cowboyprosecutor · 7 years
♥ !
» Send a ♥ for a lyrical poem | ACCEPTING
I can see every tear you’ve criedHe was searchingYour hand on his armWelcome back to your nightmareTake my love, take my land
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snackooed-a · 8 years
submitted by @lanasskye​ !
I know things have been hard, and I’m not sure if you want to speak to me, but I did it because I love you. I love you more than anyone else on this planet, and if me being alone for a little bit protects you, then I’ll be alone for the rest of my life. I’m just glad you’re safe.
Even if you hate me, please, know that I never stopped loving you. You’re the light of my life, my best friend, the only person I’ve ever loved this much. 
I hope things are okay in Europe, I know you’re going to be a great forensic scientist, it’s what you’ve been working for your whole life.
Sorry it took so long to get you this, it’s been a rough couple of years. 
Merry Christmas, I miss you,
Lan xx”
The letter sits inside a pretty red envelope, Lana’s cursive writing looping in gold calligraphy.
A large box is wrapped in paper underneath, the microscope Ema had asked for for years but Lana had never been able to afford sits inside.
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          her   hands   quake.   they   tremble,   intensity   increasing   after   her   eyes   take   in  each   word.   ema   had   waited   to   open   the   letter.   she   wasn’t   sure   if   she   wanted   to   know   what   was   inside,   christmas   was   already   a   touchy   subject.   it   took   some   sweat   to   keep   the   large   present   away   from   her   foster   siblings,   but,   her   eyes   always   flitted   to   it   when   her   mind   wandered.   now,   she’d   open  it.   it   needed   to   be   before  feburary   rolled   around,   if   she  waited,  it’d   never   be   touched.
          her   thumb   grazes   over   delicate   golden   ink.   she   wanted   lana   here   ----   she   wanted   to   see   her   face   and   feel   her   warmth    ----   but,   the   lined   paper   granted   her   no   comfort.   it   was   cold,   just   like   how   she   felt   inside.
          ema   felt   tears   stain   her   cheeks,   a   hand   pushing   the   card  away,   soiling   it   with   tears   would   be   inconceivable.   instead,   wavering   fingers    pushed   away   crisp   tissue  paper,   only   by   a   bit.   she   knew    what   it   was.    and   she   didn’t   want   her   premonitions   to  be   true.
          it   fueled   her   anguish.   the   microscope.   something    she’d   begged   for   when   the   most   of   her   problems   consisted   of   a   lack   of   “   professional   “   science   gear.   it   seemed   so   trivial   now.    this    was    what   she’d   wanted.   yet,    ema    remains    unsatisfied.   she   jerked   her   hand   away   from   the   packaging,   as   if   it   had   burned   her   ----   like   a   hotplate   on   a    stove.   she    wanted   her   sister.   she   wanted   lana.   not   desires   she   held   close   to   her   chest   when   she   was   blind   to   the   martyr   living   under   her   roof.
           it  sits  high  upon   her   shelf,  unopened,   as   a   personal   reminder,   as   a   trophy   of   sorts.   she   didn’t   weep   when   she   would   glance   at   it   any   longer.   instead,   she’d   smile. 
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lchiryu · 8 years
lanasskye replied to your post: Lana: Smiles Me:  My skin is clear, my depression...
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shiilonglang · 8 years
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                            “ and YOU’RE the older sister of that forensic detective girl? well... i’ll admit you LOOK alike. ”
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chief-mia · 9 years
As students began clearing out of the classroom, Mia groaned and let her head drop onto her desk. On paper in Kurain, going to law school after being essentially self taught seemed a breeze. She'd passed all the required tests after all. But it seemed there was so much she didn't understand. Social cues were for all intents and purposes, completely unknown to her. Classroom etiquette had caused her confusion on more than one occasion. How was she to know that you couldn't just start a debate with the teacher when they're clearly wrong?
She pushes herself up off the desk and gathers all of her supplies into her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. Maneuvering carefully around the desks of the lecture hall, she makes her way to the floor, intent on leaving.
