#last time someone called me in english their phone quality was so bad i couldnt understand what they're saying and i freaked out they'll
an-annyeoing-writer · 2 years
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astrofairies · 8 years
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ lmao
i figured this wouldve happened 
i don’t like chocolate ice cream alone. i will only eat it if theres something else in it (brownie, cookie dough, etc etc.)
that being said, i only like chocolate milkshakes. i will never ask for a vanilla milkshake
that also being said, my favorite ice cream flavor is cookie dough
my favorite animal is an elephant. i will take any chance i get to talk about elephants, and my backpack and water bottle both have elephants on them.
i love creative writing, but i rarely get a chance to write for fun anymore
that being said, i love writing essays for school because it gives me a chance to write something.
i’m studying psychology in college. i dont know what my minor will be yet.
my favorite thing about psychology is understanding others without them having to tell me. i like to know what is going on in someone’s head. i think it helps me better interact with them. 
i’ve only had one job so far in my life, but ive had it for 5 years now. 
i only just got into makeup within the last year. now i cant seem to stop buying it.
every year for christmas and on my birthday my uncle/godfather gives me a $100 amazon giftcard. i only ever use this money to buy books, nothing else. i’ve been doing this for years (therefore i never run out of money)
i can’t eat oats
for about 4 years i did everything i could to curl my hair without using a curling iron bc i couldnt figure out how to use it. i still dont know how to use one, but i use a curling wand now
contrary to popular belief (as people keep asking me), ive never had a boyfriend or have had my first kiss yet. its weird living in a small town bc you grew up with everyone, so i rather not date them, you know?
yet, when it comes to what i find attractive in guys, i usually look for intelligence (look at my gemini venus ass). intelligence to me means good conversation and a wit (which i severely lack)
i love my sun/moon/rising placements and i probably wouldn’t change them for the world
that being said, i actually felt really bad about being a gemini sun for quite some time bc of all the gemini hate memes. but im over that bc being a gemini is pretty fucking great???
i’ll repeat this, as i’ve said it before: i am the farthest thing from funny. however, i laugh at everything 
i don’t get along with my mother at all. 
my favorite season is spring by a long-shot
i found out the other day i can only bowl with my right hand, even though im left handed 
with that, its fair to say that i have no hand-eye coordination what so ever. this is why i did horseback riding for nine years. 
 i dont ever share full body images (just haven’t had a chance) but i’m only 5′1
i hate soda. not for the taste, but the carbonation. it makes my tongue burn. 
i can read and write in spanish fairly well, but i can’t speak it or understand it when spoken to me
i believe i’ve only less than movies in the theater that weren’t disney related
i’ve never traveled outside of the u.s.
that being said, i’ve only been to 9 other states 
that’s because i’ve gone to disney world once year since i could walk (well for the most part)
i think everyone has bad luck with at least one thing. for my brother, it’s phones (he’s broken 4 phones in the last 3 years). for me, it’s laptops. they just seem to crash and burn for me
one of my requirements for when i have my own place is i need to live within a short distance of a bookstore. 
my dream how also has a balcony and a wrap around porch (or an alcove with a window seat)
 i’m not a math and science person at all. i’ve always been more into english/history/social sciences
i really want to visit italy, germany, greece, and hawai’i
i can’t cook to save my life, but i can bake fairly well (so ive been told)
i get along best with libras and arians 
when i was in middle school i had a club penguin blog 
i also used to rp a lot with lonny and some other people. we started on a website called xat with some friends, and then we moved onto a tumblr rp for quite some time...
speaking of which, i’ve been on tumblr for six years
when i first started my personal tumblr, i would always reblog disney things (wow what a surprise), but then i moved into ‘quality photos’ and other bs, until finally settling on to reblog whatever makes me happy
i cannot keep a plant alive to save my life
i don’t like roller coasters that have loops in them. this is bc when i was little and i was watching jimmy neutron sheen and carl got stuck upside down in one. it stuck with me apparently. 
i am a fairly shy person in my opinion. despite that, i was also part of my high school’s news broadcasting station as well as in the school musical for four years. 
i was obsessed with webkinz when i was little. i think last i checked i had about 50?
im really bad at throwing away/donating stuff, because everything has some sort of sentimental value to me
i’ve never been good at journaling. this is because im bad at keeping new habits
as much as i love reading, i hated assigned reading for school. but, my favorite book was the secret life of bees by sue monk kidd
i hate wearing skirts/dresses. i own a few dresses, but i have not owned a skirt since middle school. 
i prefer vegetables to fruit, even though i prefer sweet things. 
my “artistic medium” is writing. i can draw, but not well (my high school art teacher made that pretty clear). i would definitely consider writing to be my medium over singing as well (though i do love singing)
i’m awful at giving advice to people, or comforting people for that matter. however, i will always listen, no matter what i’m doing. 
i hate running. nothing else, i just really hate it
oh by the way, i’m left handed. no one else in my immediate family is tho
i cannot sleep with any noise going on in the background. no tv, no music, no talking, nada. nothing.
that being said, i also can’t sleep anywhere but a bed. i can just barely fall asleep on a couch, but forget about sleeping in a car or at school.
i get terrible car sickness. i have to sit in the front seat and i have to look at the road. i cannot read/look at my phone in a car without getting nauseous.
for every ‘⭐️’ i get, i will post a fact about myself!
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