hiiiii got any jschlatt domestic hcs? thanks!!
I started this list, and it kept going and going and going. So here’s just some cute fluffy ones I had.
Moved to @lambyblurbsfics
Domestic Jschlatt Headcanons
Warnings : lots of fluff
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Mans is just a big sleeper and napping type guy. Loves to sleep in with you, holding you close.
He is so whiny when you have to get up early or before him or just get out of bed and general and he isn’t ready to let you go yet.
He’ll groan and whine, trying to hold you tighter as the two of you lay there.
You giggle and try to push off of him but he just holds you tighter. He does eventually let go of you. Sometimes making you late for whatever you’re getting up early for.
The cats adore you! Schlatt was worried at first with you moving in that the cats were not gonna get used to you and like you.
But now they absolutely love their new parental unit. And anytime the cats are with you, cuddling, playing. Schlatt has the biggest heart eyes watching his little family together.
You make fun of Schlatt for making the cats auto feeder sound a monkey call. But secretly love it because it is funny.
You’ll come in with snacks for him or a meal while he’s streaming, recording a podcast, anything of the shorts.
It’s because you want him to get more in his stomach than just meat as a joke.
If he’s streaming and you bring him something yummy, the chat goes wild. And Schlatt will blush on camera.
Schlatt likes to try out your hobbies with you, even though most of the time he doesn’t know what he’s doing or has his doubts he’s bad at it even though he just started trying it with you.
You encourage him he’s just learning and getting started. And eventually you two find one of your hobbies the two of you can do every now and then to just relax or spend extra time together.
Bro always has his hands on you in the private of your home when he can.
Loves holding onto you, knowing you’re there and he can give you love attention.
Always sneaks in a butt pinch here and there making you jump from being surprised. And then smacking his arm lightly or something.
I could’ve kept going and going but here ya go lol
Moved to @lambyblurbsfics just finishing out my inbox
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lambyblurbsfics · 1 month
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I had alot of fun writing this! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your ask/submission <3
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Your Bully, Schlatt
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Summary: its finally your senior year of highs chool, ready to get out of this place and onto new stuff, but you still have to deal with your bully
Warnings:annoying schlatt
Word Count:723
Authors Note: May or may not make this into a series, idk yet, and I'm still trying to find my writing style. Ignore how all over the place stuff is, haven't written in a while. Getting my writing boots back on for y’all :D
It's your senior year, and you're just happy to get this last year of high school over with and done, getting onto better things with your life.
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You had plans for after high school and wanted to get away from these other people you went to school with. Especially your bully, Schlatt. He has always picked on you since probably freshman year of high school. You don't know why as your groups of friends never interacted that much or at all. But he's always just been mean to you. Making fun of your style, things you liked, or stuff you did with your friends. And it aggravated you so much.
First day of senior year, and you're already halfway through the day when you find out Schlatt shares a few classes with you. Which only makes you groan at the thought of having that semester with him in the classroom with you.
The first class you had with him, you walked into your biology class, kind of excited about what you'd be learning in the class that year. Only to immediately curse to yourself when you walked into the classroom and saw Schlatt. Sitting at the back of the classroom, leaning back in his chair, and resting his feet on the desk. He had a big smirk across his face as he saw you enter the classroom.
You avoid eye contact instantly, beelining for the furthest empty seat away from Schlatt. But it was still too close to him for your liking. The bell hadn’t rung yet to let everyone know that class was starting. Students were still coming into the classroom filling out some more seats. You sat silently in your spot, no one taking the seat next to you, yet.
But before you could call it clear with Schlatt not bothering you. But then you could hear a small whistle from Schlatt’s direction, you didn't pay mind to it trying to ignore him. The next thing you knew, Schlatt was now sitting at the table behind you, you could feel the smirk radiating off him as he moved his legs to bump your chair.
You started to get irritated and already over his whole annoying nuisance act, you whip around in your chair to tell Schlatt off. “Do you need something?” you asked him with a little angry growl to your question.
Schlatt just crossed his arms and leaned a little back in his seat, a grin on his face and shaking his head no, not saying a word making you more irritated. You turn back around in your seat hearing the bell ring signaling that class has started. Sighing in relief a little maybe the bothering would stop from Schlatt.
Your focus was on the front of the classroom, but you then heard the seat next to you at the table you sat being pulled out from the table. You glanced over to your right, to see none other than Schlatt sitting down in the seat.
You noticed Schlatt sit down only making you frown. The biology teacher got to handing out the packet that outlined the sections and stuff they were learning for the year, the class expectations, and the teacher's email for communication.
Schlatt quietly pulled out a notebook, as you did and some other students did as well. Writing down the information he was giving to the class. As you started writing down some of the supplies needed for the class, there was already a problem with Schlatt sitting to your right.
You're right-handed, and unfortunately, Schlatt is left-handed. His elbow bumped into yours now and then as the two of you wrote in your notebooks. Only making you more frustrated, you glance over at Schlatt with an annoyed glare as you look over at him. Only to be surprised with an almost apologetic look from Schlatt, not a thing you got from him ever.
Schlatt's POV Schlatt actually had a small, okay he liked you a lot more than just a small crush. He didn't know why he was mean to you or so rude. But he didn't know how to express how much he liked you. And since it was your guys' senior year, he might now see you after graduation. He was gonna try this year, and hopefully ask you out.
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OMG i was just scrolling through the schlatt x reader tag (as one does 👁👄👁) and then i saw your shy!reader x schlatt idea and i just about exploded!!! This is literally me to a T as well so would you ever write sth close to that? Its totally fine if you don‘t but a girl can delusionally dream 🥹 anyways regardless, have a lovely day 🧡
I'm so so so so sorry this took me ages to respond to, but its finally here.
