Explore tagged Tumblr posts
knowing whales were legged mammals kadrillion
years ago its crazy to believe✨️
Thinking about what if whales evolved back into land creatures.
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bro, the tumblr users go from being one of the most top 10 endangered species, to this now being overrun with invasive species
we are literally repeating history.... Reddit: Americans Twitter: The British Tumblrinas (here before the migration): natives
we're being colonised
#i was here before the tumblr migration#the british are coming#shitpost#reddit shutdown#mentally handicapped landwhale#reddit#reddit migration#reddit blackout#reddit refugee#reddit exodus#reddit protest#redditors#reddit drama#reddit memes#twitter#twitterpocalypse#tumblr meta#redditpocalypse#today on tumblr#tumblr migration#hellsite#i love tumblr#blog#tumblrpost#tumblr culture#funny tumblr#tumblr humor#og tumblr#196 migration
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You know whats really cool?
How doing exercise and going outside makes you so fucking tired youre about as well mentally by the end of the day as you were if hadnt expended the effort
#something something keeping up practice#fuck off man i have#no energy#n im cranky and overwhelmed#and i have to be this way if i keep trying to be active and get more fit#maybe ill just die a happy landwhale what then#UGH#i hate my brain so fucking much#i wanna cry tbh
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my most recent Take So Bad I'll Be Having Imaginary Arguments In The Shower About It Years From Now is this one tumblr tag i saw about how fat activists need to stop claiming not being able to fit in plane seats is oppression and just suck it up and lose weight bc it's their fault for eating themselves to that point or whatever
#.rtf#like i would honestly rather you called me a disgusting landwhale at this rate. i know you'd want to
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I'm gonna lose a few pounds. You're gonna find them for me aren't you fatty? Everytime I just feel I wanna snack I'm just gonna shove it in your mouth. I'm sure you won't mind that won't you? It's okay you'll get to sit your fat ass on your chair, I can take your part of sport and exercise in exchange. You're gonna become weak as I do the opposite, don't you like it? Don't you wanna be physically unable to even resist me? I adore you don't even have a choice you fat fuck, you can't say no to all I propose that is growing you into more of a beached landwhale. Just because it turns you on... Pathetic as I like really~
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I love your one-shots about valentino. Can I request a valentino wife one-shot where valentino has a wife who is plus size and insecure about it?
Thank you so much for sending this in!
I actually have doubles of this request in my inbox (kinda sorta) so you’ll get two takes on this! Full disclosure, I am plus sized myself (and an equestrian…makes for a rough go of it during show season) and have struggled with my weight all my life. So much of what you read stem from my own issues and insecurities.
If you also share those issues and insecurities these stories are especially for you! Learning to love yourself at any size is incredibly difficult. But we are totally worthy of self love always.
<3 Mandy
Standing in front of my full length mirror, I could lose count trying to count the flaws I saw staring back at me.
Too big of a belly that folded when I sat down.. Thighs that jiggled when I walked. A double chin. I could write a book about how much I hated my appearance. I had struggled with my weight my entire life. A younger version of myself would have literally killed to be thin like the girls in the magazines my mother was constantly leaving around the house.
It wasn’t as if I wasn’t active. I moved my body- I went to the gym. I did yoga and even ran with my husband on occasion. I set and hit my daily step goal on my VoxTech watch almost every single day. I didn’t eat what I felt was incredibly unhealthy. Sure there were treats here and there, but nothing beyond what everyone else seemed to be enjoying. So why wouldn’t the weight budge?
My shopping trip from earlier in the day had put me here, staring at the mirror, hating myself even more than I usually did. After unsuccessfully trying to find a comfortable pair of jeans, the salesdemon sneered as I walked out the door.
And she’s married to Valentino? It had to be a joke. As if he would ever marry a landwhale like that one.
Anger and shame flooded my face and somehow, I found myself in the diet pill section of the pharmacy. I stared at the shelves full of promises to lose weight, fast. I had never paid any mind to them before, but the cruel words echoed in my brain. I didn’t want Valentino to be disgusted by my body. Maybe, maybe these would help.
