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jamieroxxartist · 1 year ago
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TOMARROW! Sun Nov 12! My Wife Dani @proptroopers and her business partner Travis’s Webshop www.spectralmoon.com Instagram: @thespectralmoon ( www.instagram.com/thespectralmoon )
“We are a small metaphysical shop that specializes in handmade bracelets and ceramic charging plates, as well as creating a safe space for all.
Join us at these upcoming markets put on by @sunnysideupmarket to shop for gifts for the upcoming holidays or a little treat for yourself! 😉
November 12th from 12-4pm @massdistrict November 18th from 11-7pm and 19th from 11-5pm at Pompano Community Park December 10th from 12-4pm @massdistrict
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sinstonerelics · 3 years ago
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🦄🔮 New crystal straw topper is soooo cute, I can’t 👀✨ We de-molded this guy on stream today then made a black & white version that I’ll show off on this Friday’s stream! Thanks so much everyone who came by to hang out!! 🤗🖤✨ ✨ 🔮 ✨ 🖤 ✨ 🔮 ✨ • • • • • • • #crystal #crystals #purplecrystal #purplecrystals #lavender #lavenderpurple #lavendercrystal #pinkcrystal #pinkcrystals #crystalstrawtopper #strawtoppers #strawtopper #summerstraw #crystalstraw #crystalstraws #resinart #handmaderesin #handmadeepoxy #smallshop #twitchstreamer #twitchaffiliate #twitchtv #twitch #twitchstream #shophandmade #handmadejewelry #handmadeaccessories #handmadeaccessory #summeraccessories #sinstonerelics (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd6h6I9O-zH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ana-nacar · 5 years ago
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Resultados del evento #lavendercrystal #aimikaze #mikazeai #美風藍 #reijikotobuki #kotobukireiji #寿嶺二 #utanoprincesama #shininglive #utapri #utaprincesama #utaprishininglive #うたのプリンスさまっ #UtanoPrincesamaShiningLive https://www.instagram.com/p/B9FGSbxDhFs/?igshid=1060y6wt39q3n
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sylcameojewels3 · 4 years ago
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reinerispretty · 5 years ago
bridal style. (bolin x f!reader)
ooohhh!! i have a bolin request! maybe something focused on how strong he is, like he just picks the reader up bridal style and she’s like 😳
thank you for requestin!!! hehe i hope you enjoy :) 
“Korra kissed Mako?” (Y/N) exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise. Bolin stared at his best friend anxiously. He had promised not to say anything to anyone else, but it was his best friend! She was practically an extension of himself, so she deserved to know the latest drama that was happening in their friend group. At least, that’s how Bolin saw it. 
“I have to tell Asami,” (Y/N) said, standing up from the couch.
“Woah, woah, woah!” Bolin cut her off from leaving. “This is a sort of no-involvement situation on our part. This means we don’t get involved.” 
“But don’t you think she deserves to know her boyfriend kissed someone else?” 
“Well, technically, Korra kissed Mako--” 
“Technicalities are stupid, Bo! Let me go tell her.” 
“(Y/N) (L/N), I absolutely forbid you from telling Asami the top secret information I just told you.” (Y/N) narrowed her eyes at her boyfriend. 
“You can’t forbid me to do anything!” She tried to push past him, but he was as solid as a rock. Which made sense. 
“(Y/N), please, I beg of you, don’t get involved!” Bolin groaned. (Y/N) sighed, defeated, and moved to sit back on the couch. “Thank you!” 
Just as Bolin was about to sit beside her, she jumped to her feet and raced to the door, throwing it open. Bolin chased after her and while she was fast, his long legs swiftly caught up to her. He grabbed her by the arm, spinning her around and picking her up so he held her underneath her back and knees. 
(Y/N) suddenly became very aware of how close she was to Bolin, and she felt her face heating up with either embarrassment or flattery, but she wasn’t sure which. “I’ve gotcha, now you’re not going anywhere until you promise not to tell Asami,” He said as he walked back to his apartment. “We are outside parties and therefore don’t need to have any involvement in the personal lives of our friends.” 
“I beg to differ,” (Y/N) scoffed, crossing her arms. 
“You know, I kind of like holding you like this. It’s like you’re my little baby.” He pressed his cheek against the top of her head and hummed, pressing a kiss to her hair. 
“Bolin!” She exclaimed, nearly flipping out of his grasp, but his arms were strong and remained around her. “I hate this,” She grumbled, but she, in fact, did not hate it. 
Tag List!
