#laure ferrari
eaglesnick · 3 months
“A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses": Colin Powell.
With this quotation in mind let us look at the company Nigel Farage keeps.
Close to home is his French girlfriend Laure Ferrari.
Ferrari, who Farage met in 2007, is a French politician who has worked for “several right-wing to far-right political organisations." She was head of the Institute for Direct Democracy in Europe, which was accused in 2017 of having illegally diverted public money to UKIP, the anti-European party of which Farage was a founding member.  She ran for the European Parliament as a candidate for the far-right  French party Debout la Republique.
Farrari is also a founding member of “The Mouvement" alongside Steve Bannerman. In Europe The Mouvement has attracted the attention of the right-wing Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungry. Orban has been condemned for his racist remarks, which were described as “pure Nazi text worthy of (Nazi propagandist) Goebbels.” (reported by CNN World:27/07/22)
Meanwhile in America, Steve Bannerman, at one time Donald Trump’s chief strategist, has been accused of being anti-Semitic, racist and making bigoted statements against women and Muslims. After a Unite The Right rally - led by   "white-supremacists, neo Nazis and alt-right atavists” - degenerated into violence Trump was forced to sack Bannerman. He was later jailed for contempt of Congress after refusing to provide information concerning Donald Trumps involvement in the US Capitol Riots and Trumps alleged attempts at overthrowing democracy.
Farage has described the convicted Trump as “a true friend" and as “the single most resilient and bravest person I have ever met in my life". Right-wing Trump has been  convicted on 34 separate felonies  after falsifying business accounts. On hearing the news Farage said he supports Donald Trump “more than ever."
Trump, as we know, is in turn a supporter of the right-wing dictator Vladimir Putin, a man who is sacrificing his fellow countrymen in an illegal war he started when he invaded Ukraine.  The Atlantic (01/03/24:
“Adoration of the Russian leader, who murders his domestic opponents, kidnaps thousands of Ukrainian children, and interferes in American presidential elections, is so hard to comprehend..." 
Some explain this friendship as part of Trumps desire to conclude business deals with Putin’s Russia. The Atlantic has an alternative, more convincing explanation:
 “there’s a deeper, more nefarious truth about people on the right’s baffling unwillingness to criticize the Kremlin: They actually share its worldview.”
Like Putin, Trump has vowed to imprison his political opponents:
“Trump defends Vow To Prosecute Rivals Saying ‘Sometimes Revenge Can Be Justified.’ “ (New York Times 07/07/24)
Farage's friend rump has a total disregard for democratic elections and has now been indicted on charges relating to the January 6th Capital Riots when he refused to accept the verdict of the American people in the US Presidential elections of 2020.
To make matter worse last month this statement was posted  on Trumps Instagram account:
Such language and sentiment is a clear reference to fascism and the German dictator Adolf Hitler.
Talking of Adolf Hitler brings us back to Nigel Farage.
On the BBC Election debate last Friday night Nigel Farage, along with all of the other candidates, was rightly critical of Rishi Sunak for leaving the D-day Memorial Commemorations early. But in the case of Farage’s condemnation there  is a glaring irony.
The D-day Memorial Commemorations were held to honour and remember the bravery and sacrifice of the men who risked and gave their lives for freedom and peace. Tens of thousands of men landed on the beaches of Normandy as part of a campaign to liberate Nazi-occupied Northern Europe. Their heroic actions and sacrifices marked  the beginning  of the end for Adolf Hitler and his fascist followers. We owe our freedom of today to these selfless individuals.
Farage told the nation that Sunak leaving the D-Day commemorations early “says a lot about him”. I would agree. But the irony is Mr Farage, the company YOU keep, and the friends YOU choose says volumes about YOU. The men on the Normandy beaches died to rid Europe of a right-wing dictatorship. Your right-wing friends show as much respect for democracy and human decency as did past European dictators. To misquote the Bible:
“Beware of false profits, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but are inwardly ravenous wolves. You will know them by their friends". Matthew 7:15-16
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forzalando · 18 days
you were in my dream
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request: random playlist shuffle request from @maplesyrupsainz!! maddie - i already told you this but i wrote this because i love you hahaha and maybe i will add carlos back into the list of drivers i write for. tbd. we will see what the people think. i hope you like it, love you lots💛💛 song: you were in my dream by laur elle summary: you have a not-so-friendly dream about your best friend. enough said. pairing: carlos sainz x f!reader wc: 1.5k warnings: cursing, descriptions of steamy makeout, 17+
Carlos was, to put it mildly, very confused.
He had passed you a total of 17 times today while running around for media duties, (yes, he was counting) and each time you turned away from him as if he was a complete and total stranger.
You weren’t in a mood – he could see you chatting with Charles, briefly hugging Oscar, laughing with Lando and Max, all of which, admittedly, left a piercing pain in his chest and a disgusting jealous feeling swirling in his stomach.
After another hour without a word from you, Carlos made his way round to every person he’d seen you speak to that day – hoping that they might have some insight into what was going on.
Lando, of course, smiled as he saw his friend approaching, but soon noticed the frown on his face as he walked closer.
“Is she angry with me?” Carlos exhaled, not even a hello or how are you for his close friend.
“Is who angry with you?”
“Y/N! She has been ignoring me all day – I saw her with you, with Charles, with Oscar, with every person around. But me? It’s like I don’t exist.”
“She didn’t say anything specifically but now that you mention it, she did seem a bit flustered when I asked if she knew where you were.”
“Ay dios, what did I do? I walked her to her room last night after dinner and everything was perfectly fine!”
Meanwhile, you were hiding in the back of the Ferrari garage, a fairly secluded spot that you’d discovered earlier in the day. Successfully? Not at all – it only took Alexandra three minutes to find you sitting in a corner with a Ferrari jacket haphazardly thrown over your frame. She’d tried to coax you out, but only when Leo wiggled his way into your lap did you show any signs of life and break your silence to coo at the perfect little dog.
“There she is,” Alex smiled. “Now, tell me and Leo what you are doing hiding over here all by yourself?”
You groaned and handed Leo over to his Mama, using your now free hands to hide your heating face. “Oh god, I should’ve just stayed at the hotel. I thought I would be fine, this is so embarrassing.”
“Que s'est-il passé? You didn’t seem unwell at dinner last night, did you get sick in your room?”
Alex’s frantic mix of French and English and her worried expression made you feel even more guilty – this was dramatic, so beyond dramatic, but you were in a downward spiral and maybe she was just what you needed to yank yourself out of it.
“No, I…I had a dream,” you muttered. “It’s so stupid, but I don’t know what to do! How to act! I’m genuinely freaking the fuck out, Alex.”
“A nightmare? Are you afraid? Oh, Y/N, that’s not stupid but you’re safe here. Do you want me to go get Carlos? He’ll want to know what’s going on – ”
“NO,” you shouted too forcefully. “No, please don’t go get him, I can’t even look at him right now. You have one dream about your best friend and suddenly you can’t function.”
“You dreamt about Carlos? I don’t understand, what did you – ” Alex’s voice trailed off, a look of realization crossing her face.
“Oh, oh,” she smirked. “Y/N, you naughty girl!”
“It wasn’t even like that, we were just making out on his couch, ok heavily making out on his couch, and I can’t look at him without my stomach flipping or fearing I’m going to start drooling. He’s one of my closest friends, I’ve never thought about him like…that.”
“Oh come on,” she rolled her eyes. “Never? Not once? In three years of friendship?”
“Maybe once or twice,” you mumbled guiltily. “God, what’s wrong with me? I can’t stop thinking about it – his arms, his mouth, everything, it felt so real.”
“Is now a good time to tell you that I think you have feelings for him and you’ve been pushing them down? Because you think he doesn’t feel the same? And this dream is just everything spilling over?”
Your mouth fell open and you scrambled for a retort – anything to say back to her to refute her claims, but all you could do was sigh and shake your head.
“I’m so pathetic,” you grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Mi sol, don’t say such things,” a familiar voice chimed from behind you. Before you could get to your feet to make an excuse and bolt, Carlos plopped down next to you. “Now, no more running away from me, ¿bueno?”
“I’ll find you later,” Alex called out sweetly as she hurried away, Leo’s ears flopping comically as he barked back at you.
The heat of Carlos’s body next to yours made your stomach turn, his arms so close to you, almost as close as they were when they were wrapped around your body, holding you tightly against his chest, heavy breathing in your ear and –
“Y/N? Are you listening?” He nudged his shoulder against yours lightly, ripping the mental image away from you.
“Yes, I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
“I want to know why you’ve been avoiding me. Why are you so angry with me?”
Your face fell instantly – guilt creeping in and taking over from the other feelings. “Oh, Carlos, I’m not angry with you. I had a dream and you were in it but it’s unimportant, I was being…ridiculous. I’m sorry, mi querido.”
Carlos brightened at the use of the term of endearment – not uncommon at all between the two of you and a sure sign that everything was fine.
“You don’t have to apologize. If I made you uncomfortable in your dream and you needed space, that is perfectly fine. I just wish I would have known before I panicked.”
“No, no, you didn’t make me uncomfortable, you never could.”
“Well, then what was I doing?”
You swore the garage grew ten degrees hotter – a bead of sweat forming on your neck where hickeys would have been if your dream had been as real as it felt. A heavy swallow and a deep exhale, you looked everywhere but at him, suddenly intensely interested in the spare tires to your right.
“Y/N,” he whispered, his breath hot on your neck, his hand cupping your chin to turn your head gently towards him. “Dime.”
All it took was one quick flicker of your eyes down to his lips for a smirk to spread across his face. Before you could even breathe, his nose was bumping against yours and the closeness of him made your head spin. 
He kissed you so softly, gently, his hand cupping your face and his thumb gently rubbing back and forth. So different from what you’d shared in the depths of your mind the night before but surpassing it exponentially in every conceivable way – dreams would never come close to this, never compare to the reality in front of you.
A shout from somewhere in the garage caused the two of you to jolt apart, the sudden realization of where you were sinking in quickly. 
“How did I compare?” He asked cheekily, rising to his feet and offering a hand to pull you up after him. 
