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harukehn · 2 months ago
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art party dec. 2024 (NA)
Lærling - @sylvaridreams
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sylvaridreams · 2 months ago
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I can't post the whole thing on tumblr due to Nudity etc but I'm not even mad about it and i didn't work super hard on it for ages so i'm not upset. and if you're also not upset about it you can visit damazcuz dot neocities dot org slash r18 dot html. and feel nothing about no one. here I'll type it in for you.
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sylvaridreams · 1 year ago
MANA I'M YELLING....! AAAA! what a way to end the week... <- pretending this week is over now :) yay
this is so lovely thank you for drawing them ;-; i should really get them on my roster sometime fr
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GW2 VS Art Party (oct), of Laerling for @sylvaridreams!! Damaaaa, I loved your pretty icey sylvari!!! They're so cool!!! (metaphorically and physically). Sorry I got a bit carried away and took some artistic liberties~ I gave them icicles and their encased root hair crown into ice as well (based on a really pretty weather phenomenon I've seen irl).
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Dodo sketches from Joris Joostensz Laerle, in a ship's logbook from 1601-1603. These were the first drawings of a live dodo, and the only ones drawn on Mauritius. Apparently another dutch name for the dodo is "walgvogel", disgusting bird, because despite hunting them for food, not everyone thought they were that tasty :^l The logbook was on display at the temporary exhibit at the Allard Pierson museum
Closeups of these sketches and the sketches of a (likely) dead dodo:
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Joris also drew other birds that later went extinct: The mauritian parrot, the red rail, and the Mauritian pigeon
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The closeups of the sketches are from the Atlas of Mutual Heritage, where you can find more sketches and information about the logbook
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season-of-the-scion · 2 months ago
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\\ NA [VS] Art Party - December \\
Feline Fatalis - @jaded-cactus
Ellika Morgasdottir - @moth-tea-merchant
Laerling - @sylvaridreams
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waltfrasescazadordepalabras · 6 months ago
Karl Adolph Gjellerup- [Viajeros hacia la eternidad]
Eres como una estrella perdida en un sistema planetario extranjero - y un día, quién sabe cuándo, seguramente conocerás a la que perteneces. "Ahora lo entiendes, ¿verdad? Solo sabes lo que creen los de este viejo país, lo que cree todo un mundo aquí al amanecer: que el amor verdadero, el amor irresistible es un hallazgo, no es solo una renovación del amor de otra vida".
2 de junio de 1857- Natalicio de Karl Adolph Gjellerup- Premio Nobel de Literatura 1917
Karl Adolph Gjellerup (Roholte, 2 de junio de 1857 - Klotzsche, 11 de octubre de 1919) fue un dramaturgo y novelista danés, ganador del premio Nobel de Literatura en 1917.
Inició sus estudios, pero los abandonó, quizás siendo influido por el crítico literario danés Georg Brandes. A partir de 1892 vivió en Alemania donde escribió varias obras en alemán.
Sus primeras novelas, Ung Dansk (Joven danés, 1879) y Germanernes Laerling (Discípulo de los teutones, 1882), eran consideradas autobiográficas y acusaban la influencia del determinismo crítico de Brandes. Su tragedia lírica Brynhild (1884) fue la que indicó el principio de una etapa de producción dramática. A esta siguieron varias obras con temas revolucionarios, como St. Just (1886), Thamyris (1887) y las comedias Herman Vandel (1891) y Wuthorn (1893).
En sus últimas novelas, como Pilgrimen Kamanita (El peregrino Kamanita, 1906), se ve su fuerte atracción por la cultura alemana, donde aborda ampliamente el misticismo oriental.
