#largely i think it's really funny if loop has to deal with shit like period cramps despite not having a uterus
dailyloopdeloop · 2 months
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DAY 104(124): funny headcanon
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Hey Tina thank you for the ask <3333333333
🛠 What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
I use Scrivener (a paid app; it's a one-time purchase of about 50$, a bit less for students). I really like it because it lets me keep my entire WIP in one place while still separating it into parts that I can easily switch between. I can also have folders in a project that aren't a part of the draft which is where I put my large outline for instance.
(Spoiler-ish for ILTY chapter 3)
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The window looks like this, and it's just really nice how I can have my chapter outline on the right to not lose sight of where I'm going and also with one click navigate to older chapters to double-check something to make sure I'm maintaining continuity lol. Also, I like that it's always showing me the word count (but MS Word has more recently added that feature, so). I'm just a lot more comfortable here than in Office tbh and like not having to deal with specific pages (though I can set it in page view, which I do sometimes to find out how many pages the whole story would be lol).
Also, one time I tried drawing a character arc overview on my iPad but I haven't really been using it in the end lol.
It looks like this (slight spoilers for ILTY chapters 4-8, I cropped out unpublished stuff; if you've read that far [and can read my handwriting], you'll notice I didn't actually incorporate all of these things lol)
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Legend: Green is John, blue is Paul, purple is George, pink is Cyn, red is Ringo,* yellow is just actual dates with specific events, white is the relevant chapter title.
*based off their actual stated favourite colours (from those Beatles trading cards lmao). Feel bad about making Cyn pink; it's not cause Girl! it's cause it fit into my colour scheme LOL.
Anyways, as you can tell I am very normal about my fic writing sdfhdsfgklhdfsklgdfhskjldfs.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
I'm probably the only one who finds this really funny but I love it when Paul explains music with word salad.
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Also every time I write Jane literally NOT giving a shit about the John-centric plot, I almost can't deal. She's my comedienne.
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
I'm a huge softie for any type of tender interactions, especially with Julian tbh. I just like calm moments when characters just share a little moment and smile at each other. Even if the overall story gets very bleak I can't help but weave in a short scene like that from time to time, which to me feels very realistic. That's what Get Back is after all! 🥹🥹🥹
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
YES. I literally wasted my entire Friday morning commute trying to figure out the most minor of details about flights in the 60s. If I think it's verifiable, I will try to verify it and sometimes waste upwards of an hour on tiny trivialities. Worst time was when I was gonna describe Lennon-McCartney as going together "like cream and coffee" and tried to confirm they definitely actually liked coffee so that the comparison felt true to the atmosphere 😭😭😭
But I also like the extreme research because it kind of forces me to gain more knowledge about this band and their time period with regards to aspects I wouldn't think to research otherwise!
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Sometimes! Usually I don't but it happens; I tend not to if I'm on the train cause there's already a lot of distracting stimuli going on, but I might at home. I'm often thinking about my current chapter's song and listening to it when I'm not actually writing, though. Each chapter is an entire mini musical phase tbh. So I've been listening a lot to the next chapter's song, which is [SPOILER, though you can figure it out if you look hard enough >:)].
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tagapagsalaysay · 2 years
This is kind of a broad ask ig, but u can tell us more about ur ocs? They all have such interesting and metal designs. Super interested in what appears to be like a whole family?
No worries, i'm in the mood to elaborate
Overall theres this media project that has the working title I hate spelunking, a worldbuilding effort that focuses on a hollow earth world called B* and seemingly normal modern humans. so far ive made different parts in the timeline that have distinct casts and themes
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these two (suzy and pascual) belong to the main cast of the main IHS story, the one that starts in the middle of the timeline of B*. The story focuses on the characters understanding the nature of their world and handling their own mental and interpersonal conflicts. I like to think of it as somewhat fantasy math with fantasy psychology (remember that post). A lot of it is stuff i pull from shit in college that interests me.
The premise of this is that theyre deep in a society thats internalized their finiteness but also with the addition of them being a closed system, where theres nothing really on the surface or the outside shell of the planet theyre living in. Maybe they dont even visualize an outside shell at all. However, theres a strange phenomenon where getting your brain locked in a mental spiral, feedback loop, etc. about anything regarding the world and its systems will manifest into reality as.... Something equally wonderful and terrifying :). It's a story about interpersonal stuff and having too much math in your system. Also topology jokes
The inhabitants of B* assume that this phenomenon just happens to "cursed" people, theres a whole bit of questioning where the blame really goes, but its all just a funny whirlwind of people overthinking and im still not sure what medium i would make this in. So yeah.
Suzy and Pascual are unlikely buddies who met at a strange period in the timeline, and suzy has questionable and kind of mysterious origins while pascual is a mailman pretty much. The other characters found on the family image are connected to the deeper inertia of the plot, where they ask the main duo for help with dealing with the "cursed" people.
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These two guys are Hopper and Cricket, Irene's go to lackeys who help find the cursed and attempt to help them. They go around and ride a motorcycle and whatnot, but they also have a whole arc about becoming involved in the same phenomenon. Hopper is concerned about being too much of a lead in their team after some developments, and Cricket is worried about making Hopper too much of a sidekick. They have a tight bond, and both literally go by they/them. They also have those cricket bats for the ~Theme~
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A photo of the three. Okay. I know everyone is probably hyped for me to explain what irenes deal is in this so i'll try. Irene's totally not a front job is being an archivist and historian for many of the OLD old history of B*, including its origins, its age, and a lot of just what we would call prehistoric in modern Normal Earth History. His presence in the main ihs story develops from a background mysterious force to a full on anti-villain, where his whole "cursed" operation turns for the worst. His knowledge just puts the world at risk by virtue of the overthinking phenomenon, not by choice though. His arc focuses on desperately trying not to cause catastrophic damage with his thinking, but he has to learn a thing or two in the process. He isnt the only person who can cause large scale damage like he can sooo :)
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Petra is Irene's sister who also works alongside him as another historian, but has full control of their own thought process. While not completely susceptible to the phenomenon, she does fall short at times of emotional problems. They also work along with cricket and hopper, but her focus is in the clean up of their operation. She is also one of the first people to suspect something different about what B* actually is.
