makos-hotbox · 2 years
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`⌁ ◜ 𝐰𝐞’𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐰𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬. ◞
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You already had scary dog privileges before with your actual dog. But after you got into a relationship with both Ghost and König, two more scary dogs were added.
When Ghost first met Shadow, you were a bit nervous on how both of them would react. You were worried that Ghost’s mask would spook the dog, but thankfully, it wasn’t that bad. The two of them were able to get used to each other really quickly.
But when it came to König, they got along immediately. He loves animals and it made him super excited when your dog took a liking to him. König loves to spoil him when he comes to your room and sees Shadow laying around. The two of them are adorable when they play around.
Sometimes the two of them stop by the K9 area to watch the two of you train. Watching from afar as you run Shadow through his different commands or test him on his searching skills. Usually, they wait for you to finish so they can walk with you next. Taking you to wherever you’re going next or just going on a stroll.
When you take Shadow out to go play, König and Ghost love to tag along. König will run around with the dog like crazy, it’s hilarious watching that 6’10 man sprint from that dog. Ghost prefers to stay back with you and just throw Shadow’s toys around for him instead.
Now back to some other normal relationship hcs-
König loves to cook for you and Ghost. Ghost isn’t really allowed to cook that much, since he usually burns the food accidentally. So König likes to take up that job when you guys are home. His favorite thing to make is breakfast for you in the mornings, breakfast in bed is a must for him.
The three of you have movie nights on the couch every time you guys are off. Ghost usually takes care of the snacks, running to the store for anything you and König would want. While you and König take care of picking the movies and grabbing blankets and pillows to get you all comfortable.
The three of you will lay piled up on the couch all night, König and Ghost on either side of you. You will switch from leaning against König’s chest and resting your legs over Ghost’s lap, and vice versa.
More than half of the time, you all fall asleep there and wake up aching in the morning form being crunched up on a tiny couch. Ghost laying with his head on your stomach with his arms wrapped tight around you. As you used König as a mattress, the German man was still sleeping soundly without issue.
If needed, König and Ghost will babysit Shadow for you. Even if they get a bit nervous that they will mess up somehow. König gets worried that he isn't feeding him enough and Ghost sometimes thinks Shadow suddenly hates him. You have to just explain that Shadow gets upset when you leave, he doesn’t want to be left with his parent’s boyfriends! He wants to be with his parent!
Ghost loves to spend quality time with you and König. Sitting with you as you binge watch tv or interest yourself in your hobbies. He doesn't mind sitting and doing nothing, as long as he's with you. Will love to have small conversations with you about the simplest of things.
If he's hanging out with König, the two of them will probably work out or even train together. You can join them too if you would like, but that’s what they're doing 75% of the time. If they're not doing that, they're probably playing some sort of video game on the couch together. Cursing under their breaths as they get frustrated and shit talking about other players with each other.
Every once in a while, you and König will have random bursts of idiocy with each other. Becoming absolute dorks and annoying the shit out of Ghost is your favorite pastime with him. Filled with giggles and jokes as Ghost curses the both of you as he tries to shove both of you in bed to sleep. He has to admit he sometimes feels like a mother when he has to care for the both of you.
König and Ghost love to spoil you and almost can never say no to your wants. Easily being able to convince the both of them to do little favors or go with you somewhere. Ghost is usually the one to go with you places.König doesn't like to go because of his anxiety so the Brit does it instead. Accompanying you to the store or the drive through of a restaurant. König however makes up for it by buying you gifts or things he notices you want. If the three of you are at the store and he catches you eyeing something, he will buy it. Either secretly or right in front of you, ignoring you tell him that he doesn’t have to.
Overall, being in a relationship with these two is very stable and protected. They're not too much for you and always love to put you first. They don’t want to see you upset or hurt so they try and make it the best for you. Showering you with love and tons of quality time with each other when you all can.
The sun had set long ago, Ghost and König still waiting for you to get home. You had recently just come home from a mission, Shadow and you had been doing some heavy work raiding a house filled with narcotics. Your boyfriends were sitting at home hoping you would come back safe. The two large military men sat in front of the tv on the couch, gaming controllers in hand. They were enjoying themselves and their games, completely engrossed in the tv to distract themselves as they waited.
König cursed under his breath as he missed a shot, causing him to get killed. Ghost immediately got revenge and killed that person for König, cursing him out as well, just louder. Once the game had ended, König leaned back and checked the time on his phone, realizing how late it was getting. “When did Y/n say they would be back again?”
“No idea but it should be soon, it couldn't have been that long since they got released.” Ghost replied, starting up a new game, single player since König was taking a break. The German man stayed silent as he awaited your arrival, he missed you a shit ton and honestly just wanted to have you in his arms again. As Ghost leaned forward to start the new round, the front door swung open a black blur sprinting into the living room.
Before he could react, Ghost was tackled by the blur. A surprised yell coming from him, fighting off the attack enough to realize that it wasn’t a monstrous blur, it was Shadow, your K9. “Shadow! You son of a- down!” Ghost yelled over his own laughs, pushing the large dog off of him. König was laughing as well, but he managed to escape in time to go and find you by the door. Placing your bag down, you spotted your tall boyfriend and threw yourself into his arms. König squeezing you in a tight hug, placing a quick kiss on your head as well. “Welcome home mein Schatz…” He smiled, leading you into the living room where Ghost was barely beginning to get Shadow to calm down.
Seeing König, the dog immediately bolted to him next. The man greeted the excited animal eagerly, crouching onto the floor to rub Shadow’s belly. Now that he was free, Ghost got up from the couch to welcome you home finally. Pulling you into a strong hug, he buried his face into your shoulder. Ghost didn’t want to let go, he missed you too much. But you still had to unpack and you really wanted to shower so you tried to pry yourself away.
“Awh come on.. I missed you.” Ghost grumbled, but paused as you leaned in to give him a kiss. Causing Shadow to start barking at the man, sending all three of you into laughter. “After all this time I have been with you two and he still gets jealous when I kiss you guys?”
Ghost sighed and let you go as you babied your dog, “I think he just secretly hates me. I knew he didn't like me from the beginning.” He scoffed and squared up with Shadow again as he suddenly barked at Ghost. The two of them going at it again, Shadow sprinting through the house as he played with Ghost and König.
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» 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 … 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
| brief req. summary :: can I request Ghost and König (separate) headcanons with a s/o (she/they) who has really bad anger issues? Like they will jump over a table just to hit someone? |
/ — I’m so sorry that the original ask got deleted 😭😭 and honestly as a fellow anger issues haver; I loved writing this. I hope you enjoy! /
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.! 𝔥𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔰 !.
— “ If you're 555, I'm 666! “
— “ What's it like to be a heretic? “
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Ghost would be very aware of your anger before you even get in your relationship together. He noticed how it was hard for you to contain yourself when something irked you or someone pissed you off too much.
But that didn’t stop him from falling for you, so obviously, he doesn’t mind. Ghost doesn’t seem like someone who would purposely try and irritate his lover. He’s pretty laid back and relaxed imo, only teasing you or making snide comments if he knows you can handle it. Or not at all if you don’t want him too. Ghost is respectful on that
When you end up physically fighting someone, Ghost’s first reaction is to cheer you on. But since he has to be mature, he will quickly run in and separate you from the other person. Restraining you completely (and quite easily) until he’s sure you won’t attack again.
Shortly after, he will probably ask you what kind of damage you did and idk maybe even give you a few tricks.
It's not out of the norm to see ghost pick you up out of nowhere and take you away to somewhere else. As long as you’re not fighting anyone. He doesn’t want you getting into trouble.
If someone around you is being a dick, (ex. Another soldier) and you start to get upset, Ghost is quick to notice. After being around you for so long, he knows the signs of your irritation. And as soon as he sees you clench your fist, raise your voice, or stiff up; he will do one of two things.
Either A) he will step in and separate you and whatever the issue is. He doesn’t like seeing you upset and he definitely wouldn’t like for there to be trouble if you acted on your anger. Ghost will back up the other person, glaring at them through his mask and sizing up to them.
Once the problem is gone, Ghost will take you back to your room and help you calm down. Allowing for you to rant, thrash around and hit pillows, or to just lay down. Whatever you want, he would be there with you.
Or B) Ghost will push back on the problem even harder. Stepping between you and the person so he can take care of it himself. If the dickhead doesn’t shut their mouth, Ghost will do it himself. He doesn’t usually like to make it physical, but if he needs to, he will. He just doesn’t want you getting in any trouble, or, if things went south, hurt.
If you’re ever feeling upset about how you have trouble containing your anger, he’s there to comfort you. Ghost may not be able to go full therapist with you, but he can listen and hold you. You can rant and wallow in a spot of sadness for a bit, and Ghost will be there the whole time. Quietly reassuring you that it’s going to be okay. How your “issue” is nothing but another reason he loves you.
If Soap or any of his teammates are bothering you and trying to get you worked up, Ghost will probably take the violent route. Smacking them upside the head with a firm “knock it off.” They usually get the hint and leave you be. Over time they adapted to not purposely try and work you up. (Or accidentally)
Here it goes again… another annoying soldier who wants to buck up to you just because he’s insecure about his masculinity. The two of you were at the same shooting range and he started trying to one up you. Failing miserably, he got mad and tried to pick a fight.
“How the hell could a little girl like you be big bad military? You should quit soon darling, we don’t want you getting your pretty face injured.” ‘Montoya’ cocked his head to the side, faking worry for you. It was disgusting. You were just trying to clear your head at the range and now something else has taken that space.
Your chest began to feel heavy, growing ticked off. Mind flooding with ways to retaliate; punch him, yell at him, or walk away? So many options to choose from. In the back of your head you felt a bit guilty for wanting to resort to violence first. A silent reminder of the immediate mood switch.
Ghost had told you many times that you should try and walk away or speak rationally when you’re upset. More so that you don’t get in trouble for starting a fist fight. But, to hell with talking rationally. “Kiss my ass Montoya. I’ll whup your ass here, on the field, or anywhere else. You’re so worried about a girl being better than you that you don’t even notice your own dick shrinking.” You commented quickly, cleaning up your space so you could leave. Not having the energy to deal with something like this.
Montoya didn’t stop following as you started walking to your truck. “Oh really now? You can't even reach the top shelf, you could never amount to me. All that shit back there was pure fucking luck.” You loaded your stuff into the vehicle, clenching your fists as you tried to walk to the drivers side. Instead, Montoya stood in front of you and shoved you back.
That was all it took before you cocked your fist back quickly and popped him right in the jaw. Montoya stumbled back onto the ground with a groan. “Keep your fucking hands off me dickhead.” You grumbled, turning around at the sounds of running footsteps along the dirt.
“Woah! Woah! Woah! Holy shit, Y/n!” Soap sped past you to check on Montoya, whose nose was bleeding. Ghost stopped next to you, staring at your glaring expression. Grabbing your arm, he pulled you into a hug.
“Nice job, but how’re we gonna explain this one?” He whispered, Soap was still busy helping Montoya. You rolled your eyes and rested your head against Ghost’s chest. “We won’t, he fucking earned that one by shoving me.”
“Wait, he laid his hands on you?”
You nodded your head. Then without a word, Ghost opened the door of your truck and helped you in. “Wait here.” He closed the door and stomped over to Soap and Montoya.
