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fraselfie · 6 years ago
...21 marzo... è #primavera ... un’esplosione di vita!!! La #natura si sveglia e dona all’umanità una ennesima opportunità di essere #amata ... #buonaprimavera #pax #fraselfie #vilovvo #fratesocial #fiori #rispettoperlanatura #ecologia #francescani #instavideo #laudatosì #papafrancesco https://www.instagram.com/p/BvQr6n7otT7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=teav0zamjlhg
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thouretonlus · 4 years ago
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Continua con successo la raccolta di mais in RCA nel centro Kizito! Produzioni da record per i picoli e bravi agricoltori #ecologiaintegrale #laudatosì #soc2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CFjPm7bAQC4/?igshid=y8y047n1k1x0
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alphadog69 · 6 years ago
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Today, with gratitude to God, we remember that our body contains the elements of the planet: its air is that which gives us breath, and its water revives and restores us. #BeatAirPollution #LaudatoSì https://www.instagram.com/p/ByWbWjjgiRzqgshtM1V2QqIKFSqQjliUnsB7iU0/?igshid=1dd62lra8x8mx
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rygachronox-blog · 3 years ago
😊🌷Empezamos la Jormanda Mundial de Oración por el cuidado del Clima, invitación del Papa Francisco a todos los cristianos a vivir su fe incidiendo por nuestra casa común, empezando el 1 de Setiembre y terminando el 4 de octubre, Día de la Fiesta de San Francisco de Asís, el santo patrón de la ecología amado por muchas denominaciones cristianas.
Hoy, el Papa Francisco nos pide a todos que nos cuestionemos nuestra forma de vivir y nos dirijamos "hacia estilos de vida más sencillos y respetuosos del medio ambiente.😊🌱⚘🌷⚘🌱🌳
#jornadamundialdeoraciónporlacreación #vivelaudatosí #laudatosí #cuidemoslacreación #laudatosì #nuestracasacomún
#가톨릭 #catholicdrawings
#catholicillustration #그리고평화 #카톨릭성경 #천주교 #성공 #가톨릭일러스트 #가톨릭그램 #가톨릭굿즈 #가톨릭기프트 #вечныйпомощь #makeherknown
#永久帮助 #パーペチュ #perpetualhelp #perpetuelsocours #perpetuosoccorso #perpetuosuccursu #catholicart #catholicdraw #doodleredentorista #mangareligioso
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pope-francis-quotes · 6 years ago
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5th June >> (@Pontifex) Today, with gratitude to God, we remember that our body contains the elements of the planet: its air is that which gives us breath, and its water revives and restores us. #BeatAirPollution  #LaudatoSì
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jdaviescoates · 6 years ago
via Twitter https://twitter.com/jdaviescoates
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blawg2read · 6 years ago
RT @Pontifex: Today, with gratitude to God, we remember that our body contains the elements of the planet: its air is that which gives us breath, and its water revives and restores us. #BeatAirPollution #LaudatoSì
Today, with gratitude to God, we remember that our body contains the elements of the planet: its air is that which gives us breath, and its water revives and restores us. #BeatAirPollution #LaudatoSì
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) June 5, 2019
via Twitter https://twitter.com/F6Dominic
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alphadog69 · 6 years ago
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Pope Francis @Pontifex Every creature has a function, none is superfluous. The whole universe speaks the language of God's love, of His boundless affection for us: soil, water, mountains, everything is God's caress. #Biodiversity #LaudatoSì' https://www.instagram.com/p/BxywKQDhA94kMLfWegQaoYUa6o8WuRPv-_Oh5Q0/?igshid=1dleumfmfjcba
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pope-francis-quotes · 6 years ago
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22nd May >> (@Pontifex) Every creature has a function, none is superfluous. The whole universe speaks the language of God's love, of His boundless affection for us: soil, water, mountains, everything is God's caress. #Biodiversity #LaudatoSì'
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alphadog69 · 6 years ago
Today, with gratitude to God, we remember that our body contains the elements of the planet: its air is that which gives us breath, and its water revives and restores us. #BeatAirPollution #LaudatoSì
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