#laianely answers asks
laianely · 5 months
Excuse me, the problem with Hook and Milah situation is not about whether he took her willingly or not, it’s about the way he did it, the way he made Rumple think he took Milah by force and would use her and then let all his men use her and then she'll probably die AND he mocked Rumple with the duel while knowing Rumple won't fight, not because of cowardice but simple common sense: he probably wouldn't be able to win the duel with Hook (who looks like an experienced swordsman) even if he had two good legs but with his injury and limp? he wouldn't stand a chance, so if he agreed he risked leaving Bae an orphan on top of him still not being able to save Milah... and Hook knew all that and mocked him and made Rumple live with the guilt of not being able to save his wife from being raped by a bunch of pirates.
You see, that's the problem with Hook and Milah situation. Not whether she asked him to take her with him or not.
And now Rumple thought about Bae? Not at that time when Bae could die and Rumple was afraid to do something even if it was his only chance? It was just luck that he could save him, but another hint he couldn’t do real things for someone.
Well, mocking and lie wasn’t good. I don’t deny it. Wasn’t clever to act like this from both – not only Hook, but Milah too (as she didn’t want to tell the truth and decided it was the easier way). But in my previous post I mentioned specific comment and it was the “answer” on it. And it still doesn’t justify the Milah’s murder and doesn’t cancel Hook’s whole story.
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kmomof4 · 4 months
A Scoundrel… Or a Gentleman?
Ohhhhhh, I’m so happy to FINALLY be posting this fic!!! Inspired by Francesca Bridgerton’s story, When He Was Wicked, I wrote the prologue - 8k words - last September, then took a six month break before sitting down and getting the rest of the thing written. I so hope I did the story justice and that you enjoy and let me know what you think!!
And now thanks to whom thanks are due!!! @jrob64 is a LITERAL SAINT for everything she did to make this fic better. She is an outstanding beta and a dear friend, but I seriously tried her patience going back over and back over and back over AGAIN trying to make this just right. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, my friend, for EVERYTHING!!!
To @hollyethecurious for all the historical info that she shared with me and asking the questions that needed to be asked and answered before the fic was ready for posting. Her support was absolutely invaluable. Thank you, babe!!!
To @motherkatereloyshipper for her work on the Prologue artwork shown below. It is soooo beautiful, I could stare at it for hours!!! Thank you so much, darlin!!! Please give her lots of love!!!
The fic is complete with a total of 9chs. I’ll be updating twice a week- Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Summary: Killian Jones has been in love with Emma Nolan since the day he met her - the day before she married his brother Earl Liam Jones. That was six years ago, and Liam has been gone now for four years. Emma and Killian have both arrived in London for the season - her to seek a husband so she can hopefully bear children, him to finally take up his duties as the earl, including finding a wife. Will they succeed in their respective desires?
*spoiler alert- of course they will. It’ll just take them a little while to get there…*
Rating: M (smut in later chs)
Words: almost 8400 words of approx 59,5k
Tags: Regency Romance, Inspired by Francesca Bridgerton’s Story, Smut in Later Chapters
On ao3 if that’s your preference.
Tagging the usuals. Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed.
@Jrob64 @winterbaby89 @hollyethecurious @the-darkdragonfly @jennjenn615 @donteattheappleshook @undercaffinatednightmare @pirateherokillian @cocohook38 @qualitycoffeethings @booksteaandtoomuchtv @superchocovian @motherkatereloyshipper @snowbellewells @pirateprincessofpizza @djlbg @lfh1226-linda @xarandomdreamx @tiganasummertree @bluewildcatfanatic @anmylica @laianely @resident-of-storybrooke @exhaustedpirate @gingerchangeling @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @stahlop @darkshadow7 @fleurdepetite @captainswan-kellie @soniccat @beckettj @teamhook @whimsicallyenchantedrose @thisonesatellite @jonesfandomfanatic @elfiola @zaharadessert @ilovemesomekillianjones @mie779 @kymbersmith-90 @bluewildcatfanatic
Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it.
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There is a moment in every man’s life in which his future becomes clear. A turning point of sorts. The moment when he becomes a man, when he leaves the irresponsibility and temerity of youth behind and turns his eyes to the future. A future that he’d never bothered to think about before. Unfortunately, that moment came for Killian Jones when he first laid eyes on Emma Nolan at a supper celebrating the imminent marriage between herself and Killian’s brother, Earl Liam Jones.
After years of chasing anything in a skirt, Killian grimaced at the irony. In all that time, he’d never allowed his heart to become entangled with his many, many romantic exploits. Allowing himself to be chased until he conquered, his reputation as a rake and a scoundrel was well deserved. He’d even stopped attending church, although he assuaged the pricking of his conscience by telling himself the derelict stones of Kilmartin Abbey on the Kilmartin estate up in Scotland… no originality among his ancestors there, who were so proud of the title when it was newly bestowed about 300 years ago, they attached it to everything they possibly could... Anyway, the Abbey couldn’t withstand a direct strike of lightning, which would surely happen if Killian Jones ever showed his face inside. 
Killian Jones
Worst of Sinners
He would have had it printed on calling cards if he didn’t think it would actually kill his mother. The only semblance of honor he’d maintained in his heart over all these years was the fact that the only times he’d slept with married women was if their husbands were tossers, and they’d produced at least two male offspring. Three, if one was sickly. He’d also never seduced a virgin, but even that wasn’t enough to redeem him now. Because this was the one thing that truly blackened his soul beyond all redemption. 
He coveted his brother’s wife. 
And had since that fateful moment two years ago. The day he met Emma Nolan. Now Emma Nolan Jones. Lady Kilmartin. Countess Kilmartin. Wife of his brother, the Earl of Kilmartin.
He could torture himself for days, thinking of every iteration of Emma Nolan Jones, but it would never change the simple fact. He couldn’t have her. She’d never be his.
Now, looking around the room where he, Emma, and Liam were enjoying some after-dinner conversation, he had to rise and cross the room to the decanter, pouring himself a drink to avoid the thoroughly besotted eyes Liam and Emma were making at each other.
“What shall we do for our second anniversary?” Emma asked, sitting down at the pianoforte, her long delicate fingers tickling the keys. Killian swallowed a low groan.
“Anything you want, darling,” Liam answered. He smiled gently at his wife as he opened the evening edition of the Times. She turned her attention to Killian.
“What do you think?”
“About what?” he asked, turning to her, a charming, lopsided smile on his face. No one took him seriously when he smiled like that, which was exactly the point. She pressed her lips into a thin line and Killian relented slightly. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t listening.”
“What should we do for our anniversary?”
