#last time i did chishi
sharpsuite · 28 days
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JOHN KEATS. the lavender in sunsets, flowers in the rain, sunlight slipping through clouds, lazy summer afternoons, flickering candlelight reflecting off the gold titles of books, fireflies on a cool summer night, being wrapped in fresh bed sheets, the ache of wanting what you can never have, dripping sunlight like gold, loving someone so exquisite, soft lips and soft whispers, fingers through hair, names of lovers carved in trees, broken glass, the insistence of being perpetually dreamy.
F. SCOTT FITZGERALD. crisp winter skies with cold bright stars, mahogany wood, the solitude of an early autumn morning wrapped in fog, empty bottles on stacks and stacks of books haphazardly placed in a messy room, pale bruised arms reaching out into the darkness, cigarette smoke just barely hiding the scent of alcohol, a wall of books all poetry and old and weathered, a bad thunderstorm occurring at the end of a beautiful day, the way tragedy strikes in your heart but ends up stopping your breathing for a moment, your favorite sweater, parties spilling into four a.m. with the stars above spinning and dancing, the contrast of blood against snow, a purple split lip oozing blood, black eyes fading to blue to pale skin, the butterflies of falling in love for the first time, the statues falling apart over time in cemeteries, the romanticization of self-destruction.
FRANZ KAFKA. the weight of dread that sits heavily in your stomach when thinking about the future, decrepit houses cloaked in mystery from children telling stories of people who died there, the way not even light can escape a black hole, the rich smell of old books, delicate veins in the wrist, ghosts filling lungs, shattered bones, raindrops on the tongue, rusting metal, nostalgia that aches, the way hope feels like a plastic bag over your head.
H.P. LOVECRAFT. the anxiety felt when staring into an unknown cave, pouring rain and mud, a child’s fear of the dark, thinking so many questions about your existence as you stare at the vast expanse of never-ending ocean, the silence of three a.m., danse macabre by camille saint-saens playing on a record in an empty house, the possibility of aliens and the weird feeling it gives you that you can’t explain, unexplainable phenomena, strange lights in the sky in the dead of night, ouija boards and urban legends.
JACK KEROUAC. the brisk pine air of being on a mountain, travels without a destination, those nights where you’re missing three hours of memory, screaming to a lifeless desert about how you’re so alive, coffee shops late at night, chocobo rides at night spent speeding and laughing in the dark, naps spent in the sun, novels highlighted and underlined with notes and epiphanies in the margins, the way uncertainty sits on the shoulders, ignoring flaws and loving life, wind through hair, depression as fog in the brain, impossible ideals, a quiet sunrise, walks alone, when you think about trying to discover all the secrets to the universe, dazzling people, open lands stretching out into infinity, falling in love with being alive.
EDGAR ALLAN POE. the ocean’s horizon inseparable from fog, hollow bones, a preserved heart held in hands, twinkling stars above an old graveyard, the way everything turns to dust, silent black birds with eyes full of wisdom, self-inflicted flames, perfection depicted as a rotting corpse, death as bricks in the heart, lips barely brushing against each other, glassy glazed eyes, biting into a lemon, heart-shaped bruises, rotting flowers on a grave, dried blood and spilled liquor, the hush of dusk when it begins raining, the intimacy of a secret.
tagged by: stole it from another blog of mine tagging: whoever would like too!
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Candy Sushi
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Chishiya Shuntarō x reader
Come on, it’ll be fun!
“Chishi.” I tugged lightly on his white jacket that I held between my fingers.
He let out an annoyed sigh, too tired to tell me not to call him that… Again.
“If you’re going to ask me about the others, they’re fine.” He said.
“But…” I thought back to the last time we saw our group of friends. The grenade that separated us and the King Of Spades chasing after them, “What if something happened? What if the King of Spades got them?”
“Perhaps.” His response left the uneasy feeling in my stomach to grow.
“This is my fault.” I clenched his jacket tighter, “If I only ran faster or had thrown that stupid grenade towards the king then maybe-”
“What’s done is done. You can’t change the past, but you can save yourself for a future.” He glanced at me, “I need you to focus on now so that the two of us have a chance out of here.”
I took in the heaviness of his words and straightened myself up. I gave him a firm nod, “You’re right.”
“Hello! Would you like to be in our group?” And thus began the game of hearts.
With a cheery voice I rarely hear from Chishiya he agreed, “Of course!” He said and I knew he had a plan.
An hour passed with round one being a breeze. Everyone seemed to trust each other… That is until Banda.
“The Jack wouldn’t be stupid enough to jump start the anxiety of the players like this…” I whispered to Chishiya, “Why does he look familiar?” I wondered.
“He murdered four women. It was on the news.” Chishiya answered.
He watched Banda closely, an uneasy feeling in his stomach as Banda stared at his friend. At least you can’t murder anyone outside of lying about their suits.
“A murderer?” My eyes widened as I looked at Banda only to find him already looking, “He’s looking… Now he’s waving? Why is he waving?” I stepped closer to Chishiya.
“Seems like you have a new admirer.” Was all he said.
“Hey!” I whispered lighting punching his side, “Wait, a new one? When did I have an old one?” I wondered.
Chishiya didn’t answer, “Let’s go.” towards a room stocked with food that could last us months if need be. The Jack of Hearts really did plan for everything… But who could that be?
My gaze lingered on each player here, but it was still too big of a group to tell.
“So much food…” My stomach growled at the rows of snacks that filled the room.
Chishiya chuckles, “Take whatever you want. We’ll be here a while.”
I grabbed anything and everything that was strawberry flavored and a box of Kracie Popin’ Cookin’ Sushi DIY Candy set before quickly making my way towards Chishiya who sat a little away from our so called group. My attention focused on the man and woman who has been attached by the hip since we got here. The woman was practically draping on him like a blanket.
“I’ve always wanted to try one of these.” I smiled, my facing lighting up at such a childish thing.
Chishiya made a face at the box, “Those are disgusting.”
I gasped, “You’ve tried one of these before?”
“When I was younger.” He answered.
“Well then that means you just have to make one again. Just to be sure.” I smiled, pushing the box in between us.
“No thanks.” He said plainly as he took a bite of his cookie.
“The only thing that I’m hearing from you is excitement.” I stated as I opened the box.
Chishiya rolled his eyes, but indulged me none the less. He shoulder pressed against mine as I read the instructions out loud. He found it amusing and in a way cute at how I was so involved in such a trivial thing when they were literally fighting to stay alive.
“I can just show you.” He murmured and I almost said yes from that low tone of voice lulling me to do whatever he wanted. That is until he said, “It’s pretty easy.”
I tilted my head towards him, our noses almost brushing as I raised an eyebrow, “You don’t think I can do it?”
His smirk only egged me on and it was then I realized how close we were.
I blushed, turning my head back to the Candy as I passed him the tools and ingredients to make the salmon roe sushi and the tuna sushi, “Alright, Chishi. Bake off. Whoever makes the best candy sushi wins.”
“Why can’t I have the chirashi sushi?” He asked as if he were five.
“Because it kinda sounds like your name so it’s mine.” I stated without thinking.
“My name is yours?” He teased.
I stuttered over my words before settling on a, “Shut up.”
He raised his arms up in mock surrender before starting on his half of the Candy sushi. There was a calming silence as we worked on making something that would probably taste like artificial flavors and childhood dreams, but getting to do something like this with him… It made my chest ache in the possibility of a future more than friendship between us.
I giggled lightly as he snagged one of my strawberry pocky’s, already done with his sushi.
I stared at them in amazement, “How…?” I glanced over to my chirashi sushi that looked as if it were falling apart. “How did you make it so perfect?”
He glanced at the Candy sushi with mild disinterest, “I’m good with my hands.”
“Apparently. What were you before all this? A surgeon?” I joked as I finished up my tuna roll.
“Doctor actually.”
I didn’t respond, focusing intently on my Candy as warmth filled my stomach at the thought. How did he possibly get even more attractive?
Chishiya seemed to figure out my thoughts, “Hm… That’s interesting.”
I looked to him confused, “What is?”
“You’re tuna looks more like slime.” He commented.
I laughed at the sight because it did in fact look like slime, “Well it seems that you win on the pretty factor… But! There is still the taste factor.” I handed him the chirashi roll and grabbed the salmon roe that he made.
“Ready to be blasted with your childhood?” I asked as I turned my body to face him, wanting to see his reaction up close.
“Absolutely not.” He answered, but took a bite anyways.
I took a bite just as he did, taking in all of the flavors only to find out… I didn’t like it.