En 1917, junto con Henrik Pontoppidan, ganó el premio Nobel de Literatura, que le fue otorgado en reconocimiento de su «variada y rica poesía inspirada en altos ideales». Entre tú pecho y tu mejilla. Karl Adolph Gjellerup
Como la brisa de la tarde, tan fresca y suave, en mi frente tu aliento parpadeó, calmando lentamente mis pensamientos, como un barco flotando en el sol entre el lago y los vientos que soplan - entre tu pecho y tu mejilla. Entre tu mejilla y tu pecho allí descansaron mis pensamientos. Las canciones de la voz del corazón. Donde escucho cuentos de aventuras; cantó melodiosamente tu sangre renovó como una ninfa en el río de la vida, sotto la costa dell'amore; y al igual que mi sueño, atrapado en las profundidades. Sobreviví en las costas del amor - entre tu mejilla y tu pecho". -Karl Adolph Gjellerup
El peregrino Kamanita, 1906-  Karl Adolph Gjellerup [Fragmento]
En el barranco. Conmovido profundamente por estas vívidas memorias, el joven errante entró en silencio por un corto período. Luego suspiró, se llevó la mano a la frente y continuó con su relato.
En breve, hermano: durante todo ese tiempo anduve como si estuviera intoxicado con la dicha y mis pies parecían que nunca tocaban la tierra. En una ocasión me vi obligado a reír a carcajadas porque escuché que había gente que llamaba a este mundo "un valle de lágrimas", un lugar de insatisfacción, y que dirigían sus pensamientos y aspiraciones a no renacer nuevamente en este reino humano. «Qué tontos desorientados, Somadatta», grité, «¡como. si pudiese haber una morada de éxtasis más perfecta que la Terraza de los Dichosos!» Pero debajo de la terraza... estaba el abismo.
Y allí abajo fuimos empujados, mientras decía esas palabras tontas y, como si fuese para demostrar que aun los placeres más grandes en la tierra tienen sus amarguras, fuimos atacados en ese mismo instante por varios hombres armados. En la oscuridad, no podíamos distinguir cuántos de ellos había. Afortunadamente, fuimos capaces de cubrir nuestras espaldas poniéndonos contra la pared de piedra; y, dándonos cuenta con calma de que ahora éramos amenazados solo desde el frente, comenzamos a pelear por la vida y el amor. Juntos, apretamos nuestros dientes y nos mantuvimos en silencio, como la noche, mientras nos defendíamos y avanzábamos tan serenamente como era posible; pero nuestros contrincantes gritaban como demonios a fin de estimularse entre ellos, y creímos poder distinguir que eran entre ocho y diez.
Aunque encontraron delante de ellos un par de espadas mejores de lo que esperaban, nuestra situación era de todos modos grave. Dos de ellos cayeron pronto al piso, y sus cuerpos obstaculizaron la pelea de los demás, que temía tropezarse y quedar de ese modo a la merced de nuestros sables. Presentimos que habían retrocedido unos pocos pasos, ya que no sentíamos más su aliento cálido en nuestras caras.
Murmuré unas pocas palabras a Somadatta y él se movió un poco hacia el costado. De ese modo nuestros agresores, imaginándonos en el lugar anterior, habrían hecho un salto repentino hacia adelante, chocando con la pared de piedra y rompiendo así las puntas de sus espadas; mientras que las nuestras habrían encontrado un lugar entre sus costillas. A pesar de que éramos tan cautos como se podía, algunos débiles sonidos pudieron haber despertado sus sospechas, ya que el ataque a ciegas que esperábamos no ocurrió. Pero entonces vi un estrecho rayo de luz pegar en la pared, y al mismo tiempo me di cuenta de que este rayo era emitido por la mecha de una lámpara fijada en un soporte cuidadosamente abierto, al lado del cual se podían ver una nariz verrugosa y un ojo engañoso, medio cerrado.
En mi mano izquierda tenía todavía el palo de bambú con el que nos ayudamos al trepar el frente de la terraza. Lo lancé con coraje hacia adelante. Hubo un fuerte grito, y la desaparición del rayo de luz -no menos que el ruido de la caída de la pequeña lámpara a tierra- fue testigo de la eficacia de mi golpe. Utilizamos esta breve pausa para salir tan rápido como era posible en la dirección que habíamos llegado. Sabíamos que aquí el desfiladero se haría gradualmente más estrecho y la subida de algún modo más empinada, y que finalmente uno podría gatear hasta la cima sin demasiado esfuerzo.
