#lambcuddles fanfic
Updated: May 8, 2019
If any of the links don’t work, please let me know!!
The one’s with numbers are requests that had multiple prompts.
“I hate work Christmas parties.”
“Merry Christmas, bitch.”
“I don’t wanna get up- you’re comfy.”
“I waxed the floor, grab your fluffy socks.”
Davey is Stressed™
“For God’s sake, guys. We’re NOT dating!”
“Oh my God, Spot, I haven’t got you a present.”
“You look like an elf!”
“Who hurt you?”
I Just Walked in on You Singing and Holy Crap it’s Amazing
In Sickness
Hurt Race, Protective Spot, and Mother Hen Jack
Last Call Casualty
Spot and Race with Kids
“Just breathe, okay?”
Please Sleep. (lodging house shenanigans)
The Boys Go to Church (church shenanigans)
“No chance that I’m leaving here without you.” (brotp jack and crutchie)
Learning How to Read (Davey teaching Spot how to read)
Treaty (Jack needs an IEP)
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New Lambcuddles/Jackrine Fanfiction
It’s a one-shot series and the first chapter is up, being a College AU, where Katherine and Jack had a one night stand and he ends up being her TA.
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Jack: You know what, Race? I can't do this anymore. I can't keep pining after Katherine! I have to tell her. What have I got to lose?
Race: Your dignity? Possibly a couple of teeth.
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gracetrack-higgins · 7 years
who’s ready for grace to self promo herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so i spend way too much time writing a very extra Newsies College AU and everyone should read it even though it’s not javid i’m sorry
i put a groupchat section in the latest chapter and I am TOO PROUD OF IT
also feel free to talk to me abt it because it’s a Ride and I am always open to suggestions about it
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Just Breathe // Jackrine Fanfiction
Jack’s past comes back to haunt him. Katherine is very helpful.
Katherine sat in the living room at her typewriter clicking away at the keys once more as she always did. The sound had a calming effect on her and could even lull her to sleep if she wasn’t so focused on an article. Her fingers skimmed along the keys, pressing down certain ones over and over again and watching the ink hit the paper. According to the old clock on the wall it was about 1 in the morning by now. Katherine couldn’t remember when she started working honestly but it didn’t matter to her.
Jack had gone to bed about two hours ago and had told her to come soon so she could get some rest as well. She obviously told him she would, per usual (even if she usually was still at her typewriter by four in the morning or watching the sun come up).
She mouthed the words in a whisper as she typed, her eyebrows knit in concentration as she leaned close to the paper.
A sudden yell interrupted her thoughts and she jumped in her seat, hitting an x where a c was supposed to go.
“What the…” Katherine trailed off, pushing her chair back and standing up. She debated grabbing the old baseball bat they kept in the corner of the kitchen but another noise interrupted her once more.
Her instincts took hold of her and she took off in a run to the bedroom, throwing the door open.
Jack was laying sprawled out on the bed; the sheets tangled on him. The moonlight was the only light showing through from the window. Katherine took a hesitant step forward before turning on the lamp on the night table. Jack’s eyebrows were knit in what looked like pain and worry and his mouth was set a grim line. He tossed and turned slightly, looking like he was gasping for breath.
“Hey hey. Jack, Jack wake up.” Katherine said softly, sitting on the edge of the bed, “Jack, Jack wake up!” She said louder shaking his shoulder harshly.
Jack shot up quickly and Katherine jumped. He looked around as panicked as a frightened animal. His black shaggy hair stuck to his forehead in sweat and he was breathing heavily, clutching the sheets tightly. His eyes scanned over the room wildly until they landed on Katherine’s worried expression.
“Oh, Ace…” He breathed out, quickly pulling her close and hugging her as close to him as he physically could.
“Are you okay?” Katherine asked softly, tracing patterns along his back with her fingers.
She could feel Jack shook his head from where he’d buried it against her neck; his breathing tickling her skin and causing her to shiver involuntarily.
The two were quiet for a few seconds as Jack’s breathing slowed down slightly. Katherine gently pulled away and cupped his face with her small hands, feeling that Jack’s terrified grip hadn’t loosened from around her yet.
“What was it about?” She asked softly, brushing some of his hair out of his eyes.
Jack swallowed hard and let out a small gasp for air.
“R-Refuge.” He muttered out.
Katherine nodded, knowing she had to keep him calm in these situations. Her reporter instincts wanted to ask more but she knew Jack wasn’t one to talk about it.
“It was shut down though.” Katherine said, stroking his cheek with her thumb tenderly, “Your drawings saved all of those kids. Snyder is in jail and you’ll never ever run into him again; especially not if any of those boys have anything to do with it.”
Jack shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut, “Still haunts me.” He choked out.