“Mm.” I hummed while making an interesting face.
“You hate it.” He commented a subtle smirk growing because he was right.
“No!” I refused as I tried to swallow it, “It’s just interesting that’s all.”
Chishiya scoffed, “Whatever you say.”
It was a full minute before I broke, spitting the candy into a napkin, “I hate it.”
“I know.” He stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“How did you ever eat this stuff? It tastes so…” I trailed off, not knowing the correct word.
“Artificial.” He answered for me.
I nodded as I took a drink of water before reaching over him to take one of his cookies.
“See you’ve gone for the better choice.” He pushed the bag closer to me.
“I won’t tell you that you are right.” I huffed, nudging him, “Your head would probably explode…” My fantasy suddenly came to an end as I realized where we were, “I… I’m sorry.”
He stared at me for a moment, noticing the quick change in my mood, “Why should you be?” He asked as he took another bite of the sushi I made.
A surprised look made it’s way onto my face, “You just took another bite!”
He shrugged, “You made it for me.” He said as he finished both candy sushi rolls.
“Oh…” I breathed out.
I felt myself swooning over his words and the way his stuffed cheeks made him look like a chipmunk.
The words came suddenly without any thought, “I love you.”
He raised his eyebrow at me as he waited for me to elaborate, chewing slowly.
My cheeks felt like they were on fire as I gaped at him, “I mean! I think I love stew- yeah stew! Warm stew with some bread, yum!” I was floundering now and it wasn’t until he gently grabbed my hand under the table that I finally stopped talking.
I waited patiently for him to say something… Anything. Just to know if my feelings were reciprocated or not, only for him to say something that made me smile and roll my eyes all the same.
“Took you long enough.” Chishiya stated, a knowing look in his eyes.
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chaileaf · 2 years
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part two of anonymous bidder
› featuring: med student!shuntaro chishiya + fem!reader
› word count: 2,674 words
› synopsis: it had been three years since you last seen shuntaro chishiya after graduation. suddenly, a fateful interaction brings you two back together. the question is: will you forgive him?
› rating: nsfw, +18
› cw: vulgar language, explicit content, sex on camera, angst, brief rough sex scene
› setting: after college au where reader is interning as a biotechnologist in a hospital and chishiya is a medical student doing clinical rotations
⤷ chai's note: hey y'all! i really appreciate all the love i received on anonymous bidder so i decided to enlogate it into four to five parts. i know this is a bit short (and extremely less smutty) but i hope you still enjoy it! (also dw pt 3 is gna be way more explicit) i haven't been able to write much because i've been away at medic training for the army (long story) but i wanted to get part two to you guys asap. if you want to be added to the tag list, let me know! anyone who's in my tag list will be tagged in all of my future writings so if you'd rather be tagged in only anonymous bidder update, please lmk! i love you all so much! thank you for allowing me to create beautiful pieces for you guys. i appreciate everything. much love, chai !!
⤷tags: @poetrieshouse @tungstenorc @mackjestic @seraphvm @naegisimp @fishisahappydog @parkersmyth @huachengsbestie01 @chlooooop @bxcndd @kowzs @sleepysnk @luuminou ily guys sm for supporting my writing, you have no idea how much i appreciate it 🫶🏻
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your fingers flipped the pages of your notes while your eyes scanned over the material. “let’s see… test subject a responded to chemicals a and e very well. that’s a good sign.” you whispered to yourself, highlighting the text with your pink pen. “but chemical b and c did not react well. that could be detrimental when putting it into certain med-”
“y/n? is that… is that you?” a somewhat familiar voice questioned from the breakroom door you didn’t even realize opened. your eyes widened as you turned to face chishiya shuntaro, cheeks going pale and mouth propping itself somewhat open.
“y/n? is that… is that you?” a somewhat familiar voice questioned from the breakroom door you didn’t even realize opened. your eyes widened as you turned to face chishiya shuntaro, cheeks going pale and mouth propping itself somewhat open.
“chishiya?” you said out of shock more than actually questioning it. you never thought you’d see him again after college graduation, thinking he’d go to some hot shot hospital for his medical rotations. instead, he was still in shibuya. the hospital was nice, sure, but there were better options for the school’s valedictorian.
“how’ve you been? it’s been, what, almost three years?” chishiya asked with a chortle at the end, crossing his arms against his chest and leaning against the countertop with his hip. he looked nearly the same as he did when you’d seen him last. his silky blonde strands were still touching his shoulders. the brown eyes that had a habit of scanning everyone in the room were glistening with judgement. his frame looked bigger, as if he’d been working out in his free time. yet, something was off. he wasn’t the same chishiya. his presence seemed softer, as if he was less intense. could it be working with patients made him more susceptible to empathy and sympathy?
“i’ve been good!” your voice sounded excited and somewhat exasperated, as if you were holding a breath before speaking. “i started an internship here under the lead researcher for the hospital so work has been… draining?” you questioned, not sure if that was the right word to use. “but i really like it here! everyone is so nice and welcoming, surprisingly. i thought biotechnologists were snarky assholes.” the last sentence was whispered with a laugh. chishiya stared at you intently, causing the smile that creeped on your lips to fade. “is… is something wrong, chishi-”
“you just look as beautiful as the last time i saw you.” chishiya cut you off. the words were simple, but everything in your brain scattered as if the things he’d said were a complex math problem. you gulped, feeling a familiar crimson rush to your face. the room seemed about ten degrees hotter, causing your breathing to increase ever so slightly with your heart rate. his face was plain, but it felt like he was staring straight into your soul.
“i-” you tried to speak after a few moments of silence to kill the awkwardness. it was to no avail when the words decided to get stuck in your throat. you brushed the strands of hair coming out of your ponytail behind your ear out of embarrassment. “thanks…” your voice was so soft that he almost didn’t hear you. chishiya let out a small laugh, shaking his head. the almost-silver strands fell to cover his face, but you could still see his smile. he was definitely a softer version of the chishiya shuntaro you knew in college.
“you don’t have to be embarrassed, y/n. it’s just a compliment. relax.” you let out an exhale you didn’t realize was trapped in your lungs at the end of his statement. an awkward laugh escaped your mouth as you turned back to your notes, pretending to focus on them instead of letting memories of the past seep in. “anyways, we should go out for lunch today. you down?” he asked. it didn't seem malicious, but you couldn’t help but think that he wanted something else.
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your body was pinned under his, hands wrapped around your wrists as you screamed out of pleasure into the pillow. your back kept arching into him with each stroke of his thick cock. “you love that, don’t ya? fucking whore…” the last two words were mumbled under his breath as he continuously kissed your g-spot with the tip of his member. chishiya uncuffed a hand from your wrists and went to the locks of hair by the nape of your neck, pulling your head backwards to where his lips were pressed against your ear. “i wanna hear you scream my fucking name. show them how much you want me, pretty girl.” he relentlessly pounded into your cunt as you moaned loud enough for the camera to pick up. “show them you’re mine.”
it had been two weeks since the library incident, and you were absolutely needy for chishiya shuntaro. your pussy ached every time you seen his face around campus, as if it was made for him. your avoidance didn’t help, but instead made everything worse; especially since you watched him every time he livestreamed as k1ng0fd1am0nds. eventually, he cornered you in the dorms the same way he did in the library. one thing led to another until you were yet again underneath the beautiful man that was chishiya.
‘friends with benefits’ was what he’d call the situationship that lasted up to graduation. it was a wonderful experience, to say the least. chishiya was a very selfless person in bed and always made sure you got off multiple times before he did. you even gave in to his requests to perform with him on his cam streams. it was an anxiety inducing situation, considering nearly the whole school found out. it was the talk of the town for an entire two weeks, with some teachers even giving you a side eye. by the time everything went back to normal, graduation was nearing closer and you could see the finish line.
being done with chishiya was bittersweet. on one hand, you could finally be free of his grasp and actually try to find a real relationship. on the other, you knew you’d miss him. he was genuinely a fun person to be around whenever you weren’t at school. chishiya knew how to crack a good joke. he would pay the tab no matter where you two went out to eat. he also did his best to calm your anxiety whenever you were studying; in some cases, giving you head or fingering you while asking questions and stopping whenever you got the answer wrong.
at the end of it all, he didn’t seem bothered. chishiya didn’t even say goodbye. his dorm was empty and cleared out before you could get the chance to wish him well in his future. for some reason, it made your heart ache. you thought about it for a month straight trying to figure out what you might’ve done wrong. he never answered your texts or calls. he disappeared.
