#lainey’s doodles
thatguylainey · 2 months
Kiwimiko!! I know I could’ve done better but it’s fine and I’m okay with her looking like a little strange beastly bird creature. I love this little fella and have enjoyed playing her in my campaign for the past year!
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emily-mooon · 9 months
I have a Nordegrim AU idea! (again)
It’s hard to explain but Neil has seven evil ex arcade rivals that Stacey has to beat up in order to be able to go on arcade dates with him.
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nightmare3614 · 7 months
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the-milkyz · 8 months
I DOODLE ALL(MOST) MD CHARACTERS!!!! spent 5 minutes on each except group ones
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Uzi, SD-N, SD-V and purple solver :P
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Doll, Lizzy, and thad :p bro they look the best cause i draw them so many times
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J, tessa and cyn
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OVILIVa!!!! aka drone 029, Nori, Khan, Yeva and uhhhh that guy
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Rebbecca and derren and uhh trever and unnamed two bg characters
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A sentinel, Beau, Alice, and the bug key
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Braidon, Sam, unnamed teacher guy, and penny and red solver
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tessas parents and yellow solver !!!!!
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Ok we are getting obscure now theres Ron, Reid, Riley and Ronathon
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Its the gin rummy gang Todd, Makarov, Unnamed guy... and Braxdon
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and now theres Frank, Grant, Sarah and tim
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Unnamed detective and another unnamed wdf worker and posters are Lainey Gilmore, Kenzie Rivers, Dillan Hall, and Angela Palmer
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and thats it, the last one is Emily and Kelsey Day :3
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possuminnit · 1 year
lainey hear me out. there are these guys. called c!crimeboys
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cyrus i love getting doodle reqs from u
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avephelis · 9 months
hi avph ur animal assign is a weasel
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silly guy ^_^
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lainey i have no idea why i put off answering this ask for 9 months when i literally scribbled something for it but this moved me so greatly it resulted in me doodling a weasel fursona of myself like this is so real
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softlyapocalytpic · 1 year
Felt like I was in a mood to think about how Amy would feel about the growing romance between Butch & Lainey in our LW wanderer AU <3 @persephotea take this small silly treat
Amy was bouncing her leg hard enough that her desk was starting to rattle. Mr. Brotch looked back at her a couple times with an arch brow, but something on her face made him keep his thoughts to himself. Amata - and Freddie - didn't feel so charitable. She tried to stop, really, she did, but anytime she saw Butch giving Lainey those big ol' doe eyes when he thought no one was looking it made her want to snap her pencil.
When Lainey had started tutoring him she'd been worried. Not the Butch would try anything weird, but that he'd be a dipshit. Now Lainey was looking at him like blushy cheeks and baby doll eyes and- and she wasn't saying a word to Amy about it. Both her and Amata kept asking, but Lainey's lips were sealed.
Amy dug her pencil onto the page of the essay and tried really really hard to not be pissed off about it. What Lainey did on her own time was none of her damn business and Lainey wanted to keep secrets now than whoop-di-fucking doo. Good for her.
Someone tapped her shoulder and Amy turned to fund a marker being handed to her, big brown eyes that smiled at the corners. Lainey had leaned over, smelling like cinnamon & coffee, and her heart skipped a bit Amy looked at it warily.
"Brotch still hasn't given you the colors back?"
Amy was scowling back (she knew she shouldn't, she could hear her Dad reprimanding her) but took the marker anyway, "I'm on a two-week probation. Apparently 'the bard's work isn't for doodling'." Amy rolled her eyes, "I don't get what's so great about Romeo and Juliet anyway-"
A ruler rapped against her desk, "Lockhart, Watson. Care to share with the class?"
They both straightened up in their seat instinctively, but Amy's mouth was faster than her brain, "I mean I could, but I don't think you'd like it." She bit her tongue.
'Damn it.' She could hear Butch and the other snakes snickering on the other side of class and it made her want to punch something.
"Please, go ahead."