@beifongsss , @aroyaldarknessblr , @musicalkeys , @thefandomimagines , @blondie0458 , @kairiririri , @awesomelupe , @zukosvice , @tomshollandz , @lavendercrystals , @astralsaf , @realimbo , @mycollectionofnuts , @wingeddemonclub , @gingersnap126126 ,
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strwbrysugu · 5 years ago
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in which y/n is looking for a roommate, they post an ad and zuko sees it. they don’t know why, but ever since he moved in the fire alarm goes off everyday at the same time. zuko is a firebender, but of course y/n doesn’t know this.
prev. / part 10 / next
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antiquariusv · 6 years ago
#vintagestarnecklace #starjewelry #celestialnecklace #lavendercrystal&starsnecklace
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jamieroxxartist · 1 year ago
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My Wife Dani @proptroopers and her business partner Travis’s Webshop www.spectralmoon.com Instagram: @thespectralmoon (www.instagram.com/thespectralmoon)
“We are a small metaphysical shop that specializes in handmade bracelets and ceramic charging plates, as well as creating a safe space for all.
Lavender fluorite, or yittrium fluorite, is this beautiful light purple (lavender) color that is unique to this crystal. It’s caused by traces of yittrium within the crystal, hence its name.
This crystal is great for focus when studying, decision making, concentration, gentle grounding, and protection. It also strengthens and deepens your spiritual connection. It has a very gentle and calming energy that promotes peace and relaxation.
Are you drawn to this unique crystal?
#lavender #lavenderfluorite #yittriumfluorite #fluorite #purple #purplecrystal #lavendercrystal #peace #calm #grounding #groundingcrystals #protection #protectioncrystals #spirituality #spiritualcrystals #focus #concentration
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jamieroxxartist · 1 year ago
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My Wife Dani @proptroopers and her business partner Travis’s Webshop www.spectralmoon.com Instagram: @thespectralmoon ( www.instagram.com/thespectralmoon )
“We are a small metaphysical shop that specializes in handmade bracelets and ceramic charging plates, as well as creating a safe space for all.
Lavender fluorite, or yittrium fluorite, is this beautiful light purple (lavender) color that is unique to this crystal. It’s caused by traces of yittrium within the crystal, hence its name.
This crystal is great for focus when studying, decision making, concentration, gentle grounding, and protection. It also strengthens and deepens your spiritual connection. It has a very gentle and calming energy that promotes peace and relaxation.
Are you drawn to this unique crystal?
#lavender #lavenderfluorite #yittriumfluorite #fluorite #purple #purplecrystal #lavendercrystal #peace #calm #grounding #groundingcrystals #protection #protectioncrystals #spirituality #spiritualcrystals #focus #concentration
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ana-nacar · 5 years ago
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Resultados del evento #lavendercrystal #aimikaze #mikazeai #美風藍 #reijikotobuki #kotobukireiji #寿嶺二 #utanoprincesama #shininglive #utapri #utaprincesama #utaprishininglive #うたのプリンスさまっ #UtanoPrincesamaShiningLive https://www.instagram.com/p/B9FGN3pDnHN/?igshid=1xreegsusx7tl
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reinerispretty · 5 years ago
hold me. (bolin x f!reader)
i have a bolin request if that’s okay 🥺👉👈 maybe bolin comes home from a pro bending match and the fire ferrets lost so he’s feeling bummed and just wants cuddles. i’m a sucker for cuddly bolin bc i just KNOW he’d be the best cuddler in the world💗💗
thank you for requesting!! :) 
“I got your favorite dumplings.”
“Don’t want dumplings,” Bolin grumbled into the crook of her neck.
“No dumplings? Who are you and what have you done with my Bolin?”
(Y/N) had heard the loss on the radio. She couldn’t attend the match that night because of work, but her boss had agreed to let her listen to the broadcast on the radio. She flinched as the announcer talked about the easy upset the Fire Ferrets faced. A knock-out within the first round. It was a killer way to lose and she knew the team would be upset. Especially Bolin. He was the most sensitive boy she had ever known. That wasn’t a bad thing by any means, but it did mean that Bolin tended to carry a lot of weight on his shoulders. He would take this loss to heart. 
She arrived home before she did, which was a surprise. Usually on nights that she worked, Bolin practically waited at the door like a puppy for her to return. She placed his favorite dumplings on the kitchen table and moved to the bedroom to change into comfier clothing. 
The door open and shut rather quietly, which was unlike Bolin. Normally he barged into whatever room he entered, loud and boisterously. It’s one of the many things (Y/N) loved about him. She peaked out of the bedroom door to see him sadly kicking off his shoes. 
“Hi there,” She said, her voice soft and smile bright. Bolin turned toward her, his green eyes sad, and walked over to her. He hugged her so tightly that (Y/N) felt as if she might burst. Regardless, she hugged him back with equal enthusiasm. “I got your favorite dumplings.” 