If she’d thrust her own hand into his chest and squeezed his heart to dust, it probably would have hurt less. He shrugged indifferently. He was, after all, an expert at hiding what he really felt.
“It’s not my anniversary.”
Emma rolled her eyes, the corner of her lips lifting in amusement. It probably wasn’t a good thing that Killian spent far too much time studying the lips of his brother’s wife.
“I’m aware,” she huffed. “I was asking if you had any ideas for us.”
Killian lifted one brow quizzically. “Why would you ask me, when I have absolutely no experience in the realm of marriage or the anniversary celebration of such?”
The amusement left her face and was replaced with irritation and no small amount of sympathy. Emma rose and moved toward him.
Oh, God, he thought. Please no. There’s nothing worse than when she…
She placed her hand on his arm.
“You won’t always be unmarried, you know,” she said gently.
She shouldn’t be touching him. She couldn’t be touching him. His next words were with the singular purpose of getting her away from him.
“Am I to become your project then?” he bit out. “‘Killian can’t possibly be happy living his life of debauchery and aimlessness, so I must see him married,’” he mocked. “I am not interested in marriage, thank you very much.” 
She removed her hand from his arm and backed up, her brow furrowed, her mouth a small o of hurt. Thank heaven, it bloody worked, he thought, even as the guilt surged.
“We care about you, Killian, and we want to see you happy.”
And there it was. We. Not I. We. They were a unit. Liam and Emma. Lord and Lady Kilmartin. She may not have meant it that way, but that was what he heard. As if he’d ever forget it.
“I care about you, too.” His voice wasn’t much more than a whisper and he shot pleading eyes toward his brother who finally gave up all pretense of reading.
“Emma,” he chastised lightly. “Killian is a grown man. Let him find his happiness when he’s ready. In his own time.”
Emma shot her husband a disgruntled look. Killian had to bite back a bark laugh. He knew Emma almost as well as he knew his brother, and he recognized the root of her irritation was at being thwarted in her attempt to arrange the people in her life to her satisfaction. Liam smirked at him and picked his paper back up as she returned to the pianoforte and sat down, her visage contemplative. It suddenly lit up and Killian’s heart rate increased with it. 
“I should introduce you to…”
“Emma.” It was only a single word, but Liam’s voice held a note of reprimand in it. Leave him alone.
Emma deflated and Killian could have kissed his brother. He may have only thought he was saving Killian from Emma’s nagging, but if he had to suffer the woman he was in love with trying to find him a match - a match he was wholly uninterested in - it might be the final straw of his sanity. Truly. 
“We should all go for a walk,” she said suddenly. Killian looked out the windows where darkness had finally descended over London.
“Isn’t it a little late?” he asked.
“Not with two strong escorts,” she cheeked.
“I’ve an appointment in an hour,” Liam said. He winced and rubbed his temple. “And I’ve got a headache. I think I’ll lay down for a bit before leaving.” He looked at Killian then. “But you should go.”
Absolute proof that Liam hadn’t a clue about his brother’s true feelings for Emma.
“Parliament?” Emma asked. Liam nodded and rose. “Do you want me to wake you when we return?”
“I’ll ask my valet to do it, darling,” he said, dropping a gentle kiss to her lips. Killian averted his eyes. He’d never begrudge his brother and his beloved their happiness, but he certainly wasn’t going to watch them bask in the clear love between them. 
“I’ll just be a moment,” Emma assured him once Liam left, a soft smile on her face, her forest green eyes glowing. Perhaps it should disturb him how certain he was of the color of Emma’s eyes when she wasn’t even in the room, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. He dreamed in shades of green these days. Emma green, the color should be called. He poured himself another drink and slammed it back, trying to steel himself for their impending constitutional. 
He knew he shouldn’t be accompanying her. He knew he shouldn’t ever be alone with her. But when she smiled, he was helpless to resist her. It may leave him wracked with equal parts guilt and desire later, but he couldn’t deny himself any amount of time in her presence. Because that’s all there would ever be. He’d never act upon his desires. Never betray his brother in that way or sully Emma’s reputation. There’d never be a kiss, meaningful glances or touches, whispered words of love and affection, or moans of passion. 
All he’d ever have was her friendship, her smile, and her company. And besotted fool that he was, he’d be happy with it.
She came back down wrapped in a soft yellow cloak and he held his elbow out for her to take. Resigned to his fate, he escorted the love of his life out of the house and to the street below. Lucky him.
As Emma and Killian walked along the street, Emma couldn’t help but think what a dear man her brother-in-law was. Oh, he’d be certain to scoff and list all the reasons his soul was as black as they came (none of which, she was afraid, were exaggerated) if she expressed those sentiments out loud, but she knew him nearly as well as she knew her husband, and Killian Jones possessed a heart of honor and had a capacity to love that was unequaled among the men of her acquaintance. And if she didn’t find him a wife soon, she’d go mad.
“Killian,” she began, turning to look at him.
“Ah, ah, ah,” he interrupted. “Didn’t Liam just suggest that you let me find my happiness in my own time?”
Emma’s jaw dropped in shock. “How did you know what I was going to say?”
“You’re a bit of an open book, my dear,” he said, looking at her and booping her on the nose. Emma huffed indignantly as they continued their walk.
It was funny. When she met Liam, she fell head over heels in love more quickly than she ever imagined possible. He understood her in a way that she’d never experienced before. Of course, she loved her family immensely, but as the youngest of six siblings, she often felt lost in the shuffle. Killian was the only sibling Liam had, and removing herself from the hubbub of London and her large family felt like a breath of fresh air. Not to mention the actual fresh air of Scotland, her new home.
But then there was Killian. She hadn’t met him until the day before her nuptials to Liam, since he’d just recently returned home from the Napoleonic Wars on the continent. He was handsome, to be sure, but there was an undeniable connection between them that she felt from the moment she met him. If Liam understood her the way no one ever had before - the opposite side of the same coin - then Killian was like a puzzle piece that fit her perfectly. A puzzle piece she never knew she was missing. He completed her. Besides Liam, Killian was her very best friend and that was why she wanted him to be as happy as she was. And the only way that was going to happen was if she found him a wife who’d make him as happy as Liam made her.
“Finding me a wife is not among your duties, Lady Kilmartin,” Killian spoke again, drawing her from her musings.
She huffed again. “Well, it should be.”
He laughed, which delighted her immensely. She could always make him laugh.
“Very well, then,” she said, dropping the subject for now. “Tell me something wicked. Something that Liam wouldn’t approve of.” Her lips lifted in a conspiratorial smirk that he returned in kind. It was a game they played, that spoke again to how Killain somehow completed her. As much as she loved her husband, hearing about Killian’s exploits was always immensely entertaining. And she knew Liam enjoyed hearing about them, too, even if he gave a token admonishment whenever he was also present. Killian never shared too much, he had too much discretion for that, but he’d share hints and innuendos that never failed to amuse her greatly.