De todos modos, fue una gran fortuna que nuestros eventuales asesinos abandonaran pronto la persecución en la oscuridad en el ascenso final, mi fuerza amenazó abandonarme y sentí que estaba sangrando profusamente de muchas heridas. Mi amigo estaba también herido, aunque menos severamente.
Una vez que llegamos a tierra llana, cortamos mi camisa y vendamos temporalmente nuestras heridas. Luego, recostándome en el brazo de Somadatta, pude afortunadamente llegar a casa, y fui obligado a pasar varias semanas en un lecho de dolor.
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tiikafiredancer · 2 years ago
@zaelriel @laerling @thebibliosphere @pangur-and-grim
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Reblog and tag your book lover friends for Valentine’s Day. <3
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renaer-is-allegedly-hot · 4 years ago
session 17 notes
Time for lunch in the castle ward
Someone is yelling at us in the farmer's market place
We walk away
Adam rolls a nat20 to find a tavern
Mirt looks the same as always but he's dressed up more than we're used to
Mirt pays for us bc we're poor
It's like a café
"some of them laughing, in like a very upperclass way"
We are at the dragon's head
Old elf guy is there asking us to follow him as he takes us to the bag
Not much seating inside
Situated on a bluff, unblocked view of the sea
Pigeons have hatched, ugly
We're getting water
Where are we going
,,,,, home ?
Someone sent mirt a thing that said we were looking for the xanathar guild hq
Mirt said he can show us where the alleged entrance is
The shrimp is half celandine's size
We're talking abt someone who embezzled ??
Adam goes to yava
Confronts her abt telling laerl
Gives her his ukulele pick and says he might not come back next week
Asyna and celandine are
Going to meet jones
And get a goldfish
Shack on the outside but inside of apartment is richly furnished
Lots of goblins
Cel's talkin to jones
Jones has once use of dust of disappearance
"I can sing for the dust" asyna 2021, rolls 17 and persuades him
Sings baby by bustin bieber
Acquires dust
Y does everyone think we're gonna die
They're gonna go get goldfish now
Rolls nat20 for investigation
Theo goes to TYP
Talks to durnan
Asks if he knows anyone named lavinia
He's gone for a bit in the back
Comes back w a rlly big tome
Asks theo when
Apparently four months since they were separated
Durnan asks theo to describe her
Page covered w names dates n groups, pointed to group that dipped abt two months ago
Was there for a few days before (going down the well?)
Five companions with her
She's probably down there
They have not come back through this entrance
Typ is more like a front door
Gets names of other companions
Half-orc, tharos
Human, meer
Leila, halflin
Jauros, dwarf
Tha(y)ne, human
Says if she ever wants to investigate herself it's 5 gold
"I'd say you're ready"
Durnan went down a long time ago, suggests to bring a friend
Aerana goes to temple of knowledge
Big houses of worship for god of knowledge
Go to dragonborne lady, filing through papers and scrolls
Some records lent from the castle ward abt ruins and stuff abt tunnels there
Sheath of papers, investigation check of 12
Blueprints for what sewers originally looked like
When first conceived
Investigation, 18
Nothing particularly weird but diff testimonials from citywatch reporting weird things like gangs and monsters
You read that occasionally they find areas with strange layouts
Investigation check, 5
Ask if dragonborne knows of other places
Suggests speaking to city itself
She listed places in the sea ward
  Adam is looking for another teacher
Adam is acquainted with don as another teacher
Adam is buying smth
Jacob losese 150 gold n gives potion as collateral
Adam is racist
And sexist
And hates women
Accidentally talks to theo instead of cel
Got a gift, magic bow?