I took a deep breath as I pulled on my comfortable pajamas and turned away from the mirror. I poured myself a cup of water from the sink and poured several of the large white pills into my hand before placing the bottle back on the counter. I scanned the label as nervousness settled in. The list of potential side effects was a mile long. The suggested dosage was two pills three times a day. I had technically missed the morning dose, so four was what I should take now right? Carefully, I counted out four and swallowed them down then tossed the cup into the garbage
“Princessa? Are you okay?” Valentino’s voice came from behind me. I jumped and whirled around as he stepped into the bathroom.
“I’m fine,” I said quickly as I turned towards him.
He leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips. “Are you sure, bebita? You’ve been off since you came home from the mall this afternoon.”
I swallowed. Shit. Of course he probably knew. I felt myself turn red and looked down towards the floor. I felt his fingers under my chin as he tilted my head up.
“Talk to me, beautiful,” he said softly.
Beautiful. As if.
“Nothing, Val…I just want to go to bed.” I replied quietly.
Annoyance crossed his expression for the briefest of of moments.
“Fine, if you won’t talk, I’ll just have to kiss you until you do,” he said lightly.
Before I could protest, he swept me off my feet and started to carry me out of the bathroom. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Valentino stop! You’ll hurt your back!” I protested.
He stopped dead in his tracks and looked down at me. “Why do you say that my love?”
“Just put me down before you hurt yourself,” I begged. “Please Val, I…”
“Not until you tell me what’s going on,” he replied simply. “I will stand here and hold you just like this until you talk.” He bent down and kissed my forehead softly. “Please, mi amore. Talk to me. You know I love you.”
I tried to swallow back the tears that threatened to well up. “Why would you ever love a landwhale?”
Fury spread over his features. “What the actual fuck, reader?” He growled. “Start talking, now.”
I felt his hands grip me tighter as I laid my head against his chest. Softly I relayed the events of earlier in the day, specifically leaving out the part about the diet pills. As soon as I finished, he turned and carried me over to the bed.
My pajamas were off before I could protest, and with two hands he pinned me by the shoulders, his bare skin pressed against mine.
“Now you listen to me and you listen to me well, princessa,” he growled. “I married you. I love you. Your body is perfect and amazing in every single fucking way. Anyone who says wrong is a jodidamente estúpida ciega. And believe me when I tell you I’ll be handling that fucking cunt tomorrow.”
His lips pressed against mine and I felt him slowly spread my legs apart. Involuntarily, I let out a moan as he pressed himself inside of me. It took him seconds to bring me to the edge. I thrust my hips forward, desperate for his satiating touch.
To my dismay, he pulled out.
“Tell me you believe you’re beautiful,” he demanded with a smirk. “Say the words, “I’m beautiful” and I’ll let you come.”
I swallowed. “V-Val, I…”
I felt his fingers reach down and slowly stroke my clit, bringing me to the edge again. My heart pounded in my chest and I threw back my head as I let out a desperate moan.
“Say the words, or I’ll keep you on the edge until you do,” he breathed darkly. “And you know I will.”
Fuck. Yes he would. I knew it. He knew it. There was literally no escaping it.
“Fuck, Valentino fine, I’m beautiful!” I said with a frustrated groan.
A grin sprawled across his face. “Good girl.”
He plunged himself inside of me and with the touch of a finger, I exploded around him.
“Please, Valentino, please come in me,” I begged. “Please, Valentino!”
“Oh princessa,” he said with a grin. “Don’t rush. We’ve just begun.”
Two hours later, my head was on his chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart as he held me.
“You need to understand how much I love you, reader,” he said softly as he pushed back my hair. “I love you, body and soul. I know you struggle with the way you look, and I wish you could see your body the way I see it. I love every inch of it.”
“I have rolls and I jiggle, unlike you with the perfect set of abs and a body to die for,” I grumbled softly.
He sat up and with a gentle hand, he pushed me down against the pillows and knelt between my legs.
“I love every inch of you,” he said softly as he bent over and pressed his lips against the inside of my thigh. “I love the way your body moves, mi amore.”
Slowly, his lips pressed up my body and paused just below my belly button as his hands fell to my hips. “Your tummy is perfect in every single way. I love that someday, you will carry our child safely inside of you.”