If it had been any other day she would've shut her mouth and apologized (probably), but having all these eyes on her made her skin crawl and she was so tired of Butch's shit. "I don't see what's so great about Romeo and Juliet."
"Why is the best love story ever written? They don't love each other- they barely know each other! Romeo was in love with someone else at the start of the story, whose to say he would've been any better to Juliet had they actually lived? It's just sad, not romantic. It shouldn't be seen as a love story, but instead what happens when-"
Brotch cut her off, "I'm glad to see you were actually paying attention to some of the lecture, but next time-" he plucked the marker out of her hand, "-try applying that to your behavior, please."
Amy slumped into her seat and propped her chin in her hand feeling all of those hot sparks flying and nowhere to put it. She zoned out the rest of the lecture feeling like moments from flying off the handle, and was going to stalk off to practice when a warm hand grabbed hers.
"Amy! Wait up!"
Cinnamon and coffee.
She felt her cheeks ignite.
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fischerfrey · 2 years
HPMA; Dawncey ficlets, part 7
Quincey and Dawn haven’t talked since the incident during the party. Then Dawn is in need of a nap...
Words: 2.5k
A/N: Nothing explicit in this chapter!
MCs included:
Dawn Harvelle by @potionboy3
MCs mentioned:
Jimmy Crouch by @potionboy3​
Lainey Bell by @gcldensnitch​
​Beginning |Previous Chapter|Next Chapter
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October 9th, 2012
Quincey was hardly listening to Professor McGonagall. It was the first class Hufflepuff shared with Gryffindor since the party, and Dawn was nowhere to be seen. Quincey was scared Dawn was avoiding him again, but he had his doubts even Dawn would go as far as to skip classes just to stay out of his sight. Quincey got his answer, when the classroom door flew open, and Dawn rushed in.
“Sorry professor,” he said, out of breath. “I was at practice and lost track of time.”
McGonagall gave Dawn an appraising look. “While I appreciate your dedication to your House team, I expect you to come to class in time, Mr. Harvelle.”
“Yes professor, sorry professor,” Dawn replied, looking for a place to sit. Quincey didn’t fail to notice that the only free seat was the one next to his. Dawn noticed too and locked eyes with him.
“Take your seat now,” McGonagall told him, and Dawn came over. He didn’t look at Quincey as he sat down. Quincey didn’t have any easier time concentrating for the rest of the class.
The minutes seemed to tick by painfully slowly. As the class was finally, mercifully, dragging to close, Quincey had all but given up taking notes. He tried to listen but mostly he tried not to be aware of Dawn’s presence right next to him. Dawn, apparently, had it in his head to make Quincey’s life unbearable. He laid his hand on the desk, right next to Quincey’s. Quincey glanced at Dawn from the corner of his eye. He was still taking notes, seemingly unaware of their hands laid out right next to each other. Except that he moved his pinky finger slightly, brushing against Quincey’s hand. Quincey looked at him. Dawn was still not looking back. Quincey felt his heart flutter in his chest. Then, to make matters worse, Dawn put his hand on top of Quincey’s. It was embarrassing how that was enough to send sparks down his spine. When McGonagall dismissed the class, Quincey didn’t move. Dawn pulled his hand away and started packing his things.
“Hey, Dawn?” Quincey asked.
Dawn turned to look at him. “Alderly.”
“Did you write down the part on conjuration?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Could I… see?”
Dawn pulled his notebook out of his bag and handed it to Quincey. “Sure.”
His notes were neat, and the page was decorated with doodles. Quincey examined the drawings.
“These are really good,” he told Dawn.
“I have a good handwriting, I get that a lot,” Dawn said.
“No, I meant the drawings,” Quincey corrected.
“Oh, those,” Dawn said. “I was bored.”
“They’re cool,” Quincey said and wrote down what he figured was important about conjuration.
“Were you distracted during the class?”
“Yes… Yes, a little.”
“That happens to me a lot,” Dawn said. “But I’m good at multitasking.”