Cel has a present for theo
New cloak
Gives adam dirty cloak
Attuning to bow gives +2 to damage
.mirt is taking us through a few alleyways
Bureaucratic stuff
We come into enclosed doorway place to alley tha's been blocked off on the side of the street
Manhole cover in the ground]
Gives mirt wig
Aerana goes down after cel, refuge from rain
Down into sewer
Aerana jumps in, area looks like a fluke
Walls look like would contain larger passageway but they took section of sewer and blocked it off as separate room
Passageway with a doorway and stairs leading down
9 perception, can't hear too much other than dripping water
Aerana steps inside, gets sense of being watched, goes down stairs a little bit
Starts seeing points of light
Sees eyes that pop open bc of the light
Magical carvings
Unsettling carvings
No reaction; stone carving in the walls
Displays an eye
Readies weapon
Aerana rolls 23 for stealth
Light gets a lot brighter as descending down staircase
Enters to long hallway that's 9ish feet long, doorway I can see from my position leading off righthand side, all throughout tunnel are eye motifs carved into walls
Sensation I'm being watched
Looking down to left there's big set of double doors, in front of doors on ceiling is eye but different from carvings; looks alive, sticks down and is attached to stalk, occasionally blinks
Eye is just monitoring passageway
Adam makes intelligence check, 6, it looks like the beholder's eyes
It's 60 feet away
Aerana sneaks down, pushes door open a little
Peeking through looks like another shorter hallway going for 40ish feet, v narrow, stops at another door
Adam makes intelligence arcana check, thinks the thing is a sensor, like a security camera
Aerana goes to other door
Peeking in, looks like big chandelier? is hanging from ceiling
23 for stealth again, I'm good thank the lord
You see another beholder eye thing floating in the middle of the room, it's being necormanced
Doesn't see me
There r big green spores floating around like dust motes
Looks like there's another hallway down there
We are outside the room with the beholder zombie
We're gonna try to blind the thingy and RUN to the other hallway
Long dark hallway that leads to left past range of left
Dash into room on the left
Throw open door
Slam circular door behind us
Now we're in a stairway that slopes downwards
Making way downstairs
There's a figure looming in shadows on the side, is actually a suit of armor on the wall
Cel stops adam from touching armor
We walk for a little while, passing into tunnel that curves a little; opens up to open amphitheater, have entered into spectators area for audience
Semicircular recess on the southeast wall
More eye things
Jacob has tums
Looking around chamber, well-lit, blood-stained sand pit in the center
Eye is far away doesn't appear to b looking at us, urns and weird jars under it, nobody here
Set of stairs leading up to right, stairs leading up to left
It's like an arena
We can assume it's for fighting
There's a tunnel leading under the thingy
We're gonna go to tunnel
Jump into the thingy, eye still doesn't appear to see us
Big open tunnel abt 10 ft wide w a circle door blocking our view
Aerana turns the door handle, rolls away
In another darkened chamber
Does look like there are cells in here
Aerana runs 30 feet into cells
Halfling sitting in corner, arms crossed
Drow woman
30 feet sees third cell out of four, has three people in it
Woman, two men
Older man, two younger people
Do we recognize anyone? From what you can see no
Fourth cell has some rlly large hulking creatures
Adam is talking to smth that doesn't rlly understand ? Minotaur ?
Adam is going to sing smth ?
Shutting the door, adam rolls a 17 bardic inspiration
Face matted w blood
Bones in cell
Adam takes out a ration and v tenderly pokes it through the cage doors without putting hand through the cage
Cel is going to humans
Brown skin, olive complexion
Rushes up
"say you don't look like one of the thugs"
"we're not we're trying to take them down what can you tell us about this place"
This is xanathar guild, they throw ppl in arena to fight, beasts in other cell
Claudia, jia and arthwright
Arthwright is an older man
Been here for two weeks?
Others have been there longer than them
Jia says the only time they've seen Him, when fighting; usually by place w urns
Find the jailer for the keys
Or just pick the lock
Aerana is going to drow woman nvm
Halfling closest to door minute came in she yelling at her
We're gonna try to get you out
Was kidnapped
Used to live in sea ward
Maybe we can help you
Asyna goes to drow
Starts talking to her in elvish
Greets her
"say .. You're not with zorin are you?"
