#lancester hate me
lipeg · 5 months
The JNR team was gathered in a cafeteria.
Jaune: Tell me again Nora why are we even here
Nora: REST!
Jaune: We are in a crisis situation
Nora: We need to relax and rest!
Jaune looked at Ren.
Jaune: How can you handle this Ren
Ren: Inner peace
Jaune: Zé ruela
Nora: You look like a very boring old man JAUNE!
Jaune: But I'm old, I'm 60
Nora growled in anger.
Ren: Nora want to make up for lost time Jaune, you spend a lot of time working
Jaune: Mistral threw all her hunters to Vacuo, Vale no one has news, Atlas destroyed. I need some help.
Ren: That's why you sent Ruby to work manufacturing and repairing weapons
Jaune: Exactly
Nora: ENOUGH OF THIS! Let's talk about something more important!
Jaune and Ren: The what?
Jaune and Ren: Oh.... Nothing relevant
Nora: Ren, shut up! Jaune you may not live the rest of your life alone
Jaune: Yes, yes I can
Nora: No you can not! How about... Ruby, you two would make a great couple
Jaune: I'm not so sure
Nora: Why no!
Jaune: Ruby and I had some disagreements about certain events. Two immature people getting into a relationship would not be very good, Besides, we became just friends, not great friends anymore
Nora: So WEISS! You had a crush on her
Jaune: Well maybe, but she was just a little.... A little
Ren: Sociable?
Jaune: No
Ren: Friendly?
Jaune: Maybe but no. She's still too proud and I can't handle all that pride. Another issue is that she is too low
Ren: Unfortunate is true
Nora: Jaune, you wouldn't date Weiss because she's too short!
Jaune: Yes.I mean, if I married her and we had a family, my kids would be bigger than her sister
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( Art of Seshirukun )
Nora covered his mouth and started laugh.
Nora: OK you win
Nora: So Yang?
Jaune: I don't want this woman even for free!
Nora: Why no?
Jaune: When they were coming to Vacuo, the girls decided to play truth or dare, they forgot I was with them for some reason.... I heard things that I didn't like at all
Ren: Blake?
Jaune: She already had a boyfriend but the relationship didn't work out, Sun tried to win Blake's heart but it didn't work and she is lesbian
Nora: what a problem, but that would be a great drama
Jaune:I have no idea and besides, I barely have a conversation with her, I only know that because they decided to play truth or dares
Ren: Complicated situation
Nora: So stay with whoever you wanted
Jaune: Pyrrha
Nora was surprised and lively.
Jaune: I mean Pyrrha was beautiful she had a nice body you saw it yourself Nora
Nora: It's true she had a great body
Jaune: Pyrrha is the perfect balance of power, beauty and kindness. She helped me a lot, even after her death leaving tips on combat. Well I mean, can you compare Pyrrha to a sports car that doesn't give you any problems, do you trade a good car for a car that's fallen apart?
Nora: Who would be the car falling apart
Jaune: Team RWBY
Nora started laughing uncontrollably.
Ren: Would you have the courage to say that to their face?
Jaune: I barely talk to them anyway, whether or not we lost the friendship doesn't matter to me
Ren: So tell me, which one of the girls you meet would you ask to go to bed?
Nora stopped laughing and looked at Ren.
Nora: REN!!!
Ren: What?
Jaune placed his left hand on his chin.
Jaune: Velvet
Nora and Ren looked at Jaune.
Nora e Ren: Really?
Jaune: Yes.It's because of one of my uncles really like Faunus women, his favorites are the rabbit Faunus. He said if you scratch the back of the rabbit's ears they move one of their legs and my uncle did this during sex.
Nora was left open-mouthed.
Jaune: My uncle said the following: or you think it's weird and you're not excited, or you think it's cute and you're not excited. or you think it's cute and you get even more excited
Ren: oh Jaune
Ren pointed over Jaune's shoulder.
Jaune turned around.
The CYFV team is behind him.
They heard everything.
Jaune: You better get ready for tonight Velvet, you're going to call me of daddy later tonight
Velvet's face turned red with embarrassment and anger.
Velvet: Excuse me! I won't sleep with you!
