#lavada writes: star of fate
misslavada · 6 years
Star of Fate- Chapter 1
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“They’re almost like vultures, aren’t they?”
Lucky nearly dropped the drink she had in her hand, the voice seemingly coming from nowhere. She turned to the owner and saw him towering over her but with an amiable smile on his face. He’d snuck up on her with an easy smile, almost like he was from some sort of divine heritage.
She couldn’t stop the feeling of danger when she looked at him as the smile seemed to unnerve her a bit. It was like standing next to a live wire; the closeness of the current set your hair on edge. She had to give him a polite smile, making the corners of her eyes crinkle up as if she was smiling for real. He gave off the air that one should love him, but she didn’t. It was more of an annoyance than anything, that presence.
To read more, please see the full chapter on my AO3 account!
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misslavada · 6 years
Star of Fate
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Even the twinkling of the chandelier welcomed me as I looked up, walking further in. How I desperately wished that someone would ask me to dance! I couldn’t help but clap my hands together like a little schoolgirl as my eyes eagerly swept the room of dancers. It didn’t matter that I had a seemingly plain white gown on or no shoes but just that the scene was so elegant and beautiful. Each little twinkle of diamond on dresses, the satin feel of someone’s coat brushing up against my skin. My gawking was interrupted, however, as I felt a tap on my shoulder and a whisper in my ear.
“You’re not supposed to be here, little Princess. I wonder how you got in?”
To read the full chapter, please visit my AO3 account!
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