Who's zorin
"oh . Well in any case unimportant now"
Asks if she's from a house
Was wandering through and was captured
Asyna rolls history check, 20
Official house title was houses of zorlauren
Asks her what house she's from
"oh ! Wonderful"
Expedition project led her astray
She says no one else of importance was captured
They were killed
She killed the last beast they threw at her
Not sure what she's talking abt when she says levels
Theo lock pick check
14 to pick
Wire using snaps off
They look like skeptical ogres
One of them speaks common
"if we let you out just running amok"
"oh we can find weapons"
Adam is gonna roll insight
They seem trustworthy
Adam put a lot of stupid trust
Halfling said she could fight
Adam walks up to humans and asks how often jailer comes by, daily
Dwarf wearing horned helmet
Dwarf already came in to give food
If make too much noise he might come back in
"big boys, I need you to make a lot of noise on my signal"
Hear cursing in dwarvish and someone descends down flight of steps
Doorway rolls open, see squat dwarf fellow w big helmet
Cel and theo both hit, takes 30 damage
He's wearing some armor
Adam casts sleep
HE IS NOT SLEEPING his hit points are higher than 33
Pulls out axe
Stopping for tonight
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444names · 2 years ago
bosmer names from tes BUT excluding "y"
Adar Adra Adrine Aereth Agail Agil Agilet Agline Agoniel Alar Alas Alth Amluen Amluep Andir Angaer Angona Angor Angwende Annel Anre Anrindra Anuinith Anviel Arana Aranra Araron Aras Ardas Arengor Arether Argod Arthgoth Athreth Bast Bathor Behol Below Bere Berthah Bilron Binon Blanora Blila Blueb Blug Bola Boll Bollalor Bollow Bolrion Bong Bosanir Braend Brasp Breathra Bred Brel Brelol Bren Brestarn Brin Broth Buffin Caell Caen Caenbas Caerwin Cale Cand Carth Carthel Casnarth Cenas Cern Chalgor Chaureth Chawn Chel Ciir Cird Cirieth Cirin Clera Codinor Colir Coth Cragar Craill Cranoren Crauriel Dail Dailras Dain Dalion Dalossa Daria Darwir Dente Dessan Dest Dingas Dirielow Dirrooks Dolern Dolon Donnet Doras Draen Drasi Drethras Dunia Eandel Earel Eavegon Edherder Edor Egalfis Egar Egebrale Egel Eghtdal Eghtva Egin Egureth Eion Eionda Elas Elater Elbutcha Elel Elia Elieler Elind Elitbrot Elor Elorna Elowen Elphan Elphieth Elson Emeeth Enionir Enorn Enorna Eras Erdarin Erdil Erel Eridiia Erith Erth Ervir Esshawn Esthor Estsquin Exce Facora Fael Faer Faeruin Falawn Falep Faniads Fanthor Farind Faris Farn Farood Faug Faule Faur Felwaen Femril Fimiseth Fimrin Findra Finlis Finnel Flar Flat Foll Fonir Forin Gaerago Gale Galedir Galielor Galindor Galis Galor Galth Gandrel Garas Garfil Garmir Garth Garwith Gelan Gele Gelfin Gellugim Geneth Genithan Gere Gern Gibone Gilin Gillia Gilver Gina Ginas Girinel Gladhele Glang Glas Glaslor Glasnor Glaulan Glon Glor Gonon Gonor Gorn Goron Grelas Grion Guarhor Gurion Gurth Gwinel Gwir Hadel Hadh Hadil Hale Hall Halthiel Hanor Hara Hark Hearas Hele Hendrien Henisel Hollon Hundel Hundina Hurim Hurn Huun Huunnil Idrostip Iirth Impeda Indaer Indir Indrion Indurim Ingron Irwael Ithor Karthiel Kartor Karva Kird Kirdel Komor Kringir Laegonge Laer