Schlatts Shy Partner
Warning: Just Fluff and Cute Stuff
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You liked to spend your time inside, or alone. With your pets. You didn't mind it as people brought anxiety, made you nervous, and you were just shy around others. But your boyfriend was more of the outgoing, performer, goofball type of personality. As much as you two were definitely opposites. An introvert and extrovert, or a hermit and extrovert. The two of you got along really well.
Anxiety at stores Schlatt knows that going out on your own to stores or anywhere else made you dread going out. You didn't mind it but being alone, grocery shopping, or something of the like. The people made you anxious, even if they weren’t doing anything. Schlatt always makes sure to come with you or stay on the phone with you. Just make sure you're okay and he can remind you of things the two of you need while you're out and about. When he goes out with you, he's making sure he's always in your sight. Or Schlatt will hold onto your hand and let you drag him around the store. He loves holding your hand, when he notices you getting a bit anxious, he will squeeze your hand, and make sure you look at him, letting you know it's alright, and it's just some dumb anxiety.
Going out with Schlatt and friends You only know a few of Schlatts friends, mostly his closest ones. Schlatt gets invited to get-togethers with people, parties, and stuff of that sort. He'll give you the rundown of what kind of event or thing it will be. Who you'll know will be there, and how many might be attending. Giving you the option to opt out of going if you want to. And of course when Schlatt takes you to these things. His arm is always around you, unless of course, you're stepping away to grab food or doing something else.
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lambyblurbsfics · 1 month
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( @4ster01ds )
You’re making me want to write a fantasy fic now, I’m such a whore for high fantasy stuff. The hobbit and Dungeons and Dragons just tickles that autistic spot in my brain.
Totally not brainstorming this story idea now…
But thank you! I think it’d be so adorable....
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A Walk With Schlatt
Just a small blurb for you guys, lots of cute fluff
You're used to taking a walk in the afternoon to evening time, and decided to take your boyfriend Schlatt along with you. Knowing damn well he needed to get out of the house and touch some grass.
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You decided to take your daily walk with him at a near by park that wasn't too far in walking distance. Once you two made it to the small park, and started down a trail that had nice scenery, kind of covered by trees. Just a whole relaxing trail to take a walk down.
Schlatt would complain about his knees hurting or something along those lines, making you retort with that he needs to get out more and move around more. Maybe joking he's getting old.
As the two of you are walking down the trail, pointing out different types of plants or fun things you see to Schlatt. He would smile and listen to everything to you had to say. He was actually enjoying this walk with you, listening to your knowledge on different plants or even animals out by the trail.
He would eventually get to holding your hand as the two of you walked. But you froze and got excited seeing a snake to the side of the trail up ahead. It being a very common and friendly type of snake. You let go of Schlatt's hand, and make your way to the snake.
Schlatt hadn't noticed the snake, and let you go see what you had saw.
Next thing Schlatt knew, you came back up to him, holding the snake up in your hands for him to see it. Jump scaring him for a moment as he was not expecting you to just bring over a snake.
He did the whole dramatic hand over the heart, out of breath, "You almost gave me a heart" scene. But he came down from the small jumpscare, and couldn't help but smile at you holding the snake, he adored the way you loved talking about your things. Especially when it came to things he didn't know yet. He could listen to you talk all day about anything honestly.
You went on to tell him facts about the particular snake you were holding. Setting the snake free after giving Schlatt a few fun facts.
#jschlatt#schlatt#jschlatt x reader#schlatt x reader#jschlatt x y/n#jschlatt fanfic#jschlatt fluff#schlatt x you
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Juicy x m reader hc 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ could b dating or like we j friends Ong 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈ykwim
Juicy x Male Reader Head Cannons
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I’m so sorry in advance for how all over the place this is, but I thank you for asking for a male reader because I need to write more male ones.
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Warning: just cute idk
Just Friends… for now
You and juicy hit it off right away, you loved how he was all over the place but not at the same time.
His silly voices, his broken ass humor. The 3am sending memes back and forth to each other.
And the two of you are inseparable when hanging out. It’s like there’s one brain cell being shared between the two of you.
After awhile of the two of you hanging out, A LOT. Juicy started to hang out with you more outside of the friend group. Taking you to movies, or just those fun 2am Walmart runs. Or even just hanging around with him at each others houses. Juicy is much more touchy now, leaning on you when at his place, watching a movie or playing a video game. Even laying his legs across your lap on the couch as well.
He started bringing you little gifts or trinkets or cool things he found. Like he’s a crow showing his affection to you.
He finally asked you out on a real first date after finding out you weren’t just straight.
He takes you to his favorite pizza spot, and an arcade. Where the two of you might of gotten a drink or two. And that’s when the two of you. Ended up on his couch. Your head in his lap, his hand brushing through your hair. As the two of you just talk, about everything and anything. With some alcohol buzzing through your systems, and having an amazing first date. The two of you fell asleep drunk on his couch.
Finally dating!
Everyone, and I mean everyone! Was so happy to FINALLY see you two dating. Everyone saw the two of you had a connection. And we’re just waiting for the day to come when you finally asked Juicy to be your boyfriend.
Juicy has never been clingier, he loved holding you. Always your hand in his or he’s holding onto you some other way. He keeps bringing you the small trinket gifts, because he loves finding cool or stupid things to bring you. He absolutely adores playing with your hair. Cuddling is his favorite thing to do with you whenever he can.
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lambyblurbsfics · 1 month
My requests on last blog
Don't worry I will be getting to the requests I still have on my previous blog I will not be getting rid of them.
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