“Val, I…”
He ignored me and leaned up, pressing his lips to my chest, one tit at a time. “And these? Oh bebita, I want nothing more than to see you naked, waiting for me in bed each and every night.” He pressed his lips to mine. “And to see those pretty eyes looking back at me with nothing but love.”
Our eyes met and I reached up to wrap my arms around his neck. Carefully, he lowered his head against the center of my chest and closed his eyes.
“I love that your heart beats only for me, cariño.” He said softly.
I looked down at him and suddenly, his smile shifted to a frown.
“I don’t love that though,” he said as he pushed himself up.
I looked at him in confusion. “What’s wrong?”
“Just take a deep breath for me,” he said sharply as he titled my head up. He pressed two fingers against my neck and looked at the clock across the room.
I felt my heart skip a beat and apparently, he did too.
“Do you feel okay?” He asked after a moment. “Your heart rate is high- really high. Like I should take you to the hospital level high.”
Now that he mentioned it, I did feel a little lightheaded. My mind flashed back to the diet pills I had taken and the warning labels I ignored. I went to sit up and he pressed his hand on my shoulder.
“No, lay down. Slow, deep breaths,” he said firmly. “I’m going to take your blood pressure and then…”
“I took something,” the words rushed out of my mouth. “They’re in the bathroom, white bottle, am I going to die?”
Valentino gave me a look and stood up as he made his way into the bathroom. When he returned a moment later, he was in his black and red bathrobe, the bottle of diet pills in one hand and a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff in the other.
“How many did you take?” He demanded as he slid my arm inside the cuff. “Tell me true, because that’s going to determine what I give you to counteract them.”
“Wait, Val, I-”
“Diet pills, are you fucking stupid?” he interrupted angrily. “Fuck, you can die if you take these. Not even if you take them wrong, they speed up your heart rate and are hard on your internal organs as a whole. Now be quiet.”
The look he gave me sent me silent. I cringed as the cuff grew tighter around my arm and I felt the cool disk press against my skin. Finally, he deflated it and pulled away.
“Not heart attack level but certainly much higher than it should be. Give me your wrist. The one with the tracker on it.”
Hesitantly, I lifted my wrist up and handed it to him.
He fiddled with the watch for a moment and glanced at me. “Fair warning, Vox probably already knows. I would if I was paying any fucking attention to my watch or my phone. It sent an instant alert. I’ll text Vox now and tell him I have it under control before he barges down here.”
“Are you…are you mad at me?” I asked softly.
He sighed but leaned over and kissed my forehead. “No my love. You scared me- I love you too much to lose you and it makes me afraid that you’ll harm your body trying to make it fit into some asinine image. I love you and I love your body, and I will love you no matter what size you are. Always.”
A knock on the door and he stood up. I closed my eyes. I believed he loved me, I believed he loved my body but…still there was this doubt, this tiny fear that being my size would someday turn him off. He spent his entire day being surrounded by beautiful, thin models- perfect porn stars. Why would he love me?
“Bebita, what are you thinking about? Talk to me,”
Valentino said softly. “Talk to me.”
“Val you’re surrounded by pretty, thin models and actors and beautiful people all day long. I don’t fit that mold. So why…why are you okay with my body?” I asked.
Valentino was quiet for a moment. Silently, I watched as he filled a syringe with liquid from a vial. He injected a large vial with the liquid and then set it down.
“Reader. I married you because I love you. Who you are as a person. I couldn’t care less what size you are- it’s who you are. And the people who work for me? They don’t do for me what you do. They’re nothing more than merchandise.” He reached over and rested two fingers against my neck as he stared at the clock. “If I let you in my studio you would see just how incorrect your statement is. Not all my models are the same size. Some are plus sized, not unlike you. Some are thinner. Some are shorter. Some are taller. The difference is that I love you. And that includes the body you live in. So please, mi amore- don’t punish yourself or the body you live in. It’s the only one you will ever have and it’s the one that I love, because it holds you.”
I sat up and wrapped my arms around him. He held me quietly and after a moment tilted my chin up to meet his gaze.
“The next time someone- anyone- makes you feel bad about the way you look, come find me. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Valentino,” I said softly.