All you could hear was a muffled, “Pick his ass up Johnny! It’s time for round two for putting his hands on Y/n!” And through the rear view mirror, you watched as Soap’s attitude changed, yanking Montoya up by his shirt. A smile spread across your face as Ghost swung his fist right onto the other side of Montoya’s jaw.
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Before your relationship with König, he was a bit scared of you. Seeing your outbursts and almost constant glare showed König that maybe it would be the best idea to not work you up.
Over time as you grew closer from team missions, König stopped being afraid of you. Learning about your temper and just you in general. He became used to your hot headed self and knew how to aid you out of your rage moments. And just like that, over time, König began to grow feelings for you.
König is not really someone who would try and irritate you purposely. Or even accidentally. He knows how to make good word and tone choices just to keep it safe. But he also just doesn’t like seeing you upset, especially if it’s his fault.
He is quick to apologize and make it up to you if he does end up setting you off. Feeling bad for the rest of the day, König will do anything for you. Running errands so you could relax, bringing you food, and doing whatever you ask.
If someone is messing with you, König takes full advantage of his size. Stalking up to that person, looking like a complete demon. Threatening eyes staring down at the idiot that dared mess with König’s beloved.
There’s been very few times König had to get physical with someone to leave you be. Usually his large frame is enough to scare anyone off. But when he had to use his fists, it ended with broken noses and tons of bruises.
When König witnesses you getting violent with someone, he doesn’t really do anything to stop it. Maybe he will wait a few moments to step in, but he usually doesn’t. In his opinion, if whatever that person said was enough to make you swing? They deserve it.
Whenever the fight is finally broken up though, König takes you back to his room to check for any bad wounds and let you rant it all out. The night will usually end with the two of you cuddled together playing some sort of game.
If you’re up for it, König will take you to a rage room with him. Giving you an opportunity to let out any bottled up frustrations left. He will happily cheer you on as you demolish an old tv or computer. Expect a nice meal and nap later :)
Storming down the hallway, music blared loudly into your ears. Trying to contain your irritated thoughts about how training went today. Price took you and some of the team members to go train. And you were apparently not on your game today as you missed shots and stumbled around like a drunk idiot during combat training.
It was embarrassing on its own, you’ve never been that sloppy before! Soap and Gaz were constantly reassuring you that it was okay after very loud profanities were yelled. But it didn’t stop there, as you were all leaving to go work on other stuff, you overheard some snide comments coming from a group of soldiers.
They were all about you, seeing as “L/n” was whispered countless times. The group mostly commented about how terrible you were at literally everything. Not only training, but apparently bringing up old mistakes you’ve made while on missions or during important meetings.
“Ultimate shite.” Soap mumbled under his breath, he glared at the other group. After that he had pushed you along to leave before anything could go wrong. In the truck, you were allowed to think about and boil your anger even more.
Leading you to now, bursting into König’s room loudly. He was playing a game on his bed and jumped up at the sudden intrusion. König immediately noticed your upset expression and all his focus was now on you. “Woah- what’s wrong Liebling?” He hopped off his bed and came to your side.
You stood tense for a moment, eventually just leaning onto the tall frame of your boyfriend instead. A long and exaggerated sigh left your lips followed by a loud groan. König’s hands rubbed up and down your back slowly. Trying to give you some sort of comfort, he nudged you.
“Let’s go lay down, and once you’ve relaxed, you can tell me all about it. But I want you to feel better first.” König led you to his bed and allowed you to silently settle yourself on it and get comfortable. The German laid next to you so you could lay on his chest as he held you close to him. Whispering loving compliments and phrases to you in German, König knew exactly what he was doing.
He was practically bringing you back to earth with all of the affection, reminding you that there’s someone who loves you and all your flaws. It felt amazing, and you eventually became completely cooled off in König’s arms. Realizing this, he kissed your forehead. “Would you like to talk about it?”
“Don’t even get me fucking started.”
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
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.! 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔢 !.
— “ It's quite deceiving, “
— “ As I'm feeling the flesh make me bad! “
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The pounding in your ears finally started to go away as your heart calmed down. Waking up from yet another nightmare tonight. It had only been an hour since you last fell asleep! Tossing and turning in your blankets for a few more minutes, you finally decided to get up.
All of your water was gone, so you decided it was best to head to the kitchen. Maybe grab a snack too, as long as you weren’t in your bed. Some fresh air would be nice. You put on your slippers and made sure you were at least decent, then left your room.
Thankfully the kitchen isn’t too far away from your room. Walking over to the fridge, you grabbed a new bottle of water and began looking for a snack.
While you were snooping in the cabinets for food, a loud thud was heard, scaring the shit out of you. Turning around at lightning speed your eyes landed on König. He was sitting on the floor, frozen in fear as he stared back at you. It’s not like the two of you were strangers. But you weren’t close either, you have only known König for a few weeks since you joined the team. “I.. uh! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you.”
König apologized profusely, regathering himself and getting off the floor. Springing back up to tower over you, still sputtering apologies. “I was just, um, coming in here to get a snack. And then I… slipped.” The German man hung his head in embarrassment as you began to giggle quietly.
You placed a reassuring hand on his arm. “It’s okay, König. I'm not upset or anything, you just startled me.” A small smile formed on your lips as you watched him physically relax.
“That’s good… I’m still sorry though.” You giggled and rolled your eyes, turning back to the cabinet you were searching in before. Grabbing two small packets of cookies, you handed one to König. He thanked you, but asked something else. “Why are you up this late?”
You knew he would probably ask that at some point. Looking away from him you stayed silent for a few moments. “Um… It's a bit embarrassing but I was having nightmares..” You waited for him to laugh at you, or comment how it was childish. But he didn’t. Instead, König took a step forward, and hugged you. Right then and there, you felt safe.
It was comfortable being wrapped in his arms and you wouldn’t have minded staying there forever. “It shouldn’t be embarrassing, it’s normal. I had one too.” König spoke up through the silence. Your eyes widened, but you didn’t pull away from the hug.
“Really? Are you okay though?” You asked. König straightened up, but kept you cuddled up to him. He nodded his head, eyes squinting behind the black veil from his smile. “I’m perfectly fine, it wasn’t too bad. That’s why I came to get a snack.”
You nodded your head and finished off your cookies. “I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to go back to sleep.” You laughed nervously, trying to not worry that you’ve only gotten a couple hours of sleep just because of some stupid nightmare.
“Would you prefer some company?” König asked, it caught you a bit off guard.
König nodded, throwing the wrapper of his snack away. “Of course, I can comfort you until you fall back asleep. Maybe it’ll help with the nightmares.” You took a moment to think it over. It would be nice… and you did like having König around. He also seemed genuine in trying to help you.
Nodding your head, you accepted the offer. “Okay. That sounds good. Thank you König.” You flashed him a smile and the two of you started heading back to your room.
When you got there, you invited König in and immediately went to fix your messy bed. “Where would you like me to sit?” König spoke up, standing awkwardly in the center of the room. Shit. You didn’t think it would be a nice idea to just make König sit on the chair by your desk or literally anywhere else.
It’s late and König was probably just as tired as you were. You didn’t mind, so you brought up an offer. “You can lay down on my bed if you want. I’m pretty sure it’s big enough for the both of us.” König’s eyes widened slightly, but he nodded his head.
You laid down first, scooting over and patting the spot next to you for the German to sit. König came over and laid next to you. The bed was just barely big enough for the two of you. Pressed side to side with each other, you both moved to get comfortable. You turned over on your side, facing away from König.
“König I’m not gonna bite if you touch me.” A small laugh left your lips, König’s tense body paused before finally relaxing. But you could feel a strong arm wrap around your abdomen, pulling you closer into the man behind you. König was warm, it was nice.
You could already feel the drowsiness creep up as the two of you snuggled with each other. No words were shared as you both got comfortable. Both of you knew the physical touch was much needed. There isn’t much of it in your line of work, and definitely none if you have a nightmare. But here you were, comforting each other.
Noticing you’ve finally fallen asleep, König let out a deep sigh. He’s liked you for a while, admiring all of your work on the field and laughing at the crazy shit you do with Soap. He doesn’t think he has any chance with you, but honestly, he would take this over nothing. Taking off his veil finally, he set it on the bedside table. Getting comfortable once again, König fell asleep shortly after.
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
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`⌁ ◜ 𝐢’𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠! ◞
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Ghost honestly would have never thought he would end up with a stoner. But here he was, helping you pack bowls and roll j’s :]
He’s only ever smoked weed or anything once or twice but that was it, he hated the feeling of hacking up a lung.
If he ever decides to partake in getting high with you though, he will interest himself in some edibles, that’s the only way he will do it.
He also secretly likes to “trip sit” you while you’re doing your thing. Making sure you don’t do anything stupid and that you take care of yourself. Bringing you water and snacks for when you get hungry. He may grumble like he’s doing it at gunpoint but he cares. Especially if you’re enjoying yourself on another planet.
Will make sure to knock you out of your zoning out moments every little bit. Worrying that you won’t hear what he’s about to say or that you’ve blanked completely.
Once you start to wind down, he’ll hold you with him and watch some movies. Allowing for you to fall asleep into a new state of mind once again.
Simon was in the kitchen, hunting for some snacks to give you. At least, the ones that you had a specific craving for and would eat. Something sweet this time, but not crunchy. Specific, but that’s what he needed, he didn’t want to bring you something you won’t be satisfied eating.
Meanwhile in the living room, you were slumped on the couch, a final puff of smoke leaving your mouth. Staring at the colorful painting on the wall as you zoned out, originally focused on not coughing but now you were completely relaxed.
Your mind was calm as you listened to the music coming from your phone in your lap. A few minutes later, Simon came back with two brownies in one hand, and a cup of juice in the other. Setting them down on the coffee table in front of you, “I hope this works. Was originally gonna bring you ice cream, and we don’t have any. So, brownie it… y/n?”
He noticed that you were spacing out and it seemed like you weren’t listening at all. Sitting next to you on the couch, he nudged your arm gently. Knocking you out of your trance and you now paid full attention. “Sorry?”
Simon chuckled at your behavior, it wasn’t much but it was cute in his eyes. “Nothing, here, eat up pothead.” He unwrapped one of the brownies and shoved it towards you.
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Hc that könig smokes to help with his anxiety. Not daily or anything of course especially if he’s at work. But when he’s home or had a particularly rough day, he’ll load a bowl right next to you.
Both of you will usually chill together, König likes to cuddle when he’s stoned asf so expect lots of those. High naps are the best with him and they are a must.
If he’s not smoking with you because he can’t, he will still hang out and take care of you. Doing almost everything for you so that you don’t have to get up and do it yourself. He thinks you should be able to completely relax without anything to bother you.
If you’re zoning out, he lets it happen. Only for a small amount of time though so you can at least keep a toe on planet earth. If you need him to keep you busy, König will gladly start chattering away about something. His anxiety immediately goes away when he’s with you anyways.
You passed the bong over to könig, bracing yourself to cough up your soul as the burn in your throat got worse. König set the bong down on the table to comfort you, he wasn’t smoking tonight but he sure as hell wasn’t going to leg you suffer.
When you finally coughed up a large cloud of smoke, more coughs followed. König pat your back, hoping it’ll help in some way. He grabbed the water bottle sitting in front of you as well, handing it to you to take a drink. He calmly aided you through the coughing fit with success as you began to calm down.
