#lately im finally in the mood for this so im taking everything vc
thegrumpyjournalist · 4 years
Questions: nr. 01, 03, 18, 34
Hope that's not too many! Feel free to answer less if it is
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Not really... I have a better relationship with my mother but I can't say that it's the best...
03: Do you regret anything?
A lot of things! Usually how I treated some people (distancing from them for example) or how I worked out some decisions (rn it could be about my major... I think that in some time it is unlikely that I will need to drop out...)
18: Are you scared of spiders?
Of course, 😅 I'm scared of every insect xD
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
The last dream that I remember clearly was about Jordan from TVGRY XDDD He pretended to be my boyfriend/sugar daddy?? I was so confused like brain what are you trying to tell me xD
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