Laerle Laerwin Lagate Lanonis Laras Larath Larel Lariel Larim Lark Ledrin Legel Legirgor Legon Legor Legorm Legsk Leon Lerelas Liel Lillana Lindras Lone Lorn Lossai Mael Maervoss Male Malion Mall Malloosa Malor Malrin Maniele Marn Marwena Mataron Mathiel Mearth Melfin Menorn Minnonor Mitahgod Modicko Mole Monas Mushol Naling Nane Naril Natfilen Nath Nedelin Nedion Nength Nerth Nethel Niel Nigen Niler Nimir Nimpoth Ninas Ninel Nirth Nisteal Nith Nive Niveras Norin Noth Nothel Ocus Ollir Orbir Orchedh Orchel Orefin Orilrim Orth Orwaen Orwin Ossdra Osthoror Outchade Packin Palder Park Peas Pileas Ping Pingil Pirdova Radil Ragor Ralor Rames Rana Reth Riandril Rilnarel Rine Rithilin Rithol Rivel Rivern Rolas Role Ronewin Roosse Rothel Scran Seck Selmiel Selor Serd Seth Shalonor Shalorn Shas Sifing Silber Sildir Silion Slochel Sluill Sone Sprienlo Sures Suruin Swindoll Tadervol Tagon Taneth Tath Telor Tenor Thaenin Thagor Thal Thaleg Thallor Thandran Thanniel Thenel Thernien Thiel Thil Thir Thollue Tholon Thor Thora Thra Thras Throodin Thrubnow Trethor Trunnon Tuni Tuun Twin Undoneth Urul Valfiss Valion Valoth Virdth Volanet Waer Whan Wili Zifisnas
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wiadomosciprasowe · 7 years ago
Fra lærling til tømrer
Fra lærling til tømrer
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Øverst fra venstre: Marius Brænd (lærlingsansvarlig), Kristian Høyheim, Sigurd Skjæret, Waldemar Karlsen, Sondre Ensrud og Tore Runeberg (daglig leder). Nederst fra venstre: Abbas Barbari, Benjamin Dalehaug, Noah Karlsen og Almedin Draganovic. Dato: 18-12-2017 09:08 CET Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Fra lærling til tømrer Kategori: , hus trysil bolig skole praksis hedmark lærling elverum tømrer ringsaker NORDBOLIG stange
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– Det er lærerikt og spennende å kunne fordype seg i det man har lært på skolen, forteller Benjamin Dalehaug om det å være utplasseringselev som tømrer hos NORDBOLIG.
Til daglig er Dalehaug elev ved tømrerlinjen på Elverum vidregående skole, men en dag i uken er han i praksis hos NORDBOLIG. Der får han prøve seg på det meste innen faget. –Vi er med fra start til slutt, vi ser hva som må til og hvilke yrker som er involvert i det å bygge en bolig. Teori blir til praksis, nå ser vi helheten og får føle på arbeidsmiljøet, sier Dalehaug som er meget fornøyd med å få være utplasseringselev hos NORDBOLIG.
Fokus på rekruttering      – Vi i NORDBOLIG mener det er viktig å ha fokus på rekruttering og at ungdom i vårt nærområde ser at det er mulig for de som ønsker det å få jobb i vår bransje, forteller daglig leder Tore Runeberg i NORDBOLIG. Firmaet har fire lærlinger til enhver tid, i tillegg til en rekke utplasseringselever fra de ulike tømrerlinjene i nærområdet. Per dags dato er det de fire lærlingene Almedin Draganovic (Elverum vgs.), Sondre Ensrud (Trysil vgs.), Abbas Barbari (Ringsaker vgs.) og Kristian Høyheim (Stange vgs.) I tillegg har de utplasseringselevene Fyn Atapo Khunphithak (Stange vgs.), Jonas Fritun (Stange vgs.), Benajmin Dalehaug (Elverum vgs.) og Noah Karlsen (Ringsaker vgs.).
