ffxivtribehydrae · 1 month
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
My friends! I mean of course, that is what firends are, people that make you happy. It's always a comfort to spend time with them!
Nature! To get away from the city and buzz of traffic and people, to the silence of the wind. I tend to always feel more at peace far away in the wilds.
Music! There is always a time and place for that specific track. Even those sad songs have their time when they are soothing, or they just instill inspiration!
Cleaning! Yes I know it is a boring thing to do, (and I do hate it as a job) but at home, it just feels great to see and be in a recently cleaned home!
Travel! Be it a vacation to anothe rcountry or just a road trip to the next town over. I love exploring and discovering new things!
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carcharsaur · 10 months
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paintedscales · 1 month
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Tagged by @lal-ffxiv! Thank you! Sorry it took me so long; sick + moving = not a great time to sit down and devote time to this. I did one for Nomin a good while back that can be found here, so did it for Bayarmaa. :>
Tagging: @elliewiltarwyn, @amalthea-felsblood, @naejlas-axe, @idalenn, @airis-ray, and anyone else who would want to do this!
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Name: Bayarmaa of Sagahl
Nicknames: Doesn't really have one; is called 'Mama' by her son.
Age: Thirty and five summers (Endwalker)
Nameday: 12th Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon
Race: Xaela Au Ra
Gender: Cis Female
Orientation: Demi/Demi
Profession: Teacher, morin khuur player
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: Long and naturally straight. Bayarmaa wears her hair in relatively high twin-tails. Her hair is violet in color, and there are some lighter streaks of pink here and there.
Eyes: Red with pink limbal rings and black sclera.
Skin: A gentle sage in color, protected by obsidian scales, horns, and tail that run with very prominent emerald green markings.
Tattoos/scars: The only scars that Bayarmaa has are emotional scars.
Parents: Passed away.
Siblings: Esenaij is Bayarmaa's elder brother, biologically. Nomin is her little sister, adopted.
Grandparents: Passed away.
In-laws and Other: Bayarmaa has a son named Ankhbayar that she has with Kuzhuk of Oroq.
Bayarmaa is more than happy to accept Estinien as her brother-in-law once she meets him and knows how much it seems Nomin is happy with him. Bayarmaa also has her nieces and nephew from Nomin and Estinien: Bayarmaa/Cyrielle, Chotan/Fleurette Varlineau, Esenaij/Hamignant Varlineau.
Pets: None. It goes against the culture and beliefs she grew up with among the Sagahl.
Abilities: Playing the morin khuur; it was something her mother did a lot when she was younger. She was never taught by her mother, making her purely self taught. She plays by horn, and has kept with it long enough to feel like she can replicate the songs her mother played and sang.
Archery; both Bayarmaa and Esenaij were taught how to use a bow and arrow growing up. Though Bayarmaa is not necessarily a hunter like her father nor her brother, she still has the ability to use a bow and arrow in order to defend herself and her people if needed.
Botany; being part of the Sagahl and not partaking in the consumption of beastkin, Bayarmaa is very in tune with the flora of the Steppe, as well as the conditions that best influence the growth of the natural bounty of. From their migration patterns that they need to abide by seasonally, to varying weather conditions that would behoove them.
Hobbies: Playing the morin khuur, painting, reading, gardening.
Most Positive Trait: Patience. Bayarmaa is very patient, and it serves her well in having to teach those that would like it, as well as dealing with fussy children.
Most Negative Trait: Spaces out. Bayarmaa tends to get lost in her own thoughts a lot as a result of the trauma she experienced in losing both of her parents. She claims it's more like a meditation, but that's not always the truth. There are a lot of times where people are trying to talk to her or get her attention where she's really just kind of not entirely there. She does combat this a bit whenever Nomin came into hers and Esenaij's lives, and especially more after she is wed to Kuzhuk and they have their son together.
Colors: Orange, yellow.
Smells: Fried dough, the land after a rainstorm, magnolia.
Textures: Soft grass, basket weave, smooth scales.
Drinks: Chatsarganii shuus, dandelion tea.
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Nope…
Drinks: Bayarmaa does not mind too much partaking in some wine. The Sagahl do not drink airag because it is made with milk, so anything that is fermented by the Sagahl, Bayarmaa is willing to try out at times.
Drugs: No.
Been Arrested: Nope!