“I’m definitely not,” Quincey admitted. He had enough trouble trying to get his brain to cooperate with one task.
“No wonder you suck at polo,” Dawn teased.
“I don’t suck… Well, maybe I do.”
The last of the students trickled out of the class. Quincey considered asking about the hand holding but he decided against it. He handed Dawn’s notes back to him. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” said Dawn and put the notes back in his bag. “Ready to go?”
Quincey stared at him.
“Uh, yes, let’s go.”
“After you, sweet prince,” Dawn said, and Quincey rolled his eyes but smiled.
They walked side by side out of the classroom. Quincey wasn’t sure where they were going but he wasn’t about to ask. It was Dawn who broke the silence.
“How are things?”
“Just fine… thank you for asking,” said Quincey. “And with you?”
“Busy,” Dawn said. “With Quidditch and such…”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Takes most of my free time.”
“You were late today because you were practicing?”
Dawn nodded. He did look a little tired. Shadows under his eyes that Quincey didn’t remember seeing there before.
“That’s dedication,” Quincey noted.
“Yeah,” Dawn agreed. “I’m exhausted, though.”
“It’s always like this early in the season,” Dawn explained. “Takes time to find balance, at least for me.”
“Slowing down and relaxing is really not my thing,” answered Dawn.
“You probably hear this too much, but you need to rest.”
“Not that much, really,” Dawn said. “People just assume I have limitless energy.”
“Well, you do seem like that sometimes.”
“Not today, I’m afraid.”
“Can I do something?” asked Quincey.
“Like punch me unconscious?”
“Well, no,” Quincey chuckled. “Maybe not that.”
“Are you offering to help me relax?”
“Oh, well, yes,” Quincey stumbled over his words. “If you want to, that is.”
“Are you offering to do yoga with me?”
“Yoga–?” Quincey started. “Oh, ha ha.”
Dawn laughed, grabbed his arm, and pulled him along to an abandoned corridor.
“I don’t think this is the best place to do yoga,” said Quincey.
“Then forget the yoga.”
“Excellent idea,” Quincey agreed and pulled Dawn into a kiss. Dawn wrapped his arms around Quincey and kissed him back. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was doing, only that it was a bad idea and that he hadn’t wanted anything more in a long time. Dawn was going to snap out of it at some point anyway, but at the minute Quincey was prepared to have his heart broken, if it meant he could have this for just a little while longer.
“We keep meeting like this,” Dawn observed.
“Yeah, it seems that way.”
“Correct me if I’m wrong but you’re, like, my nemesis.”
Quincey stifled a laugh. “I think I am your nemesis, yeah.”
“Then why are you the one who’s always avoiding me?” asked Dawn, and he seemed to be serious. Jesus Christ.
“Come here,” said Quincey and pulled him into another kiss. He didn’t want to have this conversation right now.
“Wait,” said Dawn and placed a hand on his chest. “This isn’t going to… change anything? Is it?”
Quincey sighed. “No, of course not.”
Dawn kissed him again.
“I have an idea,” said Quincey.
“Is it a dirty idea?” Dawn inquired.
“No, not really,” Quincey said. “Come with me.”
He started towards the Hufflepuff common room, Dawn following him. It was as stupid of a plan as any of his plans had been lately, but suddenly he didn’t care that much about spending Saturday in detention, if Dawn could get a couple of hours of sleep.
“Are you taking me where I think you’re taking me?” asked Dawn. He had that glint in his eyes again.
“You need rest.”
“Ooohh, rest, is it?”
“Yes, a nap.”
“Nothing’s going knock me out better than exhausting myself,” Dawn smirked.
“You’re awful.”
Dawn laughed and Quincey was stupidly in love with him and his life sucked.
It was surprisingly easy to sneak Dawn into his dorm in the middle of the day when there was barely anyone there. All he did was give him his Hufflepuff tie and hope no one took close enough of a look. There was no one in his dorm, thankfully. He suspected all the boys had classes or extracurriculars, so he wasn’t too worried they’d show up. Or if they did, that they’d particularly care.