Fra lærling til fast jobb I løpet av høsten har Sigurd Skjæret (Elverum vgs.), Waldemar Karlsen (Ringsaker vgs.) og Andreas Ripsrud Evenstad (Elverum vgs.) tatt svennebrev som tømrere, og har nå fast jobb som tømrere i NORDBOLIG. – Det fine med å få være lærling hos NORDBOLIG er at vi får tillit og mye ansvar, noe som gjør at vi lærer mye, forteller Skjæret og Karlsen om lærlingtiden.      Lærlingsansvarlig Marius Brænd startet selv som lærling hos NORDBOLIG: – Det er jo litt artig å tenke på at lærlingsansvarlig selv startet som lærling i firmaet, sier Brænd og legger til viktigheten av å få utplasseringselever og lærlinger: – De fleste av lærlingene våre har startet som utplasseringselever. De og vi har fått vist oss fram før lærlingtiden begynner. Det fungerer bra.
Framtiden Dalehaug har planene klare for framtiden. Han skal bli tømrer. – Jeg skal gjøre ferdig skolen, få meg lærlingplass og ta svennebrev som tømrer. På sikt ønsker jeg å kunne ta videreutdanning innen byggfaget men da må jeg kunne det grunnleggende først, avslutter
Kilde: Pressekontor Nordbolig – PRESSEMELDING
NORDBOLIG er en del av BEIAS gruppen som jobber innenfor fagområdene bolig- og eiendomsutvikling, salg, boligproduksjon og elementproduksjon for boliger.
BEIAS gruppen har som oppgave å videreutvikle selskapene i gruppen, forvalte de verdier som skapes i datterselskapene og ha eierinteresser i annen relevant virksomhet av strategisk betydning for kjernevirksomheten. I sum har konsernet ca 60 ansatte, med bolig- og eiendomsutvikling som primærområder.
Hashtags: # #hus trysil bolig skole praksis hedmark lærling elverum tømrer ringsaker NORDBOLIG stange hus trysil bolig skole praksis hedmark lærling elverum tømrer ringsaker NORDBOLIG stange
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sylvaridreams · 8 months ago
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Apprentice of frost and persuasion.
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lukassprehn · 6 years ago
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Man kan vinde 4 billetter til musicalen Djævelens lærling på Boligen. Der står, at der er frit valg mellem datoerne i spilleperioden: http://www.liebhaverboligen.dk/konkurrence/djaevelens-laerling-pa-refshaleoen/
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soundtracktracklist · 5 years ago
Djævelens Lærling The Musical Soundtrack
Djævelens Lærling The Musical Soundtrack
Original Cast Recording for the fantasy musical Djævelens Lærling The Musical (2018). The lyrics and music by Madeline Myers, performs by Various Artists.
Source: Djævelens Lærling Musical Genre: Original Cast Recording Music by Various Artists (Original Cast) Label: Two Dæne Productions Format: Digital Release Date: December 20, 2019
Djævelens Lærling The Musical is a 2018 Danish fantasy musical
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manasurge · 1 year ago
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GW2 VS Art Party (oct), of Laerling for @sylvaridreams!! Damaaaa, I loved your pretty icey sylvari!!! They're so cool!!! (metaphorically and physically). Sorry I got a bit carried away and took some artistic liberties~ I gave them icicles and their encased root hair crown into ice as well (based on a really pretty weather phenomenon I've seen irl).
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sylvaridreams · 11 months ago
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“Have you ever shaken a snow globe?” They ask, then begin to explain like he’s stupid. “One of those glass balls full of glycerine, with the little scenes of Wintersday inside. Little plaster people, frozen in moments of serenity and happiness; waving at a carriage, opening gifts, all for your giddy amusement as you shake the ball to make the snow fly…” “I know what a snow globe is.” “Let this be yours, then. Your frozen moment of agony. May you spend eternity in this snowstorm of my creation, living this day out forever for my amusement.”
Thou shalt post Laerling with the eye infusion, or whatever.
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sylvaridreams · 1 year ago
anyway nice screens SOMEDAY for now here's Lærling. (they/them?) Jormag's icebrood saga era apprentice Or Something we're workin on it. just don't worry about it.
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and also:
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