“Alas, I’m afraid I’ve done nothing wicked this week,” he said with a sigh.
“You?” she asked, incredulous. “I find that very difficult to believe.”
“It’s only Tuesday, my dear,” he reminded her.
“I’m aware,” she shot back, “but aside from Sunday, which I’m sure you’d leave sacred…” She shot him a look that belied her words completely, earning her another laugh, “that would leave Monday, and a man can get up to quite a bit of mischief on a Monday.”
“Not this man,” he assured her. “Not this Monday.”
“What did you do then?”
He was quiet for a moment as they continued walking. 
“Nothing, really.” 
There was a tone of melancholy blanketing his words and Emma stopped and turned to him. His blue eyes shone under the street lamps and Emma was shocked at the intensity she found there. A moment later it was gone and the thought occurred to Emma that Killian Jones perhaps wasn’t really the man he wished others to believe him to be. Even her.
She squeezed his arm gently. “We must find you something,” she whispered into the night.
He held her gaze a moment longer then he looked up.
“We must return. Liam will have my head if you catch a chill.”
“Liam will blame me for my foolishness of insisting on a walk after dark, and well you know it. This is just your way of saying you have a woman waiting for you, probably wearing nothing but a sheet.”
He smirked. A devil-may-care grin that made Emma roll her eyes and recall why the female half of the ton fancied themselves in love with him, even without the title.
“Don’t be jealous, my dear,” he said, the teasing clear in his voice, making Emma roll her eyes again.
“As if I ever could be,” she scoffed.
He stopped and faced her, the way his black hair flopped over his brow making her long to brush it back. The intense look was back in his crystal blue eyes and Emma had trouble drawing a deep breath.
“I know.” His voice wasn’t much more than a whisper. “It’s the only reason I tease you.” He reached up and lightly ran his knuckles down the side of her face. “You’re the only woman I know who would never stray. I can’t tell you how much I admire you for that.”
“I love your brother. I could never betray him.”
“I know that, too.” His hand returned to his side. He was so handsome and so in need of love, Emma felt her heart would break. If only he’d let someone, anyone, into his heart. If anyone would care enough to look beneath the handsome, yet devilish facade, they’d find the man she knew- kindhearted, loyal, and true.
They continued toward Kilmartin House and Emma took a deep breath. “Thank you for bringing me out tonight. I was just feeling so closed in, claustrophobic almost. The fresh air did me quite a bit of good.”
“Then I’m happy to have been of service, milady,” he said as they climbed the steps to the front door of Kilmartin House. The door opened, the butler obviously looking out for them, and Emma undid and handed him her cloak and gloves.
“Will you stay or must you go?” she asked Killian. She could just see Liam’s valet coming down the stairs out of the corner of her eye.
Killian checked his pocket watch. “I’ll wait for Liam, if he hasn’t left yet. I came on foot, so I might as well avail myself of his carriage after he’s done with it.”
Emma nodded and turned to the valet. 
“Has his Lordship left yet?”
“No, my lady. I’ve rapped on his door, but he must be sleeping quite soundly. Do you still want me to wake him?”
Emma sighed. As much as she wished he could sleep longer, she knew how important this meeting was.
“No need,” she assured the man. “I’ll wake him myself. Thank you.” She nodded at him and Killian and hurried up the stairs.
Moments later, Emma’s scream pierced the night.
Killian had no memory of taking the stairs three at a time to rush to Liam’s bedchamber, one of two thresholds in the house he’d never breached. He suddenly found himself there, staring at the bed on the other side of the room, barely conscious of Emma screaming from where she sat on the edge of the bed as she shook the shoulders of his unnaturally pale and still brother.
He couldn’t move. He couldn’t breathe. Whoever that was lying on the bed, it wasn’t his brother. His brother was gone. He’d seen death in battle, but death wouldn’t dare come for Liam. Liam. Who was so strong. So steady. The pillar of their family. The one they all relied on. The picture of good health. 
He took a laborious step forward.
“Emma.” His voice was hoarse, strangled, and unsurprisingly Emma made no indication that she’d heard him, her screams continuing unabated. When she finally stopped to take a breath, her face turned to him.
She rose, her movements so slow and graceful, her face nearly as pale as Liam’s, Killian could have mistaken her for a ghost. She glided toward him and as she got closer, he could see the splotches of color high on her cheekbones, the sunkenness and redness of her eyes, the tear tracks down her cheeks. She grabbed his hand, her grip so tight her knuckles were white.
“Wake him up, Killian,” she begged, more tears spilling from her eyes. He met her gaze, knowing the same devastation she wore on her visage was reflected back to her on his own. He wrapped his arms around her and drew her in tightly, automatically, like some kind of machine. She grabbed the lapels of the coat he wore and buried her face in his chest, moaning like a wounded animal. “It was just a headache.” Her tears soaked his shirt. “It was just a headache. How could this happen? I don’t understand!” 
He couldn’t speak. Couldn’t offer her any sort of comfort beyond holding her as he was now because he didn’t understand either. Between Eton, Cambridge, and the Royal Navy, he’d been trained for everything the life of a gentleman had to offer. But he’d never been trained for this.
She pulled back suddenly, the cry falling from her lips coming from the depths of her soul. 
Just as suddenly as she pulled back from him, she collapsed in his arms, bringing them both to the floor. He stared, unseeing, at the far wall, wondering why he wasn’t crying. He was numb and his body felt heavy, like his very soul had been crushed. Killian’s internal cry echoed Emma’s.
“Could she be with child?” 
Killian sat behind Liam’s desk, and blinked at the question posed to him by Lord Isaac, a short and thin man who rather reminded Killian of a rat. The representative of the Committee for Privileges of the House of Lords had a self-important air about him that grated on Killian’s nerves. Liam hadn’t been gone - he still couldn’t bring himself to say or even think the truth - twenty-four hours and here was this bastard, demanding an audience and droning on about some sacred duty to the crown. He turned his attention back to Lord Isaac, his brow furrowed.
“What did you say?”
“Her ladyship,” he repeated, enunciating each syllable carefully, as if Killian had no idea of whom he spoke. “If she’s carrying, it will make things… difficult.”
“I don’t know,” he said, enunciating his own words just as carefully. He couldn’t believe he was hearing this right now. “I haven’t asked her.”
“You need to.” The man sniffed indignantly. “I’m sure you’re eager to assume control of your new holdings, but before you can do that, we must determine if she’s carrying. Furthermore, if she is, a member of our committee will need to be present at the birth.”
