chance-the-raptor · 1 year
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
I'm actually screaming
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luchicm04 · 2 months
Finally, after 8 long years, Miraculous Lasybug's first arc is officially finished!! I can't wait to see what else Thomas Astruc and the staff have in store for us.
Posted date: 04/25/24
(Full Gallery Here)
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jacquesthepigeon · 2 years
I think the lasybug remake shoukd make adrien be an moc whos being forced to bkeach his hair. I will only tolerate him Then.
I will tolerate him once he gets a better personality
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randomositycat · 1 year
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woahajimes · 2 years
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0cataclysm0 · 3 years
You can’t tell me after the episode Gabriel Agreste, showing the ring and the Agreste and Tsurugi brand didn’t mean something. It definitely did, we’re just missing parts
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yueasuka · 3 years
Not gonna lie, the whole dumping Chat Noir to the trash bin doesn't sit right to me because it was like super-duper-mega-hyper harsh of her to do. But just like Chat Noir who doesn't have a control about his emotion, she does too. Still don't like that scene, but the rest of the episode is negate that feeling for me.
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d0ctordisco · 5 years
Chat Blanc?
I'm so relieved that the synopsis of Chat Blanc says that Marinette pretty much causes Adrien to get akumatized. That sucks but honestly my heart couldn't take it if it was because his dad is HawkMoth. Idk how that would work tho? Would he be so upset that he couldn't even resist the akuma at all? I highly doubt he would willingly be a soldier for his dad if he knew what he was up to.
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justsparkleblue · 4 years
When is miraculous season 4 coming up?????
Quarantine is the perfect time to watch miraculous and find out if ADRIEN AND MARRINETTE IS GOING TO REVEAL THEMSELVES TO EACH OTHER!!!!
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bamimilyt6 · 5 years
If the Peacock Miraculous was damaged by the sentimonster, does that means the miraculous ladybugs fixed it at the end of Feast?
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hunterxassasin · 5 years
Setting the stage
Uh uh uh so here's Marinette getting her miraculous, her first interactions with Pollen will be fleshed out more later on but I wanted to have this up first! Feedback is very much appreciated! I'm thinking of calling this AU either 'A Bee in the Night' or 'Stingers and Claws' any thoughts or other suggestions?
Marinette was having a rough day to say the least, she had told Alya that much when she arrived at school that morning. From staying up too late caught up in a new design, to barely making it to school before being half an hour late, she was exhausted and stressed beyond belief. Ms.Bustier had reprimanded her in front of the whole class once again, being the slightest bit harsher than she had been when Marinette had been late before.  
After what seemed like eternity, Marinette and her class were dismissed to lunch. A heavy sigh passed her lips as she gathered her things and followed Alya out the door. "Girl, what is with you? You've been late to school every day of the week this week, I can let it slide once in a while but this is way more than normal. I'm worried about you. Are you working yourself too hard again?"
Marinette flinched a bit at her friends words. She knew Alya cared but having someone call her out on how much work she was doing, well it wasn't a pleasant feeling for sure. There were things that had to get done, things that Alya and in turn everyone else, couldn't understand. Designing was a hard task by itself, and being kept from sleeping by Akuma attacks taking so long to take out hadn't helped her. She had resigned herself to only getting a few hours sleep before her alarm went off, spending most of the night up doodling designs, sewing pieces together, and surfing the web. "I'm fine, I swear. The bakery has just been so busy lately! Ya that's it, and I still have to do homework and get a little designing in to stay in practice after the bakery closes! It'll get better soon I promise." She reassured, only to receive a raised eyebrow from Alya. The conversation however didn't go any further. They had been standing outside waiting for Nino to catch up with them. 
Nino had walked Adrien to his car, it was obvious from his expression that he had barely restrained himself from slapping Chloe across the face."It's like she doesn't think he has any other friends!" He huffed when he arrived in front of the two girls,adjusting his bag as they began to walk towards the bakery. Marinette had invited them over for lunch and they both happily obliged. "Isn't that how she always is though? It doesn't seem any different from what normally happens. She's stuck to Adrien's side like glue. Which sucks because we can't get Marinette to talk to him alone, and that ruins all our plans for double dates." Alya slumped her shoulders as they walked,shaking her head. Marinette squeaked, putting her head in her hands.