“Don’t want dumplings,” Bolin grumbled into the crook of her neck. 
“No dumplings? Who are you and what have you done with my Bolin?” He grumbled something incoherent and walked her over to the couch, where he lay her down gently and then flopped on top of her. The couch wasn’t nearly big enough for the two of them, but Bolin didn’t care. His arms wrapped around (Y/N) and he rested his face on her chest to listen to her heartbeat. It was one of his favorite sounds. He enjoyed listening to the only sound that assured him his dream girl was actually real. 
(Y/N) stared up at the ceiling as she ran her fingers through his hair. It was still sweaty and matted from the helmet, but she could care less. “I heard the match on the radio.” Bolin groaned in protest. She knew he didn’t want to talk about it, but they needed to. “It wasn’t that bad!” 
“It was horrible.” His voice was muffled into her shirt. “We lost within the first five minutes! Only losers do that!” 
“My favorite losers,” (Y/N) giggled, trying to make him smile. He wasn’t budging. “Not every match is going to be your greatest match. It’s a learning experience.” 
“But I want every match to be our greatest match! How else am I supposed to make enough money to buy us a big house for the little Bolin’s and (Y/N’s) to run around in?” 
Her face felt hot and she punched his shoulder gently. “You’re getting ahead of yourself. How about making enough money to keep yourself safe and happy! Which you’re totally doing, by the way.” Bolin squeezed her tighter. “It’s okay to lose a few matches. It makes you a better pro-bender.” 
“I think it’s your fault,” Bolin said, lifting his head to rest his chin on her chest. She could tell by the light in his eyes that he was feeling a little bit better. 
“My fault?” She laughed. “How so?” 
“You weren’t there tonight! Whenever you’re not there I lose because I’m too busy thinking about you.” 
“I thought Mako said I shouldn’t come to too many matches because I distract you?” 
“Mako shmako. You better be at the next match or else no cuddles for a week!” (Y/N) snorted, pressing a kiss to her boyfriend’s head. 
“We’ll see who cracks first on that one.” 
Tag List! 
@beifongsss , @aroyaldarknessblr , @musicalkeys , @thefandomimagines , @blondie0458 , @kairiririri , @awesomelupe , @zukosvice , @tomshollandz , @lavendercrystals , @astralsaf , @realimbo , @mycollectionofnuts , @wingeddemonclub , @gingersnap126126 , 
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reinerispretty · 5 years ago
zuko is a secret admirer
Okie hiii I just had the cutest zuko idea and you’re the perfect writer for it. I don’t think I’ve seen a fic like this before but what if zuko would send the reader messenger hawks like a secret admirer? And the reader tries to find out who it is (if it’s lame ignore 😂💗)
not lame at all!!! thank you so much for requesting :) 
It was no secret that Zuko wasn’t the best when it came to words. His thoughts got all jumbled and sometimes he said things that he really didn’t mean. Knowing this, he knew there was no way that he could physically tell the beautiful girl from Ba Sing Se that he was in love with her. So, he resolved to write her instead. 
When a Fire Nation messenger hawk had first appeared on (Y/N’s) doorstep, her eyes had widened and she immediately shut the door and ran through a million possibilities of what it could be. Was she wanted by the Fire Nation? What would she be wanted for? Wouldn’t they send guards to her doorstep if she was wanted? 
She opened her door just a crack, peering outside at the bird. It tilted its head and stared at her curiously. “Okay, I’ll take your note,” She whispered. She peered over her shoulder make sure no one was watching. She took the rolled up piece of parchment from the bird’s leg and it immediately soared back into the sky. (Y/N) watched until it was just a tiny dot of black against the blue horizon. 
Unrolling the parchment, she read: 
Dear (Y/N), 
I haven’t been the best at speaking around you, so I decided to write you instead. Every day I miss your warm smile and your bright eyes. I hope you are doing well.
The letter was straightforward and to the point, but it still made (Y/N’s) heart flutter. To think that someone would go out of their way to write to her put a smile on her face for the rest of the day. 
A week went by until she received another messenger hawk. She took the note from its little ankle, but kindly asked it to stay as she read. The note went: 
Dear (Y/N), 
The sunsets here aren’t nearly as lovely as the ones around you. I can’t stop thinking about you. I hope that’s not weird. Maybe when this is all over, we can get a cup of tea together?
(Y/N) turned to the messenger hawk. “Wait just a second, okay?” She ran back inside and scribbled down her own note. Her handwriting was choppy and hasty, but she didn’t care.
Dear L, 
Your notes are very flattering and make my week. Could you tell me who you are so we can get that cup of tea?