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“no.” you stated before closing your notes. chishiya scoffed in disbelief, and he must have thought you were joking with the smile that was still plastered on his face.
“oh, you’re serious.” chishiya’s mouth downturned into a frown as his eyebrows furrowed with confusion. “i don’t get it. it’s just lunch, y/n.” you almost felt bad. almost. you continued to pack your things into your satchel bag and put it over your shoulder. looking at him in the eyes hurt too much, so you focused on the wall above his head to make it seem like you were staring at him.
“chishiya, if you want to fuck someone, go find some other girl for your cam show. we ended things three years ago, let’s keep it that way.” the words flowed out of your mouth before you could stop them. you could tell they stung by the way chishiya was looking at you with skepticism. the emotional poison he’d given you three years ago was finally out of your body and returned the original snake.
“y/n-” chishiya started, but was soon cut off by your own voice.
“goodbye.” and with that, you left the breakroom with a slam of the door.
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your heart was racing as you walked into work the next day, terrified that you’d be face to face with chishiya shuntaro again. you knew your words hurt, but you didn’t care. he hurt you. isn’t it fair?
guilt started to pour into your chest and made it feel heavier than usual. you did your best to shake it off on the way to the elevator, but it was to no avail. you wanted to apologize. you wanted to scream. you wanted to disappear, just like he did. all of these thoughts clouded your mind and you just wanted peace.
the doors to the elevators opened and hospital staff fled out as if they’d been in there for hours. you let out a deep breath, walking in after everyone cleared out and pressing the button for the lab. the doors shut quickly, leaving you alone with your thoughts. you clutched your satchel bag to your chest and rested your chin on the top. “i’m so fucking stupid…” you whispered to yourself while tears dared to well inside of your eyes.
the sound of the elevator brought you out of your thoughts and you leaned sideways on the elevator walls, facing a different direction than the entrance to hide the emotions that were slowly appearing on your face. “y/n?” chishiya’s voice felt like a burn to your ears. you closed your eyes and muttered a desperate ‘fuck’ under your breath. “are you okay?” his concerned voice was followed by the sound of the elevator creaking, causing you to look around with a somewhat panicked expression until the noise stopped and the elevator kept moving.
“yeah. yeah, i’m fine.” a sigh escaped your lungs as you leaned your head back onto the wall, ready to get this interaction over with.
“y/n, listen.” chishiya began, trying his best to speak before you could intervene. however, you weren’t about to let that happen.
“i don’t want to listen, chishiya.” you opened your eyes and positioned your head to where you could look him dead in the eyes. your gaze was nearly piercing his skull with every second you looked at him. “you disappeared, why can’t i disappear? why-” your voice became shakier with each word. you took an extensive inhale before letting it out and continuing. “why do i have to feel guilty for expressing my feelings in the breakroom yesterday? why do i want to apologize to you when you were the one who left me!” the tears that had left you returned at full force, dripping down your cheeks like a small waterfall in a forest.
the creaking noise of the elevator had gotten louder, but your frustrations drowned out every sound except the words coming out of your mouth. chishiya was staring sorrowfully at you, as if his own heart was breaking listening to you. his face was the least of your concerns as the elevator came to a halt. both of you grabbed onto the railings placed on either wall of the enclosed space, a thud bringing you both out of the current conversation. an automated voice rang through the elevator speakers, replacing the jingles that were playing prior to the sudden stop.
“please hold tight. assistance is on the way. do not panic.”
“jesus fucking christ.” you said with nothing but exhaustion and irritation. your head leaned against the wall again with a thump. this is not where you expected to be when you played the day’s events in your head this morning. “just my luck…” you mumbled, opening your eyes only to roll them.
“y/n, i didn’t want to do that.” chishiya started the conversation back up, walking closer to you in order to get you to look in his direction. you tried to back up, only flushing yourself further into the wall, as you stared him down. he stopped in his tracks. his body was clad in light blue scrubs and a white doctor’s coat. his hands came up and adjusted the lanyard and stethoscope around his neck out of what you presumed was anxiety. “do you want the honest answer, or do you want to keep going on hating me with no answer to why i disappeared?” chishiya quizzed, crossing his arms the same way he did when he was in college. his shoulder length hair was meticulously placed into a ponytail with only his bangs left out to frame his face.
you stared at him, waiting for him to continue talking instead of cooperating with a nod. chishiya inched closer, standing next to you against the wall so that you both were facing the elevator doors. he let out a profound sigh and began again. “i knew that i had feelings from you after the first time in the library, even before that, i knew.” he confessed, leaning his head against the wall as if to mimick you. your head turned to watch him as he spoke. “i didn’t want to accept it. i thought that i could keep you at a distance but everything kept telling me to go to you. i’d see you in the cafeteria and wave. you always avoided me, so i never even had the chance to tell you how i felt.” chishiya’s voice was lower now, almost as if he was embarrassed. “when i finally got you alone, we had sex. it was wonderful, don’t get me wrong.” he laughed to himself, causing you to chortle. the sentence almost made you blush, but it felt so natural to hear him talk like this. “anyways, i didn’t think that it would be the best impression if i asked you out after that. even when we were friends with benefits,” chishiya put air quotes around friends with benefits, making you stifle a laugh. “i didn’t want to ask you out. why?” he shook his head, strands of his bangs moving with him. “i have no idea. it would’ve been perfect. but part of me didn’t feel good enough. you deserved better. a clean slate of a relationship where it starts out as a relationship, not a fuck in the library. so i left.”
the end of his explanation came far too soon. you sat in silence, staring at his face that was focused on the elevator flooring. you wanted to feel guilty, but you didn’t. you had no reason to apologize since your feelings were valid and justified in this situation. his explanation was not an excuse. but… “i forgive you.”
the words were like an alarm to his ears, making him perk his head up and look at you. chishiya’s expression was that of a puppy you just asked to go for a walk. “what?” he questioned as if the words didn’t register into his brain.
“i forgive you.” you stated calmly with a profound sigh. “i understand that it might’ve been hard to come to terms with your feelings, so you did what you knew how to do. you closed yourself off and left. so, i forgive you.”
you both stood in the elevator for what seemed like an eternity of silence. the only sound present was a drowned out beeping noise from the elevator’s alarm system. it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, nor was it awkward. you couldn’t help but feel as if you both were healing from the past wounds with each other's presence.
“so, y/n...” chishiya said with a cracked voice before clearing his throat. it made you chuckle, as an unconfident chishiya wasn’t exactly usual. “would you like to go on a date with me?” his eyes veered over to yours and you retained the smile from your previous chuckle, nodding your head slowly.
“yeah, chishiya. i would.”
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a-simp-20 · 3 years
Ok, either Kuina teaching Chishiya how to roller skate or Chishiya teaching Kuina how to roller skate 💖
Roller skating Besties [Pre-borderland AU]
[AIB Masterlist]
Characters: Chishiya Shuntaro,Kuina Hikari, Takeru Danma, Aguni Morizono, Arisu Ryohei (briefly,he's there! Just wait~)
Summary: Chishiya is at his college,studying medical health care and other med student things,Kuina came to visit him and asked him if they could hang out together.
Warning!: none
Genre: Fluff,Crack. just two besties roller skating :3
Word count: 2.1K
Tag's: @niragis-right-hand-rabbit hope you like it girl!
I'm sorry this took so long!, I had to write other fics and the request on my wattpad account 😖
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It's a normal day in medical school,Chishiya is at his college's lab studying on things with the other people who are in the same class as him. This time their learning about how to: Cut open a person's chest/stomach for surgeries only 101-.
I'm serious "Now beneath this white sheet,there is a dummy that you need to cut open with this small knife here..but we're not in to that step yet,the first step is to..get use to the smell of someone's corpse...without your medical masks on" His professor said,as he take's out his hand to all of them,signaling to hand their masks over to him. Everyone reached into their pockets and took out their masks,handing them over to the professor.
"Everyone ready?" The professor asked,everyone shook their head confidently while Chishiya just smirks. The professor took off the white sheet that was covering the dummy now not covering it.The smell of a corpse was fresh coming from the dummy,everyone puked and some of them holding their breath and passing out as Chishiya closes his eyes calmly as he inhaled the scent of the corpse,smirking like the Cheshire he is "Everyone failed...except for you Chishiya,you passed..now cut it open" His professor said smirking back at him "Gladly professor~" He said,as he grabbed the knife and went to the dummy.
