#laszlo cravensworth / threads.
lorelodge · 1 year
     YOU DON’T THINK OF THEM AS HUMAN, YOU DON’T THINK OF THEM AT ALL. Nadja’s advice echoed in the back of his mind just as the question slipped out. Laszlo decided in that moment that he hadn’t really wanted an answer. He had never been one to lament on the morality of his actions and he damn sure wasn’t about to start now. Jack’s response was a welcomed out from what likely would have been a hellishly uncomfortable conversation. Just like that, the topic was dropped and replaced by an all more pressing one; how the fuck were they meant to clean this up? He gave the nearest corpse a sharp nudge with his foot, as if the poor bloke would come alive and spit out an answer. Unsurprisingly he did not and with that Laszlo shrugged in defeat. “Fuck that. We’ll be here till sunrise."
It was only then that he turned around to see Jack slumped against the nearby wall looking starkly morose. Usually his new friend was up for just about anything, but right now he looked more like a kicked dog. "Everything alright, old chap? You look like you've seen a ghost." Jack rose, but despite his best efforts the shadow of his haunted expression remained. Laszlo clapped him on the shoulder, giving him a toothy grin. "Come on, ol' chap. You know what they say, if a crime happens and there's nobody left to witness it... We'll share the barmaid and call it settled."
cont. - @trickstercaptain
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shelfperson · 2 years
ranting in the tags
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legionite · 4 years
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                 guess i should finally give laszlo some tags huh
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lorelodge · 1 year
cont. // @musecraft
“ Killed me. ” He looked at her as if she had grown a second head, yet her words triggered a memory so distant it felt as if he were squinting in the dark just to make out the silhouette. She had bitten him. Hard. He remembered that much; how could he forget when it brought him to climax? His free hand rubbed the side of his neck where a newly raised scar rested near his carotid. Although he knew he shouldn’t entertain such an absurd notion, curiosity got the better of him and he pressed two fingers against the artery. Nothing. He swallowed back the burning in his throat and tried to speak but found he could do little else than stare dumbstruck at the beautiful, grinning woman before him. Her canines were as sharp as a vipers fangs. Instinctively he found himself pressed his tongue against his own, sure enough they were sharpened to as fine a point as hers. 
The possibility of their being a more rational explanation was shrinking by the second. Fuck, maybe he had wanked himself into exhaustion last night and this was all just a dream. A very strange, yet weirdly pleasant dream. 
Laszlo absentmindedly ran his thumb over the top of her hand. Her skin was soft and not nearly as cold as you’d expect from an alleged dead woman. “ So what you’re saying is our lovemaking was so impassioned that you accidentally killed me. My darling, I can think of no better way to have gone. ” 
The slamming of a carriage door outside his window distracted him once more. His neighbors boots scuffed loudly against the cobblestone road. Everything was so much louder now. Laszlo swore If focused enough he could hear the man's every heartbeat. This only seemed to reignite the burning in his throat. He swallowed again but it did no good. The sensation was near maddening. He needed to drink something. Anything. “ I’m thirsty. ”
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lorelodge · 2 years
     HOW HE HAD LONGED FOR HER TOUCH THIS PAST YEAR- THE LONGEST YEAR OF HIS ETERNAL LIFE. They had never been apart for this long. Of course, taking care of the boy had occupied much of his time, distracting him from the impulse to play the piano and wank until her return, or better yet join his darling Nadja in London. However, in the early hours of the evening when there was nothing to do but slumber beside the empty space where her coffin once stood, those were the moments when his aching heart became impossible to ignore. With her return those torturous mornings were all but a distant memory. Laszlo haphazardly kicked rotted debris to the side as they bounded up the stairs hand-in-hand. He only paused once at the sound of her voice, turning to her, and pressing a kiss against the back of her hand. “Every second away from you was a second too long.”
     The feeling of Nadja's tongue against his hand sends goosebumps up his skin. He shuddered, wanting nothing more than to be with her, inside of her. For one's pleasure to become the others--- and then she squealed, pulling away from whatever diabolical creature had temporarily broken the moment. His free hand reached out to steady her as a black and grey miscreant scurried out from under her legs and into one of its many newly made holes. Laszlo squinted at the raccoon. At first, he had tried to get rid of them, but it had been a lost cause. They were roguish creatures that seemed to procreate at an astonishing rate. He simply couldn’t deny the sense of comradery he held for creatures that liked to fuck as much as he did. “ They’re raccoons, my darling. They took up residence in the walls some time ago. That’s Rocket, Toby, and Mozart, ” he said, pointing them out one by one.  
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lorelodge · 2 years
The first time his nanny had played the piano for him his heart had soured with the melody. Up until now it had been the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. They had only met a few weeks ago yet there was no one else he would rather spend his time with. Every moment with Nadja was a moment lived to its fullest. He wanted to tell her this. Tell her anything. Yet all he could do was stare . 
Jack's soft nudge gave him a start and he whipped his head around. Shit. He had forgotten Jack was there.  “Up to what? Oh...”
