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How to Not Waste Food
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todaysdocument · 9 months
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Resolution of the General Assembly of the Missouri Territory for the relief of the inhabitants of the County of New Madrid who have suffered by earthquake
Record Group 233: Records of the U.S. House of RepresentativesSeries: Petitions and Memorials Referred to the Committee on Public LandsFile Unit: Petitions and Memorials, Resolutions of State Legislatures, and Related Documents Which Were Referred to the Committee on Public Lands during the 13th Congress
A Resolution for the relief of the Inhabitants of the County of New Madrid Whereas in the Catalogue of miseries and afflictions, with which it has pleased the supreme being of the universe, to visit the Inhabitants of this earth, there are none more truly awful and destructive than Earthquakes. Man's wisdom can not foresee nor his precaution guard against them. For whatever sections of the habitable world, this wreck of matter, these convulsions of nature occur; they do not fail profoundly to impress us with awe; and to excite our astonishment at their terrible effects. As members of the great human family, our deepest commiserations should not fail to be excited, and our hearts expanded with charity for the relief of those whose lives are saved from the general wreck. We ought never to forget that what was their fate Yesterday may be ours tomorrow. And Whereas it is notorious to this general assembly, that the Inhabitants of the late District now County of New Madrid in this Territory; have lately been visited with several calamities of this kind, which have deluged large portions of their Country and involved in the greatest distress, many families, whilst others have been entirely ruined, whole districts of country have been depopulated and many valuable farms utterly destroyed. Many of these our unfortunate fellow citizens are now wandering about without a home to go or a roof to shelter them from the pitiless Storms. And whereas the best light in which these Calamities are viewed by the enlightened humane government of the United States, has been conspicuously manifested, by their liberal Arbitration in favor of the Sufferers at Carracas, this General Assembly can not therefore doubt but what it will be equally ready to extend relief to a portion of it's own Citizens, under similar Circumstances. Be it therefore resolved by the General Assembly for the Territory of Missouri, that they do recommend the Inhabitants of the said County of New Madrid, who have thus suffered to the consideration of the National Legislature, and that in the opinion of the said general assembly provisions ought to be made by law, for granting to the said Inhabitants relief, either out of the public lands or in such other way as may seem meet to the wisdom and Liberality of the general government. George Bullitt St. Louis, January12th 1814 Speaker of the House of Representatives William Clark S. Hammond Governor of the Missouri Territory President of the Legislative Counsel
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katieegolder · 6 years
FMP Project Proposal
Recycled and Repurposed Denim
To recycle something it means to convert waste into reusable material, secondly it can mean return the material to a previous stage in the cyclic process, lastly recycled can mean to use something again. Repurposed means to give something a new purpose, for example denim jeans that have been given to charity shop and arethen baught and turned into different products. The product that is created is normally a higher quality and value than the original product.
Fast fashion encorages customers to purchase un-needed clothes at a rapid rate. Around 30% of garments in wardrobes aren’t word for a year. In fact it’s estimated that the average person throws away 32kg of clothing a year. That adds up to 1.7 billion kg oh unnecessary waste added to our landfills. Clothing and household textiles make up 5.2% of waste in landsfills. So by giving unwanted clothes to charity, repurposing them and thinking ‘do you really need them’ before you buy them can all help to cut these numbers down.
Examples of how to recycle and repurpose denim:
Could be made into new more exciting jeans.
Wall hanging for your home
New clothing like denim skirts, jackets, aperons
Fashion designers and craft makers across the world have been recycling and repurposing denim into amazing garments and artwork. Examples:
Barbara Bui
Faustine Stenmetz
Victor and Rolf
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