“I’m bad influence, babes,” said Dawn.
“Or maybe I am?” suggested Quincey in return. Dawn scoffed.
“Is this a good time to admit I don’t really like yellow?” Dawn asked. He was looking at the canopied beds with disdain.
“Hey, yellow is nice.”
“I suppose it is sort of cozy, in a Hobbit hole kind of way.”
Quincey smiled and sat on his bed. “So, you like it?”
“I suppose I like it,” Dawn admitted. “The yellow compliments the wood tones nicely.”
Quincey laughed and Dawn walked up to him. “This yours?”
“Yeah,” said Quincey, nodding. Dawn sat on his lap and Quincey’s heart did cartwheels.
“Hi,” Dawn said. He had a soft, tired smile on his face.
Dawn kissed him. They kept kissing for a while like that, and it was all kinds of exciting to have a boy in his bed, on his lap.
“What were you saying about a nap?” Dawn asked after a while.
Quincey laughed. “It’s why we’re here.”
“In your bed.”
“In my bed.”
“A very soft bed,” said Dawn got up from his lap and lied on his back, pulling Quincey along.
They kissed again, and suddenly Quincey was keenly aware of how intimate the situation was. Dawn and he had had their encounters in places much less private.
“Nap,” said Dawn.
“Yeah,” said Quincey and wrapped an arm around Dawn’s waist.
“Sweet dreams.”
“You too, love,” Quincey whispered and then immediately regretted it. It was vastly different to call Dawn love in a mocking way in the middle of an argument than… whatever this was. Dawn tensed slightly under his arm. Quincey buried his face in Dawn’s neck, he couldn’t look at him.
“Does anyone know?” asked Dawn after a beat of silence.
“Know what?” asked Quincey.
“That you’re gay?”
“Oh…” Quincey muttered. “No, not really.”
“No one?”
“Olympia might know but not because I told her.”
“How do you know?”
“I don’t for sure, I mean Lainey might also know…”
“I meant how did you find out that you… were gay?”
“I... well a girl kissed me, and I didn't much like it,” Quincey said quietly. “I thought; hmm, maybe this would be nice if it was Brendon Urie or... Harry Potter,” he let out a small laugh. “Christ, I had such a crush on Harry Potter.”
“Funny,” said Dawn. “I’ve been compared to Harry Potter.”
Quincey sighed. Dawn could be so incredibly thick when he wanted to. “Yeah,” he just said. He didn’t have patience to explain to Dawn the implications of what he’d just said.
“Are you into emo music?” Dawn asked.
“That’s your takeaway?” Quincey asked. He was truly so baffled at how Dawn’s mind worked.
“It just stood out.”
“I like Panic! At the Disco, a prince can have taste, you know.”
“I don’t know if I’d call that taste,” Dawn remarked. Quincey laughed.
“Do you think you’re ever going to tell people?” asked Dawn.
“I don’t know, it’s all so complicated.”
“I bet.”
“I wish it wasn’t.”
Dawn petted his hair.
“I wish I was just a nobody.”
Dawn sighed. “I had no idea.”
“That’s the idea.”
“No,” Dawn corrected. “I meant I had no idea who you were, you just surprise me, that’s all.”
“Oh,” Quincey sighed. He was so gone for this boy it was embarrassing.
“So, kissing girls? That’s not what you do?” Dawn asked, changing the subject.
“I can if I have to,” Quincey said. “I’m something of an actor on that department.”
“Which one do you do more?”
“I don’t actually get to kiss that many boys, believe it or not.”
Dawn made a dissatisfied sound. “That’s unfair.”
“Well, I’m richer than God so that makes up for the homophobia, mostly.”
“I don’t think that’s true if it means you have to play a role for the rest of your life,” said Dawn.
“I’m good at it though,” Quincey said. “I mean, you believed it, and you’re brilliant.”
