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This Art Deco brooch shows the clear influence of "Japonisme" on French design. Beautifully rendered in platinum, diamond, onyx, enamel, and fused glass (backed by mother of pearl), it's beautiful and unusual example of an iconic period. Style number 50-91-99. ❣️🗻🌲❣️ . . . . . . . . . #Lang #langlook #LangAntiques #langjewelry #langophile #langstyle #jotd #jewelry #jewelrysale #jewelrygram #jewelryofig #jewelrygoals #jewelryofinstagram #jewelryoftheday #diamond #artdeco #bastilleday #frenchnationalday #bastilleday🇫🇷 #japonisme #antiquediamonds #french #frenchdesign #frenchjewelry (at Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry)
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Star Struck (Working Title)
Chapter 1
Miku wants to go to a concert in Seoul, but so far all she has is Yuko.
Welcome to McDonalds!
“Arrrgggh!” Miku (美空) complained to the pavement as she scuffed back to her dorm room. Kyoto University wasn’t her parent’s first choice, but Miku had been adamant about the international relations department there. It could have been the new spring scent in the air or the way her light jacket brushed against her skin but somehow some way the events that led her here found their way to the forefront of her thoughts. Miku had basically written a thesis on why she chose Kyoto and presented it to her parents in no less than a beautifully crafted and engaging slideshow. When her parents still resisted, she appealed to their betting nature and set up an agreement with them. If she could win first place in an English and a Mandarin competition, therefore proving her competence in diplomacy, she could go to Kyoto University. Her parents agreed but Miku suspected they didn’t expect her to succeed.
The English competition was easy. She flew by competitors and snatched up first place no problem. Her parents stood proud with her and bragged about her everywhere people would listen. Miku had such a bright future at their preferred university of Tokyo.
The results of the mandarin competition however haunted Miku now as she watched the events replay in her head. She got caught into a tiebreaker with the principal’s daughter and darling of her high school, Meiko. Meiko was as beautiful as her name promised with straight black perfect hair to her waist, bright eyes and clear skin, but she was cut-throat any other wise. Meiko had the school including the judges, settled right in her back pocket. Her victory was certain and Miku’s parents sat comfortably through the competition. Until the tie-breaking round that is. It was only by chance that the judges asked for a character that Miku knew and Meiko did not. A slimy guilt stuck to Miku for a few weeks after awkwardly posing hunch-backed for the victor’s photo with her principal. A slight film lingered even now. How dare she cross someone as beautiful as Meiko? Miku herself was as unimpressive as they come with shoulder-length jagged hair, flat chest, and freckled skin.
Miku shook her head to get rid of the sudden memory. That was all in the past wasn’t? Besides, she had more important issues to mull over. Like when the next SHinee concert was going to be and where.
“How am I going to get all the way to Korea in a year? I don’t have that kind of money! Onew is finally going to be back in Asia and I can’t be there to welcome him!” her bangs hung in front of her face as she continued to walk at a zombies pace on the sidewalk.
SHinee was a recent obsession. The South Korean boy band had been the medicine that she needed to help Miku get over her victory over Meiko and transition to college life. The boys were there when she was sad and she listened to them when she celebrated her new home. Their soft voices and ardent beats always made Miku’s body bounce. Sometimes even in publuc. They also sang in Korean! What more could a langophile like Miku ask for? She was hooked and she couldn’t get enough of them. Especially Onew, the gentlest member of the group. But even his soft voice couldn’t pull her out of this cloud of depression right now. In fact, it exacerbated her gloom.
An ant crawled across the concrete in front of her. Miku followed it with her gaze until it stopped at the bottom of the sticky doors of a McDonald’s. She ran the line of the crack of the front doors up with her eyes until she saw an advertisement for an ice cream cone only 50 yen! It was posted right next to a Help Wanted sign in big, bright, red letters. Yeah, she thought to herself, something sweet might help her lift her mood. So she walked through the automatic doors, through the rush of air carrying the familiar scents of hamburgers, fries, and milkshakes and tapped up to the counter, her hand already in her pocket searching for a 50 yen piece.
There was only the hum of the heaters and grill and the high pitched tapping on metal to greet Miku at first, but before she could think twice a young woman’s head popped out from behind the ice cream machine. The force of the perfect straight black hair and bright eyes that made the McDonald’s visor sit just right knocked Miku back a half step.
“Itasshaimase!" Oh god…thought Miku, this woman can’t be real. Even her voice is light and perfect. It’s Meiko all over again. Miku shoved her foot back up. No, I just want an ice cream cone. There’s no competition here! We both win in this! I get ice cream and she gets to sell it to me. Then the cashier stepped out from behind the machine. The young woman looked to be a few years older than Miku and the uniform hugs her as if she were the model they used to make it! Urgg! Flawless or not this Meiko-like person had to do her job.