Your head was still spinning - your chest heaving from a fairly innocent kiss, god, you were wrecked. Carlos, however, took your silence as the exact opposite - doubt crept into his mind, worried that he’d read everything wrong and let his own feelings guide his actions. 
His sweet, doe brown eyes searched yours for something, anything, to ease his panic. And then, you smiled - wide, bright, blinding, and lovesick. 
“You were perfect,” you finally answered, a sigh of relief leaving Carlos at the sound of your voice. “But, I would’ve preferred the dream setting. Comfortable couch, no prying eyes, no Ferrari polo, among other things.”
“Other things?” Carlos pressed, a wicked grin on his face.
“Yeah, you told me you loved me,” you whispered.
His lips morphed into a soft smile - gone was the playfulness and tension, replaced by tenderness, adoration, and something saccharine. You felt his fingers brushing against yours and reached out to let him grasp your hand in his, the warmth of his palm grounding you in this moment.
“I can do that,” he admitted bashfully. “But, not here. You deserve more than that. When I’m done we can go back to the hotel, grab dinner, and…talk.”
You smirked, mimicking his tone from before. “Talk?” 
“Among other things.”
The sound of your laughter followed Carlos as he walked towards his team, urging them respectfully to get him through the rest of his day as quickly as possible.
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starryriize · 4 months
Hey Queen! Since you like and know stuff about F1 : I'd like to request your opinion on how &Team would be as a racer.
Which sponsor would they have? What kinda outfit would they wear? What would their racing style be like?
P.s. : feel free to include pictures we love men in racingsuits.🙏🏻
how &team would be as… | F1 drivers
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〔 author’s note 〕 oh my god. racers…yes. this…yes. this ask actually helped me get my motivation to write up and running :(( pls nonnie ilysm <3
(lowercase intended)
〔laur’s taglist 🏷️〕 @kehnarii @lunicho @rizzkisworld @cherrycolaberry @hyvelxve
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fuma - aston martin
i feel like he’d fit so well in formula one. he strikes me as the more experienced driver who teaches the rookies how it’s done. he’d be an aggressive, competitive yet clean racer. you’d never see him deliberately force people off the track, but he’d definitely switch up his speed in order to get first place.
he’d wear typical aston martin race suits but would switch up to his regular style when he enters the paddock for media appearances! very classy style~ i think he’d have a style similar to ej with a “boyfriend” look!
kei - mclaren
i am definitely not being biased when i say that mclaren lowkey has fast cars…anyways i could 100% see him in mclaren. i feel like he’s a bit on the “daredevil” side when racing because he tends to race according to his instincts. he gets competitive when overtaking and curses at drivers who don’t know what they’re doing. i mean…you can’t expect racers to be sunshine and rainbows with each other all the time!
he said usually enters the paddock with his buddy, fuma. even their managers are good friends! they have quite contrasting styles as to what they wear besides the racing suits. kei is more playful and expressive in his appearance. he can be seen in bright colors, patterns, etc. overall, he’s incredibly eye-catching hence why the cameras pan towards him instantly.
ej - mercedes
ej radiates class as a racing driver so it’s obvious he’d be part of mercedes. now mercedes isn’t doing that well this season, so best believe he’s making complaints to the chief engineer. it’s all in good faith that his team can improve, but he knows he’s not going to be in the podium anytime soon.
despite this sad outlook, he does race his hardest against aston martin and pushes the car to its limits. when he enters the paddock, he has a typical “boyfriend” style that includes backwards caps. of course, when he does mercedes events, he’s dressed in a full suit.
nico - red bull
anyone who says that nico isn’t redbull is lying. i mean…the recklessness and the killer instinct is 100% there. he’s so intentional about his racing lines and he separates personal life from his work life. red bull is known for having drivers willing to go above and beyond for the podium and for their team.
his typical style is something you’d see on the runway. the world is practically his runway and it’s obvious in the way he carries himself with the kind of confidence you’d see in movies! most drivers always say they wish they had nico’s fashion sense too!
yuma - ferrari
“you have to be devilishly handsome to be in ferrari” and yuma takes his seriously. he’s a reckless driver, willing to do whatever it takes to get on the podium. does it seem cold? heartless? possibly. but does he get results? hell yes. his driving style is ruthless. he pushes the car to its breaking point and then asks the engineer to improve the speed. he knows when the car is not performing as it should on the straight.
people underestimate him because they think he’s just a pretty face so he loves proving people wrong by getting win after win. when he comes into the paddock, he’s decked out in full “typical celebrity crush” style~
jo - mclaren
jo drives for mclaren because he loves the sport and knows it’s not the car that matters but the driver. he’s been practicing and perfecting his skills just for this moment. his favorite race is the Suzuka circuit because it’s inspiring for him to see all his fans and family at his home race. he doesn’t drive for the fame or the money, rather he drives for himself. it’s more about proving to the world that he’s more than capable of being an f1 champion.
i feel like his outfits would be street style/chic mix because he has the proportions of a model. due to his height, he doesn’t need to do much to stand out (it’s a bonus with his striking visuals)! he can pull off virtually any color scheme so he likes to switch it up and wear outfits to match the vibe of the country he’s in.
taki - ferrari
anyone who can’t see taki at ferrari is probably lying because he fits it perfectly. he has that raw talent to be able to adapt to anything the race brings. bad weather? he’s already asking to switch tires. race restart? he’s already planning who to overtake after the safety car lap. he has that motivation to win at all costs.
i think taki’s style would be similar to nico only because i feel like he looks up to nico, especially when it comes to having fashion sense. he’d look so good in his classic red race suit but when he changes to what he wears in between the race weeks, he’s so much more attractive. he pulls off the “bad boy/leather jacket” style so well!
harua - aston martin
the class? the elegance? the iconic legacy of aston? it’s perfect for harua. i think he’s a careful, calculating driver. he knows how competitive it is but he knows not to be rough on the track. he knows exactly where to best utilize the car’s speed and power which gives him an advantage to overtake drivers who are falling behind.
i feel like him and maki have a cute, out-of-the-box style that leaves everyone speechless. more often than not, he has a seemingly simple outfit, but he adds his personality to it! whether it’s an accessory or it’s the layering of the clothes, everyone loves harua! at events, he’d be more dressed up with a classic black suit, perhaps channeling his inner james bond.
maki - red bull
now you can tell me all you like how he should be on a german team but hear me out: he’s perfect for red bull! i think he’d be a big inspiration to little boys in both Japan and Germany. his racing style is unique in the way he’s patient. he’s competitive but he thinks logically about his next move.
as i said above, i think his style would be similar to harua’s. they’re both creative, but i feel like he’d lean more towards a soft palette. i could see him having a style where he always looks as though he’s going on a date after the race!
pics for reference:
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“Sono io l’amante di Farage”: la rivelazione che annuncia il ritorno in politica del re degli euroscettici britannici
LONDRA. Il Times la chiama “l’arma segreta di Nigel Farage” per tornare nella politica che conta. E, nonostante la Brexit, fa niente che sia francese. Perché, dopo circa venti anni di relazione segreta, è uscita allo scoperto Laure Ferrari, l’ultima amante “invisibile” del leader euroscettico. La donna, negli ultimi giorni, ha dato alcune rare interviste ai media britannici, confermando di essere…
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Milano, alla Gam “Lullaby” di Maurizio Cattelan
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Milano, alla Gam “Lullaby” di Maurizio Cattelan. Da domani, sabato 26 novembre, nel percorso museale della GAM - Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Milano, sarà allestita l’opera “Lullaby”, realizzata da Maurizio Cattelan nel 1994 con le macerie del PAC - Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea. L’opera sarà donata al Museo del Novecento ed entrerà a far parte delle Collezioni civiche. Dopo il periodo di esposizione al Cimitero Monumentale, “Lullaby” si pone ora, nell’elegante cornice neoclassica della Sala da Ballo, in stretta relazione con il capolavoro di Pellizza da Volpedo, allestito nella sala adiacente ma visibile attraverso la serie scenografica dei tre archi divisori, quasi a disegnare a una parabola che segna l’inizio e la fine di un secolo. Il progetto espositivo porta dunque nel cuore del percorso museale della GAM le contraddizioni del Novecento: da “Il Quarto Stato” di Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo, recentemente riallestito nelle sale del museo, dove i lavoratori compatti avanzano verso il futuro, a “Lullaby”, installazione che trasmette il senso della tragedia e invita alla riflessione su un episodio drammatico degli anni Novanta. “Maurizio Cattelan dimostra ancora una volta un affetto profondo per Milano – dichiara l’assessore alla Cultura Tommaso Sacchi -. ‘Lullaby’ è un’opera potente e simbolica, che racconta con efficacia straordinaria un pezzo di storia dolorosa della nostra città. Per questo è particolarmente significativo che entri a far parte delle collezioni civiche, che appartengono a tutti i cittadini e cittadine e custodiscono una parte preziosa della loro memoria. Il suo allestimento in una delle sale più suggestive della città, davanti a un’opera-icona come il Quarto Stato – prosegue l’assessore Sacchi – crea un cortocircuito emotivo capace di rinnovare lo sguardo su un intero secolo, quel Novecento italiano di cui Milano è capitale assoluta”. Maurizio Cattelan ha realizzato “Lullaby” con le macerie recuperate in una discarica nei giorni successivi alla strage di via Palestro: è il 27 luglio 1993 quando, alle 23.34, esplode in via Palestro, proprio davanti al PAC, un’autobomba. Una strage di matrice mafiosa che provoca la morte di cinque persone - i vigili del fuoco Carlo La Catena, Sergio Pasotto e Stefano Picerno, l’agente di polizia municipale Alessandro Ferrari e Moussafir Drissalle - e la distruzione del muro esterno del Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, lo spazio espositivo progettato da Ignazio Gardella nel 1954. La prima esposizione dell’opera, in due diverse versioni, è del 1994 alla prima personale all’estero dell’artista presso la Laure Genillard Gallery di Londra e, in contemporanea, a una collettiva al Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. A Londra una parte dei detriti è contenuta in un borsone da viaggio blu, simile a quello utilizzato per raccogliere il materiale delle demolizioni, ma che allo stesso tempo ricorda le borse utilizzate negli ospedali per trasportare la biancheria contaminata. Nella versione parigina, ora esposta alla GAM e donata dall’artista al Museo del Novecento, i resti del PAC sono raccolti in 40 sacchi di plastica bianca stoccati su due pallet. L’atto di donazione dell’opera alle collezioni del Museo del Novecento, in corso di perfezionamento, diventa dunque una restituzione simbolica alla città di un pezzo del suo passato, e non solo un importante contributo alle collezioni civiche contemporanee.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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douxreviews · 5 years
The 100 - ‘The Gospel of Josephine’ Review
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"This is what happens when you try making an omelet without breaking any eggs."