The cursed are designed as "monster" of the week type characters that retain in the cast, but i'll keep those a secret for now :)
Thats some of the main IHS cast so ill explain some of the other timeline stuff. One of the different branching points in the media is a sortnof backstory spinoff for Pascual and why they found themselves doing deliveries up a community that lives vertically. Another is:
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Dubbed The Mountain Story as a working title, this story is set centuries before the main IHS story involving a large mountain and a wacky hermit tour guide named Nikki. This one is an experimental short story about nikki and their unique attachment to the local mountain as they lead YOU, a tourist, on a 2-3 hour hike. its one of those writing exercises that go into stuff like summit fever, breaking worldviews, and dealing with psychosis unrelated to summit fever. Nikki is a local tour guide who lives at a hut on a hill wedged to the base of the mountain, carries about 3 walking sticks, and likes to make things on his computer. I dont want to spoil more though, but their story is completely detached to the current IHS story.
The other characters on my post tend to just be one offs for similar "writing exercises", but i might reuse them in the future. hope you liked this whirlwind of a post, because im still churning out more OCs for these funny guys
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Star Vs: Monster Bash Review or “Holy Shit Concentrated Into An Episode”
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Hello everybody! I’m Jacob Mattingly and welcome back to my tom lucitor retrospective, where I go through every major apperance of everyone’s faviorite demon boy boy. In case you watch my schedule or reguarlly read this blog, and if so thank you.. especially you Kevin your a peach, you’ll know this one got pushed back two weeks because the day it was scheduled.. was the day AFTER the US Capitol Insurgency. So yeah an episode HEAVILY dealing with racisim, with a downer ending and a lot to dig into on the same day a bunch of racists stormed the captail to try and illegally keep another racist in office due to his bullshit claims the electoin was fraud, when it wasn’t he just can’t admit he lost, and their own idocy, violence and hatred was not something I could handle that day and I did some mickey mouse instead.  But while the effects of said riot are still being felt, and unlike many republicans are saying we shouldn’t just “move on” or “try to heal” because the wound needs to be properly examined so the people who carved our country open with a rusty knife can be prosecuted for it, enough time has passed that I can get back on the horse and eat that horse when it comes to this episode. Also expect new tomtrospective weekly with some exceptions till it’s done. So with the real world reasons for the delay out of the way, on with the show.  Previously on Star Vs: Star had a full subplot dealing with her super powered mewberity form, which was now golden and creating bunches of portals. While she wanted to just let it go loose on Eclipsa’s suggestoin, eventually it caused too much damage and Hekapoo was livid when Marco revealed he’d been covering for her and Star, realizing her friend was running himself ragged and ruined a friendship to help her, went to the source of all magic to fix things, metting the baby unicorns and with thier help gaining control over her form. While she does not use it given she JUST got it before this episode, it’s very relevant and makes her come off very stupid but we’ll get to that
In more directly relevant stuff, and our main event, we need to talk about Ms. Henious. Ms. Henious was introduced all the way back in Season 1 as head of St. Olga’s School for Wayward princsesses. She’s voiced by Jessica Walter, aka Malory Archer, Lucille Bluth and .. Fran Sinclair from dinosaurs?
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I’ll process that later. Point is she’s a talented lady and voiced Henious perfectly. Henious ran the school as a nightmarish hellhole that stripped away princsesses indviduality when they became too much for their parents. Granted some did genuinely need to be reigned in, Pony went there and so did princess squishy a princess that tried to reinact the plot of face off despite her and star not even being the same species let alone looking remotely similar.. she also liked to say camera phone a lot despite all phones being camera phones for over a decade. 
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But again like most reform schools it’s a hell hole dedicated more to beating and psyihholically tourturing the rebel or asshole out of you than actually helping so Star and Marco broke in to break out. It naturally was difficult and strenious but in the process our heroes freed the other girls and Marco became feminsest icon Princess Marco. And Marco’s possible gender fluidity, or being trans,  was well loved and while he was later said to hate the princess marco idntenity later.. I still dont’ quite buy it and feel Disney just wanted to nip any implications in the bud. Because their stupid and often non-inclusive to the queer community and have to be fought to get inclusivity in there half the time. Could’ve been clumsy writing and the writers not getting people really relating to marco possibly being gender fluid or trans, which given this season’s clumsy writing with marco in general I could buy, but i’m banking more on disney, where one executive can somehow stonewall gay representation because apparnetly one guy was the one who objected to enchanting grom fright.. and he can also go fuck himself with an old rhino’s horn. Which horn is up to you. Also we got two major hints at the future iwth her: a creepy mural star found of monsters and Henious being revealed to have cheek marks she supressed with her very own brainwashing machine. 
