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ernestdescalsartwok · 1 year ago
HOLY TRINITY CHURCH-EAST FINCHLEY-LONDON-UK-GRAVEYARD-PAINTING-LANDSCAPE-ERNEST DESCALS-ARTIST-PAINTER- por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: HOLY TRINITY CHURCH-EAST FINCHLEY-LONDON-UK-GRAVEYARD-PAINTING-LANDSCAPE-ERNEST DESCALS-ARTIST-PAINTER- Fotos pintando entre lápidas antiguas en el cementerio de HOLY TRINITY CHURCH en EAST FINCHLEY, Londres, Reino Unido, días muy fríos en ambiente navideño, con acuarelas estoy tomando notas de los paisajes con espiritualidad y mucha historia, todos los lugares y todos los ambientes son interesantes para los artistas que quieren captar las sensaciones. Foto del artista pintor Ernest Descals en la concentración del trabajo artístico y sensitivo.
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quariumarts · 2 years ago
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Girl that holds onto your scrap and makes explosives out of it: Lápida
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haru-thunderstorm · 1 year ago
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Cuando me muera...
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callmeanxietygirl · 2 years ago
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Hola buen día. Visite el cementerio y me encontré con esto. Me pareció hermoso!🖤
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leoevilbanger · 2 years ago
ZidiZ "Selartsecna Sotim & Saimefsalb" 12" Split Vinyl.
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u-t-o-p-i-a-6-6-6 · 1 year ago
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Raven soul
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onlyhurtforaminute · 1 year ago
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victoravilan · 2 years ago
Hay quienes estan entre dos mundos. Privilegiados, quizás, de interactuar sin temor con quines finalizan la vida. O quizás son otra cosa que los simples mortales no queremos entender.
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cubojorbr · 4 months ago
Museu de Artes Visuais recebe Lapida Ball: Uma Noite de Arte, Ancestralidade e Performance em São Luís
Antes do evento principal, o Lapida Ball será precedido por uma série de atividades que promovem a troca de saberes e o fortalecimento da comunidade.
O Centro Histórico de São Luís será palco de um evento que promete redefinir o cenário cultural da cidade. No dia 15 de novembro, o Museu de Artes Visuais (Rua Portugal, 273, Reviver) receberá o Lapida Ball, uma celebração de resistência, ancestralidade e inovação, a partir das 18h. O evento propõe um encontro entre expressões artísticas que conectam o passado e o futuro, reunindo um público…
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nebulardrip · 9 months ago
8, 9, and 10 for seleph and ferius
8. How do they communicate with each other? Are there any recurring phrases or gestures unique to their relationship? They're both pretty good at communicating with one another. Ferius is sometimes super cagey about his feelings because being vulnerable is scary, but Seleph is patient with him and encourages him to open up. They have some secret gestures they give each other for various reasons like "hey i would like to exit this conversation, can you help me out?" or "this person is dangerous and we should leave" etc.
9. What is one quality they have in common?
They both really care about their relationships, no matter what kind it is. In regards to each other, they sometimes worry (individually) if they're co-dependent and try to seek an external perspective from their other friends. Both would die for the other.
10. What is one major difference between them?
Seleph is better at navigating social situations than Ferius and is less likely to overthink than he is.
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boinkingbattlemechs · 2 months ago
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The Spider was the first BattleMech produced by Newhart Industries, designed in 2650 as a light reconnaissance and attack 'Mech to be used by Star League Defense Force Special Operations forces such as the Blackhearts. Beyond exceeding all of the SLDF's minimum requirements, Newhart had actually designed the Spider before receiving the Star League's request for proposals and were ready to begin production immediately, factors which helped the company win the contract very quickly. In terms of maneuverability, the Spider has a ground speed comparable to a Locust and can outjump either the vaunted Wasp or Stinger light 'Mechs. Built with top-of-the-line reliable parts, sophisticated reconnaissance equipment, and an energy weapon payload which allowed for extended operations without resupply, the Spider was a great success. While not produced in large numbers, it could be rapidly manufactured, which enabled its service to the end of the Star League.