She rolled up the little piece of paper and attached it to the hawk’s leg. She watched it fly away but was interrupted by her sister walking up the steps of the house. “What are you doing?” 
(Y/N’s) eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, um, cloudwatching?” 
Her sister looked up at the sky. “There aren’t any clouds.” 
“Guess I’m done watching then!” 
(Y/N) did not speak a word to anyone about the letters she was receiving. It would look very bad on her family if anyone knew that their youngest daughter was receiving secret messages from a Fire Nation messenger hawk. If anyone found out, they’d surely confiscate any message she was written, and (Y/N) didn’t want that. She kept them tucked away safely in the bottom drawer of her dresser. She went back to look at them when she wanted a smile on her face. 
Weeks went by as she and the mysterious L exchanged letters. She learned his favorite food, favorite tea, and where he liked to go when he was sad. Each of his letters started with either a declaration of her beauty or how much of a good person she was. She wished she could say the same to him, but it was hard to make assumptions when she had no idea who he was. 
After a few months of this back and forth, she received a letter that shook her to her core. 
Dear (Y/N), 
How are you doing today? I need to tell you something very important, and I wish I could do it in person, but I guess a letter will have to do. I think I love you, (Y/N). You don’t have to love me back, but when the war is over I’d like to come back to you and do everything I can to show you how much you mean to me.
With love, 
(Y/N) felt her heart skip a massive beat. She couldn’t help the smile that formed on her face. She hurried to write her reply. She knew it was silly, to say that she loved a stranger back, but she knew deep in her heart that she did. She told him this in the next note that she sent him. 
After that, a few weeks went by when she didn’t receive any notes. She worried that she had scared him off, but there were other things that currently occupied her mind. Like the fact that the war had come to an end and the Fire Nation soldiers were now being ordered out of Ba Sing Se. The whole city rejoiced, including (Y/N), to see the occupation gone. 
It was a rainy day but the sun still managed to peak through the clouds occasionally. (Y/N) was home by herself, as she tended to be, when a knock sounded on her door. She pulled it open to reveal Lee, the young boy from the tea shop that she had frequented before it suddenly closed down. He was adorned in what (Y/N) assumed was traditional Fire Nation guard. 
“Lee!” She exclaimed. “Wait. Lee!” Her mouth fell open as the identity of her admirer clicked in her mind. 
“It’s actually Zuko,” He admitted with a sheepish smile. “I had to use a fake name while I was staying here. The Fire Nation has a ton of Lees.” 
“Oh! You’re Fire Lord Zuko now, right? Should I bow?” Zuko laughed. 
“No, you’re fine. I actually wanted to see if you’d get that cup of tea with me?” 
(Y/N) smiled brightly. “I’d love to.” 
Zuko smiled back at her. “I’ve really missed your smile.” 
Tag List!
@beifongsss , @realimbo , @lavendercrystals , @tomshollandz , @zukosvice , @itsivyberry , @awesomelupe , @musicalkeys , @aroyaldarknessblr , 
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reinerispretty · 5 years ago
drive. (mako x f!reader)
this idea came into my head today pls enjoy (loosely based off of passenger side by smallpools)
“I wanna take you driving,” She had said, taking his hand in hers and lacing their fingers together. Her fingers were so small and fit so perfectly into the gaps between his. 
Mako thought that whoever gave (Y/N) her license should be fired. 
She’d just gotten it, and she showed up on his doorstep with the most dazzling smile on her pretty face. She held up her license, pointing at the tiny picture of herself that stared blankly at him. “I finally did it!” 
“Only took three tries,” Mako had quipped, a smirk on his lips. She pouted and Mako resisted the urge to kiss it away. 
“I wanna take you driving,” She had said, taking his hand in hers and lacing their fingers together. Her fingers were so small and fit so perfectly into the gaps between his. If Mako believed in such a thing, he’d add that to the list of many things that made him sure they were soulmates. 
But now, Mako was just hoping that (Y/N) wouldn’t kill him. She weaved in and out of traffic, swerving between cars and narrowly avoiding pedestrians. She was smiling, the wind tossing her hair back behind her, but Mako was gripping onto the door handle for dear life and calculating his odds of surviving a jump from a car that was nearing 100 miles per hour. 
“Don’t you think you should slow down?” Mako shouted over the wind. (Y/N) shook her head, moving the gear shift up and placing the car in fifth gear. It shot forward, sending Mako’s head flying back into the head rest. 
He heard the cops before he saw them. (Y/N) glanced in the rear view mirror and Mako saw her weighing her options. Before he could get a word out, she slammed her feet onto the gas pedal, leaving the flashing red and blue lights as just a blip behind them. 
“You’ve gotta slow down!” Mako insisted. They flew onto the highway, darting past the cars in their way. 
