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indieassociation-blog · 10 years ago
mun: hilary
↳ ( @dxdger ; @alphalycaon ; @etcorvis  ; @lastoftheoldones  ; kingedmundofnarnia )
Myers-Briggs:          INFJ Enneagram:              9w2, 2w1  ↳ stacking:                so/sp/sx Alignment:                Neutral Good Kinsey Scale:           0 Hogwarts House:      Ravenclaw Temperament:          Phlegmatic
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fortriiumph-a · 10 years ago
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Haytham paused, snow crunching beneath his boots. There was no need to turn; he knew who this was, and he felt a  smile  tug at the corner of his  lips as he waved a hand, urging the other forward. "It's always  a  pleasure,  Will Stanton, no matter the year. What can I do for you?"
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wasntthereyesterday · 11 years ago
{sorry sorry sorry first day(s) of school always end up more hectic than I expect them to be} {will get to drafts soon I promise}
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awritingcorner · 11 years ago
Last of the Old Ones
It was strange being back, my shoes rattled against the shingle below. The place was desolate, that hadn't changed. I must have been 5 or 6, ebony hair, a red dotted dress hazed in my mind. Large rocks lay to the west, I remember climbing every inch of them, it was always a race with.. myself I guess. I remember skimming stones as far as I could see when the water lay still. We.. I, used to go crazy every time I got a new record of bounces. I reached the mouth of the furthest cave, did we..I ever go into this one. 'Alice' I whispered; that made her seem real. The waves made a light shimmer with each fall. I could picture her laugh, quiet uninvasive. I felt silly but I couldn't help but enter. It was a deep grey inside, just about see-able. after a while I could smell moisture, turning a corner I saw the moon reflected in a pool stretching beyond my sight. I'd been here before. Me and Alice had gone exploring, I was scared but she said to keep a tight hold on her hand and nothing bad would happen. The Moon had been absent that evening, it was a sharp drop into the pool, Alice couldn't have been older than 8 or 9, she wasn't the strongest swimmer.
'You remember' said a low echo, a small man, less that 5 foot, dark long hair, stepped forward. He didn't appear to be wearing anything, in the low light I couldn't see his body lower than his chest, or was that where he stopped? And I did remember. 'You looked like a whale back then' 
'I have looked like many things' the man softly replied.
'Can I see her'
He gave a weak smile 'just quickly we're getting ready to leave, we were just waiting on your visit'.
A hundred question filled my find but I didn't want to waste my time if I didn't have long. 'Where are you going?'
'Very far'
'Where is she?'
He gestured to the corner the my left 'You mustn't wake her though, you remember the reasons why I was able to save her?'
I nodded and crept to the way he has pointed. It was Alice, unchanged still 9, in the same red dress, curled up, hands wrapped around her, still. I watched her rest for what seem like an age. The man lay a hand softly on my shoulder.
'It's time'
'Will I remember, her once I leave?' I asked, hoping.
'I think you know the answer to that'
'Does she remember me?'
'She made you this' He tucked a shell inside my fingers. I could just make out the image of a little girl on it, maybe 5 or 6.
The sound of gulls rushed through me, I opened my eyes, I was laying down outside the cave, my head was thumping, had I hit it when I tried to get in. I felt something between my fingers. 
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sappyhub · 11 years ago
"Can't sleep"
--> Is he going to come and visit me when I'm at Dad's place? I hope he can.
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loki-god-of-menace · 11 years ago
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"Ah, the tourist. Will, I do believe was what you called yourself. Have you yet to see the Eiffel Tower? To haunt Luxembourg Gardens?" Loki wore a sliver of a smile, his irises glittering slightly.
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vicemirrored-a · 11 years ago
» lastoftheoldones
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              ❝You are on my doorstep.❞
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lastoftheoldones · 11 years ago
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hwithind · 11 years ago
lastoftheoldones answered:
"Oh…Oh, hello. Sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you deer-lady.”
The doe stills when she hears someone approach, but relaxes and flicks an ear at the voice, curious. Hello. What are you?
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wasntthereyesterday · 11 years ago
He arched an eyebrow but nonetheless opened the door wider to allow the woman to enter. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” he asked politely, deciding not to anger her any further, a hand extended to take her sopping jacket.
"Luck," she said with forced calmness, "and the fact that humans, particularly the ones with magic, are bastards." She unwrapped the coat-bundle carefully, revealing a tiny creature with damp fur and a battered look. "Can be bastards sometimes," she amended herself, but did not sound convinced. "I apologize for the intrusion--I was nearer to here than the Shop, so I figured..."
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sappyhub · 11 years ago
You're a good role model and -- and you're always there for me. Being around you is fun and -- and I like it. Every day is fun.
...--thank you.
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sxlkie-blog · 11 years ago
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                            “Um--—um, wait, a second, you—-”             A quiet shuffling of feet as she makes her way up to them, waving the offending object in hand.                             “You dropped this.”
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albiiu-blog · 11 years ago
     ⇢❇❈❇ —{ ☂ }— ❇❈❇⇠
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     ⇢✕♕ —{ ✖|| fin. }— ♕✕⇠
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treacheroussonofadam · 11 years ago
lastoftheoldones said:
//Thank you for much for saying that all so truthfully and elegantly! You deserve that tea, well done!!
[jskfsa my pleasure, dear. -purrs- nwn ]
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lastoftheoldones · 11 years ago
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memoryofwinter · 11 years ago
[OC] What gave you the inspiration for your muse?
ooc; Hehe, well Jack isn't an OC so I'm not really sure if this applies to him still.  He's a canon character.  Buuut in general, I really love concepts of spirit worlds, things you can't touch, and other abstract things.  And the potential of Jack's world really appeals to me, so playing someone who exists within a world like that really interests me.
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