The cashier practically floated up to the registrar as she smiled and asked, “How may I help you?”
Ha! Thought Miku, your top teeth are too close together. The two in front jutted out just a bit from the others. You’re not so perfect! Even if you do smell like fresh linen, I can order no problem.
“I, uh”
Another worker, a young man this time slight and ordinary came around with a mop to clean up around the ice cream machine.
“Ice cream!” Miku was surprised at her own volume.
The young man let out a chuckle. The cashier blinked a few times in rapid succession and smiled brightly.“Ok that is 50 yen, please.”
If Miku was anything it was ready. Her arm shot out in front of her with the silver coin clasped in between her thumb and index finger. The cashier smiled even wider as she reached to prise the coin and say, “Thank y-” She stopped with the both of them still holding the coin and gasped. “I am so sorry! It will be a few minutes until we get the machine working again.Is that ok?”
Miku let go of the coin and exhaled a quiet sigh of relief. Miku’s coin wasn’t the problem. Haha! This cashier was! This cashier and that broken machine.
“It’s ok.” Miku said with a slight grin. She cleared her throat and put her hand in her pocket. Her fingertips still tingled from the cashier’s. “I have time to wait.”
“Oh thank you very much!” The cashier’s expression was so sweet. No, thought Miku, I won here. I win here. Even still she sat herself down at a table facing away from the counter and looked at the glass doors of the restaurant again.
She mused reading the advertisements backward. Eci maerc 05 !ney She giggled. She wondered if Onew did this in his spare time. Would he be open to learning Japanese? qleH betnaW. Ah they need help here. And I need money. She looked down at her white tennis shoes. She was vaguely aware of an old sounding English pop song playing in the deserted red and yellow dining room. Lullaby synthesizers, dramatic silences and electric guitar riffs clung to the plush leather booths. Miku sighed. There was no way her parents were going to give her the money to go to Seoul just to not study. The weird part was Miku really liked studying, but with years stacked on top of years of it she needed something else to do.
BANG!!! Bang bang bang bang!!! She heard some frantic pounding against the machine.
It was so loud in the restaurant! How was Miku supposed to figure out a way to get to that SHinee concert? Wait! Her eyes darted for the front doors. This is it! She clapped a hand on her forehead of course! McDonalds would pay money for help! That’s what happens at jobs right? She just needed to get hired. She needed a job.
She paused. But would she have the time? So far all of her classes were easy and she found that she had more time in the evenings than she knew what to do with these days. Besides watching SHinee music videos that is. So why not earn some extra money and go to the concert herself?! She sprung right up out of her chair, and her heart swelled with a new pride in herself she never knew existed. She was going to earn real money! Not like that 2,000 yen she got for perfect scores in all her classes. Real money from real people who were not her parents.
She walked up to the empty counter, holding her head high. And again the cashier’s head popped up. Miku stopped. She had forgotten about the cashier. The cashier’s eyebrows knit together, “I am so sorry we are still working on the ice cream machine.”
“Oh! Uh well…” Does she back out now? “ I was going to apply for a job, but I see you are busy…”
The cashier’s face lit up at once “Why don’t you?! You would be perfect here!” She dipped down behind the counter and came back up with an application in one hand and a black ink pen in the other. “Just fill this out and I’ll be over there with you in a few minutes for your interview.” Miku’s heart jumped to her throat.
“Y-y-you will interview me?” Miku never thought her voice could get so high.
“Yes! You are talking to the manager after all!” The name tag pinned to the cashier’s shirt flashed in Miku’s eyes ‘Manager: Yuko 優子.’ How could she have missed that?
“OK!” Miku blurted.
The young man snorted. “Wow Yuko, you even have the ladies flustered!”
“Oh Kyo.” Yuko cocked her head to the side and pursed her lips. “Let’s work on your fixing skills so you can wow ladies too. We’ll start with looking at that spout one more time.”
Miku spun on her heel fast to keep the flush that rose to her cheeks to herself and walked right back to the spot where she had that stupid idea to apply. How could she have forgotten the cashie-the manager works here?! What will she look like next to someone like that!? Just fill out the application she thought. It’s not as if you are already hired.
The application was easy enough. Miku just wrote her name down and the names of her parents along with her new and past addresses. But she left the place where former work experience is supposed to go blank. Because this would be her first job. Then she thought hard about the part of submitting to a background check, pressing the end of the pen against her bottom lip. Had she done anything illegal? She blew air out of her nose. No she didn’t have the courage to do so much as break a class rule. Let alone anything punishable by the law.