Wiping the tears of pain off of your eyes, you slumped back against König’s chest. Relaxation is now taking over your mind. “All done?” You heard him mumble from above you. Nodding your head slowly as you began to space out, König packed up the weed and bong, cleaning up the table.
He tried to shuffle you off of him so he could go get some more water and a snack for you, but he earned a grumble from you. “No not yet… you’re really warm. And really comfy…”
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now if it were both ghost and könig in a relationship with you, they would surprisingly remain the same. With only a few changes.
Ghost would probably be sober most of the time, babysitting you and könig. Whenever you two get high together, it always seems like Ghost has to remain on his toes.
If the house is empty of snacks, you and könig team up to convince Ghost to take y’all to the store. Even the gas station who cares, you two were hungry.
If Ghost needs you two to sit still while he does something important, he just turns on a movie and throws you on top of könig. Usually you two will immediately get attached and not want to let go of each other.
Sometimes soap ends up coming over too to visit, and Ghost’s double trouble ends up into a triple tornado. Loudest. House. Ever.
“I don't know… he might say no because it’s getting late.” Your hushed whispers reach König’s ears as you two watch the animated movie in front of you. König was laying on his back across the couch and you were laying on top of him, head resting on his chest.
“Yeah but we’re hungryyyy… Simon couldn’t turn that down. It wouldn’t hurt to ask.” He whined, stomach grumbling. Munchies had hit him like a train and there were no snacks. Simon was in the shower, and he was about to be interrupted.
Finally deciding that you’ve both had enough, you and König raced up the stairs and bursted into the bathroom. A surprised yell coming from Simon who had just gotten out of the shower and only had a towel wrapped around his waist.
“Can you take us to the store please?” You two both pleaded at the same time, hands clamped together as you begged. Simon glaring at the two of you with a confused expression. He looked at his phone and checked the time.
“It’s 10:30… at night.” He signed realizing that wasn’t going to change your minds. “If I’m in the car before you, you’re not going. Let’s go.”
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» 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 … 𝐜𝐲𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
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.! 𝔱𝔬𝔬 𝔡𝔞𝔪𝔫 𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔢 !.
— “ Dig through the ditches and burn through the witches, “
— “ I slam in the back of my Dragula! “
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It was late at night, snow slowly falling from above as you all sat on the porch of your house. Everyone had decided to come over for a few days before you would all be deployed again. You sat on the upper step, Soap to your right as well. He was coughing up a lung from his recent hit of smoke. Rodolfo was on the lower step, staring up at Soap with an annoyed expression.
Behind you, Ghost and Alejandro took up the only chairs set out on the porch. Alejandro had left the session quickly, and Ghost didn’t want to join in the first place. It was a peaceful night for you all.
Alejandro and you had made dinner for everyone, where no scraps were left behind. Then you all watched a bunch of new movies that had come out while having a few drinks. Then Soap had brought up the amazing idea to roll up a joint for you all, in which everyone agreed. Minus Ghost who said he would rather babysit, since you and Soap are known to get rowdy with each other.
“Soap enough with the coughing, you’re wasting smoke.” You whisper-lectured the man, wacking his arm and yanking the joint out of his hands. He could only laugh as he bent over to continue coughing. Taking a few more puffs of smoke, you then passed the joint to Rodolfo to finish off.
The five of you sat in silence for a few minutes, music playing from the speaker next to Alejandro. You shuffled from sitting on the step to sitting by Ghost, leaning your back against his legs. Soap and Rudy began to try and bicker with each other out of nowhere. Something about how loud Soap’s phone was when he watched videos.
Shaking your head, you stood up from your spot on the ground. Ghost watching your every move through his mask. He stiffed up slightly when you decided to move behind him and wrap your arms around his shoulders.
Everyone on the team knew you two were together, it was really no secret. Ghost was still a bit weary about the public affection though. He wasn't used to getting all cuddly and lovey dovey in front of his friends, but he usually relaxed just as quickly as he became uncomfortable. Ghost also knows how clingy and flirty you get when you’re high. While he would prefer for it to be in private, he didn’t have the heart to tell you to bat off… yet.
Ghost noticed you push your face closer towards him. “You are so fucking warm…” you hummed, the cold weather was bothering you and your boyfriend was the perfect heater. He rolled his eyes and continued his conversation with Alejandro about who knows what. You didn’t care, you were focused on him.
Soap and Rudy jumped up from the steps of the porch and sprinted onto the lawn. Rudy chased after the Scottsman, tackling him onto the ground with a loud thud. With a loud sigh, Alejandro stood up like a tired mother and walked over to the scene, trying to break it up. You and Ghost stayed behind since you didn’t bother to move. “Your shoulders are so big…” You whispered into Ghost’s ear, squeezing his shoulders lightly to fuck with him.
He gave you a blank side-eye at that comment, causing you to laugh. You knew he hated it when you teased him, and you loved to do it. “And you’re so handsome, you look badass in your mask Simon.” You dragged on with your corny comments, Ghost completely uninterested in them.
Alejandro was still trying to detach the baked Rodolfo and Soap from each other, but now Ghost had to detach you from him. Comment after comment, Ghost couldn’t tell if he should be flustered or annoyed, but it was driving him insane. You pressed yourself up close to his side with a cheeky grin. Before you could make yet another comment, Ghost groaned loudly. “Fucking hell Y/n!” He threw his head back annoyed, but under his mask a smile was creeping up on his lips.
Ghost stood up from the chair quickly, your hand falling off of his shoulders. He was escaping and you couldn't catch him as he went to assist Alejandro instead. Laughter leaving your lips as you fell to your knees on the edge of the porch, dramatically reaching your arm out for the soldier. “No! Come back to me baby, I’m sorry! You’re just too damn fine!” You begged over your laughter. Being ignored by Ghost as he tugged the back of Soap’s shirt.
The Scottsman was yelling loudly, trying to escape Ghost’s grasp. “Yeah! Listen to Y/n! Go back to your lover and let me rip this man apart! He called my cat ugly!”
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
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.! 𝔪𝔦𝔤𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔢 !.
— “ Get this 'cause you're never gonna get me! “
— “ I am the very disease you pretend to be! “
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He had barely seen you all day. Odd, since you were usually out and about. Helping rookie soldiers or hanging out with anyone from the team. But hell, Ghost had been in the area all day and he’s seen you twice!
The first time was when you were refilling your water. Ghost saw you, but was so caught up in other stuff he didn’t get a chance to talk to you. The second time was on your way into the bathroom with your towel and bath stuff. Another missed chance of seeing you.
Concern began to bubble up even more when Soap started pestering the Lieutenant about where you were. “I haven’t seen ‘em all day. They okay?” Soap asked, sitting in the seat next to Ghost as everyone else on the team ate their lunch at the table.
Ghost shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know. But, now that I have time, I’m gonna go check.” Grabbing the rest of his food to take to you as well as a drink, Ghost stood up from his seat and pat Soap’s shoulder, waving to everyone before he left to go find you.
It wasn’t a very long walk to your room, thankfully. Ghost knocked on your door, waiting patiently to see if your answer or he would have to break in. He heard a muffled groan of annoyance on the other side, your tired face greeting him once you opened the door. “Hello, love.”
Your hair was messy, bags under your eyes, and you just looked exhausted in general. Your brows unfurrowed at the sight of Ghost in front of you. Annoyed attitude quickly shifting back to one of pure exhaustion. “Hey, Simon. Come in.” You mumbled, holding the door open for your boyfriend.
Ghost followed into your room, setting the food down on your desk. “You doing okay? No one has seen you all day. I wanted to come check. Something wrong?” He watched as you trudged back over to your bed, moving the blankets and getting comfortable once again.
Your lights were off, allowing for the entire room to be dark. Ghost could only seem it was on purpose so he didn’t bother to change it. “Just a migraine is all. A really, really, painful migraine…” you muttered, bringing the blankets over your head to try and ease it some.
You’ve tried water, painkillers, food, everything. Nothing was making the migraines go away and you swear this was the beginning of insanity for you. A particularly harsh rush of pain pounded some more, a whimper of pain leaving your lips. It hurt so much.
Ghost didn’t say anything. Taking off his shoes and mask before joining you in your bed. He didn’t remove the blankets from your figure, but still wrapped an arm around you and tugged you closer. Ghost felt one of your hands grip his shirt tightly, trying to distract yourself from anymore pain.
Oh, how Ghost now wishes to have all the healing powers of the universe just to take away your migraine. To take away all the pain that you experience. Ghost already hates seeing you in pain, even worse when he can’t do anything about it.
He kept from asking anymore questions. Especially anything along the lines of “have you tried…” He knew you already did. You wouldn’t sit here all day with a migraine without doing anything to try and help it. It was a lost cause and at this point it would be a waiting game until it leaves.
“I’ve had this stupid migraine since four in the morning. I’m so tired. I’ve just been trying to sleep and it won’t go away.” You broke the silence, a slight quiver in your voice as you rambled on about your frustrations. “I’ve drank water, taken meds. Fuck I’ve done every herbal remedy in the book. It just hurts so fucking bad.”
Ghost heard a sniffle come from you under the blanket. “I’m sorry to hear that, love. And I’m sorry that there isn’t much I can do…” he sighed.
“It’s okay. Just… stay with me please?” You rolled over under the covers so you could press your forehead against his chest. Curled up and snug against your boyfriend as he comforted you.
Ghost hummed, “of course. I don’t plan on leaving until you feel better.” Growing a bit too hot under the blankets, you slowly peaked your head out. Looking up at Ghost with teary eyes, he leaned down to place a quick kiss to your head. Bringing a hand up to tuck your head back into his chest.
Listening to his heartbeat, you tried to distract yourself from the pain. Both of Ghost’s hands eventually found their way into your hair. His fingers slowly began massaging your scalp. Moving from your hairline, to your temples, and all around. It felt… good? Ghost’s fingers left a trail of relaxation across your scalp. Every spot he massaged felt like it physically cooled off. It wasn’t getting rid of your headache completely by any means. But it sure as hell felt good enough to calm you down.
The two of you laid with each other in silence for the next few minutes. Ghost never stopped his slow massaging of your scalp after he did once and earned a grumble from you. Finally, your mind felt a little bit of peace for the first time all day and your heart felt full and warm after being accompanied by your boyfriend. But eventually, exhaustion caught up with your body and you felt your eyelids become heavy.
You snuggled impossibly closer to Ghost, getting comfortable as possible. “Thank you, Si… I love you so much.” you whispered to him.
“I love you too, Y/n. Get some sleep, love.” Ghost responded, playing with your hair with one hand, massaging your scalp with the other. It was all too much comfort and relaxation, and you finally fell asleep. Curled up in the warm embrace of your lover, who fell asleep not much longer after you.
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» surfacing … slipknot
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
| — I finally got this done and ready for you all. I know it’s a bit late since Christmas was days ago but here it is! Happy holidays! |
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.! 𝔞 𝔤𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔫 𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔰 !.
— “ We can go to the park, after dark. “
— “ Smoke that tumbleweed! “
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The beautiful white snow fell from the sky slowly, the sun was setting now as it was nearing the end of the afternoon. Turning evening, you waited for all of your friends to finally come over. Price had thought it would be a neat idea to be together for the holidays, and you offered up your house for the team of huge rowdy men. And of course Laswell and her wife.
