#lately i have been haunted by butterfly clothing
shimaen · 9 months
Butterfly Outfit
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✨️1K Followers Celebration Day 6: Seventeen bias wrecker - Dino✨️
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AN: This has been in my drafts for 600 years because those clips of him from In The Soop still haunt me. I just think it's funny that because it took me so long to get to this, we got even more shirtless Dino in the gym content recently. Clearly a sign from the universe to finish this lmao. I was going to go on a whole unhinged rant about him but, I'll spare you all. We're all going to ignore that 1. his is the longest so far and 2. I've written the most for him out of every idol, thanks.
Synopsis: You thought working out with Chan would be a fun, productive way to spend time together. However, you're sorely unprepared for just how distracting he can be.
Heads up: Lee Chan x Fem! Reader, friends to lovers of sorts, Reader going through it because of her attraction to Chan, praise kink (f. receiving), Chan being a menace, technically public sex I guess (they fuck in the gym but, no one catches them and it's not brought up as a concern), hair pulling, dirty talk, petnames used for Reader, nipple play (f. receiving), oral sex (f. receiving), fingering (f. receiving), unprotected piv sex, Reader cries a little and creampie.
Word count: 4138
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
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You knew you were doomed the moment you saw Chan in his workout clothing. His shirt sticking to his torso and practically acting like a second skin. You're sure if you looked hard enough, you could see the outlines of his nipples. His shorts were worse, somehow. Beckoning you to look at his toned thighs and zero in on how they hugged his ass.
Today is going to be more challenging than you anticipated.
"So, where do you want to start?" He asks, snapping you out of so blatantly ogling one of your closest friends. God, what're you thinking? You're here to spend time with him. Not think about how broad his shoulders are and just how muscular his ass would feel if you gave it a squeeze or five.
"You're the gym expert. You tell me," You pray to whichever deity is listening that Chan mistakes the delicate quality in your voice for anything other than how much just seeing him dressed like this affects you.
His laugh is boisterous and fills you with so much warmth, turning the already present butterflies in your stomach into dragons. One person shouldn't have this much power over you.
"I better not hear any complaining then," he responds with a wide smile, his eyes crinkling with mirth. Yeah, maybe being alone with the man you're borderline in love with isn't the wisest decision you've ever made, but it's too late now. You resist the scowl that wants to make itself known on your face when you invision a knowing Soonyoung in your mind. He's the one who suggested this to begin with. You're definitely going to be having some words with him the next time you see him, that evil man. He knew exactly what he was doing.
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You severely underestimated how much worse this could get. You thought just seeing him in his tight-fitting gym attire was enough to fog up your brain but, that was before you heard the noises.
Lee Chan is a vocal man in all areas of life. Well, all areas of life that you've experienced him in. He's always talking, laughing, yelling at points, singing, sometimes rapping to fill the silence, and a million other things. The point being, Chan is not a quiet man. So, it shouldn't take you by surprise that he's vocal while he's working out too.
Still, the quiet grunts that fall from his lips and fill the otherwise relatively silent gym when he lifts weights causes your heart to beat wildly in your chest. The drawn-out groans when he finishes a set or stretches out his muscles might be the worst. Coupled with the way he grits his jaw and his face contorts when he's lifting, it's frankly a miracle you haven't spontaneously combusted.
However, as you stand and watch him while he illustrates how he wants you to lift these weights to your absolute horror and mortification, you realise you're getting wet. Not only that, but a barely there ache is beginning to make itself known between your thighs.
You're sure your face is radiating enough heat to power a small apartment building. You're really getting this worked up just watching him work out? What in the world is wrong with you? Are you truly this needy? You definitely need to call Soonyoung after this and yell at him until you're hoarse.
"Do you want to try now?" Chan asks you, kind eyes focused on you. You really might be the world's worst friend.
"Yeah, sure," you respond, pulling yourself together as best as you can given that you're unravelling at the seams. The weights aren't too heavy. You test them in your hold momentarily before imitating Chan's movements. There's a slight burn in your biceps but, otherwise you feel fine. It feels good, even. The slight burn fueling you.
"That's my girl,"
Oh no.
That's all it takes for you to falter. Your mind suddenly completely forgetting the motions for the exercise you watched minutes ago.
"You were doing good just now but, try doing it this way," he says, standing up from where he'd been seated to watch you. His hands correcting your hold on the weights and the positioning of your arms. Every brush of his fingers on your skin leaves electricity in their wake. Fuck. Fuck this is bad. This is so bad.
Trying to remember how to be a normal human being, you nod at his words. Following his guidance and resuming the exercise precisely how he showed you now that your brain is semi-functional again.
"There you go. Good job," perhaps you should be a little more concerned about just how much his praise increases your pulse and worsens the way your panties are already sticking to you, but that's a thought for examining on another day. You can only handle so much right now.
"How about some pull-ups next?"
"Chan, do I strike you as the kind of person even capable of doing a single pull-up?"
"You could learn today,"
When all you respond with is a stone faced expression, he seems to get the message loud and clear, "Okay, fine. I'll do pull-ups and you do squats. How does that sound?"
"Now you're speaking my language,"
On the ever growing list of 'things you're violently unprepared for today', the next to be added is Chan just casually taking off his shirt. That stops you dead in your tracks. Your lips parting as his bare back comes into your line of sight. You thought it was broad before, but now? Seeing it completely bare? Broad feels like too simplistic of a word to describe it.
You knew, logically, that Chan was ripped. You've seen his arms, paying special attention to them more times than you care to admit. All of the guys work out regularly, and most of them mention Chan as one of the more dedicated members of the group when it came to hitting the gym.
You knew all of that, and yet, seeing the evidence a mere few metres in front of your very eyes leaves you speechless and stunned. Chan must notice your blatantly staring because he turns to look at you over his shoulder, "Is everything okay?"
You must struggle to come up with a believable response too long because he both looks and sounds panicked as he continues on, "Shit, did I make you uncomfortable? I should've asked if you were okay with me taking my shirt off. I'm sorry."
His panic must be infectious because you soon find yourself in a similar state, "No, no, Chan, it's okay. You did nothing wrong. I don't mind you being shirtless," quite the opposite actually, and that's the issue, but you decide to keep that bit to yourself.
"Are you sure? I really don't mind putting it back on if it's a problem,"
"Yes, I'm sure. It's really not a big deal,"
He looks unsure briefly but seems to accept your words. Giving you a nod before turning back to face the pull-up bar and begin his routine. You barely register the faint sting in your thighs from how deeply your nails are clawing into them. Eagle eyes drinking in as much as you can of every muscle contraction of his back. Your panties growing uncomfortably wet now as your ears are assaulted with grunts louder than the ones before.
You need to take a cold shower that lasts hours after this. At least you have a good month's worth of masturbation material now, so there's that.
Chan finishes his set far quicker than you would've liked. Sweat drenching his handsome face and droplets running down his jaw, his neck, his collarbones, his pecs until they disappear into the waistband of his shorts. Would it be so horrible to admit that you'd love to see just where those droplets wind up? That you'd happily follow their path with your tongue instead of your eyes?
"Hey, is everything okay?" Chan asks, dropkicking you out of your obscene thoughts.
"Ye-Yeah. Why do you ask?"
"It's just um you haven't really moved, and you've been kind of...staring at me?"
Oh no. Oh god, he noticed. No fucking shit he noticed you've probably been staring at him with all of the subtly of a rhino in a tea shop. Why did you have to make a day meant to be catching up with a friend so fucking weird.
"I-sorry. You're just distracting," is what comes out of your mouth in your blind panic.
"Distracting?" He asks, titling his head, "I'm distracting? Distracting how?"
By being shirtless, with all of the noises you've been making all day, by touching me, by telling me what a good job I've been doing, by just existing in the same space as me - are all of the thoughts that spring up in your mind. All the thoughts you show a great deal of restraint in not word vomiting out at him.
To your absolute mortification, an expression akin to understanding dawns on Chan's face. You've never wanted the Earth to spilt open and swallow you whole more than in this moment.
"Oh, I'm distracting huh?" Chan asks with a grin a touch too arrogant for you, taking a step towards you.
"No! It's not - I'm not - I wasn't - it wasn't like that," you stutter out, growing ever more flustered as a shirtless, sweaty Chan invades your space.
"It wasn't like what exactly?" He asks, mischief shining clear as day in his typically warm eyes.
Before you can consciously think about it, you find yourself stepping backwards. Much to the amusement of the man you're not sure if you want to kiss or throttle in front of you.
You decide to abandon the route you were on and attempt another one, "I'm sorry for staring at you."
"You don't have to apologise," Chan waves you off, "But I do want to know why you were staring,"
It's clear as day to anyone with basic critical thinking skills why you were so laser focused on his stupid back and shoulders. He just wants you to say it. You never took Chan for the humiliation type.
"You know why," you mutter, leaning against the wall that you had no idea you'd even gotten so close to. You suppose your brain is too preoccupied with trying to keep your friendship from going up into flames.
"I don't. You have to tell me," You really want to punch that shit eating grin off of his face. Your adrenaline spiking as he takes another step towards you.
"You're really annoying, you know that?"
"I've heard that once or twice over the years. Still doesn't answer my question though,"
"I think you're attractive, okay?" You finally blurt out. Looking at everything but him in the gym. Studiously focused on one of the treadmills in towards the back, over his shoulder.
"Aw, I'm flattered," he responds, so close to you now that all you'd have to do is reach out, and you'd be touching his bare chest. You have a feeling this isn't going to bode well for you.
"Whatever. You got the answer you wanted. Are you happy now?"
"You know, for being one of the smartest women I know, you're pretty dense," he responds dryly.
"What? Hey!"
"Do you really think I'd react this way to anyone saying they think I'm hot? Do I really have to spell it out for you?"
All you can do is owlishly blink at him. His words washing over you, trying your hardest to digest what he just said to you.
"I think you might have to spell it out for me, yeah," you mutter more breathlessly than you care to admit. It certainly doesn't become any easier to breathe when Chan is fully in your space, crowding you against the gym wall. His scent flooding your system, worsening the wetness between your thighs and muddling your mind even more.
"Is this okay?" He whispers, mere centimetres away from your mouth. His eyes considerably darker than they were minutes ago.
"May I kiss you?"
"Yes," if anyone asks, you don't sound needy in the slightest when you reply to him.
You quickly learn that Lee Chan, as with many other facets of his life, excels in kissing you until you can think of nothing but, him. Not your mind has been anywhere else for the past few hours to begin with.
Your hands make themselves at home on his shoulders, fingers digging into the muscle there as you pour what feels like centuries worth of yearning into this kiss.
"May I touch you?" He mutters against your mouth and, you wonder why he'd ever stop kissing you to ask such a stupid question.
"Yes, Chan. You can do whatever you want. I don't care," you rush out in response, dragging his mouth back to yours to feed into what is quickly becoming your newest addiction.
With your green light, his hands drift towards your oversized shirt. Smiling against your mouth when you shudder from the brief brushes of his fingertips along your abdomen while he toys with the hem of your shirt.
"I didn't think you'd be one to tease," you say.
"Have you thought about me like this often?" You really had to be so weak for such an insufferable man huh.
You choose to kiss him instead of replying, tugging on his hair in retaliation for the grin you know is on his face. Luckily for you, Chan seems to have had his fill of toying with you for now. Shoving your shirt upwards, pulling away from you briefly to tug it off of you fully.
He just stares at you. Want clear as day in his eyes as he watches your chest rise and fall and how your sports bra outlines your hardened nipples. You find yourself growing a little self-conscious under his heavy gaze. You hadn't picked your outfit with the goal of winding up like this in mind.
"You're staring," you finally find the courage to say, pushing down every instinct to cross your arms over your chest.
"Just returning the favour," he quips back, jumping back into action and acquainting himself with your throat. You can't help the moans and throaty gasps that leave your lips as his kisses and nips at your sensitive skin, exploiting every weak spot he can find. One of his hands reaching down to fondle your breast, running his thumb over your nipple through the fabric of your bra.
All you can manage to do is lean against the wall for stability. Every kiss and lick and squeeze sending lightning down your spine straight to your clit. You wouldn't be surprised if your legging were wet, too, at this point.
"You're so responsive," he whispers against your neck. Given how quietly he said it, you're not sure whether he meant to verbalise that thought or not, but you can't think to respond when he pushes your bra up.
He dots kisses along your breasts. Each press of his lips bringing him closer and closer to one of your nipples before he envelopes one into his warm mouth. He seems intent to wring every noise, every reaction out of you that he possibly can. Teasingly running his teeth along the sensitive bud, smiling when you arch into his touch. His nimble fingers find themselves at the waistband of your leggings. Slipping into them and pulling a particularly loud gasp from you when they come into contact with your more than likely ruined panties.
Your face burns when Chan's expression morphs into one of surprise, his fingers running along your panty covered slit as if to affirm to himself you're really this wet already.
"I didn't realise I had such a strong effect on you," he says against your breast, his voice gravelly, "Fuck, you're already so wet."
A strangled moan is all you can offer when he finds your swollen clit.
"Poor baby. Don't worry, I'll take care of you. Just need to get you out of these," he says, kneeling in front of you and pulling your leggings and panties down. You kick off your shoes impatiently to help ease the process, leaving you almost fully naked.
"I can't believe you're this wet when I haven't even touched you properly," he says, sounding genuinely amazed. Intense gaze focused on your swollen, slick slit. Lifting one of your legs and letting it rest over one of his shoulders.
Anticipation settles in your gut as Chan makes himself comfortable between your thighs. Your hips jolting into him when he experimentally touches you once more, completely bare this time. Your wetness generously coating his thick fingers. Your eyes flutter shut as he shifts closer, goosebumps rising all over your body when his warm breaths hit you.
His first lap of you is messy and passionate. A muffled groan is your only warning before he grips your thigh and all but shoves his face into you. One of your hands fists his hair, not sure if you want him even closer or whether you need a minute from the sensations wreaking your system.
"Ch-Chan ah god," you cry out, your hold on his hair worsening. He doesn't seem to mind all that much, however. Intently focused on grinding your pussy against tongue until you fall into pieces for him.
With his mouth latched onto your clit, he teases your entrance with two of his fingers and you feel faint. His eyes find yours momentarily, looking at you through his hair as he checks for any signs of discomfort or reservations. Watching your face while he slowly sinks his fingers into you. His cock leaking even more when your warm, wet walls squeeze his fingers for dear life. He's so fucked.
The stretch his fingers provide requires some adjusting to, and Chan catches onto that. Focusing his attention back on your clit and providing some distraction while you get used to his fingers.
The wall behind you is proving to be extremely helpful. You're sure you would've crumpled onto the floor by now with the way Chan is determined to devour you whole and his fingers curl inside of you. Embarrassment warming your face as the squelching sounds of your wetness and his fingers moving inside of you hit your ears. Those sounds are accompanied by louder moans and whimpers from you when his fingers strike gold. Finding your weak spot and going for the kill.
He exploits your weaknesses gleefully, assaulting the spot over and over again while he continues his ministrations on your clit. It's no wonder your orgasm doesn't take long to slam into you. Watery cries of his name and jumbled curses echoing throughout the empty gym. You're sure you're hurting him from how fiercely you're gripping his hair. You couldn't remember the last time you'd cum this hard. Sagging against the wall when the most intense parts of it subside.
Chan presses one last kiss to your pussy before easing his fingers out of you. Standing up on unsteady legs, cupping your jaw and slamming his mouth against yours. The taste of yourself on his tongue further fueling the fog clouding your mind. Desperate hands dragging him closer to you, revelling in his closeness and the firmness of his body against your own.
"If I knew you tasted this good, I would've offered to eat you out a long time ago," he says when you shift to litter kisses on his jaw.
"If I knew you did it so well, I would've let you," you respond with an easy smile. However, any humour in your tone dissipates when you register his cock pressing against your thigh. Scorching and heavy even through the material of his shorts. Fuck.
Your mouth finds his once more. Teeth and tongue clashing with one another as he grinds himself against you, groaning into you.
"Chan, please," you whine.
"Hmm? Please, what?" You're not sure if he's genuinely too disoriented to understand what you're asking of him or if he wants you to beg. Either way, you've long since abandoned any semblance of pride.