“Oh, I’m not very smart when it comes to these things,” Dawn said. “When Jimmy came out, I thought he was joking.”
“Your best friend Jimmy?”
“One of them, but yes. He’s bi.”
“Oh, I didn’t know.”
“He just dropped it in a conversation, all casually,” Dawn continued. “I honestly didn’t think he knew what a feeling is.”
“I am kind of scared of him,” Quincey admitted.
“He’s all bark no bite.”
“Good to know.”
“I kissed him once,” Dawn said, quite casually, to Quincey’s amusement.
“You did?”
“I thought it might be fun, but he said I’m a bad kisser.”
“You…” Quincey laughed. “You’re not bad, but that’s still funny.”
“Ha, suck it, Jimmy!”
“Yeah, suck it,” Quincey said, smiling against Dawn’s skin. Dawn yawned and Quincey pulled him closer. “How about that nap, now?”
“Yeah,” Dawn said quietly and pressed a kiss on Quincey’s head.
They slept for too long. Quincey was woken up when he heard noises from the stairs. He poked Dawn and told him to hide under the bed, which he did with the agility of a Quidditch player. Quincey made small talk with his dormmates who didn’t leave, so Dawn was stuck under the bed until after dark. It was hilarious and awful at the same time, and Quincey knew he was never going to hear the end of it. So, he did homework, revised his Charms essay, and bided his time. Once he was fairly certain he could sneak Dawn out without further complications, he peaked under the bed.
“Dawn?” he whispered.
The boy was asleep under the bed, using a book as a pillow. It was open on the last pages, so he must’ve spent the hours reading, until falling asleep. He looked very different asleep, still, calm. Quincey forced himself to stop staring and poked him.
Dawn stirred, lifted his head and hit it on the bed. “Ow…”
“Are you okay?” Quincey asked.
“Uh… yes, I must have taken a nap…”
“Yeah,” said Quincey, smiling. “You must’ve. Come on, we have to sneak you out.”
“Best hurry, I don’t want to go back down there, although the nap was relaxing.”
Quincey smiled and headed out. There were a couple of people still in the common room and he was pretty sure Barbara Katz gave Dawn an odd look, but she didn’t say anything.
Once outside, Quincey could finally breathe a sigh of relief.
“Well, that was something,” he said.
“I guess I got what I needed,” said Dawn. “Plus, a sore back.”
“Christ, I’m sorry, it was a bad idea.”
“Not your fault.”
“It was my idea,” said Quincey.
“You didn’t count on us sleeping for so long.”
Quincey sighed. “Yeah, okay, but… still.”
“It was kind of exciting, actually.”
“Exciting? What if one of my dormmates turned out to be a twat and turned us in?”
“What can I say, you’re Prince Charming, I’m just daring.”
Quincey rolled his eyes. “Oh my god…”
“I’m joking, you’re not charming at all, you’re Prince Pisses-Me-Off.”
“Watch out, you almost said something nice to me,” Quincey observed.
“I know, you’ve cast a spell on me.”
“A spell,” said Quincey. “Sure…”
Dawn pushed his arm gently and Quincey pushed him back. It almost felt like bantering with a friend. Dawn laughed, and the sound echoed in the empty corridor. A few paintings shushed them, annoyed. Quincey kissed Dawn and felt like on top of the world. It really was an emotional roller coaster in his head.
“Good night, Prince Pisses-Me-Off,” Dawn wished, when they pulled apart.
“Good night, idiot” Quincey said, smiling like an idiot. He watched after Dawn as he headed towards the stairs leading up from the dungeons.
