limelocked · 4 months
looks longingly at asian flip phones
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
Sollux: why do you have three laptop2?
Karkat: I DON’T.
Sollux: there’2 more?
Sollux: how 2o?
Sollux: I fiix computer2 for a liiviing, karkat. ii have more tech certiifiicatiion2 than you have teeth. ii a22ure you, ii’m quiite famiiliiar wiith the concept of the clu2ter.
Sollux: okay, 2ee, that’2 le22 of a clu2ter and more of a clu2terfuck.
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laptoplicious · 2 years
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storeshopping · 3 years
Gaming Laptop,2-in-1 laptop, Projector
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iioniize · 2 years
pb when 2he took the kiid2 (the laptop2)
jk. we 2tiill coexii2t. ha
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kimishooooow · 5 years
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欲しい。。Surface Laptop2のアクセサリ入れに、かっちょいいかも。
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cocotangaje · 5 years
Gue ga berniat keluar dari kossan tadinya. Tapi karena gue tau tubuh gue mengeluarkan pertanda bahwa gue stress dan jenuh sama kossan, mau ga mau gue pergi keluar buat meredakan stress dan menghilangkan tanda-tanda alergi yang mulai kumat satu-satu meskipun gue tadinya mager kemana-mana karena pengen hemat kayak waktu liburan kemaren.
Gue kabur ke starbucks deket kossan. Karena lagi ga ada duit gue cuma beli ice passion tea. Itupun ukurannya yang grande, bukan yang paling gede. 25k, ya sebandinglah daripada gue harus diem di kossan dan beli obat karena gue kehabisan obat pereda alergi gue. 
Susah sih emang kalo pengen menekan rasa envy setiapkali masuk starbucks tuh. Pas langkah pertama masuk ke dalem aja gue udah disambut sama pemandangan seseorang yang lagi laptopan dan laptopnya itu macbook air. Yah, kepengen banget gue dari dulu itu laptop soalnya enteng bgt dan bisa gue bawa kemana-mana dan cocok buat gambartuh. 
Ngomongin persoalan macbook, tadi subuh gue mimpi aneh banget. Kelar solat subuh yang jarang-jarang banget gue lakuin, gue tidur lagi dan mimpiin ini. Hari ini memang hari ketiga gue berhasil konsisten baca al-waqiah sehari satu kali. Ga ada pengharusan waktunya harus jam seanu atau sekapan. Ya pokoknya sesempetnya yang penting sehari itu gue baca al-waqiah sekali. Ga ada doa spesifik yang gue panjatkan. Yang gue mau cuma gue pengen kalo gue pengen sesuatu itu duitnya ada, pengen dipermudah kalo berteman, pengen dikasih sabar kalo ada ujian, pengen sehat biar gue bisa mencapai semua ambisi dan hal yang gue mau, udah gitu aja. Ga doa biar pengen macbook atau bisa nonton konser ketemu bts atau ganti hp, engga. Gatau kenapa kayak ga mood aja we.
Nah yaudah back to the story. Di mimpituh gue inget banget tiba-tiba gue ada di toko elektronik bareng papap. Gue pengang2 kan laptop2 yang di display di tokonya. Terus gue dengertuh papap di mimpi ngomong gini “Hayu de beli macbook yang tipis tea.”
Gue yang meskipun di mimpi juga ga langsung auto semangat seneng dan antusias. Ya, betul sekali saudara-saudara. Gue masih membawa akal sehat gue bahkan di dalam mimpi gue sekalipun. Digituin sama papap, di mimpi gue malah balik nanya, “Naha papap ujug-ujug mangmeserkeun macbook ka teteh?”
Jawabannya bikin gue pas bangun langsung geleng-geleng kepala karena itu HALUNYA LUAR BIASA alias ga mungkin banget kejadian. Papap jawab gini, “nya papapmah karunya we dd nyandak laptop ageung beurat kamana-mana. Pan mun ipis jiga macbookmah hampang di candak kamamana oge.”