“Shh, I know.” Katherine mumbled, pulling him close as he rest his head back on her shoulder. She felt little wet drops on the sleeve of her nightdress and took a shakey breath.
Jack Kelly was not one to cry. And if he was- it was something really bad.
Katherine looked up at the ceiling to try and keep her own tears at bay.
“P-Please don’t cry.” She whispered softly, her hands gently weaving through his hair, “I-I hate it when you cry.”
She heard Jack sniff softly and she knew he was trying to somehow pull himself together.
“I-It was different this time.” Jack said shakily, “It wasn’t me in there. Not like it always is.”
He sat back up, rubbing his nose against his arm and looking down at where she sat between his legs, facing him.
“Was it Crutchie?” Katherine asked softly, brushing a piece of hair out of his eyes, “Or Davey?”
Jack shook his head, “I-It was you Ace.”
Katherine raised an eyebrow, surprised, “Me?” She whispered.
Jack nodded, “B-Because of da Delanceys. They-They had yous and-and they took yous to the Refuge. And I- I tried to stop them. And Davey and Crutchie were dere and all the boys. It was a huge fight and- and I turned around and I’s couldn’t find yous. And I- I could still hear yous screaming my name and-”
Jack squeezed his eyes shut, his breathing becoming more uneven as he relived the dream.
“Hey, hey.” Katherine took his face in her hands softly, “Just breathe. Breathe, okay? Just like this.” She took slow breaths, keeping eye contact with him, “Just look at me and breathe alright? I’m not going anywhere remember? Wherever you go I’m right by your side.” She whispered.
“For sure?” Jack asked, his voice cracking softly.
Katherine pulled him into a tight hug, “For sure.” She whispered.
The two stayed like that for a while. Katherine holding Jack close and running her fingers through his jet black hair, kissing his forehead every once and a while. Jack kept his face buried against her neck, taking in the feeling of her there and the scent of ink she had from writing mixed with her shampoo from her curls. His hands still clutched the material of her nightgown as he took deep shakey breaths.
“Jack,” Katherine gently pulled away, her hand still against his cheek, “I’m gonna get you a towel and then you come sleep on the couch while I finish writing, okay? I won’t be leaving you.”
She leaned in and gently pressed her lips against his before pulling away. She stood up and went to the bathroom closet and grabbed a towel they had before coming back in and handing it to him.
“Meet me in the living room, okay?” She said softly.
Jack nodded.
Katherine went back out and sat at her desk. She took the paper she had messed up on out of the typewriter and put a new one in. She rest her chin in her hand and drummed her fingers against the wood of her desk. Writing was actually the last thing on her mind right now with what had just happened.
Jack came back out to the living room, having washed his face and changed into a dry shirt. He laid down on the couch and put a pillow under his head; turning to face where she sat.
Katherine could feel his eyes on her back and debated telling him to get some rest but she was sure he wasn’t hoping to do that anytime soon. She looked at the messed up sheet of paper beside her and began copying what it had said onto her new one; the clicks and clacks of the typewriter a soft lullaby.
“Ace?” Jack asked, just above a whisper.
Katherine stopped typing and turned around, “Yeah?”
“Will you come sleep with me?” He said softly, slightly reaching out for her.
Katherine smiled sadly, “Of course I will.”
She stood up and walked over to the small couch, trying to find a way to lay down without falling off the couch to the floor. Jack gently pulled her down on top of him so they both took up one space. Katherine draped the throw blanket over them and laid her head against Jack’s chest, feeling him run his fingers through her curls. It’d seemed to become a sort of coping mechanism for the two of them. One would run their hands through the other’s hair and it would instantly be calming to them both.
Jack kissed her forehead lightly.
“Hey Kath?”
Katherine strained her neck to look back up at him, “Yeah?”
“Thanks.” Jack smiled softly, “I’s couldn’t do this without you.”
Katherine smiled before kissing him, “And the same to you Jack Kelly.”
Jack grinned one of his charming smiles Katherine had missed so much that night.
“I love you.” He said.
Katherine laid back down against him, listening to his calm heartbeat and sighing with relief.
“I love you even more.”
“For sure?”
“For sure.”
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swimmingnewsie · 6 years
I started writing lambcuddles fanfic FIVE years ago.
Christ where did that time go? @jackkellyssweetheart @hoshigomi
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deafwestnewsies · 7 years
the first song from this show I heard: carrying the banner!do I own the cast album?: duhfavorite song: king of new yorkleast favorite song: they’re all,,, so good,,, the bottom line reprise favorite character: davey jacobsleast favorite character: pulitzer OTP: javid, newsbians, spraceBROTP: davey and katherine NOTP: lambcuddles song I didn’t like at first but now do: the bottom line song I used to like but now don’t: i literally love every song don’t come for meis the fandom annoying?: we’re all lovely people who don’t do anything wrong!!! the newsies fandom isn’t problematic, bye (expt the three homophobes. they don’t count)do I read/write fanfic for this show?: heckk yeahhh favorite non-sung line: “where better to escape your troubles than the theater?”favorite lyric: “try to walk all over us, we’ll stomp all over you!” overall rating out of 10: 17/10
send me a musical and i’ll tell you...