The girl peeked out from behind them, sending a slight glare Alya's way, which gave rise to a snicker from Nino. "How many times do I have to say it? I don't like Adrien like that! We're just friends, we don't even know each other that well let alone enough to go one dates!" She stated,opening her mouth to say more,but no words came out. Marinette's eyes had landed on an old man who was getting ready to cross the street. She bit her lip,letting Alya and Nino walk ahead of her. As soon as Alya turned around to call for her,the man stumbled,dropping his cane and his bags in the middle of the road. Marinette was quick to act, rushing over and helping the man off the ground. She gathered his groceries and got him across the road to the sidewalk as fast as possible. "Are you alright sir?" Marinette asked with a shuffle of her feet. She seemed a bit nervous, as if her act of kindness was something to be ashamed of. The man looked at her with a smile, a glint in his eyes. "I am quite alright young lady, thank you. You are very kind. By chance, what's your name?" 
Marinette looked shocked at the question, her cheeks growing red. "Uh. . .its Marinette sir. . ." She mumbled,causing the man to chuckle. He nodded and took his bag from her. "Well thank you for your help, Marinette." He said and then began to hobble off, down the street to the old massage parlor he called home.
Scrambling to catch up with her friends,Marinette had calmed herself down from her adventure enough to recount the occurrence to them, even though they had been right there. As the three entered the bakery, Sabine greeted them with a cheery call. "Good afternoon kids, I've got lunch in the kitchen for you all!" 
School had only been in session an hour that afternoon when an Akuma alert was sent out. Everyone was sent home as quickly as possible. Marinette, herself, had just climbed the ladder into her room when she spotted something peculiar sitting upon her desk, right next to her sewing machine. It hadn't been there before surely, she would have remembered such a pretty box. It looked old, and yet regal. She tentatively walked over, wondering if it was something her mother had gotten her. Usually she would have asked if that was the case, but something drew her to open the box right then and there. Carefully lifting the lid, it revealed a silver hair comb with the silhouette of a bee on it. She reached out to pick it up, but a bright light flashed before she could reach it. Marinette tumbled back,eyes wide with confusion and fear. 
She was not expecting what came out of the bright light, she wasn't expecting it to speak to her, but when a voice sounded from the small bee like creature she had to put her hands up to her mouth to keep herself from screaming. "Hello, my queen." The little being said with a bow, fluttering over the sewing desk. Marinette slowly made her way up off the floor,eyes still wide. She lowered her hands to her side,reaching ever so slowly for a glass cup she had sitting on her bedside table. "W-what are you?" She asked,inching said cup closer to the kwami, ready to slam it over it any second. 
The being bowed once again, a smile upon her little face. "My name is Pollen, and I'm the kwami of the bee miraculous, and I'm at your service, my queen" the kwami explained, her voice sweet as honey. Marinette calmed down a slight bit,lowering the jar to her side, she probably wouldn't need it after all. . . .
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letmehaveanaccount · 5 years
Miraculous ladybug au where everything is the same except
Marinette is a giant flying Opabinia ( those things are terrifying looking) from the Cambrian period
And Adrien is a Dimetrodon from the Permian period ( btw Dimetrodon wasn’t a dinosaur)
because you know, Cambrian explosion fits with the whole creation thing with ladybug
and the whole thing with the “great dying”mass extinction at the end of the Permian fits with chat noir’s whole destruction thing
BUT all the other chracters are perfectly normal humans
and yet, despite all this, STILL no one can figure out their secret identities
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actualcottoncandy · 5 years
Does anyone have a list/link to all the ml episodes of this season so far?
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bsidez · 5 years
Tumblr media
@ridiculous-lazybug omfg you’re right i totally forgot about that (because it was literally disgusting). i was distracted by her professing her love to tokoyami bc same. and then there’s the frequent mentions of the fact that he doesn’t think anything he’s doing is wrong in any way, and even if everyone else is treating it like it’s gross/bad it doesn’t change the fact that he’s?? still there?????? i’m
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(for the why i haven't unfollowed ask game)
i haven't unfollowed because i like seeing your metas that you put in the tags of stuff and obviously the hands posts
Thank you! I feel like I haven't meta-tagged in a bit. And also the last hands post is coming Wednesday so, we'll see after that I guess haha. End of an era.
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