the-phantom-author · 10 months
Hasan Piker Lawyer S/O
Long time comming, dedicated to @gaytoadwithapopsicle and that one anon from a while ago. So, thank you for your paitence and much love.
Request are open, reblogs always welcomed
Hasan’s controversially younger girlfriend, and by that i mean you're like 25-26 years old, so like 6-7 years younger than him. And meet while you 're finishing Law School.
While you were in school he’s so helpful, he;s constantly making sure that when you're studying, you're eating and drinking enough, and that you’re not keeping yourself cooped up too much.
Hasan is a master of scheduling things, if you ever feel like you need help figuring out how to balance your work/life relationship don’t be afraid to ask him. When/if you do ask him, he also adjusts his schedule to make sure that there is time for the two of you to hang out one-on-one, and spend time together without either of you worrying about work.
Once you do work in an office and are out of school, he starts having a day where he just doesn’t stream. Mostly to make sure that the two of you have time together, but also because it helps him make sure that the both of you have a good place to be able to relax in.
If you ever have a case that is bothering you that you can’t really talk about, Hasan is trying everything that he can to help de-stress you.
Also Hasan is like, super interested in the research you do for your cases. If you ever want to ramble for a while about the different subsets of laws and how they apply in different scenarios, he is so invested. He’s asking any and all questions that he can think of.
Even when you’re not actively explaining things, if he ever thinks of a law related question he immediately goes to you, he just puts so much trust in you. I can imagine him totally just messaging you in the middle of streams questions that he has while going through an article with chat. When you respond, he’s always going on and on about how much you know and how impressive you are before he actually talk about the information you gave him.
On stream is a bit different. There is a lot of comments about the age difference, but neither of you let it get anywhere. Hasan sees the most of it, but he also just takes the punches, very “Both of us are grown adults and you’re weird for implying that she’s incapable of making choices about whose appropriate for her to date.” while you are the one who will go on tangents about “You're such a fucking idiot. I'm a full grown adult, I'm not a social media personality, I'm not going into politics. Me being with Hasan brings me absolutely no social or career gain.” or  “I’ve been working on my career longer than I’ve been with him and no one in a damn court room cares who im dating. I could be dating Barack Obama and that doesn’t affect my ability to fight a case or argue a point. The fact that you equate a woman’s success to a man she didn’t gain that success from is disgusting. The fact that you think Hasan would do that is disgusting. The fact that your opinion as a jury member could be swayed by who a lawyer is dating, is disgusting. And since you wanna treat me like I’m still in highschool I’ll have you know I was 10 times more mature in freshman year then you will ever be.”
Those few chats that fo get through and you see, usually just result in you ingorign them or lecturing them, however if their ever is one that actually gets to you, to the point of you leaving the room completely. It’s not good. X X
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