dengoes · 5 years
       ❪ @lastfallen​​ ♡’d for a starter ‼ ❫
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               ❝  ‘aven’t seen ah ‘UMAN down ‘ere in a looooong tiem  ,  ❞  he grunts softly before dropping down onto all fours and trotting closer to give the other a GOOD  ,  CURIOUS SNIFFIN’  .   
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dragonsxng · 5 years
Another opportunity to go exploring! Sure, they might end up grounded after this for not asking first- buuut...
An eager grin curled up at Ferns features as they stepped out onto unfamiliar ground. The dragon whelp looked around, twirling in place until they decided and picked a random direction to go in. Every so often they called out to see if anyone was there.
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bxdtimes · 5 years
( Hugs since I have not SPOKEN TO YOU IN FOREVER many apologies friend- ; o ; )
//oh it’s okay. you were very busy. How are you?/ Doing good?
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strikemycore · 5 years
@lastfallen​ ; it could have gone worse...?
   Today was exhausting -- for justified reasons, for once in the lazy skeleton’s life. Papyrus had him working nonstop today, helping him in setting up puzzle after puzzle, all because Sans got the crack-headed thought to introduce him to the human he found in the forest. Perhaps he should have just pretended not to have seen anything, but when their eventual one-off culminated in them having a friendly get-together at the brothers’ house... well, he supposed he could call it a win scenario.
   He spent his well-deserved break at the sentry station in Waterfall, waiting to have his own "1V1″ with the child. When he spotted them coming down the path, a cheeky grin came to his mouth as he noticed a rather telling look on their face.
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         ❝ So, I see you survived your little “date” with Paps, eh? ❞ He leaned forward on his counter, chin propped up by a gloved hand. ❝ How’d you like his finely aged silken noodles? ❞
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soulsmuses · 5 years
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“WOWZERS! This is really comfy and easy to move around in. Normally my bro wears hats and glasses, but I like ‘em. Thank you!”
@lastfallen @bxdtimes
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archagentnexus · 5 years
“You sure this is safe?” asked Zep as his voice was muffled inside his thick hazmat suit. He and his superior, Dr. Jakob Bishop were looking at a magical rift that was set up by several of their specialized mages. It had taken them weeks to find and lock onto a matching magical signature to a world they’ve confirmed was hospitable to life. New world, new rules, and Zep was picked out to be the guinea pig that they needed.
Jakob gave a bright grin at Zep. “The portal? Sure! The suit should prevent the magical radiation from vaporizing you… maybe… possibly.”
“Not exactly encouraging insight, Doc!” protested Zep.
“Oh relax! It’s not like it’s the worst of your troubles anyway. You’ve synchronized your watch, yes? Remember that we’ll reopen the portal after 30 days at exactly noon! Mark the spot you land at and return to it, understand?”
Zep nodded and sighed as he jump in. It was like stepping into an oven. He felt his skin boil as he passed and fell through a tunnel of lights and cosmic radiance until he saw nothing but white light…
Then he finds solid ground. Grass and dirt. His whole suit is steaming and hissing from the heat of the travel.
“God! Shit! Magical absorption my ass!” he muffled out as he rolled around to make sure the magical aura would wear off on his hazmat outfit. Soon enough, he just laid there to catch his breath, removing the helm just to try to get fresh air and to see where he actually is…
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"Wow... this place is... snowy and dark?" He looks around, hardly much light in a place like this. He looks up and sees the darkness but could tell that he was underground someplace. But... snow in an underground area?
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gsxnz · 5 years
@lastfallen met a bag of bones
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While adult humans were generally easy to read, children were a whole other ballpark. One minute they’re as sweet as can be, the next they’re upset and crying all over the place. Their emotions heightened because of humans’ brain development. Cracks didn’t fare to well with emotions in general, tending to hide his own away deep down inside himself and ignore them.
*What’cha lookin’ at? Never seen a monster before?
He intended to poke some fun at the kid, however it came out as more of an intimidating question than a joke. 
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bonepranks-a · 5 years
@lastfallen / s.c.
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* S o   y o u   f i n a l l y   m a d e   i t . * T h e   e n d   o f   y o u r   j o  u r n e y   i s   a t   h a n d . * I n   a   f e w   m o m e n t s ,   y o u   w i l l   - -
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* heheh. * hey, kid. * let’s take a little detour, shall we? * y’know, this feels wrong somehow but i can’t put my finger on it. * almost like this conversation shouldn’t be happening. * but hey, since when have i ever done what anyone expects of me, right? * so. * how ya feelin, right now?
