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tabletopbrainrot · 1 year ago
So how did Lancer go last night?
lets show with a mix of home grown and borrowed memes
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• Our party Fed pilots a Manticore, but in the least manticore way possible.
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• Vermin in the Sherman rolled 4 20's in almost a row.
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• Our poor sniper in his poor deaths head lost so much structure
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• And I threw rocks, only D/D'd one thing and it had zero structure and was vaporized
And we still have like two more fights to go, lancer combat feels so damn long
Edit: just noticed a spelling error in my meme, time to do a flip off a bridge... or just fix it later
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msmc-796-official · 4 months ago
50 Follower Milestone Celebration: MSMC-796 "Heaven's Fury" Face Reveal
// Hi everyone! We're all here to celebrate, because we did it - we have officially reached 50 followers on @msmc-796-official! Holy fuck y'all, I still can't believe we have fifty whole people following our PR blog. That's... what, nine to ten squadrons worth of people?
> More than that. Probably closer to fifteen squadrons, given most here at MSMC tend to run small. It's still a considerable amount.
never mind the numbers - let's get to the fun part!
// Yes, yes, I'm getting to it! Anyways, in celebration of this milestone, Upper Management had some updated portraits done of all of us, and now we get to share them all with you! I believe they go in squad number order, so I think yours is first, Kennedi. Mind doing the honors, Slipshod?
oh fuck yeah. gimme a sec...
[OPENING FILE "msmc-796-portraits.omni.png"]
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yooooo! that looks awesome K - they got your new prosthetic in there and everything! heh, nice "very serious Squad Commander business" face you got going - can't even smile in your portraits, huh?
> I was informed they would be serious portraits. I only posed as I was asked to.
// Oh, lighten up, Kennedi. They did a really nice job - oh, look, they even kept the torn edge of your uniform at the shoulder! I thought for sure they'd draw it hemmed.
> Hm. So they did. They also managed to get my nose, eyebrows, and hair texture correct - color me impressed.
mine next, mine next! let's go!
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> Hm... yes, that's certainly you, all right.
// Oh, very nice! Bold choice to do it without a shirt on - must've just come from the workshop when you got this done.
...why in the fresh hell is my ENTIRE GOVERNMENT NAME on here?! I had that redacted on purpose!!!
> I assume you weren't paying attention when they informed us that our full Pilot NET ID would be present on these. All of these portraits include our legal name, callsign, and squad designation.
rrrgh... I'm gonna have a word with Upper Management about this; I take all the goddamn precautions in the world to scrub my identity from the Omninet and they STILL manage to publicly deadname me
// In case you've already forgotten, Slipshod, Kennedi has already deadnamed you on here once before. Granted, it was an accident-
> And I apologized for it immediately.
// - AND she apologized for it immediately, yes, thank you Kennedi - but still. People on here know your real name, Slipshod, whether you like it or not.
fuckin' hell. fine, I guess. but you clowns still aren't allowed to call me by that name on here. either you call me Slipshod or you don't call me at all. and that includes all 50-something of our followers out there on the Omninet as well, capiche?
// ...I think they get the point, Slipshod. Anyways - we've still got my portrait left. Pull it up; lemme have a look.
alright alright, cool your jets. here...
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...woah. holy shit, P, that's really good.
> I concur. They did a phenomenal job on your portrait, Phoenix - you should be proud.
// I... wow. I'm at a loss for words, genuinely. I haven't had my hair that long in months, and they absolutely nailed it.
heh. I like that they kept your PR lanyard on there. UM can't ever let you forget it, can they?
// No, I guess they can't. Come to think of it, all of us have a MSMC logo somewhere on our portraits. They even included your arm tattoo on there, and you usually choose to leave that off.
nah, I asked them to do that. it felt right to leave it in this time.
> I also actively chose to wear my MSMC badge for this. It helps tie the group together. "Good squad cohesion", as Command would say.
// Oh, you guys... great, now I'm gonna cry. Y'all are assholes.
love you too, P. here's to the next fifty, yeah?
> To the next fifty, and however many more.
// To the next fifty.