She signed on the bottom and threaded her fingers through her hair so that her bangs were out of her eyes and sticking up in odd angles. As she lay back she became aware of a new humming coming from behind her. But too late. Yuko’s light tapping crept up behind her and Yuko herself sat down in the chair across from her with a trail of long silky hair behind her. Miku didnt even have time to take her fingers out of her hair.
“Well that’s a new style.” Yuko cocked her head to the side again just so that Miku’s stomach wrenched. She whipped her hands down to her side pockets.
“Let’s get started now shall we?” With Yuko seated Miku could look straight at her instead of inclining her head a few inches. She fiddled with the zipper of her spring jacket and said, “yes.”
“Ok can you tell me who you are?” Yuko lifted the paper up for a moment and then placed it flat down on the table and gave Miku her full attention. “I see here that your name is Miku. It’s such a pretty name. It will look quite nice on a name tag.” Miku wasn’t all that pleased with Yuko’s use of will, but she sat up straighter and answered anyway.
“Like it says on my application my name is Miku Kohara and I attend Kyoto University. My major is international relations. I am looking to pursue an occupation as an ambassador after I graduate with my Ph. D.” Miku puffed up her chest. It just felt suitable for the occasion. Yuko examined the application.
“Yes you certainly do have the right qualifications for that. You list that you are fluent in English!”
“I have also listed Mandarin right after.” Miku pointed to the listing with her finger.
“Wow, even better. I was never able to remember very many words in English class or Mandarin class.” Yuko leaned back and crossed her arms. “You’re obviously very qualified for whatever you want to pursue. So, why do you want to work at McDonald’s?”
Onew’s face flashed over Miku’s vision. “I, well, I want to bring happiness to people in the form of food and McDonald’s has the best!” Miku smiled wide. Yuko put an elbow on the table and rested head on her head and stared up at Miku.
“I-uh” Miku leaned closer too and opened her mouth to say I need more money for tuition, but fresh linen bombarded her olfactories and Yuko had the audacity to blink. Miku sighed and in a low voice said, “A year from now SHinee will perform in Seoul and I want to be there. By my calculations I should be able to make enough money to go if I work here until then.”
“There it is” Yuko grinned. She straightened back up and nodded her head. “I knew there had to be something more to you.”
“Yuko!” An older man walked out from behind the counter dressed in a shirt and tie, holding a clipboard precariously. He was balding and he had a kind face. He pointed a pen at Miku while he addressed Yuko. “Is this an applicant?” “Yes, sir she is!” Yuko moved to stand up, but the man waved her down.
He turned to Miku, “when can you start?”
“My name is Miku and I could start tomorrow evening.” Miku said wide-eyed looking up at the man.
“Great! I’m Tatsuya, the owner here.” he turned back to the counter. “Kyo! Can you come in at 5pm tomorrow to train Miku here?”
The young man’s face scrunched up and scratched the back of his head, “UUHh.. I really wish I could sir, but my grandma is real sick and tomorrow is my turn to take care of her.”
The owner whirled back to Yuko. “I am sorry Yuko. I know that you already have the day shift tomorrow, but can you stay and train Miku?”
“Oh of course!”
Of course, Miku mocked Yuko silently. Little Miss Perfect can’t let anyone down.
“Yuko!” He clapped her on the shoulder. “I can always count on you! Five pm tomorrow Miku!”
“Yes sir 5pm!” Miku said, but the owner had already started walking back to behind the counter.
“The ice cream machine works again! Let’s get you your ice cream cone.” Yuko rushed over and retrieved a serving for Miku. Yuko was already offering the cone out as Miku arrived. The new employee concentrated on trying not to touch Yuko’s hand again as she reached for it. But she fumbled! The cone went to the left oh! Then to the right and now wayyy to the left again so that Miku caught it in her left hand. Cold ice cream melted and trinkled down between her fingers.
“Oh I’m so sorry!” Yuko exclaimed. She hurriedly reached for a few napkins and encompassed both of Miku’s hands with hers. Miku, not knowing quite how to react wrenched away and threw the cone in the trash can which was a few paces away. Her feet made a beeline for the restroom.
After Miku ran to the sink she just let the cool water run over her fingers. I had better not get another ice cream,she thought. I didn’t realize how much Meiko affected me. She then thought of her parent’s disappointment too. Oh yeah that too. Something about Yuko must have spurred this on. She took a few deep breaths and turned off the water whose handle squeaked back into place.
