nikhilxkohli · 3 months
closed for @laylcsaxena
When Nikhil had first mentioned bringing Layla out for a practice match he’d forgotten that it was outside of the city and so they’d had a bit of a drive to get to the stadium but now that they were in the midst of the game, and just about to start the second innings, he was hopeful that it was a good idea. “So—what do you think so far? Do you have questions? I can tell you that the other team—scored a fair total of 143/6, so that means this team that's coming up to bat has to score more than the 143 in the 20 overs they have left. Does that make sense?” He grinned down at the tiny woman who was seated next to him while he sipped on his water before looking back out on the field. It. was a good practice game he’d brought her to; India vs. Afghanistan—two definite powerhouses in T20 cricket. And while he hadn’t told her yet—he planned on taking her to the empty field he practiced in as well after the game ended to see if she could apply what she’d learnt. “I’m glad you agreed to attend this practice match, it’ll let me see how much you actually understand about the game before we sign anything.”
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kashvisaxena · 3 months
closed for @laylcsaxena location: layla's home
When Kashvi finally found the city where her husband had been hiding away in, she recalled her cousin from her father’s side residing in or around the same place and so she’d been Kashvi’s first call as soon as she’d booked the ticket. She had been crashing with her cousin for the last two weeks and it was finally time to move into the new place she’d rented but honestly she had been having so much fun with Layla that she didn’t want to move. “Can I convince you to love in with me? Or do you think that would be absolutely daft?” Kashvi pouted out a glass of wine for her cousin before holding it out for her. “I’ve just loved staying with you here so much.”
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nazliuzun · 3 months
starter for @laylcsaxena
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"I'm late." As if it wasn't obvious with a glance at the clock on the wall that she was twenty minutes later than the time they'd agreed on the night before. "I slept in and the only reason that I'm here is because the guilt was eating me alive." More or less the truth. It was easier to just get it over with than hear about it. "Since it's already this late, we should just not run and say we did and go get coffee."
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amosdeleon · 2 months
closed starter for @laylcsaxena
location: london, en. after wimbledon
Amos' sniffled as he finally separated himself from his family and their words of reassurance and he made his way to Layla, rubbing at his eyes but with a sad smile on his face. "Sorry I lost, boss." He joked lightly as he leaned in for a tight hug. "At least, that'll be the last time I lose, you know?"
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chiaramazzochetti · 3 months
location: tasty treats @laylcsaxena
Chiara walked into Tasty Treats, the familiar aroma of freshly baked pastries and coffee enveloping her senses. She had a sweet tooth and this place never failed to satisfy. As she approached the counter to place her order, she caught sight of a familiar face—Layla. Her heart skipped a beat, a mix of emotions flooding her. "Layla," Chiara's lips spoke before she could prevent them, her voice tentative. It had been a while since they last spoke, and the memory of their brief but intense connection still lingered in the air around them. "Long time no see... How have you been?"
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jaydenlucas · 3 months
TO: @laylcsaxena
Mami Layla, just so I'm 100% clear -- if another sports agent ever tried to scout one of your clients; you'd skin both of them alive, right? Asking for a friend. --- Also, have I mentioned, you look so pretty today... did you do something different with your hair? It looks great.
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joxdrayton · 10 days
closed starter for @laylcsaxena location: carriage falls country club
Given how the last time they'd had the chance to catch up with it was Layla who organized everything, it only seemed fair this time it was Jo to take her best friend on a little treat during the weekend. Pulling on her ties at the country club, she assured there was a lovely table for two set on the terrace, waiting for them when they arrived. Besides, with everything that's been happening around town lately, aside from her own internal and emotional rollercoaster, it felt nice doing something as simple as having lunch with a friend. "So, are we getting ready for the new season? It must feel weird having one less of a client."
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esrademir · 1 month
Who: @laylcsaxena
Where: Homestead Bounty Farmer's Market
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"––Yeah, well, he's not stupid enough to leave his ring behind. Credit where credit's due." Esra twisted a newly ripe tomato in her hand as they paused in front of yet another stall. Her husband had been away for the last two days on campaign business, which was code for schmooze donors and sleep with barflies in Raleigh. Or maybe her intuition was spot on and he already had somebody lined up with open arms. "I think there's a new one. I can feel it." Like a predictable shift in the weather.
