thebigqueer · 3 years
ik i already gave you a prompt, but just had this idea i really like. so Person A has psychic powers(or gets a vision or whatever). they see/know that things will never work out with Person B, but they let themselves be selfish and indulge in the relationship. things dont end well :/
ahhh hi chaotic ily!! sorry about the super late response, i’ve just been playing around with my own one-shots and haven’t had the time to focus on my fic prompts.
thank you so much for the fic prompt, and i hope you like this! and, as always: i do little to no editing on these fic prompts, so please don’t be too judgmental as you’re reading them seeing as they will not be my best work. 
also i changed up the prompt just a little bit, i hope you don’t mind! it just kind of fit better with what i was thinking.
Silena sighs as she gazes up at the sky, letting the air caress her face as thoughts swirl in her head. She knows she should be happy about this - about having a boyfriend, about being in love, about Charles. 
But something is eating at her heart. This doesn’t feel right; it doesn’t feel... normal. This entire relationship... it’s artificial, at least to Silena. 
She would usually excuse this discomfort simply for anxiety of being in a new relationship. More than once has she gotten nervous during the beginning days of having a partner. It’s a new adjustment to have to bring someone new into your life and admit to them secrets you wouldn’t always tell your friends or family. 
But this time... it feels worse. It doesn’t feel right. 
She wants to say it’s because she’s nervous. But if the dreams are any indication - and, since she’s a demigod, she’s sure it is - maybe she’s not entirely happy about being with Charlie. 
Almost every night for the past few days, she’s been hearing a voice in her head. Something familiar, something enchanting. She’s always in a black room, alone and afraid at the beginning, but as soon as the voice speaks, she’s immediately lulled into some kind of daze. “You do not want this,” the voice usually says to her. “My child, you know what you want. And it is not this.”
Silena never understands what it means. “What are you talking about?” she usually asks. 
“It is not Charles you love,” the voice replies. “It is not him. Listen to your heart.”
She always begs the voice to stay, to tell her more, but it never does. She wakes up in a cold sweat, still shrouded in darkness, and only confusion rocks he rmind. 
She assumes that the voice is of her mother’s. But what could Aphrodite want with her? What is she trying to tell Silena?
The daughter of Aphrodite sighs as another brush of wind touches her skin. Being here on the beach usually lets her clear her thoughts, but at the moment she’s too alone with them. 
No, she thinks. I like Charlie, don’t I? Why am I so nervous about this?
And she does like Charlie. They’ve been looking out for each other for years now, always catching each other’s eyes. But thinking about being in a relationship with him... Why does it not feel right? Does she really feel anything romantic for him? Or was it a general aesthetic attraction? 
She groans and closes her eyes, trying to block out the sun. There are too many thoughts in her brain, too much confusion in her chest. Why do emotions have to be so hard? 
A crunching sound echoes beside her and she sits up quickly, surprised by the interruption of silence. Ahead of her is Clarisse, her tall, muscled form glinting in the sunlight. She smiles at Silena warmly in greeting and for a fleeting moment, the daughter of Aphrodite’s heart soars. As strange as it is, she finds a lot of confidence in being one of the only people that Clarisse has been nice to. She feels proud to be Clarisse’s friend at all. 
“Hey,” the daughter of Ares says, settling beside Silena. “Couldn’t find you at breakfast. Thought you’d be here. Everything good?”
Silena shrugs and pulls her knees to her chest, staring out into the distance. “I guess. I’ve just been... thinking.”
“That doesn’t sound good,” notes Clarisse. “What are you thinking about? Is it those dreams again?”
Silena sighs and nods. “Yeah. It’s just... so haunting. It’s like something is telling me that I’m wrong, and something feels wrong, but I’m not entirely sure what it is, you know?”
“Is it about your relationship with Charles?”
Clarisse falls silent for a moment, letting the wind whisper between them. Then she says, “Silena, have you considered that maybe you aren’t happy?”
“Yeah, I guess I kind of have.” Silena grimaces. “But it’s just like... We just started dating. Maybe I’m just not used to him as a person yet. You know?”
A doubtful look flashes across Clarisse’s features, her eyebrows creasing in concern. “Are you sure about that? Because usually people date others when they’re comfortable to be with them.” She brushes her fingers through the ground, her eyes wandering around as she thinks. “Maybe... No offense, Silena, but if you’ve been getting these dreams, then maybe he’s not the one. Maybe you aren’t ready for this.”
Maybe it’s just Silena’s hearing, or maybe it’s just her hopefulness, but there’s something sharp and painful in Clarisse’s voice. Something desperate. It’s like she’s trying to get Silena to understand something important, but she can just barely hear Clarisse. 
Silena sighs and leans her head against Clarisse’s shoulder. Amid all the confusion, she just wants a warm place to lean to, a comforting spot against one of her bestest friends. “Yeah. Maybe. But I don’t know... maybe I’ll just try it for the meanwhile. See where it goes.” 
Clarisse falls silent again, something tense pressing against her features. Her muscles twitch underneath Silena’s head, agitated from the energy between them. Silena wonders what’s got her so worked up, but then again, this is Clarisse. Something is always working her up.
“Hey, I gotta go,” she says abruptly. Her voice grates against Silena’s ears, cuts right through her skin. “I have some, uh, business to do. See you later?”
Silena frowns and lifts her head from Clarisse’s shoulder. Something tugs at her heart at her words, but she’s not sure why she’s feeling so emotional all of a sudden. “Really? But I feel like we haven’t talked that much today.” 
Clarisse shrugs and pushes herself up, regret etched onto her features. “Just a busy day. Gotta prepare for the battle. See you at lunch?”
Silena pretends not to notice the disappointment that presses against her heart. She nods and looks out again, starting to lose herself into her isolation again. “See you later.” 
Clarisse hesitates for a moment. Then a crunching sound echoes, and soon the daughter of Ares is gone, leaving Silena to wallow in her own pity. 
She watches Clarisse leave, her heart weighing down by some kind of pressure, some kind of emotion. She wants to run to her and help her out, to stick by her side, to do something with her today. She wants to be around Clarisse.
Then, as she turns back around to face forward, it hits her. She doesn’t like Charles. 
She’s in love with Clarisse. 
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