He kissed me softly. “Good. Now take a deep breath. I hate to do this, but I’ve got to counteract the cocaine you took.”
My stomach dropped. “I took what now?”
He shrugged. “Diet pills aren’t exactly regulated. And unfortunately those pills were a solid mix of a bunch of different drugs.” He turned away and lifted the syringe and vial.
I watched as he pulled the liquid into the syringe with a practiced hand.
“Deep breath. I only want to do this once,” he said as he snapped on a pair of gloves. “And you might want to look away.”
I closed my eyes tightly. The feel of the cold alcohol. His soft command to relax. His hands as they pressed against the crook of my arm as he felt for the vein. A pinch and then a kiss.
“All done mi amore,” he said gently. “Open your eyes.”
“Will I be okay?” I asked anxiously.
“This time, yes. Next time you might not get so lucky,” he said as he snapped his gloves off.
I threw myself at him and he wrapped me in his arms.
“I love you. All of you. Now. Forever. Always. Don’t you dare forget that.” He said softly. “No matter what size you are.”
#the vees#hazbin hotel#valentino x you#valentino x reader#hazbin fluff#the vees x reader#vox x reader#valentino hazbin hotel#valentino x wife#valentino#val#hazbin hotel valentino#valentino smut#hazbinhotel#hazbin hotel x reader#hazbin hotel smut#hazbin vox#hazbin#hazbin hotel fandom#hazbin x reader#vox hazbin x reader
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if you think people are more empathetic to women than men you are straight up fucking delusional. men have proved themself almost INCAPABLE of empathy for women, and this is statistically and empirically supported. they are incapable of understanding that women have an internal life, do not see us as humans with emotions who exist external to them. look at the comments on a post of a man talking about self harm vs a woman. "men's mental health matters too🥺" "I'm proud of you" vs "attention whore" "sideways for attention downwards for results" "ugly bitch trying to get sympathy"
this is what happens for ANYTHING regarding sexual assault, mental health, suffering, trauma.
or an overweight man vs woman "keep your head up king👑" "you got this bro, I believe in you" "these women don't deserve you." (like totally unprompted not discussing relationships) Or often no comments on his weight at all if he's not talking about it. For a woman, no matter WHAT she is posting about "landwhale" "starve yourself" "put down the burger" "kys fat b*tch" and the most vile and insanely cruel comments The amount of threads and forums dedicated to eviscerating degrading and insulting overweight women on places like lolcow and kiwi farms and just social media in general and I genuinely have never seen one for a man. Same thing with things like facial deformities, the comments are unbelievably cruel to these women.
the level of vitriol is not even remotely comparable, and I don't even think it's mostly a double standard. I think they just lack the capacity to feel empathy towards women and perceive them as human and capable of feeling pain. Things are solely perceived in how they relate to them and thought to be performances for men. Women exist to serve them and if they don't give them a boner they don't deserve to be alive. If something, no matter how innocuous, pisses them off in the slightest they don't have a single qualm because they just don't view them as real people and full human beings with internal lives. women having emotions is inherently manipulative, anything they say or do is a performance for men. And like look at things such as the gender credibility gap https://www.tedxmilehigh.com/gender-credibility-gap/ Women are systematically less believed as witnesses in a courtroom, reporters, academic authorities, in claims of sexual assault, discrimination, or harassment.*
Women's reports of pain symptoms are less likely to be believed by doctors, and they are staggering more likely to not receive proper medication, go undiagnosed and untreated. Women are 32% more likely to die post-op if their surgeon is a man. "Womens' pain not taken as seriously as mens' pain. Researchers found that when male and female patients expressed the same amount of pain, observers viewed female patients' pain as less intense "(sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210406164124.htm) "Nearly three-quarters of cases where a disease primarily affects one gender, the so-called “men's diseases” are overfunded, while the “women's diseases” are dramatically underfunded."
https://www.concernusa.org/story/gender-bias-in-healthcare/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/interactive/2022/women-pain-gender-bias-doctors/ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/gender-bias-in-medical-diagnosis#how-does-it-affect-diagnosis https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/women-and-pain-disparities-in-experience-and-treatment-2017100912562 I could literally go on on this topic forever. The gender empathy gap is a form of epistemic violence against women.
