zerothefool0 · 6 months
Couldn't snap any pics of it 'cause my phone didn't charge in time, but here's a rough summation of my experience of the solar eclipse.
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adamk201 · 4 months
totally normal solarballs ocs
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axiserpent · 6 months
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Meteos March day 15: Rare Cultures
The Rare Cultures are unique planets whose traits don't match with other planets. Their gravity and playstyle makes them rather suited for advanced players.
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shiny-heart-tree · 1 year
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Lamp star boi
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forter-from-meteos · 1 year
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oh i'm back in my "paint on everything you can" phase i was in when i was like 12
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[ID starts here. The image is split in half. On the left is a Lastaral, a yellow alien made up of two rings. The centermost ring has four evenly-spaced rays coming from it, and the outer ring has two near the bottom, serving as legs presumably. It has a single blue pupil at its center. Behind it is a sky full of glimmering lights. On the right is a Globinite, a magenta alien. It has a round main body with three comet-like tails coming from it. Its single eye has black sclera and a tiny pupil the same color of the rest of the Globinite. Behind him is a landscape made of cells and capillaries. End ID.]
Lastar (Left) - Lastarals come from a planet of light and communicate by reflecting light. I'd imagine of one hated me I'd say "hey" and it'd reflect the nearest light source directly into my eyes. Oh, and they're also supposedly 50cm/1'8" tall.
Globin (Right) - The "planet" Globin is actually a gigantic living creature, making the Globinites presumably more of its cells. According to the in-game description, they act as blood cells. They also come in a range of sizes, ranging from 10cm/4" to 20m/65'7".
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ungojirasapiente · 2 years
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day 9 of Mogeko March 2023, the prompt for day was "stars" (either something related to stars or a character with stars as a motif, i chose the latter) featuring the cosmic star wizard himself, Lastar Chaos, who has a really nice (and really complex) design, my drawing does not do it justice XD ------ día 9 del Mogeko March 2023, la temática del día era "estrellas" (algo relacionado a las estrellas o personajes con estrellas como parte de su diseño, escogí esta ultima) protagonizado por el mago cósmico de las estrellas, Lastar Chaos, quien tiene un muy buen (y realmente complejo) diseño, mi dibujo no le hace justicia XD --- Lastar Chaos by Funamusea
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illusionlock · 2 years
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cacaitos · 7 months
i liked longer and slower than a river more than bf lol
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ledhomeonhigh · 2 years
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Day 19 - Wings 
Title: Only Time
Characters: Rema and Lastar Chaos
Rated: G for General Audiences
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beeflibeef · 10 months
thank u 🫶 ur ideas/takes r creative as well ^^
did stnk ever try to convince fumus that lastar did care or did fumus never listen to those reassurance because of his jealousy over him?
I think they are both not willing to have a personal conversation with each other, could be because they both hold some resentment for each other. They care and are willing to provide help but they are very unlikely to be close emotionally
Even Satanick himself doesnt know why L. behaved the way he did and he's inclined to believe what Fumus thinks, so he, too, assumes Lastar preferred him over Fumus. Though even if Satanick had known the truth and told Fumus, the latter wouldn't care bc many years have passed since they left. Fumus would believe but wouldnt care.
I love to make characters emotional and sensitive and especially when its ooc but i understand it destroys diversity; Fumus is supposed to have a very sturdy personality and he cant be rocked by anything, he doesnt even feel like becoming sensitive. I think part why he refuses to have a soft side is because he feels responsible for things around him (aka "i got no time for tears i have worlds to deal with) and softness will "get in the way". Plus he's biased against emotions after watching Satanick being a mess
Unlike many other gods who have some softness to them and who express emotions, Fumus was probably just born with no empathy, not interested in new things etc. and as he grew, he worked on the skills and ideas he valued, making him even more "rock-like". Fumus values stability and discipline above creativity, and emotions mean "instability" and "change" to him which is against his nature. He is like an unmovable rock
WIth all that I dont think he is unable to love. I guess he just does it in a different way.