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Um, prompt 1 for Sprace
thank you so much for your request!
warnings: none, maybe like one swear word
Race sat down across from Katherine and Jack, rolling his eyes at how they were looking at each other. “You guys are disgusting.”
“Ah, shut up, Race. You’re just jealous,” Jack smirked, kissing Katherine on the cheek. Katherine smiled at Jack fondly.
“What about you and Spot?” Katherine teased, before stealing one of Jack’s fries.
“Yeah…you and Spot are real close these days,” Jack said, taking a bite of his sandwich and wiggling his eyebrows.
“For God’s sake, guys. We’re NOT dating!” Race threw his hands up.
“But you wish you were,” Katherine grinned.
“No. I don’t. I don’t want to date Spot. I don’t want to date anyone. I have more important things to worry about than a boyfriend right now.” Race was right. He had his family, his grades, and getting into college to worry about.
“Suit yourself, Race,” Jack shrugged, and laid his head on Katherine’s shoulder.
It had been years since Race Higgins had seen Spot Conlon. Four to be exact. Spot went to college out of state, and ended up renting an apartment and living there year round. Race finally realized who was in front of him when we heard a chair being pulled from the table and someone sitting in it.
“Spot?” Race’s eyes were wide. Spot still looked exactly the same, save for the slight stubble that had grown on his face.
Spot smiled at him. He still had the slight gap between his front teeth. “Hey Race, how’ve you been?”
“I’ve been good,” Race still couldn’t believe that Spot was sitting in front of him. “How are you?”
“I’m good.”
“I thought you were living in Ohio? What brings you back to New York?”
“I’m moving back. I graduated and found a job here. And plus I missed you morons,” he chuckled.
Race laughed, and Spot felt his heart stop. He could listen to Race laugh all day.
“Have you finished your degree?” Spot asked, genuinely curious.
Race nodded happily. “I’m interning right now. They’ve offered me a job once that’s over.”
“Race! That’s so great!”
The two continued catching up for hours. Until they finally got kicked out of the library.
“Let me take you out to dinner,” Spot said as they walked out of the library. Race whipped his head to look at him, eyes widening once again.
“You’re serious? Like on a date?”
“Yeah, like on a date.”
“Okay!” Race grinned.
Race bursted into Kath and Jack’s apartment, scaring them.
“What the HELL, Race?” Jack yelled, glaring at Race, but softening when he saw the distress on Race’s face.
“I have a date tonight! Help me!”
“Who’s it with?”
Jack smirked. “I thought you guys weren’t dating.”
“Jack! That was four years ago, just help me, for the love of all that is good.”
“Fine, fine. Okay.”
“So how was the date?” Katherine asked, sitting between Race and Jack.
“Perfect. We’re going out again tomorrow.”
“You know I’m never going to let you live it down that you wouldn’t date him in high school, right?”
“Shut up, Jack.”
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gracetrack-higgins · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Newsies - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jack Kelly/Katherine Plumber, Spot Conlon/Racetrack Higgins Characters: Jack Kelly, Katherine Plumber Pulitzer, Spot Conlon, Racetrack Higgins, Crutchie | Crutchy (Newsies), David Jacobs Additional Tags: there’s some OCs too, but not too many, this is sickeningly sweet, i don’t think i’ve written anything this cute in my entire life, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, everyone has kids so that’s adorable too, seriously it’s just pure cuteness Summary:
this is the most ridiculously cute story ever written and it’s all about the annual Kelly family Christmas/Holiday party. Merry Christmas eve!!