"Please fuck me,"
His eyes shut briefly, and you watch the way his jaw clenches, "You're going to be the death of me."
If you weren't aching and noticeably empty, you might've giggled at his words. Watching him shove his shorts and underwear down his thick, muscular thighs through lidded eyes. A fresh wave of wetness gushes out of you when his cock springs free. Of course his cock would look mouthwatering too. Of course.
"You really do like to stare, huh?" he muses, stepping closer to you. Hoisting one of your legs over his elbow.
"Sh-Shut up," you stutter, fingernails digging into his biceps as he drags his cock along your pussy. His cock glistening with your arousal in no time.
"That's not nice," he faux pouts, nudging your entrance with his tip. Your knees almost buckle underneath you. A moan bubbling out of just from him toying with you.
"Chan, please. I want it. I want you, please-"
You're promptly cut off when he pushes inside of you. If you thought the stretch provided by his fingers was overwhelming, the girth of cock brings tears to your eyes. Your strained gasps and his restrained groans intertwining.
Is it possible to cum just from being so full? Lee Chan might just help you answer that question. You're not sure you've ever felt so full and stretched out in your entire life. A few stray tears running down your face already.
"Are you okay?" He asks, looking just as wrecked and overwhelmed as you feel. He's practically vibrating from the effort not to move. His cock pulsing inside of you.
"Ye-Yeah. It doesn't hurt. You can move," you respond. It's now or never.
Chan starts off very slowly. Letting you grow accustomed to his girth with every drag of him along your walls. Muttering quiet praises into your neck about how well you're doing, how good you feel, and how you're taking him so well. His words prompting you to clench around him and gush around him.
"Chan, faster, please. You can move faster. It's okay, I can take it," you whine. You feel like you're going to lose your mind if he keeps thrusting so slowly. His consideration is sweet. Really, it is, but it's torturous too. From the way he seems to be restraining himself, you assume the feeling is mutual.
Something snaps in him then. His eyes more feral than they were moments ago as he picks up his pace considerably. The sounds of your wetness and skin slapping against skin mingling with your respective noises of pleasure.
"Taking my cock like such a good girl," he groans into your shoulder, sliding impossibly deeper into you when he angles himself a little differently than before.
Perhaps he's noticed the way his praise impacts you. His filthy mouth not stopping.
"Look, baby," he mutters lowly into your ear, "I want you to look at how well your pussy takes me,"
You can't find it in you to disobey. Chasing the high of being his good girl. So, you glance downwards. Your cheeks heating up as you watch him fuck into you and the way you're being split open by him. You never thought the sight of yourself being fucked would garner such a strong reaction from you but, you've been learning quite a bit about yourself today.
"It's hot, isn't it?" He asks, a moan falling from his lips when you tighten around him, "So hot watching me fuck this pretty pussy of yours."
You've never cum just from penetration but, Chan is proving himself to be head and shoulders above every other man you've slept with. You're completely and utterly caught off guard when you cum for a second time and, Chan seems to be too. Startled, wide eyes watching you shatter in front and around him for a second time. Ever the caring gentleman as he soothes and fucks you through it.
You're barely coherent when Chan's pitchy moans of your name register to your mind and you feel his warm, thick cum flood your awaiting pussy. His hips weakly twitching into yours with ever spurt of his cum inside of you.
Honestly, it's a wonder both of you are still standing. Barely, but you're standing. Leaning into each other and the trusty wall for support as you come back to yourselves.
"If working out with you always ends up like this, we should work out together more often," he says, kissing your neck and shoulder lazily.
You really just had to fall for one of the most eye roll inducing men you've ever met, huh.
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arisewanekosuki · 1 year
Lately you have been dreaming about boy you don’t know, his indigo eyes would look at you with wonder and sometimes with love at you. Nothing special would happen in those dreams, it’s only you and the boy doing plain things, like collecting some fruits, walking on the beach, watching the stars. But the only thing that surprise you Is when you wake up after dreaming about this boy, your cheeks are always stained with tears and you would feel empty, like something is missing. You’re sure, you never met anyone who look like this mysterious boy from the dreams, you didn’t read any novels that would have character that would be described like this person. You talked about this with your friend, but they too didn't know what to make of those dreams. They proposed that maybe you need some changes in environment. They wanted to visit Sumeru because there will be some festival going on and they asked if you wanted to join them. You thought that won’t be a bad idea, so you took some days off and travel by ship to the Nation of Dendro Archon. When you reached Sumeru City, you two realized that there is some Championship going on. So many mechanical butterflies were flying around. Some people running around the city, you two decided to stop at Tarven and maybe ask some locals what’s going on. After ordering food, you and your friend decided to eat outside, while your friend excused themselves for a moment, you waited alone by table. And then you saw him. The same boy you would see in your dreams. He wears different clothes but it was him. You don’t know why but you got urge to run to him and hug him, but why? Why would you do that to some stranger. Your friend come back, waving their hand in front your face to bring you back to the present. The boy has already gone. Two days passed, the Championship ended but the festival was still going on, so you two decided to try some attractions. No matter how much you tried you couldn’t forget about this person. You don’t have dreams about him anymore but now he haunts your thoughts in daylight. Who is he? This is first time seeing him, so why you feel like you know him? You won’t be able to enjoy your days off till you won’t know, is there something between you two. One morning you would take a walk around city and you meet him again. He was talking with golden haired person but it seems they already finished, the golden haired person wave goodbye and went another way. That was your chance, to approach him and talk to him, after taking breath you finally moved. The boy from your dreams turned towards you, his eyes widening for the second. Does that means that he know you? You stood in front him, suddenly not knowing what you should say, the boy didn't say anything too. After this awkward moment that felt like lasted hours, you finally spoke. -“Did…did we meet somewhere?” you asked. The boy only looked at you, he looked like he wasn’t sure what to say to you. You thought about apologizing and just leave, all the fervor about knowing who he is, vanished and suddenly you started feel embarrassment. But then he spoke. -“Do you know who am I?” he asked. Now you didn’t know what to say. Right now for you, he is a boy from the dreams and in this dreams he is someone you trust, someone you cherish.  It’s so weird because you felt like he is someone important but in those dreams you never could hear his name. After not receiving response from you he turned around. -“It seems you don’t know, after all it would be impossible for you to remember…” he sounded disappointed. He started to walk away, trying to leave you but you at this moment reached for his hand. You don’t understand why but you don’t want to leave him again. You started to feel your cheeks getting wet from your tears. The boy looked at you with surprise. -“I’m…I’m so confused… for some reason I don’t want you to go… I…” dreamed about you, about us being together. You wanted to say but couldn’t. Right now you can’t understand your own feelings. Who is he wHo iS hE WHO IS HE ‘He is your beloved ----------’ -“(Y/n)”
You felt warm, he hold you close to himself, one hand around your back and other on your head. His lips by your ear, he whispered. -“It’s alright… if this brings you pain, don’t try to remember me. Right now the most important thing is that you found me anyway. From now on we can start all over again, if you wish.” You moved your arms slowly to hold him close too. You feel revealed, like you found a missing piece of your heart. -“I want… to learn about you. I want to know you again… please.” You whispered. Wanderer smiled. -“If this is your wish.”
Nahida was amazed, how this is possible for you to saw your past life with Kabukimono? Every information about Wanderer past lives should be erased from memories and yet. “It seems dreams can protect some special memories.” Nahida looked down from the branch she was sitting on, from there she could see you and Wanderer, you are laughing while he is trying to hide his face with his hat. Nahida smiled, maybe your both dreams from the past life will come true in this one. ---- Whaa so sleepy... it's already past midnight...Goodnight (。-ω-)zzz
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gwiyeounsonyeon · 4 months
May Writing Challenge Day 20,21,22!
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Pairing: Chris Redfield x Male Reader Summary: Chris gets a booboo and reader gives him a band-aid Words: 816/200 Warnings: blood? Notes: I cant tell you how many times I rewrote this, I wanted to try to write in a different style but when I tried nothing sounded right or it all sounded too dramatic and poetic.
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The store is deserted when Chris walks in, a few lights in the back had been turned off, the absence of the clerk behind the counter. The atmosphere was haunting and after the shit Chris went through not three hours earlier, he was caught off guard. Too caught up in his head he doesn't realize he’s hovering by the entrance until he hears a rustle coming from a door off to the side behind the counter. Chris’ hand reflexively moves to his hip only to remember last second that he’d left his gun in the car. But before he can overreact any further, you emerge from the door holding a broom and dustpan. 
Upon seeing Chris you look surprised, “Uh, hey…” You fumble, not expecting to have a customer this late but you’re quick to recollect yourself, you set the dustpan on the floor and lean the broom against the wall. “Anything I can help you with?” You look a little intimidated and Chris almost feels bad but he snaps himself out of it with a shake of his head. “No, I'm fine.” – “You sure?” The rate at which you respond catches Chris a little off guard, “– It’s just… I mean…” You trail off like you’re struggling for words and point to your forehead, “You’re bleeding, dude.” Cris raises his brows, the sting reminds him of the cut on his forehead. Shit, he’d completely forgotten. He raises his hand to feel up his forehead and sure enough, there's blood when he pulls his hand back. 
It's not as bad as it was earlier but it seems to be enough to have you, a complete stranger, looking worried. “Wait right there.” He has a feeling he knows what you’re going to do but you don’t give him time to object. You head back through the door you came out of, Chris stands there for a couple seconds feeling like a moron before proceeding down the aisle to the wall of freezers to get what he came here for. He’s gotten his items and came back to the counter just as you walk back out of the door, of what Chris assumes to be a break room, carrying a first aid kit. He opens his mouth to object but you fix him with a glare that shuts him up. 
“Come here, i’ll fix it for you so you don’t kill yourself on the drive home.” You walk around the counter, stopping next to him to set the first aid kit on the counter. Chris’ eyes stay glued on your hands as you sort through the box and pull out the things you need. He’s never actually paid that much attention to you, always in a hurry to get home. Your hands actually look quite nice and when you touch him, your fingers carefully prodding at his jaw to get Chris to face you fully, he notes pleasantly that your hands are as soft as they look.  You’re not quick at patching his wound, you’re actually quite clumsy. 
Your hands shaky and unsteady as you pat the alcohol wipe around the area, sponging up blood and cleaning the cut. It stings but Chris is too focused on you, your hands, your eyes, your warmth. Your eyes are deep and dark, pooling with worry and concern as you take in the weathered look of his face. A small part of him has the wherewithal to try to feel self-conscious but the majority cant find it in him to care. You look almost as bad as him, worry lines on your forehead, dark bags under your eyes, anxiously chewed on lips. 
Your eyes fall to his once you've stuck a bandaid onto him and for a moment Chris swears he feels a spark in his gut, almost like butterflies when the two of you realize how close your faces actually are. But he doesn't get any time to ponder what that could mean as you turn away from him and hurry to clean your mess. You dump the used cloth and the wrappers into the trash as you walk around the counter and set the first aid kit to the side so you can ring him up. You’re quiet throughout the process and when you finish you quietly recite his total, not once during this do you look up at him. A part of him feels a little upset but that's overshadowed quickly by how amusing it  is to see you scurry around like that. 
Chris takes it easy on you and pays without a fuss, he takes his things and heads out to his car as you close up the store behind him. He waits long enough to see the lights go out and when he looks down at his receipt to total the money he’s spent, down at the bottom in a hurried scrawl he reads out your number.
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sft-chrries · 1 year
falling in love with kyojuro rengoku
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pairings: k. rengoku x fem!reader
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if you’re a slayer:
the two of you are often partners so you two get along well
if you noticed his food is finished and he’s still hungry, and you're not done with your food, you would give it to him.
of course he’ll decline because you need to eat too but after insisting that it’s find he will eat it
if you got your ass in to the butterfly estate he will put some food/snacks on your table
when you were patrolling, you phased out and realized your feelings when you saw two couple eating together, and you thought of you and rengoku
you pushed your thoughts away thinking that you were just delusional but it haunted you
if you're zoning out, you would think about his smile, eyes, hair, and voice
you wanted to tell him about it but didn't have the courage to do so
until rengoku made the first move
“(name), i would like to court you,” he blurted out randomly, causing you to choke on the drink you were having. you managed to cough out a “what?”
“you’ve been occupying my mind lately, and i can’t seem to get rid of it. when i talked to mitsuri about it, she told me it was love that i was experiencing. ever since she told me that, i’ve thought about you more— if you ate anything for breakfast, if you got enough sleep for your next mission, and if you got home safely.” he expressed as he looked at the ground.
you were speechless the whole time. you didn't know he felt the same way, and you didn't know what to say. he had noticed your silence and started to sweat. then, you mustered the courage to tell rengoku about your feelings.
“i… i’ve actually had feelings for you for a while now. every time we talk or spend time together, my heart races, and my thoughts are consumed by you. i never expected you to feel the same way, and i… i’m incredibly happy right now.”
as soon as the words left your lips, he wore a stunned yet elated expression. without hesitation, he stepped closer and pulled you into a warm, tight embrace.
if you’re a helper at the butterfly mansion:
you've seen a lot of people in the butterfly mansion but one particular hashira had your interest
even when rengoku was obviously hurt he would still smile and thank you for replacing his bandage and it made you confuse
because usually they would whine and/or complain about how tight you put it but rengoku just smile and say thank you for taking care of me
while you were in your break a few of kakushi told that the flame hashira was badly injured due to the fight with lower moon 1 and upper moon 3
when you saw him your heart stopped and you knew that you weren’t capable to take care of him because you were shaking so you had to call shinobu for it
he was out for 2 months and within those months everytime you were on a break you would be next to him
you realize that you were in love with him when you almost lost him💀
when sumi, kiyo, naho checked up on him they scream for your name
"(name)-san! rengoku-sama is awake!" when you heard that in the distance, your heart began to beat faster as you gave some medicine to the sick demon slayers.
as you finished your work in that room you excused yourself and closed the door. the moment that the door closed, you sprinted your way towards rengoku’s room and there he sat. he smiled weakly at you and you ran towards him, hugging him.
"oh, how i missed you, rengoku-san!" you sobbed out, gripping onto his clothes as you confessed to him. you didn't even know what you babbled about until you saw rengoku look at you with flushed cheeks. He cupped your cheeks, wiping the tears with his thumbs, as he told you what he feels about you.
if you're just a citizen:
you were known painter in your town and you knew him when he requested a painting
he liked it so much that he payed you double💀
of course you insisted that it was alright for him to pay with the normal price but he didn’t really care
when nightfall came, he came back to escort you to your house
you two were chatting then you asked him if its hard to slay demons
he didn’t like it because you knew that demons exist so he tries to escort you every night to your house
eventually he started to have feelings for you
and he realized that as a hashira, it meant that his life is always on the line. so, he decided to act on his feelings sooner rather than later.
so, when he heard that there was going to be a festival in your town, he asked you out.
“(name)-san, i know a spot, but it's up the hill! would you be okay with that?” he asked as he held your hands tightly, ensuring he wouldn't lose you. you nodded, but soon let out a gasp as he scooped your body into his arms and ran, effortlessly leaping forward.
just as the both of you reached the top of the hill, he gently placed you down, and you staggered slightly, trying to regain your balance.
"what was that, kyojuro-san?!" she exclaimed, breathing in and out to steady herself. he gave her an apologetic smile and said, along the lines, "i got excited."
he placed a blanket on the soft grass and gestured for you to join him. you settled down beside him, gazing up at the sky in anticipation of the fireworks. he cleared his throat, catching your attention as you turned to look at him.
"i want to tell you something... you know that my job is to slay demons and my life is constantly on the line, right? so naturally, i don't have much time with me, and i don't want to waste any of it," he said. then he stood up in front of you, dropped one knee on the ground, and took something out of his pocket. "(name) (last name), will you please marry me?"
you didn't even let him open the ring box, and you embraced him tightly before yelling, "yes!" while nodding enthusiastically.
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🍒 reblogs and notes are appreciated !
