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xplainthexmen · 2 years ago
In which nobody is sure what Emplate actually eats; airport food is not a good peace offering; Larry Hama writes a good Jubilee; the St. Croix siblings merge; and we honestly have no idea what a Token is.
Emplate vs. Marrow
What’s been up with Generation X
Generation X #34-36
Claudette and Nicole St. Croix
Emplate (more) (again)
Controlled chaos
Tracy Authier
Dorian and Weasel (again)
Some unusually friendly blackmail
Wizard Magazine
Husk’s diary and hypothetical fanfiction
A Lepton imploder
A dream, we think, probably
Jubilee in Wonderland
A Token
Chief Authier
Landau, Luckman, & Lake (again)
The Citadel at the Edge of Reality
The Universal Amalgamator
Magik on screen
Our favorite villains and alignment shifts from the Krakoa era
NEXT EPISODE: The M-Plate Saga concludes
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ennmaximof4 · 2 years ago
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Vanessa Carlysle
• Metamorfo Genético: Sua fisiologia mutante deu a ela pele azul clara, cabelos brancos e olhos vermelhos luminescentes. Capaz de duplicar outro humanóide ou quase humanóide com tanta precisão que mesmo aqueles mais próximos a eles não perceberiam a diferença. Ao contrário das habilidades de metamorfose de Mistica, a metamorfose de Copycat vai para o nível genético, onde ela também pode reproduzir os poderes. Essa habilidade realmente funciona como uma esponja, o que significa que Copycat pode imitar outra pessoa apenas por estar perto dela, às vezes involuntariamente. A extensão da transferência dependia da duração da exposição. Sua habilidade pode até ter permitido que ela replicasse os padrões psi de seu modelo, permitindo que ela se tornasse uma pessoa, tendo sua personalidade, memórias e força vital exatas. Ao contrário de Mística, Copycat só pode se transformar em outros humanóides, não em animais e outras formas de vida. Suas habilidades também permitem que ela aprimore seu próprio corpo físico, permitindo que ela transforme suas unhas em garras e desacelere seu envelhecimento. Ela também pode criar seus próprios avatares por meio de sua metamorfose, tornando-se virtualmente uma pessoa totalmente nova. Suas habilidades vão tão longe a ponto de criar roupas orgânicas e genéticas para combinar com sua personalidade alternativa, tornando-a uma das mais poderosas metamorfas vivas.
√ Eu costumava amá-lo... E ele costumava me amar... Então, mesmo uma semente ruim que se transforma em uma árvore podre... Ainda pode ter... Uma ou duas folhas boas. - Copycat.
Vanessa Carlysle nasceu uma mutante com o poder de se transformar em qualquer pessoa. Ela, no entanto, caiu profundamente em uma vida de prostituição em Boston, Massachusetts.
No entanto, ela conheceu um jovem mercenário chamado Wade Wilson. Os dois se apaixonaram, mas isso durou pouco. Vanessa foi salva dos empregadores vingativos de Wilson por Zoe Culloden, uma agente viajante do tempo de Landau, Luckman & Lake que viajou ao passado para evitar a eventual autodestruição de Wilson que o levou a se tornar Deadpool. Naquela noite, Wilson terminou com Vanessa depois de saber que ele tinha câncer, deixando-a com o coração partido.
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Vanessa se tornou uma mercenária, eventualmente contratada pelo traficante de armas Tolliver, que a fez representar a mercenário Domino para espionar Cable, até mesmo se juntando à nova equipe de ataque X-Force de Cable. Como ela explicou mais tarde a verdadeiro Domino, os outros membros não conseguiram detectar a diferença porque ela foi capaz de duplicar exatamente a aparência, personalidade, impressões digitais e até mesmo o DNA de Domino.
Tolliver finalmente ordenou que Copycat bombardeasse o quartel general da X-Force, mas ela veio cuidar de seus companheiros de equipe e parou até que Tolliver despachou o mercenário mascarado Deadpool para forçá-la a agir. Confrontado por X-Force sobre sua traição, mas ainda se passando por Domino, Copycat os ajudou a lutar contra Tolliver. Enquanto Cable descobriu a verdadeira Domino ainda viva como prisioneira de Tolliver, Copycat foi derrubada por Deadpool, embora ela tenha conseguido escapar.
Copycat se escondeu, mas foi encontrado pela primeira vez por Deadpool e depois por Domino. Copycat atrasou a retribuição pretendida de Domino, ajudando-a a localizar o X-Force, conseguindo escapar novamente. Copycat então se envolveu na busca pelo testamento de Tolliver, durante a qual ela foi ferida por Slayback. Seus ferimentos teriam sido fatais, mas ela sobreviveu copiando o fator de cura de Deadpool.
Mais tarde, Copycat procurou viver uma vida pacífica em San Francisco, Califórnia, com Garrison Kane, mas logo encontrou Deadpool novamente, um encontro que teria sido fatal se Wolverine não tivesse interferido. Ela foi posteriormente capturada e levada para o Microverse pelo manipulador de emoções Psycho-Man, que buscava a tecnologia avançada de Kane. Ela foi resgatada por Kane, Cable, Domino e os heróis residentes do Microverse, os Microns. Voltando à Terra, Copycat finalmente fez as pazes com Domino.
