#last names so that bowser thinks he fucked up big time by capturing him
aberooski · 2 years
What if I just said fuck everything and started writing the stormshipping/mario crossover instead of adhering to my poll maybe that would help my creative block akakakks
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oskarwing · 7 years
Video Game curse
Sam sighed and rolled his eyes. “Could you turn the game quiet please, Dean?” Sam asks. “You don’t have to play it that loudly...”
“I’m not playing! I am doing research.” It was their new case. So much weirdness was almost too much even for them.
A girl witnessed her brother getting killed by a creature looking a lot like Bowser from Super Mario, a group of friends got attacked by Trevor from GTA five, one died the other two are still in the hospital, a boy was beaten up by Nathan Drake... everything seemed to be about video games. They called Charlie to use her expertise on the topic to see if there were any connections between the characters, but seemingly there wasn’t really.
Sam sighed and looked through the files they already had. It wasn’t much but at least the victims were seemingly connected. They were all big nerds loving the Games they got attacked by.
And now Dean uses the case as an excuse to play Pokemon Alpha Saphir on the Nintendo 3 DS.
“Yeah show ‘em!” Dean shouts. Sam looks over his shoulder. “You named it ‘Cas’?” He asks his brother amused.
“Shutup, it has the same color as his eyes.” Dean mumbles, face flushing red.
“Yeah, it’s blue, but I don’t see any other similarities...” Sam looked at the Pokemon that was seemingly a Mudkip. “Dean... come on, we have to get going, you know we wanted to talk to the boyfriend of the guy that got beaten up by that climbing-guy... Nathan... the boyfriend's name is Steve Davidson.”
Dean sighs and closes the DS. “Okay. Let’s go to the guy.”
“So you are saying that Thomas was totally into that Nathan Drake Game?” Dean asks. That fits with the other guys. 
“Yeah... Tommy... he always loved Uncharted. Just like Dennis, they used to talk about it a lot... but Dennis also loved the old retro stuff you know...” Steve says the poor kid has red-rimmed eyes, probably cried a lot, since his boyfriend still didn’t wake out of the coma.
“Wait, Mandy’s brother... they were friends? We didn’t get that impression after our interview with Mandy and her parents.” Sam says raising his eyebrow.
The boy laughs sarcastically. “Yeah, I bet. They didn’t like Tommy that much...”
“Really? Why’s that?” Dean says leaning forward a bit.
“Why? Why the fuck do you think, agent? ‘cause he’s gay, obviously. They didn’t want their precious son to have contact with a guy like that... they damn religious... like ‘God doesn’t like fun’-religious, like most of the town... Tommy and I wanted to move because of that. Especially after the fire...” The guy stops and looks on the ground.
“Fire?” Sam asks.  
“N-nothing...” He stands up. “I shouldn’t talk about this... please go now.”
“Well, that was weird...” Dean says as he sits down in the Impala. “What kinda fire did Steve mean, no one else mentioned any fire...”
Sam nods. “But I’m guessing that it was recent if it had any influence on Tommy’s and Steve’s decision to move. We should definitely look into this.”
“Soon,” Dean says and puts his hand on his stomach. “Now I am hungry. Let’s find a good Diner...”
They are waiting to get their orders, both of their gazes locked onto screens. Sammy’s on his laptop, researching the fire and Dean’s on the 3DS, he has to fight an Arena Boss soon and his Pokemon need some training.
“Dean! Get this. There really was a fire in town only a few months ago and guess where.” Sam says with a smug smile, that Dean doesn’t see because he’s still playing.
“Dunno.” Dean feels ready to get into the Arena now. Or should he wait? He doesn’t want his Pokemon to die again...
“In a video game store, doesn’t that fit a bit too well with this very video game themed murders?”
“Maybe... a bit.” Dean looks up from the DS, just to look down again.
“Dean. Focus!” “I am focused...” “Then put that thing away...” “Just one sec...” “Dean!”
The blonde waitress interrupts their quarrel. “Gentlemen. Your order...” Then she spots Dean’s DS. “Sir. Honestly, in your free time you can do whatever you want... but in our establishment, we don’t need games of the devil.” She says.
“Excuse me, ma’am?” Dean looks up. What has the waitress against his DS.
“We believe in the lord and do not encourage any kind of devilish behavior...” The waitress says and goes away.
Dean puts his DS away with a bit of a pout. “Don’t get what’s devilish about my poor Game...”
“Maybe the hypnotic impact it has on you...” Sam says and starts eating. “What I wanted to say is that during that fire three people died. Two customers and the owner...”
“So you’re saying... vengeful spirit?” Dean asks.
This time Dean sees Sam’s grin and rolls his eyes. “Let’s check it out.”
The video game store is burned down completely. Dean looks at it. “Well, I’m guessing we won’t find anything useful here.”
“Nope...” Sam sighs nothing here. “Completely burned down.”