Newhart's Spider factory on New Earth was destroyed in 2776 as part of the Amaris Civil War and very few Spiders ended up in the hands of the Successor States when the Star League dissolved. As their numbers began to dwindle during the Succession Wars, entire offensive operations were conducted simply to secure spare parts for these 'Mechs. So rare was the Spider that Wolf's Dragoons were notable for having an entire lance of Spiders, albeit split among the various regiments. This trend towards extinction was finally reversed when the Free Worlds League was able to secure the schematics for the Spider and, in a deal with Nimakachi Fusion Products Limited, the company was given exclusive control of the 'Mech's technical specifications in exchange for building them for the Free Worlds League. Nimakachi began building new Spiders from their factory on Tematagi and later expanded their facilities on Lapida II to produce them as well. This resulted in the Free Worlds League and Draconis Combine having the largest number of Spiders in active service in the late Succession War period.
The recovery of lost Star League technology inspired Nimakachi to update the Spider with new upgrades, resulting in the improved SDR-7M and the derivative Venom. While the Free Worlds League did not express much interest in these 'Mechs, Nimakachi found ready buyers among the other Great Houses, in particular the Draconis Combine, which had lost a large number of light 'Mechs during the Clan Invasion and bought up both local- and foreign-made Spiders to replenish their ranks. The Word of Blake also expressed an interest in these Spiders and bought several to outfit their military. These Spiders were used as part of the Blakist conquest of Terra and were later gifted to the Protectorate Militia, where they fought in the Jihad. Starting in 3067, the Spider was restyled by Nimakachi, which allowed the addition of an ejection system to the cockpit of the new SDR-7K, 7K2, and 7KC models.
The Spider carries a very light armament of two Aberdovey Mk III medium lasers mounted in its center torso next to the fusion engine. While more expensive than the common Martell lasers mounted on other 'Mechs, they are of superior quality and require very little maintenance. Waste heat generated by the lasers are handled by the standard number of 10 single heat sinks mounted in the fusion engine. Three and a half tons of armor provide some measure of protection, although most Spider pilots agree that speed is the best defense. The unique armor alignment on the front of the Spider is what gave the 'Mech its name, and this spiderweb pattern is further emphasized by a bright red fiberglass sealant in the seams between armor plates.
The Spider carries a grand total of eight jump jets, four each in the left and right torso, giving it an incredible jumping distance of 240 meters. Using cutting-edge components, the jump jets can pivot the 'Mech in mid-flight while still reaching its original landing point thanks to its advanced computer tracking. This ability for the Spider to "twitch" in the air gives it greater protection, as even the most advanced targeting computers can have a hard time acquiring a lock.
The O/P communications system and targeting-tracking system are fully integrated in the Spider, meaning both verbal communications and sensor readings can be transmitted back to headquarters. This advanced computer setup even includes an entertainment system for those long, lonely nights on recon duty. However, it also has a serious drawback in that the system combined with the head's armor layout leaves no space for a proper ejection system: the pilot must manually reach the lower hatch on their own in order to exit the 'Mech. Many Spider pilots therefore practice quickly exiting the 'Mech during their downtime, especially those variants which carry vulnerable ammunition liable to cook off.
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vadaviaaiciap · 8 months ago
Io sono gen. X.
Se mi avessero detto a 20 anni che sarei inveccchiato in un mondo in cui:
- gli ammiragli americani hanno il cazzo sotto la gonna
- la Disney avrebbe fatto della frociaggine il nuovo nazismo
- i culattoni tifano chi li butta giù dai palazzi
- le donne sostengono i diritti di chi le lapida e stupra
- le miniere di terre rare sarebbero diventate ecologiche
- una illetterata nana con disagi mentali sarebbe stata ricevuta da capi di stato
- la famiglia sarebbe diventata un bersaglio culturale
- uccidere o comprare infanti sarebbe stato proposto come diritto
- difendere i miei cari e miei beni sarebbe stato visto come estremismo
- il mondo si sarebbe difeso da un virus mortale con la mascherina di Hello Kitty
- La guerra è pace
- Il debito è ricchezza
- l’economia di guerra fornirà molti posti di lavoro
- il Dio denaro regna incontrastato in tutti i campi
- una Europa unita dal “mercato” meglio, alle banche tutte rigorosamente riconducibili a pochissimi da cui prende ordini.