Abis ngomong gitu tuh, gue langsung bangun. Sumpah. Hp gue nyala. Notif dari twitter tuh emang berisik banget anjir. Tapi ya mungkin sisi baiknya adalah bisa menyadarkan gue dari kehaluan ga jelas gue itu.
Dah gitu aja we wkwkw. Gue sekarang mau nulis jadwal kuliah dulu. Besok udah mulai masuk lagi.
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newlaptopreviews · 6 years
Apple iPad 6th-generation review: The tablet to buy
Last month, Apple (AAPL) CEO Tim Cook took the stage at the Lane Tech College Prep High School to lay out his company’s plans to take over the education technology market. And the key to Apple-powered classrooms, Cook explained, was the iPad.
Not just any iPad would do, though. Which is why Cook and company debuted a new slate that packs a more powerful processor and Apple Pencil stylus compatibility, but costs the same $329 as the 5th-generation iPad.
But the 6th-generation iPad isn’t only meant for students and teachers. It’s also the company’s new mainstream consumer slate. In other words, the best tablet you can buy just got a lot better.
More of the same … in a good way
The 6th-generation iPad looks and feels exactly the same as the 5th-generation model. The slate is still 1-pound, still 0.29 inches thick and still easily fits in your bag. The company basically replaced the iPad’s guts and called it a day. And that’s fine by me.
Even the 9.7-inch Retina display is the same as last year’s offering, which is actually a bit of a bummer, as the iPad mini 4’s screen is fully laminated and has an anti-reflective coating. Both of those features are missing from the 6th-generation iPad.
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The 6th-generation iPad doesn’t get the iPad Pro’s upgraded display, but it still looks great.
The tablet’s 8-megapixel rear camera is also a carryover from the 5th-generation iPad, which isn’t quite as sharp as the iPad Pro’s 12-megapixel rear camera, but matches up with the iPad mini 4’s.
If Apple raised the price of this iPad, I’d be questioning its decision to keep so many aspects of the tablet the same. But since the company is still charging $329, which is a solid price, it’s not really an issue.
Different where it matters
What makes Apple’s decision to maintain the size and weight of the iPad especially interesting is the fact that this slate packs the same A10 Fusion processor found in both the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. In order to do that, Apple told me, the company had to build a completely new logic board.
The A10 chip allows for the use of augmented reality apps. One such app Apple offered up was Froggipedia. The app allows users to set a virtual frog down on a flat surface and interact with it using the iPad. A dissection tab even lets you dissect a digital frog without having to deal with the awful smell of the real thing.
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The base iPad now gets Apple Pencil support.
It’s not that the 5th-generation iPad was underpowered. The tablet had more than enough oomph to tackle any task you threw at it. But if Apple wants to ensure its 6th-gen tablet can keep up with new apps and updates, it needed to bring along the faster chip.
The 6th-generation iPad is also the first non-Pro iPad to offer support for the Apple Pencil stylus, and packs all of its features including its impressive pressure sensitivity and tilt functionality. Using the Pencil on the 6th-generation iPad is every bit as flawless as it is on the iPad Pro. The stylus’ tip glides across the tablet’s display with ease. It’s not quite a pen and paper, but then, nothing else is.
The vast majority of consumers are unlikely to purchase the $99 Apple Pencil. I’m sure it’ll be great for graphic artists and their ilk, but for the average person it’s an expensive add-on that they won’t use much.
The Pencil’s real value is in the classroom, where students and teachers can write directly on the slate to take notes, annotate articles and grade quizzes.  Still, even with the $89 student pricing option (the iPad is also reduced to $299 for students and teachers), the Pencil might be a tad bit expensive for classrooms with younger pupils who are bound to misplace the stylus.
To alleviate those concerns, Apple teamed up with Logitech to create the Logitech Crayon, a $49 Apple Pencil alternative. The Crayon offers many of the Apple Pencil’s features including its tilt functionality but sacrifices pressure sensitivity.