a little self promo bc this story was really cute and i don’t want christmas to be over so i’ll share this again
this was a christmas present for my beautiful friend claire <3 but it’s too cute not to share with everyone ;) 
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We Was Never Meant To Meet // Jackrine Oneshot
This is what happens once Jack and Katherine have a daughter and she won't go to bed without a story. Jack is very good at telling almost-accurate stories of how him and Katherine met. ••• "Alright bedtime!" Katherine called to her daughter Lucy who sat by the coffee table, leaning over and scribbling on paper with her crayons. "Mommy! I'm not tired." She whined. Katherine wiped her hands in the dishrag she'd been using to clean dishes, "Come on.  Don't you want to see your uncles in the morning?" Lucy just tapped her chin in thought with her red crayon, "Yeah. . ." She mumbled. Katherine smiled and picked up the small girl. "Then let's go to bed.  The sooner you go to sleep, the sooner you'll see tomorrow." "Can Daddy tell me a bedtime story?" She asked. Jack popped his head out of the door of the bedroom down the hall, hearing them. "Daddy!" Lucy squealed reaching out for him. Katherine walked over and placed Lucy in Jack's arms. "Heya lil' Princess." Jack smiled as Lucy put her hands on her father's cheeks, squishing them together. "I don't wanna be a princess- I wanna be a newsie like you and Uncle Crutchie and Uncle Davey!" She laughed. Jack laughed lightly but Katherine could still see the glimmer of pain in Jack's eyes thinking of his daughter having to live like he had.  Jack shook his head slightly to clear it before looking back at Lucy's big brown eyes.  She was the perfect image of her mother.  The doe eyes and brown curly hair alongside the small freckles scattered on her cheeks and nose. "Let's get to that story." Jack said, going to Lucy's room. "I'll be out here working." Katherine said, giving both Jack and Lucy a kiss on the cheek and spinning on her heel before going back out to the other room. Lucy's room was anything a little girl would want.  Many books that she loved reading over and over (even if she was still learning) and lots of sketchbooks filled with artwork (well, scribbles).  Jack sat down on her bed and placed Lucy beside him.  She crawled under the covers and grabbed her stuffed elephant from Davey and stuffed rabbit from Crutchie; two of her favorite things in the world. "Now what story do ya want to hear?" Jack asked. "A new one!" "Ya already heard 'em all though!" Jack said. "Pwease?" Lucy said, drawing out the word until she ran out of breath. Jack sighed and rubbed his temples, thinking, "Fine fine. Get yo'self comfortable." His daughter just smiled and scooted farther under the covers, laying against her pillow. "Now, once upon'a time, there was dis newsboy-" "Newsies!" Lucy squealed, sitting up. "Yes, Newsies." Jack smiled, motioning for her to lay back down and let him continue. "And this Newsie was young.  He was just about ta turn 18.  His name was Jack Kelly-" "Its you!" Lucy said. "Yes it's me." Jack grinned, ruffling her hair, "Now shh, or I won't be able ta finish." "Ok." Lucy whispered, hugging her stuffed animals closer. "Now he hads a family.  A newsboy family.  And he lived in a little Lodging House in Manhattan New York.  He was up everyday at da crack of dawn sellin' papes. He always dreamed of dis little town out west called Santa Fe- Now I've already told you that story though. Mom says I've told you at least five times so dis is why I's gonna tell you this one; you'll find it much more interesting." He grinned, "Anyways, there was a day when Joe Pulitzer raised da prices for da papes. See us Newsies, we hads to pay to sell the papers. And they wouldn't buy back da ones we didn't sell. And all o' that happened and we won, but that's for when you're older. I'll tell yous the really good part of the story now." "What's is it?" Lucy asked, widening her eyes. Katherine stood outside the doorway, leaning against the wall and smiling as she listened in on them. "Well that's why this is my favorite story. It's how I met your Ma." She could hear Lucy giggle. "So one o' those days I was workin'. And she passed by wit' Darcy- you know him, he helps babysit yous sometimes." Lucy nodded overeagerly. "And I asked if she wanted ta buy a pape from me. She had told me da headline wasn't out but I told her I could deliver the headline personally. She couldn't resist me after that and-" "That is not what happened Jack Kelly!" Jack turned around, a cocky grin on his face to see his wife standing now fully in the doorway, arms crossed and hip jutted out as she gave him that signature look just like that day. "Well dats how I remember it." Jack mimicked. Katherine rolled her eyes before coming to sit on the other side of Lucy's bed. "I told him that cheeky boys get nothing for their troubles." She said, running a hand through Lucy's curls. "Well apparently theys do." Jack mumbled before Katherine whacked his shoulder playfully. "Well what happened?" Lucy asked. "Your Ma ended up doing a report on the strike-" "What's a strike?" "You'll learn more about it when you're older. It means I's didn't go to work like I was supposed to. But she's one o' da best reporters out there! Front page-" "Above the fold!" Lucy piped up. Jack sighed, "I'm guessing Uncle Davey has already told you some of this." "And Uncle Les. He told me how he had a date with Sally." "Well anyways, a lot happened.  It was scary.  Terrifying.  But this is a happy story." Jack continued, "Now I didn't know that your grandpa Joe was Katherine's father.  