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Buscando vingança contra Deadpool, o Treinador e o Mago contrataram Copycat para representar a superforte Titânia e ganhar a confiança de Deadpool, embora mais tarde ele confessasse ter visto através de seu disfarce. Copycat passou a se juntar ao subversivo Projeto Arma X ao lado de Kane, e foi enviada para recrutar Deadpool para o programa. No entanto, seu aprimoramento de poder pela Arma X começou a afetar sua memória e ela perdeu o controle de sua missão.
Em vez disso, ela começou a seduzir Deadpool, mas acabou encerrando seu relacionamento por causa de sua paixão por Siryn. Ela costumava assumir a forma de outras mulheres para surpreendê-lo. Deadpool foi posteriormente recrutado pelo Projeto Arma X para eliminar Copycat, mas ele recusou e tentou avisá-la. A Arma X então enviou Kane para matar Copycat e Deadpool. Deadpool lutou contra Kane sozinho, mas Copycat foi mortalmente ferida no zoológico do Bronx, em Nova York, por outro agente da Arma X, Dentes de Sabre. Ela morreu nos braços do Deadpool.
Algum tempo depois, sem explicação, foi confirmado que Vanessa estava viva, assumindo a identidade de funcionária do food truck "Chimichanga" que Deadpool frequentava. Ela manteve seus poderes após o dia M, e seu status atual é desconhecido.
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-> MCU:
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downthetubes · 1 year ago
Forbidden Planet cofounder and publisher Nick Landau, and partner Vivian Cheung interviewed
Forbidden Planet and Titan Entertainment Group co-owner Nick Landau is the focus of an in-depth three-part interview on the comics retailer news site, ICV2
Forbidden Planet and Titan Entertainment Group co-owner Nick Landau is the focus of an in-depth three-part interview on the comics retailer news site, ICV2. Nick Landau was one of the co-founders, together with Mike Lake and Mike Luckman, of the comic store chain Forbidden Planet, and he also co-founded Titan Distributors, which was sold to Diamond in 1993 and became Diamond UK. Nick and his…
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kinglikescomics · 3 years ago
Joe Kelly's Deadpool (Reading Order)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
The first long-term run that Deadpool had began in 1997 and was written by Joe Kelly. This is generally considered one of the better runs on the character, and introduced or developed many of the character traits and supporting cast we associate with Deadpool today (e.g. 4th Wall breaks, Blind Al & Weasel, etc). With that said, here's the order:
Deadpool (1994 Limited Series) #1-4
Deadpool (1997 Series) #1-5
Deadpool (1997 Series) #-1
The '94 Limited Series wasn't written by Joe Kelly (it's actually written by Mark Waid and features some of my favourite Deadpool writing), but Kelly's run begins right off the back of it. It's Deadpool's second ever limited series, and unlike the first one, doesn't really tie much into any other plotlines. It's just a Deadpool book. This also sets up Deadpool's first meeting with Siryn, and a couple other moments and plot elements that come up during Kelly's run. #1-5 is the first story arc of Kelly's run, and more or less deals directly with the events of the previous series. As for #-1, this was part of a series of issues in a pseudo-event called "Flashback". While the issue, I believe came out after issue #6, narratively it fits a bit better here, since 6 is the beginning of the second arc. While there may be narratively an even better place for this issue, placing it here at least means you'll have read it any time the issue is referenced going forward.
Deadpool (1997 Series) #6-7
Daredevil/Deadpool Annual 1997
Deadpool (1997 Series) #8
Deadpool (1997 Series) #9
X-Force #71
Deadpool (1997 Series) #10-11
Deadpool (1997 Series) #0
Issues 6-8 + the 1997 annual make up one story arc, while 9-11 make up another. Issue #0 is basically entirely disconnected from everything and is only worth reading if you're a completionist. It IS at least written by Joe Kelly, which is why it's here at all. X-Force issue is essentially a cameo. It's referenced in Deadpool #10 but not required reading by any stretch of the imagination. Side note, I also struggled to figure out quite when it was released. The Marvel Unlimited app says December '96, but the wiki says Jan '98. The issue also makes reference to the events of Deadpool #6 and says that they happened a year ago, so I'm inclined to believe the wiki.
Deadpool (1997 Series) #12-14
Deadpool (1997 Series) #15-17
Deadpool & Death Annual 1998
Deadpool (1997 Series) #18-19
Deadpool (1997 Series) #20
Heroes for Hire #10-11
Deadpool (1997 Series) #21-22
Here are some more arcs. Deadpool makes significant guest appearances in Heroes for Hire, and I believe issue 10 indicates that the story takes place sometime after DP17, but since that's the middle of a story arc that has no space to be interrupted, I looked for the next most appropriate place for it. The story ends kind of abruptly though, particularly for Deadpool's involvement.
Deadpool (1997 Series) #23-25
Deadpool (1997 Series) #26-27
Deadpool (1997 Series) #28-30
Deadpool (1997 Series) #31-33
Wolverine Annual 1999
Here's the last stretch of the run! once again broken up into story arcs (although given their lengths, it may be more appropriate to call them segments of story, especially since everything after Issue 25 feels almost like an epilogue). Wolverine Annual isn't written by Joe Kelly, or refer much to the actual plot of the run, but Deadpool makes a significant guest appearance in it, and there is explicit reference made to the events of Deadpool #27
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kahuna-burger · 3 years ago
Nearly drove myself crazy looking for the name of the weird company from the 90s Wolverine series, just because it would be perfect for my Highlander crossover and once I remembered it I didn't wanna just make one up.