Compared to the iPad Pro
So, if the 6th-generation iPad offers Apple Pencil capabilities, what’s the difference between it and the iPad Pro? A lot, actually. First off, the 12.9-inch and 10.5-inch iPad Pros cost significantly more than the 6th-generation. The base 10.5-inch carries a $329 premium over the iPad tablet, and for good reason.
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The 6th-generation is physically identical to the 5th-generation model.
Not only are the Pros’ screens larger than the 6th-generation iPad’s panel, they are also fully laminated, have anti-reflective coatings, use Apple’s ProMotion and True Tone technologies and feature wide color capabilities. Put the 6th-generation iPad next to the Pro and you’ll immediately notice the difference. The Pro simply looks cleaner and more colorful. The 6th-generation is certainly no slouch, but the Pro offers a better picture.
The Pros also have more powerful A10X Fusion processors, which means you’ll get slightly better performance from the Pros versus the standard iPad. That said, I haven’t had any issue with the 6th-generation iPad. Games and apps all ran smoothly including titles like “Flower” and “Inside” “Player Unkown’s Battlegrounds Mobile” and “Fortnite.”
The iPad Pros also have one major difference compared with the iPad, which is that they have Smart Connectors that allow you to physically connect a keyboard to the tablet. The 6th-generation iPad, on the other hand, uses Bluetooth to connect to a keyboard. That’s because the Pros are meant to serve as laptop replacement devices, while the standard iPad is largely meant to be used as a tablet.
In terms of battery life, Apple claims up to 10 hours of use on a single charge across the iPad line. I’ve used my review unit on and off for a day or two and still had plenty of juice left.
Naturally, both the 6th-generation iPad and its more expensive brethren can run the millions of iOS apps available through Apple’s App Store.
Should you get it?
The iPad is the go-to tablet for consumers for a good reason: it’s the best there is. No Android or Amazon Fire tablet can compare, especially when it comes to app availability and overall capabilities. 
For the average consumer looking to update their old iPad or simply wants to purchase their first slate, the 6th-generation iPad is the gold standard.
If you want something that can replace your laptop, then you might want to opt for the iPad Pro with its larger screen and more powerful processor, or something like Microsoft’s Surface Pro, which is a full-on Windows 10 machine.
But for everyone else who just wants a fantastic slate with plenty of functionality, the 6th-generation iPad is easily the tablet to buy.
More from Dan:
Losing Apple won’t kill Intel
These companies and celebrities are done with Facebook
How Apple aims to win its share of the $17.7 billion education market
New Apple iPad hands-on: The same, but different
Why your iPhone isn’t ringing and how to fix it
Email Daniel Howley at [email protected]; follow him on Twitter at @DanielHowley.
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lunastevig · 2 years
jadi, diultah gue yang ke 20 kemaren gue dihadiahin sama besties mouse, tatakan mouse, sama standing laptop gitu. gue sempet agak shock soalnya gue laptop aja belum punya. tapi emang sebelum2nya gue pernah bilang kemereka kalo gue gabisa sering2 jalan2 soalnya gue mau nabung beli laptop.
sejak saat itu wacana jalan sering gagal. ya padahal gue bilang gitu pun klo diajakin selalu gue usahain bisa. tapi agaknya mereka sedikit paham.
and now, 3 hari yang lalu gue merampungkan tabungan gue hasil kerja lembur bagai khuda. pas tabungan gue rampung, gue bertekad “pokoknya harus lgsg dibeliin laptop”. soalnya kalo nanti2 takut uangnya malah ke pake.
dan 2 hari lalu, besties gue ngajakin ke prj yang sebenernya pas hari mereka ajakin itu gue mau nyari laptop. tapi kata kakak gue yaudah nanti dicariin ama dia. tapi di jam2 terakhir gue mau ke prj, kakak gue malah mau pergi. jadi gajadi nyariin laptop buat gue dong. akhirnya uang yang gue ambil di atm dengan nekat gue bawa ke prj. bayangin aja tu ke prj tmpt rame, sok2an bawa duit banyak.