He stood right next to it "Where do you want me to cut it open professor?" He asked,looking at his professor "The most scent able part...the stomach" His professor replied. Chishiya nodding as he brought his left hand up to the dummy's chest as his right hand cuts open the stomach of it, the scent of the dummy's stomach now filling the air, everyone once again puked and passed out in the floor and holding their breath,Chishiya? No he inhaled the scent again "Good job Chishiya!, I'm very proud that ONE of my students will TRULY become a doctor" His professor said,mentioning to the other students who failed.
It is now lunch time,Chishiya sitting in the cafeteria alone eating his vegetables...specifically peas. He got out his phone,seeing a bunch of text messages from Arisu and four from Kuina. He read through the text's that were from Arisu. Arisu was talking about a medical game that he just brought that included doctor's injecting some needles into zombies to cure them back into human, Chishiya just chuckled and went into Kuina's messages.
QUEEN-Na: Hey! Hey Chishiya!,ya still in school?
QUEEN-Na: guess you are. So I was hoping maybe we could go like hang out together??,Oh! Maybe we could go to a cat Cafe.
QUEEN-Na: and after we go to the cat Cafe...wait for ittt.....WE'RE GOING ROLLER SKATING BESTIE!
Doctor Cheshire: after I finish my peas we'll go.
QUEEN-Na: HECK YEAH!,I knew it you could agree!
Doctor Cheshire: yes yes now I want to enjoy peas,thank you very much.
After the chat ended Chishiya continued to chew on his peas,while looking at the window that was beside his table where he ate..he then realized...he didn't know how to skate-.
He just shrugs the thought off of his mind as he continues to eat his peas.
Chishiya waited for Kuina outside his college. Kuina told him that she's going to pick him up with her car, so he waited with his hand's inside the pockets of his white jacket that the zipper was loose and revealed his black and white striped shirt,he wore black jeans and a backpack that had cat ears on them...that was given by Kuina of course for his birthday. He heard a honk of a car. He looks up to see the girl inside the car on the right driver's seat, Chishiya smirks as he walked towards her car and got in the passenger seat that is right next to her "Welcome aboard Doctor Cheshire" Kuina said smiling at him starting the car "Thank you for welcoming me..Miss Sexy butterfly girl" Chishiya said as he turned on the radio to hear some music.
Kuina began to drive "So what did you learn this time?" "Why do you want to know?,are you my mom now?" He asked,looking at her by the corner of his eyes "As if!, she's a cruel Bish! You don't deserve to be forced to do anything ya know?"
Kuina said,keeping her eyes on the road "Yeah..we're going to the cat cafe first right?" He asked her. Kuina just smiles and nods "Yup! After that we're roller skating" She said with a wide grin on her face now. Chishiya just lay's his head back into his chair as he closed his eyes.
They both finally made it to the Cat Cafe. Kuina shaking Chishiya's body lightly "We're here doc" She said sarcastically "I can see that clearly sexy butterfly" He said, looking at the Cat Cafe through the passenger's seat window "Well,time to get out!" She said,getting out of her car. Chishiya following her as they both got into the Cat Cafe to be greeted by so many cats "Look at all these little cuties!" Kuina squealed, as she grabbed a yellow munchkin cat "Look how teensy his leggies are!!" She said, holding the cat up to Chishiya's face "Are you mocking me?" Chishiya asked "Mocking?, how am I mocking you! Look at him!!! He's so cute!!!" She chirps again.
They both finally found a place to sit and ordered their food and drinks "So Chishi, do you know how to skate?" Kuina asked him while petting the yellow munchkin cat that's on her lap "Well..for someone like me that is likely to have a GOOD childhood...no" He said stroking a cat that was laying right next to him,showing it's belly demanding belly rubs which Chishiya did do.
The cat meows and purred at his touch "True,true..Oh! Maybe I could teach you how to!?" Kuina said excitedly "Sure..i would love to" Chishiya said, as the waiter put their two puddings on the table and one iced coffee for kuina. Chishiya got himself a black coffee which he is now sipping calmly while still stroking the cat beside him.
They chatted for awhile. Saying about how their doing and how work is going for Kuina and how college was going for Chishiya "Everyone didn't like the smell of the dummy..me? I liked it. I felt really at ease when I inhaled the scent of the fake corpse-" "Now you're making me want barf.. But at least it sound cool" Kuina said cutting Chishiya's sentence while sipping at her iced coffee "How is work at the shop going for you?" "Well,customer's come by and go. Buy some clothes ask if there any available size's for it, they buy it and leave" Kuina explains, swaying her spoon while explaining "Like always then?"Chishiya asked and she nods.
After the chat, they played rock papers scissors to see who would pay for their meal. Apparently, Kuina won and Chishiya lost, but Chishiya didn't care because he is wealth of money thanks to his dad. They both got out of the Cafe and went inside Kuina's car again "Next stop!, the mall!" Kuina said starting the car "So the roller skating rink is at the mall?" Chishiya asked "Yup!, I can't find any that was close in this city and your college,only the mall" She said while driving"That sucks...i hate the mall" Chishiya replies "Why?, because you don't like people surrounding you while you're walking?" Kuina asked "More like I don't like places that are crowded by..peasants.." Chishiya continues as he had a Cheshire like smirk on his face "That's the same thing but in Chishiya language" Kuina said while chuckling.
They both made it at the mall. Kuina parks her car and gets out,Chishiya following. They got into the big building "I haven't seen the mall since...last month" Chishiya said, while looking at the ceiling of the mall "What!?,you haven't gone to the mall that much before...never mind I just remembered on what you said in the car" She said. Both of them spend their time keeping each other company, both of them walking side by side. They didn't go straight to the roller skating rink no, they stopped at a hat shop that was in the mall, checking out some of the cool hats in the shop "These are some hats" Kuina said, grabbing a top hat and putting it on Chishiya's head "You look good with a top hat Chishiya" Kuina comments "Thank you..and yes I do love top hats. I really want one ever since when I was kid..my father won't let me have on cause-" "Let's not talk about that old man of yours right now, we're here in a hat shop. You live alone in an elegant apartment by yourself, you could buy the top hat if you want to!" "And the young woman is correct!" Someone said after Kuina finished her sentence "Allow me to introduce Myself, I'm Danma Takeru..also known as Hatter and the owner of this fine shop you may say" Hatter said, grinning widely "Nice hat you got there Mister Hatter" Kuina said, pointing at his hat "Why thank you!, my father gave it to me" He replies with a smile.
The shops bell rings, revealing a tall buff man with no hair. He looks like a tired dad "Ah! Mori Chan!, welcome" Hatter greets the man "This my friend, is Aguni Morizono. He's my best friend!" Hatter explains with a grin. Chishiya and Kuina nodding "So what brings the both of you here at the mall?" Aguni asked "We're here to roller skate!,and I'm teaching this kid how to do it properly" Kuina said, mentioning to Chishiya "Well that sounds fun!, maybe we could join in? It's okay if you don't want us to be there" "Sure..as long as you don't get too close to me" Chishiya finally spoke "Great!, what do you think Aguni? Would you like to?" Aguni nods "Sure" He said.
After that the four of them said their good bye's, Hatter and Aguni said that they will catch up when their both done taking care of the shop "Those two were nice" Kuina smiles as she looks down at Chishiya that was still wearing the top hat on his head, Hatter gave it to him  for free. Hatter heard Chishiya's story of life and felt horrible so he decided to just give the natural blonde headed cat a gift, which was the Top hat that he likes so much.
"Ah!, and here we are!" Kuina said. Chishiya looking up to see a sign that had roller skates on it "Let's go in" Kuina said, as she opens the door "After you" Kuina mentioning to the open door for Chishiya to enter. Chishiya did enter and Kuina did the same.
The room inside was filled with neon lights and...peasants Chishiya say's. Everyone was on the rink, laughing and having fun "Doesn't this look great?" Kuina looking down at Chishiya that had a disgusted look on his face "Look at all of these peasants" Chishiya say's pointing at one of them "C'mon now, don't get your Cat attitude out!, let's go" Kuina grabbed Chishiya's hand and dragged him to the main counter.
They both got in the locker room to pick out their roller skates that were their foot size "Chishiya!,look at this one!" Kuina said excitedly. Chishiya looks at her and saw that she's holding two pair of roller skates that is black and had cat faces all over it "Huh..interesting" Chishiya said, while grabbing the roller skates that Kuina held "I knew it you would like them" Kuina grins as she grabbed a pair of blue roller skates that had white and yellow and pink flowers on them. They both put on their roller skates as they walked to the rink.
