#lawrence ramune
hopjam · 1 year
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sketch of my beloved poor little meow meow lawrence's design. bit fruity innit (edit: yeah i drew over noel's body sketch for this because i didn't feel like drawing a new one currently. sorry)
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5ftgarden · 7 years
About Me!
I was tagged by @thevikingwoman! Thanks beautiful!!!
Are you named after anyone?
I was named for the book by the Marquis de Sade, and the one by Lawrence Durrell. Yes, I’ve read both.
When was the last time you cried?
Last week, when I was having a particularly bad pain day.
Do you like your handwriting?
It can irritate me sometimes, mainly because after years of studying letter forms, I can tell when my letters start to look my parents’ handwriting.
What’s your favorite lunch meat?
Lebanon Baloney. Regular, not sweet.
Do you have kids?
I have a furbaby, and a husband.
If you were a different person, would you be friends with you?
Probably?? Though I’d definitely annoy myself.
Do you use sarcasm?
Do you still have your tonsils?
Would you bungee jump?
What’s your favorite cereal?
Dulche de Leche Cheerios
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Do you think you are a strong person?
Eeeeeeeehhhhhh.... Kinda?
What’s your favorite ice cream?
Moose Tracks
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
This is gonna sound totally weird, but the shape of their nose and eyes.
What’s your least favorite physical thing about yourself?
yeah not gonna answer that.
What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now?
What are you listening to right now?
Boku No Hero Academia Soundtrack
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
I’d be one of those weird kinda dirty, wrapperless metallic teal ones that got lost in the bottom of the crayon bin and then gets stolen by a kindergartener who really likes the color and then it goes into their crayon bin and gets buried.
Favorite smell?
Lilacs, Trident Tropical gum, dragonsblood, and ramune
Who was the last person you talked on the phone with?
My mom
Favorite sport to watch?
Soccer, or gymnastics
Hair color?
ash brown
Eye color?
Do you wear contacts?
Monthly replace ones, and occasionally colored.
Favorite food?
Kinep (don’t ask about the spelling), spaghetti, taiyaki.
Scary movie or comedy?
Scary movie!!!
Last movie you watched?
Eeeeehhhhhh I don’t remember? I think it was some Will Ferrel movie my husband put on.
What color shirt are you wearing?
Mint and polka doted
Summer or winter?
Between the two? Winter, but overall give me Fall.
Hugs or kisses?
hugs <3
Book you’re currently reading?
Creative Anarchy by Denise Bosler (who is one of my professors)
Who do you miss right now?
Good people gone too soon.
What’s on your mouse pad?
Just blue.
What’s the last TV program you watched?
Rick And Morty
What’s the best sound?
crinkly wrappers
Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
Rolling Stones
What’s the furthest you ever traveled?
in straight distance, Iowa to Florida. and in overall time/distance Pennsylvania-New York-Pennsylvania-Iowa-Pennsylvania-Alabama-Pennsylvania. It was about a month and a half of straight travel.
Do you have a special talent?
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh I can play the violin.
Where were you born?
Richmond, Virginia.
I dunno who to tag, so if you see this, CONSIDER THIS YOUR TAG ^_^
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