“You can’t tell me you’re not having fun right now,” (Y/N) called over to him, and as much as he hated to admit it, he was. The adrenaline that coursed through his veins made him want to keep going. He felt like a teenager again, running from the cops after pulling off a heist for the Triads. There wasn’t really anything like the feeling of almost getting caught, and (Y/N) knew that. She had grown up on the streets, just like him. They’d stolen their fair share of bread from the bakery and lied for each other. 
Someone tossed a drink absentmindedly out of their passenger side door and Mako and (Y/N) were going so fast that it landed on her, completely soaking her jacket. She let out a half-laugh half-scream before slowing down just a bit, turning to Mako. “You’ve gotta steer.” 
“What? You’re insane!” 
“I’m letting my hands off the wheel in five seconds and if your hands aren’t on them, we’ll both die.” She turned to look at him. She was bluffing and he knew this, but ever since they had grown up, (Y/N) didn’t get reckless very often. This was her non-destructive way of coping with the monotony of everyday life since things had settled down. 
“Fine,” Mako grumbled and (Y/N) grinned, taking her hands off the wheel. Mako held on, praying that there wouldn’t be any sharp turns in front of them. (Y/N) peeled off her jacket, tucking it down by Mako’s feet so it wouldn’t fly away. She leaned over and kissed Mako’s cheek before getting back to steering. 
They ended their speed race where it had started, in front of Mako’s apartment. (Y/N) pulled to a calm and slow stop, parallel parking perfectly. She grinned over at Mako. “See! I’m a good driver.” 
Mako scoffed. “I’m suspending your license. I’m serious. I’ll get the paperwork to Lin tomorrow.” 
“Mako! You’re not even on duty right now!” (Y/N) crossed her arms. Mako held out his palm and with a sigh, she dropped her license into it. “You’re such a stickler now. What happened to fun Mako?” 
“Fun Mako still exists, he just doesn’t need to endanger his life and the lives of everyone around him to have fun.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes. “I’ll call Asami tomorrow and ask if she can give you some driving lessons.” 
“I think I have a career as a racecar driver,” (Y/N) said, ignoring his statement. “Would you place your bets on me?” Mako placed a hand on her chin and tilted her face toward him, kissing her swiftly on the lips. When they pulled away she looked up at him with dazed and happy eyes. 
“Always. Now out, I don’t want you near a steering wheel ever again.”
Tag List!
  @beifongsss , @aroyaldarknessblr , @musicalkeys , @thefandomimagines , @blondie0458 , @kairiririri , @awesomelupe , @zukosvice , @tomshollandz , @lavendercrystals , @astralsaf , @realimbo , @mycollectionofnuts , @wingeddemonclub , @gingersnap126126 , @aangsupremacy , @marvel-ing-at-it-all , @davnwillcome , 
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reinerispretty · 5 years ago
rotations. bonus! team avatar 2.0 meet y/n
hello!! this was requested a while ago by @purple-cloud18 before rotations was finished and lok was on netflix so now i am so excited to actually write it!!
Hi i love your rotations and I wanted to ask for like a one shot of how korra’s team avatar would react to meeting y/n (like if she was apart of stopping the 100 year war and is alive to meet the new team avatar). And who they (y/n) did/didn’t end up with etc.
Despite her age, (Y/N) still loved to travel more than anything in the world. Whenever Zuko went anywhere, she forced him to let her join. Sometimes he worried, because of the dangers of whatever mission he would be going on, but (Y/N) wasted no time in reminding him that she had proved time and time again that she could take care of herself. 
“I know, love, but we’re not as young as we used to be,” He’d say with a sigh as he would help her get on the back of their dragon, Druk. (Y/N) would furrow her brows and scoff. 
“Maybe you aren’t! I feel as spry as a baby turtle duck.” 
Even after decades of being queen of the Fire Nation, (Y/N) still wasn’t accustomed to the behavior that was shown to her. When she and Zuko landed at the Misty Palms Oasis, Chief Tonraq rushed to help her off of the dragon. Lin Beifong, her beloved goddaughter, bowed as soon as (Y/N’s) feet stepped onto the sand. She opened her mouth to give a retort about how she didn’t need special treatment, but Zuko gave her a playful pinch at her elbow that told her to just accept the kindness. 
(Y/N) smiled wide, walking toward Lin with her arms wide open. The woman cringed when the hug was first initiated, but she eventually relaxed into it. Lin Beifong was one tough cookie, but she had always had a soft spot for (Y/N). When Toph was off giving her daughters their independence, (Y/N) was only a phone call away to provide Lin with any advice she might need. 