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mrxces · 4 years ago
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what. is. UP? i’m lynn and this is my numbero uno love of my life, wade wilson.
my wade is a mix of everything really. comics, shows, movies, personal musing, etc.
FULL NAME: Wade Winston Wilson ALIASES: Deadpool, Merc with a Mouth, 2COOL4SCHOOL, Mr. Pool, Regenerating Degenerate, more can be found on the wikis. AGE: 44 / but will live forever. CURRENT JOB: Balloon artist on the corner but the balloons are made from condoms. ORIGINS: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CANADA! SPECIES: Mutant POWERS: Healing factor, Foreign Chemical Resistance, Disease Immunity, Immortality, Telepathic Immunity, Possession Resistance, and various other superhuman abilities such as strength, stamina, etc. ABILITIES: Master Martial Artist, Master Assassin, Multilingual: In addition to English, Wade is fluent in Esperanto, German, Japanese, and Spanish. Medium Awareness, Unpredictability. WEAKNESSES: Mental state, phobias, annoyance, cure for cancer, and mystical curses.
BIOGRAPHY (from the wiki, for now):
Wade had conflicting memories of his childhood. He once recalled that his father abandoned his mother while she was pregnant with him and she took out her anger on him until, as an adult, he beat her instead.[39] He later recalled that his mother died when he was five and that his father, an army officer, became abusive,[40] causing Wade to grow up to be a thug and criminal. When his father got his act together and tried to rein in his son, one of Wade's friends shot and killed him.[41] However, he told a writer that his father was a teller of bad jokes who abandoned him and his mother while he was a boy. His mother turned to humor, alcohol and home shopping networks as a coping mechanism. He believed that he ran away from home so that his mother wouldn't need to spend what little money she had left on him.[42]
However, it was eventually revealed that his parents were still together, living in Canada and had kept Wade's room as he had left it but Wade himself did not recognize the house, his parents or his room when he returned there as an adult.[43]
After leaving home, he appears to have joined the U.S. Army Special Forces but despite his superior skills, he was drummed out for not following orders that conflicted with his moral code. After a failed suicide attempt just before his nineteenth birthday, Wade was invited to join a clandestine group of CIA-sponsored mercenary assassins thanks to his military record, assured that his targets would all deserve death.[44]
Little is known of Wilson's subsequent activities with this group. At one point he was active in Tangier, Morocco where he romanced a woman named Francie. When this relationship soured, he traveled throughout Asia, and was hired in Japan by a crime lord, the Boss, to infiltrate a sumo-wrestling ring owned by a rival criminal, the Oyakata. Wilson spent three years as a wrestler under the Oyakata's tutelage and became romantically involved with his mentor’s daughter, Sazae. When the Boss finally ordered the Oyakata's murder, Wilson refused to complete his assignment, allegedly the first time he had ever done so, and relocated to the United States.[8]
In America, Wade met and fell in love with mutant prostitute Vanessa Carlysle, with whom he shared dreams of a better life. Wilson was subsequently hired by Middle Eastern interests to assassinate a blind British Government operative named Althea, also known as Blind Al. Upon arrival to the Zaire base where she was stationed, he killed everyone except for Al who had fled.
Those who put the contract out on Al sought vengeance for his failure by targeting Vanessa, who was rescued by Zoe Culloden, an employee of the inter-dimensional firm Landau, Luckman, Lake, and LeQuare. Culloden was keeping Wilson under surveillance, believing he was destined to play a vital part in a potential threat to the world. Learning that he had developed 34 inoperable cancerous tumors, Wilson broke up with his girlfriend Vanessa rather than force her to remain with a terminally ill man. He even gave up his chemo treatments, not wishing to prolong things.[45]
Back in Canada, he was offered hope in the form of Department K, a special weapons development branch of the Canadian government. Wilson became a test subject in Department K’s branch of the joint U.S./Canadian superhuman enhancement project, the Weapon X Program; his cancer was temporarily arrested via the implantation of a healing factor derived from another Department K agent, the mutant adventurer Wolverine.
Wilson was active in a covert field unit alongside the near-invulnerable Sluggo and the cyborgs Kane and Slayback. Vanessa herself was later affiliated with the team after having manifested mutant shapeshifting abilities, calling herself Copycat.
During one mission, Wilson killed his teammate Slayback. Shortly thereafter, his healing factor began to destabilise, bringing his cancer back from remission and causing deformities in his flesh. As a result, he was rejected from the Weapon X Program and sent to the Hospice, allegedly a government facility where failed superhuman operatives were treated. However, unknown to the Canadian government, the Hospice’s patients served as experimental subjects for Doctor Killebrew and his sadistic assistant Ajax (known then as the Attendant), with the patients placing bets in a "deadpool" as to how long each subject would live. Killebrew subjected Wilson to various torturous experiments for his own deranged satisfaction.
Wade eventually began working for himself as a merc for hire after hospice. He’s come across the Avengers, the X-Men and so on. During one “mission” he stole a special watch from the school for gifted youngsters which allows him to appear somewhat normal rather than the usual hideout monster that makes children run away in fear and grown men throw up. The only downside is that Wade can still feel what his true appearance feels like. He can feel the burn scars, feel the “phantom” pain, and can’t escape it in his mind.
Wade’s mind is massive. It has corridors of doors, filling cabinets, slides, escalators, etc. Chances are if you ever find yourself in his mind, you’ll get lost. Wade hears voices. Two in particular and he calls them Thing One and Thing Two. 