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wjbs-aus · 2 years
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Decided to do a Meteos height comparison to show how cursed the scale of the different species is. Measurements are in metres and are taken from the Meteos wiki, rounded to the nearest tenth, with the exception of ones smaller than a tenth of a measurement. The Seven Sages, Thirnovans, Brabbiters, Wiralons, Unknowns and Stadiums, as well as the the Astro Blocks-exclusive species, aren't included due to lacking a canon size, and Meteo isn't counted due to being 1,200,000km wide, plus it's a planet rather than a species.
The columns are coloured like their respective species' primary colour; ones with multiple sizes use the secondary colour (where applicable; otherwise a lighter shade of their primary) for the smaller one.
Zoomable version here. Data below, with decimal values converted into their respective units of measurement (e.g 0.4m becomes 40cm).
Layazero - 1mm Megadomer - 10cm Vubblie - 10cm Globinite (small) - 10cm Limotubian - 10cm Floriasian - 20cm Boggobian - 20cm Hanihulan - 30cm Jeljellian (small) - 40cm Luna=Lunarian - 40cm Grannestian (small) - 50cm Oleanan - 50cm Lastaral - 50cm Bavoomian - 70cm Dawndusian - 70cm Dejehrian - 70cm Ranbarumban - 80cm Geolyte - 90cm Lumiousian - 90cm Gravitase - 1m Caviousian - 1m Starriing - 1m Gelyern - 1.2m Mekkian - 1.4m Firime - 1.5m Arodian - 2m Darthvegan - 2.4m Anasazean - 2.5m Forter - 3m Wuudite - 6m Yoojic - 10m Suburbionite - 18m Globinite (large) - 20m Gigagusher - 23m Hotted - 30m Freazer - 40m Grannestian (large) - 50m Jeljellian (large) - 70m
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Hand of Koreil Lastar
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A font for English. Bit weird, authentic though.
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444names · 1 year
high elves names from warhammer, tolkienesque and maori names
Abaldamram Adangmil Adarwerathi Adisu Adydru Aesll Agolan Ahariel Aikooth Aiwaia Aiwha Alainon Alfhisuma Alien Almog Amata Amathror Amendin Amielekuten Aminyrimo Amiradyara Amirei Amond Amutiria Anarior Anatako Andriapi Anelia Angolo Angon Anikaran Anoraepi Anuitaurie Apatake Aphoata Arachtapaed Arana Arapu Arata Aratahur Arateri Arendil Areri Arethor Arisia Arisulinga Arophi Artikastind Arukaiao Arvel Arwir Atauku Aterione Athere Athin Atárisulë Awherehui Awiryll Azuataradûn Badriel Barcyl Bareormant Barhoi Bel-este Belagil Beldaglin Beldalion Belemna Belmoti Berahu Beria Berimar Berra Bollafyn Bomeria Bomutiu Borikor Borion Boromandor Branui Bryorod Calacil Caron Caylladûna Celadog Celane Celmote Ceoris Ceyadaglast Cirindolod Cotiro Cuorgi Curgoldwin Cyaherion Cylian Cylin Cythôr Daitië Dalia Del-enehike Delen Derahera Derangudeór Dilmo Dregalin Driellan Drimehin Durgoth Dydren Déagiranuir Déagungon Ecaru Eghânburuki Elbaru Elebren Eleglos Elendare Elenel Elethonelly Eleti Eleturo Elfax Ellahin Ellothor Elramin Elroanuir Emmiriën Enara Eneth Engilmako Enika Erandor Eretifenwë Eriel Erimi Estelia Estiu