Kuina holding Chishiya's hand, guiding him to the rink. They both stepped in, Chishiya wobbling a bit "Keep your balance, it's okay. I told you I'll teach you right?" Kuina grabbed Chishiya's hand as she started to move. She let's go Chishiya's hand,leaving Chishiya at his will "okay, the first thing you have to do is walking. Just like normal" Chishiya took Kuina's advice and started taking little steps "Like this?" "Yes!, keep going...aaaand stop. Okay the next step is to balance yourself, don't panic and stay completely calm" Chishiya stayed still, balancing himself "Good! Just like that, now push your upper body to the front while lifting up your right feet and dragging it" Chishiya then did exactly that...and he did it "I- I can't believe I'm roller skating" He said, skating across the rink until he fell on his butt. Kuina trying so badly to hold her laughter as she went towards him to help him get up to his feet.
Chishiya grabbing his top hat and cleaned the dust out of it as he put's it on top of his head again "I hate this." Chishiya mumbles as he stood up again "Oh come on!, you just fell like..once" Kuina crossing her arms, looking down at the short blonde figure that was wearing a top head "Fine..i'll try again" He grumbles, Kuina smiling widely while cheering "Heck yeah!" She said as they both continued skating.
The end-
[Meanwhile Hatter and Aguni]
The two men are now skating happily together with happy faces "Isn't this fun Mori?" Hatter said, smiling at his friend that is skating behind him "Quiet so" "Oh come on!, I don't see a smile on your face" Hatter said pointing at Aguni's emotionless face "No..i am happy..this is my happy face" He said "Well whatever you say" After that Hatter didn't looked where he was going and bumped into a ln angry Chishiya.
The end~
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devinescribe · 3 years
Can I request something that is related to greek mythology since I very much liked your cupid stories. Where Chishiya is Hades and the reader is Persephone. Idk how it will go but yeah something like that. They were doing their thing in the underworld and one day they lose their powers as gods and they were transported to the borderlands. Thanks!
I- yes, love it, here we go-
I don't think you guys know how obsessed I was with Greek mythology as a kid, and how it translated into my life as of right now. Like... I'm a full blown witch now for the gods' sake. Like, I'm excited-
Love Older Than Time
Chishiya Shuntaro × Reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of kidnapping, your mom is kinda sorta psycho
"Y/N? Have you been in the fields of Elysium this whole time?" You heard a voice ask behind you. You recognized who it was almost immediately, even without turning around. It was Chishiya. You turned to face him with a bright smile, nodding. "I'm sorry if I worried you... it's just pretty here," you apologized, standing up. You dusted off your dress of any dirt that might have gotten on it, walking to him. He sighed as you walked over to his side, grabbing his arm. "My dear, you have your personal garden within our palace, you don't need to come out here. You could get hurt, I don't want you getting hurt," he softly repremanded. "I hope you don't plan on becoming like my mother," you joked. He laughed, and shook his head, kissing the top of your head. "No, I won't."
It wasn't that you didn't like your mother, she was just a helicopter parent, never letting you do anything yourself. And ever since the incident with Chishiya, things had become more awkward.
You two walked back inside, the guards greeting you as you made your way through the halls of the palace.
"I mean, it's a ways away from spring my love. I'll still be here for a while more," you said, intertwining your fingers with his. "I'm quite aware, but it still makes me... upset you'll have to leave once more," he explained. You knew that he meant he would be sad when you left. Everyone else had told you. Everyone in the Underworld said the first two weeks, he always asked where you were or looked for you, before realizing you were in the upper world. Others said they caught him in your garden late at night, sleeping in there as it gave him comfort. Sure, he may not have expressed it, but you knew he didn't like it when you left. "Well, I'm glad you miss me when I leave," you whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "You know, there is one person who misses you more than me and that's Cerberus," he said. You laughed, leaning your head onto his shoulder. "I would rather you never leave, but that would be a punishment for you... and I hate seeing you unhappy," he stated. "Now, if I recall, you kidnapped me knowing full well I would be unhappy," you laughed. He looked at you, and back down to the floor. "I did do that, didn't I?" He questioned out loud, not really looking for an answer. "Yes, but you didn't harm me, or force me to do anything. You let me be, and showed me love, patience, and compassion, even when all I did was spit insult after insult... you didn't force me to fall in love with you. You let me be, and let me discover things by myself. Something I'd never been able to do. You didn't treat me like a prisoner. I felt more free with you than I did with my mother," you explained, playing with his hands. He hummed in acknowledgement as the large, dark doors to the thrown room opened. You two ruled over the underworld, there was citizens you two had to hear out. It was basically the same as being a king or queen in the mortal world.
You both sat down, ready for the endless complaints of people. "Chishiya, it's rather dark in here my dear," you said softly, noticing how it could seem intimidating to new and old spirits. He flicked his hand, the room being filled with blue light from the torches. "Is this better for you darling? He asked. You nodded happily, and he noticed the yellow flowers growing around you. He smiled softly, knowing that meant you were happy. He never knew making someone else happy would make him feel good, but it did. But only with you.
"So, we only have one person left?" You questioned the guard. They nodded. "It says they're from... well... fuck," Chishiya cursed. You turned to face him. "What's wrong?" You asked, reaching to grab his hand. "Our last and final person is from Tartarus. Please be on your guard, I don't trust any of the people there,'' Chishiya warned, talking to everyone in the room.
Tartarus was the place were all the bad people went. You would have had to do something extremely wrong to get sent there. Heroes got into the fields of Elysium. That's where all the greatest people went. The common person would go to the Asphodel Fields, where their souls would slowly lose who they were. Few people from Tartarus ever came to see you two. To do that, you had to be on almost perfect behavior for the Furies. Which almost never happened.
He noticed the roses and poison ivy that had grown around you. Those were intentional, he observed, seeing as your hand had softly stretched over your legs. You were ready to create a barrier incase of an emergency. The doors swung open, and a woman limped in. There were bruises that covered her body, and her long gray hair was messy and frazzled. Her eyes were completely white, making you shiver.
"And what may we help you with today?'' Chishiya asked, looking around cautiously. "To ask why I'm suffering, when the so-called 'heroes' get to live an eternal life of glory," she croaked. You looked over at Chishiya, who was studying the woman. "Explain," he stated, willing to hear her out. After all, he didn't decide who went where. The person's own morals were weighed, and they were dragged into whatever place the spirits you'd placed in charge saw fit.
"I didn't do anything wrong, in my opinion. All those heroes, however have killed countless and sacrificed hundreds for their own success," she said, glancing over at you. You gripped onto the edge of your throne, your knuckles turning white. You and Chishiya were both aware of what she was trying to do. She was using the fact that you had more empathy towards people, and using it to her advantage. She somehow knew that Chishiya didn't have the final words in everything, and that you helped decide as well. It was pissing him off that someone would use your kindness against both of you. He snapped his fingers, and a piece of parchment appeared in a puff of blue fire. "Would you like to read this out loud, or should I my dear?" He asked you, a sly smirk finding it's way across his face. "I'll read it," you said. He handed you the parchment, and you began reading it in your head quickly. "It seems you practiced magic? Lady Hecate must be pleased," you commented. She hummed, and you continued on. "Alright. I don't se- oh my... Chishiya, darling... you read this please," you said, reading why the spirits had chosen to put her in Tartarus. "You kidnapped children? For magic?" He questioned. "They were going to turn out evil. The oracle told me so," she said. Your stomach churned in disgust. "Where did you find the Oracle?" You questioned, knowing full well mortals loved to pretend to be the Oracle of Apollo, just to trick others. "In the woods. She was there everyday, and would tell me which ones," she explained. She was obviously lying. She kidnapped them out of her own free will, and you could prove it. Chishiya could see that she was lying. Was she stupid or just that narcissistic that she lied to two gods?
"See, we can both see through your lies. Given the fact that you did horrible things to children, and lied to both of us, I see no mistake with where you were placed. Have a good day," Chishiya said, dismissing her. She began laughing, and you clenched your hand tighter. The roses growing around both of you weaved together even more, the thorns becoming sharper and thicker. She began saying something in a different language, and Chishiya pulled you up with him. "Guards, please take her back," He ordered, holding you protectively. Before the guards could grab her, however, a cloud of purple and blue engulfed both of you. You screamed at the burning sensation it brought, holding onto Chishiya tightly. The pain was to much for you, and the last thing you remembered before passing out was Chishiya yelling something.