OOC: To all 50 of my followers (well, more now, since this came out later than anticipated) - thank you so, so much for your support of this blog. I couldn't have done this without you. Here's to the next fifty, and however many more come after.
Until next time, this is MSMC-796 "Heaven's Fury" signing off - yours among the stars, forever and always.
-- FC, Angel, Slipshod, & Lockbreaker
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corsair-news-alliance · 1 month ago
{OOC} Hello! I hope you are doing well and I apologize if this is the wrong place to send this kind of message, but I had a bit of a question? I’ve loved watching you and all the other Lancer blogs develop such a fun and unique space and in all honesty I’ve grown quite envious, so…I was thinking about attempting to join this space myself! Despite that, I have no idea where to start. Would it be ok to ask for a couple pointers and maybe a shove in the right direction? Thank you!
Hope to chat more soon,
(OOC: WELCOME! More voices is always appropriated in this weird community of ours so I'll happily give you some pointers!
My main advice is find something that ties your character to lancer. Who are they are they a pilot? A mechanic? Some pencil pusher? A Mercenary?
What factions in lancer do they enjoy? Which ones do they dislike? Which ones do they work with? (Having a character working for say IPS-N in some ways but hates IPS-N is a fun idea)
If they're a pilot what do they pilot?
Other pointers are just starting reblogging shite from other people, throw your hat in the ring in big ol conversations
The identity of your character might take a bit to form fully but that's pretty normal
Dming people in the community about plotlines is a pretty common occurrence once you're starting to really get into it
What quirks does your character have? Do they not believe HORUS exists? Are they obsessed with how the heads of mechs look?
And don't be scared of having a character with similarities
We had a wave of freelance pilots and DoJ pilots
We've got our wave of flashclones
Just make sure they're something unique
Have fun and Till Legends Bleed P.XV!
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farreach-rc · 5 months ago
Thanks for stopping by and checking out the comms issue I was having. I can't say I was expecting an NHP to be hiding in the systems. I'll be honest, I don't know much about NHP's or how they work. Anyone you recommend I ask?
Over and out, QUICKFIX
--- And I thought I was doing good job at hiding. Oh well, the secret's out now ---
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msmc-796-official · 2 months ago
// Congrats again, Gray! (The new portrait looks amazing, by the way - full color and everything!)
congrats, kiddo!
> Congratulations, Gray. Truly.
-- Angel, Slipshod, & Lockbreaker
+ Hail from R&D!
+ HELLO, AGAIN! After recent events and a long-overdue transfer, I am proud to announce that I am no-longer working with IPS-N; As of posting, I've officially become the youngest recruit of MSMC's 148th detachment, "Aftermarket Brokers"! My current position is mostly field testing and prototype development, but my specialization remains the same.
+ I am a biomedical engineer studying prosthesis, pilot accomodations, and cybernetic/subaltern maintenance. Over the months of running this Omninet account, I've answered dozens of questions about implant upkeep, cybernetic design, mech repair, and more- I won't pretend to be an expert on anything, but my cybernetic arms are my own design, as are the modifications to my VLAD, "GRAE". For now, most of my experience comes from my time studying on Carina, or operating under IPS-N contract- + Now that I can choose what I want to do, I hardly know what to do with myself--
+ As always, reach out any time with questions on cybernetic, subaltern, or prosthetic care!
( Original pinned post! )
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// (@tigersharko) ooc every long post with gray ends up sounding like a resume cover letter- it's just how he talks (and partially how i type)- // updating gray's pinned post after his redesign/transfer, it's interesting to see how the character has grown thusfar!! he's turning 20 pretty soon actually (november 20th) !!!
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tabletopbrainrot · 1 year ago
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When you accidentally take out THE boss in one turn...
People say the Tempest Charge Blade is mid, I kinda have to beg to differ
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We troll the DM a little...
Edit: Okay I realized context might be important here.