🍒 sft-chrries 2023
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I can't get over the fact that those princess pajamas Daniel is wearing in ep 2 have one hundred percent got to be Karen's. like there's no way Claire and Stephen are going out to get new kid pajamas so late at night, even if they are they're not getting princess pajamas, and the only pajamas they could possibly have lying around are Karen's. for one thing this implies that Claire and Stephen have kept those pajamas around for literal decades instead of just donating them to charity like normal people (did they stay in the Bedroom with the sapphic pen pal letters and Karen's emo poetry?) but also the way that Daniel doesn't seem to put these pieces together, especially since he mentions being jealous of Chris having his mother's things later on. right now, he's just excited to have cute princess pajamas, he doesn't realize this is the closest he's been to something of his mother's since he was a baby
Whereas Sean and Claire and Stephen have got be very aware of this, like a bizarre parallel to lis1 where Max is wearing Rachel's clothes, the young god dressed up like a ghost that everybody remembers except for them (not to mention that Daniel's shirt even has fucking butterflies, blue butterflies, on it). Claire and Stephen are seeing another happy little kid running through their house like nothing ever changed, while Sean is seeing the uninterrupted childhood that Daniel will never have again, and that Sean lost after Karen left. Sean is lying in the guest bed with Daniel, looking at his baby brother wearing their mother's things and asking to see their mother's room, like this small echo of a young Karen who doesn't understand what she did wrong, why he's so mad at her. Sean doesn't know how to confront that ghost any more than the grandparents do, they're all stuck in this haunted house full of haunted stuff, and Daniel's got everyone looking at him like the haunted boy he is whenever he tries to bring any of it into the light.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
I feel like one day you're gonna find out who I am and block me because I'm always requesting a lot of stuff buuuuuttttt please don't blame me😩😩😫. Your writing is just so nice and spot on and you're just so nice as well......😭😭😭😭
Could you please do break up to make up for Seongjoon?👀👉🏾👈🏾
I'm so sorry 😭😭😭. Feel free to discard this.....
Black Anon 🖤🖤
P.S: I blame you though. Don't be such a good writer😤😤😤
My sweet black anon. I've sat on this for so long because I just didn't really know where to go. I did write something similar ish called Broken here which is so-so at best but I couldn't think of anything else. INSPIRATION STRUCK LAST NIGHT. Hope it scratches that itch! Also. I'm dumb as shit. I have NO idea who you are and tbh would never block you for your requests! Or your kind words heh.
Seongjun Baek x Reader: Prince
Break up to make up(ish)
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You were the one speck of light throughout his dark past in Japan.
But in the end, he was the one that broke it off.
Seongjun couldn't bear to be held back any longer. And that's how he viewed you. You didn't fit his future, his ambitions. A chain around his throat, tying him to things he no longer wants to think about.
He believed it at the time.
In every face, he looks for signs of you.
Those eyes that sees through to his soul. Those lips that still haunt his skin.
A voice that pierces his heart. A laugh that echoes in his mind forever.
Of course it is just a pipedream, you're hundred of miles away. A lifetime ago. An ocean and border and heartbreak divides you.
The messages from the live chat scroll through too quickly for Seongjun to fully comprehend. It's never really anything worthwhile, just words to feed his ego.
But today, he sees something. One word stands out amongst the crowd.
The little moniker the Japanese media had created for him, that his fans and the Judo community lapped up, and you would always repeat with a teasing tone. "My little judo prince, my idiot king, my silly monarch." But the nickname still falls from your lips each time.
"My prince," and Seongjun, caught up in the swirls of puppy love, would return with reverence: "my princess".
"Prince?" Seongjun says to the camera, "I haven't heard that in a long time."
He hopes for a response, but it's too late as everyone else latches on. It's repeated until it loses all meaning, and repeated in every chat thereafter.
He feels the loss for a second time.
It's by complete chance that he passes you on a street.
The angle of your nose, fullness of your lips, curve of your chin causes a double take. Triple take. Quadruple.
He blinks once, twice, three times as if waking himself from a dream.
"Y/N!" Seongjun calls out on instinct. He doesn't know why he did it. Doesn't know where it would take him.
You turn around warily, as you do when any stranger calls out your name.
It's no stranger.
His hair a little different, his clothing much more polished. There's faint lines on his face you don't remember, and a hardness in his eyes you can't forget.
The easy grace with how he holds his body, how he pulled you into the same body night after night - once upon a time. The confident smile on his lips that has explored every inch of your being. You can't forget this neither.
And had it been so long you forgotten how your name sounds on his tongue: that you could mistake the gravel of his voice, the pitch and the tone for anybody else?
Long enough to forget the pain he had caused you?
"Seongjun," you breathe. A smile graces your features. You couldn't help it. You could never help it with him.
"Y/N," Seongjun repeats, returning your smile.
The thread of fate still ties you together, and the butterflies in his stomach matches yours.
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dr-rabbit-3 · 6 months
Sooo you guys wanted to see it so here it is it's old and I'm not the best writer rn so.. in joy?
Worning: this story has cannibalism in it(obviously)
And violents, stabbing, blood (trauma?) pls don't read it if you're sensitive to stuff like that (ya mental health comes first)
Anyway story in the undercut 👇
Gregory stabbed Tony meltable times
Tony tried to fight back
Gregory tried to ignore the pained screams coming from Tony
As he stabbed him he wanted to give Tony at least a quick death he didn't want Tony to suffer..
Tony was the first friend he made at school,
Tony was his friend!......
What kinda child does this to a friend?
a blood thirsty monster
That's what kind.
Tony was barley alive any more
he wasn't putting up a fight anymore...
it only took one last stab
And it was over
Gregory looked down at tony
As tears filled his eyes
he hated having to do this
But it had to be done
Tony was trying to find out things...
Gregory had no clue how he was gonna dispose of the body but
soon he came to a horrible collision
he didn't like it one bit
But he had no other way
There's only one way to properly dispose of the body without getting caught
no body
No problem...
Gregory stared blankly at Tony's body
Gregory was going to eat it.
But how he thought would he start with the head or the hands?
he didn't know...
he looked around and then back at tony......
After a couple of hours Tony was nothing but a skeleton
And bloody clothes
he folded and put the clothing in his backpack
He didn't know what he was gonna do with the skeleton he had a couple of ideas
He hid the skeleton somewhere nobody will find it for now
He crawled in the vent and into the outside world he had a therapy session in 10 minutes he can't tell his therapist about this he can't tell anyone about this!
he walked home blood on his hands
Vanessa wasn't home yet he dropped his backpack on the floor
and made his way to the bathroom
He washed the blood of his hands
He looked in the mirror and saw
A monster looking back at him
6 months later with Cassie and vannasa.....
"Did you see Gregory today his been acting strange lately and haven't been eating much
I'm kinda worried.."
Vanessa said as she placed a plate of pancakes in front of Cassie
"I'm gonna go talk to him and see what's up"
Cassie said as she made her way
Down the hall to Gregorys bedroom
she knocked at the door gently
"Hay can I come in?"
Cassie said softly
She could hear light crying
crying she never heard from Gregory before
Gregory said with a Shakey voice
Cassie slowly opened the door
She saw Gregory in the corner of his room
In a fetal position kinda rocking back and forth
she never seen Gregory like this
It hurt her
"G...gregory are you okay?...."
Gregory looked up at Cassie
With the saddest eyes
And then softly smiled
And nodded
"Y.... you don't have to worry about me it's nothing it's just been a hard day....."
Gregory said wiping the tears from his face
"Do you want to talk about it"
Gregory knew he couldn't talk about that
He ate his friend he's a....a monster he's a cannibal!
Author's note: this story is short and was supposed to be a part of a larger fanfic before the butterfly au
Where Tony gets eaten by Greg and basically haunts him and tries to get revenge and Tony's spirit is attached to Gregory because Gregory ate em
Idk I might write the story after the butterfly au is finished 🤷‍♀️
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middleearthpixie · 2 years
Seven Days ~ Chapter Twenty-Two
Seven Days -  Modern Tolkien AU
Firefighter Frerin Durin died in a fire set deliberately. But after he helps his brother, Thorin find happiness, Frerin is offered a second chance. He has to prove himself worthy by righting the one major wrong in his life. Otherwise, history will repeat and he will die for good this time. The catch? He has seven days in which to do this and isn’t even certain what his major wrong is.
At least, he doesn’t know for long. 
Syd Prescott has known Frerin since high school. She spent one night with him and then he vanished from her life. Now, he claims he wants to make it up to her, to right was he realizes was his major wrong. But can she trust him? And can he prove to her that she can before it’s too late? 
A/N - I want to apologize for the slow updates, I haven’t been in a great headspace to write, and with the semester starting this week, my free time is going to be at a premium, so updates may be even slower. Thanks so much for your patience…
Summary: Syd gives Frerin an answer about living together…
Pairing: Modern!Frerin x OFC Syd Prescott
Characters: Frerin, Syd, Alanis Durin 
Warnings: Oral sex (m/f receiving) unprotected sex, some fluff
Rating: M
Word Count: 3,140
Tag List: @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc @msjava1972
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here.
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Syd’s eyes glittered like aquamarines in the light cast by kitchen fixture as she gazed up at him. She was tiny compared to him, and he knew for a fact he could lift her as easily as he did his nephews. And as she gazed up at him, it did the oddest thing to him, sent butterflies going crazy deep inside him, the same way he felt as a kid, when puberty hit and his hormones went wild. Only now, there was nothing to stop him from tugging her against him, wrapping her in his arms, savoring the feel of her full, firm breasts against his chest, the equally firm mounds of her ass in his hands. Now, he could do all the things he’d once fantasized about doing with her. She haunted his dreams as a teenager, and now, she was his reality. 
“You’re staring at me,” she whispered to shatter the thickening silence.
“Syd, do you know how often I thought about this?” As he spoke, he reached out to trail his fingertips along her cheek. Her skin was so soft, it practically begged to be touched and he found himself powerless to resist the urge. “And it didn't even come close to what it’s like to be with you.”
“I bet you say that to all the girls.”
He grinned. “Nah. I had an image to protect. But, not with you. I don't have to worry about that any more.” He brought his free hand up and cradled her face between his palms and added in a whisper, “I love you.”
Her eyes softened. “I love you, too.”
“I like how that sounds.” He bent to her, capturing her soft lips in an equally soft kiss that fired his blood and spurred his lust. He didn't want to rush with her, didn’t want to just rip her clothes off and pounce on her. Well, actually, he did, but at the same time, he didn’t. Instead, he tilted her face to his and bent to press a gentle kiss against her lips. He savored the lush softness of her lips, the way they parted slowly and just the tip of her tongue brushed his bottom lip, almost shyly. That was how she kissed—shyly, almost hesitant, as if afraid to overstep or seem too aggressive.
She should only know there was no such thing as far as he was concerned. Not for her. He wanted her to know she could explore him to her heart’s content—his mouth, his body, he didn't care. He reveled in the sensations she sparked to life, that she sent coursing through his body. His blood warmed so slowly as her tongue swept along his, and when she drew it back into her mouth, he had to fight back a sigh as the heat in his blood became fire. 
Her fingers swept down along his sides, her hands coming to rest on his hips, heat from her touch sinking into him. He almost ached for her touch against his bare skin, against his nipples, his cock, anywhere and everywhere she could possible touch, stroke, caress. 
She tugged his black long-sleeved tee shirt from the waist of his jeans and when her fingers slid beneath it to sweep along his bare back, he shivered against her. She did it again, this time letting her fingernails trace down the same path, and when she brushed just beneath the waist of his jeans, he moaned softly into her mouth. He couldn't help it. He had no idea how sensitive that bit of skin actually was until just then. Women were perfectly satisfied to let him explore them, they seldom took the time to return the favor with the exception of reaching into his jeans to wrap a hand about his cock for a few seconds.
But Syd took her time. Her fingernails scratched down. Then up. In slow, lazy strokes, and he shivered again as his skin tightened into goosebumps. Shivered and broke his kiss to sweep his lips along her chin and down her throat. Her pulse beat fast beneath his lips, her fingers dug deeper into his skin, her whispered, “Frerin…” was a caress of its own. 
A hint of jasmine and vanilla teased his nose. Her scent, both bottled and personal, combined to tease him, to make his head spin as he gripped the bottom of her sweater to slide it up, over her ribs, to lift it past those perfect, full breasts, to tug it over her head. Her hair, that glorious mass of thick, dark red silk, brushed his hands as he freed her from the sweater and when she looked up at him and smiled, in that moment, he’d have given her anything she asked for, no matter what. He’d have done anything for her, no matter what.
“You are so fucking beautiful,” he whispered, letting his hands come to rest on her shoulders, his thumbs hooking in her dark green satiny bra straps. Gently, he eased them over her shoulders,  then reached around and with a single pinch, unhooked her bra. As the fabric fell away, he drew back to let his eyes feast on her, on the way her nipples tightened into enticing little pebbles, the way her pulse beat faster still even as she held his gaze with those beautiful eyes, the way she didn't try to suck in her belly to make it seem perfectly flat. She didn't have to. He loved the slight soft curve of it. He loved everything about her and he wanted to make damn sure she knew it.
He bent to her once more, brushing a kiss along her collarbone, smiling against the inner curve of her right breast as he swept a kiss along that curve and her fingers slipped into his hair while her breath hitched. Her fingers twisted. Tightened. Held on as he moved toward that beaded nipple. 
“Oh!” Her soft moan rose into the air as he closed his lips about the bead, as he swirled the tip of his tongue around it, the flat of it over it. It pebbled even more, and when he teasingly nipped it, she shivered against him this time. Her back bowed, offering that breast to him, demanding his attention, which he was more than happy to give. He gave a gentle pull on it, biting back a smile at her soft, hitching breath, and his own breath caught as she tugged on his hair in response. The sharp, sudden sting across his scalp made him shiver against her, fired his own desire further. 
Another slow pass and he let that nipple slip from his mouth, shifted to press a kiss into the shadow between those perfect breasts. He swept another one along her breastbone, smiling as she whispered, “Frerin…” even as her fingers loosened in his hair to let him move lower. 
He crouched before her, peppering teasing kisses along her belly, smiling as he reached that slight roundness. Christ, she had no idea how perfect she really was, and he had no words to adequately convey it. Instead, he shifted to his knees, and looked up at her and smiled as he eased the button of her jeans through its hole, then tugged the zipper down. 
Her eyes grew heavy lidded, holding his stare with a smoldering one of her own as he tugged her jeans down, her hand coming to curve against his cheek, her fingernails just dancing across his skin. Without breaking eye contact, he lifted her left foot with one hand to tug the cuff of her jeans over it and swept them from first her left leg, then her right. A shy smile lifted her lips as he swept his fingertips along the backs of her legs—over her calves, behind her knees, along her thighs, and finally, over her backside. 
He drank in the sight of her, her black lace thong the only thing between his lips and her mound and those hints of jasmine grew stronger as he leaned in and brushed a light kiss along the soft skin just above that lacy border. Holding her gaze, he hooked his index fingers in the soft lace and slipped it over her hips, down her thighs, and let her thong crumple at her feet. 
The jasmine scent grew stronger as he leaned in and nuzzled the dark auburn thatch between her thighs. Her hands found their way back into his hair, twisting as he slowly slid his tongue into those curls for a slow, leisurely pass. Her hips moved slightly, arching to meet his caress. And the next. And the one that followed. 
He took his time with her, savored the spicy-silken taste of her, the way her breath quickened and her body moved against him. She grew slick and sweet beneath his tongue, his name a breathless whisper on her lips as she trembled against him, as she grew wetter still. He traced a gentle circle around the swollen bead nestled in those lush curls, swept over it with the flat of his tongue, took his time to explore every inch of her silky, damp flesh. She moved against him, pleading softly for him to shove her over the edge.
He would. In time. 
But for now, he wanted to tease her. Wanted to make her ache for him. Wanted to feel how she desired him, how she wanted him. Wanted her to feel every single iota of pleasure he could give her. He trailed his fingers along her inner thigh, smiling as she jerked back and breathed, “Oh, my God… Frerin…”
He eased those fingers into her heat, teasing her, torturing her in the most sensual way he could. She gasped as he slid one finger inside her, crooked it, found that spongy swelling along her front wall, honed in on it and stroked. 