Our heroes revolution had uintetional side-effects as St.O’s became a party school, though it’s students actually still came back better for the moast part. Henious was thrown out, reduced to sleeping in her car with her manservant gemini and sending Rasticore, a septarian mercinary afer star.. and then carrying his arm around when he got reduced to that.. not because of star but because of a rogue gift card. We don’t have time to unpack that, so she later tried attacking one more time in season 2, in one of the single worst episodes of the series, as she attacked and Marco’s Parents, instead of being concerned about the strange woman and man and lizard man arm attacking thier children, were more concerned about.. tehir cool neighbors. which could’ve been funny but just got frustrating, especially because Marco defended himself well, pointing out while he trashed her school, and gets merchandising rights from princess marco merch, she you know, brainwashed innocent to semi innocent children and was in general horrible and his parents are only humoring her because they were both out of hte loop, which due to this being shortly before star and marco leaves amounts to nothing, and because of the stupid plot. 
So after that we got one more apperance in season 3 with her trying to expose marco as a boy to turn the princsses against him and get her school back.. but it was clearly a desperate and flimsy plan and they knew that already, and don’t care because their accepting. And again have done better without her so she gets thrown out and swore revenge on Marco, and here we are.  Finally, since returning Star’s been more active in monster rights, replacing their old batshit insane and patronizingly racist expert with Buff Frog and starting a position to get royal signatures. Obviously this dosen’t sound like the most effective way to do things but it’s both teenager accurate and not the worst plan i’ve heard from a teenager this week.. granted that’s also because I covered a teenager trying to win back her good for not a lot 23 year old boyfriend by stabbing his current girlfriend he left her for a bunch, so it’s not exactly a high bar to clear. So outside of the golden form thing, which i’ll get to in the review proper why I brought that up, that’s what’s all built up to this the mid season finale. While Stump Day DID come after this, I chose to cover it before it since it both takes place before that and feels out of place in the very story heavy episodes after it. So with that out of the way we’ll be taking a look at the full episode and Star’s horrible, no good, very bad night under the cut. 
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We open at the Monster Temple, that place Ludo and Toffee were headquartered at for season 2 and the battle of mewni mini, where Star is holding a PARTY!
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This.. this came up when I typed party. I don’t know why and I don’t WANT to know. I mean party is in the name.. is that a party line? Is this phone sex? No.. just no.. I don’t want dirty sweaty pigs in my phone sex.. I want Rocko like a gentlemen. 
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Now THAT’S hot. And honestly with what i’ve admitted about myself at this point, can you genuinely tell if i’m joking or not?  Point is Marco and Rich Pidgeon are pitching in. Oh yeah those of you who didn’t get this far in the series, again hi kevin, might wonder wait whose that... well he’s a rich pidgeon, part of the pidgeon kingdom a kingdom of pidgeons that moved into another family’s castle, presumibly killed them, the book wasn’t specific on that and is now just a large bunch of pidgeons that don’t talk human except rich and get all creepy. They also have an excutioner which is as great a visual as you imagine. 
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That and Marco tried faking singing rich singing it by shving a pien in his foot and making him sign it.. he didn’t know he was fully sapient but still. But it’s also season 3 marco. The fact he didn’t accidently burn the castle down trying to impress star and being mad when she wasn’t happy he comitted arson is an achievement. Rich apparently holds a grudge but says just kiddng.. maybe.. i’d be prepared for a pidgeon with a machete if I were Marco. Thankfully i’m not.. I mean I hate myself enough. 
Anyways the party is in full swing, as both monsters and mewmans are there. On the mewman sides are the royals we met at the Silver Bell Ball and on the monster side are a bunch of monster teens who look up to star we previously met during the Ludo arc in season 2. Pony arrives bringing a photo booth. And kelly! 
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And also Johnny Blowhole...
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That dolphin what showed up a few times, including in the comic and the show, like most of it’s supporting cast, just sorta forgot. Also was going to be my porn name, just in case till it ended up attached to a fictonal teenager. Did.. did not think naming a character “blowhole” through did they? 
Anyways the party is at “middle school dance” levels of awkward with the monsters and humans on other sides. Rock seems to be getting ready for a racist tyrade and singles out a yak like monster.. only to instead compliment the guy’s ripped jeans and the two compliment each other on horns... turns out the ones Rock always wear aren’t decorative but part of him due to a boating accident. Shame we never got more of this kid. that’s a good kid I tell you what.  But honestly and since the moment is right given their all in this episode.. we never get a lot of the other royals outside of tom and star PERIOD. While Penelope would show up one last time and Larry would make a cameo for the most part their just.. background filler. Even this pettitoin arc was two episodes long. Rich is BRAND new and he gets way more focus.. and even he only gets to show up again for the big “Gondor calls for aid moment” in season 4 where star summoned whoever she could get on short notice. And is the ONLY royal to besides Ponyhead. Larry has an intresting enough design but the underwater kingdom only got featured in the deep trouble tie in comic that got cut short, and he wasn’t created yet so he doesen’t even show up for it. Jagg’s is such a footnote to the creators she dosen’t ever show up after this, and finally Rock, despite being star’s COUSIN and despite his kingdom being specifically mentioned as the hardest to make sympathetic to eclipsa during her own entirely ignored arc trying to win over the other kingdoms, and despite it being where River comes from and thus possibly providing some more insight into that awesome, awesome man.. we get nothing. Hell the Cloud Kingdom of the Ponyeheads ONLY gets two visits despite being home of one of the main cast.. god I just realized Ponyhead was part of the main cast. 
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So while I grapple with that, Star figures the punch is too warm and while Marco goes to get ice, she tries to remind him she can do magic and accidently puts it in your standard cartoon ice block.. and being star gets her tounge stuck. Thankfully her savior comes in the form of tom who being.. you know.. tom.. can simply melt it down and reminds her he’s been there the whole time. She’s just been a bit distracted with you know, trying to ease centuries of racial tension in a well meaning but ultimately pointless at best and risky at worst, partay. And dosen’t seem to get WHY she dosen’t want to dance.. even if they do have a REALY fucking cute moment where he leans in to kiss her, she catches him on it.. then blows a raspberry into his mouth when he does and smooches him on the cheek a bunch. 