Player 1 hit's Yennval, and does a fair bit of damage
I jump in using Xiaoli’s Ingenuity forcing her to take 2 damage losing a structure and becoming stunned, I then attack with the tempest charge blade dealing 15 damage and creating a size 1 cover, I burn one of my last uses of Xiaoli’s Ingenuity to damage the cover destroying it dealing 1d6 damage to Yennval forcing a second structure save she rolled poorly and exploded
Edit 2: this was also not a first turn kill, we were in like round 6 of the fight I had been cutting power to the ship and smashing minions up till this point
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corsair-news-alliance · 23 days ago
Welcome to the Omninet!
Hi to Leila, Euler, Adela and, Diogenes!
I hope you feel at home here and remain in comfort....
Wait, so how do I know when it's on? The red light? Ooooooh, right! Thanks Euler.
Ok! Hello Omninet! I'm Leila Marris-Orion, an NHP researcher with Union Science. I'm currently taking an indefinite leave of absence out to the Dawnline Shore, hoping to learn more about my family history.
I'm joined by my close friends and research buddies, Adela, Euler, and Dio. I'll let them introduce themselves.
Welcome. I am called Euler. I am an [ATHENA]-class NHP, licensed from Smith-Shimano Corpro for use by Miss. Leila Marris-Orion. I have greatly enjoyed my working relationship with Miss. Marris-Orion, and I anticipate further intellectual stimulation from her current foray into historical records. Adela, if you would proceed?
Oh, me? Yes! Yes, alright, my turn! So, hi, I'm Adela. I was the first project that Leila worked on, which I believe makes me... an [ENLIGHTENMENT]-class, no? Leila is a wonderful friend and I'm just so happy that we're getting to travel out and see the galaxy together! I know we're all going to become great friends, so please don't hesitate to reach out and say hi! Ok, umm, I guess it's Dio's turn now? Dio, please be nice...
Hello, hello, hello! I am Diogenes, but you can all call me Dio. I'm a [SISYPHUS]-class NHP, don't worry about it. I work with these other brilliant minds, and I promise that you can trust absolutely any and all links and files I will be sending you the moment our dear Head Researcher is gracious enough to give me unsupervised access to this omninet connection. Swear on my heart, which as an NHP I definitely have!
Absolutely not. Anyway, let's see... Oh, I'm licensed for several SSC mechanized chassis, specifically the Swallowtail and the Deathshead, but I can't actually use them at the moment. Something wrong with the licensing code? Whenever I try to print anything it just makes a- Bone Gecko! We are not calling it a 'Bone Gecko'! But yes, it spits out what looks like an eyeless, skinless lizard. It's honestly pretty unnerving, so if anyone knows about like, printer coding and such... help?
How do I turn it off? Is it this sw- //AUDIO ENDS
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corsair-news-alliance · 25 days ago
I'll see what I can do.... I'll try and get you a temporary fix until I can buy the Requiem before she's just scrapped.... DoJ/HR still picking through her and ripping out her guns..
You'll be safe. I promise. I promise.
Till Legends Bleed.
Hey buddy... You.. you doing alright? I mean... Like.. okay let me start over.
I'm checking in, making sure you have someplace to stay, someplace to still be yourself. I have to make sure.. I.... I'm sorry this fell apart... I'm sorry.
.....no. i mean yesimean im not hurt or i ndanger but somehow im not-- oaky okay, why are. yousorry? this is weird. this isnt right. youdidnt' do anyhthing wrong you just got your assjkicked REALLY HARD and i mean hey i do that all the time so ditto,w hatever, you just. get back up. i mean you gotta. get back up. keep going. youre not dead yet; they didnt killyou, make them regret it. rite?
nanyways no, i do not have uhh. place to go . i was lookign into couch surfing again or heading back tomyhome planet andtyring to reappeal to somem..old "friends".
but id ont want to do that i want to goabck i really miss the requiem.
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thevoicefrompromise · 1 month ago
Deepest Welcomes, I have heard tales of the work your institution has done.
/Suzerain Arvantiel Sarthis of The House of Promise\
Welcome to the Karrakin Cavalry College, home to some of our greatest Leaders, Heroes and Impact Makers!
Here at the Karrakin Cavalry College we believe in bringing out the potential of every student, setting new standards for Excellence, Learning & Discovery for the betterment of all within the Trade Baronies.