Killian was stunned. There was no other word for it. “I beg your pardon?” He was amazed he was able to get the words out.
“Baby switching,” Lord Isaac said grimly, with all seriousness. “There have been instances…”
“For God’s sake…” Killian interrupted, scrubbing his hand down his face.
“It’s for your own protection as much as anyone’s,” Lord Isaac assured him. “If she were to give birth to a girl, and no one is there to witness it, what’s to stop her from switching the babe with a boy?”
Killian couldn’t bring himself to dignify that with any kind of response.
“You need to find out if she’s carrying,” Lord Isaac insisted. “Arrangements will have to be made.”
“She was widowed yesterday,” Killian bit out. “I will not burden her with such intrusive questions.”
“There is more at stake here than her ladyship’s feelings,” Lord Isaac continued, haughtily. “We cannot properly transfer the earldom while there is doubt as to the succession.”
“The devil take the earldom,” Killian snapped.
Lord Isaac drew back in visible horror. “You forget yourself, my Lord.”
“I am not your lord,” Killian growled. “I’m not anyone’s…” He stopped suddenly, realizing almost too late that he was perilously close to tears. He glared at the man in front of him, trying to stave them off. This little weasel, who didn’t seem to understand that it wasn’t just an Earl who had died, but a man. 
His brother.
He expected that as soon as the abhorrent little rodent left, the door was locked behind him, and Killian was sure no one would observe him, the tears would finally come. 
“Someone has to ask her,” Lord Isaac said.
“It won’t be me,” Killian murmured.
“Then I will.”
Killian could take it no longer and was out of the chair like a shot, grabbing Isaac by the lapels of his jacket, pushing him against the wall before the man could even blink.
“You will not approach Lady Kilmartin,” he growled, menacingly. “Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, my Lord,” the damnable man choked out. Killian realized he was turning an alarming shade of purple, so he stepped back, releasing him.
“Get out.”
“You’ll need to…”
“Get out!” Killian roared.
“I’ll come back tomorrow, when you’re in a more calm frame of mind.” The man left quickly with as much dignity as he could muster and Killian closed the door firmly behind him, turning the lock before he returned to the desk.
He dropped his head into his hands and a single tear finally spilled over and tracked down his face. His chest was tight and his throat felt so narrow, it was a wonder he could breathe at all. A gasping sob escaped him and the dam broke. Killian’s anguish poured from him in a seemingly endless tide, the tears streaming down his face, soaking the loosened cravat he wore and the shirt underneath.
How had it come to this? Yes, as long as Liam and Emma had remained childless, he was second in line to the earldom. But no one seriously expected him to inherit. Liam was barely thirty and the picture of health. 
Word had already reached him that men at the club were calling Killian the luckiest man in Britain. What no one realized was that he’d never wanted this. He’d never wanted the earldom. He wanted his brother. 
And no one seemed to understand that.
Except Emma. Her devastation equaled his own, he knew. 
They’d put her to bed last night, him and her mother, Ruth, who’d arrived quickly after his urgent summons, and she’d slept soundly all night, too worn out from the shock of it all. Killian knew, because he’d spent the night opposite the large bed where Emma slept, in one of the chairs where he imagined Liam and Emma taking their morning coffee before starting their days. He couldn’t bear to leave her or be alone with his own thoughts.
When she woke this morning, he could see the moment she remembered the events of the night before. Her eyes landed on him and he saw a moment of alarm, surprise, confusion, and then finally realization. He stood on shaky legs as her eyes filled with tears. They only lasted a moment, however. He watched as a firm resolve took over her gaze, her movements choppy and stilted as she swiped away the evidence of her anguish.
He grudgingly admired her for that and stood before her helpless to do anything useful. What were they to do? Neither of them was prepared for this. They were young, happy, carefree. They’d never dealt with death before and all the myriad details involved with it.
Who would have guessed the Committee for Privileges would get involved? And demand a front row seat to an event that should be a private moment for Emma. If indeed she was with child. Which he was not going to ask her.
“We must inform Alice,” she said.
“Of course,” he murmured. Why he hadn’t thought of that, he’d never know. Their mother would be equally devastated.
“I’ll write the note.” 
Killian could only nod, wondering what he was supposed to do. The answer became apparent when Lord Isaac arrived. But he couldn’t think about that now, all that he stood to gain since Liam was gone. There was nothing good about Liam being gone. And if anyone dared to offer him congratulations…
His tears spent, Killian lifted his head and stared sightlessly out the window. He hadn’t wanted this. Had he?
He only wanted Emma. But not like this. Not at this cost.
He’d never coveted Liam’s title. The money or power.
He’d only ever coveted Liam’s wife.
And now he stood to gain everything that had been Liam’s. Except his wife. Guilt wrapped itself around his heart and threatened to strangle him. 
He didn’t want this. He’d never wanted this.
“Killian?” Her soft knock and voice drew his attention to the door. The locked door. He rose and moved toward it, making no effort to hide his grief. He unlocked and opened the door and she stood there, as thin but strong as a young birch tree, her face pale, her green eyes round as saucers and beyond exhausted.
“I’ve sent a note to your mother,” she murmured. “Is there anyone else…”
Killian shook his head slowly. He knew he should say something to her, but his mind just refused to give him anything. He was too broken, too grief stricken. Just like the woman in front of him.
He gently took her elbow. “You should sit down. You look exhausted.”
Emma shook her head, even as she allowed him to lead her into the room and toward a chair. 
“I can’t,” she murmured. “I can’t stop. If I do…” She shook her head. “If I don’t stop, I don’t have to think. And if I don’t have to think…” she trailed away and her eyes filled with tears again. It didn’t matter. He understood perfectly.
Then she turned her eyes upon him and her mouth opened like she had something to say. He steeled himself against the despair in her eyes.
“I’m pregnant.”
Seemingly overnight, Kilmartin House in London changed. 
First, Alice Jones arrived from Scotland. 
Second, Emma’s own mother, Ruth Nolan was a much more frequent guest than she’d been when Liam was alive. 
Third, Killian was a much less frequent guest than when Liam was alive. 
And Emma wasn’t sure she’d survive that last one.
Of course, it was a comfort to see her mother-in-law. They got along well and Emma loved her. And she’d known the grief of losing her husband. But now she’d lost her son, and in many ways was in as much need of comfort as Emma herself.
And of course her own mother was also a comforting presence, having also been widowed young, but Killian was the one she needed. Killian was the one who knew and loved Liam best, besides herself of course, and Killian was the one who most understood what she was going through.