Tonraq, Lin, Zuko, and (Y/N) all waited within the pub until Avatar Korra and her friends, Mako, Bolin, and Asami walked through the door. (Y/N) gasped, gripping Zuko’s arm. She had never met the Avatar before this moment and was surprised at how her heart reacted when she walked into the room. It swelled with love, like an old friend had just walked into the room. 
The groups exchanged introductions and Korra bowed in Zuko and (Y/N’s) presence. “It’s so nice to finally meet you, Lady (Y/N),” Korra said with a grin. 
“You as well, Korra,” (Y/N) said with a soft smile. “I love reading about your adventures in the paper. Makes me want to go back out and kick some butt myself.” 
“I’m sure you could firebend circles around any of us,” Mako said. He blushed once (Y/N’s) eyes were directed at him. “Ma’am.” 
(Y/N) cracked her knuckles. “We could always find out!” Zuko rolled his eyes, placing his hand on her shoulder. 
“Try not to encourage her. Our grandson has been knocked on his butt too many times to count.” 
“You’ve beaten General Iroh?” Bolin asked, stifling a laugh. 
“Who do you think made him into the firebender he is today?” (Y/N) smirked. 
Tonraq and Lin pulled Korra away, which disappointed (Y/N). She enjoyed talking to the Avatar and her friends. It reminded her of her youth. Many years had passed since the death of some of her most beloved friends and meeting these kids brought up feelings (Y/N) hadn’t felt in years. 
“I read about you and Zuko’s love story when I was a kid,” Bolin said to her, his eyes wide and his hands clasped together. (Y/N) laughed. 
“That interviewer got everything wrong!” 
“So you weren’t really burned trying to save Zuko from the Agni Kai with his father?” 
“You and Zuko didn’t take down Azula together?” 
“It was a team effort, but I pulled most of the weight.” 
“And you didn’t give birth to Fire Lord Izumi on Appa’s back?” (Y/N) hummed. 
“That one is actually true, but Zuko thinks it’s embarrassing that he fainted, so I don’t really tell it much.” 
“Your memory’s fuzzy from old age,” Zuko called to her from across the pub. “Sokka fainted, not me!” 
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and shook her head at Bolin. “He fainted.” 
After learning of Zaheer’s plans, (Y/N) had to go outside. She felt sick to her stomach at the thought of someone trying to take out her daughter. Izumi was fully capable of protecting herself, but she was not a bender. (Y/N) needed to get back to the Fire Nation immediately. 
Korra walked out of the pub and found her sitting beside the giant block of ice that the spirits cooled themselves on. “Are you feeling alright?” Korra asked. She took a seat beside her. 
“Me? Never better!” (Y/N) smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Are you? You’ve been dealing with villains back to back for months.” 
Korra shrugged. “I can take it. I’m sure you and your friends faced a lot worse than I have.” 
(Y/N’s) mind flashed to a memory of long ago, of Zuko being shot by lightning. She gave Korra another smile. “I don’t think it’s an easy comparison to make. The times are different now.” 
“You’re worried about your daughter,” Korra said quietly. (Y/N) chuckled. 
“That’s the Aang in you. Always knew what was wrong, I never had to tell him. When you get to be my age, there are very few things that are important anymore. It all becomes so trivial, you know? But one of the most important things to me is my family.” She placed her wrinkled hand on Korra’s. “I know we’ve just met, but you are my family. You know that, right?” 
“I feel like I’ve known you forever,” Korra admitted. 
“You definitely have. Say, how’s Katara? It’s been a few months since I’ve seen her.” 
Tag List!!
@beifongsss , @aroyaldarknessblr , @musicalkeys , @thefandomimagines , @blondie0458 , @kairiririri , @awesomelupe , @zukosvice , @tomshollandz , @lavendercrystals , @astralsaf , @realimbo , @mycollectionofnuts , @wingeddemonclub ,
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reinerispretty · 5 years ago
just a little jealous. (sokka x f!reader)
hi i really love your work and i was wondering if you could do a sokka (or zuko cos it could work) that takes place right around when zuko joins the gaang and reader starts spending more time with zuko and sokka gets jealous cos he's lowkey had feelings for you for a while and his jealousy turns into anger to you but then it ends in like soft uwu fluff. i hope this made sense lolz!
thank u for requesting this!!!! i am very very excited about it ehehe
Their faces were just barely apart. He let his eyes flutter shut and leaned in further to press his lips to hers, but instead of being met with a kiss, (Y/N) shoved him backward so he fell into the river.
“You’re such an idiot!”
Sokka was unhappy. The whole group could tell. Ever since Zuko had joined their group, a frown had been permanently etched into his features. “Your face is going to get stuck like that,” Aang had joked, but Sokka just gave him a sour look and stalked away. Everyone had decided to avoid him from that point. 
