#latin dr robotnik sage coverage
latin-dr-robotnik · 3 years
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Latin Dr. Robotnik’s SAGE 2021 coverage: Big’s Big World.
This is probably the biggest game of this SAGE, and I’m not even kidding.
A massive, incredibly taxing Sonic open world (my computer weeps whenever I play it), featuring lots of popular places from across the eras of Sonic, with seven Chaos Emeralds to collect, each with their own abilities, and many upgrades to find...
...all to find out where the heck Froggy’s at and fish him out.
Over two hours trying to find most of the secrets, trying to build up a community-made map with the main locations for the Emeralds and even crafting potential guides for new players, all because the game is way too open and too vague for its own good. Yet it brings us all together as we hunt for secrets and find our way around the map, around the rough terrain and the barren places featured. This game is built different than any other I’ve played this SAGE.
Yes, you can fish in pretty much every body of water out there, but you can also do so much more.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 3 years
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Latin Dr. Robotnik’s SAGE 2021 coverage: Sonic Riders X.
Yo! Sonic Riders 4 looks great!
It’s still early days for this project, and I can’t properly draw the line between the game bugging out and me just sucking ass at Riders’ gameplay, but I like what I’m seeing here. If SEGA ain’t giving us another Riders game, then the fans will make a fangame out of its stages (and even Metropolitan Highway from Mario and Sonic Tokyo 2020! Besto remix btw), created in Unity just like a good chunk of other recreations going around right now.
Also, this build almost made my computer weep, so beware you low spec gamers out there lol
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latin-dr-robotnik · 3 years
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Latin Dr. Robotnik’s SAGE 2021 coverage: Sonic Battle R.
“With my best inner Jet the Hawk spirit I’d tell you to ‘catch me if you can’, but when you don’t have any other player online to possibly catch you, it’s kinda hard.”
Sonic Adventure, but online! You race people across stages from SA1, 2, Heroes, ShTH, ‘06, Sonic R, Secret Rings and even fricking Mario Kart... when there’s people actually playing it.
It’s a prototype, and it can be pretty buggy at times, but when it works it’s brilliant. A week before SAGE me and my Spanish Sonic Discord gang jumped into this game, and we had a blast all-night, despite being the only 5 or so people playing in the entire world (and I have video proof I was having a blast that night, that, and the “waifu” compilation lol). I haven’t been able to play this new SAGE build yet, but from what I’ve heard, it includes some new features and new stages.
Having a friend group or being a part of a community is a must for this type of game.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
I want a 10 hour loop of Sonic Galactic’s main menu <3
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
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Yeah, follow the Sonic community advice: wear a damn mask.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 3 years
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Latin Dr. Robotnik’s SAGE 2021 coverage: Starbuster.
I’ve been following this game pretty much since the first time it showed up on SAGE a couple of years ago, and I’m always happy to report this game keeps on looking strong. Fast paced action-platformer action with Mega Man Zero vibes and lots of experimentation and opportunities thanks to its parts system, it’s always nice to return to this game and check out how things are doing.
While there is some information about the story in the current demo, it’s pretty hard to have any idea of what’s going on when you only get access to the first 30 minutes to 1 hour of the game. Not that it really matters at this stage of development, I can go along just fine with the funny lines here and there and the cursed references in the parts’ descriptions (that glorious All Star reference has been there since the beginning, and I hope it makes it to the final release.)
Not much to add that hasn’t been said in past years. Starbuster is definitely on my radar and I look forward to buy the full release someday. Always support great indie devs.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
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(I mean, I already loved Sonic GT last year, but NOW? Okay, I don’t say this lightly, but this is the BEST FUCKING SONIC GAME I’VE EVER PLAYED, FOR REAL.)
