazar95, lhughes_06
charlie_lazar life as a college girl pt. 2
ft. the dormroom rapper you can't take anywhere!
tagged lilmabu
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username i didn't have lil mabu and charlie lazar being together on my 2023 bingo card.....
username lil mabu?!?! what are you doing in her instagram post? ↳ lilmabu living my best life!
jackhughes doesn't look like much studying gets done when your away at college, young lady!
lilmabu the fuck you mean can't take me anywhere?! you the one that took that duck from the pond! ↳ charlie_lazar shhhh, my brother follows me on here!
curtislazar95 please, whatever you do, do not get kicked out of college. i don't have the heart to tell mom.
collegefriend can't believe we had @/lilmabu in my dorm
username can't wait to see what the hockey gossip blogs are gonna say about these last few post. ↳ charlie_lazar me and you both!
lhughes_06 why am i almost cropped out of that picture?! ↳ charlie_lazar opps, my bad! @/lhughes_06
charlie_lazar has posted .ᐟ
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liked by lhughes_06, danielseavey, corbynbesson
charlie_lazar life as a college girl pt. 3
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username he's been on a lot of her post lately, wonder if they're dating? ↳ lilmabu . . . i think i just threw up🤮 she's my sister. ↳ charlie_lazar why would you accuse me of something like this?!
username now who do they know each other?! ↳ username charlie is taking film and photography at nyu, they met when he asked if she take pics at a concert he did in new york.
danielseavey answer my messagessss ↳ charlie_lazar sir, yes, sir!
lhughes_06 can you be my personal photographer? ↳ charlie_lazar what do you give me if i do? @/lhughes_96 ↳ lhughes_06 you've watched the summer i turned pretty way too much.
curtizlazar95 please, stop flirting with my teammates🙄 ↳ charlie_lazar i don't feel like it.
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cryinginthebackseat · 10 months
hi dear,
recently your adler x bell fic from two years ago (...) caught my interest.
it literally is one of the best written cod fics there is on here, and i saw you mentioning a fifth chap in an old reply to a reblog, and im curious if youre planning on ever uploading another chapter. i think its obv very unlikely since its been so long (im desperate yall), and i totally get if you say you dont wanna keep updating it (since you might not even be interested in the game*s anymore).
also, i havent seen you mention anywhere that its finished, but after looking at your masterlist you havent tagged it as unfinished or anything.
i recently got back into black ops and there really arent enough fics xd (no matter if youre going to finish it or not, i admire your writing skills fr fr)
have a good day/night x (sorry for the paragraph) ♡
Hello, dearest nony!
Okay, first of all, I have to say I hadn't expected someone would ask me about a follow up to that fic, but here we are. Thank you so much for taking your time to read you've got more poision than sugar, by the way. Unfortunately, I've been hitting the wall with that fic for years now. I've been thinking of continuing it just for the sake of completing a multi-chapter story for once.
ALSO I KID YOU NOT, I HAD A DREAM OF MEETING ADLER SOME TIME LAST WEEK BEFORE I GOT YOUR ASK SO MAYBE IT'S A SIGN??? Either way, I'll def let you know when I've finally gathered enough muse to continue the fic. You're too kind and I hope you have a good day too~ thanks again for dropping by<333
I can share you snippets of what I'd written so far. I sincerely hope I can continue where I left off soon!
“You’re fucked.” Park and Lazar are dead and eighteen hours later the last person Adler would rather see comes to him. “We,” Adler says carefully, “are fucked.” Hudson shakes his head, sweat pooling on his forehead. Guantánamo Bay in March is a different breed of torture– heat, sun and the humidity collaborate to aggravate the whole situation they’re in. “No,” Hudson says, cold and hard. “There’s no us. It’s you. You're fucked, Russ. I warned you.”
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scumbagg · 3 years
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spiritfoxarts · 3 years
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Cod HS (WIP)
Here's a leak to what I've been working on as well, but my recording fucked up when I wanted to make a speedpaint :p
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