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But the whole thing leaves him as a grumpus venting to marco and boiling the punch.. though at least Marco gets to use that ice now so silver linings and all that. And when marco tries to explain he tells him he dosen’t “talk politics”
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My baby boy.. i’m so disapointed in you. And Marco points out as he leaves “your a prince everything you do is political. “. Which is.. HALF true. I mean tom going to the bathroom or eating a taco or taking his grandpa fo ra walk on his leash so he dosen’t gouge anyones eyes out isn’t political.. but he’s also not wrong that being the half demon half mewman son of two royals, DOES mean tom can come off political and one previous episode which he made a cameo in even had Tom being profiled, with a shopkeep who shoed out another monster kid tried that on tom.. only to realize who he was dealing with and beg for mercy he probably only got because Tom’s trying to be a better person now. And I don’t think i’ts even malcious on tom’s part, tom isn’t the most empathetic guy. He’s nice, he’s sweet, and once he knows you he can be really thoughtful.. but as we’ve seen throughout this retrospective.. empathy is something he’s struggled with. He stalked star because he didn’t see HER side of him creeply and obessively persuing her until Marco got through to him. He missed the point of his therapy assignment, seeing it as a goal to get passed instead of hwat brian intended: for him to geninely make amends with someone he hurt. He didn’t get that while star didn’t, at the time, want to date him ignoring her would hurt her... though that on’es not on him. He’s not a bad guy at all but he’s not at all great at reading people or being selfless.
 He’s getting there, stump day showed him put stars needs before Marco’s and not out of any selfish dick measuring contest but because he knew what she wanted and what made her happy, but it’s hard to have empathy for a problem you don’t get how bad it is. To tom it’s just getting stopped once in a while and then having to glower or literally roast someone. To these monsters... it’s a life of being denied a decent standard of living, housing and being treated as a crminal and a beast just for existing. Tom has a fancy castle, loyal subjects, tons of money.. his privlage has insulated him from the real dangers of being the minority he is, of getting beaten up by the cops or arrested just for being a monster. And yes i’m using real world paralells.. but so does the end of this episode so shhh. It’s also a moral that hits home since as a white person, the last year has hit me HARD with just how much I didn’t know about the racial situation in america and how complacient i’d become. I wasn’t actively racist.. but like many americans I had the bad tendency to forget the horrible things that happpend on a daily basis to people of color in this country when it got out of the news. Privlage can blind you, and I cannot speak for if it does so for any real life minorties as i’m not touching a subject i’m not qulaified to talk on due to being super white with a ten foot pole, but I can speak for me that sometimes you just.. dont’ notice a problem unless i’ts happening to you. And while it has happened to tom it’s such a minor inconvience he probably just forgets about it and moves on. And these next two episodes with him, though we have some plot stuff to get too before we get back to Tom in feburary, are him getting his bubble popped and realizing just WHAT Star has been fighting against. And Star’s own privlage will be an issue later.. but we’llg et to that in it’s own time.  So while Tom skulks off Rich startles Marco to get him to do his kung fun hand pose “the sword hand dance” and everyone uses it to dance which Marco understandably objects to until kelly asks him to dance. Cue adorable ship tease.. again this is why i’m thrownig in the kelco episode in the next batch: because the trajectory of this relationship eeerily lines up with tom episodes. No sense avoiding the ONE other episode about the ship , especially if i’m going out of my way to cover the Meteora arc on top of it and my other 80 projects. And regular coverage. And comissions. And you get the idea it’s a lot but i’m happy to do it. 
Meanwhile we meet Slime, a friendly slime monster who introduces himself to penelope and her massive spider bite... and then drips a bit giving her the wrong impression. Thankfully.. this does not turn into the PG-Rated versoin of BLue from the heathers musical. 
No he just was offering to aloe up her spiderbite, and she’s all too happy to accept since her family never thought about it.. though as we see next season their not against it suprisingly. They are still dicks though. But not racist, though that’s a very low bar to clear and only gives them credit because mewni as a whole is pretty racist when it comes to Monsters. Point is I hate their parents but love these ship as the two share some ship tease and go downstairs.. only to get attacked.  Meanwhile, Marco’s getting a goblin dog while being watched by Henious.. who despite Gemini’s objections.. no longer cares about her cheeks as she grins sinesterly and has him play her music, some heavy metal. FORESHADOWING!
Back at the party, Star adreses her public and is all proud and blushy.. till Penelope stumbles in, covered in scars, telling the crowd something took Slime.. and both sides start blaming one another, especially since it turns out a LOT of the monsters have gone missing. So with everything she worked towards and had achieved crumbling, Star calms the crowd and says she’ll investigate. Outside Marco is getting a goblin dog with roy, and wondering why he has strawberry, who orders a strawberry.. who wants that? And then decides to get one out of curiosity which I would but i’m also fat and love strawberries so i’m not a beacon of good decisionmaking. 
So Star grabs him before he can roll that metaphorical dice and passes tom who tries to downplay her concerns and get her to go make out, thinking that’s what’s going on despite that.. making no sense, as a ton of them are missing and 6 is a bit much for polyamory.. I mean it works for some people 
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But not everyone can be a majestic space grandma whose also a caterpillar. And their too young to orgy so that’s out too. Point is Tom is an idiot this time and Star RIGHTFULLY calls him out for belitting her cause, not really caring about it, or the other teens who are in danger right now from god knows what and tells him to either help or get out of the way. 