He still came to visit occasionally, but when he did, he didn’t feel there. Not like he was when Liam was alive. His eyes were distant and he didn’t come anywhere near her, beyond what propriety demanded when greeting her or taking his leave - a formal bow, a slight brush of her knuckles with his lips, murmured words she could barely hear. He wasn’t the same.
And it was killing her.
But, she reminded herself, he was hurting, too. 
She reminded herself of it when she didn’t know what to say to him. She reminded herself of it when he didn’t tease her. She reminded herself of it when they sat together in the parlor and neither had anything to say.
She’d lost her husband. And she’d lost her best friend at the same time.
She was lonely. And so sad. Why had no one told her how sad she’d be? But would she have believed them? Of course not. There was no understanding this kind of grief without experiencing it for herself. 
Killian was the one link to the husband she’d lost - who’d loved him as she did - and she hated him for being here, but not being here. To walk beside her in their mutual grief. So they could be a comfort to each other.
It never occurred to her that in losing Liam, she might lose Killian, too.
“How are you feeling, dear?” Alice’s gentle question drew Emma from her musings. She blinked, momentarily unable to really comprehend the question, much less answer it.
“Uh, fine,” she said after a moment, with a slight shake of her head. The soft smile on the face of her mother-in-law, coupled with the joyful sadness in her eyes, prompted a small smile from herself as well. It brought home the fact that while Alice had lost her first born, the fact that Emma was carrying a piece of him brought a measure of peace to her grieving heart. “No different than I ever have.”
Alice sat down across from her and folded her hands in her lap. “It’s remarkable. I’ve never heard of such a thing.”
“If it wasn’t for my missing courses, I’d never know anything was different.” And it was true. She’d been around enough pregnant women to know what to expect in the early weeks and months, and the only thing she was experiencing that might be a symptom of early pregnancy was that she was a bit more tired. But, of course, that could be the grieving as well. Her mother had told her she’d been tired for a year after her father passed. Emma experienced none of the expected quirks and illnesses other women had told her about.
She’d be happy to be losing what little breakfast she was actually eating each morning, if only so she could imagine the little one waving, hello, I’m here!
“I wonder if Killian will be visiting today?” Alice mused.
“He hasn’t been here in three days,” Emma murmured, “So I expect he will.” She’d never admit to counting the days between his visits, but she had been, and he was due for his bi-weekly visit.
“He’s grieving Liam,” Alice said softly.
“So am I.” Her voice was a bit sharper than she’d have liked. “So are you.”
“But it’s different for him,” she continued. “He’s a bit in limbo until you deliver. And that’s still six months away.”
“Well, I can’t do anything about that.”
“Of course not,” she replied. “I just hope that he begins thinking about the future soon. If you do deliver a girl, he’ll have to marry and produce an heir.”
Emma scoffed. “Killian will do what has to be done, but he’d never marry while he’s still grieving Liam and it’d be dreadfully unfair to expect him to.”
“Of course,” Alice agreed. “I just so want him to be happy. Even with Liam gone.” She sighed forlornly.
It was odd. Emma wanted Killian to be happy, too, but imagining him married was rather hard to picture. Of course, it hadn’t stopped her from trying to push Killian in that direction. But if she was really honest with herself, he just didn’t seem the type. For years, she’d had Liam and Killian had been their rather constant companion. Could she be happy for him if he found love and happiness and she remained alone? Was her heart big enough?
She was tired and feeling a bit weak as well. She stood, grasping the arm of the chair when a sudden wave of dizziness came over her. 
“I think I’ll lay down for a nap,” she said. “Wake me when Killian comes, if you please.”
“Of course, my dear. That’s a very good idea. You need your rest.” A sudden gasp escaped Alice and Emma saw that she wasn’t looking at her, but at the seat she just rose from. 
There in the middle of the cushion was a small patch of red.
Killian stared at the almost full bottle of rum sitting on his desk. His life would have been much more bearable if that amount of alcohol was enough to get him drunk. But unfortunately, Killian was blessed with quite a robust constitution and could hold his liquor with aplomb and grace. 
He glanced outside the window to see it was still some hours from sunset. Also unfortunately, he couldn’t make himself override the good manners and etiquette Alice had instilled in him from the time he was a small boy that refused to let him get bosky before the sun set. 
He tapped his fingers against the desk and wondered what he ought to do with himself. Liam had been gone for nearly two months now, and he hadn’t yet brought himself to move into Kilmartin House, still living in his modest apartments a few blocks away. According to Lord Isaac, whose lectures he was eventually forced to endure, the title would go into abeyance until Emma delivered. And if she gave birth to a girl, then the title and everything with it would be his. But given that that event was still six months away, Killian felt he could get away with not taking up residence in the earl’s house. He told himself he didn’t want to move in only to have to move out again in six months.
But the truth was something else entirely. He wasn’t sure he could survive living under the same roof as Emma. 
She was still living in the house. She was still the Countess of Kilmartin. And would be until she gave birth to a girl and he married. Which he was absolutely not inclined to do.
Because even if he did end up as the earl, Emma wouldn’t be his countess, and that knowledge was enough to make him seriously think about damning etiquette to hell and downing that entire bottle of rum between now and sunset.
He would have thought his grief would have overtaken the longing in his heart for Emma, that he could be near her and not want her so much he could barely breathe. But no. His heart still ached with the pain of loving her. Even being in the same room with her caused his breath to hitch and his heart to race. 
And now, all that longing was intertwined with a suffocating guilt. As if there hadn’t been enough of that when Liam was alive. 
Emma was in pain. Grieving. And he should be there comforting her. Who could better do so? No one had known Liam better than he did. The two people who knew and loved him best should be comforting one another in their loss. But no, instead of comforting her, he was lusting after her. What kind of bastard lusted after his sister-in-law, his pregnant sister-in-law, when his brother wasn’t even cold in his grave?
Him, apparently. 
And so he stayed away. Not completely. He couldn’t get away with that, not with his mother in residence at Kilmartin House. In addition, although the title wasn’t potentially to be his for another six months, everyone was looking to him to manage the affairs of the earl. 
It was the least he could do. For Liam. For Emma.
He may not be able to be her friend at the moment, but he could make sure her finances were in order.
She didn’t understand. And he knew she didn’t. She’d often come to visit him when he was working in the study of Kilmartin House - going over various solicitor’s and land steward’s reports - looking for their previous camaraderie, he knew, but which he was unable to give. Not yet.
“My lord?”
Killian looked up at the door to see his valet, Smee, and a footman wearing the unmistakable green and gold livery of Kilmartin house.
“A message from your mother,” the man said, approaching with an envelope in his outstretched hand. “She said it was urgent.”
