#last con - look man held a grudge against immy bc she had a grudge against him KSJDGH
ourlovelines · 2 years
pros and cons for silas!
pros and cons of dating an oc!
☆ — when he’s with you, he’s all in. no-one else exists for him when he's got you ☆ — mr. clean and tidy. he’s lived with his siblings his whole life, three of them guys, someone was bound to develop the strict cleaning tendencies ☆ — is always up for an adventure, big or small. he’s got a nice chunk of change in his savings and has a whole backlog of holidays saved up from work, so... you wanna go to paris? sure, let’s go for a bit. you wanna go away to the countryside for a few days to get away from everything? bags are packed, and the car is ready. wanna go for a hike on this new trail you’ve found and want some company? let’s go baby! ☆ — you come home from a really bad shift and the whole day was a clusterfuck? he’s there with a glass of your favourite drink and offering to run you a bath or give you a massage as you rant to him about everything ☆ — very attentive with your likes, wants and needs 😏
☆ — gets far too wrapped up in his work sometimes and can forget pre-made plans; continuously pushing time constraints (“it’s fine, just five more minutes and i’ll still make it on time” - spoiler, he doesn’t) ☆ — very sarcastic, sometimes borders onto mean without realising it; can, has and will overstep with remarks or quips ☆ — mr. clean and tidy (yes this is going on both) because he was / is the one who handles the deep cleaning at home, he has a Set Way™ that things are done, and while he appreciates the help, “you’re doing it wrong, just… just leave it alone, i’ll do it” ☆ — sits on his anger. he’ll retreat from interactions and the like for a bit (few hours, a day, who knows) and then come back all smiles and acting like nothing happened ☆ — can still be very childish (up to you if that’s a pro or a con)
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