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So while Tom licks his well earned wounds, Star and Marco journey into the depths and find a campsite with fresh dog eared pages indicating whoevers behind the abudictions is not only sapient, but still here... oh and it somehow gets worse as they find out WHOSE behind it. 
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And a second question you might be having: Who dis. Well this is Mina Loveberry, solarian warrior, whose a legend in Mewni and was one of star’s childhood heroes who she found wondering around homeless and clearly not mentally well in the park on earth.. and then tried to conquer it, but the electoral process stopped her... I don’t know why but a half crazed maniac being defeated by due electoral process makes me feel all warm and fuzzy right now, on this specific day this is coming out late on. Hmmmm.. INTERESTING aint it? 
Point is Mina is a super powerful, super not in her right mind super warrior, who is naturlaly the kidnapper, as this episode also reveals she’s violently racist and assuemed something was up and whiel Star, who despite said cou still loves and respects her and gets she’s not well, tries to talk her down it increasingly becomes clear there’s no reasoning with her. And really with most racists.. there isn’t. Racisim isn’t something that’s rational and while some people are just indocrinated at a young age and CAN be turned around on it.. some are just so deeply up their own ass with hatred you can’t reason with them or save them. You just have to stop them. Via impeaching them, making sure they get called out and taken out of office.. or in this case using rainbows on them.  But we’ll have to wait a second as a bunch of debris falls on mina taking her out!
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.. Only to reveal Henious and while Marco’s willing to fight her and her posse, Raasticore grabs star and henious hooks him up to the brainwash machine, probably planning to kill him with it while playing the music
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But before she can kill or do worse to one of our heroes.. the door behind them opens up.. and reveals a child’s play room. 
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And Henious.. gives up on the attack and enters, disturbing Gemini as she looks around in what’s easily one of the best scene sin the entire series: her slow walk, the way the animation follows her as it sinks in just what Metora might be.. and her picking up two dolls, the ones seen above.. her dolls to Gemini’s increasing discomfort. And while the animation is stellar and utterly moving as we slowly put the pieces together... it’s Walter’s delivery that REALLY STUNS.Gone is the harsh, unforgiving nightmarish woman we’ve known.. and instead is someone whose confused.. and remembering. Remembering WHY she has those cheek marks, remembering this was her room, her home.. and those were her parents. She remembers now.. and Mina rises to say of course she did “I knew you’d be back here one day meteora!” And as Gemini tries to refute this.. Meteora agrees with MIna, no longer henious at last freed form her deep and abusive brainwashing we’ll cover soon enough. And deeply confused. And as everyone else is deeply confused... Mina, not realizing this whole thing was covered up, again we’ll get to that soon too, spells it out for them and the audience in case you missed it. When Star asks how Eclipsa plays into any of this? “Don’t you ding dongs know anything? She’s her mamma!”  (Marco and Star stare in shock as it sinks in) Marco: “Wait HENIOUS is a princess?!”  Star: “she’s a butterfly”
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Yeah quite obviously this is one of the biggest wham episodes in the entire series. In one moment we not only find out Henious is indeed a butterflfy as fans thought.. but Eclipsa’s daughter, half monster, and her entire existance raises questions of how much her family hid and if not WHO DID. I mean some of you alreayd know the answer but the rest of you can wait a week.. or a few mintues it’s hinted at soon enough. Point is Star has questions.. questions the violent racist whose pretty messed up in the head for a variety of the reasons and spent decades hunting her.. is not willing to hear out and instead prepares to smite her. While Star tries DESPERATLEY to talk her friend out of this it’s very clear Mina’s not going to listen... so Star rainbow fists her.. and prepares to face her former friend and inspiration for Meteora’s saftey and the answers she BADLY needs right now. Oh and just in case you thought “oh well the magical girl who sounds like amy sedaris can’t be that big a threat”... Yeah I didn’t mention broly for nothing. 
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Mina bulked up. Meet Solarian Mina. And like the Legendary Super Sayian form from Dragon Ball.. i’ts a beserker of a form that turns the already obessive and insane Mina.. into an unstoppable rage fuled killing machine with horrifying levels of power who can beat down anyone nearbye. And unlike Broly, where he was just a one in a million fluke in both versions... Mina was PLANNED to be this. The solarian program was something Eclipsa’s mom came up with, a series of spells that slowly turn the target into a rampaging super soldier. It’s like if Nuke from marvel comics, a vietnam era version of captain america who dind’t turn out so good, was INTETIONAL; 
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As you can see it removes fear.. but also the targets concisce, so Mina is incapable of empathy or being cure dof her racisim. Solaria turned her from a humble volunteer just hoping ot help and improve her station into the crazed monster star now faces.  And as the Broly comparision should make clear... yeah Star dosen’t do so good and neither does Marco. She shrugs off Star’s hits and while botht he kids and meteora escape, both just piss Mina off MORE, and put star in more danger as she’s thrown around like a ragdoll.  She then runs into tom who shows off his growht: While he was a dick up there.. unlike before where he assumed he was always the wronged party.. he realized he crossed a line and while he dosen’t know WHY he did, is still willing to apologize and presumibly talk about it. A bit clueless yes but it’s effort and his tone is sincre so it’s less “I’m apologizing for whatever I guess” bullshit and more “I genuinely don’t know wha ti did wrong please tell me so I can say sorry”.. which given how awkard tom is with people and how I pointed out his trouble relating to them over htis retrospective, is the more beliviable one.  Naturally while Star does appricate it she’s kinda busy.. and when Tom see’s what’s going on he leaps in with NO hesitation. And given how close the luictors once were and are again with the butterflies it’s doubtful he hadn’t heard of mina so he likely KNOWS what he’s going up against..a nd dosen’t care. His girlfriend needs his help and this person’s trying to hurt her. That’s all he needs to kick her ass. Or try.. unlike with the z warriors.. our heroes don’t win this one. Tom tries a really cool move i’m dubbing the onyx coffin, a black coffin with runes and chains.. that does nothing to her. She breaks out and our heroes flee and Mina causes a massive ruckuss above, and the only reasons our heros don’t die.. is that the knights and Rhombulus of the high comission arrive.  And since the high comission are going to be vastly important a refresher: The high comission were created by glossaryck, the little man who lives in stars book who used to be voiced by an asshole and next season is voiced by keith motherfucking david, to police the multiverse and it’s various issues. The four we know are Lekmet: a goat man who died last season and controlled entropy and could heal at the cost of his own life hence the death, Hekapoo, a close assiocate of marcos who controls the scissors beings use to cross dimensions and can do so herslef effortlessly, Omnitraxus Prime, a powerful and giant antler skulled being who watches space time and timelines and is voiced by Karl Weathers so...