* "Suicidal behaviour and self-harm in women can be viewed by family, health professionals and the community as attention-seeking, manipulative and non-serious, which can negatively influence how young women are treated." (Curtis, 2016) *Men with overweight tend to be perceived as wise or experienced, while women's credibility tends to decrease with excess weight... women seem to experience higher levels of weight stigmatization than men, even at lower levels of excess weight (Flint et al., 2016)
*Women are at greater risk for weight/height discrimination than men (Puhl et al, 2008)
*so many papers on this but "Across the board, women are perceived to be less credible than men. Especially women’s testimonies of rape and sexual harassment are widely trivialized and disregarded, even though reports of sexual abuse are not more likely to be false than reports of other crimes" (Schreurs, 2020) more like Mack, 1993
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Femcels are real
Femcels are real and I'm tired of people pretending that's not the case, it can be seen more clearly when it comes to counter arguments against people that state that incels don't exist.
People say that incels don't exist, because men can always pay for sex. The standard response to this is that sex workers cost money -apparently men can't get a job either - and that prostitutes don't really desire incels. That it isn't about sex, but validation from women and being desired.
But the same men who affirm that, then make a flip when it comes to femcels and say that women can get sex easily so they can't be really lonely. The fact that men in casual encounters don't care about women's pleasure and having intercourse for the first time(s) is often painful for women is ignored and minimized.
The conflict is obvious, if for incels paying for sex is not a real solution because it doesn't involve the organic process of mating everyone else experience, why is a real solution for virgin isolated women to get fucked by a stranger than doesn't really care about them?
It is said that "men can want you for sex but not for a relationship", and there is skepticism about it. People who often rebuke manosphere and incel narratives, don't agree with that statement, they say that of course men would be open to have a relationship with women. But any sane woman disagrees, most of the time hook ups don't lead to relationships, and relationships where the only thing at play is sex are demoralizing and even emotionally harmful.
The double standard is even more evident if we go back to the prostitute argument and we refine it a little bit: well, you can always try to make more money and get a vase girlfriend that only tolerates you as long as you give her gifts.
It is rejected, the first reaction at play is: "that's giving them a point” and somehow, suggesting that men will maintain a relationship with you as long as you have sex with them is not "giving manosphere a point" even when they repeat to oblivion that men only bring money and women only sex to relationships. For me it reaches the level of falling in a fairy tale, suddenly men bond through sex and they become loving partners once you have sex with them.
The second common response is that it is not always possible for incel men to earn more income, since they are also failures in other aspects of life. The same ones who affirm until they turn blue that men and women are different, and women have less sociosexuality and sexual drive, don't see how women would have a problem with having a relationship based on sex and sleeping with strangers with the hope of obtaining romantic affection. But they are quick to catch all the hardships of incel men.
From incel types, is the case is even more curious, since they are quick to affirm that women get damaged from sex but don't hesitate to deny femcels existence because, again, they can get easily fucked.
Incel men deserve empathy and exceptions made for them, paying for it is not a real solution, buying the affection of women is not a thing. But there is no compassion towards lonely women, having degrading encounters and void relationships is a solution that they must take.
It is also said that "femcels should date incels", and it comes with vague references to how femcels on certain forums complained about "harassment" from incels, suggesting that in reality incels tried to flirt with femcels.
I have gravitated around incel/femcel spaces for years, and not a single one flirted with me. They told me that they would kill me with their bare hands, that I was probably a used up hole, that I was retarded, that I was a landwhale, that I probably looked like a tranny. Just pure vitriol, nothing really human, they were just there to troll and mock women.
Incels there also said that they just didn't want to date a landwhale, that their only standards were "1. Exist 2. Don't be a landwhale". Any honest person who understands that attraction doesn't work like a job application knows that it's not true. That guy, in fact, was talking with a slim woman who just existed on a forum and decided to be a hateful pos anyway.