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earthtoterran-blog · 9 years
&& the elder skye sister
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lchiryu · 8 years
  Visits to the detention center that didn’t involve anything to do with work seemed nothing but normal anymore. He no longer felt stiff from the cold air as he’d enter the exact center of the woman who’s trial he had prosecuted all those years ago- during his first case, even. However, whenever he would arrive, be it daily or weekly would he continue to feel that bubbling anxiety that built up inside of him. Even though he knew he’d be seeing him behind a glass window would his muscles still tense up, breathing becoming unsteady until he was faced with the man himself. Peeking inside the visitors room did he expect it to be empty; have the guard call in who he needed to see && it’d go as every visit did. However, did he see someone behind the glass. An unfamiliar face from far away. Oh--maybe they were here waiting for a defense attorney-or someone just visiting them. Fingers curled around the door’s handle, trying to keep his breathing steady; in && out...inhale...exhale. Perhaps they were ending a conversation && Sebastian just missed the person they were seeing, so many what ifs were rushing through his head. Though as he pushed through his anxiety did the younger prosecutor step in, a thumbs running over his clenched hands. Nervously did chocolate hues turn to the glass window, getting a better view at who it was. && that’s when he felt his heart jolt. ‘ C...Chief Prosecutor... ‘ He’d mutter under his breath, pulling out his baton && running fingers over the cool metal.
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  It was a face he had recalled seeing before. Though it was long before he became a prosecutor himself. It was the woman who had taken his father’s role of Chief Prosecutor after he had retired all those years ago. Though as soon as he became more familiar with Ema did he realze that the two were related. ‘ Ah am I...intriguing something.. ‘ His tone remained silent as he seemed to choke on his anxiety.  ‘ I-interrupting I mean...!’ Quickly did he correct himself however, unsure if she was waiting on someone, or even if something had been wrapped up.
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magicalgirltrucy · 10 years
≡ ◘ ∞
≡ - Most recent game playedI think it might have been Wadanohara. I've been big on the indie freeware games lately :)◘ - Random Fact about MunAnother random fact? I have a crap ton of OCs and I keep making more and more. ∞ - How did you get into Tumblr?It was getting popular at the time, so I decided to make an account to see what was up. Though, I wasn't sure how to use it at first so I didn't use my account for a while. I don't really remember what got me back into it.
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perceptivum · 10 years
     She knows she's seen her before, whether or not she can easily place it      is another matter entirely. A name does bubble to the surface, one widget      kindly utters before Athena can think on it. 'Skye.' That's it!
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          ❝ You're Lana Skye, right? ❞
     She hadn't been about during SL-9 nor the case against Lana, preoccupied      by her studies in Europe, but she was familiar enough. An incredible prosecutor      from all she'd heard.
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snackooed-a · 8 years
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           she didn’t like to cry in front of her sister. lana was strong, beautiful, all powerful. ema had no reason to show her that the family successor wouldn’t live up to established expectations. she was fifteen now, she didn’t need to still be bothered over serial killers and mangled corpses...... 
           again, she wakes in the middle of the night, shaken by her recurring nightmare of the event. sl-9. joe darke stared into her eyes with such malignant fervor. had it gone any other way, she would have been written in the autopsy reports, marshall would be alive. tears wet her cheeks, not of sadness, but more so as an action of stress relief. ema always felt better after crying, and tired, which, would eventually soothe her into dreams filled with blessed void. 
             naked toes smoothed over the carpet of her bedroom, rolling her shoulders idly, before exiting into the hallway. lana didn’t snore, but the girl crossed her fingers her sister wouldn’t wake. she didn’t want to burden her. 
             upon reaching their kitchen, tanned fingers rubbed teary and crusty eyes, drying freckled cheeks. with a sigh, she moved to retrieve water from the tap. / @lanasskye​
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gregeworth · 10 years
lanasskye replied to your post: “Good evening.”:
lanasskye replied to your post: “Good evening.”:
ayyyy lmao
...Uh. Ayyyy laughing my ass off, to you too.
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snackooqueen · 10 years
11:45 PM: I’m so scared for Ema, she doesn’t seem happy in her new job… sure she’s accomplished a lot, but no one works harder than her and now she’s stuck doing… this. I wish there was a way for me to tell her I wish she was happier. 
11:46 PM: I’m sorry I didn’t mean to send that to you. 
text message: [ .....well that's a bit awkward but the concern is appreciated sis. ]
text message: [ i'll be fine though, i can deal with gavin easily enough for the most part. ]
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manfredvonkarmas · 10 years
lanasskye replied to your post:lanasskye replied to your post:"make sure to warn...
no like what website is this
none in particular really im just. sick of
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chief-mia · 9 years
lanasskye replied to your post:Tonight on aanerds: everyone Mia Fey loves dies
yes hello
[looks into camera like i’m on the office]
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