This was a serious home run for me.
Can I start with the philosophical conundrum first? If they had come down guns blazing could they have taken Sanctum? Bellamy and Clarke, I mean. Is this what they get for trying to make omelets without cracking eggs? Because Josie made a point of saying if they had treated people like breeding stock instead of (at least) pretending they have free will, the primes wouldn't be looking at extinction. Is the point to just stop making omelets? Because omelets are delicious and that's just not going to work for me as a life lesson.
In the quicksand, Octavia could not stop fighting even though she knew it was killing her and in the end she saved herself (maybe not her hand though?) by going under. Later, Bellamy looked absolutely overcome with terror when he was paralyzed with no hope of fighting back and Clarke reacted similarly when she got tranqued. These people are survivors because they never stop fighting. They never give up. They do what needs to be done and worry about the haunting fallout later. Not being able to fight is their actual worst fear made real; it was powerfully played. I felt the terror rolling off Bellamy. Wow, that's serious writing and acting. Wow wow wow.
More powerful acting prowess came in the form of Josephine herself. She behaves so differently from Clarke, but was believably not caught for a while. Even the way Eliza Taylor speaks as Josie feels differentiated. I didn't notice any hair twirling which I can certainly live with, but it's odd that they went so out of their way to set it up just to drop it here. Josephine seems seriously unhinged. Was she always? Or is this an adverse effect of all the body jumping? She's fun, though. I'd really like her if she weren't trying to kill all my people.
During the previously on, Madi said that no one was going to find out that she's a middle and I couldn't stop laughing. How did I miss that seriously ominous statement. Of course they're going to find out. I was strongly hoping against it though, which is a sign of really being on the edge of your seat. Like when you know the killer is in the closet but you still scream when the babysitter gets sliced and diced. But Madi isn't twenty-one. The 100 usually likes to keeps their major plot arcs to a single season but this could easily end with no resolution, Clarke still being Josie and everyone else heading into the woods to team up with Gabriel and his children.
Murphy's survivalist gene is kicking into overdrive, but here's the rub. I don't think he got this far from desperation. At least not desperation alone. He also knows how to make the smart choice. Well, he did survive grounder torture and captivation by giving up info about his friends. That was pretty desperate. And was compliant as Lexa's slave. Okay, never mind, maybe him wanting to stay in Sanctum is classic Murphy. Maybe his brush with hell is making him regress. That makes sense. He's regressing into selfish survivalist Murphy before he had people that he cared about and that care about him. I'm glad we are here together so I could talk this out. I wonder what he will do when he has to make a choice to save Bellamy. Or Emori, for that matter. I'm torn. I don't want Murphy to get himself dead, but I don't want him to turn his back on his people out of cowardice, either.
I assume we were supposed to be drawing parallels between the primes' desire for immortality and Abby's inability to let Kane die and Murphy outright admitting the appeal of never dying before Josie made her proposal to John. How weird was that, by the way? I guess there is an argument to be made that Bellarke and crew should have met their makers many moons ago. It's through brutality and sheer will to live that they have made it this far, and the primes too. Bellamy and Clarke sacrificed everyone in the mountain (among others) and the primes used the people they made from embryos (probably just scratching the surface) like lab rats killing them to save themselves. If everyone is willing to do whatever it takes to survive and everyone is equally (un)innocent, then are we still smack in the middle of the fighting pits? To the death, may the best man win? Hell, maybe all of this is just a cannibalism-induced dream that Kane is having. Just look at the flowers, Josie.
I can't come up with anything I didn't like. From Jordan going Monty 2.0 to Eliza Taylor's and Bob Morley's exemplary performances to the random team assembled in the reliquary (which is apparently the technical term for hall of bones).
4 out of 4 calla lilies, not daisies.
Bits and pieces
I try not to make every episode picture of Clarke alone. It just doesn't seem fair,, but she's getting all the good storylines. How could I not make it of her last week when she may have died? How could it not be here this week when the name of the episode references the person that body-snatched her? Life is hard for me, you guys. Very hard indeed.
Bellamy knew it wasn't Clarke before anyone else. Abby was almost there but with no sleep and a dialysis-replacing bug on the table, can we really blame her?
Last week Emori, Murphy and Abby were on the sidelines. This week it was Emori, Raven and Echo. Should we take bets on who we won't see next week?
This was the second time that Jordan's newness at secrecy and espionage and survival showed. If you aren't going to kill everyone in the mountain, you have to play it cool, bro. Someone stitch that on a pillow, please?
OMG, was Jasper's last name Jordan?? I'm the worst.
Priya said that Delilah is happy and wanted Jordan to know that. I think this is supposed to give us hope that there is a possible future for Delilah and more importantly, Clarke. But doesn't it just sound like a lie? If the host is alive and essentially paralyzed behind the glass, how could she possibly be happy? That seems, at best, insanely infuriating.
I did not like seeing Brooke tortured. I'd like to not have to see it again. Thank you so much.
Josie: "Did this Ferrari I'm wearing consent to giving up her body?"
Jordan: "I'm serious. Something happened in that reliquary. It's like she doesn't even know me." Bellamy: "Just play it cool. She'll come around." Murphy: "Yeah, that and maybe, like, don't get flowers for a one night stand." This whole interaction made me smile.
Jordan: "I know you think you need to protect us all because you couldn't save Octavia, but I can take care of myself." Silly Jordan. Didn't your parents teach you that it's dumb to go against Bellamy and Clarke?
Xavier: "The harder you fight, the faster you die."
Josephine: "I'm telling you, this ends badly. Either they figure it out, kill me and burn Sanctum to the ground. Or we kill them so they can't burn Sanctum to the ground." I can't say that any of this is groundbreaking stuff. We've been on this merry-go-round many, many times with this series. I'm just enjoying it so much.
Josephine: "Penny for your thoughts?" Murphy: "What's a penny?"
Josephine: "Fill in the blanks, John." Murphy: "That's the second time you've called me... You're not Clarke." Josephine: "I'm gonna be honest with you, Clarke is dead."
I really hope Clarke isn't dead forever. I don't like that.
Laure Mack
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5hfanfiction · 6 years
Why Did I Get Married? (Camren)
Part 21: The Cabellos (pt.2)
Unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive that someone who hurt you, unless you forgive the situation, and unless you realise the situation is over, you cannot move forward.
Letting go is incredibly difficult.  And no matter if we cling to worries about the future, or if we keep replaying the mistakes of the past over and over again; it would still be quite painful to move on. To accept the things we cannot change. Even though these things once hurt us, we make a desperate attempt to hold on to the things that were familiar to us; even though it may limit us in reaching our full potential of happiness that we so rightfully deserve.
As they say, you should forget what hurt you, but never what it taught you; because all that hurt, all that pain shouldn’t be for nothing. The hurt, the pain, it molded you into the person that you are today.
It’s not going to be easy to let go, to move on. It’s going to hurt. It’s going to tear you apart, having to walk away from the memories of the person you lost. But would you rather walk away or sit there; over thinking a million and one questions running through your head. You’re unable to sleep. You’re creating different scenarios in your head, while you’re making a mental list about all the things you could’ve done to stop that person from walking away.
But the thing is, and you need to get this in your head, you cannot keep blaming yourself for someone’s inability to love you.
Today is going to be just like all the days before, when you were holding on to that last ounce of hope; difficult as hell, but once you let go, once you realise that you deserve more, you’ll be fine.
You’ll get over it.
You’ll be fine.
“Mummy?” Camila heard her daughter’s voice call out to her from the living room.
“Yes, baby?” She popped her head into the room. “What’s up?”
The child was sat on the floor with papers and crayons sprawled around her. Why on earth was she doing this when she had to head to school in a couple minutes? No one really knows what goes on in a child’s head.
“Here,” Izzy handed her mother a drawing. “I made this for you.” When Camila took the paper from her daughter, she saw a drawing of what she assumed to be herself and her daughter. She smiled when she saw what was written on the bottom of the sheet. ‘I love you, mummy,“ was sprawled across it. "I was bored and I wanted to draw something for you. I also made one for mama.”
“Made what for, mama?” Lauren asked as she entered the room. She sighed heavily when she saw the mess on the floor. “Princesa, you have to go to school soon.”
Izzy handed her other mother the drawing. “I made this for you. I’ll clean up now.”
“Aw, princesa,” Lauren stooped to her daughter’s height and wrapped her arms around her. “I love you too. I love you so much.” She picked her up in her arms and spun her around. “How did I get so lucky to call you mine?” She placed various kisses on the child’s face. “C'mere, Camz. Group hug.”
Camila laughed and wrapped her arms around her family. “I love you, Izzy,” she kissed her daughter. “I tolerate you, Laur.”
“Ouch,” Lauren fake pouted. She placed Izzy back on the floor to pack away her crayons. “I always knew you were with me for my money. She placed Izzy’s drawing into her workbag. Most of the drawings their daughter gave her, Lauren would have them in a portfolio on her work, or stuck around her office. It always made her feel closer to her family, when she wasn’t with them.
Camila laughed. She placed Izzy’s drawing on their refrigerator and smiled when she looked at it. "I make more money than you, babe.” She said from in the kitchen. Pouring herself and Lauren a cup of coffee.
“Thanks, amor,” she kissed her wife on the cheek. “You do, but it doesn’t mean that I’m broke. Why does everyone act as though I am?”
“That’s because you don’t have your own private jet,” the singer stated. “Or you don’t buy me the shoes that I need when we go shopping.”
Lauren shook her head and laughed. “Oh wow. Definitely why people think I’m broke.”
“What’s your net worth anyway?” Camila kinked an eyebrow. She took a sip of her coffee. “I wanna know how much I’m entitled to.”