“Frerin!” She shattered, throbbing and tensing all around him, and he savored every last moment of it—every last breathless cry, every last pulse of her body around him, the sweetness of her released lingered on his tongue, tortured his own senses as he ached with the need to bury himself deep inside her and thrust until they exploded together. He wanted to feel her come with him inside her, to feel those pulsations squeezing him, dragging him out to sea with her. 
He drew out her orgasm until she shivered against him, her voice husky and raw as she pleaded with him for mercy, as her knees buckled and she breathed, “No more… oh… please…”
She collapsed into his arms, her lips hot and furious as they found his and devoured them, as she pushed him down onto the carpet right there in the living room and tugged open his belt, yanked open the fly of his Levi’s, tugged down the waistband of his boxer briefs, bent over him and—
“Syd!” He couldn't hold back as her lips closed about him and she pulled him deep. Fire enveloped him, twisted and ribboned its way through him as she brought him so close to the edge of insanity, then pulled him free, shifted to straddle him and—
“Oooh….” His moan echoed around them as she positioned him and came down hard onto him. He caught her by the hips, his fingers biting into her as he moved her faster against him, as he arched deep into her. White lights danced before his eyes. His blood scorched through his veins. His orgasm spiraled through him with the power and intensity of a gale force wind. Syd threw her head back, her fingernails digging into his chest as she tightened about him, as she quivered and pulsed and cried out his name.
The wave crashed into them. He slammed her hard against him, arching to thrust as deeply as he could as he came in a blinding flash of desire and lust and need. She came with him, squeezing, rocking against him as her body throbbed all around his.
And as fast and furious as it hit, the wave receded to leave peace in its wake. Syd collapsed against him, fighting to drag air into her lungs, her head coming to rest on his chest. He wrapped his arms about her, cradled her against him, also battle to breathe even as he gritted, “Oh, holy fuck… oh, Christ, Syd… oh, holy fucking shit…” and let his eyes close as the dizziness worsened and he thought there was a very real possibility he was going to pass out. 
Little by little, each went quiet. His head slowed, the spinning ebbed. His blood cooled and slowed, his heart no longer raced. Peace settled over them as he drew in a deep breath and whispered, “I love you…”
“Mmmm…” her lips brushed across his chest, “I love you, too.”
He smiled into the thickening darkness, letting his fingers skim along her silky hair as she lay against him. He didn't want to move. Quite possibly ever. He let his eyes close, just savored the feel of her, in his arms, all around him.
Her breath danced gently along his neck, and he couldn’t hold back his sigh when she swept a feathery kiss up toward his ear. He smiled into the darkness. “I think I have a rug burn on my ass.”
“I’ll kiss it and make it better.” She lifted her head, scooping a handful of hair to toss out of her face. 
“I like how that sounds.”
“I though you might.” 
She shifted and he winced as he slipped from her warmth. She was naked but he remained completely dressed—only his jeans were open and hastily moved out of her way—and he grinned. “Damn, honey, you didn't waste any time.”
“I couldn't help it,” she confessed with a hint of a sheepish smile. “I just had to have you, Frerin.”
“You won’t hear me complain about that ever.” 
“Somehow, I didn't think so.”
She lifted her head and looked so utterly disheveled and so thoroughly manhandled that he knew he’d never seen a more beautiful woman before. Curving his hand against her cheek, he whispered, “I’m a lucky guy, Syd. I hope you know that.”
“I know.” She winked and slowly climbed off him. Smiling at him over one shoulder as she padded toward the kitchen, she added, “But I’m a pretty lucky girl, so I think that makes us even.”
He smiled, drinking in the sight of her perfect body silhouetted by the kitchen lights, and then let his head thunk softly into the carpet once more. Somehow, he thought he had the better end of the deal. 
Syd let her eyes close as she curved against Frerin’s body, her arm draped over his hips. ESPN played softly on the television, the bluish glow from the set the only light in the room. Riley was curled up in her bed, fast asleep. She thought Frerin might have fallen asleep as well, and that was just fine with her. He earned a solid night’s sleep after everything and as she lay there, she shifted just enough to peer up at him. His eyes were closed, his thick black lashes crescents against his skin. The low light from the television softened his features, sleep took away years and stress and he once more resembled the Frerin she’d gone home with in August, the one who oozed confidence and charm and knew he could go home with any woman he wanted at any time.
But, she’d seen no sign of that Frerin in his words or actions since he’d come into the shop the week before. There was no sign of the confidence that bordered on arrogance, or that sense of entitlement. She believed him when he said he loved her. 
She believed him when he said he wanted to marry her.
“What’s wrong, Syd?” His whisper startled her, although he didn't open his eyes.
“N-nothing. I thought you were asleep.”
Now his eyes opened. “Are you hexing me?”
“Why would I do that?”
“I don't know… you’re staring so…”
“You’re different from how you were in August.”
The sheets rustled softly as he shifted onto his side to face her. “Is that good or bad?”
“It’s neither good nor bad, it’s just… different. The Frerin I knew in August was kind of an arrogant prick, but the one here now is the exact opposite.”
“Dying will do that to you,” he replied softly with a hint of a shrug. “It also opens your eyes real quick to what you want and what you’ve been settling for.”
“And a different girl every night is settling?”
He propped his head on his fist, his expression far more serious than she’d ever seen. “Yeah, it is. I like this—” he gestured between them—“this is what’s important, Syd. Lying here, like this, talking, is what’s important. I mean, sex is great with you, but so is this. So is feeling you fall asleep against me. So is when I wake up and you’re lying here next to me still sound asleep. It all blows everything else away. It’s the little things like this that make you realize what life is, that made me realize what was missing from my life.”
“And now you know what you want.”
“And now I know what I want.” A slow smile lifted his lips. “You. In this bed. Every night for the rest of my life.”
As he spoke, he shifted to ease over her, bracing himself on his forearms as he loomed over her. “And you never did answer me.”
“About moving in with you?”
He nodded, his St. Florian medallion spinning to throw off flashes of blue light. “I like the idea of having a never-ending sleepover with you, Syd. And maybe that’s how I’ll convince you to marry me.”
“Or we could just live in sin forever.”
“We could, but,” he winked, “is that even a thing any more?” 
“Gram probably thinks so.”
“Sin is fun. And we do it pretty well, you know.”
She smiled up at him, slipping her arms about his waist to let her fingernails trail along his back. There was something so heady about watching the effect that had on him, as he shivered slightly and his eyes grew heavy-lidded and sleepy. “We do, don't we?”
“And think of all the sin we could get into, honey,” he murmured, dipping toward her to let his lips just brush hers. “Just you and me and our imaginations?”
“That does sound promising.”
“So, what do you say? Let’s live in sin together, Syd.”
“I think that can be arranged, Frerin.”
His eyes danced with mischief as he said, “Good,” and bent to kiss her once more. 
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svenotes · 4 years
stay with me | jjk
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❝ maybe staying another night at your boyfriend’s isn’t such a bad idea ❞
[ PAIRING ] : jeon jungkook x reader
[ GENRE ] : established relationship au + smut and a smudge of fluff
[ WORD COUNT ] : 6k
[ WARNINGS ] : oral sex, some real good tongue technology on jungkook’s part, fingering, overstimulation, penetrative sex, creampie, LOTS AND LOTS of dirty talk, jk calls oc ‘baby’ and ‘pretty girl’ way too many times, oc worried that her bf is going to get tired of her, some mentions of anxiety, jk is the sweetest bf and even sweeter at sex, there is barely any plot and just a lot of sex im so sorry 
[ AUTHOR’S NOTE ] : i'm on my period and i got horny and then this happened
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masterlist | wattpad cross post | ao3 cross post
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Jungkook shuffles behind you, the bed moaning. “You don’t even know what I’m going to ask.”
You shake your head, failing to suppress your smile as you slip on your thong. However, it does little to hide you from him. Glancing at the mirror, you see him shamelessly stare at your ass, licking his lips before he meets your gaze through the glass with a boyish grin.
You turn around to face him. “You’re going to ask me to stay.”
Jungkook hums, eyes dancing across your bare skin, darkening. Heat rushes to your cheeks as he admires you, confidence swelling in your chest and you take a moment to admire him. He sits at the edge of the bed, naked and yours, white, silk sheets pooled around his lower abdomen.
Your eyes trace over his rigid muscles, and your fingers itch to touch him. Even under the dim light, he is beautiful with his dishevelled hair and swollen lips. You finally meet his gaze and swear your knees almost give out. Heat pools in your stomach when you see the hunger in his gaze, breath hitching in your throat. Your thighs press together reflexively and it doesn’t go unnoticed by him.
“Wrong.” Jungkook pulls you at you until you're straddling him. He cranes his neck to press butterfly kisses along your jaw. “I was going to ask you to not leave.”
“Baby.” You thread your fingers in his hair, tugging at the strands. “That means the same thing.”
“Don't care,” he hums, pressing a firm kiss against your lips. “Don’t go.”
His plea tugs at the strings of your heart. It’s hard to say deny him. It’s especially hard to deny him with his dick hard, prodding against your thigh and his lips coercing you to stay cocooned under the sheets with him. However, the anxiety that builds in your chest is overwhelming and the thoughts that kept you up the night before still linger.
“Unless you’re telling me you're staying, I don’t want to hear it.”
You giggle, leaning down for a sweet kiss. Minutes pass by before you pull away with a burn in your lungs and clouded mind. He chases after your lips, but you tilt your head for his lips to press against the corner of your lips, to his reluctance.
“Baby,” you start, “I need to go home and get new clothes. I’ve spent the entire weekend here and now I have nothing to wear.”
“I like you naked, anyway.” He grins as you slap his chest, failing to bite back your smile. “You can wear my clothes.”
“I have no underwear left.”
“I have a laundry machine.” He traces every curve of your spine, sending shivers down your back. “You’ll have clean clothes tomorrow.”
You brush the long strands of his hair from of his face. “I could grab some new clothes and come back tomorrow.”
“It’s going to be dark soon,” he reasons, unhooking your bra with two fingers and you cock a brow. “Leave in the morning — after breakfast. Dangerous people come out at night, y’know? I don’t want anything bad happening to you.”
“You would’ve won me over with that one if you didn’t unhook my bra,” you remark, pinning him with a look.
“Really? Wait, lemme redo that—!” You let out a heartfelt laugh, throwing your head back and he grins. “Seriously, don't go. I don’t want you walking outside late at night.”
“The sun’s only about to set, I can get home before it gets too dark.”
Jungkook’s brows pinch together, lips curling downwards. “You’re trying so hard to leave. Why?”
Your heart misses a beat and you pray he doesn’t notice the hesitation in your eyes as anxiety swells in your chest. Your worries flood your mind as a reminder as why you must leave.
“You're going to get sick of me if I don't give you some space.”
“I could never get sick of you,” he retorts, holding you closer with a shake of his head. “And I don't need space from you. Wanna keep you in my arms forever.”
Your gaze softens on him and his cheeks are coloured pink. “Kook.”
“I don’t want you to leave — not tonight.” He presses hot, open-mouthed kisses against the column of your throat. “Want you to stay with me.”
You indulge in the idea; one more night. You could stay one more night. You could. However, the fear in your chest does not allow for it. You’re scared — worried if he spends every waking moment with you he’ll soon get tired of you. Perhaps it’s a stupid thought considering you’ve been dating for over a year now, but the dread still lingers. No matter how much you reason with it, it haunts your thoughts — keeps you awake in the middle of the night even as he rests in your embrace.
He drags you from your reverie, pressing a kiss against the sweet spot under your ear and you let him have his way for now.
“Don’t go,” he says again in a whisper, pleading with his eyes. “Please. I want you to stay.”
Before you can answer he leans down to press his lips against yours. His lips meld with your own in a fervent kiss, his hand trailing down your body and tracing the curve of your ass, as he presses himself against your core. You roll your hips against him as the kiss becomes more sloppy and desperate with every press of him against you. Waves of pleasure shoot down to your core, your pussy clenching around nothing.
“Jungkook,” you moan.
His lips trail down the underside of your jaw, pressing a wet kiss against your pulse. A coil of desire begins to tighten at every nudge of his shaft against your nerves, nails digging into the skin on his back in response.
“Ngh — Jungkook, please,” you urge as presses his hips against yours, applying pressure to your bundle of nerves.
“Please, what, baby,” he hums, smirking against your skin. “Use your words.”
“Touch me. Please, ah,” you moan, throwing your head back against the pillow. “Need you to touch me.”
He throws your unhooked bra to the side. Bringing a hand to wrap around your breast, he squeezes it adoring how soft and pliant you are under his touch. You arch your back as his tongue flicks against your perked nipple.
“Are you sure?” He asks, his warm breath fanning across the pebbled bud on your breast. “Thought you had to go, hm?”
“I won’t stop until I’m satisfied,” he says, hoarse, searching your eyes for an answer. “I won’t let you go until you’re begging me to stop. Do you want that?” He rolls grinds his cock against your core, groaning. “Won't stop ’til I feel your hot, tight pussy milk me for every last drop. Ah, wanna feel you fall apart on my cock, see you all pretty and full of my cum, hear you beg for more and more until you break.”
You gasp at his vulgar words, the hot, white coil tightening in your stomach. You wish so badly for him to be inside of you when you clench around nothing. His lips wrap around your perked nipple, licking and biting you, eliciting the sweetest of moans from your lips as his tongue swirls around your bud.
Your thread your fingers through his hair, pulling at the strands at the nape of his neck how he likes it. He moans against you as you continue to experimentally roll your hips against him, desperate for some friction — for him.
“Do you want that, too, baby?” He asks, leaving a trail of kisses up the valley between your breasts. “Means you can’t go home though. You’ll miss your train if you let me do the things I want.”
“Are you sure you’re not going to get tired of seeing me every day?”
You try to laugh, but your voice comes out strained and full of worry. It doesn't sound like a joke as you hoped, voice shaking as you ask your question. Your heart thunders in your chest and you wonder if he can hear it.
Jungkook stills, his lips brushing against your collarbone. He pulls back to look at you, brows furrowed and eyes full of confusion.
“You think I’m getting tired of you?”
You look away from his piercing gaze and he doesn’t like it. Taking your face in his hands, he urges you to meet his eyes and you find yourself meeting his concerned gaze.
“Talk to me,” he says, softly.
You take a deep breath, eyes flickering to your hands resting against his chest. Mustering the courage to open up, you meet his gaze again as he patiently waits for your response, a thumb rubbing soothingly against the soft skin of your cheek.
“I—I’m scared that you're going to realize I’m not as great as you think I am,” you begin softly, voice shaking. “I’m worried if you spend too much time with me you'll get sick of me. I’m scared you’re going to get tired of me and leave me.” You pause, noticing the bewildered expression on his face. “I wanted to leave so I could give you space in case you wanted it. I didn’t — I don’t want to suffocate you.”
He’s silent for a long moment and you know it’s because he’s collecting his thoughts. However, a part of you still worries. You worry it's because he realizes he has grown tired of your presence. You worry he realizes that you have too much emotional baggage and doesn’t want to deal with it. You worry because you have a hard time accepting someone’s love.
“I haven’t done a good job at being your boyfriend,” he starts and your eyes widen, “if you’re thinking I’m going to get sick of you.”
“No,” you reply immediately, cupping his face. “It's not you. It’s my insecurities — my anxiety. You’re more than perfect. You say and do all the right things, Kook. I just… I’m scared one day you’re going to get tired of me — tired of constantly reassuring me, sick of having me around all the time and clinging to you.”
You’ve talked to Jungkook about it before. He knows about the thoughts that keep you up at night — the worries that gnaw at you until you’re in tears. He knows and he stays. He tries to help you in every way he possibly can. He holds you when you need it, whispers reassuring words, comforts you no matter when or where. He’s there for you in every possible way because he loves you.
But sometimes your anxiety gets the best of you — especially when it comes to him.
“Baby,” he starts and it’s hard to meet his eyes, “I will never get tired of you. I will never get sick of you.”
“You don’t know that—!”