Thing One is somewhat grumpy and literal. My joke is that he sounds like Patrick Stewart. He’s the voice that’s more likely to guide Wade in a better direction and scolds him like the child he is. Thing One’s bubble is [THIS IS A SAMPLE OF SPEECH.]
Thing Two is a child mixed with Flounder from The Little Mermaid when he glitches. Thing Two is childish, crude and most likely to suggest rat poison in the chimichangas. Thing Two’s bubble is {THIS IS A SAMPLE OF SPEECH.}
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lozco · 8 years ago
X-Men Gold By Loz Cook
The Pitch
An Emma-led core team of four X-Men sponsored by Landau, Luckman & Lake, and a potentially revolving door of younger student X-men and guest stars.
An alt-universe where IvX happened years ago and ended with all Inhumans and X-men being banished off-world by the world’s main protector: The Sentry.
Former X-Force Villain, King Bedlam who wants to take over the world by introducing the sliver of the 616 Void, that Cyclops had locked away in his mind, into Sentry World’s Sentry.
After IvX, Emma needs a new direction. After everything that happened she needs a back to basics approach to her life. Get back to what she truly enjoys, teaching. Emma is contacted by several individuals.
First, Banshee who has made a deal with the extra-dimensional law firm Landau, Luckman & Lake for some alt-world tech that will help heal his body after the death Seed. He also needs Emma’s help healing his mind after such a horrific experience. The only way he gets the tech is if Emma agrees to work for LL&L, specifically Zoe Culloden for undisclosed reasons. With everything that happened with Cyclops, Emma decides this is as good an opportunity as any to reestablish the gold standard in mutant academics in the post IvX world. She knows the new X- academy/school has moved to New York, but after IvX wants a lower profile and prefers to work with a smaller number of students where she can do her best. Second, Artie and Leech. They are fed up with being treated like kids when they’ve been around for a long time and Artie needs some serious one-on-one tuition to finally develop. And Third, Magik drops off a young girl for Emma to tutor, Bo the young girl found on Monster Island. She doesn’t feel like she can invest herself in another young girl after Sapna’s fate. As part of Emma’s deal with Zoe, she offers positions to X-Men who she believes will aid her in her mission while helping her discover what Zoe is really up to. The team will move into L,L&L’s California High-rise which doubles as a gateway to the Alternate universe: Sentry World and will fulfill certain missions for Zoe. 
The Cast
Emma Frost Last Pitch Week I stopped myself from using Emma in favor of Sage, but Death of X, and IvX has reminded me that Emma’s absence has indeed made my heart grow stronger. Emma should be at least a co lead of the flagship X book. Emma will be the Co-lead of this book. She’ll be the focus of LL&L’s attentions and specifically the mastermind (see below for his identity) behind this particular Alt-world office.
Banshee After being told by Beast that his recovery is going to be slow and possibly years in the healing, Banshee goes to the one person who may be able to help him: the Morrigan. The Morrigan, his daughter Siryn, points him in the direction of LL&L as a means to heal him with other world tech. He is told that if he can convince Emma Frost to front an affirmative action team for the firm, he will get his tech. He convinces Emma who after what happened to Cyclops cannot fathom losing Banshee again. She agrees to front the team as long as he joins her. His arc will focus on healing and reestablishing his relationships with Emma and Forge.
Psylocke Emma approaches Psylocke to be the muscle on her team, impressed with how Psylocke has handled herself pre- and during IvX. Psylocke in turn realizes that she needs a break from everything that has been going on recently in her life. Her battles with Magneto over that team broke down into violence and now she wants a change. She will develop a mentor-like relationship with Artie Maddicks.
Forge The big thing I enjoyed from Lemire’s Extraordinary run was Forge and Cerebra. These two were wonderful and I’m never going to be able to get over the fact that Forge taped Apocalypse’s mouth shut. Forge will continue to be the ultra competent backbone of the team while still trying to overcome past demons and mistakes. He will befriend KidW one of the Alt-world techies at LL&L, who is an alternate version of WizKid.
Leech and Artie Maddicks Leech and Artie have been Marvels eternal moppets for too long. I enjoyed them in FF but feel they have way too much potential for me to ignore them longer. For the purposes of this pitch, I made them teenagers and will develop their characters beyond anything that has happened to them in the past 10 years if not longer. We’ll have a bit of separation of the two also. Emma will take Leech under her wing giving him a level of control of his powers and an ability to direct it, while Artie will get a major power upgrade and will develop a friendship with Psylocke.
Bo I loved Bo’s single appearance from Bendis’s Kitty and Magik adventure. I wanted to age her slightly (anything goes after Secret Wars right) and develop her character and power set. Her powers will be able to breach Emma’s diamond form which will be crucial later in the book. She will befriend the alt-world version of mutant Karasu Tengu.