You woke up with a stary, sitting up quickly in fear. You looked around, seeing Chishiya besides you. You gasped, shaking him gently. "Chishiya! Chishiya, wake up!" You shouted, scared at the idea he might not. Sure, gods couldn't die, but they could be stuck in comas. And that was a big fear. He groaned, his eyes slowly opening, and you sighed in relief. "Chishiya, where are we?" You asked, hugging him tightly. "I... have not the vaguest idea, (Y/N)," he answered softly. You looked around, noticing abondoned streets, and plastic bags along with other articles of trash getting carried away by the wind. There was not a single soul in sight. "What do we do then?" You asked. "We send ourselves back home," he said. You nodded, and placed your hands down on the floor. Nothing happened. You stared in confusion, trying again. "I-its not... it's not working," you stuttered. You were nervous, and scared. He could tell, even without the flowers that grew around you. That's when it pressed in his head that flowers that showed your emotions always grew around you. You couldn't even control thay, they just did. "(Y/N)... I think that witch sent us to the mortal world... and somehow took our powers," he suggested. Your eyes widened, and you looked at him. "B-but only... only gods can do that to other gods! An-and.... wait.... look Chishi," you stammered, pointing at a piece of paper. This one was different, seeing as it wasn't moving like the other pieces of trash. You crawled over to it, picking it up. "Do forgive me (Y/N), I was only meaning to send Chishiya, but as usual, he finds a way to rope you into his business against your will. You're both stuck here until you complete the deadly games with the other mortals. And yes I say other mortals, because... well, you're mortals until you complete the games. I hope you know I only wanted to send Chishiya away so you and I could be together for a bit, I do miss you so. Love, and Goodluck, mom..." you read, tears filling your eyes. Chishiya held onto you tightly as your tears fell onto the paper. "Your mother is a psychopath. Noted," he whispered. You chuckled through your tears, as he rubbed circles into your back. "What do we now?" You whimpered. "Play the games, I assume. It's the only way to get back," he answered. "But she said they were deadly... we could die!" You exclaimed. He brought you closet to him, placing your head on his chest. He placed a hand protectively behind your head, trying to calm you down. "I won't let you die.... and neither would your mother. And it won't come to that either, because I will do everything in my power to protect you," he said quietly. You took several shaky breaths, grabbing onto him. "You mean we protect each other, right?" You questioned. "I'll that makes you feel better," he answered.
"I promise."
Yay!! This was so much fun to write and I'm so glad I got it done! Also, I apologize for any spelling mistakes I may not have caught!
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kakiwrites · 4 years
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Stage 6
Synopsis: (y/n) and kenma were spending the last day of training camp outside when they turned around to see empty and abandoned streets. What happened to all the people? As night fell, locations lit up all around Tokyo. they head to one, thinking it would answer their questions, but really what awaited them was phones, a letter to take one and soon, death. Will Kenma and (y/n) survive in a world filled with death or will they die in the hands of the game just like the others?
 (masterlist is pinned and is under navigation!)
 a/n: how much pain did I cause you? Hopefully, it wasn't that bad- anyway, I'll make this chapter a bit more tame as an apology for causing you guys pain- but anyways, feedback and reactions are very much appreciated! I would love to see all of the things you liked and what you expect in the next stage! The taglist is still very open and I would be glad to anyone who wants to be added! Let's get started!
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 "it's chishiya. Shuntaro Chishiya."
 You feel kenma pulling you impossibly closer so you were looking away from the white hooded man. You looked up to see your boyfriend's expression. His eyes were darkened, serious. He was doing it to intimidate chishiya to no avail. Kenma scowled at him. You can tell it wasn't affecting heartless man.
 But maybe that's what you actually need to do in games.
 Be heartless.
 You finally looked over to see Chishiya's irritating smirk. He took a step closer, causing kenma to pull you back a step in caution.
 "easy there. I'm not here to hurt you. In fact, you did so good that I want to make you a deal." he said, his hands adjusting in his pockets. You noticed that He doesn't take his hands out of his pockets often.
 Before kenma could answer, you finally broke free of his hold and took a step forward, staring chishiya down. Kenma looked at you, concerned. This man already showed his true colors to them. Kenma could see he was selfish, that he would be willing to sacrifice others in a heartbeat. He wondered if you knew too.
 "What kind of deal?" you asked sternly, crossing your arms over your chest and making your stance tall, feigning confidence to make sure this man wouldn't think they weren't that easy to manipulate.
 "I observed that you work together well. A 'wonder duo' if you will," Chichiya started, pacing around the room slowly, making sure to dodge the dead and bleeding bodies on the ground.
 "you," he said, pointing at kenma who just glared at him. Kenma shuffled closer to you and tugged on your shirt. You lowered a hand down to take his in yours to slow his beating heart. "I can tell without the breakdowns and no pressure, you can swiftly win a diamond or a clubs game, maybe even the hardest of spades." chishiya said, this time looking your way.
 "and you, you seem to be strong, you beat that orange-haired boy with no mercy. You also keep the pressure away from him." chishiya said, finally walking over to you, looking into your (e/c) eyes.
 "you don't even know us-"
 "That was what I was meaning to ask. What are your names?"
 Kenma tugged on your hand, making you look at him. "maybe we shouldn't do this. He can't be trusted. You know that." he whispered hurriedly into your ear.
 "This is a good thing. He might not be someone we could trust but he knows more than both of us. He might help us look for a way out of here." you answered, squeezing his hand. Kenma just hesitantly nodded before looking at chishiya who was waiting for your response. You finally face him, head held high.
 "(y/n). that's kenma." you said, gesturing to the boy behind you. Kenma glared at the man but chishiya just chuckled darkly.
 "look, the two of you could make great allies. So listen to me for a moment. You'll regret refusing before I could even explain. " he said, his tone unwavering, glowing with pride.
 "I'll take you under my wing and we will stay at the beach. I'll let you do your own business. Just as long as you side with me when I need assistance.  Deal?" chishiya said, lending his hand out for you to shake and make it happen.
 Did he just say… the beach?
 The beach that konoha mentioned?
 You glanced at kenma who had a look of hesitance. "he's with the beach. This is what we've been looking for." you muttered. He sighed before standing beside you instead.
 "deal." kenma said, shaking his new ally's hand.
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  After Chishiya told you that you could grab the card from the front desk, you followed him into the parking lot to see an old car, rust, and dents on the sides but you assumed it was running. that was what mattered.
 Chishiya was ahead of the two of you. He opened the passenger side door for you then walking over to the driver's side to start the car. Kenma took your hand and helped you in. his grip was tighter than usual, his palm was a bit sweaty too. Was he nervous? Anxious? Scared?
 Chishiya finally got the car to start, then finally you head off to the beach's location.  Chishiya's eyes were focused on the road, only glancing back at you through the rearview mirror.
 Kenma was just staring on the road, seeing grass starting to show in the cracks of the streets and how buildings were burnt, some were toppled over. He was in his world now. His grip loosened.
  you decided not to let go.
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   The car was silent when you started to see lights from the bay. Was there another game? No, the sun was just about to come up. Kenma was dozing on your shoulder. You looked over and smiled, after the night you've been through, he deserved the rest.
 "hide your cards."
 You looked up to see chishiya looking through the rearview mirror. His eyes went back to the road as he turned into the street. You can hear music playing and yelling in the distance. Was this the beach? All the noises woke kenma up.
 "the militants check every new member for cards to give to the hatter. I got one from one of the people in the arena earlier. If they ask you, tell them we played in a 3 of clubs game and that I brought you here. Keep your cards hidden." he instructed quickly. He pulls out the bloody 3 of clubs card.
 It was the one hinata and kuroo won.
 You looked over at kenma who was just staring at the card chishiya had. Chishiya cleared his throat, pulling kenma out of his racing thoughts. You both nodded.
 Kenma took out the cards you both collected out of his pocket and placed them on his lap. He looked over to chishiya and took a deep breath.
 "do you have anything I could cut with?"
 Chishiya hands him the still bloody knife he used to slash suga. The both of you stare at it for a moment before kenma took it in his shaking palm. He cuts a hole in the inside of his nekoma jacket, the perfect size for the cards, and shoved them inside. Chishiya nodded his head once before hopping out of the car and walking straight through the entrance.
 Without a second thought, you burst open the car door, grab kenma's hand, and dragged him with you so you could catch up.
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  The militants looked at you suspiciously as chishiya made up a story of playing in a game of clubs and how both of you were the only survivors so he decided to take them in. they were skeptical but when they saw the card in the boy's hands they immediately left you to bother someone the executive.
 Chishiya continued walking without even a glance behind him.
 You follow him.