He cuts you off, “But I do. I know because I can’t get enough of you. I don’t think I ever will. Every moment you’re not with me all I want is you. All I can ever think about is you. You drive me crazy and you don’t even know it. All I ever want is you beside me, in my arms, in my house with me. I always want you right beside me — right where you belong.” A pause. “You know I love you, right?”
“I love you, too.” Your response is almost immediate and he smiles, leaning to press a soft kiss against your lips.
“Do you know how much I love your laugh?” You’re silent. “Do you know how much I love making you smile; how much I love waking up beside you and falling asleep with you in my arms. How much I adore your victory dances when you win games and your snoring—!”
“Hey!” You complain, but there’s a smile curling on your lips to match his.
“I love you so much — every single part of you — I couldn’t possibly ever get sick you. I love you so much I don't ever want to let you go.”
Hesitantly, you look at him and let the sincerity of his words sink in. His eyes are full of adoration for you and your heart is enveloped by a sudden warmth only he can elicit in you. Lifting your hand between your bodies and extend your pink finger to him.
He doesn't hesitate to wrap his small finger around yours before sealing the promise with a sweet kiss. “Promise.”
“Okay,” you say, gnawing on your bottom lip. “I wasn’t being too clingy this weekend? I wasn’t bothering you or being annoish—!”
“I’m going to stop you before you say more things I don’t like.” He smothers your face in his hands, eyes narrowed. “Remember, I wanted you here this weekend, too. And I want you to spend another night because I love you and I’m going to miss you when you’re gone.”
“Okay,” you murmur, shyly. “I’ll stay the night.”
“Good. I want my pretty girl beside me,” he chuckles under his breath, tucking a loose curl behind your ear. You notice his eyes grow softer, an emotion you cannot decipher hidden behind the awestruck in his eyes that leaves butterflies in its wake. “Move in with me.”
You blink. “What?”
“I—!" His eyes are wide as if he didn’t expect himself to say the word himself. His eyes flicker downwards before they meet yours again with purpose. “I want you to move in with me.” A deep breath. “My apartments too big for just one person and I miss you whenever you’re gone. You spend more time here than you do at your own place anyway. Move in with me.”
You search eyes and all you're met with is sincerity. “Are you sure?”
“Yea,” his smile is soft but it makes your heart swell. “Yea, I'm sure. I’m tired of waking up every morning and not having you beside me.”
“Moving in?” You ask, uncertainly.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while, but I wasn’t sure if you were ready. And you don’t have to give me an answer tonight or tomorrow. I want you to think about it and if you’re not ready, that’s okay because I’ll wait for you. You’re worth the wait.”
“I already know I want to spend the rest of my life with you, ___.” Your eyes widen at the declaration and his cheeks are coloured pink despite the bright smile on his lips. “I know we’re not there yet, but I want you every single day for the rest of my life. So while I wait for you to be my wife, I want to move in with you.”
Jungkook momentarily stills before he realizes the soft pressure against his lips is your own, smiling into the kiss as he closes his eyes. He kisses you tenderly and sweet, but there is desperation behind them. You’ve kissed Jungkook thousands of times but he still makes your head dizzy as he slips his tongue between the seams of your lips. You’re not sure how long you stay like that, your fingers tangled in his hair and his own pulling you closer towards him.
He pulls back first, a string of saliva connecting you before he places another firm kiss against your lips. “Was that a yes?”
“Yea,” you breathe, grinning. “Yea, it was.”
He flips you onto the bed with practiced ease, your back hitting the mattress as he hovers over you. You giggle as he places butterfly kisses all over your neck and shoulder.
“I love you so much,” he breathes, face hidden in the crook of your neck. “My pretty, pretty girl.”
“I want to cum.”
He laughs, pulling away. “Shameless, too.”
He leaves a trail of kisses down your body until he’s a hair's breadth from your cunt. His fingers brush against your closed slit, arousal leaking through the flimsy material as he presses against your core. Your breathing becomes erratic when he presses a kiss against your clothed lips.
“Baby — fuck.” Your eyes roll back as he drags his tongue to your clit, the friction from the fabric on your nerves driving you crazy. “St-stop, agh, teasing.”
“You’re not in the position to make rules, baby,” he says, rubbing against your clothed clit. “I’m going to take my time with you — have you begging for me to taste your cunt. And when you do, I’ll use my tongue to lick every little drop of sweetness from your pussy. Make you come on my mouth over and over until you’re begging me to stop.”
You whine, “Please.”
He teases you, moving your underwear aside just enough to lick a long stripe from your pussy to your clit. Groaning, he meets your eyes as your underwear slides back in place.
“You taste so good, baby,” he purrs, pressing a kiss against your thigh. “And you're so fucking wet. Bet I could slide right into you.” His fingers are back on you, brushing against your clit but not enough to do anything. “You want me, baby?”
Your arch your back in response to his next ministration. “Yes.”
His touch is gone just like that and you whine, brows furrowed in frustration. He snaps the waistband of your thong against your skin with a smirk.
You’re about to complain, but he cuts you off. “Beg or I’ll fuck myself using that pretty mouth and leave you dry. Tell me, baby, how bad do you want me?”
“Please, baby, I need you.” Your hooded eyes meet his heated gaze. “Need your fingers, mouth, cock — you. I need you so bad. Wanna feel you so bad, please.”
“Could be better,” he muses before he presses a kiss against your clothed core. “But I’m impatient.” He taps your hips. “Up.”
Helping you out of your underwear, he brings his face towards your core, blowing against your opening. His nose brushes against your thigh as he places another kiss against the soft skin, hooking your legs over his shoulder.
“You’re soaking and I’ve barely touched you.”
You hum, contentedly when his tongue brushes against your slit. “All for you.”
“My pretty girl,” he rasps, nose brushing against clit. “So wet and needy for me.”
Before you can complain again you feel his hot, wet tongue press harshly against your lips before he drags it up to your clit. He swirls the rosy muscle on your clit, teasingly until your moaning and breathless. Without warning, his lips envelop around your throbbing bud, sucking in full force you scream his name as your hips buck. Warm hands hold your waist down as he hums, tongue licking against your entrance again. For a moment he dips inside you, moaning at the taste of your sweetness before going back to suck at your clit the way you love it and you see stars behind your lids.
He repeats the motion over and over, swirling his warm tongue around your swollen bud and sucking it in a way that has you forgetting your own name. Against your slick lips, he whispers praises, before he slips two fingers into your warm cavern and curling his fingers inside you.
“O-oh, fuck—!” you gasp, fingers tangled in his hair. “Don — mmngh — don’t stop, ngh.”
“Gotchu,” he grins when he finds your sweet spot. “Does it feel good, baby?”
“S-so good.” Your nails scrape against his scalp and he emits a low groan. “So fucking good, fuck.”
His fingers continue their onslaught at a new pace, brushing roughly against the spot that leaves you breathless. His lips are back on your clit like a hot suction and you scream out from the overwhelming pleasure.
“So fucking tight,” he muses, pressing a kiss against your bud. “Your pretty cunt's taking my fingers so well, baby. You sound so pretty while I fuck you with my fingers, but you sound prettier when you cum, you know that?”
Your head is spinning from euphoria, ecstasy and the lack of oxygen, but it doesn't matter — not when he's bringing you closer and closer to your release.
“Mngh — J-Jungkook!” He sets a new violent pace that leaves you overwhelmed as he hits your sweet spot. His name falling out your lips like a broken record while he licks at your juices, groaning against your cunt when you fist his hair and pull him closer to you. An electrifying coil in your lower abdomen tightens, building further when his ministrations bring you closer and closer to your peak. You clench around his fingers, bucking your hips further into his hand, whimpering as you say, “God, yes — ngh, fuck. I’m so close.”
“Cum for me.”
Euphoric pleasure slowly, yet surely floods through your body, his lips enveloped around your sensitive bud as he curls his fingers against your soft spot. With one last flick of his tongue, you fall off the euphoric cliff as he laps at your juices. He presses harsh, but sure circles against your clit with his thumb as you ride out your orgasm. Your hip spams, thighs trembling as he coaxes you through an indescribable, mind-blowing release that leaves your vision white.
His lips don’t leave your nether regions, wincing at the oversensitivity. You tug at his strands of hair but he shakes his head.
“Not done with you yet,” he whispers, licking the fruits of his efforts once his fingers slip out of your dripping cunt. “Wanna have you crying my name. Wanna show you how much I love you. Will you let me?”
You lift your head from the pillow, leaning on your elbows as you sit up. He holds your stare, smirking before he flattens his tongue and drags it up your slit to your sensitive bud and you shudder. His grip on your thighs tightens to keep you in place before he lowers his head between your thighs, the hot suction back on your clit.
“Agh, Kookie.” You throw your head back, chest heaving. “I’m too—” Gasp. “—sensitive.”
“You can take it.” A kiss against your nether lips. “Wanna show you how much I want you — how much I love the taste of you. I’m not letting you go until you’re begging me to stop. You up for that? Want me to remind you how good I can make you feel?” He dips his tongue back in you and you hiss. “Can you be my pretty, little slut, baby, hm? You wanna make me happy, don’t you?”
You feel him smile against your thigh. “Who does this pretty pussy belong to?”
“That’s right.” A rewarding stroke his tongue. “This pussy belongs to me. You’re mine. This pussy is mine. Will you let me play with this pretty cunt, baby?”
He watches you with hunger in his eyes and the desire to have him use you as he pleases to seek his own pleasure overcomes you.
He brushes his tongue against your swollen nub, and you gasp, “Yes.”
“Pretty girl,” he hums and you’re immediately wrapped around his finger. “Do you want to be my perfect little slut?” You nod, meeting his heated gaze, a wolfish grin curling on his lips. “You're too good to me, you know that, baby?” He teases his tongue around your entrance, eliciting a whine from you. “My pretty girl.” Lips wrap around your clit and you scream, body falling limp against his sheets. “My perfect, little slut.”
And with that his tongue is on you, violently bringing you to another release. You are oxygen and he is a man deprived, burying himself deeper in your cunt. A growl emits from the back of his throat as you thread your fingers through his hair, your winces from oversensitivity shifting to moans of pleasure. He finds home between your thighs, reluctant to leave as he licks at every drop of sweetness you grant him. Jungkook brings you to release over and over until your tears stream down your face and you find it hard to take the pressure of his tongue against your overly-sensitive nerves.
With one last wave of pleasure washing over you, he pulls away. His cheeks are coated with a warm fuchsia, lips parted as he looks at your cunt with a predatory gaze. From his nose to his chin, he is covered in a sheen of your juices, eyes blown out as they meet your own.
He adores your fucked out expression, your chest heaving while you catch your breath. His tongue swipes at the remnants of your release on his swollen lips, the back of his hand wiping the excess off his chin before he leans down to catch you in a short kiss. When he pulls away, his eyes search yours for any sign that you want to stop, but he finds nothing.
“You did so well, baby,” he whispers against your lips. “How are you feeling?”
“You told me you would make me pretty and full of your cum.” His gaze hardens on you, dark eyes trained on your own. “‘M not full of your cum yet. Can you fix that?”
“Such a greedy slut.” A smile grows on his lips as he leans down to your neck, nipping at the skin. “I made you come on my mouth so many times, but you still want more. Greedy, needy slut.”
“For you.” You wrap your legs around his waist as you grind yourself against his dick. “Only for you.”
He groans, hips rolling in rhythm with yours. “You like being my slut?”
“I like being yours.”
He stills for all of a second before he breaks out into a grin, laughing as he presses a kiss against your lips. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and pulls his lips back on yours. As he leans towards you, his shaft presses against your folds. You’re barely able to focus on the kissing as you lose yourself in the overwhelming sensation as he grinds against you, coating his length with your juices.
A knot forms in your lower abdomen like a hot, tight coil wanting to snap. You can already feel yourself get needy at the feeling of his length against your folds, but before you can act upon it—!
“Tsk.” Jungkook clicks his tongue against his teeth as he catches you trying to slip his cock past your folds. “You want my cock?”
“Mhm,” you hum in a daze, eyes lazily meeting his. “Want you inside me.”
“It’s not going to be that easy, baby.” You furrow your eyes at that, mouth opening in protest. “Beg for it. Tell me how badly you want to be fucked by my cock.”
You frown. “That’s not happening—!”
There’s a teasing pressure against your pussy that makes you gasp, eyes rolling back as your mouth hangs open. A soft whimper escapes from you as he adjusts his cock to rub against you, mixing his pre-cum with your juices.
“What was that?” He asks, smirking and you glare at him through your lashes. “Don’t make this harder than it has to be. I can give you everything you want if you just—” he leans down until his lips brush against your ear, his finger grazing over your sensitive clit and you hiss, pushing your hips against his hands for more, “—beg.”
Again, you ignore his request but more so because he aligns his cock to prod against your cunt and you cannot focus on anything but your need to have him buried in you. You can feel the sudden weight in the pit of your stomach as you lick your lips.
“So hungry for my cock,” he grunts. “You want something to fill you up so good you forget your name, don’t you?”
“Yes,” you cry at the lack of attention on your sex. “Please.”
“Please what?” He asks, lips curling because he knows he has you exactly where he wants. “Words.”
“Please fuck me,” you give in, frustrated as your walls clench around nothing. You’re hungry for more — body craving more of what he’s willing to offer; of the undeniable pleasure he would provide if you just gave in. “God, I want your cock — need it. Need you to fill me up, need you to fuck me — nngh!” You moan, body going rigid against his as his head rubs against your swollen bud, fingers tweaking at your perked nipples. “Want you so bad, baby. Wanna be your perfect, little slut so bad. Have me however you want, I don’t care — do whatever you want to me. I don’t fucking care.” You grind yourself against him, chest heaving as the desire for him to fill you up becomes desperate. “Just fuck me, baby, please.”
“That’s my girl.” He rewards you with a kiss. “I’ll fuck you, baby. I’ll fill you up with my cock. Gonna bury my cock deep inside your slick cunt. Gonna stretch out your walls so good no other cock will be good enough for you — no other cock could ever fill you up like mine. No one will fuck you better than me.”
“That’s right, baby,” you urge. “Make me yours.”
Painfully, slow he slips his cock into your warm cunt, groaning. He’s big, in both length and grith, causing a slight burn accompanied by an abundance of pleasure. Moans fill the room as he fills you up to the brim, inch by inch until he no longer can. Your hot, slick walls clench around him and he groans, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck.
“Stop that,” he growls, brows furrowed in concentration. “You’re so fucking tight, ah. If keep you do that I’m going to fucking blow my load.”
“Do your worst, baby,” you say, eyes hazy. “I want you to ruin me.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice, unsheathing himself from your cunt until the tip is nestled an inch within your entrance and then slams himself back into you. A lewd moan erupts from both of you as the stars decorate your vision. You arch your back, pressing your chest against his, eyes rolling back every time he sinks back into you. With each thrust and roll of your hips, he rubs himself against the spot that leaves ecstasy rushing through your veins.
“You’re so, agh, hot like this.” You can feel the pressure build in your stomach, the coil tightening with every brush of him against your sweet spot. “So hungry for my cock.”
“Feel so good in me,” you moan, watching as his dick slips in and out of your cunt. “Fill me up, ah, so good. Fuck, take what’s yours, baby.”
He visibly shudders at that before latching his lips on your perked nipple. His tongue laps around the perked bud on your breast, spare hand coming to knead the other before he swaps breasts.
You groan, dragging your nails down his back, sure to leave a mark. “Oh, fuck.”
Your eyes roll back as the head of his cock brushes roughly against the spot that has you seeing stars. He has your toes curling, his name coming out like a mantra as he ravishes your body, moaning into your neck. A knot of pleasure tightens, burning like a hot coil and he knows with the way you pulse around his dick that you’re so, very close.
You can taste the bits of your orgasm on the tip of your tongue, but it’s still not enough. You need so much more and he hears it in your pleas.
“Puh—please,” you breathe as you feel him press his lips against your pulse. “Hard—oh, my God.” You barely get the words out of your mouth before he’s ploughing into you with a force that knocks the air out of your lungs. “Ngh, like that, fuck. S-so good, baby. Feels so good.”
“Yeah,” he groans, biting your neck. “So good to me, fuck. Such a good fucking girl.” At that, you squeeze around him and he lets out another lewd moan. “You gonna cum?”
