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cebozcom · 1 year ago
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Ucieczka z Piekieł: Amerykanin Musi Wywieźć Rodzinę z Kraju Ogarniętego Zamieszkami | CeBoz.com
Amerykanin staje przed trudnym wyborem: opuścić ojczyznę w chaosie czy pozostać i walczyć?
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mikesfilmtalk · 3 months ago
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jamieroxxartist · 11 months ago
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www.JamieRoxx.us To see today's Pop Culture Blog including (and many more) :
👉 🎂 Happy Birthday. Today, Mar. 24, 1977 – #JessicaChastain, American actress was born.
👉 🎂 Happy Birthday. Today, Mar. 24, 1979 – #LakeBell, American actress and director was born.
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geekynerfherder · 3 years ago
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#HarleyQuinn animated series, first aired #OnThisDay in 2019⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #TitleScreen #OTD #KaleyCuoco #LakeBell #RonFunches #TonyHale #JasonAlexander #JBSmoove #AlanTudyk https://www.instagram.com/p/CW3wK3nB7WD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hushedruin · 5 years ago
RAMBLIN REVIEW: A Good Old Fashioned Orgy
Alright, so ignore that title for a second. This is a movie with a ton of funny charismatic folks in it. Jason Sudeikis, Tyler Labine, Lake Bell, Lindsey Sloane, Nick Kroll, Will Forte, Leslie Bibb, Martin Starr, and others. Don Johnson even has a minor role (or a cameo; suppose it depends if he comes back?). On the strength of this cast alone, this movie should do no less than a B-.
And yet... I dunno, it just never quite gets better than mediocre...?
Let’s break it down, as there’s a lot of moving parts here. We focus on a group of friends and it’s a larger-than-usual cast. Each of them has their own storyline, which actually works. The dialogue and interactions are all great and really make this contrived/silly setup work. I’m not really a Nick Kroll fan, but he works pretty well here in a “less is more” capacity. So like in that respect, things are rolling great. Like uh... Lindsey Sloane’s character lost a bunch of weight, but is still really anxious about being seen naked. Sue (Michelle Borth) is low-key (but still statedly) pining after Eric (Sudeikis) and has been for some time apparently. Duquez (”du-kezz”; Starr) is racked with anxiety over his rock record (but also is the friend that they all crap on)/that takes the razzing personally). Eric (again, Sudeikis) is trying to save his party house and dating one of the realtors hired to sell said house (Bibb). It’s very much an ensemble piece and actually works really well.
Oh, it’s game time. Yes, writing this as the movie is still going. See, there’s a big hangup I have here. The movie opens with our cast at their various places of work/normal life, and then heading to party #1 (the White Trash Bash). Apparently this is a regular thing: our cast party at a vacation house, and have been doing this on & off for years. Eric’s dad (Don Johnson) is selling the house though, and Eric n co want one last blowout. And what is that finale? Peep the title of the movie, kids.
So, from jump street, I find it weird that friends would all sign on for this horrendous idea. Like I’m awkward as fuck, but I just can’t conceive of friends banging it out and then all still being chill about it.
But my big objection/hangup is that they’re all 30ish. Like... this is a 20something plot. This is the premise of one of those post ‘American Pie’ movies that is just an excuse for a fuckton of female nudity. Them being in their 30s - and Kroll’s character explicitly states “they took my 20s; they will not take my 30s” - makes it... I dunno, kinda weird. Like there’s some level of immaturity here that isn’t addressed in any meaningful way (which it probably should be). I dunno. There’s something about it that rings... strange for me. Like I said though, friends banging it out like it’s nothing also rings “odd” to me. Maybe a night of swinging is something friends without kids do? I dunno. All our couples friends have kids. It’s weird.