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starsgivemehp · 5 years
They could have sworn that the brothers were sound asleep when they tried to sneak out the front door, but low and behold there Red was, standing in front of the doorway and blocking their way out. He… probably knew why they’d been trying to leave so quietly, which made them furrow their brow with light frustration.
“…Red, I-I gotta do this. If they f-find me here with you two, you’ll be in b-big trouble! I’m g-gonna talk to the king and change his mind. ” Though their words are quiet as always, there’s a certain determination to their tone, they’d very clearly been thinking on this for quite some time to have such a firm stance on their decision.
Lucky for everyone, Red had nightmares often. That was why he was there, heading into the kitchen for a drink or something, when he heard their quiet shuffling. Lucky Vex wasn’t currently practicing violin (because there was no way he was asleep either), instead doing whatever else it was he did when insomnia had its cold claws on him. They were lucky for a lot of things, recently.
He stood in front of Holly with fondness and exhaustion in his pupils. This kid. He drew in a deep breath, then let it out slow, leaning against the front door in a farce of casualness. He had to be very careful with his wording here.
“kid,” he said, a gentle firmness in his voice. “you really can’t do that. you don’t know what he’s like. the captain or the mad scientist would take you down first, let alone that guy. do you understand what war would mean? for everyone you know? not for you. ‘cause you’d be dead.”
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osseusiocus · 6 years
@lastfallen​ ♡  this post
          He’d seen this sky before. Although, now it seemed like a distant memory. Almost akin to dream, because of how long ago it’d been. After the first time, that sky had been ripped away form him as the clock turned back. The path that lead from there, was coated in dust.            He still remembered how they fought. The kid had been strong, but he’d been stronger. However after that, the clock had been rolled back farther than he thought it could go. Things changed. The underground changed-- and the child changed as well. That is, when they eventually did come back.            The skeleton had obviously been suspicious of this, but he’d have to be blind not to see the drastic difference in the kid. Frankly, he was almost convinced it was an entirely different child. Almost. Their soul was the same, and there was no mistaking that. he’d seen it enough to know that.            Seeing this sky again, he couldn’t help but think-- would it be taken away, just like before?
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          Many of the monsters had gone back underground for now-- mainly to gather their belongings to set up a camp outside of the vast caverns. To spread the word throughout the rest of the civilization as well. This left the small skeleton staring out at the rising sun, the kid right there beside them.            Well, if he was going to talk to them about it-- might as well be now. Because if he doesn’t, well, the thought he’d had but a moment ago might come to fruition. He really, really didn’t want to see that much dust every again...            “... Hey kiddo,” His voice was jaded. He knew this. “Can I ask ya a favor?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “This is as good an ending as its gunna get. Can assure ya of that.” Dull eye-lights looked over at them finally, and there was weight in their expression. Something they hadn’t let show all along the way. All while the script was being followed. “So just... let things play out as they are now, okay? Things might be rocky for a bit as we get situated, but we need to see it through, don’cha think?”            “... So please, don’t roll stuff back again. At least for a little while. Cause honestly? I’m really tired, and don’t wanna wake up back in Snowdin.” 
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shooguhr-a · 5 years
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               oh, a visit from his favorite human, that was rare! and unexpected, but very welcome!  bending down to face them, a face slid onto his face, brushing some hair back and offering the hand reached to them a kiss. ‘ what’s shaking, holly? ’  he questions, as he stands, arms going to hips.
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swapbrcsblastcr · 6 years
@lastfallen || Starter
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“Human, why are you still awake? It’s 10:30 in the evening. You should be sleeping right now.”
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spookswapped-blog · 5 years
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He’s fallen asleep at his post! Be thankful he hasn’t seen you, human. 
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bxdtimes · 5 years
lastfallen replied to your post: ( Hugs since I have not SPOKEN TO YOU IN FOREVER...
( Yee, the holidays were a little stress inducing, but other than that things have been well! ♥ I’ll be getting a pet later this month too, a ball python!! I’m waiting for a reptile expo where I can buy a pretty one! : D )
I’m glad to hear things are going well for you.
And nice, a pet! snek. :O //
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strikemycore · 5 years
❧ - human food
✱ well, according to my sources, you humans are all about sequins and glue, ain’tcha?
✱ …no? well then, you’d better stay away from those glamburgers. it’s an outright mockery of fast dining.
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soulsmuses · 5 years
Listen Sky's GOTTA wear C4, that sweater was made for him >: O
Outfit Meme! (still accepting)
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“WOWZERS!! Human! This outfit is so soft and colorful! I love it!”
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