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iona-xiv · 5 months
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Quiz - Tragic Role
sweet supporting character:
i wanna be your grandma so bad, please let me pinch your face and knit you a sweater. you're most likely the best friend of the protagonist, and there's some possible overlap between you and the narrator. you're sweet and try very hard to be selfless. you watch the ones you love descend into darkness, and make every effort to help them through it all. it's not enough. you keep trying to make it enough. you provide comic relief, a listening ear, a hug, advice── any method of support you can think of. your own personal tragedy isn't documented. sometimes you wish it was, even though you're the one who ensures it is not. you want people to care for you the way you do for others. but you refuse to ask for it, so you wait for others to read between the lines. they usually don't. at least you're the one who gets to survive the tragedy. no matter how many times you beg to trade places, it is always you at the end, sitting at someone else's grave.
Quiz here Tagged by: @aethermimic (Thank you so much!) Tag you're it!: @gentleerzulie, @Sparto, @shibaikyatto, @notarchonzachlol, @ramius-xiv, @madalyn-maeve, @airis-ray, @talekeepers, @laladventures, @jump-n-dive, @bunbunwithagun, @deep--dive, @spellsandtales, @hakai-zonapher, @colddsnap, @uldahstreetrat, @zylphiacrowley, @jujuna-ffxiv,@sie-sharp, @arbiterofthedead,@aliceinnightmare, @remexnidifugous, @lann-a-p, @zhauric, @cassieoctavia, @ashenbun, @it-maple-moff, @talesofkiruu, @lovelucide, @thewarfist, @hares-and-hounds, @lightyouarelikes, @lal-ffxiv, of course and always please ignore this if you don't want to do it/have already done so, and please do it if you would like to share!
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primamchorus · 3 days
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Loonh Gah reference sheet for @lal-ffxiv
Thank you for the support!
commission & reference sheet creation info
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dumb-hat · 20 days
informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
If it's a really lazy day (or more likely, a really hungover one), like to the point that he doesn't expect to leave his apartment, he's probably shirtless, just in a pair or loose pajama pants or something similar. Likely something light and breathable. He's a sucker for comfort and texture, so something that's extra soft or swishy or luxurious get serious bonus points.
If he's got somewhere to be but doesn't have to put much effort in, he'll throw on a shirt that fits the same description: light and easy to move in. Probably something blousy that he can make sure to "accidentally" skip some buttons on or something.
For footwear, it's almost always boots, even on a lazy day, but he's got a few old, really broken-in pairs that require very little effort to put on or take off. He's got a couple of pairs of worn-in sandals, but he only breaks those out if he's in a real hurry, knows for a fact that he won't end up somewhere gross or with rough terrain.
Ask me stuff! oc asks: character design edition
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graha-stan-account · 11 days
FFXIV Write 2024; Day 1: Steer
“Miss big Warrior of Light is off to direct the fate of another nation,  is she?” K’dajhir rocked back on his heels, enough to bump into the coat hanger near the door. It broke his composure, all snark and teasing, and he quickly did all he could to keep it from toppling to the floor.
“It’s not like that.” Napha was rolling a set of smallclothes  - tightly - and wiggling it into a pocket of space in her rucksack. “It’s a favor for a friend of a friend.”
“Geez, how do you pay back the debt for a favor like that?”
“You be surprised. But it’s not that kind of favor I’m doing. I think it’s more the weight of the title. I just so happen to be the person holding it.”
“Ugh, I bet you’ll be greeted with flowers and exotic drinks and manservants to fan you and choose your wardrobe!” He threw himself up on the roughshod settee, sending tufts of its innards into the air. “And coronation parites, and exotic food, beautiful men...”
“That sounds like a fantasy of yours.” She sighed. “And that’s not the spirit of this trip.” She met his gaze with a pointed glare. Her brother shuddered.
He shrugged as though it couldn’t be helped. “A guy can dream.”
“Go dream somewhere else.” She eyed the edge on her chakram, shifting it in the dusty light of her neglected cottage. “May need to take this to the mender first,” she mumbled.
“You really think this Wuk has what it takes to be king?”
“Servant. Dawnservant, they call it. I’m sure there’s a reason. And Wuk Lamat certainly has the spirit, but honestly, I don’t know.” She paused a moment. “She has little experience. But perhaps with the right guidance, the right training...”
“Worked well enough for you, huh?”