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ruhixmarathe · 2 months
WITH: @laylcsaxena LOCATION: Bella & Jenny's
With her business booming at the moment, Ruhi could feel her dark circles growing and the knots in her shoulders forming. Her phone had a million messages from various vendors that she had to get back to and after working through each of them one by one, she just needed a moment to unwind. A moment to take a breath and not take on the stress of a million things for her brides. Which was why, hoping that the sugar would give her the rush of endorphins needed to finish her day, she found herself in line at Bella & Jenny's. Only problem came when the person in front of her ended up ordering the last bit of the flavor that she’d been eyeing. Letting out a soft groan of frustration, her eyes widened in embarrassment when the other turned around. “Oh god, I’m so sorry. That was not directed at you.” She lied, hoping they would buy it seeing as her exasperation most definitely had been caused by the person in front of her.
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wilmingtoncrp · 4 months
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nikhilxkohli · 29 days
closed for @laylcsaxena
When the blackout first occurred, his first thought had been to check on Layla and that's when he mentally smacked himself for thinking about someone other than his friend and his legal wife. But with a quick sweep of the ballroom, he’d spotted Ruhika who was standing with some people which filled him with a sense of relief. She was alright and he could absolve himself of some of the guilt as well for thinking about someone other than her. So then he’d pulled out his phone to text her but nothing—the lines were dead. And while the man couldn’t vocalize his worry, he was absolutely worried about her especially with the way things had gone down with Kimberly. 
That in itself was another stressful situation because his closest friend was missing and he was absolutely helpless. He'd gone to the law enforcement offices, asking for updates often enough that he was sure they were all annoyed with him but he'd only managed to relax once he'd seen Kimberly for his own eyes and made sure she was relatively okay—even if that was a bit of a stretch. He'd of course checked in with Layla during those few days as well, even if he couldn’t bring himself to see her physically due to his worry but as soon as he was able to try to move past the whole kidnapping with Kimberly and Benji—he’d asked Layla to meet him for a quick coffee.
As soon as he’d spotted her, he'd been about to slide into the seat across her but his instinct took over as he leaned in to hug her first, almost needing to make sure she was actually okay before he pulled back. "Sorry- that was…inappropriate, I just—was really worried about you. You know--with everything else going on.”
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kashvisaxena · 13 days
closed for @laylcsaxena location: kashvi's place
"Alright so bare with me--but I couldn't decide on a menu for tonight, so we've got a real mishmash of food. We have some great Mexican food from that place you introduced me to, and then there's some Thai food as well because I've got a craving for pad thai." Kashvi handed her cousin a glass of wine before collapsing on the couch. "I'm also very tempted to order hot brownies, oh with some ice cream too...because while I do enjoy baking, I don't think I have any of the ingredients for it."
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amosdeleon · 3 months
closed starter for @laylcsaxena
Alright, boss. My bad for missing our meeting last week, life's been a little crazy. By the way, if I hypothetically was the father of a long-lost four-year-old daughter, how bad would it be? Just...out of curiosity.
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jaydenlucas · 11 days
TO: @laylcsaxena
"As my agent, I got a question." Jayden stood before Layla, his nerves shot at the direction this conversation was about to go. Leave it to Jayden to find himself in some nonsense like this. "How bad would it look, professionally speaking, if some fan came out talking about she had my kid." He held up his hand, "I'm pretty fucking sure this is not my kid, considering I'm not a complete idiot. And I suited the fuck up. Plus -- this wasn't exactly a... duo experience." Damn if this woman didn't think he was dirt before, she's about to. "It was over a year ago, things got a little out of hand. Everything was consensual, but I guess I'm being dragged up for a DNA test." Because of course he was. "There were two other dudes, but I am the only one who's technically a brand name, if you will. So, I'm assuming that equals payday in her mind."
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