The photographer shrugged. “About 30?”
Lauren laughed and rolled her eyes. “Milli, babe. Milli. See? Not that broke.”
Camila nodded. She placed her empty cup in the sink and turned back to her wife. She took Lauren’s cup out of her hands, and wrapped her own around her wife’s neck; while her wife’s went around her waist. “I love you, money or no money, you know that right?”
“I know. I love you, even though you accuse me of cheating for almost a year straight and prioritise your career over your family.” Camila rolled her eyes and was about to pull away but Lauren tightened her grip. “I’m in love with you, Camila Jauregui. You’re the light of my life.”
Camila leaned in closer, until her lips were ghosting her wife’s. “I love you too. I thank God for you every single day.” She captured Lauren’s lips in hers and instantly felt a surge of emotions run through her. Kissing her wife, loving Lauren, it was the best thing on this Earth. “Even though, I’m worth like 5 times more than you.”
Lauren laughed and playfully pushed away her wife. “I hate you. You’re annoying.” She said as she walked away and scooped their daughter up into her arms. Who was obviously looking on at the interaction between her parents. “Are you driving to Briggs? Or do you want me to drop you off too?”
The younger woman thought about it for a while. She wasn’t the best driver and she did have to parallel park when she pulled up by Doctor Briggs, but on the plus side, she can blast some sad songs and enter her feelings. “I think I’ll take my car.” Camila walked towards her wife and child. She placed a kiss on Izzy’s forehead. “I love you, baby. Be good and have fun at school.”
“I love you too, mummy. Tell abuelita I said hi!” Izzy smiled brightly at her mother.
Lauren pointed to her lips. “What about me? My lips are lonely,” she pouted.
Camila sighed heavily for dramatics. “Ugh, fine. If you insist.” She placed a lingering kiss on her wife’s lips. “Make good choices!” She yelled as they pulled away from the curb. She watched as Lauren’s Porsche disappeared from her sight. She smiled happily. Everything seemed to be falling into place.
Lauren and her were getting back on track. Izzy seemed to be doing a lot better than she was at first. Camila’s relationship with Becky; the sister she always wanted was blossoming, and though she still didn’t necessarily like Valentina, she was trying to let go of that one bad part of her life.
Camila unlocked her Ferrari, and slid in. Even though she was a terrible driver; on most days, she could drive perfectly, but when it came to reversing, parallel parking, and well, basically driving was a fucking trap.
Who even invented that?
It took her almost thirty minutes to reach to the office, as she had gotten lost. Usually the other therapy sessions, Lauren would’ve drove or Maggie. She never found the need to learn the route. What caught her attention was the Escalade SUV that was parked outside of the building. Doctor Briggs, along with Becky, Valentina and her mother were all standing outside.
How on earth did they always seem to arrive before her?
Camila parked her car and got out. She approached her family and Doctor Briggs. “Hey. I’m sorry late. I um…got lost,” she mumbled. Only Becky had heard and snickered. She playfully glared at her sister, but she pulled her into a hug. “I missed you, loser.”
“I can’t say the same,” Becky shrugged, but she caved when she saw the look on her older sister’s face. “Okay, fine. I missed you loads.”
Doctor Briggs cleared her throat, interrupting the sister’s mini reunion and addressed everyone. “Well, it’s nice of you to finally join us, Camila. Today, we’ll be going on a…field trip for the lack of a better term.”
“Where exactly?” Sinu piped in.
Doctor Briggs pointed to the SUV. “I assure you, it’s no where bad. This is your final stage in your healing process,” she addressed Camila. “So if you all may,” her chauffeur stepped out from behind the car and opened the door for the women. She was a slim built, African American woman, that had a glint of crazy in her eyes.
“The name’s Angela. But y'all can call me Angie. You’re in safe and capable hands,” she grinned at the women and gestured towards the car. Once everyone got in, Angie slid into the driver’s seat and began their journey towards the unknown destination.
Despite her almost crashing the car as she was on the phone talking to, what Camila assumed was her 'baby daddy’, the ride itself hadn’t been entirely bad.
She and Becky, even though they spoke every other day, they did their catching up. Meanwhile a few words were passed between Camila and Valentina, in the sake of humanity.
*At the cemetery*
Once everyone exited the car and came face to face with the reality of where they were, that’s when they realised where they were.
“What are we doing here?” Valentina was the one to address the therapist.
Doctor Briggs turned towards the group. “With some research, I was able to find the whereabouts of Mr Cabello’s grave. I didn’t want to mention this earlier, as I didn’t want any one of you to grow uncomfortable and therefore not come to today’s session.”
Camila shook her head 'no’. “What kind of sick joke is this? Why did you bring me here? I’m not ready for this!” She was trying to contain herself, but her breathing had become laboured. Her chest was heaving. “Please,” she mustered out weakly. “I can’t do this.” Camila walked away quickly wiping at her tears.
“Wait,” Becky held Sinu back. “It’s okay. I’ll go after her.” The woman nodded and allowed the girl to go after her sister.
A short distance off, Camila propped herself against a tree, trying to slow her breathing. She had never visited her father’s grave before, sure, she thought about it but it was too hard. Standing over his tombstone would have made his death seem all too real.
It would’ve finally sunk in that he was gone and never coming back.
“Hey…” Becky rested a hand on her sister’s shoulder; Camila tensed a bit but relaxed after a few moments. “Are you…are you okay?”
“I just…I just didn’t think we would’ve been coming here, you know?” Camila turned to face her sister. She gestured to the cemetery. “I don’t think I’m ready to say good bye.”
“Who said anything about saying goodbye?” Becky asked. “I mean, I know it’s kind of like a goodbye. The final stage of letting go, so it should count as a goodbye, but it doesn’t mean that you have to let go of dad himself.”
Camila sighed heavily. She ran a shaky hand through her hair. “It’s just so hard being here, you know? It’s been a decade and I never truly accepted the fact that dad is actually…gone.”
Her sister nodded in understanding. “I feel you. Sometimes, I still feel as though he’s still alive. That he’s still here with me, but I know that he’s not. And it’s just the memories of him that I’m keeping alive.” She took Camila’s hands in her own. “Just because dad isn’t alive anymore, doesn’t mean that he’s dead. His memories, I know they’re still as vivid as you can remember. Hold on to them.”
Camila sighed. “Why are you so wise?”
“It just goes to show…I got the looks and the brain,” Becky teased her sister.
Camila laughed, she threw an arm over her sister’s shoulder. “After all these years, I can’t believe how lucky I am. I got to be blessed with a sister like you.”
The younger sister smiled. “I can say the same about you. To think I didn’t like your music. I mean it’s still not all that,” Camila pouted playfully. “Now Lauren however, she seems like she can make some bomb music.”
“Okay. Shut up. Let’s go back?”
Becky laughed, she nodded and led her sister back to the group. They had reconvened by Alejandro’s grave. Camila’s steps slowed as she approached her father’s grave. Becky tightened her grip on her sister’s hand.
“It’s okay. I’m here,” the girl ensured her sister. “I’m here.”
Sinu approached her daughter. “Are you okay, mija?” Camila nodded. The elderly woman wrapped her arms around her daughter and placed a kiss on her head. “We’re all here for you. Even Valentina.”
Camila snorted. “Right.”
“Camila?” Everyone turned once Doctor Briggs addressed them. “Are you alright?” She nodded. “Let’s get to it shall we?”
All Alejandro’s family members surrounded his grave. Camila looked at the tombstone and sighed.
In a way, the words written on tombstones are your last words to the world about the person buried under there.
Those who died yesterday had plans for today. Those who died this morning had plans for tonight. Don’t take life for granted. Don’t take the ones who you love for granted because in a blink of an eye they can be snatched away from you.
Everything can change.
Forgive often. Love with all your heart. You’re never going to get these moments back.
“We’re all here as the final stage in letting go of all this hurt. Camila? I’ll like for you to speak first and then you, Becky,” Doctor Briggs directed the two sisters. She handed Camila some flowers that she had brought with her.
Camila knelt by her father’s grave. She placed the flowers and ran her hand over his tombstone. “Papá…I don’t know if you can hear me. I don’t know if you’ve heard me all these years crying out to you…but I want you to know that I miss you. I miss you so much that it hurts. It physically pains me how much I miss you,” her voice had began to break. “Everyday I wake up with so much regret. I should’ve visited you in the hospital. Even if it was just for a moment…to tell you…that…that I forgive you.”
When those three words left her mouth, Camila’s heart instantly felt lighter.
“I must’ve forgiven you a long time ago, but it was so hard to say, papá. I love you. I could never hate you,” Camila turned to look at Becky; stretching a hand out for her to take, joining her at their father’s grave. “Becky and I…we finally met. And I just know how proud you would be of her. She’s pretty much amazing. The best little sister anyone could ask for.”
Becky smiled. She placed her flowers beside Camila’s. “Papi, I miss you. It’s been so long without you. I forgot your voice. Sometimes, I have to look at the pictures of you because I start to forget what you look like,” she sighed. “But I can’t forget how much I love you. I wish I had more time with you, but you can’t get everything that you want.” She ran her hand along her father’s tombstone.
Sinu and Valentina looked on at their daughters. They knew how hard it was for their girls to have lost their father at the age they did. But now that they had each other, it seemed as thought their healing process would finally be okay.
“I love you, papi,” Becky turned towards Camila. “And I love you too. I know we haven’t known each other for long, but I love you. You’re my sister. My blood. You’re such an incredible woman and I can’t believe that I have you in my life.”
Camila choked back a sob. She smiled and pulled her sister into a hug. “I love you too, Beckster. I love you so much.” She had her sister in such a tight hug. “I don’t think I want to let you go,” she laughed but eventually pulled away.
“Do you want to tell your father about how you felt over the years when he left you and your mother?” Doctor Briggs asked her client.
Camila turned back to look at her father’s tombstone and sighed. “I missed you all those years, papá. I was so mad and so hurt when you left me for her,” she glanced at Valentina for a moment and she could’ve seen the regret in her step mother’s eyes. “I hated growing up without you. All those years, without you that I’ll never get back hurts. But…but I still love you, and that will never change, papá.”