You leaned against the railing of your porch, watching as your dogs wrestled in the snow. Obviously overjoyed with the weather, unlike you, who was shivering even under several jackets. After a few more moments of silence, two cars pulled up.
In Price’s truck, Soap, Ghost, and Gaz tumbled out of the back. Being cramped there for so long, Soap immediately sat on the ground to stretch his legs. König and Price leaving the driver and passenger sides, the German soldier waving excitedly at you. In his other arm was a container of cookies. And you knew exactly what kind they were. After all, how else would everyone stay on another planet without going outside for another smoke every few hours?
In the other car, Laswell and her wife stepped out. With Alejandro and Rodolfo in the back, their car seemed the most calm and tolerable. Seeing as they weren’t still bicker with one another and actually came over to greet you. Laswell brought you into a hug, introducing you to her wife. “This is Ana, my wife.”
“It’s so nice to finally meet you!” You shook Ana’s hand, she smiled. “Laswell has told me so much about you. My home is yours.” Stepping aside, you held open the front door. Allowing for the two of them to head inside, hearing Laswell mention something about ‘lecturing the others’.
Before the rest of the men could head inside as well, you slammed the door shut. Soap falling to his knees dramatically on the porch. “What! Let us in Y/n, it’s freezing!” He whined, and just by looking at him, you knew he’s stolen a cookie from König already.
“No! For one, you’ve covered yourself in snow. And two, i don’t think Laswell would approve of us smoking inside around her wife.” Just like that, Soap sat up and threw himself onto a chair that was set up for this specific reason.
“Of course you would behave after hearing you’ll be rewarded with weed…” Ghost mumbled, sitting next to the Scot in another chair. Everyone shared some laughter with each other as you got to work grinding up the weed.
Alejandro didn’t feel like making you do all the work, so he helped. Whenever it came to big sessions like this with the team, two bongs were always needed. Alejandro was the one who cleaned them out, filled with clean water, and fixed the bowls. Taking whatever was finally grinded and adding it into the bowl, once it was full, he took a lighter and handed both objects to Gaz. The man immediately started up, ripping a huge hit.
With the other, you went and sat down with Alejandro finally. The two of you joining Rodolfo on the slightly worn out porch couch. Soap was chatting König’s ears off about a new game that had just come out. While Price and Ghost watched the dogs continue to run around. Even calling them over to pet them.
“So Y/n, what do you have planned for us tonight?” Rodolfo asked, taking the bong from your hands to have his own hit.
“Uh, I have no clue. Other than opening presents and eating. It’s just whatever goes.” You shrugged your shoulders, turning to the side to pat Alejandro’s back since he was coughing his soul up.
A few minutes passed by, bongs being passed around and a few coughing fits here and there. Everyone was relatively buzzed or completely faded (Soap and Gaz). It was a peaceful night and it was starting off strong. The sun officially setting threw everyone into a loop. Whether it was sappy or flat out loud.
“You try sitting in the backseat of a truck between two other guys, Rudy! You don’t understand my pain.” Soap crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair with hooded eyes and a pout. He was complaining about how bad his legs had ached when he left the vehicle. Rudy had called him a pussy as a joke and now Soap was at full volume.
Price shoved the bong away as he took his last hit, glaring at Soap. “I don’t wanna hear it kid. Aren’t you the one who lost against König here?” He pointed a thumb to the side towards König, who was sitting on the ground with the purple bong in his lap.
Realizing what they were talking about, König stopped mid rip. “Price is right! You lost the rock-paper-scissors battle, stop being a sore loser.” He commented, a slight sassiness in his voice as he lit the bowl of weed for himself.
Soap’s jaw dropped, suddenly going silent from defeat. Earning laughs from everyone else who found the scene entertaining. Finally, you and Alejandro both finished off the remaining herbs in both of the bongs. After a few moments of preparation, you all stood up to go inside.
Well you at least tried to. Price, Ghost, and Rudy all got up with ease, ready to head inside already. Alejandro, you, and Gaz were able to stand, with only a bit of struggle. Either wobbling side to side or losing strength in their legs immediately.
The other two were not as successful. Soap thought he stood up, until you all had to tell him to hurry. From there, he was standing and even able to walk through the front door before tripping over air and stumbling into the house. No one really concerned about the loud thump other than Gaz and Rudy. The rest of you watched König try to stand up from the ground. The tall man struggled to get his long legs in working order, and once he did, two dogs bolted past him. Knocking him down, forcing him to try again.
It hasn’t even been ten minutes since you’ve all finished, and it was already the start of the giggles. Alejandro and you braced against each other as you cracked up. Price and Ghost trying to hold their composure but failing. And everyone else scattered on the floor outside or inside. Laswell and her wife were sitting on the couch inside, sadly witnessing the whole thing.
Finally, you all managed your way inside. Half of the team beelined to the kitchen in search of food, including yourself. You had made sure to make tons of it before they came over, so it was still hot and fresh. Soap and Rudy were the first to grab their plates and scramble to pile on the most food as possible. Ghost and Alejandro followed with you, and everyone else slowly came in as well.
“Rudy let go mate. Or this isn’t going to end well for you.” Soap’s threatening comment caused everyone to turn their heads. He and Rudy were both holding onto a big chicken leg, the two of them having a mini tug-of-war with it. Rodolfo was staring at the Scot blankly, with no sign of letting up on the food or even negotiating. Soap could only glare back, the two of them were about to brawl over a damn chicken leg.
“Soap, you already have two other chicken legs on your plate, let Rudy have that one.” Price spoke up over the tension in the room. Soap gasped, whipping his head around with an offended look on his face.
“Why should I? I grabbed it first!” He complained, throwing his hands up, letting go of the chicken as well. Rudy quickly stole the chicken leg, took a bite out of it, put it on his plate and walked away to go sit down. To not stir up the pouty Soap anymore, everyone stifled their laughter. Covering their mouths and turning away. Alejandro was just about in tears next to Ghost.
It took Soap another fifteen seconds before he realized what happened. His only reaction was a loud groan-ish scream, before trudging away to go sit down as well.
Once everyone all got their food, you all sat down at the large dinner table you had set up. It was a comfortable silence as everyone ate. Too busy devouring their own food to talk, other than Laswell, Ana, and Price; who were off having their own conversation over the sounds of grown men chewing like horses.
It’s midnight now, the clock had turned and it was officially Christmas. Everyone except for Alejandro and König sat on the couches, they sat right by the Christmas tree. Alejandro leaned against the armrest of your side of the couch, trying to get all the team members to be quiet enough to start opening the gifts they got for each other.
Soap was yapping at Ghost, who had apparently stole his spot on the couch next to you. The Scot’s accent was thicker once again, seeing as he joined you and Rudy for a round two with the bong so he was back in the clouds again. Ghost was silent as he got lectured, staring off into space with red eyes still.
“Soap! Por favor, amigo. Find a new seat y cállate!” Alejandro begged, pointing Soap to an empty spot next to Price, who was smugly patting the seat next to him. Soap looked at you, begging for you to say anything else so he wouldn’t have to listen to Alejandro. But you didn’t, and with a dramatic groan, he plopped down next to Price.
Finally all of you were ready to start, Secret Santa gifts were being handed out first. Just to get it done and over with, Ghost grabbed his gift first. Trudging over to König, he handed him the box. “Merry Christmas…” he mumbled, König thanking him and tearing open his gift with excitement. Pulling out several new veil cover ups, all with different simple designs. The German was genuinely happy, springing up to hug Ghost.
He paused before he officially wrapped his arms around the man, waiting for an okay from Ghost. Sighing, the Brit nodded and held open his arms for König to hug him. Everyone in the room clapped and cheered (some more dramatic than others; Soap and Rudy) for the sweet scene in front of them.
It was around three in the morning now, everyone was settling down. A few had already gone to sleep in the guest rooms as well. You, Alejandro, Soap, König, and Ghost were left. The five of you all cuddled up with thick blankets over your shoulders as you stood outside on the porch once again. Soap was given a pre-rolled joint with his gift basket from Price, and immediately decided he wanted to try it. Bringing all of you outside once more.
König and Soap were still the most energetic, it seemed like they were never going to fall asleep at this point. Arguing over this or that questions with thick accents and curses in their own languages at each other. Ghost had tapped out from the joint very early, leaning back in his chair with his head tilted back. If you could mute the arguing soldiers, you would hear quiet snores from Ghost.
You were left cuddled up to Alejandro’s side, the both of you sharing your blankets to have even more warmth against the snowy weather. Your eyes couldn’t leave from admiring the bracelets he had gifted you. He said he didn’t know what to get, and then he found those while walking through the market. They were stunning, and he honestly knew exactly what you would have wanted.
Passing the joint back to Soap, Alejandro took the opportunity to whack him behind the head. “Quiet down! People are sleeping inside and right next to you.” He pointed at Ghost, still fast asleep. Soap rubbed the back of his head and glared at Alejandro. Quietly turning back around with a child-like huff and continuing his conversation with König, more quietly this time.
Shaking his head, Alejandro leaned back to relax. Wrapping his arm around your shoulders to bring you closer to him, resting his cheek against your head. “Children.” He mumbled.
“When are they not? You can't complain though, they keep the energy up.” You poked his side, stifling your laughter as you heard insults be shot at each other.
Alejandro remained quiet, accepting that you were right. The two of you watching as Soap mumbled something under his breath to König. The much larger man gave him a stare that could kill. Before Soap suddenly jumped up from the floor and sprinted into the snowy yard, running away from König who was yelling incoherent German curses.
Rolling your eyes, you sat up and removed the blanket from your shoulders. “Should we separate them before Ghost does?” Alejandro nodded, standing up with you. He didn’t miss the chance to place a quick kiss on your cheek though.
“Feliz Navidad my love..”
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
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.! 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔩𝔢𝔫 𝔭𝔞𝔱𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔰 !.
— “ And please, my sweet De Sade! “
— “ Just eat my heart and twist me into knots! “
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At first, Ghost is a bit concerned and overwhelmed by your antics. But over time, once he got more comfortable being in a committed relationship, Ghost began to love it.
Whenever you try to tackle him, there has only been a few times where it has been successful. Tackling that man down to the ground is impossible. He's too stiff to fall over and strong enough to keep you held up. You can only ever tackle him down when the two of you are at home and relaxed or he is tired after a long day.
Hc that Ghost is a cat person, so he understands their behavior quite well. And he thinks you act quite a lot like one whenever you’re in your fighting mood. Which also helps him prepare to fight off your plans of fighting.
Sometimes you run up on him and rip off the patches on his uniform, sprinting down the hall as he tries to get it back. He has managed to stop you a few times, but this seems to be your specialty. All you needed to do was run past him as fast as possible, and get a grip on one of the patches.
Soap dares you to steal a new patch just about every day. He bets that you’ll get caught, and you try to prove him wrong. Every time soap is wrong, he has to run a lap around the base. When you fail, you have to do whatever the Scottsman says for the rest of the day.
Ghost thinks it's a stupid bet, but finds it entertaining that you’re so dedicated. and he also likes having to randomly fight you off during the day. So it's a win-win for the both of you.