Especially (Y/N), which hadn’t been his intention at all. It was just...(Y/N) was Fire Nation as well. She had joined through group a long time ago, as a runaway military recruit, and it had taken Sokka a bit to warm up to her but once he had, she was all he thought about. And now since Zuko was here, the two of them had started bonding over Fire Nation things that Sokka had no idea about. He didn’t know what half the things they were talking about were and it made him so upset. (Y/N) was his friend, not Zuko’s! Zuko was a recently reformed bad guy, while Sokka had always been the good guy! Why couldn’t she see that? 
He knew he should be happy for her. He imagined that she had felt a little isolated in their group, since she had no one else to share her culture with. At the beginning, they had each rebuffed some of anecdotes about her time in the Fire Nation, so eventually she stopped sharing them altogether. During their stay in the Fire Nation, she had opened back up again, and Sokka had been absolutely enthralled with her stories. The animated way she talked about her childhood absolutely captivated him. He could listen to her for hours. 
He hadn’t meant to push (Y/N) away, but he was just so frustrated and he wasn’t sure how to vocalize it. She had tried with him the other night. She had sat right next to him at dinner and smiled her sweet smile and he felt both elated and angry, because how many times had Zuko seen that smile? 
“Everything alright?” She asked him, noticing the annoyed expression on his face. Sokka didn’t answer, choosing to stare at his rice instead. “I’ve missed talking to you.” He scoffed. He had scoffed at her! 
“Sure doesn’t seem like it, with all the time you’re spending with your new best friend.” Her brows furrowed together, her bottom lip jutting out in a small pout. Sokka wanted to kiss it away. 
“What is this about?” She demanded. Sokka tossed his bowl of food to the ground and stood. Momo leapt forward to eat it up. 
“You Fire Nation are all the same. You stick with your kind, right? Even if they’ve tried to kill your friends?” 
“Sokka,” Zuko spoke up. “If you have a problem with me being here, you can talk to me about it. Don’t take it out on (Y/N).” 
“I’ll take it out on the both of you!” Sokka exclaimed, shocking the rest of the group into silence. “Your nation is full of privileged people who don’t care about anyone but themselves!” 
“That’s not true!” (Y/N) stared up at Sokka, her face contorted in an expression mixed with confusion and hurt. 
“I thought you were different,” Sokka mumbled, and then he walked off to the rooms within the Air Temple. He’s aware of how harsh he was. How unfair he was. But his thoughts and feelings were so tangled up at the moment that he wasn’t even sure what he was feeling now. 
His relationship with Zuko had repaired itself somewhat naturally. Zuko understood the torment the Fire Nation had put Sokka through. They took away his mother and caused him to grow up without his father around. They had caused Sokka nothing but pain for the majority of his life. So Zuko was a little more forgiving of his outburst. 
(Y/N), on the other hand, would not speak to Sokka at all. He thought this was much worse than her giving Zuko more attention than he liked. Every time they were within the same vicinity of each other, she’d stop what she was doing and find someone else to be around. She wouldn’t even look at him!
One day, while she was cleaning the laundry by the riverbank, Sokka tiptoed behind her and sat at her side. She looked away from him immediately, hurriedly gathering her clothes to take back up to the camp, but Sokka grabbed her by the wrists. “Please, (Y/N), just let me apologize!” 
“Is that what my people would do?” She snapped, and Sokka had never heard her voice so full of venom before. 
“I’m sorry,” He sighed. “I didn’t mean what I said. But I’m sorry for saying it and most of all I’m sorry for hurting you.” 
“If you didn’t mean it, why’d you say it?” 
“Because...because I was jealous.” 
“Of what?” 
“You and Zuko, you guys know all the Fire Nation stuff! You have things that you can talk about that I can’t even compete with, and ever since he joined you’ve been talking to him more and more and I guess I was jealous.” 
“Why would you be jealous because of me and Zuko?” She furrowed her brows and Sokka groaned. How was she still not getting it? 
“Because I love you, okay? I love you and I don’t like it when you spend more time with guys who aren’t me. I know it’s stupid but I didn’t want Fire Nation Prince over there to sweep you off your feet before I got the chance and-” Oh, (Y/N) was so close now. Their faces were just barely apart. He let his eyes flutter shut and leaned in further to press his lips to hers, but instead of being met with a kiss, (Y/N) shoved him backward so he fell into the river. 
“You’re such an idiot!” She shouted at him, before grabbing her laundry and storming back up to the camp. Sokka floated in the water. 
“I deserved that.” 