“It’s not the same. I didn’t have a choice. There’s... there’s others. And perhaps it’s better her than those others. We shall see. It’s a personal matter for Krile too. I’d like to help her if I can.”
“Sounds like you’ll have your hands full.” K’dajhir sat up, knees bent and right angles, arms stiffly propped against the settee cushions. “So, can I come?”
“What if I paid my own way?”
“What if I just showed up?” He shook his head, eyes narrow and teasing.
“Not an onze of consideration for family.” He made a harrumph sound as he crossed his arms. “I bet your boy toy is going.”
“G’raha will remain in Sharlayan,” she said, her response a gut reaction, knee-jerk, and so automatic she did not even pause to take exception to his word choice.
“Oh? I never said G’raha.” Dajhir loved to tease her, always had. It seemed worse with age though, and he spared no opportunity to provoke her on the muddled circumstances of her relationship with the over-eager scholar. His bottom line was that he always received special dispensation.
Dajhir’s bottom bottom line was it was time she explained to him why.
It was her turn to sigh. “All from the heavens to the seven hells understand your meaning. You are not to come to Tuli-yol-lal.” She managed to trip over the word much less than she anticipated. “Do not come to Tural at all. Promise me.”
“Rolls off the tongue, don’t it?” He winked, his teeth flashing a white smile set against his tanned skin.
“I’ll get used to it!” She stuffed a leatherbound tome into the rucksack, then wiggled it frantically to make it fit.
“Is that your grimoire?”
“There’s potential for unrest if things go poorly. And I think we’ve all had our fill of calamity.”
He quirked an eyebrow. “I thought you decided to give ‘the shades of gods gone mad’ a rest?”
“I just... want to be prepared.” She wasn’t looking at him. “For anything. Is that hard for you to understand?”
“I just thought this trip was going to be more like a vacation, or a trial for your next gig.”
“I’m not interested in being anyone’s bodyguard. I’m more of... an advisor. Somehow.”
“An advisor... All right. So tell me again, as an advisor, how you will not be steering the fate of nations... in an island paradise, while whispering into the ear of the heir to the throne?”
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yemojanoykin · 2 months
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
So first of all, I'm so sorry! I have no idea when I got this! I don't even remember a notification!
Second, Yemoja is normal about their looks. Like, she makes sure she's presentable and such but she's not going to be upset if her outfit gets torn or muddy or if her lipstick smudges. She'll just make it work until she can fix it. She does love soaking in nice warm water when she can. She understands that being an adventurer means she can't always get in a nice bath so she takes advantage when she can. She takes great care of her scales. Even more so when she sheds when infection chances are higher.
However can't save the world if you ain't cute and with her goal is to look cute... Maybe she is more vain than she wants to admit.
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sundered-souls · 2 months
8.Why did they want to explore Xak Tural? Were they happy to have Erenville along as a guide or would they have preferred to explore on their own?
Spoilers under the cut
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Because she could! And that door had been closed to her since her arrival in Tuliyollal so obviously she wanted to see what was on the other side. It's like dangling food in front of a famished woman: she's an adventurer, of course she wants to see this place she cannot visit for now x)
And from her point of view, she couldn't have asked for a better guide. She really likes Erenville! He treats her like a fellow human being rather than some goddess on Etheirys who's apparently exceptional for even just taking a deep long breath. Plus he's professional—Inge has a soft spot for competent people—and he's from the region. You could do worse than a local as a guide to discover a new place.
She just feels sorry for how it ended and sort of wait for the other shoe to drop? Because he didn't just lose his mother when the dome appeared, he also lost his home.
Thanks for the ask, @lal-ffxiv!
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lightyouarelikes · 4 months
This blog is to share FFXIV Art, OCs, Memes and Writings.
My main blog is @lal-ffxiv.
Secondary blog used to bypass the posting limit and follow every ffxiv existing is @lukawarrioroflight.
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aqueerfishtheyis · 4 months
I'VE MADE ANOTHER PERSONAL BLOG TO CONNECT MY FFXIV BLOG ACCOUNT ITS @lal-ooc but I'm not moving from this blog completely. Its just another side blog because I like an internet addiction I guess ┐('��`;)┌
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glamphantasm · 1 year
Five Senses Aesthetic
(found via @lal-ffxiv about a million years ago and languished in drafts. hope you don't mind me borrowing)
Bold what applies to your muse. cross out what definitely does not. italicize what they like/what they would like.