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
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Sonic Arcus (SAGE 2020) vs Sonic Unleashed (PS3, running on RPCS3)
The Sonic community is getting real close to recreating the actual Hedgehog Engine lighting on the Unity Engine.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
Hey man, I don't know if it's too early to ask, but would you recommend me some games from this SAGE 2020? I kinda want to try new fangames, I have only downloaded Sonic GT (but I haven't tried it yet)
Nah, don’t worry! It’s not too early, I’m getting ready to wrap up my own coverage and move on (I played over 12 different fangames and wrote about almost 10 of them in less than a week on my own, I’m so tired, I wanna forget SAGE exists and go back to play Fall Guys or F1 idk), and I’m thinking about doing a personal ranking with the games I liked the most... so you’re pretty much helping me gather my thoughts for a big tl;dr after this weekend :P
So far from what I’ve seen/played:
Sonic and the Mayhem Master keeps getting better, and I’m starting to feel pretty optimistic about the game finally picking up some steam instead of just playing the same parts of the first chapter over and over again. I’m no RPG aficionado, but I’m intrigued by the whole setup of the game (Steampunk Sonic loses his speed and becomes a detective alongside Amy and some OCs.) The game itself is pretty hard too, I keep dying from not being able to do that much multitasking haha
In the same RPG vain there’s Sonic the Hedgehog RPG, which is basically SatAM but as an old-school RPG. I played this one last year (I’m yet to check out this year’s update) and it plays pretty much how I expected it. It certainly covers part of the RPG void left by Sonic Chronicles.
Sonic Triple Trouble 16 bit, this one alongside the Sonic Chaos Remake (which I think hasn’t been updated since SAGE 2018) are the two main efforts to remake the 8 bit titles. What’s most interesting about Triple Trouble is that it’s set up as a direct sequel to S3K.
Sonic Galactic. This one is my personal favorite (besides Sonic GT, of course.) It’s short, but I played the same level with the 5 characters available and it’s always such a joy to play <3
Sonic 2 SMS Remake. Last year I played the S1 SMS Remake and was left pretty impressed (it’s the definitive way to play that game), and oh my goodness this year’s S2 Remake comes so PACKED FULL of stuff! Seriously, these remakes are the bomb, and the fact you can also play it from your phone makes the whole deal a lot sweeter.
Sonic Advance 4 Advanced. This one left me scratching my head in some places, since it wants to get both Advance and Rush formula fans together and it does it in a pretty weird way... but still, it’s that type of 2D Sonic everyone loves a lot but me, lol.
Sonic 3D in 2D. 3D Blast but good, basically. Also, being 2D makes it a tiny less interesting overall... but on the other hand it has sooooo many playable characters (like, wtf), and in the end it’s still a neat conversion.
Not really Sonic, but... Mega Man Perfect Blue. I saw Somecallmejohnny playing this one the other day while I was studying, and just the way he was shredding enemies with a ROLL THAT PLAYS LIKE ZERO made me fall in love with this one. I’m prioritizing Sonic fangames for SHP this year, but I’ll surely play the couple or so Mega Man fangames available as well :P
Not really a fangame, but an actual indie demo. I played Starbuster last year and I’m intending on doing it again this year. From what I can gather, it’s based on the Mega Man Zero/ZX series and it seemed promising. Also, I believe the music is composed by Leila Wilson (that one version of Sonic Megamix with my all time favorite track; Freedom Planet 1 & 2) so that’s a plus in my book.
As for me, I’m currently writing on both Sonic Freedom and Quantum Collision. They are pretty short demos and you’re probably better off watching YouTube videos of them, so that’s why I’m not listing them here. For more info you can always stalk SHP :P
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
Me when that smoooooooooooth Wacky Workbench remix began
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
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Latin Dr Robotnik’s SAGE 2020 Coverage: Sonic Galactic.
The Mania inspiration runs wild in the fandom’s veins, and this game is no exception to that. But what if you take a very solid foundation and start making it your own? Well, this is what Sonic Galatic achieves.
I’ve been playing 2D Sonic fangames for pretty much a decade now, and they’ve come a long way even by the time I jumped in. Recent years have given us some truly impressive showings, and Mania’s foundation has done nothing but wonders to the Sonic community (just take a look at how many fangames are inspired, like the Sonic Chaos Remake.) But as this game’s trailer says, this is same old classic Sonic, but with a whole new twist.