When she walked out of the bathroom Yuko ran up and placed a hand on Miku’s shoulder. Miku resisted the urge to pull away.
‘Please let me make you another.” Yuko’s face wore an expression Miku didn’t think was possible on faces like the manager’s.
She really did seem sorry so Miku forced out an, “It’s alright. I got a job! That’s even better!” She reminded herself to smile.
“Ok” Yuko said softly then brightened up. “I’ll see you tomorrow Miku! Welcome to McDonald’s!”
“Yeah” Miku said as she put her earphones in and walked out.
After a while, she looked behind her to make sure she was out of sight of the restaurant. When the bright yellow arches were the size of her thumb, she let herself skip with joy. She was going to see Onew after all! She looked down at her phone and switched the song to ‘Dream Girl.’ Onew just another year and you’ll meet me! We’ll have so many language exchanging afternoons ahead of us! This thought of sitting in a rose garden gleefully laughing at the similarities of Japanese and Korean walked Miku all the way home. She was getting closer to Seoul. All she had to do was work with Yuko.
Thank you so much for reading! I was inspired by music to write this particular story so I am going to be listing a song at the end of each chapter to help close it and set the mood. There may even be a recommendation before the chapter :P I’m pretty corny so the songs will be directly related to what is happening in the story and the mindset of the characters. As for this chapter, I recommend “Dream Girl” by SHinee. Miku is pretty one-track minded, isn’t she? Please come again!
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This stunning Belle Époque plique-a-jour enamel pendant/brooch spares no detail! Its almost mandalic shape is mesmerizing. Style number 90-91-6804. 💙💚💛💚💙 . . . . . . . #Lang #langlook #LangAntiques #langjewelry #langophile #langstyle #jotd #jewelry #jewelrysale #jewelrygram #jewelryofig #jewelrygoals #jewelryofinstagram #jewelryoftheday #diamond #belleépoque #bastilleday #frenchnationalday #bastilleday🇫🇷 #necklace #antiquediamonds #french #frenchdesign #frenchjewelry #enamel #pliqueajour #belleepoque (at Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry)
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Another incredible pendant (locket) that borders two periods. Crafted in the Art Nouveau style, it depicts an almost Belle Époque-looking beauty, wearing diamond jewelry! Style number 90-1-10215. ✨💎💁💎✨ 💙 . . . . . . . #Lang #langlook #LangAntiques #langjewelry #langophile #langstyle #jotd #jewelry #jewelrysale #jewelrygram #jewelryofig #jewelrygoals #jewelryofinstagram #jewelryoftheday #diamond #belleépoque #bastilleday #frenchnationalday #bastilleday🇫🇷 #necklace #antiquediamonds #french #frenchdesign #frenchjewelry #belleepoque #artnouveau #locket #figural (at Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry)
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An oldie but goodie...Missed the fireworks last night (or couldn't see them through the fog)...? We've got a trio of #WeddingWednesday sparklers that'll make up for it! Style numbers 10-1-10257, 10-1-10104, and 10-1-7126. 💍💍💍#Lang #langophile #langjewelry #langantiques #langsocialclub #thelanglook #threestonering #thelanglookbook #thelanguageofjewels #jotd #jewelrygram #jewelryofig #jewelrygoals #jewelryforsale #jewelryofinstagram #weddinginspo #weddingideas #weddingwednesday #anniversaryband #anniversaryring #engagement #engagementring #engagementrings #vintage #antiquerings #artdeco #artdecorings #artdecojewelry #alternativeengagementring (at Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry)
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If you want to hold the whole rainbow in your hands, you may just need a ring for each finger! 🌈🌈🌈❤️💛💚💙💜#Lang #langantiques #langjewelry #langsocialclub #langophile #pride #pridemonth #prideweek #sfpride #sanfranciscopride #pride2017 #pride🌈 #jotd #jewelry #jewelryofig #jewelrygram #jewelryofinstagram #showmeyourrings #gemstones #gemstonejewelry #rings #rainbow #gems #sanfrancisco (at Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry)
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Nobody does Deco quite like the French! This platinum and diamond link bracelet is as chic today as when it was made, almost 100 years ago. Style number 40-1-682. 💎💎💎 . . . . . . . #Lang #langlook #LangAntiques #langjewelry #langophile #langstyle #jotd #jewelry #jewelrysale #jewelrygram #jewelryofig #jewelrygoals #jewelryofinstagram #jewelryoftheday #diamond #bastilleday #frenchnationalday #bastilleday🇫🇷 #necklace #antiquediamonds #french #frenchdesign #frenchjewelry #artdeco #bracelet #diamondbracelet (at Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry)