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And Rhombulus, a diamond headed he-man reject with snakes for hands becaue his dad is a well documented dickhead.. no really that’s the entire explination i the book of spells: Glossaryck turned his hands to snake to teach him the lesson i’ts hard to get through life with snake hands. He’s a gung ho guy who imprisons the wrost of the worst criminals thus his presence here as Mina clearly had a falling out with the comission and thus flees.  So while Star and Tom are given blankets afterwords and some cocoa, Tom comforts her and admits if nothing else.. he gets it now, having been finally faced with the type of horrible shit monsters have had to deal with in the past and sees why his girlfriend tried hard to help it. But Star.. realizes she can’t fix this that easy. That she dosen’t know enough and clearly ther’es even more than she ever could’ve thought possible she has ot know if she’s going to fix this.. and that it’s not an EASY problem to fix. You really CAN’T fix racisim you can just make society better, but you’ll never be rid of people like Mina. Though this arc will.. yeah in one of the more baffling decisions Mina is given this huge reindrocution, with Amy Sedaris showing that while a very funny lady and a very talented actress as bojack had previously shown off for both.. she can be FUCKING TERRIFYING. But nope, she’s just..g one outside of a cameo, gets beatne off screen and dosen’t become big bad for a season. And I get it, the metora arc needed room.. but you had a WHOLE EXTRA EPISODE to have her defeat mina. Inastead you used it for Marco Jr which amounted to almost nothing and could’ve been saved for season 4 wher eit probably woudln’t of been terrible. I”ll get to that one some day. Point is it’s bad storytelling. 
So yeah Star’s feeling lost, her family history is in flux, she got beaten badly, not horribly injrued but still lost handily, her party ruined and  she was hit with the realization her plans were overly idealistic. Well meaning sure but a party was never going to cure this. Oh and Rhombluus naturally isn’t coming clean about why the temple is off limits or what’s going on here so that dosen’t help.  And somehow.. IT STILL GETS WORSE. The Wizard Cops try to take the monsters in , profling them and not having done so and star thankfully talks them out of it but the monster kids turn down any afterparty or anything. They get she means well tbut hte moment’s over. And their not even excesivley sad.. their just.. used to the police treating them like this. Like less than human, like automatic suspects when THEY were the victims. IT’s nothing new... and god does this feel relevant as hell.
And this i where I meant Star’s privlage bites her: While not as bad as tom, it took some very harsh reality for her to see that solving racisim.. is not only nigh imposisble but not that easy. To her it was easy as a party and friendship and what’s worked before in her fairly shelted world. Advetnures or not she’s still a princess whose never experinced prejudice. In both worlds she’s in the majority. It’s probably why Marco conttoned on to monster racism in seconds during “Menipendence Day’ when Star hadn’t her whole life: to Marco, whose latix and thus dealing with all kinds of racist shit his whole life, it was easier to pick it up. He’s firmly part of his culture.. and thus probably firmly aware of the racism he faces. Star is so insulated she just dosen’t get it till it nearly beat her to death. So yeah Star’s at her lowest point, having failed to make things better, the answer to her questions being lost and not sure what’s real. Metora on the other hand as they dodge the cops.. has ascended. As Gemini calls her henious once last time.. she says that’s not her name. 
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“My name is meteora”
SHe’s been dreaming the wrong dream.. and it’s long past time she woke up. 
Final Thoughts;  Monster Bash.. is one of the best episodes in the series. Unlike a lot of Seasons 3 and 4 it dosen’t suffer from lack of proper payoff, as the next few episodes deal with how the fuck any of this is happening and why the fuck any of it happened. Mina’s absence nonwithstanding.. this is one of the series best and most gripping arcs. And the swerve is great: you think i’ts Henious doing the kindappings, only for her not to be the threat again just yet. And for her to be something far more. It’s just masterful, starting iwth fun hyjinks and ending in one of the best nad most nightmarish fights in the series if not the best, watching as our heroes slowly but surely LOOSE.. and THEN it gets worse. Out and out a must watch for the series and a sad sign of what it COULD’VE been had it moved past it’s worst insitncts next season and become what i should’ve been.  Next week: We take a tom break as Eclipsa nad Mon investigate all of this and we get the SECOND biggest wham episode in the series. 
Until the next rainbow, be excellent to each other.
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theguardiansseries · 6 years
From the Beginning Chapter 5
Bonjour, mes chers! Here's chapter five and chapter six will be coming up in the next hour or so!