All you manage is a nod and a sharp breath of air. His hand slithers down your body to find your clit and he presses against it harshly, eliciting a hiss from you. It’s oversensitive from the multiple times he made you cum on his tongue, but he doesn’t care because he knows you love it. He’s quick to rub circles around the bud and smirks to himself at your vocal response.
“Don’t — ah — stop.” You feel the coil burn more, pleasure building in your body like rapid fire. So fucking close to your next release, even as the sensitive bud stings. “Gonna — ah — gonna cum.”
His lips are eager for yours, pressing against them in a searing, hot kiss as he tries to coax the orgasm from you with his sinful lips. You can taste yourself on him and hum. His release threatens to unravel before him, but he fights against it so he can feel you wrap around his cock when you cum. He lifts himself off you to admire the blissful look on your face as you slowly become undone before him.
“Pretty girl — ngh,” he whispers, hot breath fanning over your cheeks and you whimper. “All mine. Come — ah — for me, hm? Come all over my cock, baby.”
Sweat drips down both your bodies, your walls clenching around him as he fucks you hard. Every thrust leaves his head nudging against your sweet spot, clouding your vision white. A fire builds within you again, leaving you to gasp for air between every moan.
“Kook, I — ah, I can’t come—” Moan. “I can’t come again.”
Softly rubbing against your clit, he presses a chaste kiss on your lips. “You can take it. You’ve been such a good slut for me, tonight, baby. You can do it. Come around my cock for me.”
And with his words and one last thrust, the burning coil snaps, pleasure rushing through your body in euphoric waves. Your veins flood with ecstasy and he soon follows, his seed coating your walls. Overwhelming pleasure unravels within you both like a wildfire, spreading across your bodies as he continues his pace to ride out your highs. His lips find yours once again, pressing a lazy kiss against yours as you both ride out the last remnants of your orgasms.
Once he’s caught his breath, he slowly slips out of you, lifting himself to admire the way his seed spills out of your pretty cunt. You feel his cum spill out your cunt, down your thighs and onto the sheets beneath you.
“Such a pretty cunt,” he says aloud and your lips curl into a tired smile. “So dirty and full of my cum.”
He leaves the bed, heading towards the washroom to grab a warm cloth and you lay there, tired. Exhaustion seeps itself into your bones, lids heavy as they flutter shut. You don’t hear Jungkook return, but rather feel him when a warm cloth brushes against your swollen pussy, cleaning you up. He’s swift to clean you up the best he could before attending to himself and putting the rag away. Maneuvering over you, he brings the blanket over your bodies, nudging you to lay beside him.
“You were so good, baby,” he whispers as he pulls you closer towards him. “Always so good for me.”
He chuckles. “Are you tired?”
“Yea.” You nuzzle against his chest finding comfort in listening to his heartbeat. “I honestly could’ve knocked out after that first orgasm.”
He laughs, pressing a sweet kiss against your forehead. “Sleep. We have a long day tomorrow.”
“We do?” You furrow your brows. “Why? What’s tomorrow?”
“I’m gonna help you pack your boxes so you can move in by the end of the week.” You laugh along with him, throwing a leg over his own as you get comfortable. “Are you sure? You really ready to move in?”
Unable to hide your smile, you press a chaste kiss to his chest. “Yea, I’m sure.”
"You’ll be stuck with me for a long time,” he hums, exhaustion washing over him. “I won’t be letting you go for a while.”
"You better not.” Your smile quickly turns to a frown when you finally notice. “Jungkook?”
“I'm hungry.”
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bumbleklee · 3 years
Hi! I'm moving into a new apartment this weekend and the whole process has just been a mess, so I was wondering if I could request some headcannons for Zhongli, Kaeya, and Diluc helping their s/o move into a new apartment? Thanks!
masterlist | 1k prompt masterlist | discord server
★ sorry this is so late! hope everything went well with the move!
being a consultant and the ex-archon of mora, it wasn't a surprise zhongli was good with money
so when you had a massive argument with your roommate and impulsively moved out of your shared apartment, zhongli had no problem helping you find a new place you could afford right away
because of your small budget, you didn't have many options but one of zhongli's offers stuck out to you
Moving into the attic of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor was never your first option for housing. It was above your boyfriend's work, was cramped and had no insulation and was probably haunted. But it was cheap and finding housing anywhere else in Liyue with this low of rent would be near to impossible. Afraid if you didn't take this offer you would be on the streets, you signed the lease to your new apartment.
"I think the closet is bigger than the bathroom," You mumble, wondering why a wardrobe this big was necessary. Zhongli stood back-to-back with you as he laughed softly, slipping a hanger on one of your shirts.
"It's quite a peculiar layout," He told you. You grumbled something inaudible and Zhongli turned around, slipping his arms over your shoulders and linking his hands together in front of your chest. "Just think of this housing as temporary, Dear."
You sigh and turned around also, meeting Zhongli's kind expression. As annoyed as you wanted to be about the shitty apartment you were stuck in for a while, when you looked into the eyes of your beloved, you just couldn't.
"Yeah, well," You started, tearing yourself away from Zhongli to pick up another hanger off the floor, "You better come spend every lunch break with me now."
He laughed again, "I wouldn't dream of anything else."
if you're moving into a new apartment, kaeya's coming with you
even if you haven't been together for too long, the proposition of living with you is all he can think about
and due to inheriting some wealth from his adoptive father, you have an entire ocean of options
"Kaeya, this apartment is way too big for the two of us," You say for the umpteenth time that month. Letting Kaeya take control of the rails in house hunting seemed like a good idea at the time but when his only options consisted of four bedroom houses in Springvale, you needed to knock some sense into him. He eventually settled on a two bedroom apartment tucked away in a corner of Mondstadt and even though it was still massive, you knew he wouldn't settle of anything smaller.
Your boyfriend only grinned over his shoulder, placing down a cardboard box onto the floor of the living room. "We can grow into it," He said casually, flipping on a light switch.
The comment made your heart flutter, "We could have moved again if...that time came."
Kaeya shrugged cheekily, "We're just prepared for the future."
As you sent Kaeya into the master bedroom to start unpacking some boxes, you absentmindedly wandered into the second bedroom. It was smaller than the first one and you were planning on turning it into a home office but with the remembrance of what Kaeya said, you began to feel butterflies in your stomach.
Preparing this apartment for something bigger down the line didn't seem like such a bad idea.
(you're a young adult)
when your parents decided to pack up and move to liyue for retirement, you were tasked with watching over your younger sister until she was old enough to move out on her own
you felt bad about taking up a four person home in mondstadt when it was just you and your sister, so you moved into a smaller apartment since that's all you two needed
diluc was nervous about you being on your own for the first time but you assured him you could do it
"I mean, I wasn't ready when my father passed away and I had to live by myself," Diluc pestered, sitting on the edge of your bed while you folded clothes into your dresser.
"Diluc," You glanced over your shoulder and sent your boyfriend a soft expression, "I can handle it. (sister's name) is old enough to take care of herself when I'm not around."
He chewed on the inside of his cheek and hummed a response. He knew you were more than responsible to be living on your own but he was still nervous. What if someone tried to break in? Or what if you locked yourself out and the spare key was inside?
Sensing Diluc's anxiety, you stopped folding clothes and walked over to the bed. You sat beside him and took his hand in yours, rubbing soothing circles over his thumb with your own.
"It's only for a couple years," You said softly, "Then (sister's name) can move out and we can move in together."
His cheeks flushed pink at this. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. "Yeah," He finally said, his gaze still away from you, "I'll be waiting."
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whitefantasy21-blog · 3 years
The Commander
Cale’s akumatized form is KRS wearing the commander attire, just saying
tbh I think Cale would never be akumatized because he’s a pro at bottling up his emotions, but If he gets akumatized, he would absolutely be terrifying
Not only would they be down a hero but the akuma was smart as heck, knowing how think and how they move, the Commander would have strategies ready to smack them from behind
They would be fighting Ladybug.
but why would Cale get akumatized? 
Maybe he was upset at not being believed in, Maybe he was getting frustrated because of the things that were preventing him from getting his slacker life, Maybe because he suddenly found his mother’s journal and found himself reminiscing of the past 
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It was an accident.
No matter how desperate he’d been, Deruth would never go after his own family, he’d lost connection with the butterfly when his daughter had almost caught him in the act
but Lily had suddenly barged in, asking to spend time with him, Deruth would never deny his children anything 
There was a knock on the door, "Dad? Can we, could we eat dinner together?" there was no answer he tries again  "Dad?" knock knock knock The door still doesn't open,  He heard his father "I'm sorry Cale, I'm busy right now" Cale bits his lips, Dad sounded exhausted, maybe... he should wait for him to feel a little better
That Akuma must have wandered off to find a target without his guiding, and that unlucky person just happens to be Cale who was too occupied with his thoughts to notice
And that's how The Commander came to be.
If you’re wondering what was written in the books in the drawing
Mother was like fire, shining so brightly and warming everyone's heart  "Deruth out son is too cute" she smiles and kisses him lovingly, Deruth gave them an adoring look  "We will need to protect him from both boys and girls when he's older" Cale pouted as he clung to his mother like a koala "I'm not cute" Jour laughs, a warm gentle sound as she holds Cale dearly  A dying ember.  Mom was laying on the bed, these days she  was too weak to move from her bed, and yet her smile was still the same, Mom caressed his cheek while Dad was holding her other hand  "Always remember I love you both"  Her hand fell, and yet, that smile remained the same Father cries rang through the room "No, no, Jour please" Cale held her hands with glistening eyes, Mom's hand was cold The light was snuffed out (Far too son, Far too sudden) leaving them in the darkness where their heart remains cold 
 (She's gone, Cale misses her)  Cale hates the color black, it was such a dull color.  it was the shadows that lingered in the hallways of their home or it could just be his father wandering around with a lost look on his face, haunted by the memories of what he'd lost...  (Cale had lost her too, however, it felt like he lost both of them)  They were still wearing mourning clothes and he was sick of the dark color 
 Back then when Cale had still been young, days, when Father had been too busy with work and Mom had been too tired to move from her bed (even then, there had been signs that he knows was off but couldn't understand why)  Ron was the one to take care of him during those times ever since he was a baby, and when Mom had passed away and father was gone more often than not, Ron was the one to take a step and taken care of him and continues to do so when he became a man that acted like a trash  Beacrox had been there too, like a cool older brother, taking care of him, playing with him, and patiently answering any questions he asked  Though, Cale knew they were just doing so because they were paid to be nice to him 
 Cale Henituse always seems to stand out anywhere he goes, with fiery red locks that he inherited from his late mother.  His father has brown hair along with his little siblings and other Mother.  Watching his family from a distance, he knew he couldn't join in because he would just make it awkward for himself and everyone else.  He just didn't belong to that picture-perfect family.
I was planning on stopping here but, NAH, lets continue...
The sky was dark and cloudy the day of mom's funeral, a lot of people came Mother is- was a very friendly woman who attracted a lot of people towards her
“My condolences for your lost” Cale didn’t understand why they would bother to keep saying that cause it wouldn’t her back, shes gonegonegonegone, but he still accept it politely
Father was too devastated to do so
Cale could hear the whispers "Why isn't he crying? His mother had just died, doesn’t he miss her? how heartless”
One by one, the people left until there was just the two of them standing there at the grave wheremotherwasburried,shesnevercomingback
Cale reached his hand to pat his back “Dad, let’s go home”
It would be alright as long as they were together.
but Cale couldn't seem to reach him
“Dad?” something was strange.
The child was suddenly falling, hand still reaching for his father who was kept kneeling at the grave
He was falling but was now older
Someone was screaming, Cale couldn’t understand, he was sleepy.
Cale closes his eyes.
It was the first time the dark had ever comforted him.
Black Cat caught the red-hair just before he could hit the ground, it had been a close call
“Is he alright?” The Illusionist asks in concern, she had come because the black cat hero had to call in every superhero, which was weird because Ladybug was usually the one to call the shots
Choi Han looks down at the unconscious Cale Henituse, sleeping peacefully
“He’ll be fine“
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omgrachwrites · 3 years
Keeping You Safe - Frank Castle
Pairing: Frank Castle x Reader
Request: ‘can i request? frank castle x reader where she has a stalker, frank finds out about it and takes care of it please’ - anon
Warnings: fluff, angst, tw: violence, tw: blood, tw: stalking, tw: guns, swearing
Words: 1736
A/N: Hope this is okay, anon! Thank you so much for the request! Hope you guys enjoy this and please let me know what you think, I love you all! xxx
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The restaurant you worked in was rather rowdy tonight – that seemed to be its default setting lately – on rowdy nights such as this, you normally just wanted to go home and crawl into bed. However, tonight you were so glad that you were rushed off your feet; you were on bar duty tonight so the drink orders from customers just kept coming. It did well to distract you from the man who was staring at you from across the busy street.
Nick had started off just as a regular customer but lately it had seemed that he was following you. At first you thought that you were just being paranoid but Nick had begun to turn up at your local grocery store and the gym at the same time as you. He wouldn’t do much apart from watch you which unnerved you. These could have just been coincidences but when he began turning up at your regular haunts and there were weird calls on your cell phone, no voice, just heavy breathing. You had reported all of this to the police but there was nothing they could do and they didn’t seem to be taking your case seriously. It infuriated you.
As you were making a vodka cranberry, your co-worker whistled and you could hear the smirk in his voice, “oh look, Y/N! Here’s your boyfriend.”
You glanced up and your insides turned to mush and you felt a smile spread across your face as you watched the handsome man who was heading towards you with a grin on his face. To everyone else, Frank looked menacing but you knew that he had a soft interior, though he wouldn’t usually show it.
“Hello, angel,” he chuckled as your cheeks flushed, “you’re looking beautiful tonight.”
You glanced down at your plain black work clothes with a raised eyebrow, “if I didn’t know any better, Mr Castle, I would say that you’re trying to flirt with me,” you giggled.
Frank let out a smirk, “can’t blame a guy for trying,” he chuckled, rapping his knuckles on the bar, you smiled as you kissed him on the cheek. You had had a crush on him for the longest time.
As you poured his drink and placed it in front of him, you chanced a glance outside, breathing out in relief when you saw that Nick was nowhere to be seen, “so,” you started, leaning against the back bar, smirking at Frank as he took a sip of his beer, “what’s new with you? I haven’t seen you for a few days and I know that a lot can happen for you in a couple of days,” you teased.
Frank laughed, rubbing his hands on his jeans, shrugging as he licked his lips, later you would deny that your eyes followed his tongue, “cracking skulls and taking names.”
“Typical Punisher behaviour,” you giggled as you rolled your eyes playfully.
As you and Frank began to catch up you glanced away from his gorgeous face for a second when you heard someone pull a chair out. Your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach as your body went cold with dread and you felt the colour drain from your face. Nick was sitting at one of the tables, just staring blankly at you.
Frank saw the expression on your face and he trailed off, turning around to follow your unwavering gaze. Nick almost shrunk back beneath Frank’s hard stare but he wouldn’t stop staring at you, “can we help you, man?” he asked in a gruff voice.
Nick shrugged and thankfully looked away from you and you released the breath that you’d been holding. Frank turned back round to look at you, his eyes were soft as he looked at you in concern, “is that guy bothering you, Y/N?” he asked.
You shook your head, offering Frank a small smile, though your heart was racing, “he’s harmless,” you lied, you didn’t want to tell Frank the truth about your stalker because he had enough on his plate right now.
“Okay, if you’re sure, but I’m walking you home tonight.”
You flushed as you smiled at him, “thanks, Frank.
True to his word, Frank stayed with you as you cashed up the till and the late night drunken stragglers stumbled out. Nick was the last one to slink out of the bar beneath Frank’s glare. Frank scoffed as he turned to face you again, “you let me know if that guy becomes an issue.”
You giggled, you were glad in this case that Frank was so protective over you, “I will.”
You walked down the street with Frank’s warm arm around your shoulders and you couldn’t help but smile, it felt so natural to be with him like this. When you reached your apartment, Frank grinned at you, “when are you in work next?”
