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zerothefool0 · 11 months ago
Couldn't snap any pics of it 'cause my phone didn't charge in time, but here's a rough summation of my experience of the solar eclipse.
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adamk201 · 9 months ago
totally normal solarballs ocs
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axiserpent · 1 year ago
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Meteos March day 15: Rare Cultures
The Rare Cultures are unique planets whose traits don't match with other planets. Their gravity and playstyle makes them rather suited for advanced players.
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shiny-heart-tree · 2 years ago
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Lamp star boi
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forter-from-meteos · 2 years ago
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oh i'm back in my "paint on everything you can" phase i was in when i was like 12
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cacaitos · 1 year ago
i liked longer and slower than a river more than bf lol
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ledhomeonhigh · 2 years ago
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Day 19 - Wings 
Title: Only Time
Characters: Rema and Lastar Chaos
Rated: G for General Audiences
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beeflibeef · 1 year ago
thank u 🫶 ur ideas/takes r creative as well ^^
did stnk ever try to convince fumus that lastar did care or did fumus never listen to those reassurance because of his jealousy over him?
I think they are both not willing to have a personal conversation with each other, could be because they both hold some resentment for each other. They care and are willing to provide help but they are very unlikely to be close emotionally
Even Satanick himself doesnt know why L. behaved the way he did and he's inclined to believe what Fumus thinks, so he, too, assumes Lastar preferred him over Fumus. Though even if Satanick had known the truth and told Fumus, the latter wouldn't care bc many years have passed since they left. Fumus would believe but wouldnt care.
I love to make characters emotional and sensitive and especially when its ooc but i understand it destroys diversity; Fumus is supposed to have a very sturdy personality and he cant be rocked by anything, he doesnt even feel like becoming sensitive. I think part why he refuses to have a soft side is because he feels responsible for things around him (aka "i got no time for tears i have worlds to deal with) and softness will "get in the way". Plus he's biased against emotions after watching Satanick being a mess
Unlike many other gods who have some softness to them and who express emotions, Fumus was probably just born with no empathy, not interested in new things etc. and as he grew, he worked on the skills and ideas he valued, making him even more "rock-like". Fumus values stability and discipline above creativity, and emotions mean "instability" and "change" to him which is against his nature. He is like an unmovable rock
WIth all that I dont think he is unable to love. I guess he just does it in a different way.
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thecrazyneographist · 2 years ago
Hand of Koreil Lastar
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A font for English. Bit weird, authentic though.
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444names · 2 years ago
high elves names from warhammer, tolkienesque and maori names
Abaldamram Adangmil Adarwerathi Adisu Adydru Aesll Agolan Ahariel Aikooth Aiwaia Aiwha Alainon Alfhisuma Alien Almog Amata Amathror Amendin Amielekuten Aminyrimo Amiradyara Amirei Amond Amutiria Anarior Anatako Andriapi Anelia Angolo Angon Anikaran Anoraepi Anuitaurie Apatake Aphoata Arachtapaed Arana Arapu Arata Aratahur Arateri Arendil Areri Arethor Arisia Arisulinga Arophi Artikastind Arukaiao Arvel Arwir Atauku Aterione Athere Athin Atárisulë Awherehui Awiryll Azuataradûn Badriel Barcyl Bareormant Barhoi Bel-este Belagil Beldaglin Beldalion Belemna Belmoti Berahu Beria Berimar Berra Bollafyn Bomeria Bomutiu Borikor Borion Boromandor Branui Bryorod Calacil Caron Caylladûna Celadog Celane Celmote Ceoris Ceyadaglast Cirindolod Cotiro Cuorgi Curgoldwin Cyaherion Cylian Cylin Cythôr Daitië Dalia Del-enehike Delen Derahera Derangudeór Dilmo Dregalin Driellan Drimehin Durgoth Dydren Déagiranuir Déagungon Ecaru Eghânburuki Elbaru Elebren Eleglos Elendare Elenel Elethonelly Eleti Eleturo Elfax Ellahin Ellothor Elramin Elroanuir Emmiriën Enara Eneth Engilmako Enika Erandor Eretifenwë Eriel Erimi Estelia Estiu Eydranti