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Summary: Danny Fenton was a simple, sixteen-year-old teenager who loved fast food, video games, and getting a B on surprise pop quizzes. He’s also the half-ghost teenage hero Danny Phantom who defends Amity Park from ghost attacks on a daily basis. Somehow, the ghost attacks make a lot more sense than crushes, friendships, and falling in love with someone he is definitely not supposed to be falling in love with. It was a lot easier to separate Phantom and Fenton before, but now it’s getting harder the more he learns about himself. Just who was he? The dorky son of scientists who loved the stars or the hero that protected the town. He’s starting to feel like he won’t like the answer. (Iambic Prose) (Prequel to Guardians and Partial Show Rewrite)
<<First Chapter>> <<Last Chapter>><<Next Chapter>>
Chapter Five
“I still can’t believe Vlad bought this place out.” It wasn’t that Danny hated Axion Labs or anything, but after dealing with the ghost of a dead puppy they put down, it was kind of hard to bring himself to like them any. “I mean, what is he up to?”
“You know, I’d really like to have a day where you didn’t become your parents and get paranoid about ghosts and their plans. You realize you sound like your dad, right?” Sam was looking utterly unapologetic at the lies that were coming out of her mouth. “All your missing is the orange jumpsuit.”
“Didn’t he give you one as a Christmas present, this year?” Traitors. Danny’s best friends and closest confidants were traitors. “You should wear it for Halloween next year. You can go as a ghost hunter.”
“Isn’t the point of Halloween to go as something I’m not?” Danny might not be a ghost hunter like his parents or the Guys-in-White or anything, but, come on. He protected the town and caught ghosts for not even a living. He was a ghost hunter. “Seriously, though. You guys know Vlad is probably using this place to run some secret experiments on ghosts or something like that.”
It wouldn’t surprise him if the man was. Vlad was rich and powerful and all that shit, but he was also an insane fruit loop who seemed to think he could do whatever he wanted and get away with it. Now, suddenly, they were visiting Axion Labs on a school field trip? Suddenly it was Danny’s class that was there? That reeked of suspicion. “I just have a bad feeling about this.”
“A Fenton with a bad feeling? Should I be worrying about any ghost attacks?” Startling at the words more than anything else, Danny looked over to see Valerie’s dad.
“Oh, hey, look, I think one of our classmates wants to ask us something.” Sam, the heartless traitor, grabbed Tucker by the hand and left Danny to what was probably going to be the most awkward and threatening talk by an adult he’d ever had as a human.
“Ha- Ha! Hey there, Mr. Gray!” Danny swallowed and tried to calm himself down. He had faced far worse things than a protective dad, after all, right? “What, uh, what can I do for you? Sir?”
“I’ve noticed that you and my daughter have been spending more time together, lately.” Oh, god, please, no. “I just wanted to make sure I don’t have to worry about any funny business.”
“Oh, uh, no- No. We’re just- We’re still just friends, and stuff, and-” Danny snapped his mouth shut as the man raised a hand.
“I meant ghost wise.” Oh, man, that was even worse. “Valerie’s had a hard time with the ghosts that attack Amity Park, especially when they cost me my job at one point in my life. I don’t want any of that Fenton ghost business to interfere with her life.”
“Trust me, sir, we’re totally on the same page about ghost business and it not affecting Valerie.” The last thing Danny wanted was to deal with the Red Huntress again. Like, okay, he could understand why Valerie had started the whole ghost hunting thing, but things were finally settling down! In fact, Danny was almost certain that her dad had taken away her suit, which meant way less worry for him.
Plus, Danny was getting better control of his powers, the ghosts were becoming less of a danger, and Danny knew that he could finally keep his friends and family safe without having to worry about them getting hurt by all of this. Things were good, so he wasn’t too worried about Valerie running off to pick a fight where there wasn’t one.
“I promise you, sir, I’ll be keeping the ghost stuff away from her as far as I possibly can.” Valerie’s father seemed to study him and look him up and down for a moment before patting his shoulder.
“You’re a good kid, Danny. I hope I see more of you around.” Huh. That sounded like he just got roundabout approval to date Valerie. Did he just get roundabout approval to date Valerie? It sounded like her father just gave him approval to date her. That- Okay. Cool. That was cool.
“Right, er, yes- Yes, sir!” The man walked away to probably go continue doing his work, Danny staring after him for a moment before shaking his head and alright, that had certainly been something. Danny couldn’t help but mutter a little ‘weird’ under his breath as he looked around to see where the rest of the class had gotten off to.
It was actually kind of cool to explore Axion Labs and see all the science and stuff they were up to, especially considering they were working on space exploration lately, but Danny couldn’t even enjoy himself. Who knew what Vlad was using this research for.
“Hey, Danny! They got this cool jetpack rocket thing over here!” Looking around quickly, and spotting where Tucker was waiting, Danny’s eyes widened at just what he was talking about and that was so cool.
Danny managed to enjoy himself for almost an hour as they got into the science behind their space research, but of course this was Danny and his life could never be enjoyed for very long before his worries came speeding back at full force.
They were just starting to head to another section of the building, which was shaping up to be just as sleek and shiny as the rest of it, when Danny felt Sam grab his wrist and pull off into a corner between two large databanks. “Are we about to have some movie moment where you tell me someone is following us?” Even as he joked, Danny was already scanning around them. He hadn’t noticed anything strange, and there didn’t seem to be anyone paying them attention. Mostly it was tired security guards and even more exhausted scientists.  
“What? No. Your life isn’t a movie, Danny.” Hey, now. “If anything, it’s a Saturday morning cartoon with a poorly contrived plot and even poorer writing.” Hey. “No, look, you just- You need to be careful around Valerie.”
“C’mon, Sammy, not this again.” Danny groaned as he scrubbed his hands down his face, shaking his head. “Sammy, I thought we got over the whole jealous thing- Ow.” Clutching at his right arm where he was very solidly punched, Danny pouted at a completely unapologetic Sam.