pas sampe prj, ya biasalah keliling2 manja. trus pas sampe masuk di hall gitu, ehh ada store laptop. gue tariklah temen gue buat nemenin gue liat2. gue tanya2in lah laptop2 yang sesuai budget yang gue bawa sambil konsul sama kakak gue yang ada di lain tmpt.
gue tanyain satu2, sampe gue nemu laptop inceran gue dari awal gue bertekad mau beli laptop. dan harganya ternyata lebih dari budget gue. akhirnya gue konsul lagi sama kakak gue.
kak, ini harganya sekian, ram sekian, batere sekian, dll nya lah. trus gue juga jelasin laptop yg gue pengenin, harga sekian, ram sekian, batre sekian.
trus kak gue tanya “jadi kamu mau yg mana?”. ya kalo ditanya mau yang mana sih gue mau yang lebih dari budget yg gue punya.
kalian harus tau betapa bahagianya gue, gue lgsg kyk gemeter gitu mau bilang “mba saya mau ambil yg ini” ke salesnya
akhirnya pas udah fix pilihannya. gue natap laptop itu dan natap ke bestie gue yang saat itu nemenin gue (2 bestie gue yg lain lagi keliling). seketika mellow bgt, gue merasa disupport parah. awalnya gue mikir mereka agak ga masuk akal ngadoin gue mouse, tatakan mouse, standing laptop waktu itu. tapi justru itulah yang buar gue semangat buat nabung. jujur, sebenernya gue mau nangis pas itu, tapi gue gamau keliatan nangis. akhirnya gue cuma bisa meluk bestie gue dan bilang kalo gue berterimakasih bgttt.
sampe di rmh, gue jajarin tu laptop dan alat2 pendamping laptop dari besties gue. DAN SEMUANYA SERBA PINKKK GEMES BGTT.
MAKASIH JUGA KAKAKKUUU. gatau kapan aku bisa gantiin sisa kekurangan beli laptopnya. tapi kalo ada kesempatan buat ganti, aku usahain aku ganti kok.
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lii2ten-blog · 8 years
today ii 2aw 2omethiing that 2carred me for liife. iit wa2 a wonderful 2.5 GHZ laptop ruiined wiith viiru2e2, broken and practiically falliing apart. ii wa2 2eriiou2ly about two cry.
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firickbestproducts · 2 years
Backpacks for Women Fashion PU Leather Bag Multipurpose Design Convertible Satchel Bag Travel Backpack Handbag and Purse 2Pcs womens clothing
Backpacks for Women Fashion PU Leather Bag Multipurpose Design Convertible Satchel Bag Travel Backpack Handbag and Purse 2Pcs womens clothing
Price: (as of – Details) From the brand women’s backpack Department ‏ : ‎ Womens Date First Available ‏ : ‎ April 26, 2021 ASIN ‏ : ‎ B093HBVTF1 进口1.★ The backpack is made of high-quality pu, waterproof, scratch-resistant, large capacity, can hold a 13-inch laptop2.★SIZE:(L) 12.6 x 6 x (H) 12.6 inches:30x32x13cm/handle height:10cm/3.94inch,weight:0.7kg/1.54pounds.】【Wallet:8.2”x4.8inch】 total…
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mamahfuj · 3 years
Microsoft surface laptop 2
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laptop2 · 6 years
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Don't do animations often. - laptop2
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laptoplicious · 2 years
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g33kxinc · 3 years
Out of Range-monitor
Good day Kindly assistI am using laptop: HP PB 450 G6 and I have connected an LG monitor to extend the display of my laptopHowever, I get “Out of Range” on the LG monitor (FLATRON W1943SB)Kindly assist in resolving this issue, I tried to..1. uninstall the display drivers on the laptop2. Uninstall monitor drivers3. Boot from safe mode and “checked” base video under sys configboot tab Good…
