#lapis lazuli apologist
rosalinabloom · 5 days
I went into rewatching Steven Universe thinking Lapis and Jasper was a metaphor for abuse and reactive abuse, but no they just wrote an abusive relationship and the recovery of it.
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gir-posting · 2 years
wh. what did lapis lazuli do for you to call yourself an "apologist"
mostly she's just not a very well written character since she was never really meant to be but i used to be like ADAMANT abt her. just absolutely rooting for her and losing. u know how it is
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peri · 5 years
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werewolf-cuddles · 6 years
You are such a lapis apologist. You probably hate jasper.
This is the most hilarious ask I have ever recieved.
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astronomy-is-cute · 3 years
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woah pinned post pog :0
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boneshine · 4 years
Okay. This needs to be addressed. I saw someone on Instagram say that they “were so tired of people claiming that Lapis was trying to kill Steven and Connie when she literally wasn’t doing that.”
... To which I respond with,
??? Lapis??? Trying to kill Steven and Connie???
You mean that scene in Ocean Gem (Part 2)??? where she was innocently submerging Steven and Connie’s heads in water and playfully waiting for them to run out of air so they can hilariously drown????
Why, that’s just Lapis playing around??? How can you even THINK that Lapis Lazuli, a Gem who canonically knows that humans need air to survive, would maliciously and with full intention, encase the two human-appearing characters in water for them to suffocate while the other Gem characters that didn’t have lungs were only attacked by the water clones and not identically submerged??? She’s just kidding! That’s how she plays!
Right??? How silly of you to think that Lapis tried to murder children! Besides, even if that happens to (possibly) be (somewhat) completely true, Lapis has been through a lot, you know??? That means that she gets a free pass to do ANYTHING she wants! That’s how it works!
By the way…
This post…
Is written in Sarcasm™
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Disclaimer: Lapis Lazuli did totally try to kill Steven and Connie. It only didn’t happen because Greg ran over the water clone with his van. If Greg hadn’t been there, Connie and Steven would have drowned.
No, I don’t accept any arguments or explanations.
What I said is true.
Don’t tell me that Lapis doesn’t understand human anatomy or basic organic lifeforms. Lapis knows about humans. She states this in “The Return”. She knows that they aren’t considered a threat to Gems.
She also knows they need air because she intentionally used this particular attack on the two human characters.
If she didn’t realize that humans needed air to survive, why would Lapis only encase Steven and Connie’s heads in water? She did not do the same attack to the Crystal Gems, who didn’t need oxygen to survive. She only used this attack on HUMANS.
Because she knew it would kill them.
She knew what she was doing.
And she never apologized.
Connie herself brought this up in “The New Crystal Gems” by reminding Lapis that “you almost drowned me.”
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Lapis, once again, did not apologize, and stated that she couldn’t remember Connie from that because she “almost drowned a lot of people”. (And don’t tell me that she’s sympathetic because she looks unhappy to remember that. She still didn’t apologize.)
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Stop saying Lapis is completely innocent and that everything she’s done can be excused.
Admit she’s done bad things.
It doesn’t destroy a character if you admit they’ve not been 100% angelic. You’re not betraying that character by acknowledging that they aren’t perfect, and they make mistakes and they can be assholes.
People will inevitably respond by not reading my post all the way or won’t acknowledge the facts I’m posting and will be telling me how Lapis has grown and developed and she’s been through so much (as if that makes attempted child-murder completely acceptable) and how “well THIS other Gem tried to kill people!”, etc. and this and that, but you fail to recognize that the point of this particular essay is that the person that I brought up at the beginning of my post is trying to act as if Lapis did not, in fact, attempt to viciously murder two children.
By the way, Lapis totally did try to viciously murder two children.
This blatant ignorance and apologist behavior are not healthy.
Please stop pretending that you can make an excuse for literally everything that Lapis has done.
Please don’t try and act as though her abusive and violent behavior is acceptable because she’s been through trauma.
Trauma can EXPLAIN one’s actions, but it cannot CONDONE one’s actions.
For example, Jasper is my favorite character in the show and even I admit that she isn’t perfect, and the majority of her behavior is not healthy and despite her pain and struggles, it doesn’t make most things that she’s done in the show acceptable.
I UNDERSTAND why Jasper does the things she’s doing, but it doesn’t make it okay.
See Lapis for the same reasons.
Acknowledge that she’s done bad things that you really shouldn’t try to excuse.
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bimbinis · 7 years
I was browsing through my “Lapis Lazuli Protection Squad encounters” tag and it’s really amusing how much I seemed to care about all that but there’s one fucking discourse in that tag that still makes my blood boil with rage and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look at that discourse and not want to personally beat up the asshole who called me an ~abuse apologist~ for saying torturing people for several months isn’t excusable
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