It was the next day that he and Zuko decided to fly to the Boiling Rock to perform their rescue mission. After many mishaps, they managed to rescue his father, Suki, and free another prisoner as well. When they returned, the rest of the group stared at them in awe as they hopped off of the war balloon. 
“Where have you guys been?” Katara asked, but she rushed forward as soon as she saw her father. 
(Y/N) stared disapprovingly at Sokka as he approached her. “I was worried,” She mumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m glad you’re okay.” 
Sokka knew her well enough to tell that while he was gone, her anger had worn off. He smiled brightly at her. “Does this means you forgive me?” 
“This means I love you too, but don’t think for a second that I’m not still mad at you.” Sokka grinned, placing a hand at the back of her neck and pulling her toward him, sealing their lips together. She grabbed onto his shirt so that he would be as close as humanly possible. Sokka was content, and the best part was that they were in perfect view of Zuko, who would definitely step off (Y/N) now. 
Tag List!
@beifongsss , @aroyaldarknessblr , @musicalkeys , @thefandomimagines , @blondie0458 , @kairiririri , @awesomelupe , @zukosvice , @tomshollandz , @lavendercrystals , @astralsaf , @realimbo , @mycollectionofnuts , @wingeddemonclub , @gingersnap126126 ,
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reinerispretty · 5 years ago
comfort. (bolin x f!reader)
Ok so I’m new to loving Bolín but I feel like he’s the sweetest and most comforting person! Do you mind a request for Bolin and a s/o that has a bad day and just feeling down and he comforts her and is silly to make her laugh? Been one of those days 😅
of course!! thank you so much for requesting i hope this makes your day a bit better :) 
It was a Thursday, meaning it was Bolin and (Y/N) night. Usually, they went to dinner together and talked about everything that had happened in their lives the past week. Bolin would come back to her house and they’d play a board game or watch a mover, and he would inevitably end up falling asleep on her couch. 
But tonight, Bolin and (Y/N) night was the last thing on (Y/N’s) mind. She had had the roughest week in a while. Between work drama, family drama, and just overall not feeling the greatest about herself, when Bolin called to remind her about their plans, she internally groaned. It was nothing against him, not at all! Bolin was such a wonderful person. (Y/N) just worried that she would be not a great person to be around that night. 
“I’m so sorry, Bo, I’m just not feeling well. I’m gonna have to cancel. Maybe we can have two nights next week to make up for it?” 
“Oh, that’s okay!” And of course he was understanding, because Bolin was the nicest person ever. “Do you need anything? Pabu and I can bring you food! Or we can show you his new routine! He’s learned how to hula hoop, isn’t that amazing?” 
“So amazing,” (Y/N) agreed. She couldn’t help her smile. “But I’ll be okay. I think it’s just the flu, and I wouldn’t want you or Pabu to get sick.”
“Oh.” She could practically see his face falling. “Alright, well, if that’s what you want. I’ll call later to check up on you, okay?” 
“Okay,” She agreed and once she had hung up, she curled into a ball underneath her covers and cried herself to sleep. 
(Y/N) was awoken to a heavy knock on her door. She dragged herself from her bed, taking the covers with her, and pulled it open. There stood Bolin and Pabu, both dressed in their own hazmat suits. (Y/N) laughed. 
“Where did you get those?” She asked. 
“I know a guy,” Bolin said, his voice muffled. “Your eyes are puffy.” 
“Yeah, so?” 
He pushed past her and entered her house, removing his and Pabu’s helmet and placing a plastic bag of takeout on her counter. “Your eyes don’t get puffy when you get sick. They get puffy when you cry.” And (Y/N) could’ve cried right then, because Bolin cared about her so much and she had just lied to him! He didn’t deserve her as a friend. 
He must’ve seen her eyes watering because he was standing in front of her instantly, pulling her into a hug. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked softly. “You can talk to me. I’m your Super Bo, remember? Always here, no matter time or place or space?” (Y/N) laughed through her tears. 
“It’s just been a really rough week,” She sighed. “Work has been crazy, my family is so mean, and I just...I don’t feel like I’m worth your time.” 
“Not worth my time? That’s ridiculous! You’re the only person I wanna spend my time with! If I could have more than just Thursday nights with you, I would.” 
“Even if I can be a downer sometimes?” 
“You never bring me down, ever. You make me feel better than ever. Now come on, I bought your favorite and then after that, Pabu wants to show you his new tricks.” 
Tag List!
@beifongsss , @aroyaldarknessblr , @musicalkeys , @thefandomimagines , @blondie0458 , @kairiririri , @awesomelupe , @zukosvice , @tomshollandz , @lavendercrystals , @astralsaf , @realimbo , @mycollectionofnuts , @wingeddemonclub , @gingersnap126126 ,
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