#last chance for a free upgrade! promise??? jesus fuck
toytulini · 1 year
verizon is getting so pushy
bitch i dont want your stupid pixel fuck off
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Wild Child || Part 3
Warnings: language, violence, abuse (aka Neil being Neil), homophobic slurs
„Hey Max.“, you greeted the red headed girl as soon as the front door swung open. „Hi y/n. Billy isn’t home. That’s what you’re here for, right?“ „Well only partly.“ you began with a smirk while entering the small house on Cherry Road, it was even smaller than it looked like from the outside but also kind of cozy, „I brought him the stuff my uncle ordered for the Camaro and I thought you’d might like these.“
„New wheels and bearings? For me?“, the small redhead couldn’t belive her eyes. „Yeah I saw that run down board of yours and figured you’d might wanna give it a little upgrade. And since you’re not gonna find this sorta stuff in Hawkins, I got it from California.“
„Wow thanks y/n! That’s so cool! I need to try them out right now!“
„You’re welcome kid.“
„But… I don’t get it. How did you order them from Cali together with Billy’s stuff? They don’t sell car parts at a Skateshop.“ „Well the owner of the garage we ordered from is an old friend of my uncle and he was kind enough to walk across the street and do me a little favour.“, you winked at her with a smile. Even though Billy didn’t like her she seemed to be a really cool kid, actually she was your favorite out of all of Steve’s children.
„I really hope you didn’t spend all this money just to impress Billy, he doesn’t really like me you know?“ „I don’t really like him either so that’s fine. Could you show me where his room is? I’m just gonna put this stuff in there and then leave again.“, you gestured towards the big box in your hands, which was getting kinda heavy at this point. You had no idea what was in there. Your uncle had mentioned something about spark plugs and brake pads but you didn’t really listen. Worse enough that you had to function as an unpaid delivery service whenever you were friends with a customer.
„Yeah sure, it’s that door over there. But don’t tell him that I let you in there.“ „My lips are sealed. Have fun with your skateoboard!“
“Oh an y/n?” “Yeah?” “Make sure not to touch anything, he’s pretty gross.” “Not even in my wildest dreams.”
„Can I help you?“ You flinched for a split second before turning around. You would have prefered to leave unnoticed, which almost had worked out given the fact that your hand was alreay touching the knob of the front door.
„Uhm no Sir I was just about to leave.“
The tall man in front of you was raising his eyebrows suspiciously, even though they didn’t really look anything alike you figured it had to be Billy’s dad.
„Well that’s lovely but how come you were in my house without me knowing about it in the first place?“
„Oh well Max let me in, I was just dropping off some stuff for Billy an-“
„Oh so you’re the whore he’s been messing around with.“ „Excuse me?“ did that asshole really just?-
„Oh no need to act all stupid. You think I don’t realize how he’s been dressing up and sneaking out of the house like some faggot these past few weeks?“
„So what now? Is he a faggot or screwing around with whores like me? The two don’t really work together, you know?“
„I won’t be spoken to like that in my own house!“
„Yeah whatever… decide for yourself then. Might wanna work on those anger issues.“, you muttered that last part through gritted teeth as you turned towards the door again.
„What did you say to me?“
„Oh nothing. However, whoever your son’s been messing around with it ain’t me, since I am here and he obviously isn’t. So hey maybe he is a faggot after all-“ You couldn’t even react that fast. Without prior warning you were suddenly grabbed by the collar of your leather jacket and shoved against the door.
„I’m only gonna say this one time, so you better listen.“, the voice of Billy’s dad was very low an quiet, almost scary, „Since you’re parents apparently didn’t teach you any respect I’d suggest you stay away from my son. Got me?“ „Loud and clearly, sir.“ you murmured while faking the sweetest smile, „Now get off of me, asshole.“ you pushed the tall man away as hard as you could and quickly grabbed the door knob to finally take off.
You propably should have kept that last part to yourself since only seconds later you were struck by a force that caused you to fall to the floor face first. It took a few seconds before it occured to you that, that bastard had actually dared to slap you across the face after you turned your back at him.
“Jesus… Get up.” apparently that dude was so used to taking it out on his son, that it didn’t occur to him that hitting a girl half his weight, who was obviously unprepared, might result into something like this.