But what’s that twist? Well, for starters the art style is amazing. The whole 90′s Saturn personality is spot-on in my opinion, and the music slaps big time (I’d say this fangame has the BEST credits theme I’ve heard; take a listen, it’s just that good.) But the biggest surprise comes from the variety of characters you can play as; yes, you can choose Sonic, Tails or Knuckles if you want, and they play just as you’d expect them to, but you can also play as Fang the Sniper / Nack the Weasel or as newcomer Tunnel the Mole. I’ve done a couple of runs through the two acts available (level design is pretty solid, btw), and I’m pretty happy with how everyone controls. I think there’s still room for adding more moves (I feel like Fang in particular was a little barebones, maybe I’m missing out on more moves with his gun, but idk), but what’s on display is pretty fun.
So, overall, this little demo ROCKS. It’s beautiful, it plays well, that music gave me LIFE to keep on playing fangames all weekend, and I’ll keep this one in my radar from now on. It’s great to see such a display of creativity from the community. This is why I love the Sonic fandom.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
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First night of the Sonic Amateur Games Expo 2020 for me (it’s 04:27 AM here btw), and guess what I’m playing...
That’s right, that one Sonic RPG I won’t stop talking about. I covered Sonic and the Mayhem Master both on my Spanish blog and here as well! I covered the SAGE 2018 version, SAGE 2019 and even one of the updates from this year (which, btw, back in March I kinda helped reporting bugs and weird stuff that happened while playing.)
During the next week or so I might do a couple of posts about what caught my eye, and I’ll be back to report on the new stuff this new Mayhem Master update brings! I certainly like a lot this fangame.
And with this, I guess it’s time to declare the beginning of Latin Dr Robotnik’s SAGE 2020 Coverage!
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
The end of SAGE for me and future plans
So, you might’ve noticed I spent quite some time talking about the Sonic Amateur Games Expo this year. Well, the event ended last Saturday, and now I’m finally wrapping up myself here and over at my Spanish blog.
All in all it’s been a wonderful ride. So many different fangames and indie games to play! (btw, you can check #latin dr robotnik sage coverage for more) For the past 10-15 days I completely forgot what was going on in the Sonic franchise in general, since SAGE is always a very big event for everyone remotely interested in Sonic fangames. I only managed to scratch the surface of the entire expo on my own, but I’m pretty happy with what I played.
Because of that, I want to recommend some of the best games I played:
Sonic GT (of course)
Sonic Galactic
Sonic and the Mayhem Master
Mega Man Perfect Blue
These games are either unique Sonic fangames that really shine or have some great potential going on for them; or non-Sonic games that managed to impress me and/or keep me hooked and wanting more. As a platformer nerd, that’s the best compliment I could possibly give.
What’s next for me (and the blog)?
Well, basically we are going back to the usual round of Sonic shitposting and writing fanfiction. I’m not really feeling the 30th anniversary hype train right now so you probably won’t see me saying much about any non-game or animation related news, at least until the end of the year. I don’t think there’s anything worth hyping right now, and I’ll just let the natural announcements hit me and probably make me feel something inside.
Kipo season 3 is going live next month so I’ll probably fix my sights on that when the time comes. Don’t worry, I’ll tag anything S3 related under #kipo spoilers. Can’t wait to see it end, although the biggest spoiler so far is that I’ll probably cry, a lot.
But before all that, I heard SonAmy week is right around the corner, right? Although I never commit to those events, you bet your ass I’ll be camping the #sonamy tag ready to reblog practically anything... and who knows, maybe I’ll have one or two oneshots to share...
Ah, screw it, I’ll just tell you what’s been going on in my shipping mind: the first time Sonic took Amy to the skies with the Tornado. I won’t say anything else, except the fact I’ve been daydreaming this concept for a few days now and it gets better every single damn time. It’s too cute I might be unable to put it into words lol. Kinda like what happened to Stay a little longer.
And that’s everything from me :P
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
Robot girl is unleashed, causes complete havoc with only a sweeper. 
Some even say she wasn’t using 10% of her total power.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
Okay, Mega Man Perfect Blue is a great fangame to play, but have you heard THAT MUSIC THO?? 👌 👌
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latin-dr-robotnik · 5 years
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This fangame has Amy featured both on the title screen and on the life counter (a la Sonic Advance 3), yet I can’t find a way to play as her, just Sonic. Am I missing something? Is she not implemented yet?
I guess Classic Amy isn’t playable in a Sonic game once again...
Latin Dr. Robotnik’s SAGE 2019... Coverage? Sonic Remastered.
There isn’t much more to say. Also Green Hill ftw.
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