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ceritalewatmata · 4 years
Notebook Kesayangan
Awal kuliah (2016), merasa butuh punya laptop/notebook pegangan sendiri dikarenakan hal trsbt akan memudahkan mobilitas seorang mahasiswi, gak lagi seperti jaman SMA yang harus gantian2 laptop sama kakak/ummi krn itu bakal ganggu kerjaan mereka juga. ⁣ ⁣ Akhirnya, pake uang saku sendiri, beli notebook. Gak neko2 cari spek yang gimana2, yang penting mah sekedar bisa bantu nemenin perjuangan kuliaah & perkuliahanku juga gak yang pake aplikasi/software berat2 so, masih mobile lah yaaa notebook ini. ⁣ ⁣ Qodarullah menuju tahun terakhir kuliaah (oktober 2019) ni notebook kerendem air botol minuman yang tutupnya lepas di dalem tas😭. Inget bgt lagi masa bikin lpj ppl pas di malaysia, notebooknya blackout bisa dibayangin betapa hancurnya hatiquuuu😭.⁣ ⁣ Alhamdulillah saat itu dibantuin salah satu guru di tempat ppl, dipinjemin MacBooknya buat ngelarin lpj. Huwaaa😢⁣ ⁣ Long story short~⁣ Pas udh di indo, di service lah notebook ini. Alhamdulillah bisa hidup lagii dan bekerja optimal untuk memulai perjuangan baru, SKRIPSI awal januari kemarin.⁣ ⁣ Tapi gak lama, mungkin, karena notebook lama (hampir 4 tahun & sudah pernah ada kerusakan) notebook ini mulailah mati mendadak, lemot, dll. Pokoknya, gak menunjang bgt buat skripsian, searching jurnal, mendeley, spss, maktabah syamilah, dll. ⁣ ⁣ Akhirnya pake notebook lain di rumah lagi dan notebook ini teronggok saja sampe skripsi selesai agustus kemarin. ⁣ ⁣ Abis itu, mulai kan, aku rewel lagii 😂, nanya pendapat di story IG (sebelumnya udah ubek2 google dan YouTube juga) tentang gimana/diapain nih laptop yang kendalanya beginii. ⁣ ⁣ Akhirnya ada yang saranin ganti HDD jadi SSD aja. Nah! Sejalan banget sama yang aku baca. Udah ready tuh niatnya mau bongkar2 laptop sendiri, tapi sebelum beli SSD (dan perintilan lainnya) di shopee, ku sempet nyobain dulu buka mur di belakang laptop, alamaak keras kaliii, aku gak kuat😂😂.⁣ Terus sebenernya juga gak PD-PD banget bisa mindahin HDD jadi SSD, bagi partisinya, pindahin OS nya, gitu2nya deh, meskipun dimudahin banget sama google dan YouTube, ya tetep aja kan ngeri juga kalau salah😅.⁣ yowes deh service aja ⁣ And, sywalaaa~~ Alhamdulillah sekarang udah terpasang SSD di notebook jadulku ini (jadul tapi ku cinta, karena perjuangan dapetinnya dan dia saksi perjalanan kuliahku- walaupun skripsian gak sama dia😬), SSD bikin gak lemot sama sekali dan jadi dapet hardisk eksternal juga😂😂⁣ ⁣ Langsung deh berbenah berkas skripsi (yang ada di notebook pas skripsian) dipindahin ke notebook aku😋✨⁣ ⁣ Adapun yang bisa kita tarik kesimpulan dari cerita Faaiza malam ini,⁣ ✨Amanah sama setiap barang milikmu (yang semuanya titipan Allah) - dari tindakan preventif sampe kuratif. kalau ada kendala, diikhtiarkan sampe back to normal⁣ ✨Setia sama apapun milikmu, apalagi dapetinnya juga pakai usaha sendiri⁣ ✨SSD adalah jalan ninja bagi laptop2 jadul nan lemot 😆 (cmiiw) ⁣ ⁣ Yaudah, gitu aja sih, aku emang demen sharing😂😂⁣ Doain semoga notebook ini terus aweett😊😊 posted on instagram, Sept 15th 2020 
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