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heartintact · 2 years
☆ muses !!
audrey flynn. 23-26, bisexual, chemistry student (alisha boe fc). former prom queen, people take turns for her to break their heart, still learning how to let go.
blair irvine. 25 - 28, bisexual, podcast creator (rachel sennott fc). born to be the center of attention, always the most suspicious person in the room, will lie for fun.
camille cain. 24- 27 (centuries old in some verses), she/her, bisexual, vampire in some verses (anya taylor joy fc). pure evil, will manipulate her way into getting what she wants, devotion that corrupts.
chloe prescott. 22-26, bisexual, personal assistant for a magazine / camgirl (sabrina carpenter fc). the glossiest of lipsticks, christmas sweater’s apologist, making others blush like it’s a hobby. 
elaine (lainey) bardot. 23-25, she/her, bisexual, professional tennis player (ella purnell fc). obsessed with winning, nothing she ever does is accidental, feelings are a liability. 
gemma harmon. 23 - 26, she/her, bisexual, coffeehouse waitress | alt modern day princess (jaz sinclair fc). sees the good in everything and everyone, doesn’t care about other people’s expectations, it’s hard for her to feel like she belongs.
iris reyes. 21-23, bisexual, film student | assistant to a movie director (jenna ortega fc). tiny but mean, wicked sense of loyalty, likes to play dirty.
jasmine alcott. 25-28, she/her, bisexual, chef (laura harrier fc). needs approval the same way others need air, just wants to take care of people, has cried tasting meals at least a dozen times.
juno faulkner. 24 - 27, she/her, bisexual (maddie phillips fc). aspiring actress | former theatre kid. wishes she could love people less, always gives a genuine reply whenever someone asks how her day was, lights up scented candles when she’s feeling stressed.
maude seong. 23 - 26, she/her, lesbian (london thor fc). journalist | writer of a “how to” column. doesn’t know how to stay still, small tattoos from every country she’s visited, tries to come across as mysterious but will become best friends with every girl she meets at the nightclub's bathroom.
olivia ‘liv’ harrington. 24 - 26, bisexual, english lit graduate (daisy edgar jones fc). read all the classics before it was cool, loves to doodle, lingerie no one sees.
stella alvarado. 21 - 23, bisexual, office assistant | cheer captain. (clara galle fc). trying to find fun in the middle of her 9-to-5, usually the last one to leave but just because she’s not that productive, scribbled notes as a love language.
sylvia gilmore. 23-25, lesbian, college student (reneé rapp fc). will judge everyone who crosses her way, has a thing for older women, your favorite mean girl.
vera salazar. 23 - 25, bisexual, singer/songwriter (nicole wallace fc). keeps every love letter she’s ever received, stays up at night thinking about what-ifs, will do her makeup in a moving car and will make it look great.
atlas dixon. 24 - 27, he/him, straight (asa germann fc). horror movie actor | aspiring director. dark circles under his eyes, can’t pretend to be interested when he’s not, gets into a lot of fights and loses most of them.
denver oakley. 26-30, he/him, straight, aspiring writer (logan lerman fc). dancing in the kitchen, getting in trouble because he’s always saying what he thinks, would die for you.
dylan bradshaw. 23-25, he/him, bisexual, english lit major | alt marketing assistant (mason gooding fc). a great shoulder to cry on but no one asks, will always offer if someone needs a place to stay, constantly misunderstood. 
graham munson. 25-29, he/him, bisexual, twitch video-game streamer (chris briney fc). deep down he means well but still manages to screw things up, the creator of one night stands, late night walks around the park. 
jonah mei. 26 - 29, he/him, bisexual, event promoter (derek luh fc). humor as a coping mechanism, won't tell anyone but he loves gardening, will make people fall in love with him just for sport.
logan brody. 26-29, he/him, bicurious, full-time trust fund asshole (dacre montgomery fc). million dollar smile, online shops when he’s bored, adrenaline and bad decisions. 
marcus powell. 40-44, he/him, straight, college teacher (ryan gosling fc). late nights out and very early mornings, the desperate need to be in control, thinks in metaphors. 
matthew novak. 30-33, he/him, straight, programmer (lucien laviscount fc). logical thinker, can’t admit when he’s wrong, ivy league. 
nathan craven. 27 - 31, he/him, bisexual, camp counselor (joe keery fc). the golden boy, afraid he peaked at high school, everyone's best friend.