“And that’s good if you ask me!” An elderly man behind them says loudly. “Our priest is right. The stuff that this devil sold...” The man’s face twists in disgust as he shakes his head. “It’s good that he burns in hell now that bastard... tries to get our youth...” The man spits out and walks away. 
“Well, have a nice day too...” Dean says, looking at Sam who seems just as irritated.
“I guess this town just has something against Games... I mean first the waitress, now that guy...” Dean raises an eyebrow. “Almost seems like the video game characters are trying to get revenge...”
Sam looks at his brother thoughtfully. “What if... there was another part of the article... apparently the cause of the fire wasn’t clear... the police looked into it... but dropped it after a few weeks. Because ‘there was no reason to believe that the cause was malicious arson’ one policewoman even got fired because she didn’t stop nagging.” 
Dean grins. “Huh... and that guy just talked about a priest... so...”
“I’ll take the policewoman,” Sam says fast, not wanting his brother to get all of the fun.
“Aw come on... I don’t wanna talk with a stuck-up priest...”
Dean hates Sam, hates his stupid puppy dog eyes and how he always gets through with the stuff he wants.
He looks around in the church the only one in the small town. It’s not very big but there are a lot of people sitting around and preying. All of them are eyeing him strangely.
He eyes the pictures of the saints, all of them seem to look at him judgingly.
“Can I help you?” Dean looks at the small priest. “Yes... uh, are you the priest here? I’m Agent Chinaski, do you know a place where I we could talk, privately?” The priest shakes his head and looks at him sternly. “I have no secrets in front of my sheep.” He says and Dean sighs.
“We are looking into the things that recently happened in the last few weeks.” Dean starts and the priest nods. “Tragic... all of them... I wished I got to save them...”
Dean raises an eyebrow. “Save?” The priest nods. “Yes... they were all involved in those awful, awful games...” “You mean the video games, right?” Some of the people start to whisper horrified. “Yes. They capture the youth, devilish, devilish things...” The priest's eyes narrow. “You are not... also a victim of them... are you young man?”
 “Me? No... no. I don’t... have the time. Being an Agent and all...” Dean smiles.
“Realy... Agent Chinaski... don’t you know that lying is a sin?” The priest asks and Dean feels the warm breath in his neck. He turns around... Behind him stands a big blue monster... a tall monstrous version of the Mudkip he named after Cas. 
Before Dean can say anything it attacks.
The visit at officer Bell’s hadn’t got Sam very far. The only thing he now knew was that the local priest seemed to have a personal grudge against video games and that he often rambled on about it in his services, something Sam had already figured and Dean probably knows more about it anyway, since he got to visit the priest himself.
Where is Dean anyway? Sam tries to phone him for the sixth time but no one is answering. Is he still at the church? Sam decides to go to the church himself.
It’s a short walk from the motel to the church and Sam has a bad feeling... Dean would have answered him long ago.
Dean runs for his life. The damn monster close behind him. He can hear the loud THUNK! THUNK! of its feet.
Dean is constantly slipping in puddles of water the Mudkip leaves.
Dean doesn’t even notice where he is running to. The Mudkip chases him into a forest and soon Dean stumbles over a wet root.
When he looks up the Mudkip is over him.
Sam has a bad feeling that Dean is the ‘Sinner’.He listens anxiously the service that the man is holding in there. People are cheering loudly at the idea of people burning in hell, yet another clue on how brainwashed the town looks up.
He looks around there is a small barn just behind the church... it looks very new. Sam goes and opens the door.
Dean is drowning. Drowning in water from a freaking Pokemon... that is looking down on him.
He’s trying hard to catch his breath again, but there is no way, his lungs are full of water... he looks up into the eyes of the Mudkip.
Eyes that suddenly don’t seem like those of a video game monster at all. They look like Cas’...
In the barn, the smell of fresh wood mixes with the ones of different herbs. There's a plan on one wall, a plan on how to burn the video game place with exactly three people in it. Sam looks over at a small table in front of him. On it lays a book... seemingly... magic.
Sam reads the first page.
When three sinners burn in the place of their sins, use their ashes to bind their souls, then they will clear the earth from the rest of the sinners...
Sam looks over on a small altar is a bowl with ash and some herbs... and oh god... Dean’s name is written with blood all over the altar. Sam wipes it fastly from the altar, hoping it will help Dean. Then he looks at the rest. He decides to just knock over the altar and hopes that is enough for the spirits to get freed. He calls officer Bell and tells her that he has found evidence that he has found evidence that the priest was involved in the fire. 
Now he needs to find Dean.
“Dean! Dean, wake up... wake up...” Someone is clapping his cheeks.
Dean blinks fast and looks into his brother's eyes. He coughs loudly and tries to sit up.
“Easy there... easy...” Sam says when he slips down again. “Damn... what happened.” 
“Cas... Cas tried to kill me...” Dean mumbles and coughs.
“Cas...?” Sam is really worried now. “Cas is not here, Dean...” 
“Not that Cas... the other one the... Pokemon...” Dean sighs and coughs loudly again. “Dude... let’s get out of this town...”
Sam doesn’t object.
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