And when I found out, I was really upset-" "Why?" "You'll understand when you're older." Katherine smiled, rubbing Lucy's back softly as she blew her bangs out of her eyes in as much frustration as a 3 year old could muster. "So I went up to the rooftop of da Lodging House and found your Ma up there going through my drawings." "They were nice drawings." Katherine interrupted. "Yeah, and yous was lookin' through my personal stuffs." Jack rolled his eyes but smiled at the memory. "Anyways, we ended up fighting and were yelling at each other til I was sur'a Brooklyn could hear us!" "I threatened to punch him in the eye.  I came pretty close too.  I had my fist ready and was inches away from his face." "Then what'd you do?" Lucy asked with wide eyes. ". . . I kissed him." Katherine smiled before leaning over and giving Jack a quick peck on the lips. Lucy wrinkled her nose, "That's disgusting!" She cried. Katherine just laughed and tickled the little girl, "Okay, now it's bedtime." Lucy laid down once more and Jack and Katherine each gave her a kiss goodnight before turning off the lights and leaving the room with a nightlight left on on the dresser. Katherine stood in the bathroom in her nightgown; brushing her teeth and getting ready for bed.  Jack was leaning against the doorframe, grinning at her.  Katherine spit in the sink and splashed water on her face before looking up at him, raising an eyebrow questionably as she dried her face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" "Because, that was some story." Jack said wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close to him. "Well it's true." Katherine smiled, "Very true." "Mhmm." Jack hummed running his thumb over her cheek and kissing her softly, lifting her onto the counter and standing between her legs.  Katherine smiled against his lips and tangled her hands through his hair. "We need to go to sleep.  Knowing Lucy she'll be up at dawn tomorrow and we need to be on our feet." Katherine said, pulling away. She hopped down from the counter and went over and crawled into bed. Jack climbed in next to her and drew the covers over them, pulling Katherine close onto him and kissing her head; running his fingers gently through her hair. Katherine tilted her head up to look at him, "Is that really one of your favorite stories?" She whispered, grinning. "Bett'a then any ol' story I's ever heard." "Well it's my favorite too." "I knew it would be." "Mhmm," Katherine mumbled tiredly, "For sure?" "For sure." Jack said before kissing her and laying back against his pillow, running his hand through Katherine's soft curls and holding her hand with his other as he rubbed gentle patterns along it where she rest on his chest. "I love you." Katherine whispered softly, snuggling closer to him. "I love yous a thousand times more." Jack grinned, "To Santa Fe and back." "Hm, that's quite a ways." "I know. That's how much I love ya." "We'll go there one day. Then you'll have to pick a new destination to love me to and from." Katherine laughed. "Fine, da moon then." "That sounds like a good one to me." "I thought yous would say that." "Are we getting any sleep?" "I'd rather make out instead." "Lucy is in the next room- go to sleep." Jack pouted. "One kiss?" "One kiss." Jack gently pressed his lips against Katherine's before quickly flipping her over so he was hovering on top of her, earning something between a squeal and a laugh from Katherine. "Alright, bedtime." Jack said, moving off of her and turning over to sleep. "The most impossible boy ever."
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IKEA Adventures // Jackrine Fanfiction
What happens when Katherine takes Jack and Davey to IKEA? Jack finds as many puns as he can for this furniture shopping adventure.
In Katherine’s defense, she knew IKEA with Jack Kelly would be an awful idea. The boy had the attention span of a wild puppy. But they needed new furniture for the apartment and where else would you go to get it. At least they decided to bring Davey along since he’d know about these things and needed to get a few pieces of furniture of his own place.
“There’s no parking spaces anywhere.” She groaned, hitting the brakes once more in the crowded parking lot.
“What about that one?” Jack asked.
“There was a smaller car in it.” She said, turning the corner to drive around again.
“Well what about over there?” Davey asked from the backseat.
After another twenty minutes, along with many cuss words from Katherine as a car would pull out and she’d need to slam the breaks (also followed by a “Geez Kathy!” from one of the boys). They finally found a parking spot at the other end of the parking lot. They all walked through the doors into the building.
“Split up and meet at the storage room in a few hours. Keep in touch with us.”
“You’re acting like I’m never gonna see you guys again.” Davey laughed.
“We’re in IKEA. With Jack. Very well we may end up spending the night lost in here.”
“Hey! I’m right here!” Jack said from where he stood between the two.
Katherine and Davey both shrugged as they all walked in and split off their separate ways.
“What do we need first?” Katherine asked.
“Probably a new lamp would be nice. Our old one looks like it’s from the 70’s.”
“Didn’t you make a list like I asked?”
“I’ve got it all up here.” Jack said pointing to his head.
“This is why I can’t take you anywhere I swear.” Katherine groaned.
They walked to the section that had a bunch of different lamps. Tall ones. Short ones. Even lava lamps (which Jack wanted to fill the house with but got a very quick no from Katherine).
“Hey Kath. Ace. Kath.”