King Bedlam – Bedlam was always one of my favorite X-Force villains and he has a natural protection against psychics which makes him a great foil for Emma as they have a history. He is the Mastermind behind everything that happens in this book. All the villains in this book originate from Sentry World and Bedlam is responsible for the Sentries breakdown. He wants to use the Void Sliver to introduce into the Sentry and discredit him, leaving Bedlam and his Hellions to take over as supposed “protectors” as new sentries of Sentry World and in turn rulers. Tarot – Wherever Bedlam goes; Tarot will not be far behind.  Tarot will not be the subservient woman familiar with 616 readers. She will be a sadistic Queen to King Bedlam and will mess with Banshee as he tries to recover. She is Bedlams top assassin and lover, and She has quite an extensive trophy room filled with keepsakes from opponents she, Karasu and KidW have defeated. Karasu Tengu – In Sentry World, The Inhumans and Mutants came to blows much earlier in their history. The Sentry intervened and most of the Inhumans and X-Men were exiled. Karasu was one of the first mutants to take advantage in the new world all but devoid of Mutants and Inhumans, especially X-men. Karasu is an assassin of former X-men villains who might threaten the Hellions.  At first she will be the benevolent Other world projects manager at L,L&L, but will eventually show her true colors. She befriends Bo and makes plans for an aggressive expansion of the trophy room she shares with Tarot to include Earth 616 items. KidW – Like Karasu, KidW (pronounced Kih-dub-yah) is nothing like his 616 counterpart. He is an assassin who has infiltrated L, L&L like the other Hellions and works as tech support. He befriends Forge and the two work on several projects to help L, L&L with their Sentry “Problem.” He has been slowly transforming the Gateway high-rise in to a maze of traps should the occasion become necessary. The Void – The sliver of the Void will reject and destroy Sentry and will look for a new host. King Bedlam will become that host and he will threaten the destruction of the whole world and possibly the 616 world in turn due to the Gateway.
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First Year Summary
Issue 1: It Starts
Emma-Centric issue. We’re introduced to the status quo pretty quickly. Emma’s team is already established and is already living and working out of the L, L&L Gateway High rise in L.A. The Gateway has two halves. Earth 616 half and Sentry World Half.
Emma Mentors Leech. She feels the Void cry out. The X-Men investigate Cyclops Grave and battle a mysterious assailant, Tarot, who manages to contain and evade them all.
Scott’s head is missing from his grave. Emma is obviously enraged and vows to find the culprit.
Issue 2: Human
Banshee Issue. Banshee is having a healing session with Emma. Along with his technology he is starting to feel like himself. He recalls how his daughter got him here after being told his health would be a long time coming.
Emma is called to a medical facility on Sentry world. Banshee, Psylocke and Bo accompany her. We realize that The Sentry is not feeling his usual Self and feels like a part of his mind is missing. This can’t be a coincidence. The only difference in this world is, this Sentry never had the Void and was free to be the protector the world needed. Zoe questions Emma about the remains of the Sentry in 616. 
While in Sentry World they battle members of the Purity group. While fighting, Bo attacks and Emma and Banshee are rendered unconscious. Emma is in her diamond form at the time. Psylocke defeats the remaining Purity Members and Bo.
Issue 3: Butterfly
Psylocke Issue. Psylocke realizes each purity member was a psychic black hole. She thinks that their attacker at Cyclops grave was similar.  She is fixated on the notion of psionic black holes and people stuck in systems of thought and action, unable to change who they are. Can she choose the way of peaceful warrior as opposed to her recent violent streak?
Forge has been doing some research on Sentry world’s Inhuman/Mutant crisis. One of Zoe’s tech Support, a teen named KidW tells him all about how most of the Inhumans and Mutants were forcibly removed off-world after their war.
Psylocke researches Sentry World, and Artie goes with her. They investigate Purity and are attacked by King Bedlam who disrupts their minds and Psylocke’s telepathy has no effect on him. She sends a telepathic message to Emma, but is not sure if it was received.
Issue 4: Hard Equation
Forge Issue. Cerebra alerts Forge that something is wrong on Sentry World and the source of the disturbance is from Psylocke’s last known coordinates. Secretly KidW uploads a virus into Cerebra. She is unable to speak or relay information. Forge get’s Kids help trying to figure out what it is, and Kid says they just have to figure out the equation that fixes it.
Emma and Banshee train with Leech on Directional Power nullification. Power nullification is just one aspect of his powers and is able to negate specific aspects of others abilities making others stronger. He turns off Emma’s Telepathy, making her diamond form harder, heavier, and stronger. He then leeches the diamond boosting her telepathy. Emma hears Psylocke’s  butterfly S.O.S.
Forge recalls a time when he’d felt like he had a virus himself. When he had a ghost box and the fate of the world was in his hands only for it to be taken from him. How he had been abandoned, but then he’d heard a small voice, and it had been a tiny program named Cerebra.
Issue 5: There is a Drum
Emma, Banshee, and Leech race to the L,L&L lab where Forge is trying to fix Cerebra. Forge can’t quite fix cerebra but can use her teleport function. Forge stays behind to fix Cerebra. Emma orders Bo to stay behind. She is too untested.
Emma, Banshee, and Leech battle King Bedlam and Tarot. However they are Sentry World’s Bedlam and Tarot. 
Tarot Attacks Banshee and Leech Emma Fights Bedlam. Both Tarot and Bedlam have tarot cards tattooed across their backs and can manifest multiple abilities. 
Artie awakens and binds and muzzles Tarot. Banshee Strikes out at Bedlam disrupting Bedlam’s tarot and his psychic static. Emma orders him to tell her where Scott’s head is. She can feel the psychic drum of the Void sliver in her mind, even through her Diamond form.
Forge Bo and Karasu Tengu, another LL&L employee, arrive as backup, but Psylocke realizes Karasu has possessed Bo and Bo attacks. This time Emma is protected in her Diamond form and Banshee has evaded the attack. Everyone else is unconscious. Bedlam escapes with Tarot and Scott’s head as Emma Knocks Bo unconscious. 