Beh, non ci avrei creduto.
Invece, eccoci qui.
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falcemartello · 2 years ago
Fare un complimento ad una donna è una molestia sessuale. Spiegare come si lapida è espressione della cultura mussulmana. Il processo di integrazione sociale e culturale prevede anche di non discriminare alcune forme di lapidazione?
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annasmanipulatedworld · 5 months ago
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"Rana Lapida Volucris" by Anna Tuomisalo
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onlyhurtforaminute · 1 year ago
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notasfilosoficas · 3 months ago
“A veces uno sabe que se va a estrellar y acelera”
Charles Bukowsky
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Heinrich Karl Bukowski fue un escritor de relatos, novelista y poeta estadounidense nacido en Alemania en agosto de 1920. Fue un representante del realismo sucio, y es considerado como un “poeta maldito”, debido a su excesivo alcoholismo, pobreza y bohemia.
Sus padres se casaron un mes antes de que Charles naciera, su madre, era natural de Alemania y su padre un estadounidense de ascendencia polaca.
A causa de la crisis alemana después de la Primera Guerra Mundial, sus padres se mudaron a Baltimore en 1923 y más tarde a un suburbio del South Central de Los Angeles.
Se graduó en el Instituto de secundaria de Los Angeles y cursó estudios de arte, periodismo y literatura en la Universidad de Los Angeles por dos años.
Debido a la difícil relación con su padre, Charles dejó la Universidad, y a los 24 años publicó su relato corto “Aftermath of a Lenghty Rejection Slip” y otro relato en 1946 en donde, desilusionado con el proceso de publicación , dejó de escribir por una década, dedicándose a vagar por Estados Unidos, realizando trabajos temporales y viviendo en pensiones baratas.
Durante la década de los 50, Bukowski regresó a Los Angeles y trabajó en la oficina de correos durante una década. En 1964, tuvo una hija y fue cuando se decidió vivir de la literatura. 
Publicó algunos poemas en la revista de literatura The Outsider, y a partir de 1967, Bukowski escribiría una columna en un diario independiente de Los Angeles.
Con una remuneración de 100 dólares mensuales de por vida, Bukowski dejó de trabajar en la oficina de correos y a los 49 años se dedicó a trabajar para la editorial Black Sparrow Press, publicando toda su obra literario.
En 1976, conoce a Linda Lee Belghle, dueña de un restaurante de comida sana, y dos años más tarde, la pareja se mudó desde la parte este de Hollywood a San Pedro, el distrito mas al sur de la ciudad de Los Angeles, casándose en 1985.
A lo largo de su vida, Bukowski publicó seis novelas, nueve colecciones de cuentos y veinte colecciones de poemas.
La obra de Bukowski está fuertemente influenciada por la atmósfera de la ciudad de Los Angeles, en donde pasó la mayor parte de su vida. Ha sido traducida a mas de una docena de idiomas y es visto como un icono de la decadencia estadounidense y de la representación nihilista característica después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 
Su falta de ambición, de compromiso con él mismo y con el resto del mundo, convirtieron a este escritor en una de las influencias de bastantes autores contemporáneos.
Hoy en dia, la obra literaria de Bukowski esta considerada como una de las mas influyentes de la literatura estadounidense y uno de los símbolos del “realismo sucio” y de la literatura independiente.
A la edad de 73 años, poco después de terminar su ultima novela “Pulp”, murió de leucemia en marzo de 1994. Sus restos fueron conducidos por monjes budistas y en su lapida se lee “Don’t Try” (“No lo intentes”).
Fuente: Wikipedia.
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