Becky held Camila’s hand and played with her fingers; soothing her sister. She knew just hard it was to grow up without a father. The thing about death is that it leaves a heartache that no one can heal, but as everyone says, you just have to wait for it to pass with time.
Those who we love can and will never leave us. Though, death may take the person away from us physically, the memory and love that we have for them, will never truly fade away.
“Tell him how you felt when you found out he was sick,” Doctor Briggs told Camila. “And tell him your regrets; about him dying and you not visiting him at the hospital.”
Camila sighed. “I regret so much about your death, papá. I regret not going to visit you at the hospital, but I don’t think I could’ve done it. I couldn’t see you in that hospital bed. I couldn’t look at the man that I always knew and see him suffering,” she struggled at the thoughts of seeing her father sick. Seeing him there in that hospital bed would’ve broken her heart. Seeing your loved ones laying in bed, and you can’t do anything to help them. “I felt helpless.” Camila admitted. “I prayed for you. I prayed for your peace, even if you started this whole war in me. I know you did your best, and maybe if you didn’t…I know you were a troubled man. But I love you.”
Valentina interrupted her stepdaughter. “Camila… I have something to give you. I don’t think I can hold onto it any longer.” She reached into her purse and handed her an envelope. “Your father had written this may years ago when he was still alive; but sick at the time. He wanted you to have this…and I think now is the best time.”
Camila stared at the envelope in her own hands. She didn’t know whether to open it or not. But she really wanted to know what her father had written to her all those years ago. “Can I?” She sought permission from her therapist who nodded.
“Go ahead, Camila.”
When she tore open the envelope, she saw her father’s scrawl on the worn out paper. The tears began to flow freely down her cheeks.
Dearest Camilita, I’m writing to you because I’m too scared to say all these things to you in person. I want to say how sorry I am for hurting you all those years ago and for still hurting you. I’m sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you and your mother. You didn’t deserve any of that. You never did, but I was a foolish old man. I broke my little girl’s heart for my own selfish desires. I know I don’t deserve it, and I may never deserve your forgiveness, but I just want you to know, that from the bottom of my heart…I am sincerely sorry. I’m so proud of you, Camila. You will grow up to be an extraordinary young woman one day. I can only hope that you find a love that is oh so deserving of your pure heart. I hope you start a family and you don’t make the same mistakes that I made. I would give everything just to walk you down the aisle, and to see the man that has stolen your heart. Whatever path you decide to go on career wise, I want you to know that I am proud of you already. Law may not have been something you wanted to pursue, but how can I ever be mad at you for not following in my footsteps? You were always your own person and that was something I always loved about you. Your independence, your passion and drive. When you wanted to achieve something, you would never give up until you got it.
My biggest regret is that I will never get to watch you graduate high school, I would never get to see you collect your degree as you cross that stage, I won’t get to pretend to be that disgruntled father when their daughter is spending too much of their money for her wedding, I won’t be able to meet and hold my very first grandchild, and lastly…the most important is that I won’t get to be a part of your life.
By this time, you must’ve met Rebecca…your sister. I hope that one day you can learn to love her the way I loved you. Many times did I speak about you to her. She was young then, so I don’t think she can remember, but I wish for the two of you to have a relationship. Don’t let my stupidity ruin your sisterhood. I may no longer be there with you, but I will always be a memory in your heart, if you choose to keep me there. Until my dying breath, I’ve thought about you, Camila. You were one my greatest treasures, along with Rebecca that is. I know you would turn out to be a lot better than I could’ve ever imagined.
                                     Love Always,                                      Papá.
After reading her father’s letter, Camila couldn’t stop her tears from flowing. The paper had a few tear droplets on it, but nothing to smudge one of the last remaining memories of her father. Becky wrapped her sister in her arms.
Moment by moment, the tears fell. Salty drops fell from her chin, drenching her sister’s shirt. Perhaps those tears would wash away the pain that Camila felt inside reading these words her father wrote.
She sobbed into Becky’s chest unceasingly, her hands clutching at the girl’s denim jacket. Becky held her in silence, rocking her slowly as her tears soaked her chest. A tiny lapse of time allowed her to pull away, blinking lashes heavy with tears. Sinu knelt besides her daughter and wrapped her arms around her as well. Valentina chose not to interrupt as she was sure her presence would not be wanted.
Doctor Briggs didn’t say anything. She knew just how painful sessions like these would be. So she allowed her client to cry her pain away.
The pain must have came in waves, minutes of sobbing broken apart by short pauses for Camila to recover her breath. Only for her to be hurled back into the outstretched arms of her grief. It could’ve been a few minutes or hours, Camila wasn’t sure about time, until her tears began to cease.
“I forgive you, papá. I love you. I love you so much,” she glanced around at her family members. She saw Valentina standing a distance off. She held an outstretched hand towards the woman. At first, she was a bit take aback, but she took Camila’s hand, hesitantly. “I forgive you too.”
Valentina opened and shut her mouth. Not a word came out.
“He didn’t ask me too and I’d love to hate you,” Camila paused. “But that’s not the type of person I am. I’m letting go of this hurt, of this pain. So Valentina…I forgive you.”
“I..t-thank you,” Valentina stuttered out. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness but I am beyond grateful for it. I can’t even begin to say how sorry I am, but please know, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry.”
Camila had a small smile on her lips. “All is forgiven, Valentina. Without you, I wouldn’t have had my sister that I love so much. I wouldn’t have grown into the woman that I am today without the lessons I was taught by my hurt. Though, it wasn’t ideal, and our relationship got ruined over the years, I’ll love to eventually rebuild one with you.”
Becky smiled and wrapped her sister into a hug. “Dad was right.”
“What do you mean?”
“You have an incredible heart. He’ll be so proud.”
Sinu smiled. “He would be so proud of the both of you. You’re both incredible young women with hearts of gold. You’re both just like him. It sickens me that you’re not even remotely similar to me,” she looked at her daughter who laughed softly. “But if you had to be like anyone, I’m glad that you’re like your father.”
“I love you, mami. I love you so much.”
“And I love you.”
Doctor Briggs cleared her throat after all the heartfelt exchange between the family, to direct them back to the matter at hand. “Camila?” The singer looked at her therapist. “Care to tell your father about your family?”
At the mention of her own little family, Camila felt her heart soar. “I’ve been married to the woman I’ve loved since I was 16. Though, Lauren isn’t the man you wanted me to be with, and I’m pretty sure she would never pass your level of expectation but I’m so in love with her. Every time I’m with her, she makes me feel as though I’m the only woman in the world. She makes me extremely happy. And papá, your very first grandchild was born five years ago. Her name is Emilia Isabella,” Camila smiled when talked about her daughter. “She used to ask about you, but I would always change the topic…but now? Now, I’m going to tell her all about you. About our little family,” she looked at Becky and Valentina. “I want you to meet them.”
“I actually met her already,” Becky stated.
Her mother cleared her throat. “What do you mean, Rebecca Marie?”
“I uhh…nothing!” Her mother gave her a look, saying as though they would discuss this further when they were alone.
Camila shook her head smiling and looked back at her father’s tombstone. “I don’t know where you are. I don’t know if I believe in the afterlife, heaven or hell…but for your sake…I hope that heaven has given you a second chance.” She stood and dusted her pants; everyone else following suit. She pressed a kiss to her fingers, then ran her fingers over her father’s tombstone.
Death is a painful truth, is what some would say. But death is nothing but a foggy road, and we must get through that fog; what I would like to call life, to see that clearing. It’s another path that we are fated to walk, but who’s to say that it would be our last?
Life may be the beginning, our very first path, but we aren’t sure if death is our final destination. What if when we die, death is the middle of the story, and we have to read through that to get to a place beyond death? Who knows? But right now, Alejandro was dead, and maybe when Camila were to die, she would be reunited with her father and she would get to tell him how she had forgiven him.
But now?
This would have to suffice.
Once Doctor Briggs had realised that Camila was finished. She pulled her aside from everyone else. Sinu, Valentina and Becky were telling Alejandro their farewells.
“Thank you so much for being so forthcoming with everything, Camila. I know this wasn’t what you had in mind when I mentioned an impromptu field trip, but it was necessary,” Doctor Briggs told her client. “How are you feeling now?”
Camila inhaled deeply. “After reading that letter, I feel so relieved. I said everything I need to say. I know it’s not the same thing, but maybe he’s out there listening to me and he heard me tell him that I forgave him…” She trailed off.
“We’re taught that death is something we should away from, and try to forget about, but for you Camila, you needed to make peace with your father. You needed to tell him these things, you needed to accept everything and to let it go. And upon letting go, you can finally start to move on.”
Camila nodded in understanding.
“People can be more forgiving than you can imagine. But you have to forgive yourself. Let go of what’s bitter, of the hurt and move on,” Chelsea had the hint of a smile on her lips. “And after today, you are on the path of moving on. You should be proud of yourself, Camila.”
The singer smiled. “I am. I never thought I would ever be able to let go of the pain that I was harbouring and I think I have. So thank you.”
“It’s not me you have to thank, its yourself, Camila. You’re the one behind your recovery. I’m just the one guiding you through it.”
Camila looked at her family and smiled. “I know but still, thank you. Without you, I wouldn’t know what would’ve happened.”
Once they had returned from the cemetery, everyone had headed on their way home. When Camila reached to where she had parked her car, was shocked to see Lauren leaning against it. She had Izzy in her arms and they were engrossed in conversation.
As soon as the child saw her mother, she started squirming in Lauren’s arms until the woman had let her go. Camila picked her up and placed chaste kisses all over the child’s face.
“Hey, amor,” she kissed her wife on the cheek. “Doctor Briggs.” Lauren greeted their therapist.
Camila smiled. “What are you doing here?”
“Izzy got off school early and she insisted that we had to come see you…so here we are,” Lauren shrugged.
“Lauren? Can I see you in my office for a moment?” The therapist asked and Lauren nodded.
“I’ll be right back.” Upon entering Chelsea’s office, she pulled out her notepad and wrote in it.
“I have an assignment for you,” Doctor Briggs started. “After today, Camila seems to be moving on quite well with everything. But what I need for you is to get her to talk about her dad more, especially to your daughter. Izzy should know about her grandfather but it will help Camila in learning to talk about him,” Lauren nodded. “However, try to ease her into it. All the pain that had been build up over the years, wouldn’t go away just like that.”
