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Day 10馃敩鈿栵笍#AnatomyForYogis 鈿栵笍馃敩#yogachallenge & it's the last day! Today's focus is the opposing muscles (agonists/antagonists) of the shoulder girdle. @lara.heimann loved your drills...felt so good I did a few rounds. And since my vids have been cut even though they're under a minute, I decided to use time lapse. Added a little jig at the end there #jazzhands lol! Totally loved this challenge & enjoyed the refresher crash course in anatomy! You ladies are all incredibly knowledgeable- thanks so much for sharing & making anatomy so much FUN! 馃Hosts: @bethanysmithyoga @lara.heimann @yogamand . 馃拵Generous Sponsors: @liforme @infinitystrap @lara.heimann #yoga #anatomy #frontalplane #coronalplane #abduction #adduction #sagittalplane #lateralplane #flexion #extension #transverseplane #rotation #movement #functionalmovement #movementismedicine #education #alignmentmatters #shoulderblades #jenzenwellness #befreebetruebeyou
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Day 9馃敩鈿栵笍#AnatomyForYogis 鈿栵笍馃敩#yogachallenge is #internal and #external rotation of the shoulders! Loved these drills! @yogamand these were great! I could feel the head of my humerus moving around in the socket and it was a lot smoother movement than I thought it would be. I moved slower than what you're seeing in the vid as it's sped up 2x. That's also why I sound even more like a chipmunk than usual 馃ぃ so here's #upwardsalute - #externalrotation & #reversenamaste - #internalrotation in #heropose @lara.heimann oh man were your drills challenging!!! 馃槄Especially the one arm press into #dolphin 馃槓You made it look SOOOOOOO easy!!! My weight distribution was way off! 馃槀 Yet another one to practice! This is why I love yoga - always something to learn & practice! So thankful for this challenge & for you lovely ladies!馃挒. 馃Hosts: @bethanysmithyoga @lara.heimann @yogamand . 馃拵Generous Sponsors: @liforme @infinitystrap @lara.heimann #yoga #anatomy #frontalplane #coronalplane #abduction #adduction #sagittalplane #lateralplane #flexion #extension #transverseplane #rotation #movement #functionalmovement #movementismedicine #education #alignmentmatters #shoulderblades #jenzenwellness #befreebetruebeyou
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Day 6 馃敩鈿栵笍#AnatomyForYogis 鈿栵笍馃敩#yogachallenge is focusing on flexion and extension of the hip joint. I really do enjoy using the wall as a prop. Annnnnnnd for Day 7 the focused is opposing muscles; agonists/primary movers and the antagonists. When one muscle (primary mover) is contracted/flexed the opposing muscle (antagonist) relaxes/stretches. @yogamand I loved your example of using the blocks. For me I found it really showed up where my muscles aren't firing as strongly as they should be. I can tell with other exercises like squats and deadlifts, but having the blocks there really helped me to hone in - it was incredible. Thank you for that! 馃檹 Day 8 is up next! . 馃Hosts: @bethanysmithyoga @lara.heimann @yogamand 馃拵Generous Sponsors: @liforme @infinitystrap @lara.heimann #yoga #anatomy #frontalplane #coronalplane #abduction #adduction #sagittalplane #lateralplane #flexion #extension #transverseplane #rotation #movement #functionalmovement #movementismedicine #education #alignmentmatters #jenzenwellness #befreebetruebeyou
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Day 5 馃敩鈿栵笍#AnatomyForYogis 鈿栵笍馃敩#yogachallenge is all about the hips - external and internal rotation. I have to be honest, I don't focus enough on internal rotation but that's about to change! @yogamand I hope to move through these postures as smoothly as you and SOON!!! @lara.heimann I tried your drills but realised I had chopped my head off when I watched it back 馃槀 Plan to practice them often! So here's to getting those hips all mobile and moving with ease with #HeroPose to #Malasana - Thanks so much lovelies馃槝鉂わ笍. 馃Hosts: @bethanysmithyoga @lara.heimann @yogamand 馃拵Generous Sponsors: @liforme @infinitystrap @lara.heimann #yoga #anatomy #frontalplane #coronalplane #abduction #adduction #sagittalplane #lateralplane #flexion #extension #transverseplane #rotation #movement #functionalmovement #movementismedicine #education #alignmentmatters #jenzenwellness #befreebetruebeyou
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Day 4 馃敩鈿栵笍#AnatomyForYogis 鈿栵笍馃敩#yogachallenge is putting it all together! Creating a flow that takes us through all planes of movement: abduction, adduction, extension, flexion and rotation. Video's sped up and please excuse #Vigo who bombed me at the end 馃槖 馃Hosts: @bethanysmithyoga @lara.heimann @yogamand 馃拵Generous Sponsors: @liforme @infinitystrap @lara.heimann #yoga #anatomy #frontalplane #coronalplane #abduction #adduction #sagittalplane #lateralplane #flexion #extension #transverseplane #rotation #movement #functionalmovement #movementismedicine #education #alignmentmatters #jenzenwellness #befreebetruebeyou
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Day 3 馃敩鈿栵笍#AnatomyForYogis 鈿栵笍馃敩#yogachallenge - Come on baby, let's do the twist!馃幎 Today is all about the Transverse Plane or Horizontal Plane. This plane divides the body into top and bottom halves and here is where #Rotation occurs. When it comes to twists it's super important to keep the hips/pelvis level. Rotation happens in the ribcage/thoracic spine and neck (not so much the low back) and the internal & external obliques help us out with this movement. So I'm getting my twist on in #RevolvedHandToBigToePose - okay so isn't this background cool? I'm feeling it! Looking forward to see what tomorrow brings!馃槂. 馃Hosts: @bethanysmithyoga @lara.heimann @yogamand 馃拵Generous Sponsors: @liforme @infinitystrap @lara.heimann #yoga #anatomy #frontalplane #coronalplane #abduction #adduction #sagittalplane #lateralplane #flexion #extension #transverseplane #rotation #movement #functionalmovement #movementismedicine #education #alignmentmatters #jenzenwellness #befreebetruebeyou
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Day 8 馃敩鈿栵笍#AnatomyForYogis 鈿栵笍馃敩#yogachallenge is all about protraction and retraction of the shoulder blades! I have to demo this often when teaching Pilates as its the 4th of 5 principles. I sped up the video but I tired to make the movements as smooth as possible without elevating my shoulder blades too much #thestruggle - anyhoo... #protaction in #heropose with #eaglesrms and #retraction in #camelpose for Day 8. 馃Hosts: @bethanysmithyoga @lara.heimann @yogamand . 馃拵Generous Sponsors: @liforme @infinitystrap @lara.heimann #yoga #anatomy #frontalplane #coronalplane #abduction #adduction #sagittalplane #lateralplane #flexion #extension #transverseplane #rotation #movement #functionalmovement #movementismedicine #education #alignmentmatters #jenzenwellness #befreebetruebeyou
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