His brows rose on his head. Urgent? That was new. His mother had sent him nearly daily missives, or it seemed like it anyway, but they were never more than just prattling on about the doings at Kilmartin House. She was likely just trying to keep herself busy.
Once Smee and the footman left the room, he opened the letter.
Come quickly, it said. Emma has lost the baby.
Killian himself was nearly killed several times, not to mention the numerous pedestrians who were in his way, as he raced on horseback to Kilmartin House.
But now he stood here in the foyer, holding his crying mother, and he didn’t know what to do with himself.
A miscarriage they called it. It seemed like such a small word for such a profound happening. And why had they called him? This was the province of women and doctors. Of which, he was neither. What could he possibly do?
But then it hit him. He was the earl.
Slowly but surely over the last two months, Killian had been stepping into Liam’s shoes. And now that process was complete. The final nail in the coffin, so to speak. 
It took nary a thought to murmur comforting nonsense to his mother as he led her to the downstairs parlor, her sobs abating. 
“It’s like losing Liam all over again,” she whispered.
“I know,” he agreed. And he did. While Emma had been pregnant, a small piece of Liam still existed on this earth. And while he wasn’t yet prepared to step fully into Liam’s shoes, by the time she delivered, he would have been, and he would have done everything duty demanded. For Liam, his child, for Emma.
But he wasn’t ready. He couldn’t. Not yet.
That last fragile link to Liam was snapped and he was right back where he was two months ago.
“How is she?” he asked.
“In shock,” she answered quietly. “She’s been crying. She can’t seem to stop. She asked for you.”
Killian’s head snapped toward his mother.
“Me? Why?”
Alice’s face was surprised. “She wanted you.”
“But… I can’t…” he stammered.
“Yes, you can.” His mother looked confused at his refusal. “You have to,” she insisted.
Killian shook his head vehemently, his hands starting to tremble. “I can’t go in there.”
“You can’t abandon her!”
“I’m not! I didn’t!” he cried, the grief breaking free. “Liam abandoned her! Liam abandoned me!” he shouted. His voice shocked him. He sounded like a wounded animal - pained, panicked, confused. Tears pricked the corner of his eyes. “She was never mine to abandon!”
“Killian George Alaster Jones!” his mother cried, shocked. “How can you say such a thing?”
“Mother,” he all but moaned. “She needs a woman. What can I do?”
“You can be her friend,” she said softly.
“No. I can’t. Not yet.” The anguish on his mother’s face was real and he knew his was the same. In a move of utter and pathetic cowardice, he rose and ran from the room. 
If there truly were nine circles of Hell, then in the month since he’d taken on his duties, Killian surely must have taken up residence in one of the lower levels of Hell on earth. With every new ceremony, each document he signed as Kilmartin, and every “my lord” he was forced to endure, it was as if Liam's spirit was being pushed further and further away.
Everything that had been Liam’s was now his. 
Except Emma.
And Killian was determined to keep it that way. He would not bring that last insult to bear against his brother’s memory. He’d seen her, of course. And offered his best words of comfort. Which were, truthfully, woefully inadequate. And both he and Emma knew it. 
He’d been more relieved that she was physically unharmed than upset over the loss of the child. But he couldn’t very well say that.
Their mothers, for some reason, felt compelled to describe the event in gruesome detail, a chamber maid trotting out the bloodied sheets as proof that Lady Kilmartin had indeed lost the baby. Lord Isaac had nodded in approval when presented with the evidence, but had then added that Lady Kilmartin would still need to be observed closely for the next few months to be sure she was not increasing. It wouldn’t be the first time someone had tried to circumvent the sacred laws of primogeniture, he’d asserted.
The rage inside Killian at that statement nearly propelled him to pick up Lord Isaac bodily and throw him out the window, but he managed to control himself by the most tenuous of grips.
He still hadn’t moved into Kilmartin House. He knew it was expected, but the circumstances at the house hadn’t changed, and Killian still couldn’t bring himself to live in the same house as the woman he loved.
Who now stood at the threshold of his study. She looked thin and pale, but her green eyes flashed.
“Emma?” he asked. “What are you doing here?”
He was shocked. He couldn’t deny it. She’d never been here. Not when Liam was alive. And certainly not after.
“I wanted to see you.” The rest of her statement, her accusation really, went unspoken. You’ve been avoiding me.
Was this improper? He hadn’t a clue. Their relationship now was so different and ambiguous, he couldn’t guess what rules of etiquette applied. He motioned to a seat and she took it, her fingers twisting in her lap. 
She finally looked at him, her gaze intense, grief and anger swirling in their depths.
“I’ve missed you.” Make that an even lower level of hell.
“Emma…” he tried.
“You are… were… my friend,” she said, angrily, swiping at the tear that tracked down her face. “Besides Liam, you were my closest friend!”
Emma, I…” he tried again. He was a fool. And a coward. And he didn’t know what to say to her.
“Where have you been?” 
“I…” He was speechless. Brought down by an angry and grief-stricken face, and a mountain of guilt. Although guilt for exactly what, he couldn’t pinpoint any longer. It came from too many sources to make sense of anymore.
“I needed you.” The plaintive need in her voice nearly undid him. “You knew him best. You loved him the most, besides me. Why didn’t you come and help me?”
Killian looked down at his desk. He couldn’t lie to her. But he couldn’t tell her the truth either.
“I don’t know,” he settled upon instead. She was quiet and Killian couldn’t bring himself to meet her eyes.
“That’s it then,” she whispered. 
“I guess so,” he replied sadly. The sadness threatened to consume him. In the eyes of the ton, he may have gained much, but in reality, he’d lost everything. And the one person who needed him the most… he couldn’t be what she needed. He couldn’t stand to be near her. Because the grief and the anger and the love and the guilt were a never ending flood, and he was drowning.
The ticking clock on the mantle was the only accompaniment to her swirling thoughts. She looked at Killian and took in his tense shoulders, his rigid bearing, the unbridled grief on his countenance mirroring hers. 
“I’m sorry, Emma,” he finally said, taking a tentative step toward her. Then another. Then another. Then he was kneeling before her, his hand on her knee. “I’m so, so sorry, Emma.”
“Why did this happen?” she cried. “I don’t understand!” The tears poured from her eyes and Killian gathered her into his arms. “It isn’t fair!” She clutched at his jacket, holding on for dear life as all the grief, all the anger, all the confusion that she thought she’d already released burst forth from her all over again.
“It isn’t fair that it happened to me!” she lamented. “It isn’t fair that this happens to anyone! Oh, what am I to do?”
“I don’t know.” She could just hear him murmuring into her hair and placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head. And the comfort she felt from him holding her was almost more than she could bear. For the first time in months, she felt safe and warm. And not alone.