shane ledger. 24-27, he/him, bicurious, will take literally any job if he needs to pay rent, will also hate every second of it (joseph quinn fc). guitar string scars on his hands, the town’s dealer, will-pull-at-your-pigtails-if-he-likes-you kind of guy.
steven warhol. 36-40, he/him, straight, politician | alt priest (andrew garfield fc). phone is always on less than 20%, following his family’s footsteps, charms his way through life.
fantasy muses (the olympians universe).
cassandra olson. she/her, bisexual. (sabrina carpenter fc/rain spencer fc). daughter of aphrodite. pomegranate juice, mischievousness personified, will put ribbons on everything.
conrad nye. he/him, bisexual. (drew starkey fc). son of poseidon. rebellious heart, will kill for you, rules don’t matter to him.
annika daulby. she/they, lesbian. (kaia geber fc). daughter of ares. shaking fists, sitting on the roof late at night, dark humor.
zion baxter. he/him, straight. (tom blyth fc). son of hermes. dealing with high expectations, trust issues, destined for greatness.
canon muses.
disclaimer: there's a preference to write them against other canon characters. while this is a work in progress, the following muses are available upon request:
marie moreau (gen v, jaz sinclair fc).
chad meeks-martin (scream, mason gooding fc).
tara carpenter (scream, jenna ortega fc).
tatum riley (scream, sydney sweeney fc).
kate carter (twisters, daisy edgar jones fc).
tyler owens (twisters, glen powell fc).
chrissy cunningham (stranger things, grace van dien fc).
carmen 'carmy' berzatto (the bear, jeremy allen white fc).
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solitariusdeluna · 2 years
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so since this blog has had content for a good while. i was reminded by the babies yesterday by lainey and wanted to do a doodle of them which i just finished. so here they are. they’re two years old now irl time uvu 
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thatguylainey · 3 months
Sonnet! A dnd character I’ll be using in my campaign for a few months as for a break from miko, though I will bring her back in around December! I probably could’ve done better with this drawing but I’m gonna be okay with this for now.
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citrussp · 1 year
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[OC] Photo Shoot
Tried practicing backgrounds and something new to try out with one of my characters. (I probably think it's best if I make another post dedicated to talking about my OCs here, lol)
Lainey's (green hair) the photographer of her high school newspaper club, while Alice (the one posing in the photo) is the artist.
Extra Doodle:
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simpgoose · 2 years
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Alright alright so. Day two ig, this is a poorly thrown together doodle I did late last night as a wind down between my day and bedtime bc I went ahead and randomized. We pulled Blake (right), a pansexual cis man who is my partner's character. (Yesterday, I think I forgot to mention that Lainey is my character and Drew was also my partner's *rip*) Blake is sort of? a main character, in that he is sort of the """viewer's""" main exposure to a specific group of OCs that are all mine, being the Estrellas. Blake himself grew up in the small town that said group of OCs would eventually collect in, and he knew one of the foster kids before she was in the system- Heather (not in the image), who was his best friend. Ultimately, her home life was *fucked*, and when put into the system, she managed to qualify for the specific parameters that the Estrella house was looking for (this will not make very much sense at all but it's important for Blake I am so sorry if this sounds like non-sense) Anyways, his friend changes her name to Summer bc her old name carries a lot of trauma. They grow up together, best friends, dependency issues develop, still close, but he opts to move to California after HS graduation to pursue an acting career. Now, what happens there is dark, so I will put that at the very bottom with TWs and stuff, but for anyone who wants to avoid that, I'll give you a trigger free run-down; Meets girl, falls in love, things go Terribly Wrong, he ends up in a psych facility/rehab center, comes back, while he's dealing with all of that trauma, he experiences a lot of lessons in life and love with said group of OCs and the other people that exist in his home town. He *at current* is set up to end up with Summer after lots of therapy and a third poly member named Maxine, but also Blake is such a lovable goofball of a sunshine himbo that it's hard for us to not want to write him a romance with *everyone* there (in fact, we have given him a happy ending with almost every character in this setting, to the point where we've considered making a dating sim). Blake is a guy that loves to play into the big idiot golden retriever stereotype, but he is actually pretty intelligent when it comes to visual language and cinematography. He