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nhpregulatory-official · 9 days ago
Hey do you guys accept Horus pilots trying to dodge Union?
We do, although we generally do not hear these pleas on this frequency. I recommend you reach out to the cells we're in contact with, it'll probably land you somewhere better than Sanjak.
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st-g2-084 · 3 months ago
In reference to your addendum, Angel:
As far as I'm aware SSC possesses numerous clone-related facilities that, despite what the corporation would prefer, have to abide to a certain level of Union scrutiny. Even the laboratory in which I was held, with it being akin to some labyrinth for drugged rats, was graced by the visit of a legal inspector every now and then. I have heard that recently, Union has made efforts to "put pressure upon greyspace clone matters". In essence, aiming to find clones held in barely-legal situations and assigning them an DoJ/HR representative to help them navigate their circumstances. I understand this is probably the case with Alphabet Soup, although their background differs.
As much as this all reads like a PR move to me, in view of the meager number of clones actually chosen for the program, this is one of the reasons you've probably seen a number of us pop up here on the Omninet recently. Part of this "reintegration" aims to establish their online presence and socialize them. Although they physically have to remain withing corporate jurisdiction, offering them new perspectives through social media is a small step towards personal freedom, in their words.
Again, I was not personally integrated to this program, so I might lack knowledge on the subject, but it is my understanding of things.
My DoJ/HR case worker insists that I need to find a hobby to occupy my time now, so they have set up an omninet account for me. I don’t see the point but maybe this will get them off my back about changing my name.
My name is Z-341-A. I am called Z or Alphabet Soup now. I am a specialized clone created in conjunction with a classified project during what is now called Union’s Second Committee. I currently pilot a GMS Chomolungma frame modified with experimental, proprietary SSC technology.
About eight months ago, Union Thirdcomm representatives uncovered the moon which housed Seccom’s experimental cloning facility as well as thirty one living clones in cryosleep. Union has begun efforts to integrate the clones into the society of various core worlds. So, here I am.
I have little to say beyond this brief profile. My case worker believes that I will find friends or camaraderie in some capacity on here, so feel free to prove them correct. Contrary to popular belief, I do not bite.
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tabletopbrainrot · 1 year ago
Shame Yennval didn't wanna talk... oh well TCB go brrrrr
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corsair-news-alliance · 7 days ago
Ra below folks can't y'all take some war trophies? Beeeeecccaaaaaaauuuussseee on technicality you won the Intercompany brawl. And seeing as you didn't get the rewards we took a chance to grab most of you some well trophies from the old dead bastard herself. Shoddy you just got the digitized version of my pride and joy earnings from blackjack night.
Merry Late Mechmas from CORSAIR
[A bloodied mug with the text "Best Merc Squad Leader"]
[A Collection of High quality Eye patches]
[Digital copies of the saucy John Creighton Harrison pictures]
> Hm. I'll have to clean the blood off first, but this will see much use. Thank you, Morse.
// Morse... we've known each other for how long now? You should know that I don't use anything for my missing eye - no prosthetics, no augments, no eyepatches, nothing. If we weren't on such good terms, I'd be almost offended by this. As it stands... we're just gonna put these off to the side and dispose of deal with them later.
*wolf whistle* nice. be a shame if these were to leak to the wrong Omninet forum... nah, I know better than that. absolutely will be saving these as future blackmail if HA gets on our ass again, though - thanks, Morse! you're a real one ;)
-- Angel, Slipshod, & Lockbreaker
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corsair-news-alliance · 5 months ago
Hey @msmc-796-official it's the old Trunk security joke that got passed around between pilots. Damn been too long!
what them hands do
+ What the fuck did you just fucking say to me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at the IPS-Northstar Corporate Campus, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on undisclosed pirate vessels, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in mech-to-mech warfare and I'm the top melee striker in the entire IPS-N armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will structure you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on Cradle, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Omninet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Outer Rim and your proxy is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, NHP. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your subaltern. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my pilot gear. Not only am I extensively trained in close quarters combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Interplanetary Postal Service and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the long rim, you little shit. If only you could have known what RA-forsaken retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your synthetic tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
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msmc-796-official · 4 months ago
Oh, that's really sweet, actually! Good to know, at any rate - last thing I need to be doing is giving Marketing any more ideas. (Christ-the Buddha knows how many "ideas" I've had to shut down since becoming an official PR spokesperson...)
