5-of-spades · 5 years
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Day 7 - Only human
“You’re wrong to think you have to do this all alone.”
“You are not a merciless beast who knows nothing but anger and loneliness “
“You’re just a human. Like me. Like everyone else.”
Hi yes please someone comfort the poor boy that is Lancelot Kingsley and tell him that he needed not to put himself through what he does in all the routes 😭😭
@ikerev-appreciation I’m sorry I’m off some days but I’ll try to have them up over the week
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ikerev-appreciation · 5 years
Lancelot Appreciation Week 2019
What is “Appreciation Week”?
It is a week to celebrate a specific suitor through various themes and creative outlets! Each suitor will have a set 7 days of pre-determined themes
What can I contribute?
Anything your heart desires! Write, draw, meme, edits, cosplay,etc. Any way you wish to show your love for the suitor with the specified theme! You can even just gush about the suitor if you wish. There are a million ways to show your love!
From Fluff to angst to smut! Anything that features our suitor of the week is acceptable! Any ships are welcome as well!
Take the themes as literally or as abstractly as you wish! These themes are completely optional and more of a guide to give inspiration. Please feel free to create anything!
There are NO time constrictions!
We want everyone to have fun and celebrate the suitor of the week without any worries! We will be reblogging all things Lancelot until the 1st of November when the new suitor is chosen!
When is Lance’s week?
October 1-7
Here are the themes for each day!
Day 1- Obligation
Day 2- Rainy Day
Day 3- Wandering
Day 4- The Future
Day 5- Vengeance
Day 6- Faith
Day 7- Only Human
Please tag your work exactly like this —–> lancelotxappreciatioweek2019
and please @ this blog as well to make double sure that we reblog your awesome work!
Please feel free to message us if your work has not be reblogged within a day! Tumblr can be weird about tags sometimes!
Want to contribute all 7 days? Great!
Want to only do 1 day? Fantastic!
We want everyone to enjoy and celebrate Lancelot for the week as much as they want to!
If you have any questions, please drop us an ask or message us!
-Ruka, Berry, Xathia ^_^
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advernia · 5 years
fic: god is a five minute hymn
— He may not hear her but he can, and there lies the glaring difference. - the king of hearts & alice the second.
1: this fic really has religious themes, but nothing too complex or detailed. still, i recommend treading lightly, i'd hate to step on some toes ( •́ ⍨ •̀) 2: apparently it's lancelot's week?! coincidentally, this actually fits for two of the listed themes noice (6/faith & 7/only human), so i respectfully tag @ikerev-appreciation.
It's barely been a week since he's held her 'captive', and the one thing he's certain about her is that she has the tendency to sing in the privacy of her quarters; when the four corners of the room are as obscure as the night and the only sliver of lighting present is the faint trickle of moonlight passing through the windows and filtered by the curtains.
She's a fool if she thinks that no one hears the peculiarity of the language she sings, with somber verses begging or seeking things such as repentance, forgiveness, guidance, mercy; then shifting or mixing with lines that speak of glorification, amazement, or graciousness to the various names he's never come across or heard of in his life - he hears her, even through the walls and the door that separates their rooms, and what first struck him as the pitiful yet understandable action of someone coping with their sorrows through song turns to a developing interest on why she sings like she does; eccentric lyrics given lives with indefinite meanings through a woman's voice not quite broken, yet also not as venerating as the words make her to out be.
... Had she gone mad, or were such songs and unusual singing considered normal in the Land of Reason? 
                                There were days that her melodies were replaced by something he'd describe as chanting because the only form of noise he can pick up in the silence of the night was incomprehensible mumbling - it's either her voice was truly too soft for him to hear, or she was speaking far too fast that the only words that he could decipher were Our Father and amen. What those words even mean he'd ask her someday or maybe he won't; he's not that particularly curious about it.
Nothing else follows after that, so he presumes she's gone to bed.
On those days, seated on the floor and back leaning against the door of their connected rooms, he lets out a breathless sigh.
It would've been better if she sung instead.