SIGHT.  small towns. big cities. six thirty curfews. lights that take the place of stars. blanket nests. light through the blinds as a wake-up call. found family. finding a single star in the middle of new york city. window shopping. watching something terrible and enjoying it. growing numb to the sight of injustice. wilted flowers. faded caricatures. bright, bold colors.
HEARING.  crickets and lightning bugs. car engines and ac units. a phone call to mom / dad. laughing with friends. jokes that are so bad you have to laugh. the clicking of computer keys. noise canceling headphones. the sound of silence. muffled music from another room. drumming fingertips on a table. the clicking of pens. listening to a clock and swearing the ticks get slower. ringing in the ears. the voice of someone you love. pitch shifted songs.
TOUCH. being held close during a long night. fleeting reassurances. holding hands when you’re scared. brushing fingers through strands of hair. freshly dried clothes. bruises on your knuckles. silk and satin. your favorite pet’s fur / feather. wringing your hands anxiously. snuggles. comforters in the dead of winter. nails against the skin. cold metal. leather in summer.
TASTE. coffee in the morning. tea in the evening. bubblegum that lost its flavor. alcohol burning the back of your throat. homemade cooking no matter what’s made. blood in your mouth. stale air. mint. fresh vegetables. the first meal you cook by yourself that tastes good. foreign sweets. fast food. bittersweet. sour. spicy. sweet. bitter. too much salt on fries.
SMELL. morning glories and honeysuckles. freshly cut grass. hot chocolate in the middle of winter. nail polish. acetone. hospital rooms. smoke. hair spray. your favorite shampoo / conditioner. the scent of home. perfume. cologne. mint. something burning. wet dogs. copper. metal. unemptied ashtrays. something familiar yet different.
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lal-ooc · 5 months
This is a side personal blog to connect my accounts
Main- @lal-ffxiv
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paintedscales · 3 days
People I Want to Know Better
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Tagged by @lal-ffxiv (I meant to do this, but forgot until you rb'd your original post with an update ksjdfsdf)
I also tagged a good handful of people the last time I did this some time...last week? So open tag! If you want to do it, do it! Post here on my other blog.
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Last Song: 8 Legged Dreams by Unlike Pluto (immediate arachnophobia warning in video)
Favorite Color: Still crimson~ But I do like other colors, too. Like phthalo blue or phthalo green. Good colors right there.
Currently Watching: I have some of Vinny's Silent Hill 4 videos playing in the background. I'm not really watching them? More like background noise to keep my brain stimulated while I work, otherwise I get too in my own head about stuff.
Last Movie: Still Spy x Family: Code White for now.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Big sweet tooth, and savoring what sweets I can before my family medical history can catch up and take that away from me.
Relationship Status: A week closer to mine and my partner's 14th year anniversary on Halloween since the last time I filled this out. :p
Current Obsessions: //motioning toward blog// You better believe it's still Nomin and Estinien. Smooching, hugging, loving each other. But also, my Primam and Prompto ship has been pretty loud lately, and they're probably my most wholesome ship, and they fill me with the fuzzies.
Last Thing I Googled: "tomodachi life music"
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the-littlest-kojin · 3 years
💐 Does your OC like flowers? What are their favourites? Do they keep a garden of some sort? What flowers would they use in a flower crown? (and if you like, research the meanings behind those flowers!)
Shio adores flowers. She particularly likes lotuses, and has cultivated some to grow in the pond in her house. I'm not sure she would wear a flower crown, though - her hair is generally too ragged, salt-filled, and messy. (Floriography is a passion of the mun's, but not of Shio's, so not particular relevant)
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primamchorus · 1 month
Commission Status :: OPEN
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Currently Working On ::
@azems-familiar flower bust (x2 flowers) (paid; sketched; lining)
@hares-and-hounds flower bust x2 (dual, one flower type) (paid; sketched; ready for lines)
Waiting List ::
@driftward flower bust x2, emotes x10 (paid; references received)
@oneiroy bust (not a commission; art trade for hair mash-up; references received)
@superlote bust (not a commission; general art trade; sketched)
@frazzleddazzle gift art (couple; references received)
Discord friend emotes x6, busts x3 (no flowers) (discussing; references received)
Finished ::
@sasslett || link
Ko-Fi Supporter || link
@shadesofblades || link
@sylaurin || link
@sasslett || link
@lal-ffxiv || link
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