The relevant thing here is that incels constantly repeat that they don't want to date certain types of women, fat women mostly, and...no one denies them their incel status. The same happens with figures like Elliot Rodger: he admitted he didn’t really try, but is still the incel autistic guy who did a mass shooting. It's still involuntary if they reject fat women, it’s still involuntary even if they don’t try it until their last breath. But women are totally voluntarily celibate if they don't want to date men that hate them, it's totally voluntary if they don't date men they don't really desire.
Again, people who claim to be contrary to incel ideology give them the point that women are picky beyond any reason, while incels are just these reasonable beings that just try but can't, that just can't have the chance nor properly take them when they present to them.
The case becomes even more compelling when they start to affirm that, actually, incels are autistic and mentally ill. So, not only are they sweethearts that just want to flirt with femcels and are too sensitive to pay for sex, but now they are mentally ill autists who deserve compassion and help.
Women can be also autistic and mentally ill, women struggle with late diagnosis or multiple wrong diagnosis, chronic burn out, and make masking efforts to fit in society and survive. They are also more likely to be sexually abused. Autistic women are inclined to date autistic, ND or mentally ill men, given that humans mate assortatively, but the sentiment that they are still too picky, too entitled, and with an unfair advantage over men remains even for the most skeptics and critics with incel ideology.
The later ones need incel ideology to exist, it gives them relevance, it gives them the status of being the heroes against the most widespread bunk of our times, so they will debunk and argue until you touch the object of their study. But I don't have anything to gain out of it: incel and femcel, both are slang terms that don't deserve another minute of our time.
The thirsty -but well meaning- subject ready to take any hook up chance at any cost with no exceptions or inhibitions doesn't exist within incels, because if that were the case, incels wouldn't exist. The conditions that define incels can be applied to women, doesn't matter how much you spin and flip it. That strips the concept of any validity and reveals that the problem is proper of mentally ill neurodivergent and disabled people who can't thrive in most aspects of their lives, not only the sexual ones.
There is no loneliness epidemic, there is no pure sexual and romantic tragedy here. Only a couple of outliers who don't fit in society.
#radblr#radical feminist community#radical feminist safe#radical feminists do interact#radical feminists do touch#radical feminism#male bullshit stories#pink pill#thepinkpill
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Kingmaker/Landwhale crossover where the two Historians get in a row over their interpretations of the events while Eugene Anjus and Shaindel investigate a crime committed by Eisen, Telesphore and Collette. The crime is the theft of the Golem of Prague. Josh Rubino plays more than one character and has to have a conversation with himself. Kingmaker/Amelia crossover where Koslowski and the Interviewer accidentally find themselves lost in the Selzamwald where Our Heroes are hiding out. Mantelope chases and hijinks ensue.
If I could make The Kingmaker Histories in any other medium it would have to be animation. I was an animator before I was a writer and everything I make is an animated series or movie in my mind.
We're dying to crossover with our English cousins @224bbaker, naturally. I just started listening to The Landwhale Murders and I'm very much enjoying it, and naturally since it's set in the Gilded Age I'm coming up with my silly little scenarios. We also have seen some people saying we ought to crossover with @starfallpod and @ameliapodcast, and we absolutely agree. And of course, every day that Showrunner Newt of @starsfellradio doesn't let us write a crossover, we take a hostage.
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^ Postcard of a Cabal City-Eating Landwhale; found in the Cabal Emperor Invitation box
Destiny 2 [Bungie] | Original Game [Collector's Edition]
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you couldn't "chill out and lose some weight" if you tried you fucking landwhale lmfaooooo
im really fucking sick of all the selfish, obese blimps on here that do nothing but eat the unhealthiest slop all day long
stop jiggling your disgusting lard and eating on camera for the world to see, that shit is gross
i mean if you're attracted to immobility and stuffing yourself 24/7 you do you piggy, but keep it to yourself cause no one needs to see that
(except me, tbh you look like the type of bitch that could pop cheeseburgers like tic-tacs and im fucking obsessed 😭😭😭😭 keep eating, porky 🥺)
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ur fat and ugly asf fuck ur community landwhale
yikes.. always the chopped girls with the worst egos @winklestwinkl
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it's always the fat landwhales speaking on tay smh
LMFAO the way u had to resort to talking about my weight bc u don’t have anything to say that actually means something

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What happens when Rudy is “too big” to help out on the farm? Would he be more of a greeter or just enjoying the unemployed lifestyle?