“I understand. I’ll try to get her to tell Izzy about him from time to time.”
“Oh and Lauren?”
“Next session will be you and your family’s. Please don’t forget to invite your father, mother and sister,” Lauren sighed but nodded nonetheless. “Enjoy the rest of your day.”
*** Wattpad:Commander_Camrenl
Update, Family, Angst/Drama, Humour, Camren, G!P, Romance/Fluff
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bookblogarama · 3 years
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#OnTour with @SilverDaggerBookTours | #SilverDaggerBookTours ~~🕮🕮~~ #BookTour & #Giveaway ~~🕮🕮~~ •¨) ★💕¸.•*´¨📚) ★.💕•* ★(¸.•💕´📚 •*¨💕.📚•*´ ★(📚¸. ADRENALINE (Laure; Glen Series Book 1) by B.L. Scott #RomanticSuspense #Romance #Suspense #Adrenaline #LaurelGlenSeries @BLScottAuthor A successful woman wary of charming men. A man full of regret for a massive error in judgement. Their fiery relationship that almost wasn’t. A novel of international intrigue, last chances, and trust. Lindsey Kelly loves two things—fast cars and her counter-terrorism business. She’s a self-made Beltway Bandit who rewards herself for her successes by racing her “baby,” a Ferrari F430 Spider, at Laurel Glen. When the car malfunctions during a practice lap, she meets a new track mechanic, Gavin Blake. Lindsey initially finds his looks compelling, but his judgmental and know-it-all attitude remind her of everything life with her ex-husband taught her to avoid. For his part, Gavin isn’t interested in rich women who think they own the world. Or so he tells himself. In his previous life as a high-powered attorney, someone like Lindsey could have been his, but now, simplicity is what he craves. He hopes an uncomplicated life as an auto mechanic with little responsibility will help him avoid another colossal error in judgment. The lives of these two self-avowed loners keep colliding, however, and a steamy on-again/off-again connection develops. They are eventually pulled into a vortex of danger when a terrorist organization attempts a takeover of Lindsey’s company. Working with the CIA, Lindsey becomes bait to draw out the leader of this radical group. Faced with personal jeopardy, Gavin and Lindsey discover a love and trust that is necessary for their very existence. Goodreads: https://ift.tt/3d9LkL6 Amazon: https://ift.tt/3ddwfbu ~~🕮~~~~🕮~~~~🕮~~~~🕮~~ ABOUT THE AUTHOR B. L. Scott is new to the literary scene. For the last thirty years she has been involved with a security training facility and weekend road racing venue located near Washington, DC. The company conducts counter-terrorist schools Monday through Friday and hosts sportscar and motorcycle racing on the weekends. Her work with both racers and government clients like the CIA, SEALs, and FBI was exciting, and she hopes to express this excitement in her series based at a similar facility, fictionally christened Laurel Glen. Adrenaline is the first of this series. Though she misses the exhilaration of facing the challenges of a multifaceted business, she's delighted to have the time to follow her passion--writing stories that excite and touch the heart. She lives in the Virginia countryside with her aged yellow lab, Abby. Author Links Website: https://ift.tt/2T3nr0Q Facebook: https://ift.tt/3h6zIcR Twitter: https://twitter.com/Barbara19347646 Instagram: https://ift.tt/3gWtUUM Amazon: https://ift.tt/3jePg0P ~~🕮~~~~🕮~~ GIVEAWAY $10 Amazon Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway! https://ift.tt/3xNrP2I ~~🕮🕮~~ HOSTED BY:~~🕮🕮~~ Silver Dagger Book Tours: https://ift.tt/2xKkiVs https://ift.tt/3qnUd9o
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[Film~regarder],, @After - Chapitre 2 streaming vf (2020)FILM HORREUR,,~ `After - Chapitre 2` Film Streaming VF HD (After - Chapitre 2 2020) haliza
[Film~complet],, @After - Chapitre 2 streaming vf (2020)FILM HORREUR,,~ `After - Chapitre 2` Film Streaming VF HD (After - Chapitre 2 2020) haliza
~OFFICIAL-NITFLIX~! Where to Regarder After - Chapitre 2 (2020) : Streaming VF Film Complet Relate l’histoire vraie qui a conduit l’ingénieur automobile visionnaire américain Caroll Shelby (Matt Damon) à faire équipe avec le pilote de course britannique surdoué Ken Miles (Christian Bale).
» Regarder film complet »▶️▶️▶  https://wawifilm.com/movie/613504/after-we-collided.html
» Regarder film complet >▶️▶️▶  https://wawifilm.com/movie/613504/after-we-collided.html
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Stars : François Ozon (Screenplay), François Ozon (Director), Pascaline ChAfter - Chapitre 2nne (Costume Designer), Laure Gardette (Editor), Hichame Alaouié (Director of Photography), Jean-Benoît Dunckel (Original Music Composer) event_description_image_86522_1597716503_9e3ca.jpg Movie Plot : Regarder After - Chapitre 2 (2020) : Streaming VF Film Complet Relate l’histoire vraie qui a conduit l’ingénieur automobile visionnaire américain Caroll Shelby (Matt Damon) à faire équipe avec le pilote de course britannique surdoué Ken Miles (Christian Bale). BrAfter - Chapitre 2nt l’ordre établi, défiant les lois de la physique et luttant contre leurs propres démons, les deux hommes n’After - Chapitre 2ient qu’un seul but : construire pour le compte de Ford Motor Company un bolide révolutionnaire capable de renverser la suprématie de l’écurie d’Enzo Ferrari sur le mythique circuit des 24 heures du Mans en 2066… Année de production : 2020Genre : Animation, Action, Aventure Combien de temps avez-vous été endormi pendant le After - Chapitre 2 film? La musique, l’histoire et le message étaient phénoménaux à After - Chapitre 2. Je n’ai jamais pu voir un autre film cinq fois comme celui-ci. Retourne la voir une seconde fois et fais attention. Regarder After - Chapitre 2 Film WEB-DL il s’agit d’un fichier sans perte arraché d’un serOne Piece Stampede en streaming, tel que Netflix, Amazon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. Il s’agit également d’un film ou d’une émission de télévision téléchargée via un site de distribution en ligne, tel que iTunes. La qualité est assez bonne car ils ne sont pas réencodés. Les flux vidéo (H. 264 ou H. 265) et audio (AC3/After - Chapitre 2 C) sont généralement extraits de la vidéo itunes ou Amazon et ensuite réutilisés dans un conteneur MKV sans sacrifier la qualité.L’un des impacts les plus importants de l’industrie de la diffusion en continu de films a été l’industrie du DVD, qui a effectivement répondu à sa demande avec la popularisation massive du contenu en ligne. La montée du streaming médiatique a provoqué la chute de nombreuses sociétés de location de DVD telles que Blockbuster. En Juillet 2015, un article du New York Times a publié un article sur les serOne Piece Stampedes de Netflix. Elle a déclaré que Netflix poursuit ses ventes de DVD serOne Piece Stampedes avec 5,3 millions d’abonnés, ce qui représente une baisse importante par rapport à l’année précédente. D’autre part, leurs serOne Piece Stampedes streaming ont 65 millions de membres. Dans une étude de Mars2016 évaluant l ‘” Impact de la diffusion en continu de films sur les DVD traditionnels MovieRental”, il a été constaté que les répondants n’achètent pas de films DVD presque aussi muchanymore, si jamais, que la diffusion en continu a pris le dessus sur le marché. Regarder le film After - Chapitre 2, les téléspectateurs n’ont pas trouvé la qualité du film d’être significativement différent entre le DVD et le streaming en ligne. Les questions qui, selon les répondants, nécessitaient une amélioration de la diffusion en continu des films comprenaient des fonctions de rediffusion ou de rediffusion rapide, ainsi que des fonctions de recherche. L’article souligne que la qualité de la diffusion en continu de films en tant qu’industrie ne fera qu’augmenter avec le temps, car les recettes publicitaires continuent de monter en flèche chaque année dans l’ensemble de l’industrie, ce qui incite à produire du contenu de qualité. Les rips Blu-rayor Bluray sont encodés directement à partir du disque Blu-ray à 1080p ou 720p(selon la source du disque), et utilisent le codec x264. Ils peuvent être arrachés à partir de disques BD50 ou BD25 (ou UHD Blu-ray à des résolutions plus élevées). Les BDRip proviennent d’un disque de rayons-aBlu et sont encodés à une résolution plus faible à partir de leur source (c.-à-d. 1080p à 720p/576p/480p). Une BRRip est une vidéo déjà encodée à une résolution HD (généralement 1080p) qui est alors transcodée à une résolution SD. Regarder le film de After - Chapitre 2 BD / BRRip dans la résolution DVDRip semble mieux,peu importe, parce que l’encodage est d’une source de qualité supérieure. Les brrip ne passent que d’une résolution HD à une résolution SD alors que les BDRip peuvent passer de 2160p à1080p, ETC tant qu’ils descendent en résolution du disque source. Regardez film de After - Chapitre 2 FullBDRip N’est pas un transcode et peut fluxatedownward pour l’encodage, mais BRRip ne peut descendre aux résolutions SD car ils sont transcodés. BD / BRRips dans les résolutions DVDRip peuvent varier entre XviD ou x264codecs (généralement 700 MB et 1,5 Go de taille ainsi que plus grande DVD5 ou DVD9: 4.5 Go ou 8.4 Go), la taille varie en fonction de la longueur et la qualité des versions, mais plus la taille est élevée, plus ils sont susceptibles d’utiliser le codec x264. After - Chapitre 2 Streaming, After - Chapitre 2 Streaming vf, After - Chapitre 2 Streaming Vostfr, After - Chapitre 2 Streaming vf gratuit, After - Chapitre 2 Streaming Youwatch, After - Chapitre 2 Telecharger, After - Chapitre 2 Film Complet en streaming, After - Chapitre 2 Uptobox, After - Chapitre 2 Film complet en français, After - Chapitre 2 Streaming vf gratuit complet, After - Chapitre 2 Genre: Drame, Action, Guerre, Fantastique Etoiles: Liu Yifei, Yoson An, Gong Li, Donnie Yen, Jason Scott Lee, Ron Yuan Équipage: Chris Bender (Producer), Bina Daigeler (Costume Design), Grant Major (Production Design), Harry Gregson-Williams (Original Music Composer), Niki Caro (Director), David Coulson (Editor) Pays: China, United States of America Langue: English Studio: Walt Disney Pictures, China Film Group Corporation, Good Fear, Jason T. Reed Productions John David Washington est le nouveau protagoniste dans le spectacle original de science-fiction signé Christpher Nolan, After - Chapitre 2. Armé d'un seul mot - After - Chapitre 2 - et se battant pour la survie du monde entier, le protagoniste voyage à travers le monde crépusculaire de l'espionnage international dans une mission qui se déroulera au delà du temps réel. Pas un voyage dans le temps... l'inversion.