Banshee and Emma give chase. Psylocke, in Astral form, battles Karasu to protect the fallen X-Men.
Issue 6: The Longest Memory
Each member of the x-men are stuck in a telepathic nightmare influenced by a past traumatic memory from their past. Forge is detonating a nuclear bomb attached to a ghost box. Bo is being abandoned again on monster island. Leech is a living taxidermised exhibit in his dad lab. Leech is stuck in a loop being shot to death next to Annalee his Morlock mother.
Finally Psylocke succumbs and is instantly stuck in a nightmare where she has killed all the X-men and is living in a dystopian future, Old Woman Betsy style.
Issue 7: All Bets are Off
Bedlam and Tarot  race towards the medical center housing The Sentry. Banshee fights Tarot as Emma chases Bedlam to The Sentry’s hospital room. 
Emma is about to defeat Bedlam when The Sentry and Zoe Culloden burst in separating them. Emma tries to reason with The Sentry, but he seems confused and gradually he starts speaking with the crazed mannerisms as Bedlams victims. Zoe meanwhile picks up the container that Bedlam was carrying Cyclops head in. She holds it close to her chest. She is under Bedlams control.
Emma warns The Sentry, but he blasts an energy beam at Zoe disintegrating her and Scott’s head releasing the Void sliver. The Void corrupts the Sentry and the whole floor erupts in a fiery blast.
Issue 8: Real Later Starters
Leech  and Artie break free of Karasu’s telepathy and together sever her connection with everyone. An odd side-effect of Karasu’s mental tampering has awakened Artie’s ability to speak.
Karasu escapes. The team rushes to catch up with Emma and Banshee and the team battle a contaminated and extremely unstable Sentry. Finally Artie manifests a containment unit that puts the Sentry in a coma. Emma Speaks to the Sentry telepathically and he pleads with her that she must protect Sentry World while he is incapacitated and holding the influence of the Void at Bay.
Things go wrong when the Sentry suffers a void induced stroke/heart attack and promptly dies in the containment unit. Emma tries to hang onto the psionic trace of the Void sliver which has definitely not died with the Sentry, but loses all trace of it.
Issue 9: History Boys
The team have to deal with the responsibility of protecting Sentry World now their main protector is gone. Back in his lab, Forge notices newly installed Ghost box tech. The Gateway on the Sentry World Side is built with the same tech.
Emma and Banshee are interrupted by a couple of LL&Ls lawyers, come to talk about the new status quo. It seems that the sentry’s last act was to telepathically make Emma’s promotion binding.
Forge has a flashback to his Karasu nightmare when doors start sliding, and walls start moving. KidW appears and attacks Forge.
Other doors open from other locations in Sentry World directly into the Gateway. The Void has taken on a new host, King Bedlam, and he’s bought Tarot and Karasu with him.
The last three issues will feature some revelations and lessons learned for all characters plus some V.S battles:
Psylocke and Artie v.s Karasu
Forge/Cerebra and Leech v.s KidW
Banshee and Bo v.s Tarot
Emma v.s Bedlam/Void
Emma becomes host to a sliver of the Sentry left behind when he died and uses this power to help each individual on the team.
Banshee has called in Siryn/The Morrigan who saves Pyslocke.
Morrigan v.s Karasu, one crow deity versus another.
Bedlam/Void v.s Everyone. Bedlam activates a Ghost box in the centre of the Gateway base threatening to destroy Sentry World.
A weary Psylocke wakens and with the focused totality of her psionic powers in knife form to bedlams head, Gives bedlam a taste of his own medicine. This gives Emma the opportunity to finally destroy the Void sliver.
Emma is now responsible for Sentry World. She rallies the team to be this world’s protectors. Leech, and Artie become fully fledged members of the team. Siryn sticks around to spend time with her father. Forge rebuilds the Gateway. Banshee and Psylocke agree to stay.
Going forward, X-Men Gold would deal with threats the Sentry hadn’t taken care of, and also the possible return of Sentry World’s X-Men or Inhumans. More Followers of King Bedlam would also show up to cause trouble. 
As we mentioned yesterday, you could win a prize for commenting. In conjunction with MahMuseComics.com, and The All New Wednesday Warriors, comic store Dr. Volts is sponsoring pitch week and is giving away one X-men themed prize to one random commenter each day. So, enter the discussion, ask the pitchers questions, engage them in conversation about the pitch and you could win. Hope you enjoyed X-Men Gold. Tune in tomorrow for  X-Men: Armored CompleX.
X-Men Gold logo designed by the talented Jerrod Pittman. 
X-Men Gold X-Men Gold By Loz Cook The Pitch An Emma-led core team of four X-Men sponsored by Landau, Luckman & Lake, and a potentially revolving door of younger student X-men and guest stars.
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ennmaximof · 3 years ago
(Zoe Culloden)
° Humana.
Zoe Culloden, também conhecida como Expeditora, era uma agente da Landau, Luckman e Lake. Zoe acreditava que Deadpool era o messias cósmico profetizado pelos precognitivos em Landau, Luckman & Lake. Ela foi designada para o projeto Mithras a fim de realizar essa profecia.
Zoe sempre foi uma estrategista talentosa, atleta, combatente corpo a corpo, atriz e imitadora de sotaque / dialeto, isso facilitou o modo como Zoe trabalhou em suas missões, a tornando quase mortal para seus adversários.