 "There are three rules here," chishiya spoke suddenly, spooking the both of you. Kenma kept close to you as he observed the people in swim trunks and bikinis running around and laughing. How are they enjoying themselves in a world filled with pain and suffering?
 "you must wear swimsuits at all costs. Just to make sure you aren't armed," he said. His tone was like he was giving a tour at a museum, informative, repetitive.
 It was like he was forced to put on a smile and explain everything he's said every single day.
 "all playing cards belong to the beach." he said next. You raised your eyebrow at that. But didn't he just say to hide their cards instead of giving them to the boss of this place?
 "but didn't you just say-"
 Kenma tugged on your hand, pulling you back and cutting you off, looking over his shoulder just in case someone was listening into your conversation. chishiya paused to look back at you with his piercing gaze before continuing going down the hall. You hesitantly continued to follow.
 "he has a plan. If we want to get on his good side, maybe we shouldn't ask questions." kenma whispered as he walked just behind you. You nodded your head.
 "one, final rule," Chishiya continued, stopping at one hotel room, it looked like a suite you would pay a hefty amount to stay at in the real world. Chishiya finally looked at you, his smirk still on his face.
 "Death to all traitors."
 You felt kenma squeeze your hand at that. So there's still a risk of dying? Chishiya approached you and patted your head, which kenma didn’t like one bit. The white hooded boy bent down to meet your gazes. "don't worry. As long as you're with me, that last rule won't apply to both of you. After all, you'll be loyal to me and not to the hatter or aguni." he said, turning back and finally opening the door to reveal a queen bed suite. The room had elaborate furniture and big flowing windows that let the dawn sunlight in.
 "don't look for me, I'll look for you." he said, letting both of you into the suite. Kenma ran into the room and jumped headfirst into the bed, the soft mattress engulfing him. How he missed this.  You looked back at him to say thank you but before you do, he spoke one last time before closing the door and heading off who knows where.
 "welcome to the beach."
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 Anddd that's all! I know that's kinds shorter than the other chapters but it's kinda messy since I really didn't know what to put in this chapter but hopefully you guys enjoyed it nonetheless! Love you 💕💖❤️
General taglist (don’t be shy to comment your tumblr @ below): @tokyoghoose @macaronnv @kuro0luvr @reogou @lnarizakis @himichii @midnightangelfox
series taglist (don’t be shy to comment your tumblr @ below!): @memejjk @effmigentlywithachainsaw @momo-has-a-gun @so-lo-stuff @peachiikichu @scareed @fukurodaze @normalisthenewnorm @vantaekiim @beercheese @catboikenma @internetrats @toripersonalacc @seiijixcia @chrisrue15 @toungextied @beanst0ck @screenbaby (i can't seem to tag you bby)
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morizukorn · 4 years
Aspiring Heroes Chapter 4 is out!
So just like what I said on my previous post, I will update Chapter 4 in 2 weeks which is right now, it’s my way of making up to you guys, I will probably start updating every 2 weeks but I’m still not sure cause it depends on what my schedule will be but I’ll make sure to update this fic. Enjoy Chapter 4!
Rating - T
Title - Aspiring Heroes
Genre - Action, Fantasy
Summary - A girl born with a powerful quirk sets foot in the most prestigious school for hero training to be a hero.
Preview Chapter 4: The Trial Begins
Ikoaru Akamine's POV
The Quirk Apprehension Test finally came to a close and now the ranking results that Nezu-sensei mentioned earlier are gonna be shown to us, everyone's very nervous.
"I'm sure you've all been waiting for this..." Sensei said, he then clicked a button from the remote device he was holding and a hologram chart appeared.
I'm not expecting very high... But. I hope I'll be at an average number...
And one by one our names appeared by number, revealing the ranking results. My eyes were so focused on finding my name, hoping to at least rank at the average number, the confidence I have was high until I saw my name...
Quirk Apprehension Test Ranking:
1st. Daichi Haru
2nd. Shizue Suzu
3rd. Daenyria Reiko
4th. Oka Doryoku
5th. Niikura Eizo
6th. Hirano Meishu
7th. Furuse Chishi
8th. Azelia Eire
9th. Ryu Arashi
10th. Kumei Chou
11th. Tobe Masutano
12th. Laurel Yoshe
13th. Murvin Yureru
14th. Aries Seka
15th. Fukuda Takeo
16th. Noya Tetsuo
17th. Ikoaru Akamine
18th. Yuki Aoyama
19th. Uozumi Shiryoku
20th. Yano Rezan
"17th..." I-I was expecting a bit higher but I understand, I only did great on the softball test, I'm sure that's the only reason why I didn't get the last place.
17th place is not that bad, the important thing is that I finally know how to use my quirk...
*cries internally*
Suddenly a lot of steam appear before my eyes. "W-what the..." I coughed. I looked to where it came from and it's just beside me. It's Eizo and the steam are coming out from his nostrils and right ear.
"F-fifth... How disappointing, I should've done better!" Eizo yelled as he used his finger as a vacuum to suck the steam he created.
"Disappointed? You're at 5th place!" I said, very confused.
"I know, I should've done better to be at the first spot!"
"Eizo, you're 12 numbers ahead from what I got, you did great."
He paused into a realization. "You're right, I appreciate that Ikoa-chan. But. I have to do better!" he yelled once more.
"Oh, Eizo..."
Looking around, everyone had mixed reactions from their rankings, some were boastful, others were just calmed and some are just happy from what they got. Sensei was looking at us joyfully before he walked into the middle of the stage, capturing our attention.
"Everyone! I just want to say that you all have done very well, be proud of yourselves," Sensei said.
"Thank you Sensei!" we shouted. We felt the deep appreciation he has for us.
Daichi said that this is a competition, for me it's not, we all are thriving for the same goal cause we all want to improve.
And as everyone's calming down, the bell rang. Finally, it's lunchtime!
"Make sure you all will take this time to eat and rest, fill up your energies cause we will get busier at the hero training. Class dismissed!" Sensei announced before leaving the room.
After this will be the hero training, I already feel tired...
I shoved my head down on the table.
"Heyyyyyyyy!" Mei bubbled while waving her head left and right. She appeared out of nowhere, very energetic cause she got 10th place in the rankings.
"I'm so tired Mei..." I grumbled.
"Same here," Eizo added as he slammed his metalhead on the table.
"That's why it's lunchtime! So stand all your ass up, we're going to the cafeteria!"
"Wait. We?" I asked.
"Yeah," Mei replied.
I felt something different in her response which made me smile. My body doesn't want to move, but yeah, it's lunchtime, I'm hungry! I slapped my face and stood from my seat. "Alright let's go!" I said.
"Finally Ikoaru's ready, Eizo your turn! Raise those vibranium asses of yours already!"
Eizo's eye glowed in red again, this time Mei's forehead is where it's aiming at.
"Vibranium huh..." Eizo muttered.
"Hehehe, he hates being teased at..." Mei whispered.
Mei's desperate attempt to make us go with her was successful, we reached the cafeteria and to our disappointment, there are many people in line.
"No... I'm so hungry..." I cried.
"I told you we should've gone earlier," Mei said.
"We'll just have to wait then..." Eizo said.
I've gone to a separate line from the two, where my desired food is being sold.
It feels just like yesterday, I was here, waiting... WAIT!
I looked around the cafeteria in a full alert on my surroundings, the whole place is remodeled, no traces of damages from yesterday and no sign of any possible accident, Shizue is also not here.
Everything's going fine now, I should not worry anymore...
"Good Afternoon! What will you eat today!?" Lunch Rush suddenly asked.
"Oh sorry! Pork stew please!" I immediately answered.
I was so lost in my thoughts...
"Alright! One pork stew for the powerful girl from yesterday, coming up!" the pro hero announced.
Powerful girl?
As I received my meal, I quickly headed out in embarrassment and went straight to where Eizo and Mei are seated.
"You okay?" Eizo asked as he took a bite from his chicken.
"Yeah, I just can't help but remember what happened here yesterday," I answered, taking a small bite on my pork stew.
"I guess you were traumatized from Shizue," Mei commented.
"No, well not really. What happened yesterday was just unexpected that's why..."
"Hmmm, well Ikoaru, you should get used to it cause that won't be the only day you'll experience something like that... Like today. Later on, is our Hero Training period and from what I heard, there will be battles involved."
"Battles!? Already!?" I surprisingly asked.
"That's true, Ikoa-chan, I mean from what we heard. But we're sure that's how it will go," Eizo acknowledged.
"But I don't know how to fight nor I haven't even mastered my quirk yet!"