“Thursday,” you smiled, “I’ve got a few days off, why?” was he about to ask you out?
“Could I walk you back home again? I get worried about you.”
You thought it was sweet of him to offer but you couldn’t stop the wave of disappointment that you felt in your stomach, “I don’t need a chaperone, Frank.”
“No, I know, I know but you know what I’m like,” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.
You smiled as you relented, “that would be great, thanks Frank.”
Frank nodded and pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek, “goodnight, Y/N.”
“Night, Frank,” you grinned as he stood and watched to make sure that you got in safely.
On Wednesday morning you got a call asking if you could cover somebody’s shift that evening, you were going to say no but you really needed the money. So you agreed to do the shift, you probably should have called Frank but you didn’t, like you had told him before, you didn’t need a chaperone. You weren’t about to become dependent on him.
Your shift passed by with no incident, but at the end of the evening, just before you were about to close the doors, Nick walked in looking at you with that sleazy smile that made your blood run cold, “Nick, hi. We’re actually closed now, I’m sorry.”
He shook his head as he ran a hand through his hair, “no, I know. I was just wondering if I could speak to you.”
You swallowed and nodded, forcing a smile on your face, “of course, just give me a moment,” you walked behind the bar to where you kept your phone and you decided to text Frank in case anything happened.
You: SOS, I’m at the bar, that man has come back, I don’t know what’s gonna happen but I might need your help x
“So, what can I do for you?”
“I was wondering whether I could take you out on a date sometime.” Nick asked and you bit your lip.
“Oh, Nick. I’m sorry but I don’t really like dating customers, I would prefer it if we could just stay friends.”
There was deafening silence for a second before he scowled, “don’t date customers? You looked pretty cosy with that customer the other evening! If I can’t have you no one can!” The night took a sinister turn as he whipped out a gun and pointed it at you.
Immediately, you held your hands up and you felt tears fill your eyes as you willed Frank to hurry up, “Nick, it doesn’t have to be like this, please just put the gun down.”
“It does have to be like this! Don’t you get it, I love you, we belong together,” he placed his finger on the trigger.
It was then that Frank snuck up behind him, so he didn’t startle Nick and he knocked the gun from his hand and pounced on him, pinning him to the floor, “what the fuck do you think you’re doing huh?” Frank yelled, bringing his fist to punch Nick in the face. Nick groaned in pain as his nose burst and the blood sprayed Frank.
You couldn’t do anything but stand there and watch in horror, when you finally found your voice, you called out to Frank, “Frank, no! Frank!”
Frank ignored you as he kept on punching Nick until he grew limp, “you’re going to kill him stop!”
Frank listened to you this time and ran over to you with blood all over him and he pulled you into his arms, “are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, just shaken up,” you stammered, “you saved my life, thank you.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Frank looked at you with a mingled look of hurt and concern on his face.
“Let me clean you up at my place and we can talk about it,” you sighed as you took him by the hand. Frank dragged Nick out onto the sidewalk and only called an ambulance when you had begged him to; you didn’t want Nick to die.
When you got home, you sat Frank in your bathroom and began cleaning the blood off his face, “you didn’t tell me that you were in work tonight,” he whispered in a gruff voice and you sighed, running your fingers through his hair.
“I told you that I don’t need a chaperone, Frank and I didn’t want to bother you.”
Frank scoffed, “you wouldn’t have bothered me, Y/N. Why didn’t you tell me about that guy? In fact you lied to me the other night. Had he been stalking you?”
You nodded, “I thought that I was just being paranoid but yes, he was stalking me,” you shivered, “you’ve got enough on your plate already, I didn’t want you to have to deal with anything else.”
Frank sighed as he took your hand and looked at you sadly, “sweetheart, I wouldn’t have minded, I just want to keep you safe,” he pressed his forehead against yours, “god, I really want to kiss you right now.”
Butterflies exploded in your stomach as you smiled, “take a shower first,” you giggled, “thank you, for saving my life Frank.”
“Always, Y/N.”
That evening, there was a news report about Nick being hospitalized; he was practically drinking through a straw. You knew that Frank had had no choice, Nick would have killed you but you couldn’t help feeling guilty. Though, at the same time you were glad that Frank had been around to keep you safe.
@smiithys​ @elayneblack​ @amelie-black​
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ackerfics · 3 years
hange and their best friend (reader) "platonically" flirt with one another, they use pet names for each other, making others think they're together unintentionally. until reader finds an s/o, not knowing hange actually likes them
she — hange zoe
— hange zoe x female reader (modern au)
— warnings: angst ??? the stinging feeling you get when you see someone you love, love someone else
— summary: hange's best friend found love in the form of autumn while hange associates her with all of the seasons.
— word count: 2.5k
— notes: i love hange but i hate myself for writing something that hurts them :<<< they're my first love in aot and it pains me to imagine them hurting in any sort of way (which is probably the reason why i bawled my heart out in chap 132). this little fic hit too close at home for me bc it's exactly what i felt one time during high school. it's fucking traumatizing and istg, i don't want to relive falling in love with a friend again, it's like the most satisfying way to hurt, too. happy reading tho :<<<
reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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She embodies everything positive in Hange’s eyes.
She is spring — the bursting of blossoms under the tendrils of sunlight seeping between the spaces of the trees in the woods. Every time Hange closes their eyes, they are reminded of how she signifies every single flower they ever know. She makes them feel everything at once — see every color at once in a single frame. There is no space for artistic abilities in Hange’s calloused, mismatched hands but when it comes to her, they can create a myriad of paintings encapsulating her beauty at every stroke of a brush. Her laughs, her flowery perfume that doesn’t hurt their nose, her smiles that are as radiant as the early morning Sun — are ingrained in their brain. She brings forth the butterflies that Hange carefully imprisoned in their ribs, the monarchs’ wings already seeping through the cracks at every joke she makes, reaching to their heart until every beat swayed to the sound of her giggles.
“Hange, the love of my life, there you are!”
Hange turned around with a huge smile on their lips. Their conversation with Levi came to an abrupt stop, with the shorter man mumbling along the lines of ‘here we go again’. The small smile on his face spoke otherwise while watching two of his closest friends hug each other as if they didn’t live together in an apartment right outside of campus. It was such a mystery that Hange could be so comfortable around someone to the point of playfully kissing their neck in public, followed by their best friend’s melodious laughs soon after. However, Levi couldn’t be fooled. He knew the glint in the brown-haired person’s eyes. The downturn of their eyebrows when their best friend wasn’t looking. The longing was apparent when she was talking to someone across the room.
The idiot going by the name Hange Zoe was irrevocably in love with their best friend, [Name] [Last Name].
“What is it, baby?” Hange asked vibrantly, glasses reflecting the equally excited girl in their arms. “Didn’t know your class dismissed this early. What happened?”
“Nothing. Our professor announced that we should visit a museum for our finals.” She then mimicked the haughty tone of her Art History professor, straightening her back to make herself appear taller. “Choose a painting or a sculpture and trace down its history and attach your critique in the final output. If I see anyone half-assing this paper, I will not hesitate to give a failing grade that will make you retake this class. I know you lot don’t want to see me again for another semester and I don’t want to see you again, too. So, prove to me you’re worth your standing in this course.” She cleared her throat. “What he said.”
Hange whistled. “Dang, I’m happy that I didn’t follow you to the Arts Department. Your professor sounds like a complete asshole.” They chortled the next second. “Sounds like my mom, to be honest.”
“At least your mom makes a bomb bento box.”
“Yeah, I guess, you’re right.” Hange then nuzzled their face in her hair. “But your bento boxes taste much more delicious — I could eat them all day. Can I be your partner so that you’ll cook for me every day?”
“I’ve already taken the position of your wife the moment I agreed to be your roommate in university, sweetheart. And I cook for you every single day so you don’t have to ask to be my partner because you already are.”
Hange looked smug at her reply, the heat in their cheeks traveling to their ears. “That was a rhetorical question but hearing those words come out of your mouth, it’s making me feel things.”
“Oh? What are those things?”
The brown-haired person snickered under their breath, glancing at Levi who was now looking at the two of them in that lazy way of his that might come off as him being annoyed again. In reality, he was only waiting for the two to finally stop flirting to recognize he was there. His daily job of being a third-wheel should’ve started fifteen minutes ago but Hange wouldn’t let [Name] go. Hange turned back to the expectant girl. “I don’t want Levi to hear what I’m about to say. Just expect something back at the apartment,” they joked, a cheeky smile tugging at their lips.
[Name] laughed heartily. “I’m looking forward to that, gorgeous.”
“I’m still here, you know?” Levi dryly made himself known. He huffed and turned around in the direction of the university restaurant. “Come on, lovebirds, let’s have lunch. Oh, and [Name]?” When he heard her little hum of acknowledgment, Levi slightly turned around to meet his friend’s eyes with his jaded ones. “It’s your turn to buy me a drink. Make it a venti today.” She only blinked at him, giving him no choice but to resort to that dumb thing she always asked. “Please can I have a venti this time? I got you and Hange a venti last time so this makes us even.”
“Ooh, make mine a venti, too, baby!” Hange squeezed their best friend’s waist.
“Anything for my sweetheart.”
“Again, I’m right here, you know.”
Just the thought of that little scenario hurts Hange.
But as much as the pain comes in the package, she is still summer in their eyes.
The Sun can’t compare to the brilliance of her smile. Kind smiles and gentle touches under the warm rays of the summer heat. Her scent is yellow to Hange — so bright and warm that they don’t care how long they bask in her presence, never caring if they get burned because it feels so right to be within her orbit. She urges them to feel so loved and so special, tender caresses of her warmth cascading down every vein until it reaches their heart. The cerulean waters of the sea hold nothing against the beauty of her grins, brown eyes searching for her every time of the day no matter how ethereal the world painted itself to be. Viewing the sights with rose-colored glasses is what they may call it but for Hange, it’s simply her. Someone once said that summer brings forth a paradise where blue covers everything in its wake, the cry of the seagulls reverberating in the distance, and the scent of ice cream flickers in the breeze. For Hange, summer is in the form of pretty close-lipped smiles, of late-night movie marathons on a worn-out couch, of bento boxes filled with their favorites, of a scent so saccharine, and a loyal friend.
A friend.
Of course. No matter where Hange goes, that word haunts them. Hidden beneath their smiles, their jokes, their longing, and admiring stares. It’s a reminder of where they stand in this limbo they created. At one point, they thought that line had been crossed only for it to be established again in permanent ink. And before they know it, Hange is tumbling down in a spiral, along with a change of seasons.
Fall is where everything started.
The orange glow of the leaves created the perfect view as she sipped on her tall cup of warm coffee. The blissful sigh that came soon after warmed up Hange, even though they were seated in front of each other in the outside tables of the small cozy café where Levi was working at. The chill brought by the autumn wind caused both of them to shiver in their layered clothing. The way she nuzzled more into her scarf made Hange coo, reaching out to pinch her cheek affectionately. Autumn was both their favorite season, how it made them resort to the comfort and warmth their sweaters bring, or how they cuddle in each other’s beds with the air conditioner blasting despite the cold. It was also a season where Hange could admire her in their hoodie, a piece of clothing that swallows her whole because she’s so small compared to their lanky figure.
Hange remembered being called out here because she wanted to talk about something. Now that they thought about it, her cheeks appear to be glowing more than usual and she kept glancing inside the café where Levi was busy telling his coworker how to make the new drink. Hange even went as far as following her gaze but they didn’t find anything out of the ordinary other than Levi sighing in that stressful way of his that always made them snicker. They turned back to their Sun, who was once again in a daze while staring at the clear windows of the café. “So,” they prolonged the syllable, “how’s life going, darling? I know we’re living in the same apartment but I just can’t help but ask you this because it seems like you’re always in a daze these days.”
A pause made the breeze’s call known.
“Hey, Hange, have you ever been in love?”
That spread the chill even more inside Hange’s chest. She called them by their name. Not sweetheart nor big spoon. The reality washed over Hange like a pail of freezing water.
“W-What?” Damn, they couldn’t keep the stutter off their words.
She turned her head to them, eyes so soft and smile so beautiful that made Hange breathless for one second. The butterflies dwindled, losing their iridescent wings when they realized that look wasn’t reserved for them anymore. “I thought about it,” she murmured, rubbing her numbing fingertips on the warm cup. “I have never fallen in love with anyone before. Sure, I love you and all our friends but I’ve never stopped and thought about how someone can look like starlight in front of me. But recently,” again, that pretty smile that pierced Hange’s chest, “I never knew that it could hit me that unexpectedly.”
Hange grinned despite the pounding of her chest. “So, who’s the lucky person?”
She chuckled, going back to staring at the interior of the café. “I told Levi to lay off on scolding her but he never listens, says she’ll never grow a backbone if he’s being considerate on her.”
Now, they’re confused because the only people manning the counter as she spoke was Levi (and she would never fall in love with Levi, seeing as they grew up together like siblings rather than the childhood friends that they are) and a strawberry blonde who looked like Levi’s become their worst nightmare. It took Hange a full minute to process that the person she’s been staring at was never their mutual friend, but the strawberry blonde who looked up towards their direction and waved with a pretty blush on their cheeks. She waved back with the same shyness, leaving Hange dumbfounded. “Wait, the person you’re in love with is—”
“Yeah, it’s her.”
Suddenly, Hange understands why she’s starting to like autumn.
It reminds her of the girl’s hair, which she gushes about smelling like coconut. It reminds her of the girl’s preferred perfume, how it smells so much like cinnamon, something that she sometimes puts in her autumn drinks because in her words, ‘it’s the perfect season rather than winter’. It reminds her of the girl’s hugs, the way both of them fit with each other like lost puzzle pieces.
But as the seasons change, feelings of long-term pining will always be constant.
“Are you okay, though?” Erwin asked them, blue eyes reflecting their pathetic faux smile. He pushed the plate of pasta to them since Erwin had an idea that Hange wasn’t eating that much now. It also worried [Name].
“Yeah, four-eyes, I know you’re not doing that great and I’m saying this in the friendliest way possible because we’re worried now,” Levi reminded them, sipping on his tea with slightly narrowed eyes. “You always decline whenever we want to bring you to somewhere, to the point of leaving Nanaba on voicemail. You always answer at the first ring. Look here, shitty four-eyes,” the way Levi enunciated the nickname made Hange slowly turn their head to him, face void of the smile they were known for, “shouldn’t you be happy for her? [Name] gained the courage to confess and you’re here moping when you should’ve been supportive—”
“And what of my feelings, Levi?”
That made Levi blink and feel like an asshole.
Then, the dam broke.
“I’ve been with her all this time, you’ve seen that. You witnessed how this shy girl opened up to an extroverted idiot and became one of her best friends during high school. It feels like I can’t fucking breathe because I always thought we were meant to be. When she was lonely, I was there to comfort her. When she got a bad grade on an exam, I was the one who knows what flavors of ice cream she wants or how she eats them together like a fucking milkshake. Every day, I never expected her to look my way like she looks at her girlfriend right now. It fucking hurts. It feels so empty to know that I’m not the one she fell in love with. What did I lack? Should I be sweeter and gentler like that girl? Or dainty whenever I eat like she is? Be girly and dress up like a doll? Fuck, I can’t even bring myself to hate her girlfriend. She’s so nice and kind and sweet, anything I’m not.” Hange buried their hands in their hair, making it messier than it was.
“I just want [Name] to love me and make things wonderful. Why isn’t Fate on my side this time?
“Why didn’t she choose me?”
Tears were now drifting down like snowflakes.
“Hange,” Erwin murmured.
“Look, sunshine, it’s snowing!”
A voice catches their attention. A strawberry blonde cheers the words with glee painted in her eyes. Beside her is the subject of the trio’s conversation, the subject of a brown-haired person’s affections. Her eyes are taking in the beauty that is her girlfriend. She looks so pretty in love — how her eyes crinkled at the corners and how snow clung on her eyelashes as if she is a fairy straight from a fairy tale Hange loves when she was a kid. Her girlfriend takes her hand and pulls her to the restaurant where the trio is watching from the windows. Gray and blue irises slide over a somber bespectacled person, gauging their reaction though their face never gives anything away.