That reminds me, I should put up that star map of the Argo Navis system in my PR office - yes, I have an office of my own for PR reasons separate from my bunk; I don't know why Upper Management decided I needed one either. It was meant to be a reminder of home - I know I mention it a lot, but I'm originally from Pyxis (one of Carina's moons), so Argo Navis is my home star system - but I've been so busy around here that I forgot I even had it.
As for official MSMC merch - we don't have a ton, and that's somewhat on purpose. According to the files Recruitment gave me, the only officially-licensed merch we have are the patches and decals we hand out as part of the welcome package for our new recruits, as well as a flight jacket with your MSMC squad designation number embroidered on it. Of course, it's not mandatory to wear any of it publicly, but most pilots who sign on with us at least put the patch on a jacket or something.
Really, it's just meant to be a way to distinguish our pilots from any other mercenary companies - a little something extra to show who belongs to which company outside of one's official pilot designation (aka the big long title all MSMC mercs have, listing their full name, callsign, squad number, and rank).
That being said, if you're interested in getting your hands on some of our merch early, here's an offer you might be interested in: I've got a small stash of prototype patches that Marketing dropped off and doesn't want back (the designs got scrapped after our current logo was greenlit). As far as I know they're one-of-a-kind, so if you want some exclusive merch that no other pilot has, this would be it!
-- Angel
Greeting and hail! It's Angel, from MSMC.
Slipshod was browsing your tags and noticed something that I believe merits further discussion, so I decided to reach out here rather than clogging up a post intended for useful build tips.
You said you had a MSMC poster hung up by your bunk? Where in RA's name did you manage to acquire one of those?
...no, seriously, I'm asking. If the marketing team finds out we have unlicensed merchandise circulating out there somewhere, they're gonna pitch a fit (and probably send me out with a stack of officially-licensed MSMC merch to hand out as part of my PR duties, as well as a few cease-and-desist notices from our legal teams).
Out of curiosity, though - what's on it? I can't imagine we have too much actual merch out there, outside of the usual mech decals and uniform patches our pilots receive upon signing on with us for a term. (I certainly hope Marketing hasn't gone behind our backs and made merch of the 796th as the "official faces of MSMC" or something dumb like that - we already get enough flak from our fellow squads as "Heaven's PR Department". Besides, none of us consented to that at any point! That'd be an explicit breach of our PR contract!)
-- Angel
+ Oh, no, I hope I didn't scare you guys, making you think I like, bought something. I have a little collection of 'posters' around my sleeping quarters with all sorts of things, like starmaps, ship blueprints, printed logs from interesting events, etcetera. I added a print out of the MSMC logo to my board not too long ago, and I guess I got a little too used to referring to my cutouts as 'posters' after bantering with my friends for so long. I know you all only recently put your faces on the Omninet— If they were already plastered on some PR poster, I'd be surprised and a little impressed.
+ Though, uhm— do you guys offer official merchandise? Asking for a friend.
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msmc-796-official · 5 months ago
Trunk Security? this giant wall of text (I think it used to be called a "copypasta"?) has been around since old Cradle - good to see that it's still making the rounds on the Omninet, for what it's worth
-- Slipshod
what them hands do
+ What the fuck did you just fucking say to me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at the IPS-Northstar Corporate Campus, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on undisclosed pirate vessels, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in mech-to-mech warfare and I'm the top melee striker in the entire IPS-N armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will structure you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on Cradle, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Omninet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Outer Rim and your proxy is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, NHP. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your subaltern. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my pilot gear. Not only am I extensively trained in close quarters combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Interplanetary Postal Service and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the long rim, you little shit. If only you could have known what RA-forsaken retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your synthetic tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
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