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blackpantherfanstories · 4 years ago
Landau, Luckman and Lake
Chapter One The puffs of the tobacco smoke drifted up and suddenly became suspended in front of the smoker’s face. The smoker was equally frozen at because time had stopped. From the smoker’s window view he saw that the Niven field had turned from translucent to opaque in the sky. That was the signal for the evacuation of Planet Wakanda. The smoker had come to the planet because it had law and…
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thebibliomancer · 8 years ago
100 Days of Comics! 043/100: Wolverine #82 (1994)
Today is second Wolverine day and I’m kicking myself that I didn’t make a Hitchhiker’s reference last time.
So today’s rummage into the box of 100 mystery comics brings us another Wolverine. Except we’ve gone backwards many issues. But he still has his bone claws and his life is still pretty not great overall. But he’s let his hair and sideburns grow out so much, he looks like a bipedal lion.
I have to say, this issue has a pretty striking cover.
Anyway. Wolverine recently lost both his adamantium skeleton and his healing factor and is fairly certain he’s going to die soon. As such, he has headed to Japan to say good-byes and set things right.
At least in this issue, Lion Wolverine starts with a visit to an ancient temple on the outskirts of Tokyo to light some incense for Mariko, his dead deceased never-quite bride.
But old friend and totally Storm’s girlfriend Yukio finds him there and if she found him, others could and did do too.
The Hand has tracked down Wolverine to get revenge for him maiming one of the Hand higher ups. But after Wolverine gets his ass kicked a little, Yukio convinces the Hand ninjas that Wolverine isn’t really Wolverine because he has bone claws and no healing factor. And if this isn’t Wolverine maybe Wolverine is looking to finish the job with Matsuo.
With his ass totally saved despite him insisting that he didn’t need the hand, Yukio invites Logan to her crappy apartment and they crack open a bottle so “you pour me some drinks, Logan-san, and we’ll sing a few songs and tell lies about all the good times we had!”
Meanwhile, a creepy guy called Bloodscream finds some creepy robots in a corpse pile and recharges them with a car battery. The androids are Pierce-built and one is Elsie Dee who is a terrifying child with Elmer Fuddism and the other is Albert but looks like Logan. And they are looking for Logan.
Back in Tokyo, Amiko. Her mother was killed when a dragon from Battleworld knocked a building onto her but Amiko was saved by Logan and he promised her dying mother that he’d take care of her.
He has done a not super great job.
Anyway, she’s getting bullied for being an orphan and for believing that a mysterious samurai protector protected her (it was Logan). And then she gets beat up.
Lionman Logan shows up to interrupt the beating but Amiko runs away, not recognizing him with a glorious mane.
Logan goes to her foster home, in the guise of an inspector for Landau, Luckman, and Lake the group that handles Logan’s money, including the money thats supposed to be paying for Amiko to have a nice life.
Her foster parents are dicks and are using all the money to buy nice things for themselves.
Actually, its funny how Logan passes himself off as an inspector. He has his agent Zoe Curodan’s business card so he just introduces himself as Zoe Curodan, claiming that Zoe is the Scottish spelling of Joe.
He asks to interview Amiko alone and the fosters say he has five minutes but they really only give him three panels. Logan disguised as Zoe tells Amiko that her benefactor didn’t know about her horrible life situation but Amiko says that her samurai protector is far away and saving other people from dragons but he’s TOTALLY going to send a fierce ninja to take her away to a nice place.
And why crush a child’s dreams if you already live in a ridiculous world?
Since apparently Japanese social services won’t let him relocate Amiko OR even stop the fosters from stealing all her money, Logan comes back at night in his X-Men uniform with pantyhose over his head. Y’know, dressed as a ninja??
Amiko immediately assumes that this ‘ninja’ must be here for her and yup.
So Logan takes Amiko downstairs and tells the fosters that SECRETLY AMIKO WAS A WARD OF THE HAND AND BOY YOU’VE PISSED OFF THE HAND.
The fosters are assholes but not idiots. They immediately realize its ‘Zoe’ with pantyhose on his head and try to hit him with a golf club and one of those ski toothpicks. Which he just slices through with an honor sword and tells them to GTFO of the country.
So Logan takes Amiko to Yukio and asks her to become her cool ronin mom. And the money that was going to the jerks would go to Yukio and help her get some stuff like a nicer place to live. Just saying.
There’s still the problem of social services but Wolverine has solved that problem by making a deal.
He’s the deal.
“The child welfare authorities are petty bureaucrats... who are easily bought by one as powerful as the Oyabun of the Yashida clan!”
In exchange for the return of the Yashida honor swords that Mariko gave Logan a whiiiiiiile back, Silver Samurai will throw his weight around until an unmarried assassin/mercenary is allowed to adopt an orphan. And between Yukio probably being a cool adoptive mom (who promises Logan to raise Amiko as if she were her own) and Silver Samurai honor-bound to see to the welfare of Amiko, things are probably going to turn out alriiiiiiight.
For Amiko. Logan still thinks he’s going to die. But he won’t. At least not yet.
This was another pretty good Wolverine story, what the heck. I liked this. No real fights. No real strictly comic book elements once Yukio succeeds in bluff checking the Hand. The most ridiculous thing is probably Logan’s shitty ninja disguise but he was doing that just to match Amiko’s expectations because she deserved to believe in dreams... OF VENGEANCE. 