knows a surprising amount about color theory and framing, and has a lot of emotional depth and awareness that he's improving through therapy. All Blake wants to do is put more good into the world than bad, and sometimes that results in him taking the brunt of the bad if it means he feels like he's doing some good in the process. - Now. About Ophelia (left, my OC) and what happened in California and why we felt she was the most necessary adjacent OC to place here even though she has very little "screen time". What happens in California is never focused on very heavily in the story aside from how it effects Blake as an otherwise totally optimistic and almost "happily stupid" type of character, but it's written out in such a way that you can understand *why* it effects him the way it does. These topics aren't meant to be taken lightly. -
TW: Drug use mentions, non-explicit su*c*de via OD - - Blake has. An extremely hard time finding acting jobs, as you would probably guess, considering the stereotype. Through a friend, he's been able to crash with some acquaintances in town, who are more than happy to provide him a support system. But he's a small town kid in a new city with complete strangers, albeit friendly ones. One of those strangers is Fawn, who introduces him to the local party scene. There, he meets one of her acquaintances, Ophelia. Ophelia is pretty, charming, witty, and bubbly. She's got cool gray eyes that still feel warm, and he's never felt quite so shy about only having brown-hazel before. Something about her feels familiar in a way none of the people he was staying with did. They spend a long time talking; he finds out she's looking for model work in the city, and he mentions his want to be an actor. They very quickly spiral into dating as two optimistic kids looking for their shot at fame. However. Ophelia happens to have a group of friends at about this exact time who start getting into some *hard* drugs. She's battling self image issues, despite the fact that everyone's encouraging her that she can find model work as she is, and ends up leaning into these for not only escape, but as a means to lose weight. Blake, in one of the deepest mental pits of his life, starts doing this with her. The support group that he was with starts getting shut out as they call attention to the dangers of using this substance. They try to talk to both of them to get help, but with the codependency and addiction, it doesn't sound like reasonable advice to the two of them, and so they run off. They live on the streets for a very short period of time, crashing with some of Ophelia's crowd. Eventually, they do manage to get a very, very, very shitty motel room for a few nights. Blake goes out, trying to look for any work to get any more money, and comes back to a letter that only says "I love you" on it. Blake calls the paramedics and the cops. He calls the friend he had back in his hometown, the one that recommended him to said earlier support group, who drives several hours just to come sit with him. This is Bailey Estrella. She talks to him for a while (and tells him that her friends had been extremely worried about him after he ran off), and eventually convinces him to go to a rehab center. She drops him off, and hangs around with her friends that she had recommended him to so she can keep an eye on him while he gets better. When he eventually does get out of rehab, Bailey helps him move back home after having a small celebration with him and her group of friends. Blake is aiming to go back to college for photography now, having fallen out of love with his movie star dreams. In spite of all of this, Blake really tries to uphold that sunshine demeanor. More than anything, it's a mask to try to be his old self again while he handles his shit. And some days, the lie works so well that he thinks maybe he is that version of Blake again. Other days, he grapples with the idea that he's just animating this ghost of himself for other peoples' sake. Regardless of what his happy ending is, it always results in him accepting that he's been through shit, and it's the choices he makes in spite of it that make him a better version of himself, not pretending to be a happier version of himself.
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thejvalentino · 3 years
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Did a page for my LU oc Lainey! She was my first oc for this fandom.
I haven’t finished the page with her minish form so hopefully that’ll be posted later
Close ups under the cut
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possuminnit · 4 months
lainey hi hello!!! if you want could you perhaps draw my oc's raquel and hannah please... thank you!!
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↑ a doodle of them I had for reference
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i already love them a lot
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prince-grim · 3 years
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Look at those crazy beans
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