Whenever the two of you are home by yourselves, Ghost will join in on the fighting. Chasing you around the house and hiding from you. Even throwing you over his shoulder and tackling you onto the ground.
That doesn't mean he doesnt do that at all while at work. If he is having a good day and is in a great mood; Ghost doesn’t mind fighting back while in front of his teammates.
There have been several instances where Ghost and Soap would team up on you. Only a few times have you ever received back up. Alejandro has a lifetime coupon of being able to say “remember when i saved you from getting your ass beat?” to get himself out of trouble/get favors from you.
If the slim chance ever does come across where either one of you accidentally gets hurt:
Ghost is quick to apologize and help you up if he accidentally goes too far. Sometimes he can’t control battlefield strength to “y/n play fighting” strength. And he will tackle you to the floor rather harshly or bend your arm back too far, never on purpose though. He will grab you any medical care that you need (hopefully you don’t) and keep an eye on you the rest of the day. Once he sees that you’re fine later in the week, Ghost will go back to playing along like normal.
Now if you accidentally hurt him? He doesn't care because it's very unlikely that you actually even hurt him. Maybe you’ll pull one of his limbs too hard or accidentally smack him in the face. But he's quick to brush it off. No matter how much you apologize and feel bad, Ghost will continue to assure you that he's fine. He understands that you were just trying to mess around and he doesn’t care. It’s not like you’ve shot him or anything.
“No, Soap. Last time I tried to steal that patch, I tripped and fell two feet away from him. Never again..” You shivered, reminded of the embarrassment you went through when you were dared to steal the velcro patch on Ghost’s vest. It was going well and you had successfully ripped it off, but after taking two steps; you tripped over your own feet and fell to the floor. It was a traumatizing experience and you haven’t let Soap dare you to steal that one ever since.
The Scot elbowed you with a frown. “And? That's the only one you’ve never gotten.” He grabbed your shoulders and shook you dramatically. “You have to overcome your fear Y/n! Steal it!” Soap begged, just wanting to see what kind of entertainment would happen this time.
The two of you were hiding in Soap’s room, Ghost and everyone else were hanging out in the hallway for some unknown reason. Soap got bored, so obviously he dragged you away for this stupid idea. You blankly stared at each other for a few moments as you thought over your plan. “Fine. But I want your help.”
Soap grinned, nodding his head. “Deal. Lead the way, soldier.” He gestured towards the door and you rolled your eyes. You opened the door slightly and peaked into the hallway. Ghost was standing right next to the door, which honestly startled you. Alejandro and Rudy were on the other side of the hall. The only other person you could see was Gaz standing at the end of the hall where you were planning to run out. You shut the door once again and turned to Soap.
“Okay, are you ready?” He nodded his head once again and you took a deep breath. Then, you quickly swung the door open and jumped in front of Ghost, snatching the velcro patch right off of his vest. You sprinted away down the hall, hearing Ghost yell at you along with Alejandro and Rudy laughing their asses off. Soap was trailing behind you since Ghost was catching up, he was planning to distract the Lieutenant.
Just as you were about to shove past Gaz and leave the hall, Ghost pulled a petty move. “Johnny! If you grab ‘em I’ll give you a twenty!” And just like that, Soap grabbed the back of your jacket and yanked you back, your body tumbling onto the floor. Ghost stood above you, his eyes glaring at you through the mask as you laughed your heart out. He ripped the patch out of your hands and put it back on.
Ghost dug into his pocket and pulled out a twenty dollar bill, handing it to Soap. The Scottish soldier was looking down at you apologetically. He waved the money in front of your face. “Sorry Y/n. But twenty dollars is twenty dollars!”
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König finds your playful fighting entertaining. He loves to watch you prepare to pounce on him. Even your determination was entertaining, you’ve tried so hard to tackle the large man, and have failed many times.
Tackling him down is damn nearly impossible. He's tall and buff, so if he is ready and braced for you to tackle him (he usually is), König is never going down. You could jump onto his back and the most that will happen is him faltering backwards one step. Jumping on his side or in front of him never works because he will just catch you.
He will fight back most of the time too. Wrestling you around and trying to detach you from his body. Usually he just picks you up and slams you onto the bed or couch to signify that he has won. But if he’s really enjoying himself the two of you could battle it out until you both fall over from exhaustion.
Sometimes König will start some of his own play fighting too. Nothing as outgoing as you though. Most of the time he just runs up on you and throws you over his shoulder, running off until he finds somewhere to throw you down on. Once that is done, he runs away without a word like nothing happened.
That has happened many times while you were talking with other soldiers. Ghost started to take note of where in a conversation you two were at when it became a normal thing. So when you get back from being kidnapped, he reminds you what you were talking about. Alejandro and Soap being the angels that they are, sometimes warn you when they see the giant sprinting full speed your way.
Either of you accidentally getting hurt is nearly impossible. König is insanely cautious of how rough he's throwing you around. He never really puts you in any spots where he would be pulling on a muscle or joint, he knows he's strong and doesn't wanna risk actually hurting you. And you never really hurt him either. König is pretty good at defending himself and you honestly never do much damage to him anyways.
When you started running around and stealing his patches, König was a bit concerned at first. He didn’t really know it was a game for you until after a week of doing so. Ever since then, he’s on full guard ready to protect himself.
You succeed most of the time because of how quick you are, and König has to begin chasing you around. Or he will just wait until he sees you later to get it back. But when you fail, the German man will just stare down at you with the most unimpressed look. It never lasted very long though as you two burst out into a fit of giggles.
It was freezing outside of the base, snow was still falling and it was coating everything. In front of you, Rodolfo was shivering as he stood next to Alejandro. The three of you were chit chatting about how different the weather was in Mexico, seeing as you were just there in the sunny weather a week ago. Now it was cloudy and freezing, all of you hated it.
“So, you and that tall German?” Alejandro teased, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You scoffed and smacked his shoulder, turning away. The two of them didn’t know about you and König for months. None of the team did. That was all until you were all moved somewhere else, you found out König was in the same place. Causing you and him to get caught being cuddly with each other by Soap, who was able to put the pieces together immediately. Who also not-so-luckily, has a loud mouth.
You felt a bit proud for keeping it on the down low for so long, but everyone was ripping into you for keeping it a secret and they wanted to know everything. But Alejandro and Rudy were doing it the most since they wanted to know all of the details. “What about it? We’re doing great, the whole time we've been together it's been great.” You shrugged your shoulders, giving the quick answer. A small smile crept up on your face though as you thought of your lovely boyfriend.
Just as Rudy was about to make his own comment, you were suddenly picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder. It was all too quick as the person sprinted away from Alejandro and Rudy. the two of them were staring at you in shock, mouths agape as they watched you get stolen.
Wiggling around in the person’s grasp, you saw the German velcro patch on his uniform. And judging by the height you were at, it was easy to put the pieces together. “König! Put me down! What the fu-! Where the fuck are you taking me? König!” You continued to shake around in his grasp. There was no success in escaping though since he was too damn strong.
König stayed silent as he ran down the sidewalk with you over his shoulder. Passing by concerned soldiers and even Soap, who of course immediately took out his phone for a picture. After a few more seconds of running, you were being manhandled once again. In the blink of an eye you were tossed back over König’s shoulder and into a large pile of snow. A surprised yelp leaving your lips. Finally being able to look up at König, he stared at you for a couple of seconds. “König! Help me up, please?” you asked sweetly, trying to lure him down so you could tug him into the snow too.
He shook his head and gave you a thumbs up, silent. Then he turned around and sprinted away again. You gasped, actually shocked that he would leave his beloved significant other stuck in a pile of snow. After a few minutes of wriggling around, the skull mask of Ghost met your vision. He was also silent, but more in a disappointed father kind of way. Pitying you, he grabbed your leg and yanked you out of the snow pile. Dusting you off, he nudged you towards the group of soldiers; Soap showing Alejandro and Rudy the picture he had taken of you as they all giggled like schoolgirls.
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
— WARNINGS :: blood, mentions of being shot/knives/death
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.! 𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡𝔶 𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔰 !.
— “ This is what it's like to be known as dead, “
— “ Now open up your eyes, you see the world, it is red. “
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he worries for you a lot on the field, Soap just doesn’t want to see you hurt or even killed. So the Scottish man is watching you like a hawk. Not because he doesn't think you can defend yourself, but because he knows you won’t even notice your injury.
So anytime you have some sort of injury, he becomes a whole helicopter. Immediately worrying and looking for ways to help. Asking Ghost for help if needed too, he has more dedication than your average medical student.
You always confuse him though whenever you don’t even acknowledge the damage. How can you not be rolling around in pain?! You just got stabbed! Any normal person would be screaming in agony.
Even though it worried him like crazy, he sometimes had to admit it was pretty damn impressive that you could withstand it all.
Sometimes Soap nearly shits his pants when you get dared by Rudy or Alejandro to do something stupid. It usually results in some sort of injury, since the other two think it's “so cool” that you can withstand so much pain.
(the “something stupid” is usually being shot with an airsoft gun or getting stung, bit, or cut by something…)
But of course he’s still a worry worm and sometimes lectures you on how your pain tolerance can be dangerous for you. What if you got shot and didn’t notice until you bled out? So many things can go wrong, he even goes on a big rant about why it's important for humans to be able to feel pain.
You always found ways to ease his nerves eventually though. Soap’s worrying always went away as soon as you at least had a bandage over it and you were sure to be okay. After that, he just lectured you on being more careful and gave you a kiss. Sometimes he out of nowhere starts gushing about how cool it is that you could withstand all that pain.
“Oh shit! Y/n you’re bleeding!” Soap yelled as soon as you both jumped in the back of the truck, the mission a success. Well, almost, you were running around with a deep knife wound on the side of your abdomen. Blood was soaking through your uniform and you didn't even notice. Shutting the doors as Ghost started the truck and sped off, Soap sat next to you.
You shrugged your shoulders and set your gun down, “I’ll be okay, don’t worry John.” you smiled at him, it didn't really bother you anyways. Soap shook his head and pulled out a first aid kit. He helped pull the shirt of your uniform up, cleaning the knife wound.
“You may think you will be okay, but I can assure you, you will not. This is a shitty wound Y/n.” He grumbled, lecturing you while he gave you emergency stitches. It was risky, but he didn’t think it would end well if you waited until you all arrived back at the base.
You remained quiet as he tended to your wounds. Watching as Soap placed a bandage over it, you smiled, noticing how much he cared for you. Even if you constantly ignored all of your wounds, Soap was there to care for you. Sometimes he even walks around with bandaids and such in his pockets.
He made sure you weren't suffering from any more injuries and finally sat up to relax. Leaning against your shoulder, Soap let out a loud sigh. “Feel okay? Doesn't hurt or nothin’ right?” He asked, pulling you closer to him.
You shook your head with a smile, “I’m fine, Johnny. I promise. Don't worry so much.”
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Ghost isn't very vocal about his worries, but his mind is definitely racing when he sees your own blood on your uniform. His mind racing to wonder where it was coming from, or how bad it was. Because knowing you, you didn’t even know.
And since he doesn’t tell you about how much you worry him most of the time, he acts instead. Ghost will just out of nowhere start patching you up without warning. He doesn;t think it would be a good idea to waste time and argue over it, so he needs to get it done immediately.
