#last hospital trip went good.. finally a doctor that doesnt make me feel like shit about myself lol
hirudo-verbana · 11 months
uuugghhgmn i miss how much i used to draw and i want to post more to/clean and revive my art blogs. but i've been so so tired from juggling so many things that aren't even fun to juggle like beanbags or perhaps pins
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deadmantalking117 · 7 years
This is something I've written a lot about on various support sites. When you first get sick or injured .. It's likely you've had almost zero experience with our healthcare system. I've been in and out if hospitals my ENTIRE life.. litterally.. since the day I was born. As a baby.. I had rhuematic fever. Almost died. As a toddler I was hospitalized for asthma attacks twice.. I would just stop breathing. Every childhood disease.. measles... German measles.. chicken pox.. mumps... Migraines starting at 4 years old.. on an on. As a finally healthy teen.. I went to the ER twice for concussions while playing football.. and the odd fishhook to the face.. and a whole week at 13 years old to run dozens of tests for the migraines. I spent Halloween 1973.. in a hospital ward with 2 other boys.. we all got in trouble for spending the night covering the tile ceiling in spit balls! Apparently God has been priming me for this mission my whole life ! I sometimes think that "how to be a patient" should be taught in high school.. as part of health classes. There's a lot to know. Believe me when I tell you.. you don't! So here's my best tips for newbies. 1- BE A GOOD PATIENT I know you're afraid. That's completely normal. You've either just gotten very sick or injured. You're likely in pain. This sucks. But try to stay calm. Listen to what the doctors and nurses are saying to you. Ask questions. You know you have many. But don't be rude.. or treat the nurses like shit. Don't bark out commands... these people are not your servants. I've heard other people say terrible shit to nurses. These people are in charge of making you healthy.. Do you really think it's in your best interests to piss them off ? I always try to keep my sense of humor.. and I always apologize to the folks as soon as the drugs kick in. Frankly .. I whine like a little bitch when I first go in the ER. So as soon as I'm under control. The vomiting has stopped. I can catch my breath again. I say thank you and tell them how much I appreciate their care and patience. Be nice to the nurse. Make that your mantra at the hospital. It pays off 10 fold for you. Nurses take care of several people each day. Who do you think they take better care of? Cranky old man? Or charming gentleman who is suffering so badly? Nurses love me. Be nice to the nurse. It's rule #one. The add on to that is.. be nice to office staff. They can make your life much easier.. for the same reasons. They gets lots of people calling for appointments and information all day. And who do you think gets prioritized? The funny old guy who knows their names ! Over the cranky old ass who's always complaining! Be nice.. I know you're sick.. 2- BE AN INFORMED PATIENT from the very first time you get thrust into healthcare.. for whatever reason.. PAY ATTENTION ! Try to understand what's going on.. what's happening to you. You may not have much to say at first.. if you're sent to emergency surgery like I was.. you dont get time to make decisions.. you really just do what they tell you. But after you start to recover.. use that time to inform yourself. Learn as much as you can about what is happening to you. Usually it's not that hard to understand. But I've had people tell me about immediately life threatening situations with this kinda confused look on their faces. "The doctor said something about a massive cormilary.. or corbery.. something about my heart.. and I gotta go to this other guy.. so he can test something.. and I might need pills or an operation or some such" MY God! Its called a coronary.. you had a freaking heart attack! And that doesnt have your undivided attention?!! I know learning stuff is hard.. and being sick is not fun. But it's funner than being dead! Get a clue what's happening to you. Its rule #2 ! 3- BE AN INFORMATIVE PATIENT if you get sick like I did.. you might wanna make yourself a couple lists. List 1 is every symptom you think you might have. Try to be descriptive about what you're feeling. Is it a burning pain? Or stabbing? Or cramping? You may not have an immediate point of reference.. just give it your best guess. Don't leave out that burning sensation everytime you play with yourself. Tell your doctor EVERYTHING. Its important that he knows it all.. and you aren't as interesting as you think you are. He's heard this before. You have to have full disclosure here. List 2. All medications.. vitamins.. supplements.. etc. that you take . If you swallow it or put it in or on your body. Put it on the list. Also. Lots of times they need to know your typical diet. Keep track if it the week before your appointment. Be honest. If you ate at McDonald's 6 times last week.. its probably important for them to know that. I'll add a third list.. a list of all and any questions you can think of.. write them down as the questions pop up in your head. That way, at the appointment.. the doctor knows what is on your mind.. that helps a lot. So.. rule#3 here's all about me. That's the big three! Three simple rules or guidelines to make your life easier if you end up sick or injured. 1- BE NICE 2- BE INFORMED 3- BE INFORMATIVE There's probably lots of little tips for people like me who are frequent fliers. But that'll be a different post. This list is for the newbies. Every day almost.. someone does an admit request for our support sites.. they're newly diagnosed and are overwhelmed with information. It's was amazing the shear volume of information that came at me when I first got sick. Most people were blissfully ignorant about where poopy comes from.. that whole digestion trip. I knew every organ involved. Every inch. I know what villi do ! I can spell gastroenterologist without spell check. 30 years ago.. the available information was much less easy to come by. Today you have almost instant answers for any disease. Use it. Make your life easier. A little life lesson from a dead man who's still talking... PRIOR PLANNING PREVENTS POOR PERFORMANCE. Be well my friends
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