I dunno. Uh, 7/10. The dialogue is enjoyable and the people are charismatic, but it’s just not on that next level like I was hoping it would be. Available now on Hulu
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silentmike1701 · 2 years ago
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What Happens in Vegas (2008)... Joy McNally (#CameronDiaz) & Tipper (#lakebell) @bellagio. Haven’t been able to go out and do lineups. Going to have to recycle a few post. #2000s #2000smovies #2000scomedy #2000smovie #movielocations #movielocation #filmscout #filmscouting #locationscouting #locationscout #movies #movie #flick #film #travel #vegas #lasvegas #cinema #wanderlust #LiveTravelChannel #nvfilm #filmnv #shareyourstudio #vegasgram (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnPZbkxrxOn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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twotrey23 · 3 years ago
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#event #2 today... #Summering special screening, with #JamesPonsoldt @jamesponsoldt & cast in the house. #MadalenMills @madalenmills #LiaBarnett #EdenGraceRedfield #SanaiVictoria #LakeBell @lakebell #MeganMullally @meganomullally #film #cinema #movie #movies #films @bleeckerstfilms (at The London West Hollywood at Beverly Hills) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChD6JuMJvkY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mikesfilmtalk · 5 months ago
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devourerofmanywords · 5 years ago
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My newest Harley Quinn The Animated Series review is live on Dark Knight News!! ❤🖤❤🖤 https://darkknightnews.com/2020/05/19/review-harley-quinn-season-2-episode-7-theres-no-place-to-go-but-down/ #Review #DarkKnightNews #KaleyCuoco #LakeBell #MattOberg #ChristopherMeloni #BrianaCuoco #MileHighKiteClub #BradMorris #JAMESADOMIAN #KendraHale #HARLEYQUINNANIMATEDSERIES https://www.instagram.com/p/CAXWkW2hOzW/?igshid=1j7ya7usgia3m
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perennialloner · 7 years ago
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“A warrior’s deadliest weapon is his mind” Shot Caller (2017) | Ric Roman Waugh . #shotcaller #ricromanwaugh #nikolajcosterwaldau #lakebell #omarihardwick #jonbernthal #cinematography #danagonzales #cinema #cinemaquotes #film #movie #moviequotes
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wearetherhoads · 8 years ago
Lake Bell
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Our story with oh so wonderful and multi-talented director, actor, and filmmaker, Lake Bell, is inside Good Housekeeping’s September issue!  She showed up to shoot with us with her baby in tow just a couple weeks after giving birth #womenruletheworld  💪🏼 She was a radiant delight.
Pick up the issue, out on newsstands now. I personally can’t wait to see her new film “I Do...Until I Don’t.” Check out the full story here.
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join-the-gospel · 5 years ago
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#moviereview #overherdeadbody #lakebell #paulrudd #evalongoria #jasonbiggs #stephenroot #allamericanrejects https://www.instagram.com/p/B4UQKRsDKM5/?igshid=15ksz788p7dez
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daniellelevitt · 7 years ago
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The beautiful Lake Bell for Glamour U.K. @LakeBell @Glamouruk #Glamouruk #LakeBell
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tsuchicool · 6 years ago
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いざ。 #TheSecretLifeOfPets2 #ペット2 #ChrisRenaud #PattonOswalt #EricStonestreet #KevinHart #JennySlate #EllieKemper #LakeBell #DanaCarvey #movies #cinéma #英語 (TOHOシネマズ 新宿 (TOHO CINEMAS Shinjuku)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1G0gWuD3YU/?igshid=jjrntn19jr35
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rlimarjbr · 6 years ago
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#Horas de #Desespero - #Ano2015 #HorasDeDesespero #NoEscape #Filme #Movie #Film #Asia #RLimaRJBR #Suspense #Ação #Violência "Até #onde você vai para #salvar sua #Família" #OwenWilson #LakeBell #PierceBrosman ... https://www.instagram.com/p/B1BM4EFH8jH/?igshid=1auj5ni5o7ov7
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jimmykimmellive · 8 years ago
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Lake Bell TONIGHT!
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