#last valentines alphabet requests can I get a wahoo
turffieldstadium · 5 years
For the Valentine's Day Alphabet could I ask for A, D, and P for Milo, Piers, Rose, and Raihan?
A already done for Milo, D already done for Rose, and A and D already done for Raihan!!
A: AFFECTION. How does your muse show affection?
Piers isn't as physically affectionate as some of the other guys - a hair ruffle here, a touch on the lower back there - though he doesn't mind if his partner enjoys frequent touching. He isn't all that verbally affectionate either, but he's fond of pet names for his partner. In terms of love languages, Acts of Service and Quality Time are his jam. He much prefers doing things for his partner to make their life a little easier, and just hanging out together, each doing their own thing. If he's feelin it, he'll write some lyrics/a poem for them.
Rose is Big on touch and just straight up being a sappy old man. He's at the stage where any long-term relationship is The One for him, so why not go all out? He'll wax poetic to them on live television he doesn't give a shit if all of Galar thinks he's a Fool. Also cause he's got that monee he likes spoiling his partner and buying them whatever tf they want. He knows he can't just win true affection that way though, and if his partner's uncomfortable being gifted so much stuff, he'll dial it right back and focus on showing his love in other ways.
D: DATE. What is your muse's ideal date? Where / Who with / etc?
Milo loves just being with his partner, so honestly he's cool with anything they wanna do. Literally they could just watch a fishtank all day and he'll still be swooning. If they ask him to pick the date location/activity, he kinda just defaults to a picnic with his Wooloo. It's something nice, calm, quiet (for the most part), and for just the two of them (for the most part). But again, he's happy doing what his partner wants, providing it isn't terribly dangerous (like sprinting through the Wild Area with a Tsareena on their ass seriously why are they so violent).
Piers is all or nothing tbh. Either stay at home to watch bad Netflix movies or go jam tf out at a concert, he has no in between. He's easy to persuade though; if his partner wants to do something else, he's more than happy to go along with it. Going out for a meal? A classic, why not. Wild Area tour? As long as it's foggy or raining, he's game. A movie? He'll most likely fall asleep but he likes listening to his partner recap what he missed.
P: PARTNER. What does your muse look for in a partner? Looks / Personality?
Milo likes people who are kind, above all else. He doesn't have the time to deal with someone who's just plain rude, and he doesn't like people who act that way without reason. He has a lot of responsibilities too, so someone who'll help out or be fine to sit and talk with him while he does his chores is a big plus, so they can still spend time together even when he's busy. And naturally, he's a very affectionate guy, so he'd like a person who's cool with him being a sap.
Piers likes either someone who's just as introverted as him, or someone who's a complete extrovert but respects his boundaries. He's a tired depressed dude who willingly walks around looking Like That and generally doesn't care what people think of him, but a potential partner criticising his appearance never sits well with him. Above all he wants someone he can be himself around.
Rose prefers people who understand that he's a busy guy, and there'll be a lot of times he just can't make time for them. It sucks yeah, but he really prioritizes Galar over everything else. Also a person who respects him, but doesn't treat him as some Super Famous Celebrity Dude cause that shit gets old and annoying fast. Also also someone who'll hear his dumb fuck ideas (coughs Reenacting The Wholeass Darkest Day Event) and be like 'dude wtf'.
Raihan likes people who don't take any shit and can sass back as good as he gives. Obviously he'd love to plaster his partner all over his social medias, but if they're camera shy, he'll be content with just one picture to keep as his phone wallpaper. Someone who likes to show off their affection too, cause he wants to feel loved damn it. Also someone who’ll be his big spoon.
Valentines Alphabet requests are CLOSED
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