Her tears finally spent, she pulled back from him. 
“Will you come back? To Kilmartin House?” she asked, her voice shaky. “Will you stop ignoring me? I still need you.”
She could see the tears in his own eyes, grief and something else she couldn’t identify, as she waited for him to speak.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I didn’t know what to say to you. Didn’t know what I could do, so I stayed away.”
“I know,” she said quietly, looking down at her lap. She still clutched at him, unable to let him go, or the warmth and safety he gave. “I knew that’s why you were staying away, but it didn’t make it hurt any less.”
“I know. And I’m sorry.” He released her and stood, even as her arms reached for him again. “I’ll take up my residence in Kilmartin House.”
He could deny her nothing. And living under the same roof couldn’t possibly be any worse than what he’d already had to endure. And if it was, and it did actually kill him, then so be it.
“Thank you. That will… that will be a great comfort to me. And your mother as well.” She paused for a moment and rose. “You know, you were to be his father, in a way.”
Killian felt the blood drain from his face and his heart stop. 
“What did you say?” The words were soft, weak, he could barely catch his breath to get them out.
“The baby,” she replied, turning toward him. “In the absence of his father, you’d have been the closest thing he had. And even with him gone, having you here will help me let him go. Let them both go.”
But Killian didn’t hear those last words. His heart started beating again at a gallop and the blood rushed in his ears. All he could grasp from her statement was that he would have been a father to the baby, and that knowledge destroyed him. 
The title, the lands, the money, the power, the responsibility were all his now. The only things that weren’t were Liam’s wife and child. And now Emma was telling him that wasn’t true either.
He grabbed Emma by the arms. He was shaking, and she looked frightened but he couldn’t stop, couldn’t let her go.
“No!” he cried. “I can’t! I won’t! I’m not Liam!”
“Of course you’re not,” Emma cried out, thoroughly alarmed at the sudden change that had come over Killian. She’d never seen him like this. His eyes were glazed and unseeing, his grip on her arms painful, but her words to try and reach him, to get him to release her, fell on deaf ears. He looked wild, crazed, like a cornered animal that would either make a last desperate attack to try and save itself, or fall over and wait for the final killing blow.
“You can’t ask this of me,” he breathed, the strength and energy that fueled him, completely disappearing. He still held her tightly, but his eyes were finally seeing her and not some vision playing out in his mind. “I can’t do it.”
“Killian, you’re hurting me,” she whispered. “Please let me go.” He released her suddenly, the recrimination in his eyes and the restored blood flow in her arms bringing tears to her eyes.
“I’d… I’d better go,” she said, pulling away from him. She looked at him for a moment more, trying to make sense out of what just happened. She’d never seen Killian like that before and it frightened her. She wasn’t afraid of him, though. Even after that, she knew with utter surety that he would never harm her and would protect her to his last breath.
“Perhaps… perhaps it would be better if you remained here instead of Kilmartin House.”
“Y- yes,” he stammered, nodding with a jerky motion. “I think that would be best.” 
Not only had she lost Liam, and her child, but it was now clear she’d lost Killian as well. And she didn’t quite know what she would do about that.
Once Emma was gone, Killian sat back down behind his desk and poured himself a tall drink.
He’d made a promise to her and broken it almost in the same breath. He’d spent the last month fulfilling the duties of the earl and then Emma’s words made him realize something.
She truly had no inkling of his feelings for her, and as long as that was the case, as long as she didn’t understand how much he hated himself for every step he took in Liam’s shoes, he couldn’t be near her. 
And that brought him to a decision. Rarely in life had his path been this clear. He slammed back the rum and rose from his desk. When he arrived at his bedchamber, he found his valet carefully folding a cravat.
“Smee,” he asked. “What do you think of India?”
Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought! Next ch will be up on Saturday!
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laianely · 5 months
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
(Hi Laia <3)
Hi Stef <3
Thank you for this cute message)
And let me think … 🤔
1. I’d never had bangs but I decided to have curtain bangs a month ago. Blame JMo and Emma Swan for this with her beautiful layers 😅 Love how it looks but hate to do the styling🥲
2. My first fanfic was about Pokémon. I wish I could erase it from my memory.
3. I tried to be an IG blogger and had a blog about video games with reviews and recommendations. But since Instagram was banned for us, I gave up.
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laianely · 5 months
And no, it doesn't justify Milah's murder (honestly, I think that was actually OOC for Rumple, like the writers sometimes tend to go overboard with Rumple and Regina, painting them too black), but that lie in many ways influenced and shaped the way Rumple views himself, and his self-loathing, and his fear of powerlessness, and his craving for power as a way to protect himself and his loved ones because he doesn't believe he can do it on his own.
And neither Hook nor Milah ever expressed remorse over their actions.
I mean, sure, Hook does have the "he was a good man and I was a villain but I became a better man and he became a villain" scene but the latter part of that statement crosses out the former because 1) Hook didn't change that much, even if I do believe he loves Emma, he stills has his old ways of dealing with things and he still is waiting for the right moment to kill Rumple (that much is made clear on a number of occasions, including his S5 "kill Rumple" mission — and don’t tell me it's the Dark One talking because 1) you don’t see Emma go on a killing spree against all those who wronged her, even though she clearly feels like a lot of people, including her parents, did wrong her, when she was the Dark One 2) if you don’t count the Dark One's influence on Rumple as a mitigating circumstance in Milah's murder, for example, then why would you count it as one in Hook trying to kill Rumple — or his end-of-S6 "I’ll help Emma defeat your mother and then... I will finally skin myself a crocodile" scene) and 2) Rumple is not a villain, he is still a man trying to keep his loved ones safe, even if he does makes mistakes in how he goes about it, and Hook knows that
Oh, no) I'm going to tell about "The Dark One talking", 'cause you compare Emma who was powerful light witch, the Survivor, the product of powerful true love with the man without magic powers who was in dark more than 200 years. They're not equal here. Otherwise we have Rumple with similar background with Hook. And he went to darkness again and again. And yes, the darkness had its influence on both Hook and Rumple here. The difference: Hook realized his mistake and changed everything at the cost of his life, and Rumple killed Milah again.
As for the remorse: I think it's the problem of the whole show. Not only about Hook, but about all "villains". They just mentioned their regret (or sometimes even not, like Regina thought it's better that she didn't go to tavern and made the curse 'cause now she had the family - a little strange to me) and hadn't big statements about it. And others sometimes just forgive everything without reasons to all of them. The difference sometimes is how "the villains" handle with their mistakes.