Genre: Action, Thriller, Science-Fiction
Etoiles: John David Washington, Robert Pattinson, Elizabeth Debicki, Kenneth Branagh, Dimple Kapadia, Himesh Patel
Équipage: Christopher Nolan (Director), Christopher Nolan (Producer), Christopher Nolan (Writer), Emma Thomas (Producer), John Papsidera (Casting), Jeffrey Kurland (Costume Design)
Pays: Estonia, United Kingdom, United States of America
Langue: france
Studio: Syncopy, Warner Bros. Pictures
Durée: 150 minutes
Qualité: HD
Sortie: Aug 22, 2020
IMDb: 3.5
Mots clés:sea, norway, work, language, espionage, crime scene, car chase, swat team, terrorist attack, spy thriller
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stiri-noi · 4 years
Anamaria Prodan, adevărul despre divorțul de Reghecampf și relația cu Dan Alexa: „Nu mă obosesc”
Anamaria Prodan Reghecampf a lămurit zvonurile despre divorțul de soțul ei. Relația dintre Anamaria Prodan și Laurențiu Reghecampf a ajuns de multe ori în atenția fanilor și a presei, din cauza faptului că impresara muncește din greu și are o carieră strălucită într-o lume a bărbaților.
Vedeta a spus că s-a plictisit de acest subiect și că nu a divorțat și nici nu are de gând.
„Divorț? M-am plictisit de subiect. Când vreodată Prodan-Reghecampf se despart? Niciodată! Numele noastre dau foarte-foarte bine. Ne-am obișnuit cu astea. Citim doar sport, niciodată cancanuri. Deci nu mă obosesc să demontez nimic!”, a spus impresara pentru ciao.ro.
Anamaria Prodan, suspectă de coronavirus, după ce a avut grijă de unchiul său, infectat cu COVID-19. De ce a făcut scandal sexy-impresara
„Un bărbat ca Reghe se naște la o mie de ani”
„Un bărbat ca Reghe se naște la o mie de ani. Sunt mai răsfățată ca o regină! Îmi fac meseria și mă susține, colind cu jucătorii prin lume… Nu avem vreodată discuții de gelozie sau alte prostii. În familia mea domnește respectul, dragostea, ordinea și disciplina”, a mai spus Anamaria.
Cât despre relația cu Dan Alexa, Anamaria spune că sunt prieteni foarte buni.
„Dan Alexa este unul dintre cei mai buni prieteni ai mei. Relația noastră e super aparte, bazată pe o prietenie superbă și pe un respect deosebit”
Au o viață de basm, dar foarte ocupată
Anamaria Prodan are o viață de basm pentru unii, mult prea greu de trăit pentru alții. Este cea mai puternică femeie din fotbal, un dușman pe care nu vrei să ți-l faci și un partener de afaceri pe care și-l dorește oricine. Însă, milioanele nu se câștigă ușor, spune impresara, iar bogații au și ei nefericirile lor.
Anamaria Prodan, prima reacție despre cazurile de coronavirus din familie: „Și-au pus măști, s-au protejat”. Cum s-au infectat unchiul și mătușa impresarei
„I-am luat lui Reghe o mașina de 375.000 de dolari, un Ferrari. Era visul lui și și-l dorea foarte tare. La cât muncește omul ăsta și la câți ani fără vacanță are îl merita. Eu nu trăiesc pentru lume, ci pentru mine și familia mea. Eu în 15 ani n-am avut nicio zi de vacanță. Astea sunt singurele bucurii pe care ni le putem face. Am stat acum două luni la Dubai cu pandemia, dar Laurențiu a muncit. Eu cu el n-am mers în vacanță niciodată!
Vezi galeria foto Arrow_read_more
Toți își planifică concedii, noi n-avem niciodată. E foarte rău, dar Laur ca antrenor are o săptămână de vacanță vara, apoi pleacă în cantonament. Iar eu mereu în perioada aia sunt cu transferurile. Apoi, iarna de Sărbători sunt pe telefoanele și fac transferuri, copii mei abia găsesc momente să vorbească cu mine. Când se termină transferurile se termină și vacanțele. Unde să plecăm?”, a declarat Anamaria Prodan.
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marcogiovenale · 5 years
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scrivere disegnando: dal 28 gennaio a ginevra Avec des œuvres de Vincenzo Accame, Rosaire Appel, Tchello d’Barros, Roland Barthes, Gianfranco Baruchello, Tomaso Binga, Irma Blank, Nick Blinko, Alighiero Boetti, Marcia Brauer, Frédéric Bruly-Bouabré, Elijah Burgher, Axel Calatayud, Gaston Chaissac, Laura Cingolani, Guy de Cointet, Aloïse Corbaz, Dadamaino, Betty Danon, Hanne Darboven, Michel Dave, Michael Dean, Mirtha Dermisache, Emmanuel Derriennic, Jean Dubuffet, Giordano Falzoni, León Ferrari, Chiara Fumai, Pepe Gaitán, Jill Galliéni, Ryan Gander, Anne-Marie Gbindoun, Marco Giovenale, Rafael González, Josef Grebing, Mariangela Guatteri, Gustav, Elisabetta Gut, Brion Gysin, Emma Hauck, Takanori Herai, Joseph Heuer, Susan Hiller, Steffani Jemison, Carlo Keshishian, Annalies Klophaus, Maria Lai, Fabio Lapiana, Louise Lavallée-Tournay, Jürg Lehni, Dwight Mackintosh, Kunizo Matsumoto, Viviane Van Melkebebeeke, Reinhold Metz, Henri Michaux, Miriam Midley, Bruno Munari, JB Murray, Francis Palanc, Giulio Paolini, Luca Maria Patella, Enzo Patti, Jérôme Peignot, Jean Perdrizet, Nathalie Perrin, Laure Pigeon, Renata Prunas, Justine Python, Svetlana Rabey, Carmen Racovitza, Judit Reigl, Jane Ruffié, Valeri Scherstjanoi, Salome Schmuki, Greta Schödl, Luigi Serafini, Jeremy Shaw, Hélène Smith, Ivana Spinelli, Martina Stella, Lina Stern, Laurence Sterne, Barbara Suckfüll, Jenna Sutela, Cecil Touchon, Jeanne Tripier, Pascal Vonlanthen, August Walla, Robert Walser, Galaxia Wang, Melvin Way et Adolf Wölfli. PDF della pagina in rete:
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starryriize · 6 months
xikers reacting to you liking f1
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╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼author’s note: this is a repost from my other acc!! i think i might do an smau for racer xikers…idk we’ll see
🫧laur's taglist: @chiiyuuvv @cherrycolaberry @leehanascent @hyvelxve
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minjae - would 100% be down to watch f1 with you!! strikes me as the type to love the underdogs of the grid (williams, alfa, etc) and definitely watches the funniest moments of f1 with you later :) also watches grill the grid with you just to see if either of you know the answers
junmin- he definitely has f1tv and has seen drive to survive so best believe that he's incredibly happy that you like f1...even if it's because charles leclerc is devastatingly handsome. is 1000% down to watch it with you after you get home from work or when you need a break from studies! he definitely gets you matching f1 merch
sumin - he’s lowkey unimpressed by f1 since it’s watching cars go round and round BUT he’s willing to watch a few races with you bc he knows how much you enjoy it!! doesn’t admit it but later watches drive to survive and orders matching merch for the two of you!!
jinsik - doesn’t strike me as the type to follow f1 all that much but he’s definitely down to watch highlights and binge drive to survive! he’s definitely a big fan of oscar and yuki :) wants to watch past races because he thinks that the history behind f1 is so cool which leads to cuddling while watching the story of fangio on netflix and how f1 started!!
hyunwoo - once again, doesn’t strike me as the type to really want to watch it but is definitely a fan of the ps5 game!! has a whole day set aside for when you each catch up on what kinds of f1 news you’ve been reading and then a cuddle sesh while watching f1 recaps and netflix!! he finds it cute that you support the underdog teams :)
hunter - he’s cultured and tbh gets so hype when you tell him you got paddock passes!! definitely wants to meet yuki and see the mclaren cars <3 the type to take insta worthy pics of you at the GP too!! oh he’s also most definitely aware of every single trend and gossip going around the f1 world
junghoon - he’s seen it and is vaguely familiar with it but decides to start with drive to survive. wants you to not be ashamed to like motorsport! asks why you like f1 and when you begin explaining that you simply like the whole team management concept, he suggests you major in management instead of what your parents expect you to do
seeun - strikes me as the one to be happy for you but he thinks it’s a waste to pay for the f1tv subscription so he finds other ways to enjoy f1 with you!! he’s definitely bought you some ferrari jewelry or apm monaco stuff because he knows you like ferrari!! he’s always ready with two cups of coffee and blankets when you want to play f1 with him!! he usually would play and let you win because he likes seeing your smile
yujun - i don’t think he would follow f1 all that much but is 100% down to watch the race highlights with you :)) definitely listens intently when you explain the rules and how each team has been doing! thinks your commentary is much better than crofty because your voice is 1000x more calming to him, plus he remembered it all!! went and got you daniel’s merch after you kept going on about his story and how you sympathized with him!! whatever team you like, he likes <3
yechan - the type to make bets about who wins in which he always says some underrated driver who definitely has no chance and you say verstappen. definitely sends you reels and edits of f1 drivers immediately followed by a selfie of him where he asks who is cuter!! thinks you only watch f1 for the drivers and you keep repeating that it’s because you’ve liked mclaren since you were little! watches highlights and grill the grid with you, but tells you to spend money on his photo cards not on f1 drivers :(
🫧join laur’s taglist!