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lovelornrocketscientist · 8 years ago
A Little Green | closed
As he waited in line with their invitation in hand, Fitz decided he was quite happy with this new assignment. 
They hadn’t yet passed their field assessments, but the mission was relatively simple. It was a science awards dinner, which was why he and Simmons were needed to chat science with the natives while their backup team posed as security guards. 
S.H.I.E.L.D. believed that a Swiss geneticist named Yves Rochat was passing along secrets from research lent to him by Nick Fury himself to some dodgy law firm called Landau, Luckman and Lake.
His and Simmons’ job was simple, to stick close to Rochat and his wife, Sophie, by whatever means necessary.
How hard could it be?
Fitz was quite pleased, however, because it was nearly like a real date. After five months together, he and Jemma were finally having some thing like an actual romantic evening.
With a hand at the small of Jemma’s back, he handed their invitation to the man at the desk and then offered his false passport as ID. It said his name was James Finley, Ph.D. He wasn’t all that keen on it but he had to use something, he supposed.
Once they were through the security line, he looked rather longingly across the ballroom at all the couples swirling around the dance floor. So long as the anti-fraternization rules were in effect, he wasn’t sure he and Jemma would ever have anything more romantic than this. Unfortunately, there was certainly no time for dancing.
“Now we just need to find Rochat,” he said, glancing over at Simmons. 
God, she looked fantastic in her fancy dress. 
And, in his tux, he felt a bit like James Bond. Without realizing it, he’d been humming the theme song all the way over in the limo.
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mattmasdeu · 8 years ago
Drug War in Madripoor! (Wolverine #5)
What I Remember:  
I had a soft spot for Wolverine since I went to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade when I was very little and as the Marvel float went by, the guy in the Wolverine suit shook my hand. I don’t remember much about this book at all except that I was obsessed with Wolverine’s new black costume. 
My only prior experience with Wolverine in the comics was the my uncle’s copies of the 1982 miniseries by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller, which is one of my favorite comic book stories of all time.
Vital Stats:
Wolverine #5 “Hunter’s Moon”
Writer: Chris Claremont
Penciller: John Buscema
Inker: Al Williamson
Letterer: Janice Chiang
Colorist: Glynis Oliver
Editor: Bob Harras
Editor-In-Chief: Tom DeFalco
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Publication Date: March 1989
Cover Price: $1.50
Re-Collection Price: $8.00 at the comic shop at the Quakertown Farmer’s Market
 What Happens:
Wolverine is operating out of Madripoor, under the alias Patch. Wolverine is presumed dead.
This issue opens with Bloodscream, here known as Bloodsport, threatening the niece of his boss for helping Patch and his friend Tyger.
Speaking of Patch, he and his pilot, Archie Corrigan are flying into the Golden Triangle to disrupt a drug lord named Coy’s opium business. As Archie gets up to stretch for a bit, Logan senses something                                                     is amiss.
Archie plans to kill Wolverine to protect himself from Bloodsport but reconsiders just before the plane is attacked by Coy’s men.
    Patch leaves Archie in charge and sets out to down the plane and crashes into the water.
Meanwhile, Jessica Drew and Lindsay McCabe arrive at the offices of Landau, Luckman and Lake, hoping that they can help Tyger. As they settle in and Tyger is resting they're attacked by Bloodsport and Coy’s men.
In the Golden Triangle two members of the Harriers, Battleaxe and Hardcase, soldiers for hire, begin looking for the downed plane but find themselves stalked by Wolverine and tied up.
  The Harriers send out a team to back up their boys only to find themselves outmatched by an army of one. Neither the Harriers or Coy’s men are any match for Patch as he decimates a $1 billion shipment of opium, as Archie supplies aerial support.
Unfortunately, it may all be for naught as Landau, Luckman and Lake’s offices are lying in ruins and Tyger’s fate is unknown.
 Continued After Ad:
 Worth Re-Collecting?
This book had a lot of elements that I love in comics, like organized crime, whether it be the Kingpin, Lex Luthor the Rose or the various gangs in Gotham. If you give me a powerful criminal with a super-powered henchman like Bloodsport and I’m interested. The threat is not something that the hero can merely punch away. The organization still stands. It's also apparent that Claremont and Buscema used the film Predator as a model, there's commando Wolverine, the Harriers are the archetypes of the team in Predator. 
I think I would need to pick up the entire run in trade form to really enjoy this book. I found myself looking up various characters and it really felt like I joined the show already in progress.
The enjoyed the art and thought that it told the story well despite not having huge two-page splashes or many large panels, however I found that the asian drug lords were a little caricature-like and reminded me of slightly modernized Japanese that superheroes would fight during World War II.
 Next Issue:
We stay with the X-Men and look at a random issue of the “Inferno” crossover that I picked up from the back issue bin when I was in junior high! It’s The Uncanny X-Men #242 by Chris Claremont and Marc Silvestri. See you next week!
Back Cover:
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kinglikescomics · 3 years ago
about to read the Dead Reckoning arc from Joe Kelly's Deadpool. this is officially the furthest I've reached in this run. We're going all the way this time babes
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kinglikescomics · 3 years ago
Love stuff like this
Deadpool (Vol 1) #15 (Joe Kelly & Walter McDaniel)
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kinglikescomics · 3 years ago
This is like the third time I've tried reading Joe Kelly's Deadpool. First time I got up to about where I am now, somewhere between issues 12 and 14, second time I got a little further, don't remember specifically. This time though I need to finish the whole thing
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