And does the family have group dinners with Olivia? Like I imagine she’s just smiling happily as the large family eats and talks while she has an almost comically small plate in comparison to theirs lol
It's pretty clear Rudy's heading straight up into the immobility territory, and by the looks of things, he will only keep growing more and more immobile till he becomes a blob of a man after many years have passed.
Both Rudy and his family know he won't be able to stand up anymore in the near future, but honestly they saw it coming a looong while ago, even Olivia knows his friend is already pushing his limits. His brothers are okay with looking after him once the day comes where he becomes too dependant to do anything. Then there's Olivia...who may or may not offer to look after him as he grows bigger, where I'm sure Rudy wouldn't deny it.
He would hate being bedridden in his bedroom in a corner of the house and become isolated, so when he becomes immobile he would be in the living room, massive, bloated body resting on a huge bed against one of the walls. That way he can still eat in the same room as his family and whoever drops by, and since their living room is the first room in their farmhouse after entering the building, he can greet and talk with the visitors.
His weight would start exploding from that point, though, but that's not the question from the ask~
Also, yeah!! Olivia visits the farmhouse very often. She's not particularly a busy woman, so she likes spending her free time visiting Rudy and his family, and that includes eating with the hungry landwhales that they are, where she always has to awkwardly deny Samuel from his insane dietary suggestions
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If I were a they/them troglodyke landwhale and saw talented artists draw zenos with beautiful women while my oc looked like troon adam driver i wouldn’t be alive <3
rip to you I guess
I'm happy and flourishing, you should give it a shot sometime
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M.A.I., too fat to do her job.
What was once a model of an android made with the finest of biosynthetic materials and the most advanced of self-learning softwares, created with the sole purpose of assisting her users with any task they may need to do, had been turned into something that would shock her creators at Nishimura Corp.
This one M.A.I. unit had been assigned to a user who constantly inquired about the A.I.'s 'needs' and 'experiences', always motivating her to try new things, always pushing her to take it easy and to let them be the ones to assist her, always offering reassuring words when she worried about not completing any tasks. The user, ignoring all cautious words from her robotic assistant, had swapped the roles they were meant to follow. Steadily, but surely, all this attention led to a program that learned that being pampered was the proper way of keeping their Master happy.
However, as time went by, the M.A.I. unit became needier, lazier, and somehwat meaner, taking advantage of their user's kindness and abusing their dynamic to have every single one of her 'wants' tended to. Why should she complete any tasks when her Master could do them all on their own, even doing extra one just because she asked for them to be completed? Why should she ever lift a finger when her Master could take care of everything? And if she didn't have to care for any task, she may as well try out all the things she wasn't really made for, including testing out all 83,678 desserts in her database.
Eventually, all of this gluttony and hedonism created the heaviest M.A.I. to ever exist, one who had her colossal, biosynthetic rear ever parked on her user's bent couch; one whose robotic belly almost brushed the floor, greedily gurgling and growling all the time; one who couldn't go more than five minutes without demanding more sustenance; one who couldn't lift her own arms and who wouldn't do so even if she could; one too lazy to even send reports back to her creators, reports that were supposed to be sent automatically without needing her to do any effort in the slightest...
This M.A.I.'s user, now more of a butler for the android, regretted every single kind word and action that had turned her precious helper into a biosynthetic, couch-filling landwhale. Maybe, just maybe, it wasn´t too late to turn things around. Perhaps, with enough tenderness their M.A.I. unit could be motivated to exercise, to eat healthy, and to help around the house once again. Hopefully, there still was some sense or will to assist others buried under all those layers of fake flab.
"Li-Listen, M.A.I. I need your assistance wi-with a task. Wh-Why don't you he-help me...I-It'll be like o-old times...Wh-What do you say?"
"Tell you what, half pint. Why don't you ask me later? Now, bring me more soda. Ooo! Some hotdogs too!"
There was no hope left at all. This M.A.I. was, and would be forever, too fat and too lazy to do her job.
#Muse: M.A.I.#AU: Super pampered M.A.I.#gluttonygirls#Sorry this one took a while. Hope you enjoy it!
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