@musecraft & @trickstercaptain
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lorelodge · 2 years
     THE STREETS WERE QUIET AS THE NIGHT. Although darkness still blanketed the sky it would not be long until the sun began to peak its way over the horizon. The entire dining experience with his family had given him the pip. Afterward, they had chosen to walk hand-in-hand along the cobbled roads of London without a particular destination in mind. Beyond his own occasional grumbling about how everyone was as good as dead to him very little was spoken. Such silence was particularly unusual from Nadja whose constant chatter he had grown quite fond of- not that he could blame her for being rendered speechless. After all, they had just spent the past few hours being burned by silver, prayer, and the scathing words of his father.
     They had just begun cutting through an alleyway not too far off from the Baron’s current residence when Nadja finally broke the silence.
❝ If you wanted…I could be your family. ❞
     The twisting knot in the pit of his chest was soothed by her words. Laszlo looked at Nadja with great tenderness, the corners of his lips upturned in a small smile. They had known each other a short while, yet she knew him better than those he had known for a lifetime. Every moment they spent together was a moment of happiness he had not experienced as a human man. Since the day he’d met Nadja, Laszlo had known he had wanted to marry her. At the time Nadja had been no more than a stranger. So he had waited. And waited. And then proposed in the throes of passion only to be told off- not that he could blame her. A girl as exquisite as Nadja deserved a proper proposal. Now they stood in a dingy alleyway and once again Laszlo found himself unable to resist dropping to one knee. “ Or you could be my wife. ” He had planned on proposing in a much grander fashion, preferably with an exquisite ring. But plans had never been his forte. 
     “ My life as a human man was spent drowning. Meeting you was like coming up for air for the very first time. I had never known true love until you. ” With a steady hand, he pulled off his gold signet ring, a residual piece of his old life, and placed it onto Nadja’s right ring finger. It wasn’t even close to fitting and she had to angle her hand to prevent the ring from slipping off. At that moment he swore he would get her something better. One that fights her elegant fingers. As soon as he could find a fucking jewelry store that was opened past dusk. But this would do for now. “ If you would do me the great honor I would like nothing more than to spend my eternal life with you as my good lady wife, Nadja. ”
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lorelodge · 2 years
it’s not an easy thing admitting to yourself what you really are. — for laszlo from nadja - @musecraft
    BEING A VAMPIRE COULD BE QUITE INCONVENIENT. Not for the first time that week he had stepped in front of a mirror to adjust his coat only to realize he still couldn’t see a fucking thing. “My darling can you-” There wasn’t a need to complete the thought. Nadja was already there, gently shooing his hands away so she could fix his collar. Admittedly he had found their dressing ritual to be one of the more pleasant side-effects of vampirism. There was an unexpected intimacy in helping his beloved get ready for the night and her doing the same for him in turn.  
    Being a vampire was still something he found hard to swallow. Laszlo had never been one for silly superstitions. Creatures such as vampires were the stuff of folklore, created by the uneducated minds of medieval times. Logic had dictated that his condition could be explained by a variety of ailments yet one by one they all fell into roadblocks. Laszlo still found most of Nadja’s claims to be nothing but claptrap, but even he had to admit that she had him stumped on this one. “Vampires,” he shook his head in disbelief. “Next thing you’ll be telling me is that werewolves are real, or ghosts.”
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lorelodge · 1 year
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" Well in that case we might as well head off to the penny porno's. You'll get more than your fill there. "
cont. // @viagothedandy
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lorelodge · 1 year
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Indie multi-muse RP blog written by Ace- mainly featuring supernatural and horror muses from media such as WWDITS, The Addams Family, and Stranger Things.
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This blog is a pretty chill private corner on permanent semi-hiatus. While highly selective I am open to new interactions. This blog is primarily iconless and plot-heavy. That said, I’m more than happy to do improvised threads if we have a rapport. 
>> EXPLORING THEMES OF: generational trauma // survivors guilt // found family // soulmates // eternal life // power as an addiction // not all demons come from hell // made monsters
>> AFFILIATES: @harringtontm ( Steve Harrington ) // @hargrovetm ( Billy Hargrove ) // @munsontm ( Eddie Munson ) // @thagantm ( Tommy Hagan ) // @trickstercaptain ( Jack Sparrow ) // @musecraft ( Nadja of Antipaxos, Carlisle Cullen, Morticia Addams), @008tm ( Kali Prasad ), @therelentless ( Nandor the Relentless ).
>> LINKS: carrd. || memes || promo
>> CREDITS: frcknbats (promo, pinned, & header); jayneedits (graphics psd); musecraft (ask banners)
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This blog is multi-verse with each verse having a semi-fixed timeline. This means that there is continuity within threads. If something happens to your muse in one thread it may impact later interactions and plots.
In this a similar vein, I prefer exclusivity. However, I don't expect it to be mutual and will always approach my partner before adding you. I simply prefer not to interact with more than one of each muse. On rare occasions, at my own discretion, I'll break away from this and have two mains.
This blog has two main verses. One is a supernatural universe that combines mixed media (spn, wwdits, twilight, etc) and original lore. The other is a historical fiction pirate verse which pulls from PoTC, OFMD, and BS. I don't currently have a comprehensive pages on my lore for either, however, everyone is encouraged to ask questions.