Eärweradorm Fandus Fastre Felio Felrod Ferea Fereti Feydis Findri Folina Forori Frere Fréal Furinas Fëang Fëanutlinet Fília Fílimoa Gaialaung Gangania Gardacil Gatel Gawharawheu Gelethôn Gemmair Glayla Glion Golka Gollemu Gorikitine Gothika Grangungi Grelmo Hadyinima Hadûna Hakerkei Halang Haldiniel Haldui Haliorl Halmanui Handilla Handucare Haphai Harerin Havel Hazamon Hekerind Helirgon Hemen Hendiang Hengata Herelyn Heroana Herveg Hiamaki Hielfhiu Hikornuidur Himollafyn Hiranel Hirielron Hirifuru Hoandaru Hoherauria Hondildam Horawikar Horlin Horni Horomon Hovai Huallen Huidui Hukuerendoc Hurikil Hutaendor Hutarature Ibûna Idumir Ihath Imite Imlastandor Imzil Iongi Irikil Isaar Ivrin Ivrindor Jolwë Kahui Kahuornhíri Kamina Kanan Kararalia Katain Kataki Kehatapar Kenga Keretai Kerupene Khainepitel Kjedeórie Kohapihir Koorin Kootuol Koreil Kowhakorn Kowmarast Kyrieldaca Kúvia Kúvine Lastar Latemna Lenoangi Limarór Lodis Lotui Lundilobel Lungothair Léoddalos Lútheel Lúvai Lúvidl Maciranadûn Maerodda Mahary Mahui Mahurielia Maira Makuki Manil Manneravi Manti Manui Mapathon Marda Martho Matophir Mauhelenna Mawha Melbara Mellarag Melro Mendiro Menyë Merancal Merath Methavinrod Milodaca Morein Morin Mulmo Muzgalm Nadamra Ngake Ngalio Ngavar Ngmir Ngorhaka Nihepa Nyadorlotel Nyavi Nyrestalla Nínik Nólia Olagimrona Olcwi Oldag Oreepitin Orika Oromin Orona Orongi Ororon Paedh Pakil Paldalin Palos Paorinrea Parion Parwehia Patandorn Pataungamar Pataurakar Patir Peremna Perin Petea Pethaki Pethor Pirimoana Poharegor Pokamo Potumar Pourimo Raeri Raeropum Ramoa Rauglór Rawiki Rein-yrina Rel-esti Returu Rondiril Ruaru Rukala Rungerene Runui Rurimel Ruvaldë Ríangel Ríanu Saate Sadrin Sagduf Salth Sanderi Saravrilia Sartha Sayalf Sengi Serei Shakhôn Sikei Sinyur Solthi Tahungiang Tamanemirë Tanaine Tandil Tanepuregh Tangas Tangunga Taodir Tatelugdur Tattaiko Taurunimoa Tawais Telenda Temerke Terkern Ternh Teryllobel Tetelwai Tharimata Thind Thorlorod Thróg Thyahir Tiferadrin Tikar Tilloradûn Tinnara Tipiroa Tirastë Tiriapanar Toath Toian Toitara Torane Tukurinnor Tullahu Tullas Tundilgron Tuolgelen Uidelenna Ullorl Urawhan Valas Valinur Valize Valthene Varvine Vataithiki Vataragla Vedis Vianaakari Vidrethleb Viel-lepair Vinel Waihon Waita Waiwaana Walimbol Waren Watana Weerimu Wenel Weydretuita Whepukehrin Whera Wherdacil Worasfan Yargh Yavor Yelana Yenbrei Zaanoe Zaantamri Zaguen Zamenlui-am Zamoa Zilbêthuter Zumar Éomarere Éowmaron Írimë
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finflickababybuti · 4 days ago
Rolly Toys Snöplog
Produktkod:409617 EAN:4006485409617 Ålder:från 3 år Kön:pojke/flicka Material:plast Färg:grå Produktmått:53 x 34,5 x 15 cm Förpackningsmått:56,5 x 34 x 19,5 cm Vikt:3,2 kg Produkten släpptes på marknaden i EU före 13.12.2024:Ja Snöplogen passar alla Rolly Toys-fordon. Beroende på fordonsmodell kan den monteras framtill som en schaktblad eller som en lastare (genom att använda den befintliga…
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ferrolano-blog · 1 month ago
Trump inicia la guerra, la comercial... "Trump aprueba los aranceles a México, Canadá y China y amenaza con subirlos si hay respuesta"... Canadá devuelve el golpe e impondrá aranceles del 25% a productos de EEUU, ademas estudia contramedidas no arancelarias contra Washington, en las áreas de minerales críticos y energía... Pekín demandará a EEUU ante la OMC... México promete responder con “medidas arancelarias y no arancelarias”... Los aranceles amenazan con sumir a Canadá y México en una recesión, aunque el país del sur puede seguir siendo competitivo incluso con ese sobreprecio, especialmente con la depreciación del peso. También pueden lastar el crecimiento de Estados Unidos, crear distorsiones en la cadena de suministro y producción de sectores clave, como el automovilístico, y presionar al alza los precios... los aranceles "contra México" son, en buena medida, contra empresas estadunidenses que directa o indirectamente trasladaron sus procesos productivos a México... no existe una sola compañía nacional que diseñe y comercialice automóviles, como tampoco hay compañías locales relevantes de computadoras o televisores... el principal exportador de México a Estados Unidos es General Motors, por lo que las empresas del otro lado del río Bravo resentirán tanto como las del sur la afectación de la guerra comercial... Ikea o General Motors ya han avisado que esta oleada de aranceles hará despegar los precios... Las políticas proteccionistas de Trump amenazan con desencadenar una guerra comercial a gran escala en el mundo
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forter-from-meteos · 1 year ago