He lectures you to be more careful and aware of your surroundings so that it doesn’t happen again. Even giving you techniques and hints on how to steer clear of enemies easier.
If you’re being dared by the rest of the team to do “something stupid” once again, Ghost is watching in disappointment. But he is still the first to patch you up when you get hurt.
Even more lectures occur.
when he realized that any time you would get injured; you wouldn't feel it. He became even more protective over you. Ghost is quick to react to keep you out of the line of fire or away from any dangerous combat. He wouldn't forgive himself if something bad ever happened to you. Let alone right in front of him.
If you’re being stubborn about getting medical attention, he will just ignore you and continue on with it anyways. Or just pick you up and take you to the doctor himself. You can;t convince him otherwise, Ghost will easily be just as stubborn as you are.
And if you’re trying to sneak out of bed rest, you’ll never find a way out. Ghost will have your entire room y/n-proofed. Even having Soap or Alejandro to run down the hall by your room to make sure you weren't escaping. He had a whole guard on you!
“I’m fine Simon, I promise. You don’t need to keep doing all of that.” You tried to convince the masked man. The two of you were hanging out in his room, and you were busying yourself by playing with his knives. It turned out to be a bad idea though as you dropped one on your thigh. The knife easily leaving a small cut in your skin.
You had ignored it and decided it would be fine, but Ghost saw the whole thing happen. And before you could pick up the knife and start playing with it again, Ghost took it away and sat in front of you with first aid.
He had ignored all of your comments and continued to patch you up. Once you were ignored for the final time, you decided to just stay silent and watch instead. Ghost fixed the cut on your thigh and looked up at you. His eyes were wide and filled with love, even if you had just stupidly dropped a knife on your leg.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and tugged you close to him, leaning his head against your stomach. “That's enough of you playing with sharp objects. You don’t need all of these useless injuries.” Ghost grunted against your shirt.
A quiet laugh escaped your lips, placing a hand on top of his head to take off his mask, now being able to run your hands through his hair. “Whatever you say, Simon Riley.”
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König would be the one to worry the most for you. His mind is spinning as he worries for your well being. And it doesnt stop until a doctor is in front of him telling König that you will be okay.
It was really absurd to him that you could tolerate all of that pain. How? It was like magic to his poor mind. He just wanted you to be safe, not bleeding to death!
He is quick to protect you from any possible injuries, well, he tries to be. When König can’t protect you though, he feels terrible. And a little self doubt gets to his mind. It takes him a few seconds but he will eventually get to helping patch you up.
When König asks you how you're feeling and you respond with an okay, he always dramatically drops his head in shock.
“How? Mein Schatz you literally had gotten shot…”
It takes a lot of convincing and sweet jokes/words from you to get König out of his worried state of mind. He will only ever truly be calm though once you have met up with a doctor and cleared to be okay.
If there is ever a chance where a doctor has said that you must rest and heal your injuries, König will make sure you never leave your room. No matter how much you say that you feel fine, the German man will use his big frame to block your doorway or easily force you back to bed.
If you’re being reckless, König is begging for you to not do it. Running after you like a worried mother chasing her toddler. Sometimes he has no choice but to watch and he just glares, grabbing your wrist so he can patch you up.
Even if you’re upset that he won’t let you leave, he will do sweet things for you. Like getting you food, drinks, hanging out and cuddling with you. Just overall caring for you as if you were sick. (Even if you weren't)
“König. Move.” You tried to shove past your boyfriend, who was wedging himself in the doorway. He blocked you yet again.
“No Y/n. The doctor said you have to stay and rest so you don’t reopen your wound. You are staying here.” König challenged, pushing you back into the room forcefully and closing the door behind him. You groaned dramatically, defeated at this point. He wasn’t going to let up and you knew it.
You trudged over back to your bed and flopped down onto it. Curling up under the blankets to get warm once again. Even turning onto your side, facing away from König to be petty. Behind you, König stared at you blankly. Rolling his eyes, he walked up to your bed and sat behind you. “Why do you want to leave so badly? Everyone knows you're not allowed to do anything right now.”
König was right and you knew it, causing you to sigh. “I'm just bored. I dont like sitting here all day just because of some stupid injury i dont even feel.” You answered, pulling your blankets closer to you. König hummed and moved under your blankets as well, laying down now.
He pulled you closer to him, moving his head down to place a kiss on your head. “I understand, Liebling. But it’s just one more day. And how about I stay with you? So you won't be lonely, we can cuddle and watch movies all day. I’ll bring you food and everything.”
A smile broke out on your face and you turned over to face König now. You leaned up and kissed him through his mask, cuddling closer to him. “I think I can work with that. Thank you König… I love you so much.”
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
— these are very short n quick! but I tried to keep ‘em as sweet as possible. picked out two and I hope you like em. and since it’s the 25 now for me- happy holidays!
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.! 𝔢𝔵𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔡 !.
— “ Love (I can't ignore you) “
— “ In my room (Do anything for you, baby) “
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It had been a long and stressful mission. Your cover had almost been blown several times and everyone had been getting snappy toward each other in the end. The need to save themselves became too much as everyone panicked. But thankfully, there were no casualties. The team had all made it into the helicopter in one piece.
Still stressed and coming down from adrenaline, everyone sat somewhat distanced from each other. Except for Alejandro, who was the last inside and immediately went and sat down next to you. He was probably one of the most stressed out there, constantly worrying for everyone’s wellbeing. Especially your own. It was hard for him to tell if you were okay when you were across the compound.
Once everyone began to finally tune down, Soap did his thing and tried to begin talking. Gaz and Rudy joining in, Price and Ghost just listening silently. Alejandro was quiet next to you surprisingly. Just as you were about to ask if he was okay, a soft weight was felt on your shoulder.
Alejandro had fallen asleep beside you. His head had fallen into your shoulder once exhaustion fully took over. He was a busy man, not only because of his rank, but also because of his friends. He was like a mother with how much he worried for you all, even more so when he would do anything just to keep the safety. He would jumó in front of bullets if it meant that you would stay alive.
Rodolfo chuckled on the other side of Alejandro. “If he gets to heavy for you, just push him over to my side.” He teased, holding a thumbs up. Watching as his best friend snored in the ear of his own significant other. You nodded your head with a smile, waving him off. “Thank You Rudy, but don’t worry. I think I can handle him and his sleepiness.”
Bringing a hand up, you combed your fingers through his hair gently, careful not to wake him up. Alejandro shifted slightly, enough to readjust his comfort and lean against you more. You were pressed up side to side, Alejandro’s body warming up your own. Sliding your hand over, you took his in your own.
A spike in your heart rate occurred, feeling him squeeze lightly. You squeezed back, a silent reassurance that you were right there. You were safe, and so was he.
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It felt warm, both the fire and the vibe in the room. The entire team was resting in one of Alejandro’s safe houses for the night. Everyone was scattered around the living room, sprawled out on couches, spare chairs, and the carpet. It was very kept together even for a little safe house.
Price, Gaz, and Alejandro were having some sort of serious conversation about who knows what. Rudy had gone to bed because he was falling asleep, and Ghost was relaxing in his own chair, just listening to the conversation. You and Soap were cuddled together on a loveseat, well, Soap was completely smothering as you tried to lay back. He was fast asleep, very light snores leaving his lips.
You were slowly falling asleep as well. Getting ready to wake up your boyfriend and call it a night so both of you could go to bed.
When suddenly a loud fart ripped through the room. It was a loud. Echoing. Stinky. Fart.
Everyone’s conversations stopped immediately, heads turning in your direction. Shocked faces and agape mouths were all you saw. Alejandro and Gaz were trying to hold their laughter. Immediately, you pointed a finger at the sleeping Soap. That was the last straw, everyone in the room bursting out into wheeze-inducing laughter, including you.
Soap was awoken by all of the noise, half-opened eyes and a pout on his face, lifting his head from your shoulder. “What the hell? Why the fuck are you all pissin’ your pants?”
“I don’t know, Soap! Why the fuck are you shittin’ yours?” Gaz commented through his laughs. Soap tensed up on you, noticed everyone was still laughing, and cowered back down.
“Fucking hell… get me out of here Y/n.” You laughed at his defeated voice, rubbing his back soothingly.
“Okay okay… but let’s make a pit stop by the bathroom first, yeah?”
“Oh kiss my arse!”
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
/ — first off, I hope you like it! I left the descriptions of outfits pretty vague so anyone with any style can enjoy without feeling like it wasn’t their style <3 also if your s/o doesn’t get on their knees to take in your beauty, drop em. /
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.! 𝔯𝔲𝔫𝔴𝔞𝔶 !.
— “ Give me all your love and don't stop! “
— “ My love's waiting when you reach the top! “
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Shopping bags dropped to the floor once you stepped inside your house. Greeting the fluffy gray cat on the floor, you picked him up and started searching for your husband. Not a moment later did you hear König run downstairs, still dressed in his pajamas from this morning.
König didn’t stop moving as he bolted to you and wrapped you in a tight hug. Causing you to drop the cat and burst into giggles as he placed random kisses all over your face. Behaving like a big dog who was happy his favorite person was home. Your hands caught his face before he could place another kiss on your cheek, placing your own kiss on König’s lips instead.
“I was only gone for a few hours.” You commented, playing with König’s hair as he swayed with you in his arms.
He grumbled a few German words, “I know… but I still missed you. Did you have fun with your friends?” König finally let you go from your hug, moving to grab your shopping bags and snoop through them.
You quickly scrambled to shoo him away from the bags. “Yes of course I had fun! But I wanna show you what I got. What about a little fashion show?” Immediately, König sprung up in excitement, grabbing the cat and sprinting upstairs back to the bedroom to wait patiently for you.
It was a normal thing that the two of you did that he loved. You would go out on your own or with friends and go shopping. Buying various trinkets and outfits. König was always waiting for you to give him a little fashion show of what you got.
Grabbing your bags, you met him upstairs in the bedroom. His game was paused and König was sitting there with the purring cat in his lap. He ushered you into the bathroom quickly so you could change.
Putting on the first outfit, you admired your reflection in the mirror before going outside to König. His face lit up as his eyes scanned over your outfit. You looked amazing in it, König’s breath was taken away. On top of that, he could see how much you actually liked it.
“Oh! Maus you look absolutely breathtaking…” König’s legs bounced and twitched as he resisted bolting to you and smothering you with love. Only petting the cat further to keep calm. What can he say? He loves you just as much as he did when he first met you.
You giggled at his sweet reaction, doing a little spin to show off. “Thank you, love. This one’s probably my favorite. But I have a few more!” And before he could answer, you went back into the bathroom to change again.
The next outfit took a bit more time to get on, it was more form-fitting. But it would all be worth it in the end once König sees you. You even took the time to unbox some of your new jewelry to compliment the outfit. Stepping outside, König’s jaw dropped once more.
The German stumbled over his words, not being able to think straight. Instead, he dropped to his knees. Still blabbering compliments as he took in the looks of his beloved wife. You bursted out into a fit of laughter at his dramatic behavior. “Du bist schön!” It was normal for König to behave this way, and it never gets old.
Your husband always tells you he’d “fall over and die” if you ever felt like you weren’t pretty enough. Constantly giving you full hearted compliments and showering you with love so it doesn’t happen. He wants you to know how beautiful you actually are to him!