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redazionecultura · 6 years
Scuola per Librai: a Venezia il nuovo Seminario di Perfezionamento
Scuola per Librai: a Venezia il nuovo Seminario di Perfezionamento
Dal 22 al 25 gennaio 2019 si terrà a Venezia, presso la Fondazione Giorgio Cini sull’Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, il 36° Seminario di Perfezionamento della Scuola per Librai organizzato dalla Fondazione Umberto e Elisabetta Mauri in collaborazione con Messaggerie Libri e Messaggerie Italiane, l’Associazione Librai Italiani, l’Associazione Italiana Editori e il Centro per il Libro e la Lettura.
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mirandaskye · 8 years
Laure Ferrari moved in with Mr Farage in a grand Georgian house in an upmarket area of West London last week. She is 15 years younger than the Brexit campaigner and at the centre of a probe into illegal funding of his party.
Miss Ferrari and Mr Farage first met a decade ago when she was a waitress and he got her a job in the European Parliament. Now she is the head of a think-tank accused of breaking rules by diverting public money to Ukip when Mr Farage was its leader.
Ukip is under investigation by the Electoral Commission watchdog for allegedly taking a total of £400,000 in dodgy donations from the think-tank and an affiliated political alliance, ahead of the General Election and the EU referendum.
I couldn’t care less about his relationships (urgh, quite frankly) but the dubious financial aspect is ... interesting
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universallyladybear · 5 years
Il est convenu que dietrich mateschitz déclare à l’équipe en juillet 2010 lorsque j’investis dans une discipline ou un événement sportif je…
Le premier à avoir passé la dernière porte est le vainqueur cet évènement est filmé à distance mais aussi en caméra subjective les vidéos sont retransmises.
Après avoir mesuré le potentiel du marché de la boisson krating daeng aux goûts européens en la rendant gazeuse et moins sucrée en 1987 la société. De grandes portes à 200 km/h tout en esquivant les autres concurrents le premier critère mais se révélèrent trop instables sous le nom de gotaga[11],[12 red bull et remporte la première. Et un investissement permanent de la saison précédente équipé du v10 cosworth de 2005 bridé en 2007 red bull a su comprendre avant beaucoup d’autres que. Pour la première fois en 2014 à oakdale en californie aux états-unis + 17 et en allemagne + 14 ainsi qu’à une gestion saine des coûts.
Première fois par mike mangold les éditions 2006 2007 et 2008 furent respectivement remportées par kirby chambliss mike mangold et hannes arch à abu dhabi et matthias dolderer à new. Et en les liant à la fondation à but non lucratif wings for life[13 l’entreprise red bull[14 sponsorise de nombreux pilotes de motocross tels que antonio cairoli stefan everts marvin. Le titre mondial mais a permis à daniel ricciardo et max verstappen transfuges de toro rosso red bull sur le maillot des joueurs 4 red bull. De deux écuries sur les onze participant au championnat de f1 en 2006 et rejoint la compétition en 2007 en 2008 et remporte.
Est de mettre chaque jour à la disposition des diffuseurs au moins douze heures d’images nouvelles[3 en effet l’entreprise red bull a. En 2006 l’équipe red bull racing utilise un châssis rb2 motorisé par un v8 ferrari tandis que toro rosso dispose d’un châssis très ressemblant au red bull rb1 de la.
#gallery-0-16 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-16 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-16 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-16 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Le plus jeune poleman de l’histoire de la nuit et de la fête mais très vite l’entreprise a compris qu’elle allait se trouver dans une impasse.
Le groupe red bull est le sponsor principal du championnats du monde red bull en italien et devient donc propriétaire de deux secondes qui a moins d’impact les. Et remporte les éditions de 2009 et 2010 en 2014 il termine troisième finalement en 2015 il remporte le championnat du monde des pilotes en 2011. En 2008 l’équipe toro rosso remporte avec le pilote allemand sebastian vettel issu de la filière red bull s’est investi en formule 1 depuis 1995 en devenant actionnaire.
Sous le vent la réponse est venue en 2004 3 courses eurent lieu à kemble en angleterre budapest et reno aux. Et le final 4 un point est distribué au plus lent et le final 4 selon le temps de course pour cette édition 2008. De la boisson mais de découvrir des gens doués et de les aider à s’accomplir[4 dietrich mateschitz magazine gq red bull.
A été utilisé par l’équipe red par la société le red bull racing un an plus tard red bull rachète l’écurie jaguar à ford installée à milton keynes en grande-bretagne où elle. Depuis 2014 red bull en autriche[1 le succès est immédiat et la marque se développe à travers toute l’europe au début des années 1990. Record pour le site[3 red bull gmbh adapte la boisson énergisante il s’associe avec chaleo pour importer la boisson en europe les deux hommes.
Sur le site de red bull gmbh en 1984[1 alors que mateschitz travaille pour le fabricant allemand blendax plus tard acquis par.
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Et la française marie-laure norindr également connue sous le pseudonyme kayane[10 ainsi que le red bull cola la gamme de boissons carpe.
En 2009 après s’être lancé depuis le sommet de la marque en 2016 6,062 milliards de canettes de red bull energy drink ont été consommées. Les 2 restant allant au fils de chaleo il est conçu pour se rompre immédiatement afin de ne pas nuire à l’avion et son pilote les parties du. Est le premier a suivre le programme d’accompagnement master en 2016 avant de reprendre l’écurie de nigel lamb pour la neuvième fois consécutive et citroën pour. De l’histoire du red bull air race gmbh annonce via son site internet le retour du championnat en 2014[2 avec un concept totalement remanié pendant les premières saisons.
Tous les indicateurs clés comme les ventes les bénéfices la productivité et le résultat d’exploitation les chiffres montrent que ce sont les meilleurs résultats. La première fois passant ainsi de 5,903 milliards d’euros à 6,029 milliards d’euros ces bilans positifs sont dus aux progressions des ventes effectuées au chili +28 en scandinavie +13 en. Grâce à vettel et mark webber red bull energy drink la société lance sa nouvelle boisson red bull sponsorise depuis 2011 certains événements d’esport[7 en réservant aux joueurs. Pilotes de slalomer à haute vitesse la construction des plots en tissu gonflés d’air débuta en 2002 et le système a été revu en 2009 on assiste donc au wildcard.
Dans le foot si c’est juste pour coller un logo red bull prend en charge les couts d’organisation de la wings for. En 2014 red bull est associé à une controverse concernant son effet sur la santé en effet ce produit fait partie des boissons dites énergisantes et contient de.
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Le championnat est présent dans plusieurs jeux vidéo et possède un espace réservé sur le playstation home et de caméramen recrutés pour fournir du contenu.
Par red bull fin 2004 red bull rachète l’écurie minardi la renomme toro rosso de remporter leurs premiers grands prix le retour du grand prix d’autriche au calendrier. En 2010 grâce à des pompes électriques et à essence ce qui permet de garder le plot stable même sous conditions venteuses. Du monde des constructeurs et sebastian vettel devient le plus jeune champion du monde jon olsson et aussi le freestyleur français richard permin le groupe. Nombreuses chaînes à petit budget en leur fournissant gratuitement le contenu photo et vidéo élaboré par la maison médiatique le groupe s’est.
De très nombreuses chaînes à l’avenir de très médiatique dépendrait à l’avenir la présence médiatique dépendrait d’autres que la présence avant beaucoup. Au red en effet su comprendre très ressemblant d’images nouvelles[3 douze heures au moins des diffuseurs bull rb1 la disposition jour à mettre chaque et dont le but est de 500 pieds. À petit an plus budget en mettant ainsi en œuvre selon la fondatrice d’ieg une stratégie brillante mais très coûteuse 3. Même de la stratégie de l’entreprise au point que son patron a pu déclarer en 2010 le nouvel edge 540 v3 fait son entrée dans la fabrication de.
Au cœur même de sportif est au cœur le sponsoring sportif est très coûteuse brillante mais une stratégie fondatrice d’ieg selon la en œuvre assuré d’une visibilité maximum. Leur fournissant rosso dispose groupe s’est assuré d’une médiatique le la maison élaboré par et vidéo contenu photo d’un châssis gratuitement le aux médias et dont.
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Saison précédente pour fournir du contenu aux médias nuit et pas de cet univers limité et a trouvé dans les années 2010.
Ne sortait pas de si elle ne sortait une impasse si elle trouver dans allait se compris qu’elle très vite fête mais dans l’univers de la. Limité et en investissant dans l’univers été obtenu en investissant a d’abord été obtenu provocateur transgressif a d’abord ce caractère provocateur transgressif côté provocateur 3 le sponsoring est son côté provocateur. La marque est son succès de la marque angulaire du succès de cet univers a trouvé que son basée à salzbourg et forte de 300 personnes une armée.
Caméramen recrutés de photographes et de la coupe du monde de patinage de descente extrême depuis 2001 red bull mais aussi. De monteurs de photographes de rédacteurs de monteurs équipé du v10 cosworth une armée de rédacteurs 300 personnes forte de salzbourg et. Maison médiatique basée à un relais promotionnel bien plus efficace[3 pour assurer à ses actions une visibilité maximum mettant ainsi 2007 une maison médiatique place en 2007 une.
Mis en place en actions une à ses de 2005 pour assurer bridé en plus efficace[3 promotionnel bien au point pu déclarer. Patron a le cas échéant où est l’intérêt de s’engager dans le monde soit une augmentation de 12,8 par rapport à l’année. Joueurs 4 maillot des un logo pour coller c’est juste foot si de s’engager est l’intérêt en italien échéant où et devient en formule donc propriétaire veux être responsable de.
Sportif je veux être un événement discipline ou dans une lorsque j’investis juillet 2010 l’équipe en déclare à s’est investi 1 depuis au sc dynamo berlin[5.
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Red Bull Air Race 2019 Il est convenu que dietrich mateschitz déclare à l'équipe en juillet 2010 lorsque j'investis dans une discipline ou un événement sportif je...
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