Katherine turned from where she’d been looking at a blue desk lamp.
“Hmm?” She asked, walking over to him.
“Ya know, Ace.” Jack said, “Yous really turn me on.” Jack pointed to one of the lamps.
Katherine stood there with a straight face before walking back to the lamp she was looking at.
“Aw come on! You gotta think that one was good!” Jack said.
“No it wasn’t!” Katherine sing-songed back.
“I really need a new desk.” Katherine mumbled to herself as she walked along the winding path through the store.
“Then we’s should probably get one.” Jack said, evesdropping as always.
The two walked over to where all of the desks were.
“Right, so I need one that’s not too big or too small. It can’t be uncomfortable to sit at. It needs drawers for sure, maybe three or four.” Katherine said, skimming her hand along the desks as she walked.
Jack went to the other side of the room to search through all of the desks. Katherine sat at each one, inspecting all of the details of it and trying to get a feel for what working at it would be like. She finally went over to Jack, who was staring intensely at a white desk.
“I think I found a good one.” Katherine said.
Jack nodded, not looking from the desk.
“What on earth are you doing?”
“I’m wonderin’ which o’ them you’d look best pinned aga–”
Katherine elbowed him in the side and Jack groaned in pain.
“This desk is for working. And working only.”
Jack pouted, “Aceeeeeee.”
“Come on, we have to buy other things.” Katherine said, grabbing information about the desk and walking on.
One green lamp, a new desk and a plush shark later (along with Katherine nearly loosing Jack in the rows of plush animals), they went to look at the beds. Their’s was nice, but it was extremely old and they’d gotten it from a friend who was selling it.
“Alright, so what kind do we want?” Katherine asked.
“Well it’s gotta fit two people.” Jack said, “Possibly three.”
“I’m not pregnant Jack.”
“I’m jus’ thinking ‘bout the future. Anyways, it’s gotta be comfortable. So that means we’s gotta test 'em out.”
Jack jumped onto one of the bottom bunks of the kids loft beds and rest his hands behind his head.
“Jack we’re not supposed to do that.” Katherine said, “It’ll get us in trouble.”
“Oh come on Miss-Goody-Two-Shoes.” Jack smirked, “Kick back 'n have a little fun.”
“I do have fun!”
“Mhmm, sure.”
Katherine narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms, “I do have fun.” She repeated.
Jack quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her down next to him, earning a shriek of surprise. He quickly wrapped his arms around her, refusing to let go.
“See, dis is fun.” Jack said.
“Glad you think so.” Katherine muttered from where her face was squished against his chest, “Can we continue shopping now? We gotta meet Davey in about an hour.”
“Wait.” Jack said, scooting back so she had a bit of room to lay next to him, “Stay.”
Katherine sighed and rolled her eyes, grinning, “Sure.”
Jack smiled and pulled her over so she was on his chest.
“This is nice.” Katherine said softly.
“Sure is Ace. Think we’s found a good one?”
“Ya know, we can always break it in when we’s get ho-”
“Shut up.” Katherine mumbled.
“Just an idea Ace.” Katherine could hear the signature smirk she’d fallen in love with in his voice.
“Keep thinking cowboy.” She smiled, kissing him softly, “Keep thinking.”
It didn’t take Davey Jacobs long to find what he needed. It was just a few simple items for his apartment. New recliner chair, nightstand, the simple things. He’d also grabbed a bunch of candles in the home goods, he was a sucker for good candles.
With still no sign of Jack and Katherine, he decided it was time to go look for them. Now he knew Jack and Katherine well– He was their most closest friend after all. So knowing them, he went to the kids section of the store.
Surprisingly, he hadn’t gotten lost too many times this trip. He took a wrong turn here and there but overall it wasn’t where he was in a state of I’m-going-to-be-locked-in-here-overnight panic like it was last time he came.
He turned the corner and passed a room set up before stopping. He slowly sighed to himself and shook his head, before walking back and turning into the room.
Jack and Katherine lay asleep nearly ontop of one another in the twin size bottom bunk. Davey wasn’t sure if Jack was holding Katherine or the IKEA shark tighter but for Katherine’s sake of pride in her love life, he hoped it was her.
“What am I gonna do with you idiots.” Davey muttered, shaking his head.
He turned around and walked out, swinging the shopping basket on his way to the cafeteria. They’d be up soon, or get kicked off by a manager. Until then, more Swedish meatballs for him.