Shipping tends to depend on the muse. Some muses are in open relationships, unattached, or engage in polyamory while others are single ship. Any ships that do happen are based off chemistry. Whether or not a ship is canon means very little to me.
If you bring drama onto my I will smite you. I don't care who was mean to who. I don't care if you think they were toxic or rude. I'm here to be chill, not see people frothing at the mouth all over my dash.
Minor godmodding is allowed/encouraged to progress threads. Otherwise, please keep to typical tumblr etiquette.
There will be potentially triggering content on this blog. Be aware that, for the most part, I DO NOT tag triggers. Anything with excessive gore, sexual content, etc will be tagged with nsft.
Hi! I'm Ace, 25+, and use whatever pronouns fit your fancy. I've been roleplaying since 2010 and have primarily been active in the PoTC fandom. When not here you may find me on thecodekeeper.
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Our Flag Means Death
Edward Teach / by request / selective shipping / page
Frenchie / by request / selective shipping / page
Jim Jimenez / by request / multi-ship / page
Pirates of the Caribbean
Adam Brannigan, nee Teague (oc) / by request / single ship / page
Edward Teague / primary / page
Dean Winchester / primary / multi-ship / page
Rowena MacLeod / primary / multi-ship / page
Stranger Things
Axel Gustavson / secondary / multi-ship / page
Jeremy Russek (oc) / secondary / multi-ship / page
What We Do In The Shadows
Laszlo Cravensworth / primary / single ship ( open relationship ) / page
Baron Afanas / primary / multi-ship / page
Interview With the Vampire
Lestat de Lioncourt / tertiary / single-ship / page
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lorelodge · 2 years
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name: ace
pronouns: whatever floats your boat, baby doll.
preference of communication: discord or tumblr ims
name of muse(s):  edward teague ( @thecodekeeper ), christophe julien de rapier, bootstrap bill ( @thiievesandbeggars​ ), laszlo cravensworth, baron afanas, and so on...yeah. although, to be fair i’m really only active on here and teague’s blog lol.
platforms you’ve used: tumblr and discord...also wikia and some forums forever ago.
best experience: Is it cheesy to say the friends I’ve made along the way? Yes? Well I don’t care. Shout out to @musecraft @trickstercaptain @mysticwrit and @lighthouseborn . You guys make up the entirety of my tumblr drafts folder across multiple blogs for a reason. 
rp pet peeves / dealbreakers:  Christ...okay, I have a bit of a checklist when I peruse a new blog: If I see any callouts I’ll avoid a blog so damn fast. I just don’t care what Jane did to June. Work it out (or don’t) and leave that drama off my dash. I’ll also avoid blogs with excessive ebegging. Vague posting constantly (different from venting) and talking about how nobody likes you on dash is also a big fat no from me. Idk, man, just be cool. Learn to approach people. Don’t be an ass. Touch grass (and then smoke it, if you’re into that). 
fluff, angst, or smut:  I’ll write angst and fluff but likely won’t be writing smut any time soon. 
plots or memes:  I prefer plotting out at least some basics so we can have a general vibe for where our muses stand (i’m not one for ‘first meeting’ interactions unless it’s something unique). I do think memes are a wonderful way of starting new threads though, and I prefer those to posting starter calls. I’m also okay with just winging a thread as long as I know the other person is willing to “yes. and then...”
best time to write:  whenever I can focus + have time. 
are you like your muse(s):  I hope not. My types are bad parents, narcissistic assholes, and adhd himbo’s. Then again, I do have ADHD and have be accused on occasion of being a narcissist so...maybe there’s something there.
tagged by: @munsontm​
tagging: @therelentless @witchaotics @garv1n​ @matriiiarch​ @aworldofyou​
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lorelodge · 2 years
i think it’s time we went on a little… hunting trip.’ - sent by @musecraft for Laszlo from Nadja
     VAMPIRES WERE MEANT TO BE MERE LEGENDS. Yet here he stood in front of a mirror devoid of his reflection. His tongue glided over his canines newly sharpened to a predatory point. Laszlo had found that hunger was not all too different for the undead, he still craved a good meal every night (even if daily feeding was no longer necessary). Up to now, his lovely Nadja had been providing his meals- allowing him to grow accustomed to his new powers. 
     Laszlo couldn’t have agreed more. With a dramatic flourish, he flung his cape over his shoulders. He turned to Nadja, with a glimmer of excitement flickering in his eyes like candlelight he graciously offered her his arm. They exited the newly abandoned (courtesy of his vampiric mistress) home and arm-in-arm walked down the darkened streets of London. 
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     It didn’t take long for them to reach a well-populated area. His eyes darted from person to person. So many choices. Laszlo’s mouth watered at the thought of gorging himself on the thick, warm, buttery blood of an unsuspecting victim. As the thought crossed his mind a young, delicious-looking man cut in front of their path. He smelt like the most delectable cut of Kobe beef. Like a dog on a leash, Laszlo jerked forward, only stopped by Nadja’s arm still tightly intertwined with his own. “ Him. ”
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