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starriings are cool (: they look like the embodiment of the word "girl" and they flutter like butterflies and the entire dark area is their eye. they do their little hops with the pupil to the side and then they Look at you. they are lop-eared rabbitgirls to me. deeply religious rabbitgirls
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fannynilsson · 10 months ago
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Jag orkar inte skriva om hästhändelsen igen så ni får helt enkelt kolla stallhallingdal för det 🙈
Rolles pass har däremot anlänt på posten idag och ikväll lastar jag o kör honom till Maria för att träna mer inför första tävlingen. Har ju ingen vagn heller så får göra så för att kunna köra 🙈
Sen kan jag även spill the tea om att jag kommer byta klubb och tävla för villvattnet i år då det bara är därifrån jag får hjälp och bara deras tränare jag tränar för. Känns taskigt mot mrf men nu måste jag göra det bästa för mig för att ta mig nånvart med storhäst.
Om körningen fortsätter gå bra efter fadäsen blir första kvalet i Kåge den 15. Groom är check, nu äre bara träning och vagn det hänger på.
Eller körning har alltid gått bra! Det var anspänningen som ballade ur av många anledningar!
Så de blev ju en jävla massa att göra iomed fadäs och extratävling i början av sommaren.. samtidigt kämpar vi med beteshagar emustängsling bilproblem stökiga barn takbyggen grävjobb gräsmattor och en jävla massa annat.
Det är såhär JÄMT varje vår! Det ba raaasar fram saker som måste göras och varje vår är alltid så stressig! Bara få igång gräsklipparen varje vår gör en ju till Dracula.
Men en grävmaskinist har kommit o kollat på våran tomt, och i veckan kommer Micke o slår mina storåkrar.
Kostnaderna HÄNGER över en 😅
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beeflibeef · 1 year ago
It seems that Fumus knows a lot of people, I would like to know more about his relationships in your au
I haven't thought through his background well, i did come up with the overall history of gods. I think Fumus used to know other gods but with time he distanced from outside world and focused on his world and his secret project
Satanick: Closest person to him, but he holds some resentment toward him and is often annoyed by him. He is very much attached to him. Funny thing is, the borders between their worlds were closed so that their creatures wouldn't come to one another's world which made Satanick feel even more tense toward his brother (A lot of Satanick's demons made families with Fumus' angels and that decision made them upset) They care about each other but their worlds' tensions make their relationship strained
Satanick's subordinates overall dont mean anything to him but i doubt Fumus would kill them even if he "had" to. One of them "secretly" works with his angel though
His own angels are something that he holds really close to heart but he doesn't show affection toward them and rarely interacts with them. Taffy and other archangels are the ones who see him most often. Unlike canon Fumus, in here Fumus feels annoyed by Taffy's blind loyalty because he knows deep down he enjoys it, and since he actually battles his sadistic urges he doesnt want to admit that feeling.
Elux is someone who used to be his partner (not romantic) but for a very short time, and now he dislikes her a lot. She offered him to realize a plan that included an idea Fumus actually liked, but when it came to commiting, she scrambled it and left it which made him mad. Maybe its partly the reason why Fumus has no interest in outside world.
Liliya is someone Fumus instantly disliked and never talked with. Fumus could tell how annoying he would be to him
Etihw is someone whom Fumus has neutral attitude towards. He doesnt feel remorse but he politely avoids them after the "incident". He used to despise them because of Lastar.
Siralos is a tricky case because Fumus really dislikes him, maybe even despises him. Reason for it is because Siralos is better than him. Siralos is the wisest god among the five, and that annoys him. Fumus looks up to those who are better in every aspect, but Siralos is his equal who is better, and that makes Fumus feel spite instead of admiration.
Fumus has pretty much no opinion on other devils
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erzfreu · 1 year ago
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some more of said dragon, + their growth process over a few months in game :^) their name is lastar, my pc is trying very hard to steer them towards the right path (not eating humans)
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dragons deserve to get pampered sometimes
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