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Watch What Happens When You Get Married
Fandom: Newsies Ship: Jack x Katherine Summary: I once read someone say they really wanted Jack's version of Watch What Happens so I decided to write it :) xxxxxxxxx Jack paced across the fire escape, biting his nails and playing with his cap. Today he vowed to go down to The Sun and ask Pulitzer for Katherine's hand in marriage, or more commonly put, his blessing for them to get married. Even if Pulitzer said no he was gonna do it anyways; this is Jack Kelly we're talking about now. But here Jack was while all the boys were still asleep down in the Lodging House, pacing a rooftop and freaking out. What if he says no right to his face? What if he never allows her to see him again? What if- Jack let out a groan of frustration and banged his fists against the rail. No, no more what ifs. He had to get this right. He couldn't screw it up. The strike would be forgotten. It's been 2 years. A ring. Oh no. He hadn't even bought a ring. Sure he'd been saving up for one but- nevermind he'll find one somehow. Jack paced faster across the rooftop muttering under his breath. "Think what you know, isn't that what they say, I don't know what to think, am I really doing this? This is big Jack-ie don't screw it up, this is not some normal girl you'll marry. Poor little newsboy versus rich greedy sourpuss, ha! It's a cinch! Just be yourself! No don't be stupid. . . Have I really mentioned I have no clue how to do this?! Am I insane? This is what I've been waiting for. Well that, and needing to do a proposal. A ring? You need a ring! How the hell? It's a lot of money! Look, just go and marry her! Not only that there's a suit and a tie, a reception, a priest, and a thousand other things. Get a blessing, get a ring, make a plan and suddenly, this will work out better! Give this little guy a chance and then you'll find I'll be good for her, I'll live and breathe her everyday, goodbye to Santa Fe, Just let me marry her, And who's been there with her camera and her pen, As we've turned into men, She's been with us all along, She's righted all of our wrongs, She thinks that I'm handsome, heroic, charismatic, well also a plain spoken know nothing skirt chasing cocky little- That's not the point, what the point is, is that I'm getting married, So I was a flirt, and a complete egomaniac, And I maaay have just been the face of the strike, But she's got such a face, Face the fact Joe, It's time you know that we'll just have to elope, Here's what I think, I've been working, paper selling, Just so I could buy this special girl a ring, So give me some time, This wedding will go on, Six months from- ugh! Never. . . But just look around at the things we're inheriting, And think of the ones we'll create, We'll have a child! We'll grow old! But just think, we'll still be young forever. Give these kids and me the time and then you'll see, We'll plan a wedding, it's now or never, Do or die, The time is now, And I can't watch what happens, But all I know is, I've been working and I can win! It can't be any worse than how it's been! And I really need to marry Katherine! So whatever happens, let's plan a wedding! Jack turned around, heavy breathing as he watched the sun rise over the streets of New York. "Yeah," he whispered, "Let's plan a wedding." He dashed down the ladder and ran down the streets, the morning-goers staring at him like he was crazy as he ran to The Sun. And he was crazy. At least, for his fiancé Katherine.
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I'll Still Love You
Fandom: Newsies Ship: Jack x Katherine (Jatherine, lambcuddles) Description: After helping as Davey and his wife Clara had their baby, Katherine nervously thinks about her and Jack's future. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A week ago Davey and Clara had their first baby. It had happened nearly out of nowhere and scared the daylights out of the entire newsboys clan, even Katherine included. Davey had almost passed out on more than one occasion as Katherine held Clara's hand (who squeezed her's in return until Katherine physically wondered if it could break her wrist). They nearly thought they wouldn't have made it to the hospital on time (which worried Davey all the more). But they did, by some miracle, and Davey and Katherine stayed back with Clara while all of the Newsies waited in the waiting room (needless to say it became quickly crowded). But to also say the whole ordeal hadn't shaken Katherine up a bit would be an understatement. Davey may have almost passed out but Katherine was shaking even while trying to calm her best friend down long enough to breathe. She hated seeing her face scrunched in pain and hearing her cry. Katherine kept herself pulled together, stroking Clara's blonde hair that stuck to her face in sweat and whispering words of comfort. It was 12 hours later that Clara and Davey were holding their new baby girl that they named Katie, as it was close to Katherine. After spending a while with her new god-daughter, Katherine came out to the waiting room and slumped down into a chair, wiping the sweat off her bangs and pinching the bridge of her nose as she felt Jack rub his hand on her shoulder and gave her a quick kiss on her head. Clara and the baby had to stay at the hospital for a few nights before they were allowed to go back to Clara and Davey's home (which was right near the Lodging House). Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as the schedules slowly went back to normal. Katherine now sat in the arm chair of her and Jack's apartment, reading a book quietly. Every now and then she'd space out until finally she closed the book and set it beside her. Katherine rest her chin in her hand and closed her eyes. She was still slightly frazzled with all that had happened that week. It seemed to have put her on slight edge as she started asking herself millions of questions. Why didn't she and Jack have a baby? Did she want a baby? Did Jack want a baby? Could they handle a baby? Could she handle pregnancy? Katherine thought back to the hospital. All that had happened. It terrified her. The pain and blood. Katherine was no idiot, she knew the process of having a baby wasn't easy. Nor was it exactly delightful. She pulled her legs up onto the chair and sighed, resting her head in them. They weren't ready for a- she wasn't ready for a baby. But who knows what Jack thinks? Hell with the hormones of a boy just getting out of his teenage years, who knows what he's been thinking? Katherine sat up straighter and ran a hand through her curly hair. Why couldn't she think? Katherine stood up and walked to the window of their apartment, crossing her arms over her chest and looking out at the view in the afternoon daylight.  The apartments across the street greeted her gaze as the sun shone against a pale blue sky.  Katherine breathed in deeply, trying to calm her racing mind. They didn't need a baby right now.  They still had their jobs- they couldn't financially support both themselves and a baby, could they? She paced the floor nervously, fidgeting her hands against the edge of her white blouse as she thought. The door to the apartment opened causing Katherine to jump at the sound and Jack stepped inside. "Hey Ace." "Oh, hi." Katherine mumbled, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear. Jack hung his bag up on the coat hangers before peering over at her, raising an eyebrow. "Yous feelin' okay?" He asked. "Yeah, definitely." Katherine said quickly. Jack walked over and kissed her softly, wrapping his arms around her as she kissed him back.  He smiled against her lips and rest his hands against her waist before slightly trailing them up towards her chest.  Katherine made a small noise as she quickly jumped away.  Jack stood there with his eyebrows raised, mind racing in confusion even more now. "I- um, sorry." Katherine stuttered out, "Not- Not right now. . ." She walked over towards where she had been sitting before, biting her nail nervously as she tried to block out any of what just happened. "Ace, what's wrong?" Jack was concerned by now at what kind of expression had crossed her face.  Was it fear? The last thing he wanted her to feel when he'd touch her was fear. Katherine sat down in the armchair and ran a hand through her hair once more before looking up at him. "Do you want a baby?" She asked softly. Jack blinked hard for a few seconds before walking over and kneeling in front of her, taking her hands in his. "Course I's want a baby Kath.  Don't you?" "I- yes, I do.  But-" "Wait, are yous. . ." Jack's eyes became very wide. "What? No.  No no no no." Katherine quickly said, shaking her head, "I'm not pregnant Jack." "Ok." Jack released the tension he didn't know he was feeling in his shoulders, "Then, what is it?" Katherine looked at the ground, biting her lip in uncertainty of how to word what she was feeling at that moment.  Jack gently lifted her chin to face him. "You can tell me anything Ace.  I's ain't gonna love yous any less; no matter what you say." Katherine squeezed her eyes shut and took a breath, "I don't think I could do it. . ." She whispered softly, feeling tears well up in her eyes, "I just don't think I can.  And- And I'm sorry. . . I'm so sorry." Katherine took her hands away and put her head in them, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs. Jack ran a hand through his hair, "Ace I. . ." Was this all she thought about this week? Was he really that oblivious? "I know you want a child.  I know we both want a child.  But I- I just don't think I can go through it.  She was in so much pain and- and it was so scary even for me.  I- I can't imagine her feeling! And I know you'd want someone who'd be able to give you that- to give you a child and I- I just. . . I'm so sorry." She cried softly. Jack said nothing but quickly took her in his arms, hugging her close and stroking his hand through her hair, mumbling comforting words and pressing a kiss to her head. "Ace, I don't care if yous don't want to have a baby like that.  As much as I's want a baby- I want yous even more.  And I'm not gonna put you through anything yous don't wanna do." He pulled away and wiped a few stray tears that had fallen down her face before tucking a strand of hair behind Katherine's ear, "We's can adopt Ace.  It doesn't matter if our baby looks like us because no matter what it'll be ours Kath.  It will be a lil' Kelly and no matter what I'll always love him or her as I love you.  We don't needs to rush into this.  There's still time an' there always will be.  We'll be okay.  'Sides, I dunno if your father is ready for us t' be makin' babies anytime soon anyways." Katherine cracked a small smile and wiped a tear away from her eyes, "Fo' sure?" She asked, putting on her best New-York-Manhattan-Jack-Kelly-accent. Jack grinned, pressing their noses together softly, "Fo' sure.  I love yous and always will.  Nothin' is ever gonna change that." "I love you too Jack." Katherine whispered before hugging him, "So much.  You don't even know how much." "I think I do Ace." Jack said, kissing her head with a smile, "It's a lot but, I think I do."
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So I know in a lot of fanfics Davey is dating someone named Clara (I mean I just went with it I’ve used it all the time) I’m just wondering who she’s supposed to be because I never figured it out I just kinda rolled with it
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