"Oh! You don't have to worry. Why did you ask? Because your senpai is here to give you a piece of very helpful combat advice!" Mei proudly said.
"Really Mei...?" I said in pure admiration.
"Yes! But during this time don't just call me Mei. It's MEI-SENPAI!"
Eizo is looking at us in such disappointment. "Oh boy..." he commented.
"Shut up Eizo!" Mei quickly shouted.
She then took a very deep breath and stood from her seat and continued, "Okay, 1st tip: always remember to be alert on your surroundings and if you ever felt the enemies presence near you..."
Mei is pointing at Eizo, pretending he's the enemy. She immediately readies her hands, doing so many weird fighting stances.
"You have to hit them with a damaging blow! Like this one, I call this... the BUTTERFLY CHOP!" Mei shouted with such dedication.
"You're really gonna do that...?" Eizo said.
Mei gave him a challenging stare, she raised her hand on a karate chop pose then... "HIYYYAAAAAAA!!!" Mei shouted with full force from her hands as she's about to hit Eizo.
Eizo's right eye instantly glowed in full red, he made a quick smirk, quickly moving his metal arm to where Mei's butterfly chop is about to hit.
"THANNNNGGGGGG!!!" And at that moment, Mei hit a vibranium...*HIGH PITCHED BUTTERFLY SCREECHING!!!*
Mei's screeching caused everyone at the cafeteria to look at us. "WAHAHAHAHA!" Eizo laughed sadistically as Mei trembles on the floor.
These two... And Eizo, I never knew he has this side...
I looked at Mei who's basically on the floor like a dead mosquito, with her hand glowing in red.
This is so embarrassing... And the fact that I'm involved in this really damages my reputation in this cafeteria.
Mei already has teary eyes as we help her get up, Eizo's still giggling. We finished our meal then head straight to the clinic, and thankfully Mei's hand was treated.
"This was Eizo's fault!" Mei said as bandages are being applied to her hand.
"You're the one who planned on hitting me!" Eizo said.
I just stood there, not knowing what to do with these two meanwhile, Recovery Girl's face tells me that she's done with both of them. "Nothing changed from both of you ever since the entrance exam," Recovery girl commented.
And the two finally calmed down. The treatment was done and successful, we exited the clinic and the bell rang just in time. Mei kept on revenging at Eizo with her butterfly chop but very weakly whom Eizo just ignore as we walked back to the classroom.
We finally got inside the classroom. Everybody is already settled, quietly seated while waiting for the hero training teacher to come, all our thoughts can't help but imagine who the perfect pro hero teacher to enter the front door.
"I wonder who'll be our teacher???" a classmate wondered.
"There are actually pro heroes from before that studied here then also becomes a teacher here," another classmate commented.
"Who knows? Maybe our teacher will be one of the alumni heroes like Best Jeanist or even... ALL MIGHT!"
All Might, the no. 1 Pro hero, who holds the title of Symbol of Peace, everyone would want him to become their teacher, and if he ever is our teacher then I might even learn to be a great pro hero like he is...
Suddenly a loud knocking sound was heard from the door.
"Who could that be?!"
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devinescribe · 3 years
Ghost Hunting
Ok, so this is for fun-
-Niragi does belive in ghosts, but says he doesn't
- He doesn't want to get called stupid. Especially when he knows he's not
- So when he hears you talking about it, he's very interested in what you have to say
- He thinks you're smart, so... if you say it, he'll believe you as long as you have evidence
- Follows you to wherever you want to go
- You two end up at some abandoned train station in Tokyo
- You seem to have experience with this area, because as soon as you get there you're excitedly telling him about why there was reports of the place being haunted.
- He's listening, and very entertained with you talking
- Then gets protective, remembering you're in an abandoned train station in the borderlands.
- His hands will be on you just in case he has to pull you behind him
- There's a chance there's ghosts, but he's more worried about other people trying to hurt you
- "Ok, but if we see a ghost, and it tries to hurt you-"
"Gi-Gi you can not shoot a ghost. It's number 1, disrespectful. Number two, they're already dead!"
- Taunts the ghosts for fun
- "Cowards. I thought the demons were supposed to hurt you. Fucking weak."
- You want to know what's fun?
- Not having demons attached to you
- There ends up being a lot of activity happening, at one point them saying both of your guy's names
- Let's just say, he believes even more now.
- Chishiya doesn't belive in ghosts at all
- He likes to think he's a man of science, and honestly thinks it's dumb
- When he hears you talking about it, he is caught off guard, seeing as you're always so smart
- He decides to give it a chance
- You two went around the beach, ending up in one of the older rooms
- He's so skeptical about it all
- When you use the ghost box, he's doesn't know what to think
- "There's no radios unless it's the ones at the beach," you remind him. "Nothing could really interfere."
- A sarcastic bitch with the ghosts
- Think Shane Medej
- Oh yeah, I'm talking full on taunting them
- "Come on, if you're real shouldn't you hurt me? I thought you were supposed to be scary. Fucking rip my head off if you're real."
- And much like Shane, ropes you into his shit
- "This is my lovely girlfriend, (Y/N). You guys can touch her if you want-"
"Chishi! No!"
"Let me finish. You can touch her, at a price. The price being your after lives. I coups probably figure that out, don't you think darling?"
- He comes out thinking the same thing.
- Even if you have tons of evidence proving they are real
- He doesn't know what to believe
- On one hand, there's the possibility am they could be real, and on the other they could not be real
- Pretty split even
- He hears you talking about it, and immediately asks you questions
- He's so curious
- You two probably go to the game arena where Karube and Chota died
- You where very nervous, as well... from what you'd heard, his friends were very protective.
-And something told you they still were
- You used the spirit box most of the night
- There's random bits of conversation saying cut off words like, "Arisu.... *unintelligible* dumbass..." or "Cute-"
- That was a big one. There was a lot of cursing
- Over all successful, and he's respectful
- Comes out of it looking at it in a new perspective, as you had never me to Karube or Chota, yet they were saying things that had to do with you
- Is now convinced ghost are real
- Doesn't sleep peacefully for a month, needs to hold you, or you hold him after.
- Asks if demons can pretend to be people you know
- When you say yes, has a nervous breakdown over if they were actually talking to his friends or demons
- You're never sleeping alone ever again
- But you don't mind
- Doesn't belive in ghosts
- Hears you talking about it and decides 'why not?'
- Asks you about it, and after a short explanation, he's on board
- You keep switching between places.
- Abandoned places, your room, cemeteries
- He's having to much fun with you jumping back into him
- Like, he purposely does or sets something up to scare you so you'll hold onto him
- "Don't worry babygirl, I'll keep you safe."
"Karu... 'm scared now!"
"I know, that's why I'm here."
- Jerk
- He is very cautious
- Until he's not, pulls a "Ok, I'm bored. Rip my heart out demons!"
- You sit there like "Babe, no-''
- Did anyone say saging this man as soon as he gets home? Because I'm saying it. And I mean it.
Last Boss
- Doesn't belive in ghosts, but respects them
- He just thinks that even though he doesn't belive in them, they could be real, and he doesn't want to disrespect a dead person
- When he hears you say something about the supernatural, his interest is piqued
- So, he asks about it
- You two end up going to an older cemetery in the city
- He's very respectful the whole time, and even goes so far as to apologize for the ghosts deaths
- Talks to you about why ghosts could be real, but why he believes they aren't.
- Honestly, respectful of the ghosts and of your opinion
- "Ok, hi! My name is (Y/N), and this is my boyfriend Samura. You can use this device to talk to us, so if you want to talk or anything go right ahead!"
"Did it just say a name?"
"Yep! Said yours!"
- He leaves with a new look on it and now constantly talks to you about it.
- You both have so much fun doing this
- Respects and believes in ghosts
- Thought he was weird, so never brought it up
- When you asked him about it, he was pretty excited
- You just stay in your room to do it, seeing as it was the easiest thing to do
- Does not touch the Oujia board
- "I'm not doing that! That's dangerous. What if I get posse- what if you get possessed?!"
- Keeps asking if you're ok, and jumps whenever there's a loud sound or someone talks through the spirit box
- Holds your hand for moral support
- "I'd protect you from the ghosts if it came to it.'
- Baby \^_^/♡
- Says hello and goodbye to the ghosts
- Asks them about how they are, how their day was
- "I'm assuming it's not going well if you're ghosts..."
"What- oh! Sorrysorrysorry!"
- Said a prayer before you started the ghost hunting and after
- you just stood there like... "That's why there's a salt circle and pentacles everywhere around us baby..."
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