#larkclan bios
angiebumblebee · 4 months
LarkClan Bios #3- Mossflower
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Current Name: Mossflower Past Name(s): N/A Gender: She-Cat Pronouns: She/Her Age: 24 Moons (2 Years) Rank: Medicine Cat Mentor(s): Laurelclaw (Deceased) Apprentice(s): N/A Mother(s): Lionfang (Deceased) Father(s): Galefoot (Deceased) Sibling(s): Perchkit (Deceased), Toadkit (Deceased) Crush: N/A Mate: Tawnybreeze (Currently in HareClan) Offspring: ???
Description: Mossflower had always been shy. Play-fighting with other kits made her anxious, and she hated the thought of having to do it in real life. She would always find excuses to help out in the medicine den, cleaning out old nests and talking to sick patients. When she was a kit, a harsh Leaf-Bare caused an outbreak of yellowcough. The severe disease claimed the lives of Perchkit, Toadkit, and Lionfang, Mossflower's littermates and mother. Her father Galefoot was devastated by the losses and became distant when it came to his remaining daughter. Watching her family fall apart from such a terrible illness settled the idea of being a medicine cat apprentice in Mossflower's mind. Currently, now that she's LarkClan's sole medicine cat, Mossflower is a little worried. While she's completely confident in her abilities as a medicine cat and is still sure this is the path she would like to take, her relationship with a HareClan tom is leaving her torn. She doesn't want to abandon her duties and leave her clan behind, but she has a strong longing to follow her heart and be with the cat she loves.
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angiebumblebee · 4 months
LarkClan Bios #5- Spirecloud
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Current Name: Spirecloud Past Name(s): Ellie Gender: She-Cat Pronouns: She/Her Age: 55 Moons (About 4.5 Years) Rank: Warrior Mentor(s): Flamejump (Deceased) Apprentice(s): N/A Mother(s): Delilah (Kittypet) Father(s): Cody (Kittypet) Sibling(s): Quincy, Mittens, Rosie, Sandwich (All Kittypets) Crush: N/A Mate: Lilytuft Offspring: Ruepaw, Rosekit (Deceased)
Description: Spirecloud started off her life as a kittypet, a purebred cat. Born into a comfy twoleg home from a breeding program, all was well in Spirecloud's life until she was adopted by new housefolk at a young age. Her new housefolk would constantly take pictures of her and post her into the internet, soon turning her into an internet sensation. This proved to be a terrible thing when Spirecloud's housefolk would force her into situations she didn't want to be in and even become cruel off-camera. She couldn't live like this anymore, and soon ended up escaping. She found that she surprisingly enjoyed hunting, and caught herself her first piece of prey, the biggest and juiciest squirrel...Too bad she was on LarkClan territory, and a patrol saw her doing it! She was brought back to their camp, and after she pleaded for her life and mentioned her hunting skills, she was reluctantly welcomed into the clan as an apprentice and renamed Spirepaw. She found herself getting close with Lilypaw/Lilytuft all throughout her apprenticeship, and was overjoyed when he asked to be mates. She soon gave birth to a litter of two, Ruekit and Rosekit, but unfortunately Rosekit failed to thrive and passed away. Despite this, Spirecloud is grateful for the life she currently has, and wouldn't trade it for anything.
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angiebumblebee · 4 months
LarkClan Bios #4- Lilytuft
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Current Name: Lilytuft Past Name(s): N/A Gender: Tom Pronouns: He/Him Age: 60 Moons (5 Years) Rank: Warrior Mentor(s): Woolstar Apprentice(s): Cindercloud Mother(s): Timberbounce (Deceased) Father(s): ??? Sibling(s): Cindercloud (Younger brother) Crush: N/A Mate: Spirecloud Offspring: Ruepaw, Rosekit (Deceased)
Description: Despite his soft and gentle sounding name, Lilytuft is a very serious cat. He's usually seen posted in a spot around camp, glaring around at everyone and everything and making sure nobody causes any trouble. He was born into the clan as an only kit, in the middle of a harsh leaf-bare storm. His mother Timberbounce refused to reveal who his father was, though some cats noticed that he looked a bit similar to HareClan's deputy, an older tom named Kestrelstream. He was mentored by Woolwing (later Woolstar), and due to the small age gap the two found themselves bickering more than they did training. Regardless, Lilytuft earned his warrior name and soon went on to mentor his younger brother Cindercloud after Timberbounce passed away. When the former kittypet Spirecloud joined the clan, it didn't take long for the two to fall in love and give birth to two daughters, Ruekit and Rosekit.
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angiebumblebee · 4 months
LarkClan Bios #2- Beetleleap
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Current Name: Beetleleap Past Name(s): Beetle Gender: She-Cat Pronouns: She/Her Age: 45 Moons (About 3 Years) Rank: Deputy Mentor(s): Dewstep Apprentice(s): Duckfeather Mother(s): Dawn (Loner) Father(s): Hawkbelly (Deceased) Sibling(s): Cedarflower Crush: N/A Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A
Description: While no-cat wishes for anything bad to happen to Woolstar, there have been hushed whispers that Beetleleap is doing a much better job at managing the clan. She's witty, she's kind-hearted, and she knows when to be serious at the right time. Her clanmates used to doubt her when she was a kit, brought into the clan by her father Hawkbelly when her mother, a loner named Dawn, could no longer care for her and her brother Cedar, later named Cedarflower. The deputy job was suddenly thrust upon her when Woolstar's first deputy Cloudskip passed away from greencough. While she has been admired before as more than a friend, she has no desire to have a mate or kits just yet.
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angiebumblebee · 4 months
LarkClan Bios #1- Woolstar
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Current Name: Woolstar Past Name(s): Woolwing Gender: Tom Pronouns: He/Him Age: 65 Moons (About five and a half years) Rank: Leader Mentor(s): Ashtail (Deceased) Apprentice(s): Lilytuft Mother(s): Lambnose (Deceased) Father(s): Ashtail (Deceased) Sibling(s): N/A Crush: N/A Mate: Seedtuft Offspring: Unborn Son, Unborn Daughter
Description: Most describe Woolstar as stoic, stressed, and sometimes even cold. He wasn't always this way, however. When he was a kit, he was full of energy, darting around the nursery and helping out around camp due to having no siblings of his own to play with. However, his father Ashtail saw potential in him, and asked to mentor Woolstar, Woolpaw at the time, himself. Ashtail was incredibly strict towards his son, and held him to standards Woolpaw wasn't sure he could uphold. He worked hard for his full name, so hard that he became a warrior early at only ten moons of age. The very next moon Woolstar was given Lilypaw as an apprentice. Many cats complained about this, but the former leader, Lichenstar, didn't care. He too believed that Woolstar would grow to be something special, something great. While Woolstar was mentoring Lilypaw, the deputy at the time, Stonewhisker, mysteriously died. Woolstar was made to be the deputy in his place. Suddenly, when Woolstar was only twelve moons old, Lichenstar mysteriously died as well. Woolstar was hesitant but decided to accept StarClan's nine lives and take his position as leader. The toll of leading LarkClan has turned Woolstar from a little ball of energy to an almost uncaring tom. The only cat he shows any sort of care towards now is his mate Seedtuft, who is currently carrying his kits.
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