„Don’t touch me! What the fuck is wrong with you?“ you glared at him, while slowly getting back on your feet.
„Language, kid. Now get out of my house.“
„It will be my pleasure!“
You opened the door to storm out but-
„Y/n? What are you doing h- what happened?“
„Not now Hargrove, I’m not really in the mood to talk.“
Billy’s POV
The curly haired boy stood in the doorway for a few moments, completely puzzled, his eyes moving back and forth between you storming off and his father, who was rubbing his forehead.
„What did you do to her?“
„Son what did we say about inviting girls over to this house?“, the tall man ignored his question, while slowly shutting the door behind his son. „I..I didn’t invite her over and other than that, she’s just a friend, dad!“
„Oh sure, they always are. So what was she doing in my house then? If you didn’t invite her over?“ „I don’t know.“
„Don’t lie to me Billy.“
„Her uncle owns a garage and they ordered some stuff for me…maybe she was here because of that.“ „So you can’t even pick up your own stuff like a real man now?“, his father scoffed derogatory, „Got to have some pretty girl carry it all the way home for you?“ „Oh I’m sorry! I didn’t know that not refusing free home delivery makes you a faggot now.“
Before even finishing this sentence, Billy already knew that he was gonna regret it later. But he didn’t care. He was used to that by now.
Reader POV
„Stupid motherfucker…“ you mumbled while kicking an empty can across the street. You had been walking around Hawkins for over an hour now, trying to calm your nerves. Or in other words, you were trying to keep yourself from burning down the Hargrove’s house.
You had finally decided to give your legs some rest and took a seat on the hood of a car while lighting a cigarette. You flinched as it touched your busted lip.
Oh shit here we go.
„Hi Steve.“
„What are you doing here?“
„What are you doing here?“, you figured it was an appropriate question since you were pretty close to the Wheeler’s house and Steve wasn’t dating Nancy anymore.
„I asked first and also you’re the one sitting on the hood of my car.“
„Oh yeah I thought this one looked familiar.“ you mumbled while adjusting your position, „Just having a walk, trying to slow down my blood pressure.“
„What happened to your face?“
Steve sounded more than concerend as he took a seat next to you.
„Well Steve you’re not the only one in this town who gets beaten up. Even though I must admit it happens to you an awful lot. „Quit the stupid jokes y/n. Are you alright?“ „Yeah I’m fine. It’s nothing. It was just some stupid…you know I was over at Billy’s an-“ „Did he do this?“, Steve quickly jumped onto his feet, „I’m gonna kill that son of a b-“, „Woah slow it down there Steve, we both know how that’s gonna end.“ you grabbed your best friend by the wrirst, indicating that he should take a seat again.
„It wasn’t Billy, he wasn’t even home. I was just dropping of some stuff from the garage.“
„I don’t get it y/n…who beat you up like this?“ You were hesitant for a short moment. Not because you didn’t want to tell Steve what happened but because you weren’t sure if you were in the position to just tell him Billy’s secret.
„It wasn’t Billy…“ you sighed, „It was his dad.“
„His what? What the hell?“
„Yeah he kinda thought I was dating Billy, as if, and you know I couldn’t keep my mouth shut as ususal and then this happened.“
„You need to go to chief Hopper y/n.“ „Oh no Steve absolutely not. If somebody should go report that guy then it’s Billy and if he doesn’t wanna do that, which I can’t blame him for, then it’s none of our business. Do you understand?“ „Yeah.”, Steve nodded in agreement, ”So… his dad..beats him?“
You nodded „But don’t you dare tell him or even act as if you know that. Don’t suddenly start to act nice around him or some bullshit like that.“ „Trust me y/n I can handle not being nice to Billy Hargrove. Other than you I stick to my words apparently.“ „Oh shut up Steve.“ you jockingly hit him against the arm, „If I’d be allowed to remind you, before Billy moved here you were the asshole of this town and even then I was your friend. Sometimes you just gotta give people a chance… Now, what are you and your car doing so close to the Wheeler’s house? Do I have to be worried?“
„Nope not at all, I promised Dustin to drop him off here since the kids are meeting at Mike’s and he couldn’t carry all his weird radio equipment stuff on his bike.“ „You’re a great mom Steve.“ „Shut up y/n.“
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