“I’m right behind you, Petra. I just took the time to admire you because you’re so pretty under the snow.”
“Stop it! You’re prettier!”
“Did you know that seeing the first snow of the year together with the person you love, your relationship will rival that of eternity?”
“Then, I’m happy I get to see this first snow with you, sunshine.”
“Me, too, angel.”
Hange smiles under a steady stream of tears. “I’m happy for her. I’m happy she found happiness even if it’s not with me.”
The chill blows inside the warm walls of the restaurant the moment the door opens, [Name]’s joyous greetings for her best friends bringing smiles to two of them. Her eyes drift to brown ones before turning to Petra to ask for a pack of tissues since Hange’s tears are still visible. Hange watches the commotion with a small smile, the chill spreading through them like a snowstorm.
Winter is here.
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eideticmemory · 4 years
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You met Chip Taylor just a little bit too soon.
Word Count: 1.4k.
Warning: 19 year age gap, roll with it 😎
Admittedly, you did look fucking fantastic that night.
But, atrract-a-forty-year-old-celebrity fantastic? You don’t like to hype yourself up that much. It’s his fault. He caught your attention. He hyped you up.
Whispered a gentle, “Excuse me?” as you were speaking to a friend, completely oblivious to the man walking up behind you.
Your friend raised their eyebrows, focused on Matthew with their mouth hung open, just a little. The expression silenced you completed, mid-thought, and you turned around, slowly. You came face to face with his chest first, perfectly pressed in a nice suit. You had to tilt your head up to see his face. And fuck, what a pretty face it was. Scruffy, but balanced by that perfect mess of curls on his head.
And if you thought you were smitten, Matthew . . . Matthew knew the moment you looked at him, that he’d never made a better decision in his life.
“Hi . . . ” was all you could say. Hi. Really? Hi?
“Hi . . .” he replied. And you felt a bit better, knowing he was at a loss for words, aswell. “I’m Matthew,” he smiled. A goofy smile. You heart did a hop, skip, and a jump.
Where the hell did you come from, Matthew?
You shook the hand that he had offered you, and it was big that your hand completely disappeared in his.
“I’m [y/n],” you smiled back.
You wish you could say that was it. That after that is was nothing but happily ever after, no nerves, no anxiety.
But, Matthew, fucking Matthew, with his perfect face and his perfect voice and his perfect . . . everything to it upon himself to ask for your number, ask you on a date, call you to say goodnight. All in one night.
And you knew nothing about him. Nothing except for these butterflies in your tummy and a gnawing, aching feeling that . . . for the first time in your life, you felt love at first sight.
“Help,” you begged your friend. Your closest friend, they must have the answer, right? Luckily, they did. Told you he was Matthew Gray Gubler, actually. Not just Matthew. Gray Gubler. Get it right.
You googled him. You got so wrapped up in the Criminal Minds, Dollface, Newness mess that you completely skipped over the whole, born in 1980 thing.
“I heard 68 kill is good,” your friend shrugged. “It’s on netflix.”
“Cut it on.”
“You sure?”
“Yes,” you nodded. “Wait, is there a reason I should not be sure?”
“Okay, I’m putting it on before you go into full panic . . . just watch the dude, okay? Maybe you won’t like him so much afterwards.”
“Oh, yeah!” You panicked. “That helps, thanks!”
Oh, wait.
Wait, wait, wait.
“He’s shirtless!” You exclaimed.
“He’s hot.”
“Look at him.”
Wait, wait, wait.
“He’s looking at her boobs! I don’t have any boobs!”
“[y/n]! Please!”
So, you suffered in silence. Suffered. He’s so pretty. He’s gorgeous. What the fuck? And this hot ass woman is slapping him and choking him.
“Okay,” you breathed. Took in a deep breath, “Okay, it’s over, he has a shirt on now.”
“He’s still hot.”
“Would you please.”
He is still hot. Sweating through a grey shirt with the hem tucked into those tight jeans. He is beautiful. It’s sappy. But it’s all you can say.
Oh, great, hot lady’s back. With guns.
Oh, wait.
Wait, wait, wait.
“No!” You shout, attempting to cover the sounds of Matthew’s groans and grunts from the TV. You closed your eyes shut, covered you face. “Turn it off!”
“Are you sure? She is fucking the life out of him, wow.”
The TV went silent and you uncovered your face. But, your friend had only silenced the movie, and you watched. Watched Matthew’s lips move against hot lady’s like metter against warm bread. Watched. Focused. Couldn’t catch your breath. Watched. Wanted it to be you.
Hot. He’s so hot.
“Turn it off.”
You woke up on Sunday — date day — way too late. Way too late, Matthew was supposed to pick you up in an hour. An hour! And if you’re late, it’s his fault. It’s absolutely his fault. For being gorgeous, and kind, and texting you every day just to make you as comfortable for today as possible. Telling you goodnight, and telling you he’d see you tomorrow. And for . . . haunting your dreams, all night, every night, with his lips like butter on warm bread.
You showered, quickly, fixed your hair, quickly, got dressed, quickly. Everything was quick. Panicked. Rushed. Then, you open the door and saw Matthew’s face. The flowers he brought for you. And time slowed down.
He had brought hot dogs and chips in a little pinic basket. One of the perfect ones, made with wicker, with the plaid table cloth on top. The park was isolated, private, romantic. Smelled like fresh flowers and clean cut grass. The meadow of it was surrounded by flowers every color of the rainbow.
Matthew set your pinic up right in the center.
“You’re a romantic, I see,” you giggled, sat beside him on the table cloth, which shielded your clothes from the soft grass.
“Only when . . . I really, really like someone.”
You blushed.
“That’s you, by the way,” he added, followed by a cute chuckle.
“I figured,” you nodded, and you stared at him for a few seconds. He stared at you. Both of you felt like you could do it for hours.
But, instead, you ate. You talked. You laughed. A lot. The old man had a sense of humor, and he joked about being too long to lay on the table cloth.
“You’re like an extra long slim jim,” you joked.
“Exactly what I was thinking,” he cackled.
As you were sat cross-criss beside him, he absentmindedly put his hand on your knee as you two laughed.
Your breath caught in your throat, and you had to gulp to rid yourself of the ache. It couldn’t have hit you at the worst time — the thoughts, about his lips. Butter. Warm bread.
You were a little shy the rest of the day, just a little. Had a bit of trouble looking him in the eye. But, Matthew’s got this way of talking you out of your shell, every time he opens his mouth.
You were sad to pull up in front of your place. Sad to know the date was ending, and you two would be dramatically separated.
You both knew it would only be for a few days, though. Neither of you could handle any longer.
You stared, at each other, you stared again. The light catching him through the windshield of his car like a halo. The light accentuated his eyes, his nose, his lips. Soft lips. Looking at them. It made your mouth water.
So, you licked your lips, and leaned in. He leaned in, like he’d been waiting. And waiting, and waiting, and waiting. You took his face in your hands and kissed him gently, your fingers twirling the ends of his hair.
It was a good kiss, your first kiss. The perfect kiss. But the second one . . . the one you had after the initial rush had set in, after you found out his lips really were like butter. Soft, on warm bread.
That kiss was better.
He finally put his hands on you, and that was when you unbuckled your seat belt. You crossed the dashboard, just to perch yourself in his lap.
“Oh, wow, okay, wow,” he rambled, overwhelmed, and blushing underneath you.
His body was warm, and he pulled you against it as your moved your mouth on his.
“I would’ve . . . mm . . . I would’ve given you . . . a better — date — for this.” Matthew said, between kisses.
You threw your head back at laughed. “Today was perfect,” you told him, his jaw between your thumb and your fingers. “Absolutely perfect. Thank you.”
“No, thank you,” he planted soft kisses on your jaw.
“Oh, you’re just saying that because I’m on top of you.”
He giggled, grazed his lips against yours, as he ran his thumb over your temple, “You’re a good kisser.”
You couldn’t help but snickered to yourself, “Yeah . . . so are you.”
Then, you were back to it. Back to him, to pulling him close and sticking your tongue in his mouth. Completely unaware that you two were being watched.
From the window, you friend shook their head, pursed their lips, “Fucking 68 kill.”
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brainrattlers · 2 years
Play It Cool - Tyson Jost (15/n)
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Author’s Note: Short installment. Literally just a little Valentine’s Day fluff because some intense stuff is coming soon. I’m really great/awful about dragging this out, but damn it I have so many ideas I want to somehow incorporate.
Pairing: Tyson Jost x OFC
Warnings: Language. Nakedness in the shower together. It’s not graphic, but probably should give it an 18+ because reasons.
Word Count: 1626 (SO SHORT, I’m sorry, but it’s just a brief interlude!)
Missing Part 14? https://brainrattlers.tumblr.com/post/690822714485817344/play-it-cool-tyson-jost-14n
Tyson woke up at AJ’s, thankfully she had the day off knowing that she and Jess’ flight back from Dallas was going to be late. However it was a very quick breakfast together, as Tyson wanted to hit up optional practice (he had been working with Jussi and the goalies more, trying to work on his own skills while helping them out), and then said he “needed to go shopping.”
This was code for, “I still need to get you something for Valentine’s Day.”
You know, because… this very day is Valentine’s Day.
“Okay babe. Do you want to get dinner or something? Although that might be next to impossible being February 14th.”
Tyson thought about it for a few moments. “How about I bring some Chinese? Just a chill evening in, yeah? I mean, if you had your heart set on going somewhere fancy I can try playing the ‘I play for the Avalanche’ card…”
“You, me, and some Chinese sounds pretty good. I’m not usually one for big gestures on Valentine’s Day honestly. I think the sign yesterday was the biggest gesture I’ve literally ever made for it, honestly.” 
Tyson snagged a quick kiss before ducking out, heading directly to practice… wearing another one of AJ’s hoodies. He knew he was going to get crap for it, but he couldn’t get enough of how soft they were, and how they smelled like the body spray she often wore. She just rolled her eyes, knowing she’d reclaim it later at his place sometime, smelling instead of him. It was a vicious, beautiful cycle.
The two had previously talked about not going overboard on gifts like Tyson did at Christmas, but it was still a relative thing. AJ felt like she found a great *small* gift for him, and it came from the heart with the silliest of intentions. There was no way he wasn’t going to love it. And because she planned in advance, AJ was able to crawl back into bed for a few more hours of sleep (or at least scrolling TikTok and sending Jess videos most of the morning). 
It was finally around 1PM that AJ decided to be an adult and get out of bed. It simply was one of those mornings where it was just too comfortable to get out of, but she also knew that her back would be pissed off with her if she didn’t move soon. Pajamas seemed like a comfortable idea until Tyson texted around 4:30, saying he was heading over with dinner shortly. Frantically, AJ hopped in the shower, but lost herself a few minutes to the scalding hot water that washed away the sleepiness that was plaguing her. Not hearing the door open downstairs, AJ was surprised (and by surprised, I mean she screamed and threw a punch at the shadowy figure on the other side of the shower curtain) when a single rose poked itself into the steamy bath. And thankfully Tyson was pretty good at dodging fists.
Fighting to catch her own breath, AJ pulled the shower curtain back enough to poke her head out to voice her frustration after realizing it was only Tyson.
She couldn’t stay angry seeing Tyson nearly falling over against the vanity trying to take his own clothes off as fast as possible to get into the shower with AJ. That goofy, giddy look that always took over his face was everything to her. Every time he saw her naked, he acted as if it was the first time all over again, trying to engrave every little detail into his memory. It gave AJ butterflies in her stomach every time too. 
Sometimes the nerves made her shy, covering her torso, hiding what she didn’t like about herself. But it never failed that being the hype man Tyson is, that he would talk her out of her own worries. He’d praise and worship every inch of her, which when in the shower, inevitably ran the hot water out. This was actually much preferred to Tyson. AJ never understood why he liked cold showers, where Tyson couldn’t grasp the concept of why hot showers were superior. But it also never failed that the two would be laughing as the hot water would run out, and Tyson would shield AJ from the cold spray, but also tease that he was going to pin her against the shower wall. Normally, this would be sexy as hell, but the walls in AJ’s shower were icy cold to the touch when she’d have taken a hot shower.
That damn glint of mischief was bright as day in Tyson’s otherwise darkened hazel eyes.
And more often than not, AJ would squeal as Tyson pressed her against the cold tile, but then doing something else that would make her forget all about the cold tile.
Stepping out of the shower first, he grabbed a fluffy bath sheet from the rack and tossed it to AJ still inside the curtain. After scrunching her curls, she wrapped the towel around her midsection and exited the tub. She was completely unable to not stare at the dripping wet naked Tyson in front of her, who was toweling off his legs, then chest.
“I’m going to straight up admit it, I’m staring very disrespectfully, Mr. Jost. Please do continue though.” AJ bit her lip while enjoying the sight before her. 
A deep crimson blush flooded Tyson’s cheeks, and went down his neck. 
“Oh yeah? Liking what you see?” Using his towel, he started exaggerating his moves and in doing so, became more ridiculous. 
Leave it to Tyson to diffuse what could have been an incredibly hot situation and turn it into something that leaves them both laughing, so much that AJ is nearly in tears. And Tyson loved to see and hear it - one of his favorite things was getting her to laugh, the kind of laugh that shook her whole body. He took that as the most real sound she ever could make.
After a few quick kisses and finally getting dried off and dressed, Tyson grabbed AJ’s hand (and the rose that started this whole mess) to bring her downstairs to get dinner that likely now would need reheated. However something on the sofa made AJ stop and stare, first at the fluffy shape, and then at Tyson.
“What is this?”
The smile on Tyson’s face couldn’t be contained as he guided her around to the front of the sofa.
In front of the two of them was a giant teddy bear holding a box of Smarties (Canadian Smarties, not American Smarties), the rest of the roses, and was clad in one of Tyson’s old Team Canada World Juniors jerseys.
“His name is Maple. I thought you could cuddle with him when I’m on the road, you know? And he’s bringing you Smarties, because you are what you eat. Ignore the fact you’re eating General Tso’s tonight, just think about that when you eat the Smarties. Because you’re my smarty!”
Tyson was clearly proud of himself on this one, when he looked over and saw that look again of “what the hell did you do/why did you do this/I love it.” It was a look AJ gave him often. 
“I love him, Tyson. You shouldn’t have, but… I do love him.” AJ gave the bear a giant hug before grabbing the small box off the coffee table. “I got you something too, it’s not nearly as substantial, but when I saw it, I knew you needed it.”
Unwrapping the paper from the long slender box, Tyson stopped and stared at AJ before opening the lid, revealing a necktie.
But not just any necktie, it literally had a waffle print on it. As in the breakfast waffle, including a little pat of butter and a splash of maple syrup at the bottom. He fingered the fabric as he started giggling.
“Really babe?”
“Oh yeah. We’ll find you a shirt that this tie will go with, and that way you can wear it on the road, and think of your Eggo. I can only imagine what the rest of the guys will think though.” AJ tried to stifle the chuckle but it still happened, and Tyson joined in. 
His fingers touched the fabric, and he got quiet, seemingly lost in thought. But he quickly came back to the current moment.
“I love it. And I love you baby. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day love.” AJ pulled Tyson in for a tight hug and a soft kiss. He kissed the tip of her nose again for good measure.
“Now let’s go reheat those eggrolls, I’m starving!”
AJ just rolled her eyes at Tyson before being pulled into the kitchen. With food reheated, the two retreated back to the sofa to put on a movie, but not before having to move Maple to the overstuffed chair. And with full bellies, the bowls were set on the coffee table and the two curled up together. Tyson was texting someone while AJ laying across his lap, and was getting frustrated that his phone was blocking the view of the TV for her. Usually the two were good about not being on their phones when hanging out, but this was important to Tyson. But he could tell that she was getting a little frustrated.
“Sorry babe, just about finished. Showing Grandma and Grandpa the tie.” He snapped a photo of the tie and texted it, along with one more message before putting his phone on the coffee table.
Tyson: Hey, this message is just for Grandpa Jim.
Tyson: How did you know that Grandma was the one? Peep Chapter 16 at  https://brainrattlers.tumblr.com/post/692092027971796992/play-it-cool-tyson-jost-16n-authors-notes
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