Below you, König gasped seeing the new bracelet on your wrist. A small charm in the center of it with his name engraved. He looked like a child in a toy store because of how big his grin was. “I got us matching ones.” You told him with a grin. König sprung up and immediately started begging for it, he loves the gifts you bring him.
Leading him into the bathroom, you took out the matching bracelet for König. Your name was also engraved in a small charm. König snatched the jewelry from you and immediately put it on his wrist. Staring at it like it was the best thing in the world. Other than his wedding ring of course. “Thank you so much, I love it! Ich liebe dich!”
Wrapping his arms around you, König pulled you closer to him. His heart ached from his love for you, your beauty, personality, humor, voice — everything. It was all perfect for him. His gorgeous wife that he loved to boast about to his friends. It almost made him feel complete. Leaning down, König placed a sweet kiss on your lips.
The two of you stood with each other for a few moments, just basking in the other’s presence. Finally breaking the silence, you looked up at König. “Wanna see the rest of my haul?” A smile grew on the man’s face again, nodding his head. “Of course I do mein Schatz!” Letting go of you, he went back to sitting on the bed. An excited expression, ready for whatever outfit you appeared in next. His hand was toying with his new bracelet. König didn’t know what to expect from you, but he knew he would love it and you until “death do us part.”
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— extra hc because why not;;
könig sometimes likes to just straight up give you his card. He’ll send you on shopping days so you can have time to yourself and spoil your needs. If you’re having a bad day, König will go shopping with you to help cheer you up. I like to think that gift giving is one of his love languages.
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»» mary jane (all night long) … mary j. blige
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
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.! 𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔢𝔰𝔶 !.
— “ I know I'm feeling so much more, than ever before. “
— “ And so I'm giving more to you, than I thought I could do! “
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The black pen smudged on the paper slightly as you finished writing your signature. A small lovely note written for your boyfriend who was being deployed again. You had drawn and sketched out a bunch of pictures for König while he was home.
Whenever you two would be sitting with each other in silence, you would usually whip out your notebook and start drawing the beautiful large man. Making sure to always include the smallest of details because that’s what you loved about König.
Stacking up the various sheets of paper with the note to König on top, you stapled them together and hid them in his bag for him to find later.
Later that day, the two of you kissed each other goodbye as König made his way to work. And you internally hoped he would be able to come back again.
A frustrated König stomped his way into his room, hands ruffling through his bag in hopes to find literally anything that would help calm him down. He had done some training today to make sure he wasn’t rusty after being home longer than usual, and none of it had gone well. He missed multiple easy snipes in the shooting range and even pulled a few muscles during combat stuff. He was pissed.
Growing even more frustrated that he couldn’t find what he wanted from his back, he lifted the whole thing and turned it upside down, emptying the bag onto the floor. König’s eyes immediately landed on a stapled stack of papers, noticing the familiar signature on the bottom of the top page.
Grabbing the papers, he quickly began to settle down. Reading the note you had written for him. Boasting about your love for the large man and how much he meant to you. That you wished he would come safe.
That was a great thing to hear for König. You wanted him to come home. Sweet you, the love of his life, you. König’s demeanor changed completely now, he was relaxed and gushing silently over your fantastic words. You had him wrapped around your finger and he didn’t care one bit.
König began to turn through the pages. There were some messy pencil sketches of König sitting in different positions. Different facial expressions and even full artwork of him. It made him feel kind of confident in himself. You drew this, you drew him. He didn’t think he could fall in love anymore than he already has.
Shuffling to the last of the pages, a fully inked and colored version of König took up the whole paper. It was badass, he was in his gear with his mask and everything, even his gun. He fucking loved it and wanted to frame it on the wall when he got home. And on the final page was another full art of König, but this time with you. The reference was from a picture you had taken for your anniversary, but it looked the exact same. The two of you sitting next to each other as you placed a surprise kiss on König’s cheek. Your friend had taken the picture while they were stalking your dinner date and called it the cutest thing ever. Especially since König looked absolutely ecstatic.
König couldn’t help but smile at the picture in his hand, feeling a slight tease of emotion coming in. But how could he not? He missed you. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to him. He just wants to go home. To tell you how much he loves the art you always make for him, and how much he loves you as well. Call him cheesy but as long as you always draw these pictures for König, he will be the cheesiest man alive.
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
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.! 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔩𝔳𝔢𝔰 !.
— “ I guess we're kinda blessed, I can't complain about it, “
— “ Every day I get another check, I won't complain about it! “
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It was later in the day, the sun at its highest point in the sky when Ghost woke up. Normally, he would be awake at the crack of dawn or earlier. Ghost doesn’t sleep as much as it is. But last night was completely different, he went to bed early and woke up late. Seems the melatonin vitamins he took worked.
Stretching, Ghost stood up from the bed and began his walk downstairs. It was around the time you watered most of your plants and made lunch, so you were bound to be home right? Walking past a larger pot with vines growing from it, he noticed the soil looked a bit dry.
Had you forgotten this one? It was very unlikely for you to leave your plants without water. And it seemed like this one needed it badly. Not that Ghost knew that, he could only assume. His girlfriend may be a plant lover and tell him about them all the time, but he doesn’t remember too much. Plus, Ghost has never been known to have a green thumb.
When he reached downstairs, Ghost couldn’t find you. You weren’t anywhere inside and not even outside. Before he could fully dive into a panic, he noticed the several plant pots sitting on the kitchen counter next to a couple of broken shelves. Oh.
The shelves your plants were resting on had apparently fallen and broke. A large blank spot on the wall that Ghost glared at. Just because of some stupid faulty shelf he couldn’t see his lover first thing in the morning? The fallen plants had been placed into new, not broken, pots. But they were all still dry.
Ghost’s phone buzzed in the pocket of his sweatpants, you had just texted him saying you would be back home soon from running some quick errands. He responded back with an ok and I love you before sighing. Deciding to busy himself, and help you, Ghost filled up a pitcher of water and a mister.
While he may not know all of the types of plants you have and how to care for them specifically, he did know how to water each and every one. Ghost felt bad that he couldn’t retain any of the information you would tell him, so he learned to water them instead. He would watch you the first few times, and eventually you taught him how to do it yourself.
Ghost loves to give you help in the simplest ways, and this was one of them. He walked around the house with music in his headphones as he watered your ‘babies’. Picking up his cat and throwing him on the couch when Ghost found him rubbing against some succulents. It was peaceful, surprisingly, the Brit now understood why you loved to do it so much.
The peace didn't last long though, as he was refilling the pitcher, you burst open through the front door. In one hand was a new shelf for your plants, in the other… another plant. You grinned seeing your lovely boyfriend up and awake finally. Dropping everything by the door you skipped up to Ghost and wrapped him in a hug.
He placed the pitcher down and hugged you back, placing a kiss to your head. “Were you watering my plants for me, Simon?” You asked sweetly, and he nodded.
“I noticed you left this morning without doing it… so I did it myself.” He mumbled, still losing himself in the feeling of your arms around him. Ghost loved your hugs and if he could, he would never leave them.
He felt you squeeze him tighter, tilting your head up to gently kiss him on the lips. “That’s so sweet, thank you Si.” Ghost hummed, however his relaxation was interrupted by his cat jumping on the counter to interest himself in the plants once again. Ghost having to abruptly leave your arms just to grab the fluffy animal.
You moved over to where your new shelf was and held it up to show Ghost. “Look! It should be strong enough to hold the plants, and it looks good with the current house decorations!” An excited smile was on your face, one that Ghost could never get tired of seeing. Whether it was him that caused it, or your little plants.
“That looks great, but let me set it up for you this time. We don’t want it falling to the ground again, do we?” He walked over to you and took the shelf out of your hands, holding it away from you in a teasing manner as if you were going to drop and break it again.
Rolling your eyes, you handed him the mini tool box that you had originally taken out in hopes to fix your broken shelf. “Get started then L.T.” You teased back, going back into the kitchen to take care of the rest of your plants.
A small grin cracked onto Ghost’s face. Shaking his head, he held the shelf up against the wall and began marking where screws needed to be put.
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
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.! 𝔰𝔭𝔢𝔞𝔨 𝔲𝔭 !.
— “ I got this girl and she wants me to duke her, “
— “ I told her I'd come scoop her around eight, she said (super)! “
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It was early in the morning, and you were trudging beside a wide awake John. His accent was thicker than usual as he greeted everyone he walked past. He was too energetic for you at seven in the morning.
The two of you had planned to go meet up with Ghost and all go down to the shooting range for a bit. It was cold as shit outside though, which sucked. John stopped suddenly at the edge of the fence, crossing his arms over his chest and looking around. “He’s late. Where is he?” John grumbled, searching for the masked soldier.
“Maybe he got caught up with something. We just got here John, give him a bit.” You chuckled at his impatience, causing him to groan and lean against your back. Behaving like a teenage boy instead of a grown man just to try and annoy you.
After a few minutes passed, the two of you heard footsteps approaching and immediately looked up. Ghost had finally arrived, some snow seemed to have piled up on top of his uniform, how was he not cold? Next to him, well- behind him, was a much taller and more broad soldier. He also had a mask covering his face, and he almost looked intimidating. You kind of liked it.
“Finally you’re here you lazy-“ you cut your boyfriend off before he could bite off more than he could chew.
“Morning, Ghost. Who’s that?” You pointed behind him, and he cleared his throat and stepped to the side, presenting the larger man.
“This is König, he’s joining the team. I invited him to come and shoot with us.” König waved at you and John, he seemed a little nervous and you could tell. It was cute though, hopefully you would all get along.
“Welcome König! I’m y/n, and this is John, or Soap.” You bumped the shoulder of the man next to you, John huffed at you, greeted the man, and began yapping König’s ear off about what it was like in the group. Seemed like he already liked the German soldier. The four of you all walked in one group to the shooting range, eager to get your morning started and hang out with each other for the first time in ages.
It has been about a month or so since König joined the team. You got to know him more along the way too. He was a big man with a big heart it seemed. König has mentioned to you a few times indirectly about having anxiety, but he definitely seems to have warmed up to you over time. The two of you would joke around and chatter when he was too nervous to spark up conversation with anyone else. He was amazing company.
But lately you've begun to realize you may have actually caught feelings for him. Which is sending your mind into a spiral, because how could you like another guy? Especially when you’re already in a relationship! You’ve heard about polyamorous relationships and would be willing to try it, but what if John didnt? What would he even say if you brought it up? Would he break up with you? Would you argue? What if-
“L/n! You there?” Ghost’s gruff voice interrupted your hurricane of thoughts, thankfully. He was staring you down through his mask as you sat with a half eaten sandwich in your hand. The two of you were having lunch together, since König and John were busy right now.
“Yeah, sorry. Just spaced out.” You tried to ignore his questioning stare. Longer… and longer… and longer… until you couldn’t take it anymore. “Okay, what?”
Ghost shrugged his shoulders and looked away, acting as if he didn't just stare into your mind for a whole two minutes. “Nothing… you just have that look on your face.”
“What look?”
“The one you had before you brought up your feelings about Soap.”
Your shoulders tensed as you realized Ghost had probably figured you out already. “And I haven't seen that expression since then. So just say it, nothing leaves this table. I don't need my teammates messing up on the field just because of some schoolgirl crush.” He leaned back in his chair, waiting for you to speak.