                                With the aid of a little magic he's able to listen to her crooning as he works from his desk, and tonight her lyrics were something about grace leading her home. A song perhaps related to her current situation with a soothing melody that even Shine seemed to appreciate, seeing as the lion lay curled up by the linked door, a side of his face and an ear pressed against the wood. 
The song doesn't mention a name - any name - but he's heard enough of her songs for him to know that she's singing to someone.
And for the briefest of moments, a thought crosses his mind:
- how fortunate of that person to have someone like her; tirelessly reaching her voice out to him.
                                He doesn't exist here, does He?
He gives her a blank look so she continues; knees still on the floor, words solemn, hands clasped under her chin.
God, I mean.
Ah, one of those names.
I don't know who you speak of.
Her eyes widen for a bit then she starts blinking, shying away from his gaze and nodding slowly, next words turning to murmurs.
... Yes, I suppose... that's right. You really wouldn't know.
You seem to like - no, adore that person to quite an extent that you mention him in your songs so often.
She snaps her head back to gape at him - never mind the reason why her cheeks were starting to color, he had more pressing questions.
Why do you do what you do for that person? Each night, without fail, you mumble words centered about him or you sing for his sake. Was he someone in the Land of Reason who influenced your life deeply?
There's a touch of curiosity in his voice that makes her go silent, memory running over a query so genuine that it emulates the calls of young children; ridiculously inquisitive but yet so honest with how they expressed their wonders. The tones of preened adults around them, noses held too high and eyes far too narrow. A thick book, a figure on a cross. Queries continued to pile up and the masses gradually started turning their heads away, but still -
- the children continued to sing.
... We've been told that He's incredibly kind.
... We've been told?
They both pause for a moment, but eventually she laughs lightly to the sound of his confusion, to the slight tilt of his head and raised brow. It's strange how a man - one much older than her - could appear a little younger than he looks when his questions aren't answered as clearly as he'd expect they would be.
It makes him more approachable, somehow.
Would you like to learn about Him, King Lancelot?
... I would - but perhaps at a later date. Is that alright?
Very well then - whenever you please.
He's the one nodding this time and she finds herself smiling, looking at the man she called a King; at the man who had lived in this foreign world longer than she had been living in her very own - he stood strong and steadfast as the head of his own Army, respected as a ruler and feared as a warrior. At first, even she was terrified of him, but she dared to rebel against his hold... and surprisingly it turned out better than maybe both of them thought: understanding replaced fear, anger turned to kindness.
But to think that he'd ask her a question similar to that which passed her lips long ago, with the same bright blue eyes and unknowing tone...
... maybe it's His work or of fate's; but regardless of which, both certainly moved in mysterious ways.
                                        I'm not so sure you'd believe in what I'll have you know about Him, though.
Hm. But that's for you to explain, and for me to decide... isn't that right, Alice?
                                        3: liz and i got to talking about, in our opinion, how... lackluster cradle is as an isekai world, (゜▽゜;) sure, world building’s definitely hard within mobige limits (26pts & 2eds in this case) and is not exactly the game's focus, but asides from the vaguely explained magic and a couple of things here and there; cradle feels too similar to the ‘real world’, complete with holidays like valentines day & christmas (which is religious by nature). we've probably read too much isekai, but where’s my cultural differences + culture shock, cybird??? 4: 19th century england had a christian majority, but also various beliefs. it's also around this time that charles darwin published his two theories (on the origin of man & descent of man), growing doubt but also faith. where mc is in this fic is completely up to your interpretation ɖී؀ීϸ 5: tbh it's cute that lancelot has the common sense of a child and cybird showcases it occasionally on story events... then u have mc who's simplistic as hell... extra cream = extra happiness, never forget ( ᐛ )و
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ikerev-appreciation · 5 years
Lancelot Week Is Here!
October is here and with it brings the King of Hearts Appreciation week! Please check out the longer post of the previous announcement for the list of themes if you are in need of any inspiration!
We accept all forms of creativity and you do not have to use any of the the themes. They are simply to give inspiration if one needs it!
Please use the tag lancelotxappreciationweek2019 and @ ikerev-appreciation so that we dont miss your work!
As always, we will be reblogging things until the month when we choose another suitor to celebrate.
Let's give the King of Hearts some love ❤
-Ruka and Berry
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