#last semester we took 2 classes idk if we should bump it up to 3
acircusfullofdemons · 2 months
Why is registering for classes so scary 😫
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Monday, October 15, 2018
post #280
main points:
- data science project meeting
- lunch in warren
- studying for OOP midterm
- OOP midterm
- submit OOP hw/help denis get his stuff out from my place
- dinner at GSU with OOP group meeting
- hackathon organizer meeting
- OW meeting
- chilling at home
wow my first full blog post in a long time. i finally have free time today/didn’t feel lazy to type this up. i’m also happy cause my professor for data science just: - postponed proposal due tomorrow. though to be fair i had no idea it was due tomorrow until this morning, no one else did. except some few people on piazza who posted about it in a follow up thread
- no lecture tomorrow
- no late penalty for our hw due next monday, which means a 3 day extension basically. not sure why it got postponed...? 
today i:
- woke up at 9am. snoozed until 9:30am. then got out of bed and went to MCS to meet with sarah and emmanuel to discuss our data science project. i got a better sense of motive for the project, and discussing potential data sets
- mariana came to the space, then a guy named george who is emmanuel’s friend. we just kind of hung out which was chill. i looked more into potential data sets. then we talked about interviews, designs for a newsletter sarah was making
- went to eat lunch in warren around 12:30pm. i had a bunch of whole wheat pasta primavera bolognese. and then a chicken cajun sandwich. i also bumped into nuan and ate with him for a bit. i haven’t seen him since end of mobile app dev last semester
- went back to MCS and hung out with mariana/studied more for my OOP midterm. i felt like it should be fine conceptually, maybe just some small details here and there. also bumped into ivorine and a guy named chiggy who were also studying
- took the midterm from 2:30-4pm. man that was rough. conceptually, the exam wasn’t hard. it was just insanely long. i don’t think anyone finished writing in time. there was just so much content to write... sigh. oh well, it’ll probably be curved. also this was my last exam ever of academia cause i don’t have finals for my classes!! :o 
- went back home with brian and tyrone but they went to get mei mei’s.  i stayed and submitted my 31 game. also started working on my project proposal cause i thought it was due tomorrow (at the time). also did a bit wireframing for my OW project game
- denis came by around 5pm to come pick up his stuff that he left here while he was searching for his apt. he finally found one and got the keys :) he left after like 15 minutes
- went to GSU to meet with eric and nick about our OOP project. i had some of the pasta (guest station) at the food court and it was pretty good. very garlic-y though. we discussed some questions we want to ask on our open question session on wednesday 
- went to MCS for hackathon organizer team around 6:40pm. i just chilled there until it started at 7pm. we talked about organizer swag, buses, sponsorship, and volunteers. then broke off into our teams. we had some time so we actually dove into judging, since that was something we hadn’t figured out yet. we came up with criteria, logistics for how many judges to have/how much allotted time, etc
- went to OW with emmanuel and mike in CAS, getting there around 8:10pm. we were a bit late cause we were talking about logistics for the hackathon but it was fine. we had a demo night for the club. so everyone showed off their projects/wireframes and plans for the semester. it was pretty cool. i also got a chance to show off my wireframes/speech recognition tutorial thing i followed last week. chatted with alexa at the end about interview prep and also about the workshop turnout this past saturday cause it was really low :/
- went back home, found out about the delayed project proposal for data science and now i’m just kind of chilling. i wrote yesterday’s condensed blog post and now today’s full blog post
the first blog post i’ve written in like a month...?? maybe. idk
i think that’s about it
the end
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