“Ugh… it's just weird. I love Johnny, so fucking much. And I know he loves me too. But I feel like I'm betraying him for feeling like this?... König is great and i do think i like him, but how would John feel?-” Before you could go on a nervous rant, Ghost cut you off.
“You’re kidding right?”
“Fuck’s sake… Have you not seen the way Soap looks at him? He seems to be in the same boat as you. Those two have been getting along a lot better than you think, and that's because Johnny wont leave the poor man alone.” Ghost wasn’t one to sugarcoat things, he was the one to help you and Jonn get together in the first place after all. But this? This was new and it almost seemed too good to be true.
“So are you saying…”
“Just go talk to him Y/n.”
Later that day, you walked to John’s room and prepared yourself for a moment. You had been mentally rehearsing how to bring up the ‘situation’ to him the whole time. Knocking on the door, almost immediately you were greeted by your beloved Scottsman. A large smile on his face as he greeted you, quickly pulling you into a hug, your body melting into it as you relaxed. “What’s up?”
You followed him into the room and sat on the edge of the bed as he scattered around. Quickly tightening up the place just because you were there. “I missed you, didn’t get to have lunch with you today. I was stuck with Grumpy Ghost.” You joked, earning an amused response from John.
“Sorry about that babe, König wanted some help with cleaning the guns.” John finished up and sat next to you on the bed, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and leaning against you. He was in an affectionate mood, maybe this will go well.
“No, it's okay. And, uh, speaking of König… I have a question…” Your mind became scrambled as you suddenly forgot everything you were going to say.
“I kinda thought you already knew… okay, yes! I'm starting to get a bit of a crush on König and i feel very guilty and if you're uncomfortable with that then I’m sorry and I’ll try to-”
“Johnny be quiet.” You covered his mouth with your hand as you stared at him with wide eyes. He hushed, but his eyes still showed a ton of nervousness at your reaction. “I didn't know… and to be honest. I was just about to say the same thing.” A nervous laugh left your lips, looking away from John. His expression changed from a scared puppy to a happy-ass golden retriever.
He jumped up from the bed and stood up in front of you, gripping your shoulders with excitement. “Wait, really?! Oh my- I thought you were going to be upset with me.” you shook your head and laughed as your uneasiness also faded away into excitement. “You know what this means y/n? We have to confess!”
And just like that, you paused. “Wait Johnny, I don't know. He might not want to do that, ya know? Poly?”
“Well, before i asked you out, Ghost said, and i quote: ‘There is no shame in asking!’” He sang in a gruff voice in a way to tease the lieutenant. Before you could grab him, John ran out of the room possibly in search of König.
“Ghost did not say that! And you know it!” You yelled down the hall, shutting the door behind you and running after him. Turning the corner, you noticed he had run outside. In the freezing cold, what an idiot. You easily found him though as he already found König. The much taller man was easy to spot from almost a mile away. Running up to them, John was already rambling. He had found an opportunity and took it. So many things have happened in one day and it was driving you insane.
Having no choice but to let him continue, you stood behind John as he stumbled over his words to König. “So, uh, I guess what we're trying to say is, uh… well… we like you, like, a lot.”
“And we were wondering if you would be willing to.. Join our relationship.” you finished for him. That confession was no better than a twelve year old boy’s, but it was the best you could do with no time to prepare.
In front of you, König was silent. Not being able to determine what expressions he was making because of the mask covering his face. It made you feel awkward, unwable to see if he was upset, irritated, or even happy.
But his shoulders relaxed completely and you saw his eyes squint, what you could assume was under his mask was a smile. A quiet laugh left König’s lips, “are you two serious?” you and John nodded your heads quickly. König hummed, deep in thought for a few moments before nodding his head. “I'd love to! I had kind of started liking you two since the day we met if i'm honest. I felt guilty and was even going to just keep it secret. But now the two of you… reciprocate. Makes me feel so much better about all of this.”
You and John became grinning idiots, celebrating. König pulled the two of you into a tight hug, he was warm compared to the freezing air. “We have to go out!” John cheered, shooting the offer at you and König. It would be a good first date, even if it was just you all bullshitting around town. Looking at the taller man, he nodded and you did as well. “It’s a date!”
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
/ — thank you for sending this moss :) first slipknot req finally lets go babeyyy! Also this is intended to be platonic! /
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.! 𝔥𝔲𝔣𝔣𝔢𝔡 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔭𝔲𝔣𝔣𝔢𝔡 !.
— “ We all got left behind, “
— “ We let it all slip away! “
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The room was filled with broken and out of sync music. Recordings of the guitars and other drums were heard as Shawn continued to try and find a good sound to play. You were sprawled out on the old couch in the corner. Half asleep as you waited for your only ride home to finish his workaholic state.
Since nine in the morning, you have been in the studio with the rest of the band. Trying to cook up a new song, and very slowly at that. Barely any work has gotten done as everyone was stumped. Now it was ten at night and you were waiting for Shawn to finish his idea.
He was your only ride back home since everyone left while you were in the bathroom. More loud drums filled the room for a period of time, driving you insane. It was late and you just wanted to go home, was that too much to ask?
Remembering the countless times you and Sid have smoked in this room, you said fuck it and grabbed the pre-roll that was stashed in your bag. You know… for times when one of your closest buddies is being too stubborn.
Shawn was watching as you shuffled around searching for your joint. He knew exactly what it was you were looking for and he didn’t care. As long as you would stay busy so he could piece together a good track. You sat back down on the couch and cracked open the window behind you.
Lighting up, you spent the next few minutes smoking in silence as various causes and banging were heard around the room. Nothing out of the norm, wouldn’t be the worst you’ve seen from a simple mistake. As you were spacing out, an idea sparked in your head.
While it was a bit dangerous to purposely irritate him more, you were never going to get home if you let Shawn continue to work. So while he silently looked over his notes, you took a long and deep inhale of smoke. Purposely blowing it all out with an exaggerated sigh. He only shot you a confused glance before you did it again.
And again, and again. Each time you did it, Shawn only grew more irritated. The constant obnoxious exhaling coming from you was driving him insane. Every puff was louder than the other, either a yawn or heavy exhale. It was annoying and that’s what you wanted. He couldn’t focus on anything, not even a simple rhythm.
Slamming his head down into the drum, Shawn groaned loudly as you exhaled smoke again. “You! Be quiet. Your breathing is distracting me.” He lectured, even pointing an insulting finger towards you.
“Oh, okay, yeah. I’ll just stop breathing.” You replied sassily, rolling your eyes.
“Thank you. That’ll be very fucking helpful.” Shawn commented with just as much sass. It was kind of funny, you had to hold back a laugh. Before you could give another remark, he started playing the drums again.
Turns out, he finished the first part quickly. No errors and exactly what he wanted. Shawn turned around in his chair to face you again with a grin on his face. Holding a thumbs up it quickly fell seeing you slumped on the couch with a bored look on your face as you stared at him. “You good?-“
“I wanna go home.”
“Well it’s not that la…” and it was. It was late. The clock struck midnight not too long ago and you were fighting sleep. Finally satisfied, Shawn decided it was finally time to pack up. Grabbing his bag along with yours, he helped drag you off of the comfy couch.
“Let’s get you home then, kid.” Shawn patted your back, leading you to his car. Helping you as you stumbled on your legs, both from the smoking and the lack of sleep.
You relaxed in the passenger's seat with a couple jackets laid out on you as blankets. It was more comfortable than you would have thought and that was more than enough. “Did you at least… -yawn- get your piece done?” You asked, watching out the window as he began to leave the studio.
“Of course i did. If I didn’t, you would be fast asleep on the couch.”
“Thought so…”
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»» left behind … slipknot
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
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`⌁ ◜ 𝐢 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐝… ◞
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The blank papers and open books sat alone on the desk. Long abandoned since you decided you would rather busy yourself with other things. Like volleyball. You couldn’t focus on your homework and you might as well just give up. Maybe you would get help from Ushijima later? That didn’t matter right now though, as you grabbed your shoe bag and water bottle, bolting out of your dorm.
While you were walking towards the gym, you realized how late it actually was. It might be a bit creepy and lonely at the gym by yourself… Shrugging your shoulders, you texted the one person you knew would be awake. Tendou. Your adorable boyfriend was sure to be awake right now, probably reading his manga or something.
You shot him a quick text asking if he wanted to come practice with you. It was a normal question for you to be asking him anyways, the two of you have been practicing late at night together since you were in your first year. That’s how the two of you bonded and grew over time to form a relationship, it was like your guys’ “thing”.
When Tendou texted you back, it was an excited yes. Telling you he would meet you at the gym in ten minutes. You smiled and tucked your phone away as you opened the doors to the gym. While you waited for Tendou, you set up a net and grabbed a couple of volleyballs from the equipment room. As you were stretching, the gym door slid open, your tall red-haired boyfriend standing on the other side. “Satori!”
Tendou sprinted towards you, singing your name loudly through the gym. Throwing his stuff on the floor next to yours, he ran towards you and picked you up in a tight hug. Squeezing you like it has been a lifetime since you were together, even though it was only four hours ago. Laughing, he set you back down onto your feet, hands on his hips. “Where do we start?”
“We can practice some serve-receives first? Just to get us started.” you offered, Tendou nodding his head and running to the other side of the net. He was always so happy to practice with you. Shit, Tendou was happy to do anything as long as you were there.
Your boyfriend stood in the center of the court to ready himself for a receive, watching as you threw the ball up and hit a great jump-serve. He made contact with the ball, but it bounced off to the side instead. Huffing, Tendou glared at the ball before standing up straight with a sudden joyful smile. “Nice serve, Y/n! That was amazing!”
You laughed at his enthusiasm and grabbed another ball, serving it again. For the next fifteen minutes, the two of you switched from serving and receiving volleyballs. Tendou was constantly yelling praises and encouragement at you. Boasting about how good of a volleyball player his boyfriend was. You enjoyed every second of it. Of course, you gave him your own compliments back just as much. It was just an ongoing moment of time where all that was being said between you two was love for each other.
Once the two of you decided that was enoughing serving, you stopped for a quick water break. “So, why did you want to come practice so late? I thought you had homework.” Tendou questioned, tilting his head to the side.
You shrugged your shoulders. “I couldn’t understand how to do it… so I kind of just gave up. Then I couldn't sleep. So I thought I could tire myself out here.” taking another sip of your water, Tendou hummed.
“I understand. But why didn’t you ask me for help? I could have come over and helped you study. Or ask Wakatoshi? You shouldn’t ignore your homework with the tournament coming up.” Tendou wasn’t one to bash you for not doing homework or anything, but he did want you to at least pass. He didn’t want to be on the court during the tournament without you. You sighed and picked up a volleyball, ready to go back out onto the court.
“I know. I promise I won't slack, Satori. I was planning on asking Ushijima to help me tomorrow morning during class.” You looked up at him and flashed him a small smile. He nodded his head, satisfied.
“That sounds good to me, love. At least you already have it figured out. Now, can you give me some sets?” Tendou jumped around, taking the volleyball away from you when you nodded. He moved across the court to throw the ball up for you to set, your boyfriend spiking it onto the court with ease. The remainder of the night was spent playing around and hitting volleyballs.
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» 𝐝𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐝𝐞 … 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐭
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