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It's the violet hour here in San Francisco, and we're toasting with this rich, velvety star sapphire! Just like the sunset, its natural, no-heat beauty shifts with the light. Style number 30-3-10722. 💜💜💜#langjewelry #Lang #langophile #LangAntiques #langlook #langstyle #sapphire #jewelrygoals #ringgoals #jotd #jewelry #jewelryofig #jewelryoftheday #jewelryofinstagram #jewelrygram #starsapphire #sunset #colorchange #asterism #gems #gemstone #gemstonering #showmeyourrings (at Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry)
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A rainbow of bracelets starts off this Friday of SF Pride weekend! 🌈🌈🌈❤️💛💚💙💜#Lang #langantiques #langjewelry #langsocialclub #langophile #pride #pridemonth #prideweek #sfpride #sanfranciscopride #pride2017 #pride🌈 #jotd #jewelry #jewelryofig #jewelrygram #jewelryofinstagram #showmeyourrings #gemstones #gemstonejewelry #rings #rainbow #gems #sanfrancisco (at Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry)
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Sliding into Thursday with this #newarrival antique diamond and ruby double snake ring. Style number 10-1-10678. ❤️🐍🐍❤️ . . . . . . . . . #Lang #langjewelry #LangAntiques #langstyle #langophile #langlook #thelanglook #ruby #rubies #jotd #jewelry #jewelrygram #jewelryofig #jewelrygoals #jewelryofinstagram #jewelryoftheday #sanfranciscostyle #diamonds #birthstone #julybirthstone #snake #snakering #antiquejewelry #animaljewelry (at Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry)
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When just *one* ring won't do, we've got rows of red, white, and blue! 🎉💍🇺🇸🎉#Lang #langantiques #langjewelry #langsocialclub #langophile #4thofjuly #fourthofjuly #holidayjewelry #holidayweekend #jewelry #jewelryofig #jewelrygram #jewelrystyle #jewelryforsale #jewelryofinstagram #jewelryoftheday #patriotic #patrioticjewelry #showmeyourrings #rings #ringgoals #ruby #diamonds #sapphire #sapphirering #alternativeengagementring #jewelbox #gemgossipjewelbox #ringbox #redwhiteandblue (at Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry)
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More rubies...? Yes, please! This exquisite necklace looks like it's got just about all of them. 😍😂Style number 90-91-4665. ❣️❣️❣️ . . . . . #Lang #langjewelry #LangAntiques #langstyle #langophile #langlook #thelanglook #ruby #rubies #jotd #jewelry #jewelrygram #jewelryofig #jewelrygoals #jewelryofinstagram #jewelryoftheday #sanfranciscostyle #diamonds #birthstone #julybirthstone #necklace #jewelrygoals (at Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry)
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This stunning Art Deco no-heat ruby, platinum, and diamond bracelet would make the ultimate July birthday gift! Style number 40-1-10047. See all our ruby picks under "Lang Social Club" on our website. ❤️💎❤️💎❤️💎❤️#Lang #langjewelry #LangAntiques #langstyle #langophile #langlook #thelanglook #ruby #rubies #artdeco #jotd #jewelry #jewelrygram #jewelryofig #jewelrygoals #jewelryofinstagram #jewelryoftheday #sanfranciscostyle #diamonds #birthstone #julybirthstone (at Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry)
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We've got antique and vintage bracelets of all shapes and sizes...💫💫💫 . . . . . . #Lang #langjewelry #LangAntiques #langstyle #langophile #langlook #bangles #bracelets #antiquejewelry #jotd #jewelry #jewelrygram #jewelryofig #jewelrystyle #jewelryofinstagram #jewelryoftheday #sanfranciscostyle (at Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry)
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Our version of the rainbow, as seen in our Pride Month front window display! 🌈🌈🌈❤️💛💚💙💜#Lang #langantiques #langjewelry #langsocialclub #langophile #pride #pridemonth #prideweek #sfpride #sanfranciscopride #pride2017 #pride🌈 #jotd #jewelry #jewelryofig #jewelrygram #jewelryofinstagram #showmeyourrings #gemstones #gemstonejewelry #rings #rainbow #gems #sanfrancisco (at Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry)
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Going out for weekend cocktails? Take a finger of gemmy, golden citrine with you! Style number 30-1-10323. 🍹🍹🍹#Lang #langstyle #LangAntiques #langophile #langjewelry #jotd #jewelry #jewelrysale #jewelrygram #jewelryofig #jewelryofinstagram #jewelryoftheday #citrine #ring #ringgoals #cocktailring #dinnerring #gems #gemstone #gemstonering #showmeyourrings (at Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry)
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