Jaune: Ok what do you know, There are always fish in the sea
This time, a rabbit Faunus woman passed by outside the cafeteria.
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Jaune: This phrase has never been more true
Jaune went after that rabbit Faunus.
Velvet: WAIT!
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xantissa · 4 years
Hi, thanks to your fic I have finally stumbled into The Untamed fandom (and it was rly hard stumble and konmaring in one) - till that moment it was only too pretty boys making cow eyes at each other. So thank you. Do you intend to write more in it? (after Embers) Btw, I love how you changed their dynamics as most ff that I found afterwards are lwj toping.
Hi there! Ahh nice stumble. I love all the pretty. I was always weak for good aesthethics  (one of the reasons why i hate modern idea that all movies have to be grey and dark to be ‘edgy’)
Embers is actually fully written, just waiting to be betaed. 10 chapters total.
As far as I know the lwj top thing comes from the novels. my personal opinion is different and while I can definitely see them switching the idea of lwj as this uber dom just makes me laugh and laugh.
I do love the wwx/lwj pairining but I can see myself looking at all the possible combinations. I was always a multi shipper at heart (greedy that way) and I might stumble sideways into strange combinations!
I have a few ideas rattling around in my brain right now but not sure which one to start writing. The one where WWX is ressurected not as the well adjusted young man but half insane necromancer that raises an army of dead and marches on Lanling because he can sense Wen Ning - and if he is alive then WWX can tell something is seriosuly amiss.
or that one idea @cobaltmoony gave me where Lan Zhan is killed at Nevernight and wwx goes insane - and turns LWJ into an undead like Wen Ning? That one might turn into another lancest one actually.
or the one where Chen Qing after being reunited with WWX decided nobody else shall touch it again and actively attempts to kill people who so much as touch the flute by accident.
Or the one where the rumors about Yiling patriarch wild orgies weren’t exactly untrue - because back at Burial Mounds wwx accidentally discovered an array for sex magic that allowed him to mitigate most of the side effects of the resentful energy - and then it kind of went out of control?
Or the one where Wen Ning was not only a friend (after his almost-death) but a lover too becuase damn it somebody had to take care of WWX then? And Lan Zhan learns about it and kind of accepts it? Wen Ning also extremely protective of both lwj and wwx?
Or the classic back in time fic where wwx as a sixteen year old goes off and slaughters most of the ruling clan members of the Wen clan, takes over the yin iron, and then, with the scary reputation it gives him - tries to get lwj to fall in love with him?
Oh, and don’t start me on the Nie brothers. That’s a kinky, angsty story waiting to happen.
Also Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue early years - that has so much potential.
So yeah, many ideas, not sure which ones I want to write, if any, or maybe I will be hit with a completely new idea? Not sure yet!
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prettymysticfalls · 7 years
Sweet Smell of Success
Noirvember 2017 – Classic Noir Films
Press agent Sidney Falco, who is the king of playing a false note, press the button and messes up things, after he is both asked to and forced to break up the relationship of his columnist friend J.J.'s sister by his friend J.J.
The film revolves around corruption, dirty schemes, blackmails, manipulations and possessive brother-sister relationship. Burt Lancester and Tony Curtis portray two unprincipled and manipulative men who are power hungry with no morals in the most excellent way possible. You just would love to hate their characters. At least, I did.
There are quite iconic, sarcastic and sassy lines in the film. Those lines give the dialogues a sharp feeling. My favorites would be the followings below.
"I'd hate to take a bite outta you. You're a cookie full of arsenic."
"Sidney, conjugate me a verb. For instance, 'to promise'."
"You're dead, son. Get yourself buried."
"Maybe I left my sense of humor in my other suit."
"Mr. Hunsecker, you've got more twists than a barrel of pretzels!"
I can tell that this film invented sarcasm of '50s.
The cinematography is not the best but it is really good. I am just iffy about a few camera angles but that is just alright.
Bottom line, "Sweet Smell of Success" - I'd have to call this "Sweet Smell of Scam" though - is one of those noirs which must be watched.
P.S. If you liked reading my review and you have a letterboxd account, feel free to like it and follow me there.
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