About his "I will finally skin myself a crocodile" - you know what's "funny", I cut clips for the video yesterday and threatening to kill each other is so usual things for all "villains" there. And really we can blame him for this line when Rumple's mother tried to kill Emma and Rumple had some kind of help here? Hook had the real chance to kill him in s5 when he didn't know he's the Dark One and Rumple had no powers, but he didn't try.
Look, I don't try to tell that Hook hasn't sins. He has. A lot. It's just strange to me how people sometimes tell about his sins and like to forget his way and the sins of their beloved characters, who did completely the same. And it's important how the "villains" handle with their mistakes.
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laianely · 9 months
4, 7, 8 & 11 for the ask game ! [also hiii this is mari <3]
Hi Mari! <3 Thank you for asking!)
4. How many published works are you leaving unfinished going into the new year?
2 - "Hooked Swan" and "The Cure For Loneliness". Not sure they will be ended soon)
7. Share a line/paragraph/snippet that you were especially proud of from a work this year!
There are many of them) I chose this from "Hooked Swan")
Looking around, Killian discovered the large rocks, and a plan came to mind. Approaching the helm, he ordered Smee to stand aside, took control of the ship and directed it towards the rocks. The beating of his heart was fast, pulsing in his temples, while Hook, staring at the horizon, tried to calculate every move. There was no room for error; otherwise they would make a sieve out of his ship, and all his people who relied on him would die. He just couldn't let them down. He couldn't let Emma down. And the enemy ship was getting closer.
"On my command, shorten sail and drop anchor!" shouted Killian. "Load the cannons with chain shot!"
He noticed the sailors exchanging puzzled glances, probably thinking he was mad, but they took up their positions without objection. Turning the ship so that Jolly began to circle the rocks around, Killian expectedly lost the hunter frigate behind them.
"Shorten sail! Drop anchor!" shouted Killian.
The captain watched as Jolly's wings folded, heard the anchor hitting the water with a slap and waited for the moment of braking, but inertia kept pulling them forward.
"Come on, come on," Killian whispered urgently, his voice pleading. "Don't fail me, my love."
8. What's your favorite work you posted this past year?
I can repeat it once again but now with more confidence: "Hooked Swan" !
11. Do you have playlists for any of your fics/wips?
No. While writing, I usually listen to something that suits the mood of current work or current moment or a playlist "Piano music for writing". But maybe I'll make special playlists one day.
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laianely · 9 months
3, 8, and 14 for the ao3 ask game!
3. How many fandoms/pairings did you write for this past year?
Two fandoms - one pairing in each. In the beginning of the year I was still in Borderlands fandom, although it no longer brought me any joy. But I clung to it because I was sad to break up. When OUAT and Captain Swan began to occupy my brain, I even started to write Borderlands/OUAT crossover) But it'll never be finished.
8. What's your favorite work you posted this past year?
It's hard question. I think it's "Hooked Swan". It's a big plot project and I really enjoy the way it turns out.
14. Give us a sneak peek of one of your upcoming works!
This is from the first chapter of my third plot fanfic, which has working title "Wildest Dreams". Maybe I publish it this year or maybe not) I wanted to do it in the last year, but stopped myself, 'cause I already had two unfinished works. But maybe it's not a problem at all)
Killian looked where the woman was standing, as usual, and she was there. And now he could see what attracted her attention. There was a painting on the wall, depicting the restless waves of the sea, with a lone ship making its way through them. Jones' mouth dropped open in amazement at the incredible resemblance of this ship to the Pearl of the Realm.
Killian looked where the woman was standing, as usual, and she was there. And now he could see what attracted her attention. There was a painting on the wall, depicting the restless waves of the sea, with a lone ship making its way through them. Jones' mouth dropped open in amazement at the incredible resemblance of this ship to the Jewel of the Realm.
And then he moved toward the stranger. As he passed the table, he ran his fingers over the back of one of the chairs and could have sworn he felt the softness of the upholstery against his skin. When he stopped behind the woman as he had the last time, he reached out for her, but she had already turned to him, and excitement burst into Killian's heart. This moment felt like something truly long awaited, and he was afraid that it would all evaporate again - perhaps that was fate, that was the message of this dream. And he froze, literally losing the power of speech, when he met the gaze of the woman's green eyes. She looked at him in surprise, batting her eyelashes, and then her lips curved into a soft smile.
"Hi," she said, caressing his ears with her voice. "You're finally here."
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laianely · 5 months
omg I hope whoever keeps harassing you with those asks stops soon 😤 like why did they think arguing anti hook rhetoric to a pro hook account would work 💀
Yeah, it's a little weird but also interesting in some ways) It's a good opportunity to think about the answers to all of these things, to find lines and comparisons.
0 notes
laianely · 5 months
Your edits are so beautiful and smooth, I was wondering if you could make, like, a tutorial or something?
Sometimes I get the idea of an edit I'd like to make, but I don’t know how people make them, especially so beautiful and smooth edits with all those cool transitions like yours are.
Hi! Thank you! I'm glad you like them!)
As for the tutorial: I think maybe I can try to do it. To be honest I'm not completely sure it'll be good, but it'll be... something =D
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laianely · 5 months
Oh, but that's the thing:
Rumple never loved power, and certainly never loved it more than his loved ones, than Bae or Belle.
Rumple loved his family more than anything. And he wanted to keep them safe and happy. He just — mistakenly — thought that having power is the only way he can do that.
He didn't believe in himself and his ability to protect his loved ones and see to it that they want for nothing, so he thought that he needed the power to do that.
But he never loved power for itself. He never loved power for the sake of power. And he certainly never loved it more than his loved ones.
(Even though, I admit, there was a part of him that also wanted power to be free, because he's lived his whole life being oppressed, looked down upon etc, watching people like Hordor be cruel towards and mock and hurt etc people like him, and so with the DO power, especially in the earlier years, came the freedom of not having to bow down to anyone or lick anyone's boots, of being the master of one's fate and being able to make sure that his son never has to know the life of povertry or oppression and never has to bow down to anyone, but still, that was about freedom and not about power itself)
Okay, then why did Rumple let Bae fall into the portal without him? Why he tried to free himself from the control of the dagger and gain unlimited power? Why he lied Belle again and again? Why he came up how to gain the power of all Dark Ones from Hook when he finally get rid of it?
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laianely · 5 months
So, you want to remember the honestly rather iffy plotline with the snake but you are choosing to forget the whole flashback story of "Desperate Souls", S1 episode, where Rumple, among other things, went through a freaking blazing castle to get the dagger to save Bae (and other children) from the war?
How that was cowardly or not being able to do real things for someone?
To be honest this thing is a little blurry for me ‘cause of his following actions. The Dark One told him about power and then we saw that Rumple loved power a lot, more than Bae and Belle sometimes. So I can’t completely say was this for the children or for him.
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