“You deserved that and you know it.” Yeah, he totally did. “You know I’m not jealous. Unless you want to have that very uncomfortable talk about feelings and emotions, again?”
“Ugh, no thanks.” Having one ‘We’re just friends, so I guess we can finally stop crushing on each other and please let’s not make this awkward!’ talk was enough for one lifetime and all the ones after that. God. That had been such a long conversation and Danny was beyond grateful that both he and Sam had made a pact to never mention the tears shed by both of them that night. “Sorry. Still, I mean, come on. She’s not that bad.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about.” Sam crossed her arms and rubbed at the skin where goosebumps were rising, Danny frowning. It wasn’t that cold in here. “She just… She really hates ghosts, Danny. She really, really hates ghosts. If she ever found out about you-”
“Which she won’t.” Danny knew the price of his secrets and they were ones he wouldn’t be telling anyone. Enough people knew who he was, and he knew that if the ghosts knew just how big of a wreck they could make his life, then they would tell the whole town with no hesitation. He was honestly surprised Spectra or Walker hadn’t tried that, yet. “It’ll be fine, Sammy.”
“Will it?” Oh, jeez. Danny hadn’t thought Sam would get so worried about all of this. Glancing around to make sure no one had noticed they were missing, Danny stepped forward to pull Sam into a tight hug. “I don’t want anything to happen to you. It takes work to find new friends, you know.”
“And we all know how much you hate putting effort in being social.” Danny laughed at the swat to his side even as Sam hugged him back. “I get it, Sammy. Just… trust me, okay?”
“You sure? You tend to get a bit stupid around the people you like.” Yeah, well, that was true, but there were limits when it came to being a little bit stupid. “It looks like you’re really starting to like her, Danny.”
“It’ll be fine.” The ghosts weren’t that much of a threat, Danny was getting more control over his powers, and Valerie didn’t seem to hate ghosts as much as she used to. It wasn’t perfect, but things would be okay.
He was an idiot. Danny was an idiot. Trust me, he had said. It’ll be okay, he had said. He had told Sam, and then eventually Tucker, that things were fine, that he and Valerie were okay, and this was fine. It had been going great, and then Danny had forgotten that he was the half-ghost little freak that wasn’t allowed to have life be good to him.
It hadn’t even been a week before everything had gone to shit. Now Danny could only stare at his hands as he panted harshly through the stale air of his bedroom and tried to figure out where it had all gone so wrong. It had been going so well in the beginning.
He and Valerie had been getting closer and spending more time together and Danny had started to believe that something was really there for them. He had overheard her that one day and Valerie had been willing to give up ghost hunting for him, and then fucking Technus had come in and ruined everything-
No… No, Technus hadn’t ruined things. He had just been the one to show Danny how wrong he was about all of it. It was one of the tougher fights he had been in lately, and they had all ended up fighting in space. He didn’t even have a chance to enjoy it because he had been trying to destroy that stupid satellite that could have ruined so much, and he ended up fighting both of them and he had almost-
He had hurt her. He had hurt her. He hadn’t even thought about it, before, but just how much power did he have? Was he supposed to be this powerful? None of the other ghosts were ever really a huge threat to him anymore, so just how much of a threat was he?
Ha, well, he already knew the answer to that one, didn’t he? He had seen how much of a threat he could become. Just because he was no longer going to become destroy-the-world evil didn’t mean he still wouldn’t have the power Dan did. Fuck, he had power now that Dan didn’t have until years later. He had defeated Dan when no one else in the world could. That… What did that mean for him?
“Danny?” Quiet knocking on the door startled him out of his thoughts, Danny swallowing as he heard Jazz’s soft voice. “You in there? Sam and Tucker texted me. They thought that maybe you would want to talk?”
Unable to even think of anything he could say, Danny instead wrapped his arms around himself. For as much as he loved his sister, she couldn’t help with something like this. God, and the only ‘ghost therapist’ was fucking Spectra. No doubt she’d get a kick out of all of this when they next met.
The freak who couldn’t control his powers. The little weird child who didn’t know where he belonged. Collapsing back onto his bed, Danny stared up at the glow-in-the-dark stars that barely glowed anymore, the edges becoming blurred and undefined in the darkness of his room as the sun really began to set.
“Stupid.” He finally got up into space and he didn’t even get to enjoy it. There was a peaceful quiet in his room that lasted for a wonderful thirty seconds.
“Danny? Are you even in there?” Throwing his hands over his face, Danny stared at the backs of his eyelids for what felt like an eternity before he was triggering his transformation into his ghost half. “Danny! I know I just heard you change! I can see the light coming out from under your door, young man!”
Just as the door began to open, Danny triggered his intangibility, falling through the floors and ceilings until he was in the basement. The lights were off since his parents weren’t there at the moment, but that just meant it was lit up only by the active ghost portal which… was sort of amazing.
Setting his fingertips against the energy, Danny frowned as he almost felt like he was being pulled towards the portal. “I’m not that much of a ghost.” Great. He was talking to thin air. Again. “Might be more of one than I thought, though.”
Pressing both palms up against whatever the Ghost Zone was really made of, Danny breathed out slowly as he glanced upstairs at the sound of Jazz’s heavy footfalls. He just… He’d talk to her later, but right now he needed someone who wouldn’t have an opinion about all of this.
“Doors are always open, huh?” It hadn’t been too long since he had last been there, but… Maybe Ghostwriter wouldn’t mind a friendly chat?
It was better than thinking about how he’d always grow up to be Dan, in some way. He didn’t want to think about that.
No. Right now a chat with a ghost who didn’t hate him sounded perfect.
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