Eydranti Eärweradorm Fandus Fastre Felio Felrod Ferea Fereti Feydis Findri Folina Forori Frere Fréal Furinas Fëang Fëanutlinet Fília Fílimoa Gaialaung Gangania Gardacil Gatel Gawharawheu Gelethôn Gemmair Glayla Glion Golka Gollemu Gorikitine Gothika Grangungi Grelmo Hadyinima Hadûna Hakerkei Halang Haldiniel Haldui Haliorl Halmanui Handilla Handucare Haphai Harerin Havel Hazamon Hekerind Helirgon Hemen Hendiang Hengata Herelyn Heroana Herveg Hiamaki Hielfhiu Hikornuidur Himollafyn Hiranel Hirielron Hirifuru Hoandaru Hoherauria Hondildam Horawikar Horlin Horni Horomon Hovai Huallen Huidui Hukuerendoc Hurikil Hutaendor Hutarature Ibûna Idumir Ihath Imite Imlastandor Imzil Iongi Irikil Isaar Ivrin Ivrindor Jolwë Kahui Kahuornhíri Kamina Kanan Kararalia Katain Kataki Kehatapar Kenga Keretai Kerupene Khainepitel Kjedeórie Kohapihir Koorin Kootuol Koreil Kowhakorn Kowmarast Kyrieldaca Kúvia Kúvine Lastar Latemna Lenoangi Limarór Lodis Lotui Lundilobel Lungothair Léoddalos Lútheel Lúvai Lúvidl Maciranadûn Maerodda Mahary Mahui Mahurielia Maira Makuki Manil Manneravi Manti Manui Mapathon Marda Martho Matophir Mauhelenna Mawha Melbara Mellarag Melro Mendiro Menyë Merancal Merath Methavinrod Milodaca Morein Morin Mulmo Muzgalm Nadamra Ngake Ngalio Ngavar Ngmir Ngorhaka Nihepa Nyadorlotel Nyavi Nyrestalla Nínik Nólia Olagimrona Olcwi Oldag Oreepitin Orika Oromin Orona Orongi Ororon Paedh Pakil Paldalin Palos Paorinrea Parion Parwehia Patandorn Pataungamar Pataurakar Patir Peremna Perin Petea Pethaki Pethor Pirimoana Poharegor Pokamo Potumar Pourimo Raeri Raeropum Ramoa Rauglór Rawiki Rein-yrina Rel-esti Returu Rondiril Ruaru Rukala Rungerene Runui Rurimel Ruvaldë Ríangel Ríanu Saate Sadrin Sagduf Salth Sanderi Saravrilia Sartha Sayalf Sengi Serei Shakhôn Sikei Sinyur Solthi Tahungiang Tamanemirë Tanaine Tandil Tanepuregh Tangas Tangunga Taodir Tatelugdur Tattaiko Taurunimoa Tawais Telenda Temerke Terkern Ternh Teryllobel Tetelwai Tharimata Thind Thorlorod Thróg Thyahir Tiferadrin Tikar Tilloradûn Tinnara Tipiroa Tirastë Tiriapanar Toath Toian Toitara Torane Tukurinnor Tullahu Tullas Tundilgron Tuolgelen Uidelenna Ullorl Urawhan Valas Valinur Valize Valthene Varvine Vataithiki Vataragla Vedis Vianaakari Vidrethleb Viel-lepair Vinel Waihon Waita Waiwaana Walimbol Waren Watana Weerimu Wenel Weydretuita Whepukehrin Whera Wherdacil Worasfan Yargh Yavor Yelana Yenbrei Zaanoe Zaantamri Zaguen Zamenlui-am Zamoa Zilbêthuter Zumar Éomarere Éowmaron Írimë
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forter-from-meteos · 11 months
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starriings are cool (: they look like the embodiment of the word "girl" and they flutter like butterflies and the entire dark area is their eye. they do their little hops with the pupil to the side and then they Look at you. they are lop-eared rabbitgirls to me. deeply religious rabbitgirls
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ditzypuppet · 2 months
Haha inb lastared yeeess I feel aw3soem im sososdrunk
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